David Huynh a43b2a72c1 Made various GEL functions and the forEach control work with java.util.List and java.util.Collection in addition to just Object[].
Added field columnNames to row object.
Added 1-bounded numeric log facet.

git-svn-id: http://google-refine.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@328 7d457c2a-affb-35e4-300a-418c747d4874
2010-03-19 23:04:17 +00:00

262 lines
8.2 KiB

package com.metaweb.gridworks.model;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.JSONWriter;
import com.metaweb.gridworks.Jsonizable;
import com.metaweb.gridworks.expr.ExpressionUtils;
import com.metaweb.gridworks.expr.HasFields;
import com.metaweb.gridworks.util.ParsingUtilities;
public class Row implements HasFields, Jsonizable {
public boolean flagged;
public boolean starred;
final public List<Cell> cells;
transient public int recordIndex = -1; // -1 for rows that are not main record rows
transient public List<Integer> contextRows;
transient public int[] contextRowSlots;
transient public int[] contextCellSlots;
public Row(int cellCount) {
cells = new ArrayList<Cell>(cellCount);
public Row dup() {
Row row = new Row(cells.size());
row.flagged = flagged;
row.starred = starred;
return row;
public Object getField(String name, Properties bindings) {
if ("flagged".equals(name)) {
return flagged;
} else if ("starred".equals(name)) {
return starred;
} else if ("cells".equals(name)) {
return new Cells();
} else if ("index".equals(name)) {
return bindings.get("rowIndex");
} else if ("record".equals(name)) {
int rowIndex = (Integer) bindings.get("rowIndex");
int recordRowIndex = (contextRows != null && contextRows.size() > 0) ?
contextRows.get(0) : rowIndex;
return new Record(recordRowIndex, rowIndex);
} else if ("columnNames".equals(name)) {
Project project = (Project) bindings.get("project");
return project.columnModel.getColumnNames();
return null;
public boolean isEmpty() {
for (Cell cell : cells) {
if (cell != null && cell.value != null && !isValueBlank(cell.value)) {
return false;
return true;
public Cell getCell(int cellIndex) {
if (cellIndex < cells.size()) {
return cells.get(cellIndex);
} else {
return null;
public Object getCellValue(int cellIndex) {
if (cellIndex < cells.size()) {
Cell cell = cells.get(cellIndex);
if (cell != null) {
return cell.value;
return null;
public boolean isCellBlank(int cellIndex) {
return isValueBlank(getCellValue(cellIndex));
protected boolean isValueBlank(Object value) {
return value == null || !(value instanceof String) || ((String) value).trim().length() == 0;
public void setCell(int cellIndex, Cell cell) {
if (cellIndex < cells.size()) {
cells.set(cellIndex, cell);
} else {
while (cellIndex > cells.size()) {
public void write(JSONWriter writer, Properties options)
throws JSONException {
writer.key("flagged"); writer.value(flagged);
writer.key("starred"); writer.value(starred);
writer.key("cells"); writer.array();
for (Cell cell : cells) {
if (cell != null) {
cell.write(writer, options);
} else {
if (!"save".equals(options.getProperty("mode"))) {
if (recordIndex >= 0) {
writer.key("j"); writer.value(recordIndex);
if (options.containsKey("rowIndex")) {
writer.key("i"); writer.value(options.get("rowIndex"));
if (options.containsKey("extra")) {
Properties extra = (Properties) options.get("extra");
if (extra != null) {
for (Object key : extra.keySet()) {
writer.key((String) key);
public void save(Writer writer, Properties options) {
JSONWriter jsonWriter = new JSONWriter(writer);
try {
write(jsonWriter, options);
} catch (JSONException e) {
static public Row load(String s) throws Exception {
return s.length() == 0 ? null : load(ParsingUtilities.evaluateJsonStringToObject(s));
static public Row load(JSONObject obj) throws Exception {
JSONArray a = obj.getJSONArray("cells");
int count = a.length();
Row row = new Row(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (!a.isNull(i)) {
JSONObject o = a.getJSONObject(i);
row.setCell(i, Cell.load(o));
if (obj.has("starred")) {
row.starred = obj.getBoolean("starred");
if (obj.has("flagged")) {
row.flagged = obj.getBoolean("flagged");
return row;
protected class Cells implements HasFields {
public Object getField(String name, Properties bindings) {
Project project = (Project) bindings.get("project");
Column column = project.columnModel.getColumnByName(name);
if (column != null) {
int cellIndex = column.getCellIndex();
return getCell(cellIndex);
return null;
protected class Record implements HasFields {
final int _recordRowIndex;
final int _currentRowIndex;
protected Record(int recordRowIndex, int currentRowIndex) {
_recordRowIndex = recordRowIndex;
_currentRowIndex = currentRowIndex;
public Object getField(String name, Properties bindings) {
if ("cells".equals(name)) {
return new RecordCells(_recordRowIndex);
return null;
protected class RecordCells implements HasFields {
final int _recordRowIndex;
protected RecordCells(int recordRowIndex) {
_recordRowIndex = recordRowIndex;
public Object getField(String name, Properties bindings) {
Project project = (Project) bindings.get("project");
Column column = project.columnModel.getColumnByName(name);
if (column != null) {
Row recordRow = project.rows.get(_recordRowIndex);
int cellIndex = column.getCellIndex();
CellTuple cells = new CellTuple();
int recordIndex = recordRow.recordIndex;
int count = project.rows.size();
for (int r = _recordRowIndex; r < count; r++) {
Row row = project.rows.get(r);
if (row.recordIndex > recordIndex) {
Cell cell = row.getCell(cellIndex);
if (cell != null && ExpressionUtils.isNonBlankData(cell.value)) {
return cells;
return null;
protected class CellTuple extends ArrayList<Cell> implements HasFields {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -651032866647686293L;
public Object getField(String name, Properties bindings) {
Object[] r = new Object[this.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
r[i] = this.get(i).getField(name, bindings);
return r;