
419 lines
17 KiB

This encapsulates the logic for displaying filters in the Django admin.
Filters are specified in models with the "list_filter" option.
Each filter subclass knows how to display a filter for a field that passes a
certain test -- e.g. being a DateField or ForeignKey.
import datetime
from django.contrib.admin.options import IncorrectLookupParameters
from django.contrib.admin.utils import (
get_model_from_relation, prepare_lookup_value, reverse_field_path,
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured, ValidationError
from django.db import models
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
class ListFilter:
title = None # Human-readable title to appear in the right sidebar.
template = 'admin/filter.html'
def __init__(self, request, params, model, model_admin):
# This dictionary will eventually contain the request's query string
# parameters actually used by this filter.
self.used_parameters = {}
if self.title is None:
raise ImproperlyConfigured(
"The list filter '%s' does not specify a 'title'."
% self.__class__.__name__
def has_output(self):
Return True if some choices would be output for this filter.
raise NotImplementedError('subclasses of ListFilter must provide a has_output() method')
def choices(self, changelist):
Return choices ready to be output in the template.
`changelist` is the ChangeList to be displayed.
raise NotImplementedError('subclasses of ListFilter must provide a choices() method')
def queryset(self, request, queryset):
Return the filtered queryset.
raise NotImplementedError('subclasses of ListFilter must provide a queryset() method')
def expected_parameters(self):
Return the list of parameter names that are expected from the
request's query string and that will be used by this filter.
raise NotImplementedError('subclasses of ListFilter must provide an expected_parameters() method')
class SimpleListFilter(ListFilter):
# The parameter that should be used in the query string for that filter.
parameter_name = None
def __init__(self, request, params, model, model_admin):
super().__init__(request, params, model, model_admin)
if self.parameter_name is None:
raise ImproperlyConfigured(
"The list filter '%s' does not specify a 'parameter_name'."
% self.__class__.__name__
if self.parameter_name in params:
value = params.pop(self.parameter_name)
self.used_parameters[self.parameter_name] = value
lookup_choices = self.lookups(request, model_admin)
if lookup_choices is None:
lookup_choices = ()
self.lookup_choices = list(lookup_choices)
def has_output(self):
return len(self.lookup_choices) > 0
def value(self):
Return the value (in string format) provided in the request's
query string for this filter, if any, or None if the value wasn't
return self.used_parameters.get(self.parameter_name)
def lookups(self, request, model_admin):
Must be overridden to return a list of tuples (value, verbose value)
raise NotImplementedError(
'The SimpleListFilter.lookups() method must be overridden to '
'return a list of tuples (value, verbose value).'
def expected_parameters(self):
return [self.parameter_name]
def choices(self, changelist):
yield {
'selected': self.value() is None,
'query_string': changelist.get_query_string(remove=[self.parameter_name]),
'display': _('All'),
for lookup, title in self.lookup_choices:
yield {
'selected': self.value() == str(lookup),
'query_string': changelist.get_query_string({self.parameter_name: lookup}),
'display': title,
class FieldListFilter(ListFilter):
_field_list_filters = []
_take_priority_index = 0
def __init__(self, field, request, params, model, model_admin, field_path):
self.field = field
self.field_path = field_path
self.title = getattr(field, 'verbose_name', field_path)
super().__init__(request, params, model, model_admin)
for p in self.expected_parameters():
if p in params:
value = params.pop(p)
self.used_parameters[p] = prepare_lookup_value(p, value)
def has_output(self):
return True
def queryset(self, request, queryset):
return queryset.filter(**self.used_parameters)
except (ValueError, ValidationError) as e:
# Fields may raise a ValueError or ValidationError when converting
# the parameters to the correct type.
raise IncorrectLookupParameters(e)
def register(cls, test, list_filter_class, take_priority=False):
if take_priority:
# This is to allow overriding the default filters for certain types
# of fields with some custom filters. The first found in the list
# is used in priority.
cls._take_priority_index, (test, list_filter_class))
cls._take_priority_index += 1
cls._field_list_filters.append((test, list_filter_class))
def create(cls, field, request, params, model, model_admin, field_path):
for test, list_filter_class in cls._field_list_filters:
if test(field):
return list_filter_class(field, request, params, model, model_admin, field_path=field_path)
class RelatedFieldListFilter(FieldListFilter):
def __init__(self, field, request, params, model, model_admin, field_path):
other_model = get_model_from_relation(field)
self.lookup_kwarg = '%s__%s__exact' % (field_path,
self.lookup_kwarg_isnull = '%s__isnull' % field_path
self.lookup_val = params.get(self.lookup_kwarg)
self.lookup_val_isnull = params.get(self.lookup_kwarg_isnull)
super().__init__(field, request, params, model, model_admin, field_path)
self.lookup_choices = self.field_choices(field, request, model_admin)
if hasattr(field, 'verbose_name'):
self.lookup_title = field.verbose_name
self.lookup_title = other_model._meta.verbose_name
self.title = self.lookup_title
self.empty_value_display = model_admin.get_empty_value_display()
def include_empty_choice(self):
Return True if a "(None)" choice should be included, which filters
out everything except empty relationships.
return self.field.null or (self.field.is_relation and self.field.many_to_many)
def has_output(self):
if self.include_empty_choice:
extra = 1
extra = 0
return len(self.lookup_choices) + extra > 1
def expected_parameters(self):
return [self.lookup_kwarg, self.lookup_kwarg_isnull]
def field_choices(self, field, request, model_admin):
return field.get_choices(include_blank=False)
def choices(self, changelist):
yield {
'selected': self.lookup_val is None and not self.lookup_val_isnull,
'query_string': changelist.get_query_string(remove=[self.lookup_kwarg, self.lookup_kwarg_isnull]),
'display': _('All'),
for pk_val, val in self.lookup_choices:
yield {
'selected': self.lookup_val == str(pk_val),
'query_string': changelist.get_query_string({self.lookup_kwarg: pk_val}, [self.lookup_kwarg_isnull]),
'display': val,
if self.include_empty_choice:
yield {
'selected': bool(self.lookup_val_isnull),
'query_string': changelist.get_query_string({self.lookup_kwarg_isnull: 'True'}, [self.lookup_kwarg]),
'display': self.empty_value_display,
FieldListFilter.register(lambda f: f.remote_field, RelatedFieldListFilter)
class BooleanFieldListFilter(FieldListFilter):
def __init__(self, field, request, params, model, model_admin, field_path):
self.lookup_kwarg = '%s__exact' % field_path
self.lookup_kwarg2 = '%s__isnull' % field_path
self.lookup_val = params.get(self.lookup_kwarg)
self.lookup_val2 = params.get(self.lookup_kwarg2)
super().__init__(field, request, params, model, model_admin, field_path)
if (self.used_parameters and self.lookup_kwarg in self.used_parameters and
self.used_parameters[self.lookup_kwarg] in ('1', '0')):
self.used_parameters[self.lookup_kwarg] = bool(int(self.used_parameters[self.lookup_kwarg]))
def expected_parameters(self):
return [self.lookup_kwarg, self.lookup_kwarg2]
def choices(self, changelist):
for lookup, title in (
(None, _('All')),
('1', _('Yes')),
('0', _('No'))):
yield {
'selected': self.lookup_val == lookup and not self.lookup_val2,
'query_string': changelist.get_query_string({self.lookup_kwarg: lookup}, [self.lookup_kwarg2]),
'display': title,
if self.field.null:
yield {
'selected': self.lookup_val2 == 'True',
'query_string': changelist.get_query_string({self.lookup_kwarg2: 'True'}, [self.lookup_kwarg]),
'display': _('Unknown'),
FieldListFilter.register(lambda f: isinstance(f, models.BooleanField), BooleanFieldListFilter)
class ChoicesFieldListFilter(FieldListFilter):
def __init__(self, field, request, params, model, model_admin, field_path):
self.lookup_kwarg = '%s__exact' % field_path
self.lookup_kwarg_isnull = '%s__isnull' % field_path
self.lookup_val = params.get(self.lookup_kwarg)
self.lookup_val_isnull = params.get(self.lookup_kwarg_isnull)
super().__init__(field, request, params, model, model_admin, field_path)
def expected_parameters(self):
return [self.lookup_kwarg, self.lookup_kwarg_isnull]
def choices(self, changelist):
yield {
'selected': self.lookup_val is None,
'query_string': changelist.get_query_string(remove=[self.lookup_kwarg, self.lookup_kwarg_isnull]),
'display': _('All')
none_title = ''
for lookup, title in self.field.flatchoices:
if lookup is None:
none_title = title
yield {
'selected': str(lookup) == self.lookup_val,
'query_string': changelist.get_query_string({self.lookup_kwarg: lookup}, [self.lookup_kwarg_isnull]),
'display': title,
if none_title:
yield {
'selected': bool(self.lookup_val_isnull),
'query_string': changelist.get_query_string({self.lookup_kwarg_isnull: 'True'}, [self.lookup_kwarg]),
'display': none_title,
FieldListFilter.register(lambda f: bool(f.choices), ChoicesFieldListFilter)
class DateFieldListFilter(FieldListFilter):
def __init__(self, field, request, params, model, model_admin, field_path):
self.field_generic = '%s__' % field_path
self.date_params = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if k.startswith(self.field_generic)}
now =
# When time zone support is enabled, convert "now" to the user's time
# zone so Django's definition of "Today" matches what the user expects.
if timezone.is_aware(now):
now = timezone.localtime(now)
if isinstance(field, models.DateTimeField):
today = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
else: # field is a models.DateField
today =
tomorrow = today + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
if today.month == 12:
next_month = today.replace(year=today.year + 1, month=1, day=1)
next_month = today.replace(month=today.month + 1, day=1)
next_year = today.replace(year=today.year + 1, month=1, day=1)
self.lookup_kwarg_since = '%s__gte' % field_path
self.lookup_kwarg_until = '%s__lt' % field_path
self.links = (
(_('Any date'), {}),
(_('Today'), {
self.lookup_kwarg_since: str(today),
self.lookup_kwarg_until: str(tomorrow),
(_('Past 7 days'), {
self.lookup_kwarg_since: str(today - datetime.timedelta(days=7)),
self.lookup_kwarg_until: str(tomorrow),
(_('This month'), {
self.lookup_kwarg_since: str(today.replace(day=1)),
self.lookup_kwarg_until: str(next_month),
(_('This year'), {
self.lookup_kwarg_since: str(today.replace(month=1, day=1)),
self.lookup_kwarg_until: str(next_year),
if field.null:
self.lookup_kwarg_isnull = '%s__isnull' % field_path
self.links += (
(_('No date'), {self.field_generic + 'isnull': 'True'}),
(_('Has date'), {self.field_generic + 'isnull': 'False'}),
super().__init__(field, request, params, model, model_admin, field_path)
def expected_parameters(self):
params = [self.lookup_kwarg_since, self.lookup_kwarg_until]
if self.field.null:
return params
def choices(self, changelist):
for title, param_dict in self.links:
yield {
'selected': self.date_params == param_dict,
'query_string': changelist.get_query_string(param_dict, [self.field_generic]),
'display': title,
lambda f: isinstance(f, models.DateField), DateFieldListFilter)
# This should be registered last, because it's a last resort. For example,
# if a field is eligible to use the BooleanFieldListFilter, that'd be much
# more appropriate, and the AllValuesFieldListFilter won't get used for it.
class AllValuesFieldListFilter(FieldListFilter):
def __init__(self, field, request, params, model, model_admin, field_path):
self.lookup_kwarg = field_path
self.lookup_kwarg_isnull = '%s__isnull' % field_path
self.lookup_val = params.get(self.lookup_kwarg)
self.lookup_val_isnull = params.get(self.lookup_kwarg_isnull)
self.empty_value_display = model_admin.get_empty_value_display()
parent_model, reverse_path = reverse_field_path(model, field_path)
# Obey parent ModelAdmin queryset when deciding which options to show
if model == parent_model:
queryset = model_admin.get_queryset(request)
queryset = parent_model._default_manager.all()
self.lookup_choices = queryset.distinct().order_by(, flat=True)
super().__init__(field, request, params, model, model_admin, field_path)
def expected_parameters(self):
return [self.lookup_kwarg, self.lookup_kwarg_isnull]
def choices(self, changelist):
yield {
'selected': self.lookup_val is None and self.lookup_val_isnull is None,
'query_string': changelist.get_query_string(remove=[self.lookup_kwarg, self.lookup_kwarg_isnull]),
'display': _('All'),
include_none = False
for val in self.lookup_choices:
if val is None:
include_none = True
val = str(val)
yield {
'selected': self.lookup_val == val,
'query_string': changelist.get_query_string({self.lookup_kwarg: val}, [self.lookup_kwarg_isnull]),
'display': val,
if include_none:
yield {
'selected': bool(self.lookup_val_isnull),
'query_string': changelist.get_query_string({self.lookup_kwarg_isnull: 'True'}, [self.lookup_kwarg]),
'display': self.empty_value_display,
FieldListFilter.register(lambda f: True, AllValuesFieldListFilter)
class RelatedOnlyFieldListFilter(RelatedFieldListFilter):
def field_choices(self, field, request, model_admin):
pk_qs = model_admin.get_queryset(request).distinct().values_list('%s__pk' % self.field_path, flat=True)
return field.get_choices(include_blank=False, limit_choices_to={'pk__in': pk_qs})