rem Changing this for debugging on Appveyor rem @echo off rem rem Configuration variables rem rem MAVEN_HOME rem Home of Maven installation; copy is in the source as tools\apache-ant-* rem rem JAVA_HOME rem Home of Java installation. rem rem JAVA_OPTIONS rem Extra options to pass to the JVM rem if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" @setlocal if "%OS%"=="WINNT" @setlocal rem --- First two utilities for exiting -------------------------------------------- goto endUtils :usage echo Usage %0 [options] ^<action^> echo where [options] include: echo. echo "/?" print this message and exit echo. echo "/p <port>" the port that OpenRefine will listen to echo default: 3333 echo. echo "/i <interface>" the host interface OpenRefine should bind to echo default: echo. echo "/w <path>" path to the webapp echo default src\main\webapp echo. echo "/d" enable JVM debugging (on port 8000) echo. echo "/m <memory>" max memory heap size to use echo default: 1024M echo. echo "/x" enable JMX monitoring (for jconsole and friends) echo. echo "and <action> is one of echo. echo build ..................... Build OpenRefine echo run ....................... Run OpenRefine (using only "refine" or "./refine" will also start OpenRefine) echo. echo test ...................... Run all the tests echo server_test ............... Run the server tests echo extensions_test ........... Run the extensions tests echo. echo clean ..................... Clean compiled classes echo distclean ................. Remove all generated files echo. goto end :fail echo Type 'refine /h' for usage. goto end :endUtils rem --- Read ini file ----------------------------------------------- set OPTS= for /f "tokens=1,* delims==" %%a in (refine.ini) do ( set %%a=%%b ) rem --- Check JAVA_HOME --------------------------------------------- if not "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" goto gotJavaHome echo You must set JAVA_HOME to point at your Java Development Kit installation echo. echo If you don't know how to do this, follow the instructions at echo. echo echo. goto fail :gotJavaHome rem --- Argument parsing -------------------------------------------- :loop if ""%1"" == """" goto endArgumentParsing if ""%1"" == ""/h"" goto usage if ""%1"" == ""/?"" goto usage if ""%1"" == ""/p"" goto arg-p if ""%1"" == ""/i"" goto arg-i if ""%1"" == ""/w"" goto arg-w if ""%1"" == ""/d"" goto arg-d if ""%1"" == ""/m"" goto arg-m if ""%1"" == ""/x"" goto arg-x goto endArgumentParsing :arg-p set REFINE_PORT=%2 goto shift2loop :arg-i set REFINE_HOST=%2 goto shift2loop :arg-w set REFINE_WEBAPP=%2 goto shift2loop :arg-m set REFINE_MEMORY=%2 goto shift2loop :arg-d set OPTS=%OPTS% -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n goto shift2loop :arg-x set OPTS=%OPTS% goto shift2loop :shift2loop shift shift goto loop :endArgumentParsing rem --- Fold in Environment Vars -------------------------------------------- if not "%JAVA_OPTIONS%" == "" goto gotJavaOptions set JAVA_OPTIONS= :gotJavaOptions set OPTS=%OPTS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% if not "%REFINE_MEMORY%" == "" goto gotMemory set REFINE_MEMORY=1024M if not "%REFINE_MIN_MEMORY%" == "" goto gotMemory set REFINE_MIN_MEMORY=256M :gotMemory set OPTS=%OPTS% -Xms%REFINE_MIN_MEMORY% -Xmx%REFINE_MEMORY% -Drefine.memory=%REFINE_MEMORY% rem --- Check free memory --------------------------------------------- for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=*" %%i in (`wmic os get FreePhysicalMemory ^| findstr /r /v "^$"`) do @set /A freeRam=%%i/1024 echo You have %freeRam%M of free memory. echo Your current configuration is set to use %REFINE_MEMORY% of memory. echo OpenRefine can run better when given more memory. Read our FAQ on how to allocate more memory here: echo echo. if not "%REFINE_MAX_FORM_CONTENT_SIZE%" == "" goto gotMaxFormContentSize set REFINE_MAX_FORM_CONTENT_SIZE=1048576 :gotMaxFormContentSize set OPTS=%OPTS% -Drefine.max_form_content_size=%REFINE_MAX_FORM_CONTENT_SIZE% if not "%REFINE_PORT%" == "" goto gotPort set REFINE_PORT=3333 :gotPort set OPTS=%OPTS% -Drefine.port=%REFINE_PORT% if not "%REFINE_HOST%" == "" goto gotHost set REFINE_HOST= :gotHost set OPTS=%OPTS% if not "%REFINE_WEBAPP%" == "" goto gotWebApp set REFINE_WEBAPP=main\webapp :gotWebApp set OPTS=%OPTS% -Drefine.webapp=%REFINE_WEBAPP% if not "%REFINE_CLASSES_DIR%" == "" goto gotClassesDir set REFINE_CLASSES_DIR=server\classes :gotClassesDir if not "%REFINE_LIB_DIR%" == "" goto gotLibDir set REFINE_LIB_DIR=server\target\lib :gotLibDir rem ----- Respond to the action ---------------------------------------------------------- set ACTION=%1 setlocal %@Try% if ""%ACTION%"" == ""build"" goto doMvn if ""%ACTION%"" == ""server_test"" goto doMvn if ""%ACTION%"" == ""extensions_test"" goto doMvn if ""%ACTION%"" == ""test"" goto doMvn if ""%ACTION%"" == ""clean"" goto doMvn if ""%ACTION%"" == ""distclean"" goto doMvn if ""%ACTION%"" == ""run"" goto doRun if ""%ACTION%"" == """" goto doRun %@EndTry% :@Catch echo Unknown Refine command called "%1", type "refine /?" for proper usage. exit /B 1 :@EndCatch :doRun rem --- Log for troubleshooting ------------------------------------------ echo Getting Java Version... java -version 2^>^&1 echo.===================================================== for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('java -version 2^>^&1 ^| find "version"') do (set JVERSION=%%a) echo Getting Free Ram... wmic os get FreePhysicalMemory for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=*" %%i in (`wmic os get FreePhysicalMemory ^| findstr /r /v "^$"`) do @set /A freeRam=%%i/1024 ( echo ----------------------- echo PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE = %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% echo JAVA_HOME = %JAVA_HOME% echo java -version = %JVERSION% echo freeRam = %freeRam%M echo REFINE_MEMORY = %REFINE_MEMORY% echo ----------------------- ) > support.log set CLASSPATH="%REFINE_CLASSES_DIR%;%REFINE_LIB_DIR%\*" "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" -cp %CLASSPATH% %OPTS% -Djava.library.path=%REFINE_LIB_DIR%/native/windows goto end :doMvn if not "%MAVEN_HOME%" == "" goto gotMvnHome echo You must have Apache Maven installed and the MAVEN_HOME environment variable to point to it. echo. echo You can download it from echo. echo echo echo The environment variable MAVEN_HOME should not include the final "bin" directory, such as: echo echo C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache\Maven echo. echo If you don't know how to set environment variables, follow the instructions at echo. echo echo. :gotMvnHome set MVN_ACTION=""%ACTION%"" if ""%ACTION%"" == ""build"" set MVN_ACTION=compile test-compile dependency:build-classpath if ""%ACTION%"" == ""test"" set MVN_ACTION=test dependency:build-classpath if ""%ACTION%"" == ""server_test"" set MVN_ACTION=test -f main if ""%ACTION%"" == ""extensions_test"" set MVN_ACTION=test -f extensions call "%MAVEN_HOME%\bin\mvn.cmd" process-resources call "%MAVEN_HOME%\bin\mvn.cmd" %MVN_ACTION% goto end :end