""" AMAK: 20050515: This module is the test_socket.py from cpython 2.4, ported to jython. """ import java import unittest from test import test_support import errno import Queue import platform import select import socket import struct import sys import time import thread, threading from weakref import proxy from StringIO import StringIO PORT = 50007 HOST = 'localhost' MSG = 'Michael Gilfix was here\n' EIGHT_BIT_MSG = 'Bh\xed Al\xe1in \xd3 Cinn\xe9ide anseo\n' os_name = platform.java_ver()[3][0] is_bsd = os_name == 'Mac OS X' or 'BSD' in os_name is_solaris = os_name == 'SunOS' try: True except NameError: True, False = 1, 0 class SocketTCPTest(unittest.TestCase): HOST = HOST PORT = PORT def setUp(self): self.serv = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.serv.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.serv.bind((self.HOST, self.PORT)) self.serv.listen(1) def tearDown(self): self.serv.close() self.serv = None class SocketUDPTest(unittest.TestCase): HOST = HOST PORT = PORT def setUp(self): self.serv = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.serv.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.serv.bind((self.HOST, self.PORT)) def tearDown(self): self.serv.close() self.serv = None class ThreadableTest: """Threadable Test class The ThreadableTest class makes it easy to create a threaded client/server pair from an existing unit test. To create a new threaded class from an existing unit test, use multiple inheritance: class NewClass (OldClass, ThreadableTest): pass This class defines two new fixture functions with obvious purposes for overriding: clientSetUp () clientTearDown () Any new test functions within the class must then define tests in pairs, where the test name is preceeded with a '_' to indicate the client portion of the test. Ex: def testFoo(self): # Server portion def _testFoo(self): # Client portion Any exceptions raised by the clients during their tests are caught and transferred to the main thread to alert the testing framework. Note, the server setup function cannot call any blocking functions that rely on the client thread during setup, unless serverExplicityReady() is called just before the blocking call (such as in setting up a client/server connection and performing the accept() in setUp(). """ def __init__(self): # Swap the true setup function self.__setUp = self.setUp self.__tearDown = self.tearDown self.setUp = self._setUp self.tearDown = self._tearDown def serverExplicitReady(self): """This method allows the server to explicitly indicate that it wants the client thread to proceed. This is useful if the server is about to execute a blocking routine that is dependent upon the client thread during its setup routine.""" self.server_ready.set() def _setUp(self): self.server_ready = threading.Event() self.client_ready = threading.Event() self.done = threading.Event() self.queue = Queue.Queue(1) # Do some munging to start the client test. methodname = self.id() i = methodname.rfind('.') methodname = methodname[i+1:] self.test_method_name = methodname test_method = getattr(self, '_' + methodname) self.client_thread = thread.start_new_thread( self.clientRun, (test_method,)) self.__setUp() if not self.server_ready.isSet(): self.server_ready.set() self.client_ready.wait() def _tearDown(self): self.done.wait() self.__tearDown() if not self.queue.empty(): msg = self.queue.get() self.fail(msg) def clientRun(self, test_func): self.server_ready.wait() self.client_ready.set() self.clientSetUp() if not callable(test_func): raise TypeError, "test_func must be a callable function" try: test_func() except Exception, strerror: self.queue.put(strerror) self.clientTearDown() def clientSetUp(self): raise NotImplementedError, "clientSetUp must be implemented." def clientTearDown(self): self.done.set() if sys.platform[:4] != 'java': # This causes the whole process to exit on jython # Probably related to problems with daemon status of threads thread.exit() class ThreadedTCPSocketTest(SocketTCPTest, ThreadableTest): def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'): SocketTCPTest.__init__(self, methodName=methodName) ThreadableTest.__init__(self) def clientSetUp(self): self.cli = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.cli.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) def clientTearDown(self): self.cli.close() self.cli = None ThreadableTest.clientTearDown(self) class ThreadedUDPSocketTest(SocketUDPTest, ThreadableTest): def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'): SocketUDPTest.__init__(self, methodName=methodName) ThreadableTest.__init__(self) def clientSetUp(self): self.cli = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.cli.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) class SocketConnectedTest(ThreadedTCPSocketTest): def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'): ThreadedTCPSocketTest.__init__(self, methodName=methodName) def setUp(self): ThreadedTCPSocketTest.setUp(self) # Indicate explicitly we're ready for the client thread to # proceed and then perform the blocking call to accept self.serverExplicitReady() conn, addr = self.serv.accept() self.cli_conn = conn def tearDown(self): self.cli_conn.close() self.cli_conn = None ThreadedTCPSocketTest.tearDown(self) def clientSetUp(self): ThreadedTCPSocketTest.clientSetUp(self) self.cli.connect((self.HOST, self.PORT)) self.serv_conn = self.cli def clientTearDown(self): self.serv_conn.close() self.serv_conn = None ThreadedTCPSocketTest.clientTearDown(self) class SocketPairTest(unittest.TestCase, ThreadableTest): def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, methodName=methodName) ThreadableTest.__init__(self) def setUp(self): self.serv, self.cli = socket.socketpair() def tearDown(self): self.serv.close() self.serv = None def clientSetUp(self): pass def clientTearDown(self): self.cli.close() self.cli = None ThreadableTest.clientTearDown(self) ####################################################################### ## Begin Tests class GeneralModuleTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_weakref(self): if sys.platform[:4] == 'java': return s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) p = proxy(s) self.assertEqual(p.fileno(), s.fileno()) s.close() s = None try: p.fileno() except ReferenceError: pass else: self.fail('Socket proxy still exists') def testSocketError(self): # Testing socket module exceptions def raise_error(*args, **kwargs): raise socket.error def raise_herror(*args, **kwargs): raise socket.herror def raise_gaierror(*args, **kwargs): raise socket.gaierror self.failUnlessRaises(socket.error, raise_error, "Error raising socket exception.") self.failUnlessRaises(socket.error, raise_herror, "Error raising socket exception.") self.failUnlessRaises(socket.error, raise_gaierror, "Error raising socket exception.") def testCrucialConstants(self): # Testing for mission critical constants socket.AF_INET socket.SOCK_STREAM socket.SOCK_DGRAM socket.SOCK_RAW socket.SOCK_RDM socket.SOCK_SEQPACKET socket.SOL_SOCKET socket.SO_REUSEADDR def testHostnameRes(self): # Testing hostname resolution mechanisms hostname = socket.gethostname() self.assert_(isinstance(hostname, str)) try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) self.assert_(isinstance(ip, str)) except socket.error: # Probably name lookup wasn't set up right; skip this test self.fail("Probably name lookup wasn't set up right; skip testHostnameRes.gethostbyname") return self.assert_(ip.find('.') >= 0, "Error resolving host to ip.") try: hname, aliases, ipaddrs = socket.gethostbyaddr(ip) self.assert_(isinstance(hname, str)) for hosts in aliases, ipaddrs: self.assert_(all(isinstance(host, str) for host in hosts)) except socket.error: # Probably a similar problem as above; skip this test self.fail("Probably name lookup wasn't set up right; skip testHostnameRes.gethostbyaddr") return all_host_names = [hostname, hname] + aliases fqhn = socket.getfqdn() self.assert_(isinstance(fqhn, str)) if not fqhn in all_host_names: self.fail("Error testing host resolution mechanisms.") def testRefCountGetNameInfo(self): # Testing reference count for getnameinfo import sys if hasattr(sys, "getrefcount"): try: # On some versions, this loses a reference orig = sys.getrefcount(__name__) socket.getnameinfo(__name__,0) except SystemError: if sys.getrefcount(__name__) <> orig: self.fail("socket.getnameinfo loses a reference") def testInterpreterCrash(self): if sys.platform[:4] == 'java': return # Making sure getnameinfo doesn't crash the interpreter try: # On some versions, this crashes the interpreter. socket.getnameinfo(('x', 0, 0, 0), 0) except socket.error: pass # Need to implement binary AND for ints and longs def testNtoH(self): if sys.platform[:4] == 'java': return # problems with int & long # This just checks that htons etc. are their own inverse, # when looking at the lower 16 or 32 bits. sizes = {socket.htonl: 32, socket.ntohl: 32, socket.htons: 16, socket.ntohs: 16} for func, size in sizes.items(): mask = (1L<= expected_value, msg) else: self.failUnlessEqual(retrieved_value, expected_value, msg) def _testUDPOption(self, level, option, values): try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self._testSetAndGetOption(sock, level, option, values) # now bind the socket i.e. cause the implementation socket to be created sock.bind( (HOST, PORT) ) self.failUnlessEqual(sock.getsockopt(level, option), values[-1], \ "Option value '(%s, %s)'='%s' did not propagate to implementation socket" % (level, option, values[-1]) ) self._testSetAndGetOption(sock, level, option, values) finally: sock.close() def _testTCPClientOption(self, level, option, values): sock = None try: # First listen on a server socket, so that the connection won't be refused. server_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server_sock.bind( (HOST, PORT) ) server_sock.listen(50) # Now do the tests sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._testSetAndGetOption(sock, level, option, values) # now connect the socket i.e. cause the implementation socket to be created # First bind, so that the SO_REUSEADDR setting propagates sock.bind( (HOST, PORT+1) ) sock.connect( (HOST, PORT) ) msg = "Option value '%s'='%s' did not propagate to implementation socket" % (option, values[-1]) if ((is_bsd or is_solaris) and option in (socket.SO_RCVBUF, socket.SO_SNDBUF)): # NOTE: there's no guarantee that bufsize will be the # exact setsockopt value, particularly after # establishing a connection. seems it will be *at least* # the values we test (which are rather small) on # BSDs. may need to relax this on other platforms also self.assert_(sock.getsockopt(level, option) >= values[-1], msg) else: self.failUnlessEqual(sock.getsockopt(level, option), values[-1], msg) self._testSetAndGetOption(sock, level, option, values) finally: server_sock.close() if sock: sock.close() def _testTCPServerOption(self, level, option, values): try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._testSetAndGetOption(sock, level, option, values) # now bind and listen on the socket i.e. cause the implementation socket to be created sock.bind( (HOST, PORT) ) sock.listen(50) msg = "Option value '(%s,%s)'='%s' did not propagate to implementation socket" % (level, option, values[-1]) if is_solaris and option == socket.SO_RCVBUF: # NOTE: see similar bsd/solaris workaround above self.assert_(sock.getsockopt(level, option) >= values[-1], msg) else: self.failUnlessEqual(sock.getsockopt(level, option), values[-1], msg) self._testSetAndGetOption(sock, level, option, values) finally: sock.close() def _testOption(self, level, option, values): for flag, func in [ (self.test_udp, self._testUDPOption), (self.test_tcp_server, self._testTCPServerOption), (self.test_tcp_client, self._testTCPClientOption), ]: if flag: func(level, option, values) else: try: func(level, option, values) except socket.error, se: self.failUnlessEqual(se[0], errno.ENOPROTOOPT, "Wrong errno from unsupported option exception: %d" % se[0]) except Exception, x: self.fail("Wrong exception raised from unsupported option: %s" % str(x)) else: self.fail("Setting unsupported option should have raised an exception") class TestSupportedOptions(TestSocketOptions): def testSO_BROADCAST(self): self.test_udp = 1 self._testOption(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, [0, 1]) def testSO_KEEPALIVE(self): self.test_tcp_client = 1 self._testOption(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, [0, 1]) def testSO_LINGER(self): self.test_tcp_client = 1 off = struct.pack('ii', 0, 0) on_2_seconds = struct.pack('ii', 1, 2) self._testOption(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_LINGER, [off, on_2_seconds]) def testSO_OOBINLINE(self): self.test_tcp_client = 1 self._testOption(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_OOBINLINE, [0, 1]) def testSO_RCVBUF(self): self.test_udp = 1 self.test_tcp_client = 1 self.test_tcp_server = 1 self._testOption(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, [1024, 4096, 16384]) def testSO_REUSEADDR(self): self.test_udp = 1 self.test_tcp_client = 1 self.test_tcp_server = 1 self._testOption(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, [0, 1]) def testSO_SNDBUF(self): self.test_udp = 1 self.test_tcp_client = 1 self._testOption(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_SNDBUF, [1024, 4096, 16384]) def testSO_TIMEOUT(self): self.test_udp = 1 self.test_tcp_client = 1 self.test_tcp_server = 1 self._testOption(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_TIMEOUT, [0, 1, 1000]) def testTCP_NODELAY(self): self.test_tcp_client = 1 self._testOption(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, [0, 1]) class TestUnsupportedOptions(TestSocketOptions): def testSO_ACCEPTCONN(self): self.failUnless(hasattr(socket, 'SO_ACCEPTCONN')) def testSO_DEBUG(self): self.failUnless(hasattr(socket, 'SO_DEBUG')) def testSO_DONTROUTE(self): self.failUnless(hasattr(socket, 'SO_DONTROUTE')) def testSO_ERROR(self): self.failUnless(hasattr(socket, 'SO_ERROR')) def testSO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE(self): # this is an MS specific option that will not be appearing on java # http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6421091 # http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6402335 self.failUnless(hasattr(socket, 'SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE')) def testSO_RCVLOWAT(self): self.failUnless(hasattr(socket, 'SO_RCVLOWAT')) def testSO_RCVTIMEO(self): self.failUnless(hasattr(socket, 'SO_RCVTIMEO')) def testSO_REUSEPORT(self): # not yet supported on java # http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6432031 self.failUnless(hasattr(socket, 'SO_REUSEPORT')) def testSO_SNDLOWAT(self): self.failUnless(hasattr(socket, 'SO_SNDLOWAT')) def testSO_SNDTIMEO(self): self.failUnless(hasattr(socket, 'SO_SNDTIMEO')) def testSO_TYPE(self): self.failUnless(hasattr(socket, 'SO_TYPE')) def testSO_USELOOPBACK(self): self.failUnless(hasattr(socket, 'SO_USELOOPBACK')) class BasicTCPTest(SocketConnectedTest): def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'): SocketConnectedTest.__init__(self, methodName=methodName) def testRecv(self): # Testing large receive over TCP msg = self.cli_conn.recv(1024) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testRecv(self): self.serv_conn.send(MSG) def testRecvTimeoutMode(self): # Do this test in timeout mode, because the code path is different self.cli_conn.settimeout(10) msg = self.cli_conn.recv(1024) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testRecvTimeoutMode(self): self.serv_conn.settimeout(10) self.serv_conn.send(MSG) def testOverFlowRecv(self): # Testing receive in chunks over TCP seg1 = self.cli_conn.recv(len(MSG) - 3) seg2 = self.cli_conn.recv(1024) msg = seg1 + seg2 self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testOverFlowRecv(self): self.serv_conn.send(MSG) def testRecvFrom(self): # Testing large recvfrom() over TCP msg, addr = self.cli_conn.recvfrom(1024) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testRecvFrom(self): self.serv_conn.send(MSG) def testOverFlowRecvFrom(self): # Testing recvfrom() in chunks over TCP seg1, addr = self.cli_conn.recvfrom(len(MSG)-3) seg2, addr = self.cli_conn.recvfrom(1024) msg = seg1 + seg2 self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testOverFlowRecvFrom(self): self.serv_conn.send(MSG) def testSendAll(self): # Testing sendall() with a 2048 byte string over TCP msg = '' while 1: read = self.cli_conn.recv(1024) if not read: break msg += read self.assertEqual(msg, 'f' * 2048) def _testSendAll(self): big_chunk = 'f' * 2048 self.serv_conn.sendall(big_chunk) def testFromFd(self): # Testing fromfd() if not hasattr(socket, "fromfd"): return # On Windows, this doesn't exist fd = self.cli_conn.fileno() sock = socket.fromfd(fd, socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) msg = sock.recv(1024) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testFromFd(self): self.serv_conn.send(MSG) def testShutdown(self): # Testing shutdown() msg = self.cli_conn.recv(1024) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testShutdown(self): self.serv_conn.send(MSG) self.serv_conn.shutdown(2) def testSendAfterRemoteClose(self): self.cli_conn.close() def _testSendAfterRemoteClose(self): for x in range(5): try: self.serv_conn.send("spam") except socket.error, se: self.failUnlessEqual(se[0], errno.ECONNRESET) return except Exception, x: self.fail("Sending on remotely closed socket raised wrong exception: %s" % x) time.sleep(0.5) self.fail("Sending on remotely closed socket should have raised exception") def testDup(self): msg = self.cli_conn.recv(len(MSG)) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) dup_conn = self.cli_conn.dup() msg = dup_conn.recv(len('and ' + MSG)) self.assertEqual(msg, 'and ' + MSG) def _testDup(self): self.serv_conn.send(MSG) self.serv_conn.send('and ' + MSG) class UDPBindTest(unittest.TestCase): HOST = HOST PORT = PORT def setUp(self): self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM) def testBindSpecific(self): self.sock.bind( (self.HOST, self.PORT) ) # Use a specific port actual_port = self.sock.getsockname()[1] self.failUnless(actual_port == self.PORT, "Binding to specific port number should have returned same number: %d != %d" % (actual_port, self.PORT)) def testBindEphemeral(self): self.sock.bind( (self.HOST, 0) ) # let system choose a free port self.failUnless(self.sock.getsockname()[1] != 0, "Binding to port zero should have allocated an ephemeral port number") def testShutdown(self): self.sock.bind( (self.HOST, self.PORT) ) self.sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) def tearDown(self): self.sock.close() class BasicUDPTest(ThreadedUDPSocketTest): def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'): ThreadedUDPSocketTest.__init__(self, methodName=methodName) def testSendtoAndRecv(self): # Testing sendto() and recv() over UDP msg = self.serv.recv(len(MSG)) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testSendtoAndRecv(self): self.cli.sendto(MSG, 0, (self.HOST, self.PORT)) def testSendtoAndRecvTimeoutMode(self): # Need to test again in timeout mode, which follows # a different code path self.serv.settimeout(10) msg = self.serv.recv(len(MSG)) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testSendtoAndRecvTimeoutMode(self): self.cli.settimeout(10) self.cli.sendto(MSG, 0, (self.HOST, self.PORT)) def testSendAndRecv(self): # Testing send() and recv() over connect'ed UDP msg = self.serv.recv(len(MSG)) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testSendAndRecv(self): self.cli.connect( (self.HOST, self.PORT) ) self.cli.send(MSG, 0) def testSendAndRecvTimeoutMode(self): # Need to test again in timeout mode, which follows # a different code path self.serv.settimeout(10) # Testing send() and recv() over connect'ed UDP msg = self.serv.recv(len(MSG)) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testSendAndRecvTimeoutMode(self): self.cli.connect( (self.HOST, self.PORT) ) self.cli.settimeout(10) self.cli.send(MSG, 0) def testRecvFrom(self): # Testing recvfrom() over UDP msg, addr = self.serv.recvfrom(len(MSG)) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testRecvFrom(self): self.cli.sendto(MSG, 0, (self.HOST, self.PORT)) def testRecvFromTimeoutMode(self): # Need to test again in timeout mode, which follows # a different code path self.serv.settimeout(10) msg, addr = self.serv.recvfrom(len(MSG)) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testRecvFromTimeoutMode(self): self.cli.settimeout(10) self.cli.sendto(MSG, 0, (self.HOST, self.PORT)) def testSendtoEightBitSafe(self): # This test is necessary because java only supports signed bytes msg = self.serv.recv(len(EIGHT_BIT_MSG)) self.assertEqual(msg, EIGHT_BIT_MSG) def _testSendtoEightBitSafe(self): self.cli.sendto(EIGHT_BIT_MSG, 0, (self.HOST, self.PORT)) def testSendtoEightBitSafeTimeoutMode(self): # Need to test again in timeout mode, which follows # a different code path self.serv.settimeout(10) msg = self.serv.recv(len(EIGHT_BIT_MSG)) self.assertEqual(msg, EIGHT_BIT_MSG) def _testSendtoEightBitSafeTimeoutMode(self): self.cli.settimeout(10) self.cli.sendto(EIGHT_BIT_MSG, 0, (self.HOST, self.PORT)) class UDPBroadcastTest(ThreadedUDPSocketTest): def setUp(self): self.serv = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.serv.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) def testBroadcast(self): self.serv.bind( ("", self.PORT) ) msg = self.serv.recv(len(EIGHT_BIT_MSG)) self.assertEqual(msg, EIGHT_BIT_MSG) def _testBroadcast(self): self.cli.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) self.cli.sendto(EIGHT_BIT_MSG, ("", self.PORT) ) class BasicSocketPairTest(SocketPairTest): def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'): SocketPairTest.__init__(self, methodName=methodName) def testRecv(self): msg = self.serv.recv(1024) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testRecv(self): self.cli.send(MSG) def testSend(self): self.serv.send(MSG) def _testSend(self): msg = self.cli.recv(1024) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) class NonBlockingTCPServerTests(SocketTCPTest): def testSetBlocking(self): # Testing whether set blocking works self.serv.setblocking(0) start = time.time() try: self.serv.accept() except socket.error: pass end = time.time() self.assert_((end - start) < 1.0, "Error setting non-blocking mode.") def testGetBlocking(self): # Testing whether set blocking works self.serv.setblocking(0) self.failUnless(not self.serv.getblocking(), "Getblocking return true instead of false") self.serv.setblocking(1) self.failUnless(self.serv.getblocking(), "Getblocking return false instead of true") def testAcceptNoConnection(self): # Testing non-blocking accept returns immediately when no connection self.serv.setblocking(0) try: conn, addr = self.serv.accept() except socket.error: pass else: self.fail("Error trying to do non-blocking accept.") class NonBlockingTCPTests(ThreadedTCPSocketTest): def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'): ThreadedTCPSocketTest.__init__(self, methodName=methodName) def testAcceptConnection(self): # Testing non-blocking accept works when connection present self.serv.setblocking(0) read, write, err = select.select([self.serv], [], []) if self.serv in read: conn, addr = self.serv.accept() else: self.fail("Error trying to do accept after select: server socket was not in 'read'able list") def _testAcceptConnection(self): # Make a connection to the server self.cli.connect((self.HOST, self.PORT)) # # AMAK: 20070311 # Introduced a new test for non-blocking connect # Renamed old testConnect to testBlockingConnect # def testBlockingConnect(self): # Testing blocking connect conn, addr = self.serv.accept() def _testBlockingConnect(self): # Testing blocking connect self.cli.settimeout(10) self.cli.connect((self.HOST, self.PORT)) def testNonBlockingConnect(self): # Testing non-blocking connect conn, addr = self.serv.accept() def _testNonBlockingConnect(self): # Testing non-blocking connect self.cli.setblocking(0) result = self.cli.connect_ex((self.HOST, self.PORT)) rfds, wfds, xfds = select.select([], [self.cli], []) self.failUnless(self.cli in wfds) try: self.cli.send(MSG) except socket.error: self.fail("Sending on connected socket should not have raised socket.error") # # AMAK: 20070518 # Introduced a new test for connect with bind to specific local address # def testConnectWithLocalBind(self): # Test blocking connect conn, addr = self.serv.accept() def _testConnectWithLocalBind(self): # Testing blocking connect with local bind cli_port = self.PORT - 1 while True: # Keep trying until a local port is available self.cli.settimeout(1) self.cli.bind( (self.HOST, cli_port) ) try: self.cli.connect((self.HOST, self.PORT)) break except socket.error, se: # cli_port is in use (maybe in TIME_WAIT state from a # previous test run). reset the client socket and try # again self.failUnlessEqual(se[0], errno.EADDRINUSE) try: self.cli.close() except socket.error: pass self.clientSetUp() cli_port -= 1 bound_host, bound_port = self.cli.getsockname() self.failUnlessEqual(bound_port, cli_port) def testRecvData(self): # Testing non-blocking recv conn, addr = self.serv.accept() conn.setblocking(0) rfds, wfds, xfds = select.select([conn], [], []) if conn in rfds: msg = conn.recv(len(MSG)) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) else: self.fail("Non-blocking socket with data should been in read list.") def _testRecvData(self): self.cli.connect((self.HOST, self.PORT)) self.cli.send(MSG) def testRecvNoData(self): # Testing non-blocking recv conn, addr = self.serv.accept() conn.setblocking(0) try: msg = conn.recv(len(MSG)) except socket.error: pass else: self.fail("Non-blocking recv of no data should have raised socket.error.") def _testRecvNoData(self): self.cli.connect((self.HOST, self.PORT)) time.sleep(0.1) class NonBlockingUDPTests(ThreadedUDPSocketTest): pass # # TODO: Write some non-blocking UDP tests # class TCPFileObjectClassOpenCloseTests(SocketConnectedTest): def testCloseFileDoesNotCloseSocket(self): # This test is necessary on java/jython msg = self.cli_conn.recv(1024) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testCloseFileDoesNotCloseSocket(self): self.cli_file = self.serv_conn.makefile('wb') self.cli_file.close() try: self.serv_conn.send(MSG) except Exception, x: self.fail("Closing file wrapper appears to have closed underlying socket: %s" % str(x)) def testCloseSocketDoesNotCloseFile(self): msg = self.cli_conn.recv(1024) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testCloseSocketDoesNotCloseFile(self): self.cli_file = self.serv_conn.makefile('wb') self.serv_conn.close() try: self.cli_file.write(MSG) self.cli_file.flush() except Exception, x: self.fail("Closing socket appears to have closed file wrapper: %s" % str(x)) class UDPFileObjectClassOpenCloseTests(ThreadedUDPSocketTest): def testCloseFileDoesNotCloseSocket(self): # This test is necessary on java/jython msg = self.serv.recv(1024) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testCloseFileDoesNotCloseSocket(self): self.cli_file = self.cli.makefile('wb') self.cli_file.close() try: self.cli.sendto(MSG, 0, (self.HOST, self.PORT)) except Exception, x: self.fail("Closing file wrapper appears to have closed underlying socket: %s" % str(x)) def testCloseSocketDoesNotCloseFile(self): self.serv_file = self.serv.makefile('rb') self.serv.close() msg = self.serv_file.readline() self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testCloseSocketDoesNotCloseFile(self): try: self.cli.sendto(MSG, 0, (self.HOST, self.PORT)) except Exception, x: self.fail("Closing file wrapper appears to have closed underlying socket: %s" % str(x)) class FileAndDupOpenCloseTests(SocketConnectedTest): def testCloseDoesNotCloseOthers(self): msg = self.cli_conn.recv(len(MSG)) self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) msg = self.cli_conn.recv(len('and ' + MSG)) self.assertEqual(msg, 'and ' + MSG) def _testCloseDoesNotCloseOthers(self): self.dup_conn1 = self.serv_conn.dup() self.dup_conn2 = self.serv_conn.dup() self.cli_file = self.serv_conn.makefile('wb') self.serv_conn.close() self.dup_conn1.close() try: self.serv_conn.send(MSG) except socket.error, se: self.failUnlessEqual(se[0], errno.EBADF) else: self.fail("Original socket did not close") try: self.dup_conn1.send(MSG) except socket.error, se: self.failUnlessEqual(se[0], errno.EBADF) else: self.fail("Duplicate socket 1 did not close") self.dup_conn2.send(MSG) self.dup_conn2.close() try: self.cli_file.write('and ' + MSG) except Exception, x: self.fail("Closing others appears to have closed the socket file: %s" % str(x)) self.cli_file.close() class FileObjectClassTestCase(SocketConnectedTest): bufsize = -1 # Use default buffer size def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'): SocketConnectedTest.__init__(self, methodName=methodName) def setUp(self): SocketConnectedTest.setUp(self) self.serv_file = self.cli_conn.makefile('rb', self.bufsize) def tearDown(self): self.serv_file.close() self.assert_(self.serv_file.closed) self.serv_file = None SocketConnectedTest.tearDown(self) def clientSetUp(self): SocketConnectedTest.clientSetUp(self) self.cli_file = self.serv_conn.makefile('wb') def clientTearDown(self): self.cli_file.close() self.assert_(self.cli_file.closed) self.cli_file = None SocketConnectedTest.clientTearDown(self) def testSmallRead(self): # Performing small file read test first_seg = self.serv_file.read(len(MSG)-3) second_seg = self.serv_file.read(3) msg = first_seg + second_seg self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testSmallRead(self): self.cli_file.write(MSG) self.cli_file.flush() def testFullRead(self): # read until EOF msg = self.serv_file.read() self.assertEqual(msg, MSG) def _testFullRead(self): self.cli_file.write(MSG) self.cli_file.flush() def testUnbufferedRead(self): # Performing unbuffered file read test buf = '' while 1: char = self.serv_file.read(1) if not char: break buf += char self.assertEqual(buf, MSG) def _testUnbufferedRead(self): self.cli_file.write(MSG) self.cli_file.flush() def testReadline(self): # Performing file readline test line = self.serv_file.readline() self.assertEqual(line, MSG) def _testReadline(self): self.cli_file.write(MSG) self.cli_file.flush() def testClosedAttr(self): self.assert_(not self.serv_file.closed) def _testClosedAttr(self): self.assert_(not self.cli_file.closed) class PrivateFileObjectTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Test usage of socket._fileobject with an arbitrary socket-like object. E.g. urllib2 wraps an httplib.HTTPResponse object with _fileobject. """ def setUp(self): self.socket_like = StringIO() self.socket_like.recv = self.socket_like.read self.socket_like.sendall = self.socket_like.write def testPrivateFileObject(self): fileobject = socket._fileobject(self.socket_like, 'rb') fileobject.write('hello jython') fileobject.flush() self.socket_like.seek(0) self.assertEqual(fileobject.read(), 'hello jython') class UnbufferedFileObjectClassTestCase(FileObjectClassTestCase): """Repeat the tests from FileObjectClassTestCase with bufsize==0. In this case (and in this case only), it should be possible to create a file object, read a line from it, create another file object, read another line from it, without loss of data in the first file object's buffer. Note that httplib relies on this when reading multiple requests from the same socket.""" bufsize = 0 # Use unbuffered mode def testUnbufferedReadline(self): # Read a line, create a new file object, read another line with it line = self.serv_file.readline() # first line self.assertEqual(line, "A. " + MSG) # first line self.serv_file = self.cli_conn.makefile('rb', 0) line = self.serv_file.readline() # second line self.assertEqual(line, "B. " + MSG) # second line def _testUnbufferedReadline(self): self.cli_file.write("A. " + MSG) self.cli_file.write("B. " + MSG) self.cli_file.flush() class LineBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase(FileObjectClassTestCase): bufsize = 1 # Default-buffered for reading; line-buffered for writing class SmallBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase(FileObjectClassTestCase): bufsize = 2 # Exercise the buffering code class TCPServerTimeoutTest(SocketTCPTest): def testAcceptTimeout(self): def raise_timeout(*args, **kwargs): self.serv.settimeout(1.0) self.serv.accept() self.failUnlessRaises(socket.timeout, raise_timeout, "TCP socket accept failed to generate a timeout exception (TCP)") def testTimeoutZero(self): ok = False try: self.serv.settimeout(0.0) foo = self.serv.accept() except socket.timeout: self.fail("caught timeout instead of error (TCP)") except socket.error: ok = True except Exception, x: self.fail("caught unexpected exception (TCP): %s" % str(x)) if not ok: self.fail("accept() returned success when we did not expect it") class TCPClientTimeoutTest(SocketTCPTest): def testConnectTimeout(self): cli = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) cli.settimeout(0.1) host = '' try: cli.connect((host, 5000)) except socket.timeout, st: pass except Exception, x: self.fail("Client socket timeout should have raised socket.timeout, not %s" % str(x)) else: self.fail('''Client socket timeout should have raised socket.timeout. This tries to connect to %s in the assumption that it isn't used, but if it is on your network this failure is bogus.''' % host) def testConnectDefaultTimeout(self): _saved_timeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout() socket.setdefaulttimeout(0.1) cli = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) host = '' try: cli.connect((host, 5000)) except socket.timeout, st: pass except Exception, x: self.fail("Client socket timeout should have raised socket.timeout, not %s" % str(x)) else: self.fail('''Client socket timeout should have raised socket.timeout. This tries to connect to %s in the assumption that it isn't used, but if it is on your network this failure is bogus.''' % host) socket.setdefaulttimeout(_saved_timeout) def testRecvTimeout(self): def raise_timeout(*args, **kwargs): cli_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) cli_sock.connect( (HOST, PORT) ) cli_sock.settimeout(1) cli_sock.recv(1024) self.failUnlessRaises(socket.timeout, raise_timeout, "TCP socket recv failed to generate a timeout exception (TCP)") # Disable this test, but leave it present for documentation purposes # socket timeouts only work for read and accept, not for write # http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/net/SocketTimeoutException.html def estSendTimeout(self): def raise_timeout(*args, **kwargs): cli_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) cli_sock.connect( (HOST, PORT) ) # First fill the socket cli_sock.settimeout(1) sent = 0 while True: bytes_sent = cli_sock.send(MSG) sent += bytes_sent self.failUnlessRaises(socket.timeout, raise_timeout, "TCP socket send failed to generate a timeout exception (TCP)") def testSwitchModes(self): cli_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) cli_sock.connect( (HOST, PORT) ) # set non-blocking mode cli_sock.setblocking(0) # then set timeout mode cli_sock.settimeout(1) try: cli_sock.send(MSG) except Exception, x: self.fail("Switching mode from non-blocking to timeout raised exception: %s" % x) else: pass # # AMAK: 20070307 # Corrected the superclass of UDPTimeoutTest # class UDPTimeoutTest(SocketUDPTest): def testUDPTimeout(self): def raise_timeout(*args, **kwargs): self.serv.settimeout(1.0) self.serv.recv(1024) self.failUnlessRaises(socket.timeout, raise_timeout, "Error generating a timeout exception (UDP)") def testTimeoutZero(self): ok = False try: self.serv.settimeout(0.0) foo = self.serv.recv(1024) except socket.timeout: self.fail("caught timeout instead of error (UDP)") except socket.error: ok = True except Exception, x: self.fail("caught unexpected exception (UDP): %s" % str(x)) if not ok: self.fail("recv() returned success when we did not expect it") class TestGetAddrInfo(unittest.TestCase): def testBadFamily(self): try: socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, PORT, 9999) except socket.gaierror, gaix: self.failUnlessEqual(gaix[0], errno.EIO) except Exception, x: self.fail("getaddrinfo with bad family raised wrong exception: %s" % x) else: self.fail("getaddrinfo with bad family should have raised exception") def testReturnsAreStrings(self): addrinfos = socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, PORT) for addrinfo in addrinfos: family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr = addrinfo self.assert_(isinstance(canonname, str)) self.assert_(isinstance(sockaddr[0], str)) def testAI_PASSIVE(self): IPV4_LOOPBACK = "" local_hostname = java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() local_ip_address = java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress() for flags, host_param, expected_canonname, expected_sockaddr in [ # First passive flag (socket.AI_PASSIVE, None, "", socket.INADDR_ANY), (socket.AI_PASSIVE, "", "", local_ip_address), (socket.AI_PASSIVE, "localhost", "", IPV4_LOOPBACK), (socket.AI_PASSIVE, local_hostname, "", local_ip_address), # Now passive flag AND canonname flag # Commenting out all AI_CANONNAME tests, results too dependent on system config #(socket.AI_PASSIVE|socket.AI_CANONNAME, None, "", ""), #(socket.AI_PASSIVE|socket.AI_CANONNAME, "", local_hostname, local_ip_address), # The following gives varying results across platforms and configurations: commenting out for now. # Javadoc: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/net/InetAddress.html#getCanonicalHostName() #(socket.AI_PASSIVE|socket.AI_CANONNAME, "localhost", local_hostname, IPV4_LOOPBACK), #(socket.AI_PASSIVE|socket.AI_CANONNAME, local_hostname, local_hostname, local_ip_address), ]: addrinfos = socket.getaddrinfo(host_param, 0, socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, flags) for family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr in addrinfos: self.failUnlessEqual(expected_canonname, canonname, "For hostname '%s' and flags %d, canonname '%s' != '%s'" % (host_param, flags, expected_canonname, canonname) ) self.failUnlessEqual(expected_sockaddr, sockaddr[0], "For hostname '%s' and flags %d, sockaddr '%s' != '%s'" % (host_param, flags, expected_sockaddr, sockaddr[0]) ) class TestExceptions(unittest.TestCase): def testExceptionTree(self): self.assert_(issubclass(socket.error, Exception)) self.assert_(issubclass(socket.herror, socket.error)) self.assert_(issubclass(socket.gaierror, socket.error)) self.assert_(issubclass(socket.timeout, socket.error)) class TestJythonExceptionsShared: def tearDown(self): self.s.close() self.s = None def testHostNotFound(self): try: socket.gethostbyname("doesnotexist") except socket.gaierror, gaix: self.failUnlessEqual(gaix[0], errno.EGETADDRINFOFAILED) except Exception, x: self.fail("Get host name for non-existent host raised wrong exception: %s" % x) def testUnresolvedAddress(self): try: self.s.connect( ('non.existent.server', PORT) ) except socket.gaierror, gaix: self.failUnlessEqual(gaix[0], errno.EGETADDRINFOFAILED) except Exception, x: self.fail("Get host name for non-existent host raised wrong exception: %s" % x) else: self.fail("Get host name for non-existent host should have raised exception") def testSocketNotConnected(self): try: self.s.send(MSG) except socket.error, se: self.failUnlessEqual(se[0], errno.ENOTCONN) except Exception, x: self.fail("Send on unconnected socket raised wrong exception: %s" % x) else: self.fail("Send on unconnected socket raised exception") def testSocketNotBound(self): try: result = self.s.recv(1024) except socket.error, se: self.failUnlessEqual(se[0], errno.ENOTCONN) except Exception, x: self.fail("Receive on unbound socket raised wrong exception: %s" % x) else: self.fail("Receive on unbound socket raised exception") def testClosedSocket(self): self.s.close() try: self.s.send(MSG) except socket.error, se: self.failUnlessEqual(se[0], errno.EBADF) dup = self.s.dup() try: dup.send(MSG) except socket.error, se: self.failUnlessEqual(se[0], errno.EBADF) fp = self.s.makefile() try: fp.write(MSG) fp.flush() except socket.error, se: self.failUnlessEqual(se[0], errno.EBADF) class TestJythonTCPExceptions(TestJythonExceptionsShared, unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) def testConnectionRefused(self): try: # This port should not be open at this time self.s.connect( (HOST, PORT) ) except socket.error, se: self.failUnlessEqual(se[0], errno.ECONNREFUSED) except Exception, x: self.fail("Connection to non-existent host/port raised wrong exception: %s" % x) else: self.fail("Socket (%s,%s) should not have been listening at this time" % (HOST, PORT)) def testBindException(self): # First bind to the target port self.s.bind( (HOST, PORT) ) self.s.listen(50) try: # And then try to bind again t = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) t.bind( (HOST, PORT) ) t.listen(50) except socket.error, se: self.failUnlessEqual(se[0], errno.EADDRINUSE) except Exception, x: self.fail("Binding to already bound host/port raised wrong exception: %s" % x) else: self.fail("Binding to already bound host/port should have raised exception") class TestJythonUDPExceptions(TestJythonExceptionsShared, unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) def testBindException(self): # First bind to the target port self.s.bind( (HOST, PORT) ) try: # And then try to bind again t = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) t.bind( (HOST, PORT) ) except socket.error, se: self.failUnlessEqual(se[0], errno.EADDRINUSE) except Exception, x: self.fail("Binding to already bound host/port raised wrong exception: %s" % x) else: self.fail("Binding to already bound host/port should have raised exception") class TestAddressParameters: def testBindNonTupleEndpointRaisesTypeError(self): try: self.socket.bind(HOST, PORT) except TypeError: pass else: self.fail("Illegal non-tuple bind address did not raise TypeError") def testConnectNonTupleEndpointRaisesTypeError(self): try: self.socket.connect(HOST, PORT) except TypeError: pass else: self.fail("Illegal non-tuple connect address did not raise TypeError") def testConnectExNonTupleEndpointRaisesTypeError(self): try: self.socket.connect_ex(HOST, PORT) except TypeError: pass else: self.fail("Illegal non-tuple connect address did not raise TypeError") class TestTCPAddressParameters(unittest.TestCase, TestAddressParameters): def setUp(self): self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) class TestUDPAddressParameters(unittest.TestCase, TestAddressParameters): def setUp(self): self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) class UnicodeTest(ThreadedTCPSocketTest): def testUnicodeHostname(self): pass def _testUnicodeHostname(self): self.cli.connect((unicode(self.HOST), self.PORT)) class TestInvalidUsage(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) def testShutdownIOOnListener(self): self.socket.listen(50) # socket is now a server socket try: self.socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except Exception, x: self.fail("Shutdown on listening socket should not have raised socket exception, not %s" % str(x)) else: pass def testShutdownOnUnconnectedSocket(self): try: self.socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except socket.error, se: self.failUnlessEqual(se[0], errno.ENOTCONN, "Shutdown on unconnected socket should have raised errno.ENOTCONN, not %s" % str(se[0])) except Exception, x: self.fail("Shutdown on unconnected socket should have raised socket exception, not %s" % str(x)) else: self.fail("Shutdown on unconnected socket should have raised socket exception") def test_main(): tests = [ GeneralModuleTests, TestSupportedOptions, TestUnsupportedOptions, BasicTCPTest, TCPServerTimeoutTest, TCPClientTimeoutTest, TestExceptions, TestInvalidUsage, TestGetAddrInfo, TestTCPAddressParameters, TestUDPAddressParameters, UDPBindTest, BasicUDPTest, UDPTimeoutTest, NonBlockingTCPTests, NonBlockingUDPTests, TCPFileObjectClassOpenCloseTests, UDPFileObjectClassOpenCloseTests, FileAndDupOpenCloseTests, FileObjectClassTestCase, PrivateFileObjectTestCase, UnbufferedFileObjectClassTestCase, LineBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase, SmallBufferedFileObjectClassTestCase, UnicodeTest, ] if hasattr(socket, "socketpair"): tests.append(BasicSocketPairTest) if sys.platform[:4] == 'java': tests.append(TestJythonTCPExceptions) tests.append(TestJythonUDPExceptions) # TODO: Broadcast requires permission, and is blocked by some firewalls # Need some way to discover the network setup on the test machine if False: tests.append(UDPBroadcastTest) suites = [unittest.makeSuite(klass, 'test') for klass in tests] test_support.run_suite(unittest.TestSuite(suites)) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()