# text: a jaki adres # intent: request_information/location # slots: 1 a request_information/location NoLabel 2 jaki request_information/location NoLabel 3 adres request_information/location NoLabel # text: Dzień dobry! # intent: greeting # slots: 1 dzień greeting NoLabel 2 dobry greeting NoLabel # text: Chciałbym zarezerować wizytę u lekarza # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 zarezerować appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 wizytę appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 u appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 5 lekarza appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/doctor # text: B1234 # intent: login/enter_id # slots: 1 b1234 login/enter_id B-login/id # text: qwerty # intent: login/enter_password # slots: 1 qwerty login/enter_password B-login/password # text: Chciałbym umówić wyzytę z dermatologiem # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 umówić appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 wyzytę appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 z appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/doctor 5 dermatologiem appointment/create_appointment I-appointment/doctor # text: Który ma wcześniejszy termin? ################################## # intent: appointment/compare_dates # slots: 1 który appointment/compare_dates NoLabel 2 ma appointment/compare_dates NoLabel 3 wcześniejszy appointment/compare_dates NoLabel 4 termin appointment/compare_dates NoLabel # text: To chciałbym zapisać się do Jana Kowalskiego # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 to appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 zapisać appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 się appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 5 do appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 6 jana appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/doctor 7 kowalskiego appointment/create_appointment I-appointment/doctor # text: 1504 o 14:30 # intent: appointment/set_time # slots: 1 15.04 appointment/set_time B-datetime 2 o appointment/set_time I-datetime 3 14:30 appointment/set_time I-datetime # text: Ile będzie kosztowała? # intent: request_information/cost # slots: 1 ile request_information/cost NoLabel 2 będzie request_information/cost NoLabel 3 kosztowała request_information/cost NoLabel # text: W jakim gabinecie została umówiona wizyta? # intent: appointment/location # slots: 1 w appointment/location NoLabel 2 jakim appointment/location NoLabel 3 gabinecie appointment/location B-appointment/office 4 została appointment/location NoLabel 5 umówiona appointment/location NoLabel 6 wizyta appointment/location NoLabel # text: Dziękuję to by było wszystko # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 dziękuję end_conversation NoLabel 2 to end_conversation NoLabel 3 by end_conversation NoLabel 4 było end_conversation NoLabel 5 wszystko end_conversation NoLabel # text: Dzień dobry! # intent: greeting # slots: 1 dzień greeting NoLabel 2 dobry greeting NoLabel # text: Chciałbym zarezerwać wizytę # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 zarezerwać appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 wizytę appointment/create_appointment NoLabel # text: Jan kowalski # intent: appointment/select_doctor # slots: 1 jan appointment/select_doctor B-appoinment/doctor 2 kowalski appointment/select_doctor I-appoinment/doctor # text: proszę o termin 14.04.2021 - 14:30 # intent: appointment/set_date_time # slots: 1 proszę appointment/set_date_time NoLabel 2 o appointment/set_date_time NoLabel 3 termin appointment/set_date_time NoLabel 4 14.04.2021 appointment/set_date_time B-datetime 6 14:30 appointment/set_date_time I-datetime # text: Dziękuję # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 dziękuję end_conversation NoLabel # text: Dzień dobry # intent: greeting # slots: 1 dzień greeting NoLabel 2 dobry greeting NoLabel # text: Chciałabym odebrać receptę # intent: prescription/collect # slots: 1 chciałabym prescription/collect NoLabel 2 odebrać prescription/collect NoLabel 3 receptę prescription/collect NoLabel # text: Chciałabym zamówić receptę # intent: prescription/request # slots: 1 chciałabym prescription/request NoLabel 2 zamówić prescription/request NoLabel 3 receptę prescription/request NoLabel # text: Tak # intent: affirm # slots: 1 tak affirm NoLabel # text: Dr Anna Kowalska # intent: appointment/select_doctor # slots: 1 dr appointment/select_doctor B-appoinment/doctor 2 anna appointment/select_doctor I-appoinment/doctor 3 kowalska appointment/select_doctor I-appoinment/doctor # text: Proszę zapisać mnie na termin 14.04.2021 13:30 # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 proszę appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 zapisać appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 mnie appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 na appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 5 termin appointment/create_appointment B-datetime 6 14.04.2021 appointment/create_appointment I-datetime 7 13:30 appointment/create_appointment I-B-datetime # text: Dziękuje # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 dziękuje end_conversation NoLabel # text: Dzień dobry! # intent: greeting # slots: 1 dzień greeting NoLabel 2 dobry greeting NoLabel # text: Dzień dobry Chciałabym sprawdzić wyniki swoich ostatnich badań # intent: appoinment/results # slots: 1 dzień appoinment/results NoLabel 2 dobry appoinment/results NoLabel 3 chciałabym appoinment/results NoLabel 4 sprawdzić appoinment/results NoLabel 5 wyniki appoinment/results NoLabel 6 swoich appoinment/results NoLabel 7 ostatnich appoinment/results NoLabel 8 badań appoinment/results NoLabel # text: Widzę wyniki badania okulistycznego Czy w pliku powinny znajdować się też dot badań cytologicznych? # intent: affirm, appoinment/results # slots: 1 widzę affirm NoLabel 2 wyniki affirm NoLabel 3 badania affirm NoLabel 4 okulistycznego affirm NoLabel 5 czy appoinment/results NoLabel 6 w appoinment/results NoLabel 7 pliku appoinment/results NoLabel 8 powinny appoinment/results NoLabel 9 znajdować appoinment/results NoLabel 10 się appoinment/results NoLabel 11 też appoinment/results NoLabel 12 dot appoinment/results NoLabel 13 badań appoinment/results B-appoinment/type 14 cytologicznych appoinment/results I-appoinment/type # text: Teraz chyba widzę wszystko czego potrzebuję Czy możesz mi powiedzieć na kiedy mam umówione następne wizyty? # intent: affirm appoinment/next_appointment # slots: 1 teraz affirm NoLabel 2 chyba affirm NoLabel 3 widzę affirm NoLabel 4 wszystko affirm NoLabel 5 czego affirm NoLabel 6 potrzebuję affirm NoLabel 7 czy appoinment/next_appointment NoLabel 8 możesz appoinment/next_appointment NoLabel 9 mi appoinment/next_appointment NoLabel 10 powiedzieć appoinment/next_appointment NoLabel 11 na appoinment/next_appointment NoLabel 12 kiedy appoinment/next_appointment NoLabel 13 mam appoinment/next_appointment NoLabel 14 umówione appoinment/next_appointment NoLabel 15 następne appoinment/next_appointment NoLabel 16 wizyty appoinment/next_appointment NoLabel # text: A o której mam dentystę? # intent: appoinment/next_appointment # slots: 1 a appoinment/next_appointment NoLabel 2 o appoinment/next_appointment NoLabel 3 której appoinment/next_appointment NoLabel 4 mam appoinment/next_appointment NoLabel 5 dentystę appoinment/next_appointment B-appoinment/doctor