var SchemaAlignment = {}; SchemaAlignment.autoAlign = function() { var protograph = {}; var columns = theProject.columnModel.columns; var typedCandidates = []; var candidates = []; for (var c = 0; c < columns.length; c++) { var column = columns[c]; var typed = "reconConfig" in column && column.reconConfig != null; var candidate = { status: "unbound", typed: typed, index: c, column: column }; candidates.push(candidate); if (typed) { typedCandidates.push(candidate); } } if (typedCandidates.length > 0) { } else { var queries = {}; for (var i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { var candidate = candidates[i]; var name = SchemaAlignment._cleanName(candidate.column.headerLabel); var key = "t" + i + ":search"; queries[key] = { "query" : name, "limit" : 10, "type" : "/type/type,/type/property", "type_strict" : "any" }; } SchemaAlignment._batchSearch(queries, function(result) { console.log(result); }); } }; SchemaAlignment._batchSearch = function(queries, onDone) { var keys = []; for (var n in queries) { if (queries.hasOwnProperty(n)) { keys.push(n); } } var result = {}; var args = []; var makeBatch = function(keyBatch) { var batch = {}; for (var k = 0; k < keyBatch.length; k++) { var key = keyBatch[k]; batch[key] = queries[key]; } args.push("" + $.param({ "queries" : JSON.stringify(batch) }) + "&callback=?"); args.push(null); // no data args.push(function(data) { for (var k = 0; k < keyBatch.length; k++) { var key = keyBatch[k]; result[key] = data[key]; } }); }; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i += 10) { makeBatch(keys.slice(i, i + 10)); } args.push(function() { onDone(result); }) Ajax.chainGetJSON.apply(null, args); }; SchemaAlignment._cleanName = function(s) { return s.replace(/\W/g, " ").replace(/\s+/g, " ").toLowerCase(); } function SchemaAlignmentDialog(protograph, onDone) { this._onDone = onDone; this._originalProtograph = protograph; this._protograph = cloneDeep(protograph); // this is what can be munched on this._nodeUIs = []; this._createDialog(); }; SchemaAlignmentDialog.prototype._createDialog = function() { var self = this; var frame = DialogSystem.createDialog(); frame.width("1000px"); var header = $('
').addClass("dialog-header").text("Schema Alignment").appendTo(frame); var body = $('
').addClass("dialog-body").appendTo(frame); var footer = $('
').addClass("dialog-footer").appendTo(frame); this._renderFooter(footer); this._renderBody(body); this._level = DialogSystem.showDialog(frame); }; SchemaAlignmentDialog.prototype._renderFooter = function(footer) { var self = this; $('').html("  OK  ").click(function() { var protograph = self.getJSON(); $.post( "/command/save-protograph?" + $.param({ project: }), { protograph: JSON.stringify(protograph) }, function(data) { if (data.code == "error") { alert("Failed to save protograph"); return; } else if (data.code == "ok") { ui.historyWidget.update(); } else { ui.processWidget.update(); } DialogSystem.dismissUntil(self._level - 1); self._onDone(prototgraph); }, "json" ); }).appendTo(footer); $('').text("Cancel").click(function() { DialogSystem.dismissUntil(self._level - 1); }).appendTo(footer); }; SchemaAlignmentDialog.prototype._renderBody = function(body) { var self = this; this._canvas = $('
').addClass("schema-alignment-dialog-canvas").appendTo(body); this._nodeTable = $('
').addClass("schema-alignment-table-layout").appendTo(this._canvas)[0]; for (var i = 0; i < this._originalProtograph.rootNodes.length; i++) { this._nodeUIs.push(new SchemaAlignmentDialog.UINode( this._protograph.rootNodes[i], this._nodeTable, { expanded: true, mustBeCellTopic: true } )); } }; SchemaAlignmentDialog.prototype.getJSON = function() { var rootNodes = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._nodeUIs.length; i++) { var node = this._nodeUIs[i].getJSON(); if (node != null) { rootNodes.push(node); } } return { rootNodes: rootNodes }; }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- * UINode *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ SchemaAlignmentDialog.UINode = function(node, table, options) { this._node = node; this._options = options; this._linkUIs = []; this._detailsRendered = false; this._tr = table.insertRow(table.rows.length); this._tdMain = this._tr.insertCell(0); this._tdToggle = this._tr.insertCell(1); this._tdDetails = this._tr.insertCell(2); $(this._tdMain).addClass("schema-alignment-node-main").attr("width", "250").addClass("padded"); $(this._tdToggle).addClass("schema-alignment-node-toggle").attr("width", "1%").addClass("padded").hide(); $(this._tdDetails).addClass("schema-alignment-node-details").attr("width", "90%").hide(); this._renderMain(); this._expanded = options.expanded; if (this._isExpandable()) { this._showExpandable(); } }; SchemaAlignmentDialog.UINode.prototype._isExpandable = function() { return this._node.nodeType == "cell-as-topic"; }; SchemaAlignmentDialog._findColumn = function(cellIndex) { var columns = theProject.columnModel.columns; for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { var column = columns[i]; if (column.cellIndex == cellIndex) { return column; } } return null; }; SchemaAlignmentDialog.UINode.prototype._renderMain = function() { $(this._tdMain).empty(); var self = this; var a = $('') .addClass("schema-alignment-node-tag") .appendTo(this._tdMain) .click(function(evt) { if (self._options.mustBeCellTopic) { self._showTagMenu(this); } else { self._showTagDialog(); } }); if (this._node.nodeType == "cell-as-topic" || this._node.nodeType == "cell-as-value" || this._node.nodeType == "cell-as-key") { if ("cellIndex" in this._node) { a.html(" cell"); $('') .text(SchemaAlignmentDialog._findColumn(this._node.cellIndex).headerLabel) .addClass("schema-alignment-node-column") .prependTo(a); } else { a.html(this._options.mustBeCellTopic ? "Which column?" : "Configure..."); } } else if (this._node.nodeType == "topic") { if ("topic" in this._node) { a.html(; } else if ("id" in this._node) { a.html(; } else { a.html("Which topic?"); } } else if (this._node.nodeType == "value") { if ("value" in this._node) { a.html(this._node.value); } else { a.html("What value?"); } } else if (this._node.nodeType == "anonymous") { a.html("(anonymous)"); } $('').attr("src", "images/down-arrow.png").appendTo(a); }; SchemaAlignmentDialog.UINode.prototype._showExpandable = function() { $(this._tdToggle).show(); $(this._tdDetails).show(); if (this._detailsRendered) { return; } this._detailsRendered = true; this._collapsedDetailDiv = $('
').appendTo(this._tdDetails).addClass("padded").html("..."); this._expandedDetailDiv = $('
').appendTo(this._tdDetails).addClass("schema-alignment-detail-container"); this._renderDetails(); var self = this; var show = function() { if (self._expanded) { self._collapsedDetailDiv.hide();; } else {; self._expandedDetailDiv.hide(); } }; show(); $(this._tdToggle).html(" "); $('') .attr("src", this._expanded ? "images/expanded.png" : "images/collapsed.png") .appendTo(this._tdToggle) .click(function() { self._expanded = !self._expanded; $(this).attr("src", self._expanded ? "images/expanded.png" : "images/collapsed.png"); show(); }); }; SchemaAlignmentDialog.UINode.prototype._hideExpandable = function() { $(this._tdToggle).hide(); $(this._tdDetails).hide(); }; SchemaAlignmentDialog.UINode.prototype._renderDetails = function() { var self = this; this._tableLinks = $('
').addClass("schema-alignment-table-layout").appendTo(this._expandedDetailDiv)[0]; if ("links" in this._node && this._node.links != null) { for (var i = 0; i < this._node.links.length; i++) { this._linkUIs.push(new SchemaAlignmentDialog.UILink(this._node.links[i], this._tableLinks, true)); } } var divFooter = $('
').addClass("padded").appendTo(this._expandedDetailDiv); $('') .addClass("action") .text("add property") .appendTo(divFooter) .click(function() { var newLink = { property: null, target: { nodeType: "cell-as-value" } }; self._linkUIs.push(new SchemaAlignmentDialog.UILink( newLink, self._tableLinks, { expanded: true, mustBeCellTopic: false } )); }); }; SchemaAlignmentDialog.UINode.prototype._showTagMenu = function(elmt) { self = this; var menu = []; if (!this._options.mustBeCellTopic) { menu.push({ label: "Anonymous Node", click: function() { self._node.nodeType = "anonymous"; self._showExpandable(); self._renderMain(); } }); menu.push({ label: "Freebase Topic", click: function() { self._node.nodeType = "topic"; self._hideExpandable(); self._renderMain(); } }); menu.push({ label: "Value", click: function() { self._node.nodeType = "value"; self._hideExpandable(); self._renderMain(); } }); menu.push({}); // separator } var columns = theProject.columnModel.columns; var createColumnMenuItem = function(index) { menu.push({ label: columns[index].headerLabel, click: function() { self._node.nodeType = "cell-as-topic"; self._node.cellIndex = columns[index].cellIndex; self._showExpandable(); self._renderMain(); } }); }; for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { createColumnMenuItem(i); } MenuSystem.createAndShowStandardMenu(menu, elmt); }; SchemaAlignmentDialog.UINode.prototype._showTagDialog = function() { var self = this; var frame = DialogSystem.createDialog(); frame.width("800px"); var header = $('
').addClass("dialog-header").text("Protograph Node").appendTo(frame); var body = $('
').addClass("dialog-body").appendTo(frame); var footer = $('
').addClass("dialog-footer").appendTo(frame); /*-------------------------------------------------- * Body *-------------------------------------------------- */ var html = $( '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '

Set to Cell in Column

' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '

The cell\'s content will be ...

' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
name of a topic (as reconciled)
of Freebase type
create new topic if not reconciled
a literal value
of literal type
in language
a key in a namespace
in namespace
' + '
' + '
' + '

Set to Anonymous Node

' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
of Freebase type
' + '

Set to Freebase Topic

' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '

Set to Literal Value

' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
value type
' + '
' ).appendTo(body); var elmtMap = DOM.bind(html, [ "divColumns" ]); var makeColumnChoice = function(column) { var div = $('
') .addClass("schema-alignment-node-dialog-column-choice") .appendTo(elmtMap.divColumns); var radio = $('') .attr("type", "radio") .attr("value", column.cellIndex) .attr("name", "schema-align-node-dialog-column") .appendTo(div); if (column.cellIndex == self._node.cellIndex) { radio.attr("checked", "true"); } $('').text(column.headerLabel).appendTo(div); }; var columns = theProject.columnModel.columns; for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { makeColumnChoice(columns[i]); } /*-------------------------------------------------- * Footer *-------------------------------------------------- */ $('').html("  OK  ").click(function() { DialogSystem.dismissUntil(level - 1); self._onDone(self._getNewProtograph()); }).appendTo(footer); $('').text("Cancel").click(function() { DialogSystem.dismissUntil(level - 1); }).appendTo(footer); var level = DialogSystem.showDialog(frame); }; SchemaAlignmentDialog.UINode.prototype.getJSON = function() { var result = null; var getLinks = false; if (this._node.nodeType.match(/^cell-as-/)) { if (!("columnName" in this._node) || this._node.columnName == null) { return null; } if (this._node.nodeType == "cell-as-topic") { result = { nodeType: this._node.nodeType, columnName: this._node.columnName, type: "type" in this._node ? cloneNode(this._node.type) : { "id" : "/common/topic", "name" : "Topic", "cvt" : false }, createForNoReconMatch: "createForNoReconMatch" in this._node ? this._node.createForNoReconMatch : true }; getLinks = true; } else if (this._node.nodeType == "cell-as-value") { result = { nodeType: this._node.nodeType, columnName: this._node.columnName, valueType: "valueType" in this._node ? this._node.valueType : "/type/text", lang: "lang" in this._node ? this._node.lang : "/lang/en" }; } else if (this._node.nodeType == "cell-as-key") { if (!("namespace" in this._node) || this._node.namespace == null) { return null; } result = { nodeType: this._node.nodeType, columnName: this._node.columnName, type: cloneNode(this._node.namespace) }; } } else if (this._node.nodeType == "topic") { if (!("topic" in this._node) || this._node.topic == null) { return null; } result = { nodeType: this._node.nodeType, topic: cloneNode(this._node.topic) }; getLinks = true; } else if (this._node.nodeType == "value") { if (!("value" in this._node) || this._node.value == null) { return null; } result = { nodeType: this._node.nodeType, value: this._node.value, valueType: "valueType" in this._node ? this._node.valueType : "/type/text", lang: "lang" in this._node ? this._node.lang : "/lang/en" }; } else if (this._node.nodeType == "anonymous") { if (!("type" in this._node) || this._node.type == null) { return null; } result = { nodeType: this._node.nodeType, type: cloneNode(this._node.type) }; getLinks = true; } if (result == null) { return null; } if (getLinks) { var links = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._linkUIs.length; i++) { var link = this._linkUIs[i].getJSON(); if (link != null) { links.push(link); } } result.links = links; } return result; }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- * UILink *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ SchemaAlignmentDialog.UILink = function(link, table, expanded) { this._link = link; this._expanded = expanded; this._tr = table.insertRow(table.rows.length); this._tdMain = this._tr.insertCell(0); this._tdToggle = this._tr.insertCell(1); this._tdDetails = this._tr.insertCell(2); $(this._tdMain).addClass("schema-alignment-link-main").attr("width", "250").addClass("padded"); $(this._tdToggle).addClass("schema-alignment-link-toggle").attr("width", "1%").addClass("padded"); $(this._tdDetails).addClass("schema-alignment-link-details").attr("width", "90%"); this._collapsedDetailDiv = $('
').appendTo(this._tdDetails).addClass("padded").html("..."); this._expandedDetailDiv = $('
').appendTo(this._tdDetails).addClass("schema-alignment-detail-container"); var self = this; var show = function() { if (self._expanded) { self._collapsedDetailDiv.hide();; } else {; self._expandedDetailDiv.hide(); } }; show(); $(this._tdToggle).html(" "); $('') .attr("src", this._expanded ? "images/expanded.png" : "images/collapsed.png") .appendTo(this._tdToggle) .click(function() { self._expanded = !self._expanded; $(this).attr("src", self._expanded ? "images/expanded.png" : "images/collapsed.png"); show(); }); this._renderMain(); this._renderDetails(); }; SchemaAlignmentDialog.UILink.prototype._renderMain = function() { $(this._tdMain).empty() var label = != null ? : "property?"; var self = this; var a = $('') .addClass("schema-alignment-link-tag") .html(label) .appendTo(this._tdMain) .click(function(evt) { self._showTagSuggest(this); }); $('').attr("src", "images/arrow-start.png").prependTo(a); $('').attr("src", "images/arrow-end.png").appendTo(a); }; SchemaAlignmentDialog.UILink.prototype._renderDetails = function() { var tableDetails = $('
').addClass("schema-alignment-table-layout").appendTo(this._expandedDetailDiv)[0]; this._targetUI = new SchemaAlignmentDialog.UINode(, tableDetails, true); }; SchemaAlignmentDialog.UILink.prototype._showTagSuggest = function(elmt) { self = this; var fakeMenu = MenuSystem.createMenu() .width(300) .height(100) .css("background", "none") .css("border", "none"); var input = $('').appendTo(fakeMenu); var level = MenuSystem.showMenu(fakeMenu, function(){}); MenuSystem.positionMenuAboveBelow(fakeMenu, $(elmt)); input.suggest({ type : '/type/property' }).bind("fb-select", function(e, data) { = { id:, name: }; window.setTimeout(function() { MenuSystem.dismissAll(); self._renderMain(); }, 100); }); input[0].focus(); }; SchemaAlignmentDialog.UILink.prototype.getJSON = function() { if ("property" in this._link && != null && "target" in this._link && != null) { var targetJSON = this._targetUI.getJSON(); if (targetJSON != null) { return { property: cloneNode(, target: targetJSON }; } } return null; };