# NOTE: This file is not read if you run the Refine executable directly # It is only read of you use the refine shell script or refine.bat # FOR DEVELOPERS: you can copy refine.ini and rename it to refine-dev.ini # Configurations in refine.ini will be ignored if refine-dev.ini exists # refine-dev.ini won't be tracked by Git, so feel free to put your custom configurations in it no_proxy="localhost," #REFINE_PORT=3334 #REFINE_HOST= #REFINE_WEBAPP=main\webapp # Maximum JVM heap (memory) and max form size allocations #REFINE_MAX_FORM_CONTENT_SIZE=1048576 REFINE_MEMORY=1400M # Initial (and minimum) size of Java heap REFINE_MIN_MEMORY=1400M # Some sample configurations. These have no defaults. #JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_151 # Use a single JAVA_OPTIONS that includes any JVM options you need upon OpenRefine startup #JAVA_OPTIONS=-XX:+UseParallelGC -verbose:gc -Drefine.headless=true -Drefine.data_dir=C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\OpenRefine # Uncomment to increase autosave period to 60 mins (default: 5 minutes) # for better performance of long-lasting transformations (but increased risk of data loss) #REFINE_AUTOSAVE_PERIOD=60 # Google Data OAuth configuration for developers # (NOTE: This is only needed for developers. Users of released versions can ignore this) # To get your credentials, please see the instructions on the wiki: # https://github.com/OpenRefine/OpenRefine/wiki/Google-Extension #GDATA_CLIENT_ID=your_client_id #GDATA_CLIENT_SECRET=your_client_secret #GDATA_API_KEY=your API key