2018-04-27 09:17:33 +02:00

199 lines
13 KiB

"wikidata-extension": {
"menu-label": "Wikidata",
"edit-wikidata-schema": "Edit Wikidata schema",
"manage-wikidata-account": "Manage Wikidata account",
"perform-edits-on-wikidata": "Perform edits on Wikidata",
"export-to-qs": "Export to QuickStatements",
"quickstatements-export-name": "QuickStatements"
"wikidata-schema": {
"dialog-header": "Align to Wikidata",
"dialog-explanation": "The Wikidata schema below specifies how your tabular data will be transformed into Wikidata edits. You can drag and drop the column names below in most input boxes: for each row, edits will be generated with the values in these columns.",
"preview-explanation": "This tab shows the first 10 edits that will be made once you upload the changes to Wikidata. You can use facets to inspect the edits on particular items.",
"schema-tab-header": "Schema",
"warnings-tab-header": "Issues",
"edits-preview-tab-header": "Preview",
"statements-header": "Statements",
"terms-header": "Terms",
"empty-statements": "no statements added",
"empty-terms": "no labels, descriptions or aliases added",
"add-item-button": "add item",
"add-term": "add term",
"remove": "remove",
"add-statement": "add statement",
"add-value": "add value",
"add-qualifier": "add qualifier",
"add-reference": "add reference",
"add-reference-snak": "add",
"property-placeholder": "property",
"nb-references": " references",
"remove-column": "remove column",
"label": "Label",
"description": "Description",
"alias": "Alias",
"item-or-reconciled-column": "type item or drag reconciled column here",
"amount": "amount",
"unit": "unit",
"full-url": "full URL including the protocol",
"tabular-data-with-prefix": "filename starting with \"Data:\"",
"commons-media": "filename",
"math-expression": "mathematical expression",
"geoshape-with-prefix": "filename starting with \"Data:\"",
"datatype-not-supported-yet": "This datatype is not supported yet, sorry.",
"invalid-schema-warning-issues": "Your schema is incomplete, fix it to see the issues.",
"invalid-schema-warning-preview": "Your schema is incomplete, fix it to see the preview.",
"reset-button": "Reset",
"save-button": "Save",
"close-button": "Close",
"unsaved-changes": "There are unsaved changes. Close anyway?",
"incomplete-schema-could-not-be-saved": "Your schema is incomplete so it cannot be saved yet."
"wikidata-preview": {
"new-id": "new item"
"wikidata-account": {
"dialog-header": "Wikidata account",
"explain-log-in": "Logging in to <a href=\"https://www.wikidata.org/\" target=\"_blank\">Wikidata</a> lets you to perform edits directly from OpenRefine.",
"username-label": "Username:",
"username-placeholder": "Enter your username",
"password-label": "Password:",
"password-placeholder": "Enter your password",
"remember-credentials-label": "Remember credentials (stored unencrypted in OpenRefine's preferences)",
"close": "Close",
"log-in": "Log in",
"logged-in-as": "You are logged in as:",
"log-out": "Log out",
"connecting-to-wikidata": "Connecting to Wikidata..."
"perform-wikidata-edits": {
"dialog-header": "Upload edits to Wikidata",
"review-your-edits": "Please check your edits carefully before pushing them to Wikidata. Large edit batches should be submitted for <a href=\"https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Requests_for_permissions/Bot\" target=\"_blank\">bot review</a> first.",
"logged-in-as": "You are logged in as",
"edit-summary-label": "Edit summary:",
"edit-summary-placeholder": "a few words to describe your edits",
"perform-edits": "Upload edits",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"analyzing-edits": "Analyzing your edits..."
"warnings-messages": {
"new-item-created": {
"title": "This edit batch will create new Wikidata items.",
"body": "Please make sure that these items do not exist yet and are <a href=\"https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Notability\" target=\"_blank\">suitable for inclusion in Wikidata</a>."
"new-item-without-labels-or-aliases": {
"title": "New items created without any label or alias.",
"body": "You should at least provide one label for new items such as {example_entity}, so that others can understand what the item is about."
"new-item-without-descriptions": {
"title": "New items created without any description.",
"body": "Adding descriptions on new items such as {example_entity} will make it easier to disambiguate the items from namesakes."
"new-item-with-deleted-statements": {
"title": "Deleting statements on new items.",
"body": "There is probably something wrong in your schema or project."
"new-item-without-P31-or-P279": {
"title": "New items created without any type.",
"body": "You should provide an \"instance of\" (P31) or \"subclass of\" (P279) statement for each item that you create, such as {example_entity}."
"add-statements-with-invalid-format": {
"title": "{property_entity} statements with invalid format.",
"body": "Values for this property are expected to match the regular expression <span class=\"wb-issue-preformat\">{regex}</span>, which is not the case for <span class=\"wb-issue-preformat\">{example_value}</span> added on {example_item_entity}."
"remove-statements-with-invalid-format": {
"title": "Removed statements with invalid format.",
"body": "If these statements currently exist on Wikidata, this will solve constraint violations."
"missing-inverse-statements": {
"title": "Inverse statements missing for {added_property_entity}.",
"body": "Any {added_property_entity} statement such as the one from {source_entity} to {target_entity} should also be added in reverse with {inverse_property_entity}: in this case, {target_entity} {inverse_property_entity} {source_entity}."
"self-referential-statements": {
"title": "Self-referential statements.",
"body": "While not forbidden, self-referential statements are generally suspicious. You have some on {example_entity}."
"unsourced-statements": {
"title": "Statements without references.",
"body": "Most statements should have references. You can add them easily in the schema."
"property-restricted-to-reference-found-in-mainsnak": {
"title": "{property_entity} used as statement.",
"body": "You are using {property_entity} in a statement but it is designed to be used in references only."
"property-restricted-to-reference-found-in-qualifier": {
"title": "{property_entity} used as qualifier.",
"body": "You are using in {property_entity} in a qualifier but it is designed to be used in references only."
"property-restricted-to-qualifier-found-in-mainsnak": {
"title": "{property_entity} used as statement.",
"body": "You are using {property_entity} in a statement but it is designed to be used in qualifiers only."
"property-restricted-to-qualifier-found-in-reference": {
"title": "{property_entity} used as reference.",
"body": "You are using {property_entity} in a reference but it is designed to be used in qualifiers only."
"property-restricted-to-mainsnak-found-in-qualifier": {
"title": "{property_entity} used as qualifier.",
"body": "You are using {property_entity} in a qualifier but it is designed to be used as a statement only."
"property-restricted-to-mainsnak-found-in-reference": {
"title": "{property_entity} used as reference.",
"body": "You are using {property_entity} in a reference but it is designed to be used as a statement only."
"missing-mandatory-qualifiers": {
"title": "{statement_property_entity} is missing a {missing_property_entity} qualifier.",
"body": "Statements using {statement_property_entity} such as the one on {example_item_entity} are missing a mandatory {missing_property_entity} qualifier."
"disallowed-qualifiers": {
"title": "Qualifier {disallowed_property_entity} is incompatible with {statement_property_entity}.",
"body": "Statements using {statement_property_entity} such as the one on {example_item_entity} should not have a {disallowed_property_entity} qualifier as they are incompatible."
"single-valued-property-added-more-than-once": {
"title": "{property_entity} added more than once on the same item.",
"body": "This property is expected to be used at most once on each item but has been added multiple times on the same item, for instance on {example_entity}."
"identical-values-for-distinct-valued-property": {
"title": "Identical values for {property_entity}",
"body": "This property should have distinct values, but the same value was found on {item1_entity} and {item2_entity} for instance."
"no-edit-generated": {
"title": "No edit was generated.",
"body": "There might be something wrong with your schema."
"no-issue-detected": {
"title": "No issue was detected in your edits.",
"body": "Note that OpenRefine cannot detect all the types of problems Wikidata edits can have."
"ignored-qualifiers": {
"title": "Some qualifiers were ignored.",
"body": "Qualifier values could not be parsed, so they will not be added to the corresponding statements."
"ignored-references": {
"title": "Some references were ignored.",
"body": "None of their statements could be parsed, so no reference was added."
"monolingual-text-without-language": {
"title": "No language provided for monolingual text.",
"body": "Some label, description, alias or monolingual text value have been skipped because no language was provided. Example value: <span class=\"wb-issue-preformat\">{example_text}</span>."
"leading-whitespace": {
"title": "Leading whitespace in strings.",
"body": "Strings such as <span class=\"wb-issue-preformat\">{example_string}</span> have leading whitespace."
"trailing-whitespace": {
"title": "Trailing whitespace in strings.",
"body": "Strings such as <span class=\"wb-issue-preformat\">{example_string}</span> have trailing whitespace."
"duplicate-whitespace": {
"title": "Duplicate whitespace in strings.",
"body": "Strings such as <span class=\"wb-issue-preformat\">{example_string}</span> contain duplicate whitespace."
"non-printable-characters": {
"title": "Non-printable characters in strings.",
"body": "Strings such as <span class=\"wb-issue-preformat\">{example_string}</span> contain non-printable characters."