2011-08-02 20:57:15 +00:00
README.txt adding default code style info to eclipse projects 2010-09-27 22:11:38 +00:00
Refine with extensions.launch Launch configs for use with the grefine-all top level project 2011-06-11 23:08:48 +00:00
Refine-codetemplates.xml Code templates with standard Google Refine copyright header. 2011-08-02 20:55:36 +00:00
Refine.importorder Import order for Google Refine projects (this file can be imported, but shouldn't be needed generally if project settings are correct) 2011-08-02 20:57:15 +00:00
Refine.launch Launch configs for use with the grefine-all top level project 2011-06-11 23:08:48 +00:00
Refine.style.xml Make tab size the standard value of 8 spaces. 2011-08-02 20:54:23 +00:00

                                 Google Refine for Eclipse
  This file contains Eclipse-specific help files that can get simplify your life 
  developing Google Refine with Eclipse (http://www.eclipse.org/).
  Code Style Format Configurations (Refine.style.xml)
  This is the code formatting configurations that all Google Refine developers should follow.
  To import, open the Eclipse preferences, then follow to "Java > Code Style > Formatter"
  and click the "Import" button and load the file.  

                                           - o -                                                
   Thank you for your interest.
                                             The Google Refine Development Team