import os import py_compile import shutil import sys import tempfile import unittest import zipfile from test import test_support from java.lang import Thread class ClasspathImporterTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.orig_context = Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader self.orig_path = sys.path def tearDown(self): Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader = self.orig_context sys.path = self.orig_path # I don't like the checked in jar file bug1239.jar. The *one* thing I # liked about the tests in bugtests/ is that you could create a java file, # compile it, jar it and destroy the jar when done. Maybe when we move to # JDK 6 and can use JSR-199 to do runtime compiling, we can go back to # that. Anyway, see In short, jars added # with sys.path.append where not getting scanned if they start with a top # level package we already have, like the "org" in org.python.* def test_bug1239(self): sys.path.append("Lib/test/bug1239.jar") import org.test403javapackage.test403 # different from test_bug1239 in that only a Java package is imported, not # a Java class. I'd also like to get rid of this checked in test jar. def test_bug1126(self): sys.path.append("Lib/test/bug1126/bug1126.jar") import org.subpackage class PyclasspathImporterTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.orig_context = Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader self.orig_path = sys.path self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.modules = sys.modules.keys() def tearDown(self): Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader = self.orig_context sys.path = self.orig_path shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir) for module in sys.modules.keys(): if module not in self.modules: del sys.modules[module] def setClassLoaderAndCheck(self, orig_jar, prefix, compile_path=''): # Create a new jar and compile prefer_compiled into it orig_jar = test_support.findfile(orig_jar) jar = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, os.path.basename(orig_jar)) shutil.copy(orig_jar, jar) code = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, '') fp = open(code, 'w') fp.write('compiled = True') fp.close() py_compile.compile(code) zip = zipfile.ZipFile(jar, 'a') zip.write(os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'prefer_compiled$py.class'), os.path.join(compile_path, 'jar_pkg', 'prefer_compiled$py.class')) zip.close() Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader = test_support.make_jar_classloader(jar) import flat_in_jar self.assertEquals(flat_in_jar.value, 7) import jar_pkg self.assertEquals(prefix + '/jar_pkg/', jar_pkg.__file__) from jar_pkg import prefer_compiled self.assertEquals(prefix + '/jar_pkg/prefer_compiled$py.class', prefer_compiled.__file__) self.assert_(prefer_compiled.compiled) self.assertRaises(NameError, __import__, 'flat_bad') self.assertRaises(NameError, __import__, 'jar_pkg.bad') def test_default_pyclasspath(self): self.setClassLoaderAndCheck('classimport.jar', '__pyclasspath__') def test_path_in_pyclasspath(self): sys.path = ['__pyclasspath__/Lib'] self.setClassLoaderAndCheck('classimport_Lib.jar', '__pyclasspath__/Lib', 'Lib') def test_main(): test_support.run_unittest(ClasspathImporterTestCase, PyclasspathImporterTestCase) if __name__ == '__main__': test_main()