
105 lines
3.1 KiB
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2022-04-02 16:09:25 +02:00
import re
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from collections import defaultdict
ALPH = re.compile('[^a-z]')
REPLACE_WITH_SPACE = re.compile(r"(\\+n|[{}\[\]”&:•¦()*0-9;\"«»$\-><^,®¬¿?¡!#+. \t\n])+")
REMOVE = re.compile(r"'s|[\-­]\\n")
def preprocess(l):
l = l.lower()
l = l.replace("", "'")
l = REMOVE.sub('', l)
l = REPLACE_WITH_SPACE.sub(" ", l)
l = l.replace("i'm", "i am")
l = l.replace("won't", "will not")
l = l.replace("n't", " not")
l = l.replace("'ll", " will")
l = l.replace("'", "")
l = l.strip()
return l
def words(l):
l = l.split()
return l
lexicon_array = []
lexicon = {}
with open('words_alpha.txt') as f:
lexicon_array = [word.strip() for word in f]
for w in lexicon_array:
lexicon[w] = len(lexicon)
trigrams = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)))
bigrams = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
with open('train/in.tsv') as f, open('train/expected.tsv') as e:
for line_no, (line, expected) in tqdm(enumerate(zip(f, e)), total=432022):
if line_no == 4000:
line = line.split('\t')
expected = ALPH.sub('', expected.lower())
l_ctx = preprocess(line[6])
r_ctx = preprocess(line[7])
w_list = words(l_ctx) + [expected] + words(r_ctx)
sentence = []
for w in w_list:
i = lexicon.get(w)
if i is not None:
if len(sentence) >= 3:
prev_prev = sentence[0]
prev = sentence[1]
for next in sentence[2:]:
trigrams[prev_prev][next][prev] += 1
bigrams[prev_prev][prev] += 1
prev_prev = prev
prev = next
bigrams[prev_prev][prev] += 1
def max_val(d):
max_elem = 0
max_key = None
for key, elem in d.items():
if elem > max_elem:
max_elem = elem
max_key = key
return max_key
def infer(d):
with open(d + '/in.tsv') as f, open(d + '/out.tsv', "w+") as o:
for line in f:
line = line.split('\t')
l_ctx = preprocess(line[6])
r_ctx = preprocess(line[7])
if l_ctx != '' and r_ctx != '':
prev_prev = l_ctx.rsplit(" ", 1)[-1]
next = r_ctx.split(" ", 1)[0]
prev_prev_i = lexicon.get(prev_prev)
next_i = lexicon.get(next)
if prev_prev_i is not None:
if next_i is not None:
options = trigrams[prev_prev_i][next_i]
if len(options) > 0:
prev_i = max_val(options)
prev = lexicon_array[prev_i]
print(prev, file=o)
options = bigrams[prev_prev_i]
if len(options) > 0:
prev_i = max_val(options)
prev = lexicon_array[prev_i]
print(prev, file=o)
print("", file=o)