{ "name" : "Hebrew", "core-index": { "slogan": "כלי עוצמתי לעבודה עם מידע מבולגן", "help": "עזרה", "about": "אודות", "version": "גרסה", "new-version": "גרסה חדשה!", "download": "הורדה", "now": "עכשיו", "change-value": "שינוי ערך מפתח העדפה", "delete-key": "מחיקת מפתח העדפה", "preferences": "העדפות", "key": "מפתח", "value": "ערך", "add-pref": "הוספת העדפה", "pref-key": "ערך מפתח העדפה:", "edit": "עריכה", "delete": "מחיקה", "new-proj-name": "שם הפרוייקט החדש:", "error-rename": "כשלון בשינוי שם הפרוייקט:", "no-proj": "אין פרוייקט קיים.בחרו ב'יצירת פרוייקט' מצד שמאל כדי ליצור.", "try-these": "אם אין לכם מידע לעבוד איתו, נסו את", "sample-data": "צבירי הנתונים לדוגמה" }, "core-index-create": { "create-proj": "יצירת פרוייקט", "starting": "מתחילים", "done": "הסתיים.", "min-remaining": "דקות נותרו", "sec-remaining": "שניות נותרו", "almost-done": "כמעט הסתיים...", "memory-usage": "זכרון בשימוש:", "no-details": "אין פרטים טכניים.", "question": "צרו פרוייקט באמצעות יבוא נתונים. אילו סוגים של נתונים ניתן לייבא?", "formats": "TSV, CSV, *SV, Excel (.xls and .xlsx), JSON, XML, RDF as XML, and Google וגם ניתן להוסיף תמיכה לפורמטים אחרים עם הרחבות של OpenRefine.", "from": "השיגו נתונים מ..." }, "core-index-import": { "import-proj": "יבוא פרוייקט", "locate": "איתור קובץ פרוייקט Refine (.tar or .tar.gz):", "file": "קובץ הפרוייקט:", "rename": "שינוי שם הפרוייקט (אופציונאלי):", "inspecting": "בודק את הקבצים שנבחרו ...", "warning-name": "אנא תנו שם לפרוייקט.", "errors": "שגיאות:", "creating-proj": "יוצר פרוייקט ...", "import": "לייבא?", "name": "שם", "mime-type": "Mime-type", "format": "פורמט", "size": "גודל", "warning-select": "בחרו בבקשה לפחות קובץ אחד.", "inspecting-files": "בודק
קבצים שנבחרו ...", "unknown-err": "שגיאה לא ידועה", "error": "שגיאה:", "select-file": "בחרו קבצים לייבוא", "several-file": "ישנם כמה קבצים זמינים. אנא בחרו את אלו שברצונכם לייבא.", "sel-by-extension": "בחרו לפי סיומת", "sel-by-regex": "בחרו לפי ביטוי רגולרי בשם הקובץ", "parsing-options": "התאמת אפשרויות ניתוח מבנה הטקסט", "project-name": "שם הפרוייקט", "updating-preview": "עדכון תצוגה מקדימה ...", "parse-as": "ניתוח הנתונים כ...", "this-computer": "מחשב זה", "warning-data-file": "עליכם לפרט את שם הקובץ לייבוא.", "uploading-data": "מעלה נתונים ...", "web-address": "כתובות ברשת (URLs)", "warning-web-address": "עליכם לפרט כתובות ברשת (URLs) לייבוא.", "downloading-data": "מוריד נתונים ...", "clipboard": "(Clipboard) לוח ", "warning-clipboard": "עליכם להדביק מידע לייבוא.", "uploading-pasted-data": "מעלה מידע שהודבק ...", "locate-files": "אתרו קובץ או קבצים במחשבכם להעלאה:", "enter-url": "הזינו כתובת רשת אחת או כמה (URLs) המפנות למידע להורדה:", "clipboard-label": "הדביקו נתונים מהלוח לכאן:", "import-worksheet": "גליונות לייבוא", "column-widths": "רוחב עמודות:", "column-names": "שמות עמודות:", "comma-separated": "מספרים מופרדים בפסיקים", "optional-separated": "אופציונאלי, מופרד בפסיקים", "warning-record-path": "אנא ספקו נציב רשומה קודם.", "pick-nodes": "בחרו צומת רשומה", "char-encoding": "Character encoding" }, "core-index-open": { "open-proj" : "פתיחת פרוייקט", "name": "שם", "rename": "שינוי שם", "last-mod": "שונה לאחרונה", "del-title": "מחיקת פרוייקט זה", "del-body": "האם אתם בטוחים שברצונכם למחוק את הפרוייקט \"", "new-title": "שם פרוייקט חדש:", "warning-rename": "שינוי שם הפרוייקט נכשל:", "warning-proj-name": "עליכם לפרט שם פרוייקט.", "warning-data-file": "עליכם לספק קובץ נתונים להעלות או כתוב למשוך ממנה נתונים.", "browse": "שיטוט בספריית העבודה" }, "core-index-lang": { "lang-settings": "הגדרות שפה", "label": "בחרו שפה מועדפת", "send-req": "שינוי שפה", "page-reload": "העמוד יטען מחדש כדי להחיל את ההגדרה החדשה." }, "core-index-parser":{ "ignore-first": "התעלמות מ", "lines-beg": "שורה/שורות בתחילת הקובץ", "parse-next": "ניתוח הלאה", "lines-header": "שורה/שורות ככותרות עמודות", "discard-initial": "התעלמות מראשי תיבות", "rows-data": "שורה/שורות נתונים", "load-at-most": "טעינה לכל היותר", "parse-cell": "נתח תוכן התא כ
מספרים, תאריכים וכו' ...", "store-blank": "אכסון שורות ריקות", "store-nulls": "אכסון תאים ריקים כ-nulls", "store-source": "אכסון קובץ המקור
(file names, URLs)
בכל שורה", "preserve-empty": "שימור מחרוזות ריקות", "trim": "חיתוך רווחים מקדימים ממחרוזות & ", "json-parser": "הקליקו על צומת הג'ייסון {} התואם לרשומה הראשונה לטעינה.", "parse-every": "ניתוח כל", "lines-into-row": "השורות לשורה אחת", "col-separated-by": "עמודות מופרדות באמצעות", "commas": "פסיקים (CSV)", "tabs": "טאבים (TSV)", "custom": "מותאם אישית", "escape": "המנעות מתווים מיוחדים בעזרת \\", "quotation-mark": "סימני צידוד משתמשים
כדי להקיף תאים
הפרדה בין עמודות", "click-xml": "הקליקו על אלמנט ה-XML הראשונה התואם לרשומה הראשונה לטעינה." }, "core-dialogs": { "cluster-edit": "קיבוץ ועריכת האשכול", "cluster-size": "גודל האשכול", "row-count": "ספירת שורות", "cluster-values": "ערכים באשכול", "merge": "לשלב?", "new-cell-val": "ערך תא חדש", "use-this-val": "שימוש בערך זה", "browse-only-these": "לעיין רק בערכים אלו", "browse-this-cluster": "לעיין רק באשכול זה", "no-cluster-found": "לא נמצאו אשכולות בשיטה זו", "try-another-method": "נסו לבחור שיטה אחרת למעלה, או לבחור פרמטרים שונים", "clustering": "קיבוץ אשכולות.... ", "warning-check-boxes": "האם עליכם לסמן עריכות? תיבות סימון לעריכות שלכם יופעלו.", "choices-in-cluster": "# בחירות באשכול", "rows-in-cluster": "# שורות באשכול", "choice-avg-length": "אורך ממוצע של הבחירות", "choice-var-length": "שונות האורך של הבחירות", "found": "נמצאו", "filtered-from": "סונן מתוך ", "from-total": " סה''כ", "cluster-descr": "אפשרות זו תסייע לך לאתר קבוצות של ערכי תאים שונים אשר עשויים להיות ייצוגים חלופיין של אותו הדבר.לדוגמא, שתי המחרוזות \"ניו יורק\" ו\"ניו-יורק\" עשויות כנראה לכווגן לאותו מושג ויש ביניהן הבדל מזערי"ת "find-more": "גלו עוד ...", "method": "שיטה ", "key-collision": "התנגשות מפתח", "nearest-neighbor": "השכן הקרוב ביותר", "keying-function": "מפתוח פונקציה ", "fingerprint": "טביעת אצבע", "ngram": "ngram-טביעת אצבע", "metaphone": "מטהפון3", "phonetic": "cologne-phonetic", "distance-fun": "מרחק פונקציית ", "leven": "levenshtein", "ppm" : "PPM", "ngram-size": "Ngram גודל ", "ngram-radius": "רדיוס ", "block-chars": "חסימת תווים ", "reorder-column": "סידור מחדר / הסרת עמודות", "drag-column": "גרוו טורים כדי לסדר מחדש", "drop-column": "שחררו טורים כדי להסירם", "template-export": "יצוא תבנית", "template-prefix": "קידומת", "template-rowt": "תבנית שורה", "template-rows": "הפרדת שורה", "template-suffix": "סיומת", "idling": "השהייה...", "updating": "Updating...", "scatterplot-matrix": "טבלת פיזור", "focusing-on": "התמקדות ב", "processing": "מעבד...", "error-getColumnInfo": "שגיאה בביצוע 'get-columns-info'", "no-column-dataset": "אין טורם בצביר נתונים זה", "linear-plot": "הצגה ליניארית", "logarithmic-plot": "הצגה לוגריטמית", "rotated-counter-clock": "הוסב ב-45 מעלות בניגוד ללכיוון השעון", "no-rotation": "ללא סיבוב", "rotated-clock": "הוסב ב-45 מעלות עם כיוון השעון", "small-dot": "גודל הנקודה הקטנה", "regular-dot": "גודל נקודה רגילה", "big-dot": "גודל נקודה גדולה", "cell-fields": "בתא הנוכחי, יש כמה שדות: 'value' and 'recon'." "cell-value": "ערך התא הנוכחי. זהו קיצור דרך עבור 'cell.value'.", "row-fields": "בשורה הנוכחית, יש 5 שדות: 'flagged', 'starred', 'index', 'cells', 'record'.", "cells-of-row": "התאים של השורה הנוכחית. זהו קיצור דרך ל-'row.cells'.תא מסויים יכול להיות מאוחזר עם 'cells.' אם היא מילה בודדת, או עם 'cells[\"\"] .", "row-index": "אינדקס השורה הנוכחית. זהו קיצור דרך ל- 'row.index'.", "returns": "חוזר", "from": "מ", "expression": "ביטוי", "reuse": "שימוש חוזר", "remove": "הסרה", "error": "שגיאה", "no-syntax-err": "ללא שגיאת תחביר", "internal-err": "שגיאה פנימית", "language": "שפה", "preview": "תצוגה מקדימה", "history": "היסטוריה", "starred": "סימון בכוכב", "help": "עזרה", "opt-code-applied": "קוד האפשרות יושם בהצלחה.", "error-apply-code": "שגיאה ביישום קוד האפשרות", "custom-tab-exp": "יצוא טבלאות מותאם", "content": "תוכן", "download": "הורדה", "upload": "העלאה", "opt-code": "קוד אפשרות", "sel-and-ord": "בחרו וסדרו טורים לייצוא", "opt-for": "אפשרויות עבור", "for-recon-cell": "השלמת תאים, פלט", "match-ent-name": "שם הישות המתאימה", "cell-content": "תוכן התא", "match-ent-id": "זהות הישות התואמת", "link-match": "קישור לעמוד היישות התואמת", "out-not-unmatch": "ללא פלט עבור תאים לא תואמים", "date-format": "שימוש במבנה עבור ערכי תאריך/שעה", "date-iso": "ISO 8601, e.g., 2011-08-24T18:36:10+08:00", "short-format": "מבנה מקומי מקוצר", "medium-format": "מבנה מקומי בינוני", "long-format": "מבנה מקומי ארוך", "full-format": "מבנה מקומי שלם", "custom": "מותאם אישית", "local-time": "שימוש באזור הזמן המקומי", "omit-time": "להשמיט זמן", "out-col-header": "כותרות עמודות בפלט", "out-empty-row": "שורות ריקות (כלומר, שכל התאים ריקים) בפלט", "ignore-facets": "התעלמות מחיתוכים וסינונים, וייצוא כל השורות", "line-based": "מבנה טקסט מבוסס שורות", "other-format": "מבנים אחרים", "tsv": "Tab-separated values (TSV)", "csv": "Comma-separated values (CSV)", "custom-separator": "הפרדה על ידי תו אחר", "excel": "Excel (.xls)", "excel-xml": "Excel in XML (.xlsx)", "html-table": "HTML table", "char-enc": "קידוד תוים", "line-sep": "הפרדת שורה", "upload-to": "העלאה אל", "json-text": "טקסט ה-Json כולל את האפשרויות שכיוונת בלשוניות אחרות. באפשרותכם להעתיק אותו ולשמור אותו לשימור עתידי, ולהדביק אותו חזרה וללחוץ על הפעלה כדי להשתמש באותן אפשרויות." "core-facets": { "remove-facet": "Remove this facet", "reset": "reset", "invert": "invert", "change": "change", "click-to-edit": "Click to edit expression", "sort-by": "Sort by", "name": "name", "count": "count", "cluster": "Cluster", "current-exp": "Current Expression", "facet-choices": "Facet Choices as Tab Separated Values", "loading": "Loading...", "too-many-choices": "choices total, too many to display", "set-choice-count": "Set choice count limit", "edit": "edit", "facet-by-count": "Facet by choice counts", "edit-based-col": "Edit Facet's Expression based on Column", "edit-facet-exp": "Edit Facet's Expression", "set-max-choices": "Set the maximum number of choices shown in each text facet (too many will slow down the application)", "case-sensitive": "case sensitive", "regular-exp": "regular expression", "time": "Time", "non-time": "Non-Time", "blank": "Blank", "error": "Error", "unknown-error": "Unknown error", "linear-plot": "Linear Plot", "linear-plot-abbr": "lin", "logar-plot": "Logarithmic Plot", "logar-plot-abbr": "log", "rotated-counter-clock": "Rotated 45° Counter-Clockwise", "no-rotation": "No rotation", "rotated-clock": "Rotated 45° Clockwise", "small-dot": "Small Dot Size", "regular-dot": "Regular Dot Size", "big-dot": "Big Dot Size", "export-plot": "export plot", "numeric": "Numeric" }, "core-project": { "open": "Open", "permalink": "Permalink", "export": "Export", "help": "Help", "starting": "Starting up", "facet-filter": "Facet / Filter", "undo-redo": "Undo / Redo", "extensions": "Extensions", "proj-name": "Click to rename project", "use-facets": "Using facets and filters", "use-to-select": "Use facets and filters to select subsets of your data to act on. Choose facet and filter methods from the menus at the top of each data column.", "not-sure": "Not sure how to get started?", "watch-cast": "Watch these screencasts", "refreshing-facet": "Refreshing facets...", "update-facets": "Update all facets", "clear-selection": "Clear selection in all facets", "remove-all": "Remove all facets", "export-project": "Export project", "tab-value": "Tab-separated value", "comma-sep": "Comma-separated value", "html-table": "HTML table", "excel": "Excel (.xls)", "excel-xml": "Excel 2007+ (.xlsx)", "odf": "ODF spreadsheet", "triple-loader": "Triple loader", "mqlwrite": "MQLWrite", "custom-tabular": "Custom tabular exporter...", "templating": "Templating...", "warning-align": "You haven't done any schema alignment yet,\n so there is no triple to export.\n\n Use the Freebase > Edit Schema Alignment Skeleton...\n command to align your data with Freebase schemas first.", "json-invalid": "The JSON you pasted is invalid", "undo-history": "Infinite undo history", "mistakes": "Don't worry about making mistakes. Every change you make will be shown here, and you can undo your changes anytime.", "learn-more": "Learn more »", "apply": "Apply…", "extract": "Extract…", "filter": "Filter:", "extract-history": "Extract Operation History", "extract-save": "Extract and save parts of your operation history as JSON that you can apply to this or other projects in the future.", "apply-operation": "Apply Operation History", "paste-json": "Paste an extracted JSON history of operations to perform:", "complete": "complete", "other-processes": "other pending processes", "other-process": "other pending process", "cancel-all": "Cancel All", "cancel": "Cancel", "canceling": "Canceling...", "last-op-er": "The last operation encountered some errors", "continue-remaining": "Continue with the remaining operations", "undo": "Undo" }, "core-recon": { "access": "Access", "service-api": "Service API", "cell-type": "Reconcile each cell to an entity of one of these types", "col-detail": "Also use relevant details from other columns", "against-type": "Reconcile against type", "no-type": "Reconcile against no particular type", "auto-match": "Auto-match candidates with high confidence", "warning-type-sugg": "Sorry, we can't suggest any type for your data. Please specify a type yourself below.", "column": "Column", "include": "Include", "as-property": "As Property", "contact-service": "Contacting reconciliation service", "error-contact": "Error contacting recon service", "fb-recon": "Freebase Query-based Reconciliation", "recon-col": "Reconcile column", "pick-service": "Pick a Service or Extension on Left", "add-recon-srv": "Add Namespaced Reconciliation Service", "namespace": "Namespace", "ent-type": "Type of Entities (optional)", "add-std-srv": "Add Standard Reconciliation Service", "enter-url": "Enter the service's URL", "specify-ns": "Please specify a namespace.", "cell-contains": "Each cell contains:", "fb-id": "a Freebase ID, e.g., /en/solar_system", "fb-guid": "a Freebase GUID, e.g., #9202a8c04000641f80000000000354ae", "fb-key": "a Freebase key in", "fb-en-ns": "the Wikipedia English namespace", "this-ns": "this namespace:", "max-candidates" : "Maximum number of candidates to return", "service-title": "Services" }, "core-util-enc": { "select-enc": "Select Encoding", "common": "Common Encodings", "all": "All Encodings", "encoding": "Encoding", "aliases": "Aliases", "today": "today", "yesterday": "yesterday", "days-ago": "days ago", "week-ago": "a week ago", "weeks-ago": "weeks ago", "month-ago": "a month ago", "months-ago": "months ago", "year-ago": "a year ago", "years-ago": "years ago", "working": "Working", "invalid-date": "Invalid date string" }, "core-views": { "edit-cell": "Edit this cell", "choose-match": "Choose new match", "match-all-cells": "Match this topic to this and all identical cells", "match-this-cell": "Match this topic to this cell", "create-topic-cells": "Create a new topic for this and all identical cells", "create-topic-cell": "Create a new topic for this cell", "create-topic": "Create new topic", "search-match": "Search for match", "not-valid-number": "Not a valid number.", "not-valid-date": "Not a valid date.", "match-this": "Match this cell only", "match-other": "Match other cells with same content", "search-for": "Search for", "match-cell": "Match this Cell", "match-identical": "Match All Identical Cells", "matched": "matched", "new": "new", "to-be-recon": "to be reconciled", "facet": "Facet", "edit-cells": "Edit cells", "edit-column": "Edit column", "transpose": "Transpose", "sort": "Sort", "collapse-expand": "Collapse/expand columns to make viewing the data more convenient", "collapse-this": "Collapse this column", "collapse-other": "Collapse all other columns", "collapse-left": "Collapse all columns to left", "collapse-right": "Collapse all columns to right", "reconcile": "Reconcile", "match-fb": "Match this column's cells to topics on Freebase", "reverse": "Reverse", "remove-sort": "Remove sort", "sort-by": "Sort by", "sort-cell": "Sort cell values as", "pos-blank": "Position blanks and errors", "text": "text", "case-sensitive": "case-sensitive", "numbers": "numbers", "dates": "dates", "booleans": "booleans", "drag-drop": "Drag and drop to re-order", "forward": "forward", "sort-by-col": "sort by this column alone", "smallest-first": "smallest first", "largest-first": "largest first", "earliest-first": "earliest first", "latest-first": "latest first", "false-true": "false then true", "true-fasle": "true then false", "valid-values": "Valid values", "blanks": "Blanks", "errors": "Errors", "search-fb-topic": "Search Freebase for a topic to match all filtered cells:", "copy-recon-judg": "Copy recon judgments from column", "copy-to-col": "Copy to Columns", "copy-opt": "Copying Options", "apply-to-cell": "Apply to judged cells", "what-to-copy": "What to copy:", "new-recon": "new recon judgments", "match-recon": "match recon judgments", "warning-other-col": "Please select some other column to copy to.", "warning-sel-judg": "Please select at least one kind of judgment to copy.", "start-recon": "Start reconciling", "recon-text-fb": "Reconcile text in this column with topics on Freebase", "facets": "Facets", "by-judg": "By judgment", "best-score": "Best candidate's score", "best-cand-score": "best candidate's score", "best-type-match": "Best candidate's type match", "best-cand-type-match": "best candidate's types match?", "best-name": "Best candidate's name match", "best-cand-name": "best candidate's name match?", "best-edit-dist": "Best candidate's name edit distance", "best-cand-edit-dist": "best candidate's name edit distance", "best-word-sim": "Best candidate's name word similarity", "best-cand-word-sim": "best candidate's name word similarity", "best-type": "Best candidate's types", "qa-facets": "QA facets", "qa-results": "QA results", "qa-results2": "QA Results", "judg-actions": "Judgment actions", "judg-actions2": "Judgment Actions", "judg-hist": "Judgment history entries", "hist-entries": "History Entries", "actions": "Actions", "best-cand": "Match each cell to its best candidate", "best-cand2": "Match each cell to its best candidate in this column for all current filtered rows", "new-topic": "Create a new topic for each cell", "new-topic2": "Mark to create one new topic for each cell in this column for all current filtered rows", "one-topic": "Create one new topic for similar cells", "one-topic2": "Mark to create one new topic for each group of similar cells in this column for all current filtered rows", "filtered-cell": "Match all filtered cells to...", "filtered-cell2": "Search for a topic to match all filtered cells to", "discard-judg": "Discard reconciliation judgments", "discard-judg2": "Discard reconciliation judgments in this column for all current filtered rows", "clear-recon": "Clear reconciliation data", "clear-recon2": "Clear reconciliation data in this column for all current filtered rows", "copy-recon": "Copy reconciliation data...", "copy-recon2": "Copy this column's reconciliation data to other columns", "custom-facet": "Custom Facet on column", "custom-numeric-label": "Custom Numeric Facet on column", "custom-numeric": "Custom Numeric Facet", "text-facet": "Text facet", "numeric-facet": "Numeric facet", "timeline-facet": "Timeline facet", "scatterplot-facet": "Scatterplot facet", "custom-text-facet": "Custom text facet", "custom-facets": "Customized facets", "word-facet": "Word facet", "duplicates-facet": "Duplicates facet", "numeric-log-facet": "Numeric log facet", "bounded-log-facet": "1-bounded numeric log facet", "text-length-facet": "Text length facet", "log-length-facet": "Log of text length facet", "unicode-facet": "Unicode char-code facet", "facet-error": "Facet by error", "facet-blank": "Facet by blank", "text-filter": "Text filter", "add-col-col": "Add column based on column", "new-col-name": "New column name", "on-error": "On error", "set-blank": "set to blank", "store-err": "store error", "copy-val": "copy value from original column", "warning-col-name": "You must enter a column name.", "add-col-fetch": "Add column by fetching URLs based on column", "throttle-delay": "Throttle delay", "milli": "milliseconds", "url-fetch": "Formulate the URLs to fetch:", "enter-col-name": "Enter new column name", "split-col": "Split column", "several-col": "into several columns", "how-split": "How to Split Column", "by-sep": "by separator", "separator": "Separator", "reg-exp": "regular expression", "split-into": "Split into", "col-at-most": "columns at most (leave blank for no limit)", "field-len": "by field lengths", "list-int": "List of integers separated by commas, e.g., 5, 7, 15", "after-split": "After Splitting", "guess-cell": "Guess cell type", "remove-col": "Remove this column", "specify-sep": "Please specify a separator.", "warning-no-length": "No field length is specified.", "warning-format": "The given field lengths are not properly formatted.", "split-into-col": "Split into several columns", "add-based-col": "Add column based on this column", "add-by-urls": "Add column by fetching URLs", "rename-col": "Rename this column", "move-to-beg": "Move column to beginning", "move-to-end": "Move column to end", "move-to-left": "Move column left", "move-to-right": "Move column right", "show-as": "Show as", "first": "first", "previous": "previous", "next": "next", "last": "last", "all": "All", "facet-star": "Facet by star", "starred-rows": "Starred Rows", "facet-flag": "Facet by flag", "flagged-rows": "Flagged Rows", "edit-rows": "Edit rows", "star-rows": "Star rows", "unstar-rows": "Unstar rows", "flag-rows": "Flag rows", "unflag-rows": "Unflag rows", "remove-matching": "Remove all matching rows", "edit-col": "Edit columns", "reorder-remove": "Re-order / remove columns", "view": "View", "collapse-all": "Collapse all columns", "expand-all": "Expand all columns", "reorder-perma": "Reorder rows permanently", "by": "By", "custom-text-trans": "Custom text transform on column", "keep-or": "keep original", "re-trans": "Re-transform up to", "times-chang": "times until no change", "enter-separator": "Enter separator to use between values", "what-separator": "What separator currently separates the values?", "transform": "Transform", "common-transform": "Common transforms", "trim-all": "Trim leading and trailing whitespace", "collapse-white": "Collapse consecutive whitespace", "unescape-html": "Unescape HTML entities", "titlecase": "To titlecase", "uppercase": "To uppercase", "lowercase": "To lowercase", "to-number": "To number", "to-date": "To date", "to-text": "To text", "blank-out": "Blank out cells", "fill-down": "Fill down", "blank-down": "Blank down", "split-cells": "Split multi-valued cells", "join-cells": "Join multi-valued cells", "cluster-edit": "Cluster and edit", "transp-cell": "Transpose Cells Across Columns into Rows", "from-col": "From Column", "to-col": "To Column", "transp-into": "Transpose into", "two-new-col": "Two new columns", "key-col": "Key Column", "contain-names": "(containing original columns' names)", "val-col": "Value Column", "contain-val": "(containing original cells' values)", "one-col": "One column", "prepend-name": "prepend the original column's name to each cell", "follow-by": "followed by", "before-val": "before the cell's value", "ignore-blank": "Ignore blank cells", "fill-other": "Fill down in other columns", "spec-new-name": "Please specify the new key column's name.", "spec-new-val": "Please specify the new value column's name.", "spec-col-name": "Please specify the new column's name.", "spec-separator": "Please specify the separator between original column names and cell values.", "how-many-rows": "How many rows to transpose?", "expect-two": "Expected an integer at least 2.", "columnize": "Columnize by Key/Value Columns", "note-col": "Note Column (optional)", "sel-col-val": "Please select one key column and one value column that are different from one another.", "cannot-same": "If specified, the note column cannot be the same as the key column or the value column.", "transp-cell-row": "Transpose cells across columns into rows", "transp-cell-col": "Transpose cells in rows into columns", "columnize-col": "Columnize by key/value columns", "data-type": "Data type:", "number": "number", "boolean": "boolean", "date": "date", "ctrl-enter": "Ctrl-Enter", "rows": "rows", "records": "records", "show": "Show" }, "core-buttons": { "cancel": "Cancel", "ok": "  OK  ", "import-proj": "Import Project", "select-all": "Select All", "unselect-all": "Unselect All", "deselect-all": "De-select All", "select": "Select", "unselect": "Unselect", "startover": "« Start Over", "conf-pars-opt": "Configure Parsing Options »", "reselect-files": "« Re-select Files", "create-project": "Create Project »", "next": "Next »", "add-url": "Add Another URL", "update-preview": "Update Preview", "pick-record": "Pick Record Elements", "merge-cluster": "Merge Selected & Re-Cluster", "merge-close": "Merge Selected & Close", "close": "Close", "reset-template": "Reset Template", "export": "Export", "preview": "Preview", "download": "Download", "upload": "Upload", "apply": "Apply", "enter": "Enter", "esc": "Esc", "refresh": "Refresh", "reset-all": "Reset All", "remove-all": "Remove All", "perform-op": "Perform Operations", "add-std-svc": "Add Standard Service", "add-named-svc": "Add Namespaced Service", "start-recon": "Start Reconciling", "add-service": "Add Service", "dont-reconcile": "Don't Reconcile Cell", "new-topic": "New Topic", "match": "Match", "copy": "Copy", "transpose": "Transpose", "apply-to-all": "Apply to All Identical Cells" } }