#!/bin/bash ########################################################## # OpenRefine Control System # ########################################################## # -------------- utility functions ---------------------- fail () { cat < where [options] include: -h print this message and exit -p the port that OpenRefine will listen to default: 3333 -i the host interface OpenRefine should bind to default: -w path to the webapp default: main/webapp -d path to the data directory default: OS dependent -m max memory heap size to use default: 1024M -k a server API key for calling Google APIs -v verbosity level [from low to high: error,warn,info,debug,trace] default: info -x additional configuration parameters to pass to OpenRefine default: [none] --debug enable JVM debugging (on port 8000) --jmx enable JMX monitoring (for jconsole and jvisualvm) and is one of build ............................... Build OpenRefine run ................................. Run OpenRefine [default] test ................................ Run all OpenRefine tests server_test ......................... Run only the server tests ui_test ............................. Run only the UI tests extensions_test ..................... Run only the extensions tests broker .............................. Run OpenRefine Broker broker_appengine_run ..... Run OpenRefine Broker for Google App Engine in local server broker_appengine_upload .. Upload OpenRefine to Google App Engine findbugs ............................ Run Findbugs against OpenRefine pmd ................................. Run PMD against OpenRefine cpd ................................. Run Copy/Paste Detection against OpenRefine jslint .............................. Run JSlint against OpenRefine whitespace .............. Normalize whitespace in files with the given extension mac_dist .................. Make MacOSX binary distribution windows_dist .............. Make Windows binary distribution linux_dist ................ Make Linux binary distribution dist ...................... Make all distributions clean ............................... Clean compiled classes distclean ........................... Remove all generated files EOF exit 1 } add_option() { OPTS="$OPTS $1" } load_configs() { TEMP_CONFIG=$(mktemp -t refine.XXXXXXX) if [ "${TEMP_CONFIG}" = "" ] ; then error "Could not create temporary file to load configurations" fi cat $1 | egrep "^[A-Z]" | sed 's/^\(.*\)$/export \1/' > ${TEMP_CONFIG} . ${TEMP_CONFIG} rm ${TEMP_CONFIG} } check_macosx() { if [ "$OS" != "macosx" ] ; then error "This action can only run on MacOSX" fi } check_downloaders() { CURL="`which curl 2> /dev/null`" WGET="`which wget 2> /dev/null`" if [ -z "$CURL" ] && [ -z "$WGET" ] ; then error "We need either 'curl' or 'wget' present in PATH to download external dependencies." fi } check_unzip() { UNZIP="`which unzip 2> /dev/null`" if [ -z "$UNZIP" ] ; then error "We need 'unzip' present in PATH to expand external dependencies." fi } check_python() { PYTHON="`which python 2> /dev/null`" if [ -z "$PYTHON" ] ; then error "This action requires you to have 'python' installed and present in your PATH. You can download it for free at http://www.python.org/" fi PYTHON_VERSION="`$PYTHON --version 2>&1 | cut -f 2 -d ' ' | cut -f 1,2 -d .`" if [ "$PYTHON_VERSION" != "2.6" ] && [ "$PYTHON_VERSION" != "2.7" ]; then error "This action requires Python version 2.6.x. or 2.7.x. You can download it for free at http://www.python.org/" fi } check_pywin32() { PYWIN32="`$PYTHON -c 'import win32api' 2>&1`" if [ ! -z "$PYWIN32" ] ; then error "This action requires you to have 'pywin32' windows extensions for Python installed on your machine. You can download it for free at http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/" fi } check_running() { check_downloaders URL="http://${REFINE_HOST}:${REFINE_PORT}/" CHECK_STR="OpenRefine" if [ "$CURL" ] ; then curl -s -S -f $URL > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" = "7" ] || [ "$?" = "22" ] ; then NOT_RUNNING="1" fi elif [ "$WGET" ] ; then wget -O - $URL > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" = "4" ] ; then NOT_RUNNING="1" fi fi if [ -z "${NOT_RUNNING}" ] ; then if [ "$CURL" ] ; then RUNNING=`curl -s $URL | grep "$CHECK_STR"` elif [ "$WGET" ] ; then RUNNING=`wget -q -O - $URL | grep "$CHECK_STR"` fi if [ -z "${RUNNING}" ] ; then error "Something is already running on $URL but doesn't seem to be OpenRefine. Maybe a proxy issue?" fi else RUNNING="" fi } get_version() { VERSION="$1" if [ -z "$VERSION" ] ; then fail "Must specify a version number" fi NUM_VERSION=`echo $VERSION | sed -E 's/-.*//g'` if [ "${NUM_VERSION}" = "" ] ; then fail "${VERSION} is not a valid version number" fi if [ "`echo "${NUM_VERSION}" | egrep '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$'`" = "${NUM_VERSION}" ] ; then FULL_VERSION="${NUM_VERSION}" elif [ "`echo "${NUM_VERSION}" | egrep '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$'`" = "${NUM_VERSION}" ] ; then FULL_VERSION="${NUM_VERSION}.0" elif [ "`echo "${NUM_VERSION}" | egrep ''^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$''`" = "${NUM_VERSION}" ] ; then FULL_VERSION="${NUM_VERSION}.0.0" elif [ "`echo "${NUM_VERSION}" | egrep '^[0-9]+$'`" = "${NUM_VERSION}" ] ; then FULL_VERSION="${NUM_VERSION}.0.0.0" else fail "${VERSION} is not a valid version number" fi } get_revision() { if [ -d ".svn" ] ; then INFO=`svn info` REVISION=`echo $INFO | sed s/^$VERSION-//` elif [ -d ".git" ] ; then INFO=`git describe` REVISION=`echo $INFO` REVISION=${REVISION:4} else error "cannot obtain revision, exiting!" fi } download() { URL=$1 DEST=$2 check_downloaders if [ "$CURL" ] ; then curl -L -o $DEST $URL || exit "Error while downloading $URL" elif [ "$WGET" ] ; then wget -O $DEST $URL || error "Error while downloading $URL" fi } tool_download() { URL=$1 FILE=$2 DIR=$3 cd $REFINE_TOOLS_DIR if [ ! -f "$FILE" ] ; then download $URL $FILE fi if [ ! -d "$DIR" ] ; then if [ -z "`echo $FILE | sed 's@.*.tar.gz$@@' | sed 's@.*.tgz$@@'`" ] ; then tar xzf $FILE || error "Error while expanding $FILE" fi if [ -z "`echo $FILE | sed 's@.*.zip$@@'`" ] ; then check_unzip $UNZIP -q $FILE || error "Error while expanding $FILE" fi fi cd .. } load_data() { FILE=$1 NAME=$2 URL="http://${REFINE_HOST}:${REFINE_PORT}/command/core/create-project-from-upload" CURL="`which curl 2> /dev/null`" if [ -z "$CURL" ] ; then error "We need 'curl' present in PATH to upload data to OpenRefine." else curl -s -F "project-file=@$FILE" -F "project-name=$NAME" $URL > /dev/null || error "Error while uploading $FILE to OpenRefine" echo "Loaded $FILE as $NAME" fi } display() { FILE=$1 if [ "$OS" = "macosx" ] ; then open $FILE elif [ "$OS" = "linux" ] ; then gnome-open $FILE else notepad $FILE fi } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- build_prepare() { if [ ! -d $REFINE_BUILD_DIR ] ; then mkdir $REFINE_BUILD_DIR || error "Error while making directory $REFINE_BUILD_DIR" fi } dist_prepare() { if [ ! -d $REFINE_DIST_DIR ] ; then mkdir $REFINE_DIST_DIR || error "Error while making directory $REFINE_DIST_DIR" fi } tools_prepare() { if [ ! -d $REFINE_TOOLS_DIR ] ; then mkdir $REFINE_TOOLS_DIR || error "Error while making directory $REFINE_TOOLS_DIR" fi } mvn_prepare() { tools_prepare MVN_VERSION="3.2.2" MVN_URL="https://archive.apache.org/dist/maven/binaries/apache-maven-${MVN_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz" MVN_FILE=`echo $MVN_URL | sed 's|.*/||'` MVN_DIR="apache-maven-${MVN_VERSION}" MVN="`which mvn 2> /dev/null`" if [ -z "$MVN" ] ; then if [ -z "$MVN_HOME" ] ; then cd $REFINE_TOOLS_DIR if [ ! -f "$MVN_FILE" ] ; then download $MVN_URL $MVN_FILE fi if [ ! -d "$MVN_DIR" ] ; then tar xzf $MVN_FILE -C . || error "Error while expanding $MVN_FILE" fi export MVN_HOME="`pwd`/$MVN_DIR" if [ "$OS" = "windows" ] ; then export MVN_HOME=`cygpath --unix "$MVN_HOME"` fi cd .. fi MVN="$MVN_HOME/bin/mvn" fi } classpath_prepare() { mvn_prepare $MVN -pl server dependency:build-classpath } appengine_prepare() { if [ -z "$APPENGINE_HOME" ] ; then error "You have to have the APPENGINE_HOME environment variable set and pointing to the local installation of the Google AppEngine SDK." elif [ ! -f "$APPENGINE_HOME/bin/appcfg.sh" ] ; then error "Environment variable APPENGINE_HOME is set to '$APPENGINE_HOME' which doesn't point to a valid Google App Engine SDK." fi APPENGINE="$APPENGINE_HOME/bin/appcfg.sh" APPENGINE_LOCAL="$APPENGINE_HOME/bin/dev_appserver.sh" ANT_PARAMS="$ANT_PARAMS -Dappengine.sdk.dir=$APPENGINE_HOME" } launch4j_prepare() { tools_prepare L4J_VERSION="3.8" if [ "$OS" = "macosx" ] ; then LAUNCH4J_URL="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/launch4j/launch4j-3/${L4J_VERSION}/launch4j-${L4J_VERSION}-macosx-x86-10.8.tgz" elif [ "$OS" = "windows" ] ; then LAUNCH4J_URL="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/launch4j/launch4j-3/${L4J_VERSION}/launch4j-${L4J_VERSION}-win32.zip" elif [ "$OS" = "linux" ] ; then LAUNCH4J_URL="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/launch4j/launch4j-3/${L4J_VERSION}/launch4j-${L4J_VERSION}-linux.tgz" fi LAUNCH4J_FILE=`echo $LAUNCH4J_URL | sed 's|.*/||'` LAUNCH4J_DIR="launch4j" tool_download $LAUNCH4J_URL $LAUNCH4J_FILE $LAUNCH4J_DIR } appbundler_prepare() { tools_prepare cp "$REFINE_TOOLS_DIR/../3rd-party/appbundler-1.0.jar" "$REFINE_TOOLS_DIR" # APPBUNDLER_URL="http://java.net/projects/appbundler/downloads/download/appbundler-1.0.jar" # APPBUNDLER_DIR="." # APPBUNDLER_FILE=`echo $APPBUNDLER_URL | sed 's|.*/||'` # tool_download $APPBUNDLER_URL $APPBUNDLER_FILE $APPBUNDLER_DIR } virtualenv_prepare() { check_python VIRTUALENV_DIR="virtualenv-1.9.1" VIRTUALENV_FILE="${VIRTUALENV_DIR}.tar.gz" VIRTUALENV_URL="http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/v/virtualenv/${VIRTUALENV_FILE}" tool_download $VIRTUALENV_URL $VIRTUALENV_FILE $VIRTUALENV_DIR PYTHON_LOCAL="$REFINE_TOOLS_DIR/python" if [ "$OS" = "windows" ] ; then PYTHON_LOCAL="${PYTHON_LOCAL}_win" fi if [ ! -d "$PYTHON_LOCAL" ] ; then $PYTHON $REFINE_TOOLS_DIR/$VIRTUALENV_DIR/virtualenv.py $PYTHON_LOCAL fi PYTHON_HOME="`pwd`/$PYTHON_LOCAL" if [ "$OS" = "windows" ] ; then PYTHON="$PYTHON_HOME/Scripts/python.exe" PYTHON_INSTALL="$PYTHON_HOME/Scripts/easy_install.exe" else PYTHON="$PYTHON_HOME/bin/python" PYTHON_INSTALL="$PYTHON_HOME/bin/easy_install" fi } windmill_prepare() { WINDMILL="`which windmill 2> /dev/null`" if [ -z "$WINDMILL" ] ; then check_python tools_prepare virtualenv_prepare if [ "$OS" = "windows" ] ; then check_pywin32 WINDMILL="$PYTHON_HOME/Scripts/windmill.exe" else WINDMILL="$PYTHON_HOME/bin/windmill" fi if [ ! -f "$WINDMILL" ] ; then "$PYTHON_INSTALL" windmill fi fi } findbugs_prepare() { tools_prepare FB_VERSION="2.0.2" FINDBUGS_URL="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/findbugs/findbugs/${FB_VERSION}/findbugs-${FB_VERSION}.tar.gz" FINDBUGS_FILE=`echo $FINDBUGS_URL | sed 's|.*/||'` FINDBUGS_DIR="findbugs-${FB_VERSION}" tool_download $FINDBUGS_URL $FINDBUGS_FILE $FINDBUGS_DIR } pmd_prepare() { tools_prepare PMD_VERSION="4.2.6" PMD_URL="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/pmd/pmd/${PMD_VERSION}/pmd-bin-${PMD_VERSION}.zip" PMD_FILE=`echo $PMD_URL | sed 's|.*/||'` PMD_DIR="pmd-bin-${PMD_VERSION}" tool_download $PMD_URL $PMD_FILE $PMD_DIR } jslint_prepare() { tools_prepare JSLINT_VERSION="2.0.3" JSLINT_URL="http://jslint4java.googlecode.com/files/jslint4java-${JSLINT_VERSION}-dist.zip" JSLINT_FILE=`echo $JSLINT_URL | sed 's|.*/||'` JSLINT_DIR="jslint4java-${JSLINT_VERSION}" tool_download $JSLINT_URL $JSLINT_FILE $JSLINT_DIR } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mvn() { mvn_prepare "$MVN" $MVN_PARAMS -Dversion="$VERSION" -Dfull_version="$FULL_VERSION" $1 || error "Error while running maven task '$1'" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dist() { windows_dist $1 linux_dist $1 mac_dist $1 echo "All distributions were built and are located at $REFINE_DIST_DIR" echo echo "Upload them to the distibution site, then prepend the releases array at" echo echo " https://github.com/OpenRefine/OpenRefine/tree/gh-pages/javascript/releases.js" echo echo "with" echo echo " {" echo " \"description\": \"OpenRefine ${VERSION}\"," echo " \"version\": \"${VERSION}\"," # TODO: We need to modify version checking for the future echo " \"revision\": \"${REVISION}\"" echo " }," echo } windows_dist() { dist_prepare get_version $1 get_revision launch4j_prepare MVN_PARAMS="-Dlaunch4j.dir=${REFINE_TOOLS_DIR}/${LAUNCH4J_DIR}" # TODO update this for Maven mvn windows } linux_dist() { dist_prepare get_version $1 get_revision # TODO update this for Maven mvn linux } mac_dist() { # TODO update this for Maven, maybe with https://github.com/federkasten/appbundle-maven-plugin ? check_macosx dist_prepare get_version $1 get_revision appbundler_prepare ANT_PARAMS="-Dappbundler.dir=${REFINE_TOOLS_DIR}/${APPBUNDLER_DIR}" ant mac mkdir -p "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR/mac/.background" cp graphics/dmg_background/dmg_background.png "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR/mac/.background/dmg_background.png" SIZE=350 if [ -f "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR/temp_refine.dmg" ] ; then rm "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR/temp_refine.dmg" fi # Sign the bundle with a self-signed cert so OS X doesn't frustrate users by making app invisible codesign --deep -s "OpenRefine Code Signing" "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR/mac/OpenRefine.app" spctl --assess --type execute --verbose=4 "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR/mac/OpenRefine.app" TITLE="OpenRefine $VERSION" echo "Building MacOSX DMG for $TITLE" hdiutil create -srcfolder "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR/mac" -volname "$TITLE" -fs HFS+ -fsargs "-c c=64,a=16,e=16" -format UDRW -size ${SIZE}m "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR/temp_refine.dmg" || error "can't create empty DMG" DEVICE=`hdiutil attach -readwrite -noverify -noautoopen "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR/temp_refine.dmg" | egrep '^/dev/' | sed -e "s/^\/dev\///g" -e 1q | awk '{print $1}'` echo $DEVICE hdiutil attach "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR/temp_refine.dmg" || error "Can't attach temp DMG" echo ' tell application "Finder" tell disk "'$TITLE'" open set current view of container window to icon view set toolbar visible of container window to false set statusbar visible of container window to false set the bounds of container window to {200, 100, 760, 460} set theViewOptions to the icon view options of container window set arrangement of theViewOptions to not arranged set icon size of theViewOptions to 100 set background picture of theViewOptions to file ".background:dmg_background.png" make new alias file at container window to POSIX file "/Applications" with properties {name:"Applications"} set position of item "OpenRefine" of container window to {170, 175} set position of item "Applications" of container window to {380, 175} close open update without registering applications delay 5 eject end tell end tell ' | osascript || error "Error running applescript" sync sync sleep 3 hdiutil detach $DEVICE if [ -f "$REFINE_DIST_DIR/openrefine-mac-$VERSION.dmg" ] ; then rm "$REFINE_DIST_DIR/openrefine-mac-$VERSION.dmg" fi hdiutil convert "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR/temp_refine.dmg" -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o "$REFINE_DIST_DIR/openrefine-mac-$VERSION.dmg" || error "Error compressing DMG" hdiutil internet-enable -yes "$REFINE_DIST_DIR/openrefine-mac-$VERSION.dmg" || error "Error internet-enabling DMG" rm -f "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR/temp_refine.dmg" } test() { mvn test } ui_test() { INTERACTIVE=$1 windmill_prepare REFINE_DATA_DIR="${TMPDIR:=/tmp}/openrefine-tests" add_option "-Drefine.headless=true" run fork echo "Waiting for OpenRefine to load..." sleep 5 check_running if [ -z "$RUNNING" ] ; then sleep 10 fi echo "... proceed with the tests." echo "" load_data "$REFINE_TEST_DIR/data/food.csv" "Food" sleep 3 echo "" echo "Starting Windmill..." if [ -z "$INTERACTIVE" ] ; then "$WINDMILL" firefox firebug loglevel=WARN http://${REFINE_HOST}:${REFINE_PORT}/ jsdir=$REFINE_TEST_DIR/client/src exit else "$WINDMILL" firefox firebug loglevel=WARN http://${REFINE_HOST}:${REFINE_PORT}/ fi echo "" echo "Killing OpenRefine" /bin/kill -9 $REFINE_PID echo "Cleaning up" rm -rf $REFINE_DATA_DIR } server_test() { mvn test -pl main } extensions_test() { mvn test -pl extensions } run() { FORK=$1 check_running if [ "$RUNNING" ] ; then warn "OpenRefine is already running." fi if [ ! -d $REFINE_CLASSES_DIR ] ; then IS_JAR=`ls $REFINE_LIB_DIR | grep openrefine` if [ -z "$IS_JAR" ] ; then mvn compile dependency:build-classpath echo "" fi fi if [ -d $REFINE_CLASSES_DIR ] ; then add_option "-Drefine.autoreload=true -Dbutterfly.autoreload=true" fi if [ "$OS" = "macosx" ] ; then add_option '-Xdock:icon=graphics/icon/openrefine.icns' fi if [ "$REFINE_DATA_DIR" ] ; then add_option "-Drefine.data_dir=$REFINE_DATA_DIR" fi if [ "$REFINE_WEBAPP" ] ; then add_option "-Drefine.webapp=$REFINE_WEBAPP" fi if [ "$REFINE_PORT" ] ; then add_option "-Drefine.port=$REFINE_PORT" fi if [ "$REFINE_HOST" ] ; then add_option "-Drefine.host=$REFINE_HOST" fi if [ "$REFINE_GOOGLE_API_KEY" ] ; then add_option "-Drefine.google_api_key=$REFINE_GOOGLE_API_KEY" fi if [ "$REFINE_AUTOSAVE_PERIOD" ] ; then add_option "-Drefine.autosave=$REFINE_AUTOSAVE_PERIOD" fi LIB_PATHS=`cat server/classpath.txt` CLASSPATH="$REFINE_CLASSES_DIR${SEP}$LIB_PATHS" RUN_CMD="$JAVA -cp $CLASSPATH $OPTS com.google.refine.Refine" echo "$RUN_CMD" echo "" echo "Starting OpenRefine at 'http://${REFINE_HOST}:${REFINE_PORT}/'" echo "" if [ -z "$FORK" ] ; then exec $RUN_CMD else $RUN_CMD & REFINE_PID="$!" fi } broker_build() { build_prepare get_revision # TODO migrate to Maven mvn prepare_broker } broker_run() { FORK=$1 if [ ! -d "broker/core/WEB-INF/lib" ] ; then broker_build echo "" fi if [ -d $REFINE_CLASSES_DIR ] ; then add_option "-Drefine.autoreload=true -Dbutterfly.autoreload=true" add_option "-Drefine.development=true" fi add_option "-Drefine.webapp=broker/core" add_option "-Drefine.headless=true" add_option "-Drefine.port=$REFINE_PORT" add_option "-Drefine.host=" LIB_PATHS=`cat server/classpath.txt` CLASSPATH="$REFINE_CLASSES_DIR${SEP}$LIB_PATHS" RUN_CMD="$JAVA -cp $CLASSPATH $OPTS com.google.refine.Refine" #echo "$RUN_CMD" #echo "" echo "Starting OpenRefine Broker at 'http://${REFINE_HOST}:${REFINE_PORT}/'" echo "" if [ -z "$FORK" ] ; then exec $RUN_CMD else $RUN_CMD & REFINE_PID="$!" fi } broker_appengine_build() { appengine_prepare get_revision MVN_PARAMS="-Dappengine.sdk.dir=${APPENGINE_HOME}" if [ "$1" ] ; then MVN_PARAMS="$MVN_PARAMS -Dappengine.app_id=$1" fi if [ "$2" ] ; then MVN_PARAMS="$MVN_PARAMS -Dappengine.version=$2" fi # TODO migrate this to Maven mvn prepare_broker_appengine } broker_appengine_upload() { broker_appengine_build $1 $2 "$APPENGINE" update "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR/broker/appengine" } broker_appengine_run() { broker_appengine_build $1 $2 "$APPENGINE_LOCAL" "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR/broker/appengine" } findbugs() { findbugs_prepare MVN_PARAMS="-Dfindbugs.dir=${REFINE_TOOLS_DIR}/${FINDBUGS_DIR}" ant findbugs display "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR/reports/findbugs.html" } pmd() { pmd_prepare ANT_PARAMS="-Dpmd.dir=${REFINE_TOOLS_DIR}/${PMD_DIR}" ant pmd display "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR/reports/pmd.html" } cpd() { pmd_prepare ANT_PARAMS="-Dpmd.dir=${REFINE_TOOLS_DIR}/${PMD_DIR}" ant cpd display "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR/reports/cpd.txt" } jslint() { jslint_prepare ANT_PARAMS="-Djslint.dir=${REFINE_TOOLS_DIR}/${JSLINT_DIR}" ant jslint display "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR/reports/jslint.txt" } whitespace() { [ $# -gt 0 ] || usage for i in `find . -name *.$1`; do # expand tabs to spaces expand -t 4 < $i > $i.1 # convert DOS to UNIX newlines tr -d '\r' < $i.1 > $i.2 rm $i $i.1 mv $i.2 $i done } checkJavaMajorVersion() { java_ver=$("$JAVA" -version 2>&1 | grep version | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | tr -d \") # Java 6, 7, 8 starts with 1.x if [ ${java_ver:0:2} == "1." ] ; then major=`echo ${java_ver} | sed -E 's/1\.([0-9])[0-9_.]{2,6}/\1/g'` else # Java 9+ starts with x using semver versioning major=`echo ${java_ver} | sed -E 's/([0-9]+)(-ea|(\.[0-9]+)*)/\1/g'` fi if (( ${major} < 7 )); then error "OpenRefine requires Java version 7 or later. If you have multiple versions of Java installed, please set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to the correct version." fi if (( ${major} > 9 )); then echo "WARNING: OpenRefine is not tested and not recommended for use with Java versions greater than 9." fi } # -------------------------- script ----------------------------- # ----- Normalize the current directory ------------------------- cd `dirname $0` # ----- Default values ------------------------------------------ OPTS="" # ---- OS-specific support -------------------------------------- SYSTEM=`uname` case "$SYSTEM" in CYGWIN*) OS="windows" ;; Darwin*) OS="macosx" ;; Linux*) OS="linux" ;; *) OS="other" ;; esac SEP=":" if [ "$OS" = "windows" ] ; then SEP=";" fi # ----- Load configurations ------------------------------------- load_configs refine.ini # ----- Make sure there is an appropriate java environment is available ------------- if [ "$OS" = "macosx" ] ; then if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then # We need want recent Java because we're bundling JRE - may want to warn and force developer to set JAVA_HOME # The /usr/libexec/java_home utility may be tied to the Java prefs app, so could go away when Apple removes it export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home) fi fi if [ "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then JAVA="$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" else JAVA="`which java 2> /dev/null`" fi if [ ! -x "$JAVA" ] ; then error "Could not find the 'java' executable at '$JAVA', are you sure your JAVA_HOME environment variable is pointing to a proper java installation?" fi checkJavaMajorVersion # ----- Parse the command line args ------------------------------------------ while [ $# -ne 0 ] ; do case "$1" in -h) usage;; -p) shift; REFINE_PORT="$1"; shift; continue;; -i) shift; REFINE_HOST="$1"; shift; continue;; -w) shift; REFINE_WEBAPP="$1"; shift; continue;; -d) shift; REFINE_DATA_DIR="$1"; shift; continue;; -m) shift; REFINE_MEMORY="$1"; shift; continue;; -k) shift; REFINE_GOOGLE_API_KEY="$1"; shift; continue;; -v) shift; REFINE_VERBOSITY="$1"; shift; continue;; -x) shift; REFINE_EXTRA_OPTS="$1"; shift; continue;; --debug) shift; add_option '-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n'; continue;; --jmx) shift; add_option '-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote'; continue;; -*) fail "Invalid option: $1";; *) break;; esac done if [ $# -ne 0 ] ; then ACTION=$1; shift fi if [ -z "$ACTION" ] ; then ACTION="run" fi # ----- Verify and Set Required Environment Variables ------------------------- if [ -z "$JAVA_OPTIONS" ] ; then JAVA_OPTIONS="" fi add_option "$JAVA_OPTIONS" if [ -z "$REFINE_MEMORY" ] ; then REFINE_MEMORY="1024M" fi if [ -z "$REFINE_MIN_MEMORY" ] ; then REFINE_MIN_MEMORY="256M" fi add_option "-Xms$REFINE_MIN_MEMORY -Xmx$REFINE_MEMORY -Drefine.memory=$REFINE_MEMORY" freeRam=UNKNOWN if [ "$OS" = "macosx" ] ; then freeRam=$(top -l 1 | grep PhysMem | awk '{print $6}' | tr -d M) elif [ "$OS" = "linux" ] ; then freeRam=$(free -m | grep -oP '\d+' | head -n 1) fi echo You have "$freeRam"M of free memory. echo Your current configuration is set to use $REFINE_MEMORY of memory. echo OpenRefine can run better when given more memory. Read our FAQ on how to allocate more memory here: echo https://github.com/OpenRefine/OpenRefine/wiki/FAQ:-Allocate-More-Memory if [ -z "$REFINE_MAX_FORM_CONTENT_SIZE" ] ; then REFINE_MAX_FORM_CONTENT_SIZE="1048576" fi add_option "-Drefine.max_form_content_size=$REFINE_MAX_FORM_CONTENT_SIZE" if [ -z "$REFINE_PORT" ] ; then REFINE_PORT="3333" fi if [ -z "$REFINE_HOST" ] ; then REFINE_HOST="" fi if [ -z "$REFINE_WEBAPP" ] ; then REFINE_WEBAPP="main/webapp" fi if [ -z "$REFINE_TEST_DIR" ] ; then REFINE_TEST_DIR="main/tests" fi if [ -z "$REFINE_CLASSES_DIR" ] ; then REFINE_CLASSES_DIR="server/classes" fi if [ -z "$REFINE_LIB_DIR" ] ; then REFINE_LIB_DIR="server/lib" fi if [ -z "$REFINE_BUILD_DIR" ] ; then REFINE_BUILD_DIR="build" fi if [ -z "$REFINE_TOOLS_DIR" ] ; then REFINE_TOOLS_DIR="tools" fi if [ -z "$REFINE_DIST_DIR" ] ; then REFINE_DIST_DIR="dist" fi if [ -z "$REFINE_VERBOSITY" ] ; then REFINE_VERBOSITY="info" fi add_option "-Drefine.verbosity=$REFINE_VERBOSITY" if [ ! -z "$REFINE_EXTRA_OPTS" ] ; then add_option "-D$REFINE_EXTRA_OPTS" fi if [ -z "$JYTHONPATH" ] ; then JYTHONPATH="$REFINE_WEBAPP/WEB-INF/lib/jython" else JYTHONPATH="$REFINE_WEBAPP/WEB-INF/lib/jython${SEP}$JYTHONPATH" fi add_option "-Dpython.path=$JYTHONPATH" add_option "-Dpython.cachedir=$HOME/.local/share/google/refine/cachedir" # ----- Respond to the action given -------------------------------------------- case "$ACTION" in build) build_prepare; mvn compile;; clean) mvn clean;; whitespace) whitespace $1;; distclean) mvn distclean;; test) test $1;; tests) test $1;; ui_test) ui_test $1;; ui_tests) ui_test $1;; server_test) server_test $1;; server_tests) server_test $1;; extensions_test) extensions_test $1;; extensions_tests) extensions_test $1;; findbugs) findbugs;; pmd) pmd;; cpd) cpd;; jslint) jslint;; run) run;; broker) broker_run;; broker_appengine_run) broker_appengine_run $1 $2;; broker_appengine_upload) broker_appengine_upload $1 $2;; mac_dist) mac_dist $1;; windows_dist) windows_dist $1;; linux_dist) linux_dist $1;; dist) dist $1;; *) usage; ;; esac # ----------- end of file --------------------