# text: Chciałem prosić o wypisanie kolejnej recepty na lek X # intent: appointment/request_prescription # slots: 1 chciałem appointment/request_prescription NoLabel 2 prosić appointment/request_prescription NoLabel 3 o appointment/request_prescription NoLabel 4 wypisanie appointment/request_prescription NoLabel 5 kolejnej appointment/request_prescription NoLabel 6 recepty appointment/request_prescription B-prescription 7 na appointment/request_prescription NoLabel 8 lek appointment/request_prescription B-prescription/type 9 x appointment/request_prescription I-prescription/type # text: proszę o E-receptę # intent: appointment/request_prescription # slots: 1 proszę appointment/request_prescription NoLabel 2 o appointment/request_prescription NoLabel 3 ereceptę appointment/request_prescription B-prescription # text: dziękuję # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 dziękuję end_conversation B-end_conversation # text: Nie to wszystko Dziękuję za rozmowę # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 nie end_conversation B-deny 2 to end_conversation B-end_conversation 3 wszystko end_conversation I-end_conversation 4 dziękuję end_conversation I-end_conversation 5 za end_conversation I-end_conversation 6 rozmowę end_conversation I-end_conversation # text: Dzień dobry! # intent: greeting # slots: 1 dzień greeting B-greeting 2 dobry greeting I-greeting # text: dzień dobry chciałbym umówić się na wizytę u lekarza internisty # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 dzień appointment/create_appointment B-greeting 2 dobry appointment/create_appointment I-greeting 3 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 umówić appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 5 się appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 6 na appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 7 wizytę appointment/create_appointment B-appointment 8 u appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 9 lekarza appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/doctor 10 internisty appointment/create_appointment I-appointment/doctor # text: Nie mam swojego identyfikatora nie pamiętam # intent: login/forgot_id # slots: 1 nie login/forgot_id NoLabel 2 mam login/forgot_id NoLabel 3 swojego login/forgot_id NoLabel 4 identyfikatora login/forgot_id NoLabel 5 nie login/forgot_id NoLabel 6 pamiętam login/forgot_id NoLabel # text: mój identyfikator to: # intent: login/enter_id # slots: 1 mój login/enter_id NoLabel 2 identyfikator login/enter_id NoLabel 3 to login/enter_id NoLabel 4 login/enter_id NoLabel # text: czy są dostępne jakieś wizyty w terminie 20.04.2021 u dr Adam Skrzypczak? # intent: request_information/available_dates # slots: 1 czy request_information/available_dates NoLabel 2 są request_information/available_dates NoLabel 3 dostępne request_information/available_dates NoLabel 4 jakieś request_information/available_dates NoLabel 5 wizyty request_information/available_dates B-appointment 6 w request_information/available_dates NoLabel 7 terminie request_information/available_dates NoLabel 8 20.04.2021 request_information/available_dates B-datetime 9 u request_information/available_dates NoLabel 10 dr request_information/available_dates B-appointment/doctor 11 adam request_information/available_dates I-appointment/doctor 12 skrzypczak request_information/available_dates I-appointment/doctor # text: tak # intent: affirm # slots: 1 tak affirm B-affirm # text: jakie są dostępne terminy wizyt na 20.04.2021 u dowolnego internisty? # intent: request_information/available_dates # slots: 1 jakie request_information/available_dates NoLabel 2 są request_information/available_dates NoLabel 3 dostępne rrequest_information/available_datesquest_information/available_dates NoLabel 4 terminy request_information/available_dates NoLabel 5 wizyt request_information/available_dates B-appointment 6 na request_information/available_dates NoLabel 7 20.04.2021 request_information/available_dates B-datetime 8 u request_information/available_dates NoLabel 9 dowolnego request_information/available_dates NoLabel 10 internisty request_information/available_dates B-appointment/doctor # text: prosze o rejestrację do mrożego na 12:00 dziękuję to wszystko # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 prosze appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 o appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 rejestrację appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 do appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 5 mrożego appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/doctor 6 na appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 7 12:00 appointment/create_appointment B-datetime 8 dziękuję appointment/create_appointment B-end_conversation 9 to appointment/create_appointment NoLabel I-end_conversation 10 wszystko appointment/create_appointment NoLabel I-end_conversation # text: Witam Chciałbym zarezerwować wizytę u lekarza # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 witam appointment/create_appointment B-greeting 2 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 zarezerwować appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 wizytę appointment/create_appointment B-appointment 5 u appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 6 lekarza appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/doctor # text: 15.04.2021 12:00 # intent: appointment/set_date # slots: 1 15.04.2021 appointment/set_date B-datetime 2 12:00 appointment/set_date I-datetime # text: Ok dziękuję # intent: affirm # slots: 1 ok affirm B-affirm 2 dziękuję affirm B-end_conversation # text: Dzień dobry # intent: greeting # slots: 1 dzień greeting B-greeting 2 dobry greeting I-greeting # text: Chciałbym umówić się na wizytę u specjalisty # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 umówić appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 się appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 na appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 5 wizytę appointment/create_appointment B-appointment 6 u appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 7 specjalisty appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/doctor # text: Proszę podać listę specjalistów # intent: request_information/doctors # slots: 1 proszę request_information/doctors NoLabel 2 podać request_information/doctors NoLabel 3 listę request_information/doctors NoLabel 4 specjalistów request_information/doctors NoLabel # text: Chciałbym wizytę u Internista Andrzej Mroży # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 wizytę appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 u appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 internista appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/doctor 5 andrzej appointment/create_appointment I-appointment/doctor 6 mroży appointment/create_appointment I-appointment/doctor # text: wybieram termin 15.04.2021 o 14:30 # intent: appointment/set_date appointment/set_time # slots: 1 wybieram appointment/set_date NoLabel 2 termin appointment/set_date NoLabel 3 15.04.2021 appointment/set_date B-datetime 4 o appointment/set_time NoLabel 5 14:30 appointment/set_time B-datetime # text: dziękuję # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 dziękuję end_conversation B-end_conversation # text: Dzień dobry # intent: greeting # slots: 1 dzień greeting B-greeting 2 dobry greeting I-greeting # text: Chciałabym odwołać wizytę # intent: appointment/cancel # slots: 1 chciałabym appointment/cancel NoLabel 2 odwołać appointment/cancel NoLabel 3 wizytę appointment/cancel B-appointment # text: owszem # intent: affirm # slots: 1 owszem affirm B-affirm # text: ok dzięki gdzie mam wizytę u dentysty Anny # intent: appointment/where # slots: 1 ok appointment/where B-affirm 2 dzięki appointment/where NoLabel 3 gdzie appointment/where NoLabel 4 mam appointment/where NoLabel 5 wizytę appointment/where B-appointment 6 u appointment/where NoLabel 7 dentysty appointment/where B-appointment/doctor 8 anny appointment/where I-appointment/doctor # text: a jaki adres # intent: request_information/location # slots: 1 a request_information/location NoLabel 2 jaki request_information/location NoLabel 3 adres request_information/location NoLabel # text: Dzień dobry! # intent: greeting # slots: 1 dzień greeting B-greeting 2 dobry greeting I-greeting # text: Chciałbym zarezerować wizytę u lekarza # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 zarezerować appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 wizytę appointment/create_appointment B-appointment 4 u appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 5 lekarza appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/doctor # text: Chciałbym umówić wyzytę z dermatologiem # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 umówić appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 wyzytę appointment/create_appointment B-appointment 4 z appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/doctor 5 dermatologiem appointment/create_appointment I-appointment/doctor # text: Który ma wcześniejszy termin? # intent: appointment/compare_dates # slots: 1 który appointment/compare_dates NoLabel 2 ma appointment/compare_dates NoLabel 3 wcześniejszy appointment/compare_dates NoLabel 4 termin appointment/compare_dates NoLabel # text: To chciałbym zapisać się do Jana Kowalskiego # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 to appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 zapisać appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 się appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 5 do appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 6 jana appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/doctor 7 kowalskiego appointment/create_appointment I-appointment/doctor # text: 15.04 o 14:30 # intent: appointment/set_date_and_time # slots: 1 15.04 appointment/set_date_and_time B-datetime 2 o appointment/set_date_and_time I-datetime 3 14:30 appointment/set_date_and_time I-datetime # text: Ile będzie kosztowała? # intent: request_information/cost # slots: 1 ile request_information/cost NoLabel 2 będzie request_information/cost NoLabel 3 kosztowała request_information/cost NoLabel # text: W jakim gabinecie została umówiona wizyta? # intent: appointment/location # slots: 1 w appointment/location NoLabel 2 jakim appointment/location NoLabel 3 gabinecie appointment/location B-appointment/office 4 została appointment/location NoLabel 5 umówiona appointment/location NoLabel 6 wizyta appointment/location B-appointment # text: Dziękuję to by było wszystko # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 dziękuję end_conversation B-end_conversation 2 to end_conversation I-end_conversation 3 by end_conversation I-end_conversation 4 było end_conversation I-end_conversation 5 wszystko end_conversation I-end_conversation # text: Dzień dobry! # intent: greeting # slots: 1 dzień greeting B-greeting 2 dobry greeting I-greeting # text: Chciałbym zarezerwać wizytę # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 zarezerwać appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 wizytę appointment/create_appointment B-appointment # text: Jan kowalski # intent: appointment/select_doctor # slots: 1 jan appointment/select_doctor B-appointment/doctor 2 kowalski appointment/select_doctor I-appointment/doctor # text: proszę o termin 14.04.2021 - 14:30 # intent: appointment/set_date_time # slots: 1 proszę appointment/set_date_time NoLabel 2 o appointment/set_date_time NoLabel 3 termin appointment/set_date_time NoLabel 4 14.04.2021 appointment/set_date_time B-datetime 6 14:30 appointment/set_date_time I-datetime # text: Dziękuję # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 dziękuję end_conversation B-end_conversation # text: Dzień dobry # intent: greeting # slots: 1 dzień greeting B-greeting 2 dobry greeting I-greeting # text: Chciałabym odebrać receptę # intent: prescription/collect # slots: 1 chciałabym prescription/collect NoLabel 2 odebrać prescription/collect NoLabel 3 receptę prescription/collect B-prescription # text: Chciałabym zamówić receptę # intent: prescription/request # slots: 1 chciałabym prescription/request NoLabel 2 zamówić prescription/request NoLabel 3 receptę prescription/request B-prescription # text: Tak # intent: affirm # slots: 1 tak affirm B-affirm # text: Dr Anna Kowalska # intent: appointment/select_doctor # slots: 1 dr appointment/select_doctor B-appointment/doctor 2 anna appointment/select_doctor I-appointment/doctor 3 kowalska appointment/select_doctor I-appointment/doctor # text: Proszę zapisać mnie na termin 14.04.2021 13:30 # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 proszę appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 zapisać appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 mnie appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 na appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 5 termin appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 6 14.04.2021 appointment/create_appointment B-datetime 7 13:30 appointment/create_appointment I-B-datetime # text: Dziękuje # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 dziękuje end_conversation B-end_conversation # text: Dzień dobry! # intent: greeting # slots: 1 dzień greeting B-greeting 2 dobry greeting I-greeting # text: Dzień dobry Chciałabym sprawdzić wyniki swoich ostatnich badań # intent: appointment/results # slots: 1 dzień appointment/results B-greeting 2 dobry appointment/results I-greeting 3 chciałabym appointment/results NoLabel 4 sprawdzić appointment/results NoLabel 5 wyniki appointment/results B-results 6 swoich appointment/results NoLabel 7 ostatnich appointment/results NoLabel 8 badań appointment/results NoLabel # text: Widzę wyniki badania okulistycznego Czy w pliku powinny znajdować się też dot badań cytologicznych? # intent: affirm, appointment/results # slots: 1 widzę affirm NoLabel 2 wyniki affirm B-results 3 badania affirm B-appointment/type 4 okulistycznego affirm I-appointment/type 5 czy appointment/results NoLabel 6 w appointment/results NoLabel 7 pliku appointment/results NoLabel 8 powinny appointment/results NoLabel 9 znajdować appointment/results NoLabel 10 się appointment/results NoLabel 11 też appointment/results NoLabel 12 dot appointment/results NoLabel 13 badań appointment/results B-appointment/type 14 cytologicznych appointment/results I-appointment/type # text: Teraz chyba widzę wszystko czego potrzebuję Czy możesz mi powiedzieć na kiedy mam umówione następne wizyty? # intent: affirm appointment/when # slots: 1 teraz affirm NoLabel 2 chyba affirm NoLabel 3 widzę affirm NoLabel 4 wszystko affirm NoLabel 5 czego affirm NoLabel 6 potrzebuję affirm NoLabel 7 czy appointment/when NoLabel 8 możesz appointment/when NoLabel 9 mi appointment/when NoLabel 10 powiedzieć appointment/when NoLabel 11 na appointment/when NoLabel 12 kiedy appointment/when NoLabel 13 mam appointment/when NoLabel 14 umówione appointment/when NoLabel 15 następne appointment/when NoLabel 16 wizyty appointment/when B-appointment # text: A o której mam dentystę? # intent: appointment/when # slots: 1 a appointment/when NoLabel 2 o appointment/when NoLabel 3 której appointment/when NoLabel 4 mam appointment/when NoLabel 5 dentystę appointment/when B-appointment/doctor # text: Ok Wszystko wiem dzięki! # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 ok end_conversation B-end_conversation 2 wszystko end_conversation I-end_conversation 3 wiem end_conversation I-end_conversation 4 dzięki end_conversation I-end_conversation # text: Hej # intent: greeting # slots: 1 hej greeting B-greeting # text: Dzień dobry chciałbym umówić się na USG tarczycy # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 dzień appointment/create_appointment B-greeting 2 dobry appointment/create_appointment I-greeting 3 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 umówić appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 5 się appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 6 na appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 7 usg appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/type 8 tarczycy appointment/create_appointment I-appointment/type # text: Dzień dobry # intent: greeting # slots: 1 dzień greeting B-greeting 2 dobry greeting I-greeting # text: Chcialbym odebrać wyniki badań gastroskopii # intent: result/collect # slots: 1 chcialbym result/collect NoLabel 2 odebrać result/collect NoLabel 3 wyniki result/collect B-results 4 badań result/collect B-appointment/type 5 gastroskopii result/collect I-appointment/type # text: Jakie mam zaplanowane wizyty? # intent: appointment/check_appointments # slots: 1 jakie appointment/check_appointments NoLabel 2 mam appointment/check_appointments NoLabel 3 zaplanowane appointment/check_appointments NoLabel 4 wizyty? appointment/check_appointments NoLabel # text: Chciałbym przenieść tą wizyte na 21.04.2021 # intent: appointment/set_date # slots: 1 chciałbym appointment/set_date NoLabel 2 przenieść appointment/set_date NoLabel 3 tą appointment/set_date NoLabel 4 wizyte appointment/set_date B-appointment 5 na appointment/set_date NoLabel 6 21.04.2021 appointment/set_date B-datetime # text: 17:15 # intent: appointment/set_time # slots: 1 17:15 appointment/set_time B-datetime # text: Dziękuję bardzo # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 dziękuję end_conversation B-end_conversation 2 bardzo end_conversation I-end_conversation # text: Cześć # intent: greeting # slots: 1 cześć greeting B-greeting # text: Dziękuję to wszystko # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 dziękuję end_conversation B-end_conversation 2 to end_conversation I-end_conversation 3 wszystko end_conversation I-end_conversation # text: Chciałbym się zapisać na wizytę do okulisty Jakie są dostępne terminy? # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 się appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 zapisać appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 na appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 5 wizytę appointment/create_appointment B-appointment 6 do appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 7 okulisty appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/doctor 8 jakie appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 9 są appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 10 dostępne appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 11 terminy? appointment/create_appointment NoLabel # text: Chciałbym się zapisać na 14-ego jakie są dostępne godziny? # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 się appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 zapisać appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 na appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 5 14-ego appointment/create_appointment B-datetime 6 jakie appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 7 są appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 8 dostępne appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 9 godziny? appointment/create_appointment NoLabel # text: Chciałbym tą 14:15 # intent: appointment/set_time # slots: 1 chciałbym appointment/set_time NoLabel 2 tą appointment/set_time NoLabel 3 14:15 appointment/set_time B-datetime # text: Nie posiadam identyfikatora # intent: deny # slots: 1 nie deny B-deny 2 posiadam deny NoLabel 3 identyfikatora deny NoLabel # text: TAK # intent: affirm # slots: 1 tak affirm B-affirm # text: Jan Kowalski # intent: register/enter_name # slots: 1 jan register/enter_name B-register/name 2 kowalski register/enter_name I-register/name # text: jankowalski@gmailcom # intent: register/enter_email # slots: 1 jankowalski@gmailcom register/enter_email B-register/email # text: Dziękuję za pomoc i miłego dnia # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 dziękuję end_conversation B-end_conversation 2 za end_conversation I-end_conversation 3 pomoc end_conversation I-end_conversation 4 i end_conversation NoLabel 5 miłego end_conversation NoLabel 6 dnia end_conversation NoLabel # text: Cześć # intent: greeting # slots: 1 cześć greeting B-greeting # text: Chciałem zapisać się na spotkanie na jutrzejszy dzień na godziny poranne # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 chciałem appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 zapisać appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 się appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 na appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 5 spotkanie appointment/create_appointment B-appointment 6 na appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 7 jutrzejszy appointment/create_appointment B-datetime 8 dzień appointment/create_appointment I-datetime 9 na appointment/create_appointment I-datetime 10 godziny appointment/create_appointment I-datetime 11 poranne appointment/create_appointment I-datetime # text: Pani doktor Kowalskiej # intent: appointment/select_doctor # slots: 1 pani appointment/select_doctor NoLabel 2 doktor appointment/select_doctor NoLabel 3 kowalskiej appointment/select_doctor B-doctor # text: na 11 # intent: appointment/set_time # slots: 1 na appointment/set_time NoLabel 2 11 appointment/set_time B-datetime # text: Dobrze dziękuję za rozmowę # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 dobrze end_conversation B-end_conversation 2 dziękuję end_conversation I-end_conversation 3 za end_conversation I-end_conversation 4 rozmowę end_conversation I-end_conversation # text: Hej # intent: greeting # slots: 1 hej greeting B-greeting # text: Dzień dobry chciałbym umówić się na wizytę do lekarza rodzinnego Najlepiej dzisiaj w godzinach popołudniowych # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 dzień appointment/create_appointment B-greeting 2 dobry appointment/create_appointment B-greeting 3 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 umówić appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 5 się appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 6 na appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 7 wizytę appointment/create_appointment B-appointment 8 do appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 9 lekarza appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/doctor 10 rodzinnego appointment/create_appointment I-appointment/doctor 11 najlepiej appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 12 dzisiaj appointment/create_appointment B-datetime 13 w appointment/create_appointment I-datetime 14 godzinach appointment/create_appointment I-datetime 15 popołudniowych appointment/create_appointment I-datetime # text: A czy mogę zapisać się do Pani doktor Zofii Wątroby? # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 a appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 czy appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 mogę appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 zapisać appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 5 się appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 6 do appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 7 pani appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/doctor 8 doktor appointment/create_appointment I-appointment/doctor 9 zofii appointment/create_appointment I-appointment/doctor 10 wątroby appointment/create_appointment I-appointment/doctor # text: Ten termin mi odpowiada! # intent: appointment/confirm # slots: 1 ten appointment/confirm B-affirm 2 termin appointment/confirm I-affirm 3 mi appointment/confirm I-affirm 4 odpowiada appointment/confirm I-affirm # text: Tak bardzo dziękuję # intent: affirm # slots: 1 tak affirm B-affirm 2 bardzo affirm I-end_conversation 3 dziękuję affirm I-end_conversation # text: Chciałbym też od razu zrobić badania morfologii krwi Kiedy mogę przyjść na pobranie krwi? # intent: appointment/create_appointment request_information/opening_hours # slots: 1 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 też appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 od appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 razu appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 5 zrobić appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 6 badania appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/type 7 morfologii appointment/create_appointment I-appointment/type 8 krwi appointment/create_appointment I-appointment/type 9 kiedy request_information/opening_hours NoLabel 10 mogę request_information/opening_hours NoLabel 11 przyjść request_information/opening_hours NoLabel 12 na request_information/opening_hours NoLabel 13 pobranie request_information/opening_hours B-appointment/type 14 krwi request_information/opening_hours I-appointment/type # text: Dziękuję bardzo za informację W takim przypadku to wszystko # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 dziękuję end_conversation B-end_conversation 2 bardzo end_conversation I-end_conversation 3 za end_conversation I-end_conversation 4 informację end_conversation I-end_conversation 5 w end_conversation NoLabel 6 takim end_conversation NoLabel 7 przypadku end_conversation NoLabel 8 to end_conversation NoLabel 9 wszystko end_conversation NoLabel # text: Dzień dobry # intent: greeting # slots: 1 dzień greeting B-greeting 2 dobry greeting I-greeting # text: Chcialbym odebrac receptę # intent: prescription/collect # slots: 1 chcialbym prescription/collect NoLabel 2 odebrac prescription/collect NoLabel 3 receptę prescription/collect B-prescription # text: e-receptę # intent: prescription/type # slots: 1 e-receptę prescription/type B-prescription # text: Tak # intent: affirm # slots: 1 tak affirm B-affirm # text: Chciałbym również umówić spotkanie z lekarzem internistą # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 również appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 umówić appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 spotkanie appointment/create_appointment B-appointment 5 z appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 6 lekarzem appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/doctor 7 internistą appointment/create_appointment I-appointment/doctor # text: Tak # intent: affirm # slots: 1 tak affirm B-affirm # text: 12.04.2021 # intent: appointment/set_date # slots: 1 12.04.2021 appointment/set_date B-datetime # text: 13:00 # intent: appointment/set_time # slots: 1 13:00 appointment/set_time B-datetime # text: Tak # intent: affirm # slots: 1 tak affirm B-affirm # text: Gdzie obędzie się wizyta? # intent: appointment/where # slots: 1 gdzie appointment/where NoLabel 2 obędzie appointment/where NoLabel 3 się appointment/where NoLabel 4 wizyta? appointment/where B-appointment # text: Dziękuję za pomoc # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 dziękuję end_conversation B-end_conversation 2 za end_conversation I-end_conversation 3 pomoc end_conversation I-end_conversation # text: Cześć # intent: greeting # slots: 1 cześć greeting B-greeting # text: Chciałbym się dowiedzieć czy mam umówione jakieś wizyty # intent: appointment/check_appointments # slots: 1 chciałbym appointment/check_appointments NoLabel 2 się appointment/check_appointments NoLabel 3 dowiedzieć appointment/check_appointments NoLabel 4 czy appointment/check_appointments NoLabel 5 mam appointment/check_appointments NoLabel 6 umówione appointment/check_appointments NoLabel 7 jakieś appointment/check_appointments NoLabel 8 wizyty appointment/check_appointments B-appointment # text: Chciałbym odwołać wizytę u internisty # intent: appointment/cancel # slots: 1 chciałbym appointment/cancel NoLabel 2 odwołać appointment/cancel NoLabel 3 wizytę appointment/cancel B-appointment 4 u appointment/cancel NoLabel 5 internisty appointment/cancel B-appointment/doctor # text: Tak # intent: affirm # slots: 1 tak affirm B-affirm # text: Jacy lekarze specjaliści przyjmują w państwa przychodni? # intent: request_information/doctors # slots: 1 jacy request_information/doctors NoLabel 2 lekarze request_information/doctors B-appointment/doctor 3 specjaliści request_information/doctors B-appointment/doctor 4 przyjmują request_information/doctors NoLabel 5 w request_information/doctors NoLabel 6 państwa request_information/doctors NoLabel 7 przychodni? request_information/doctors NoLabel # text: Chciałbym umówić wizytę do doktora Kolano # intent: appointment/create_appointment # slots: 1 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 umówić appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 wizytę appointment/create_appointment B-appointment 4 do appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 5 doktora appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/doctor 6 kolano appointment/create_appointment I-appointment/doctor # text: Ten termin mi odpowiada # intent: appointment/confirm # slots: 1 ten appointment/confirm NoLabel 2 termin appointment/confirm NoLabel 3 mi appointment/confirm NoLabel 4 odpowiada appointment/confirm NoLabel # text: tak # intent: affirm # slots: 1 tak affirm B-affirm # text: Nie to wszystko Do widzenia # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 nie end_conversation B-deny 2 to end_conversation B-end_conversation 3 wszystko end_conversation I-end_conversation 4 do end_conversation I-end_conversation 5 widzenia end_conversation I-end_conversation # text: Cześć # intent: greeting # slots: 1 cześć greeting B-end_conversation # text: Jakie usługi medyczne są dostępne? # intent: request_information/medical_services # slots: 1 jakie request_information/medical_services NoLabel 2 usługi request_information/medical_services NoLabel 3 medyczne request_information/medical_services NoLabel 4 są request_information/medical_services NoLabel 5 dostępne request_information/medical_services NoLabel # text: Chciałbym zapisać się do okulisty Ile kosztuje wizyta? # intent: appointment/create_appointment request_information/cost # slots: 1 chciałbym appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 2 zapisać appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 3 się appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 4 do appointment/create_appointment NoLabel 5 okulisty appointment/create_appointment B-appointment/doctor 6 ile request_information/cost NoLabel 7 kosztuje request_information/cost NoLabel 8 wizyta request_information/cost B-appointment # text: Nie ten jest idealny # intent: deny # slots: 1 nie affirm B-deny 2 ten affirm NoLabel 3 jest affirm NoLabel 4 idealny affirm NoLabel # text: Tak # intent: affirm # slots: 1 tak affirm B-affirm # text: Dziękuję za informację # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 dziękuję end_conversation B-end_conversation 2 za end_conversation I-end_conversation 3 informację end_conversation I-end_conversation # text: Nie dziękuję to wszystko # intent: end_conversation # slots: 1 nie end_conversation B-end_conversation 2 dziękuję end_conversation I-end_conversation 4 to end_conversation I-end_conversation 5 wszystko end_conversation I-end_conversation