diff --git a/dev-0/in.tsv b/dev-0/in.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5503a3f --- /dev/null +++ b/dev-0/in.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,5272 @@ +In which case, tell them I'm in work, or dead, or down the shops. They can come back in when they've got Professor Brian Cox with them. If only cause I want to meet him and steal his hair. 1328302967 +Put me down as another for Mysterious Universe. Those dudes are brilliant. 1347836881 +The military of any country would never admit that UFO's have taken down our most powerful weapons. 1331905826 +An example would have been more productive than a downvote, I think. 1315584834 +sorry, but the authors of this article admit that the study is limited and flawed. Also, upon peer review, the study is found to be fallacious. It says this towards the end of the article, a point to which the majority of people usually fail to read. \n\nalso, 463 people is NOT, in any way, compelling evidence for a causal relationship. 1347389166 +"Are you afraid of science in general, or just the kind you read about on the internet?" 1303864529 +Well, I know it can decrease intraocular pressure, but as for *cancer...*\n\nThe only data I'm aware of relating marijuana to cancer is that it's an antiemetic and an appetite increasing drug. Which, while very good for patient health, are not directly related to the cancer itself, as much as a treatment of the adverse reactions of chemotherapy/radiation treatment (unless if the cancer is in the GI system, or is making weird hormones...).\n\nIf you have any information indicating that marijuana helps in cancer/HIV treatment *other* than as an antiemetic/appetite increasing medication, could you please provide it? I mean, I'm all for it's responsible use, but I don't want to go around spreading misinformation, especially if I'm going to one day be in the medical field. 1318558797 +That could be anything. Why even bother... 1285029343 +what was the joke? he deleted it 1337651956 +Its the landing and taking off that/'s hard, and those things will do do that for you as well. The pilots, for the most part, are there in case shit happens.\n\nBTW stalling a Cessna is fun as hell. 1336941346 +I guess you are posting this for us to make fun of? \n\nThis is the exact type of post you should be the most skeptical of.\n\nsome random blogger, with little evidence and cute graphs claims huge multinational conspiracies.. without leaks.. and no one educated in the subject has caught it.. but this armchair hero, has discovered their dastardly plans.\n\n\nanyways, yall have noticed that big money, and big power are the ones most against socialism. And al gore has as much to do with global warming as sally struthers has to do with starving kids in africa.. they are fucking proponents, that is all.\n\n 1354303743 +Nice to read! Good on you! 1327505975 +Why do these keep getting so many upvotes? This is dumb. That's not a liberal thing, that's a ridiculous thing. Aura is not a liberal concept.\n\nWhat the fuck. 1324754810 +My friend has this Orion's Belt scar on her ankle. She doesn't know where she got it, but it's been there as long as she can remember. This is curious seeing as it's the configuration of the pyramids of Egypt and the Mayans. Does anybody have similar scars anywhere on their bodies? 1352692705 +I may not like Rebecca Watson, but I don't wish her ill health. Be honest with me - do you have mental problems? 1310511050 +Thanks man, I'll check it out right now. 1338662076 +The Montreal police already have a file on him full of evidence. They've said they can't do anything on threats alone; he has to act before they can intervene. This came up back when PZ Myers drew attention to him on Pharyngula back when Dennis showed up at a big atheist convention in Montreal.\n\nMichael Wheeler has called his mother to let her know what he's doing, though, which is hilarious. 1312986449 +See, that's how I feel about it. It's in schools and shit. Utter absurdity. He moved out a couple months ago. 1296496890 +TL;DR - Refueling plane during training exercises. 1331650609 +Thanks for the post. I have seen his stuff around but never the whole story. The pictures on their own are hard to swallow but you get the whole picture and its a very well documented case. Bought the book now I'm off to look for the documentary....if it's even out yet.\n 1352827910 +I want the mp3! 1292645868 +Mmm salted silicon chips. 1346719096 +Unfortunately, there are no scientists currently modding or significantly contributing to online communities dedicated to the serious and sober research/discussion of UFO and related phenomena, that I am aware of. Those who are doing the talking, including Reddit, Above Top Secret, Open Minds, Coast to Coast, Nighthawk Zone, Cryptomundo, Talk Paranormal, MUFON forum and many, many others represent, at best, somewhat self-educated interest groups with relatively little knowledge and significantly more fluff. In other words, they all have a pretty crummy signal-to-noise ratio. It is always best to just read the literature first and come to these fora with a bulking arsenal of books and research under your belt. All that takes time and, let's face it, most folk are not willing to make the effort to gain that depth of knowledge.\n\nI'm going to do you all a huge favor and point you to a blog from perhaps the greatest UFOlogist still living, though he would never admit to it as he is a deeply modest and innately spiritual fellow. He is also one HELL of a UFO researcher. You won't hear this guy on Coast to Coast. He doesn't have a book out yet (Soon, or so I hear) but his blog pretty much covers the phenomenon from start to end with some incredible new and interesting insights. He is a retired university professor who has recently had to stop posting due to family, and other, time constraining circumstances. Here it is.\n\nThe Big Study:\n\nhttp://thebiggeststudy.blogspot.com/\n\nGo to the archive at the bottom of the page, beginning with 2009, and start there. I guarantee you should consider this a full and comprehensive course on the history and events of UFOlogy (with some other seemingly random and eclectic topics thrown in for full measure)\n\nThis guy has either worked with directly or personally known nearly every UFOlogist you've ever heard of, and many of them still go to this guy for advice and research. You won't find a better resource for UFO knowledge and history on the internet. Good hunting and your welcome. 1286948760 +Noticed that after I had already posted. 1322581165 +[They are working on that with some like the Harrier](http://johns-jokes.com/afiles/images/harrier-jump-jet.jpg) some body parts move/change\n\n\n[And other like the Osprey but mostly just the wings move](http://cdn-www.airliners.net/aviation-photos/photos/4/2/0/1166024.jpg)\n\n\nAnd do a google for '[shape shifting aircraft](http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/09/08/us-aviation-uav-morphing-idUSTRE6874DL20100908)' 1307855100 +Any way to make a quick buck.\n\n>Active Ingredients: Purpose\n>\n>Conium maculatum 6X: light sensitivity, aching **Literally Nothing**\n>\n>Natrium muriaticum 6X: blurred vision **Literally Nothing**\n>\n>Ruta graveolens 6X: eyelid spasms, eyestrain, pressure **Literally Nothing**\n>\n>Senega officinalis 6X: aching, dryness, eyestrain, light sensitivity **Literally Nothing**\n>\n> \n>\n>Other Information:\n>\n>Active ingredients are manufactured according to homeopathic principles.\n>\n> \n>\n>Inactive Ingredients:\n>\n>Borate buffer **Used to keep a neutral pH**\n>\n>Purified water **Good ol' water**\n>\n>Silver sulphate (as preservative) **Not sure if it's actually a preservative. It seems to be a reagent in silver plating, also the permissible occupational exposure limit is .01 mg/m^3 is and the [chem sheet](http://datasheets.scbt.com/sc-203379.pdf) states that "If applied to the eyes, this material causes severe eye damage."**\n>\n>Sodium nitrate **Food preservative**\n\n 1322515324 +Hey, anything is possible. Maybe i hallucinated government drones. 1340585280 +Sometimes people remember things differently than what actually happened. Sometimes friends screw with you. 1322026977 +[lol, now I get it](http://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/oim75/cant_we_just_talk_about_this/) 1326675840 +http://dfwparanomalresearchteam.tumblr.com/ and our tumblr 1347412307 +Steven Novella over at [Skeptic Blog](http://skepticblog.org/2011/01/31/homeopathy-pseudoscience-at-the-huffpo/) takes this article on a point by point basis and shows just how full of fail it is and, boy, is it full of fail.\n\n*edit*\n\nThe wiki page for Luc Montagnier goes into some detail over his new research interests and the controversy surrounding it. He's showing all the signs of quakitude, self publishing, claims of persecution, etc. Further, *even if* his research turned out to be 100% correct...it would have zero baring on the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines which can only be determined through clinical trials (like any other medicine). 1298475479 +I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not a photographer, this picture was taken with my iphone, actually.\nThis is my first time posting to paranormal because I was curious as to what I snapped.\nI was with my mom, and as I said her back was turned. 1350323398 +I don't follow. It's not a harmless preference, like preferring blue over red. Not trusting doctors can get you killed. It can even get others killed, as is happening now with the lack of immunizations causing diseases to spread. \n\nSharing information and discussing ideas with people might save their lives. 1319489710 +Damn. My hypothesis is shot. 1302539976 +Technically, you are correct. All "organic" literally means is carbon-based, and using the same term to mean "food grown without chemical pesticides and fertilizers" is really a misnomer -- but I'll be darned if I can come up with an alternative. "Organic" will probably remain its nom de plume until someone figures out a better three-syllable-or-less term for it.\n\nThat said, calling it a "meaningless label" is inaccurate, because there are U.S. agricultural standards regulating what can and can't be called organic food, which growers have to meet or exceed. Those standards are available [here](http://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/nop). So anything labeled "USDA organic" is grown by different rules than standard U.S. agriculture. That usually means grown without chemical pesticides and fertilizers.\n\nI've seen some interesting arguments for and against each. Chemical pesticides used today are probably safe to consume long term in the small quantities that remain on washed produce; you're not hearing about people keeling over dead from toxic shock at younger ages if they spent their lives eating food grown with chemical pesticides. On the other hand, DDT and pesticides like it that are now banned from use were once thought to be perfectly harmless, so an argument could be made that eating food without any pesticide residue is a perfectly rational way to avoid the issue entirely.\n\nChemical fertilizers are basically just synthetic nitrogen fixers and do exactly the same thing that manure, fish meal, and other natural fertilizers do. And synthetics are a lot easier to produce. On the other hand, natural fertilizers return a lot more raw organic (as in, carbon-based) material to the soil alongside the nitrogen, so you get less [leaching](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaching_%28agriculture%29) and [soil erosion](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erosion#Soil_erosion_and_climate_change).\n\nTo me, it seems likely that the health and environment benefits of so-called "organic" farming are small, but not negligible. It would be nice if there was a method of producing synthetic nitrogen that also replenished the organic matter density of soil. 1292361483 +I for one have tried a number of different types of beers and have tasted differences in each one I've tried 1323788826 +Hah! I googled the wrong rag, sorry. Maybe you can look it up yourself. 1332183524 +according to one man I spoke to recently, all they need to do to cure cancer is "eat better". 1356556789 +Amazing video. Looks like this one also involves a coverup by the FAA. 1331433213 +>the signal-to-noise ratio here is too low.\n\nThis is about the clearest phrasing of that sentiment I've ever seen.\n\nThank you. 1351176487 +Totally agree. It's sad when people speak of survival shows, Bear Grylls comes up first. I try to explain that if they want to see a serious survival experience, with an honest guide and safe, logical information, watch anything Les does. \n\nFucking love that guy. I only wish he started making shows when he was younger. Imagine how much more information he would have to share. 1354744679 +the 33% that believe in psychics in the poll at the end concerns me 1352083172 +I worked for Whole Foods. Its not a "health food" store. Its a store where the food is more expensive because the manufacturers don't cut corners. Its more like a "fine foods" store marketed as a "health food" store. The food is delicious. 1299444492 +Many thanks indeed for all this really interesting contextual information! 1290570220 +Somewhat short answer: homeopaths want to give u medicine watered down so that 1 in 10^30 parts is actual medicine and the rest is water.\n\nAnalogy:\nThe entire planet earth is 6 x 10^24 kg.\n\nThis means if you took **1 kg** of medicine and mixed it with about **1,600,000 earths** (or more than 4 suns), that's the ratio homeopaths are trying to get u to take as medicine. (anyone feel free to correct my math) 1342313722 +Are you saying logic does apply to theism? Or are you saying that logic should apply to theism? If we agree that logic should apply that doesn't mean it does in practice. I fall into the camp where I think skepticism is a science based endeavor and that things falling outside the realm of science do not apply. Again, the age old question of where skepticism fits with regard to atheism. It may simply be a matter of personal opinion as to the meaning of the word skeptic. Bear in mind logic does apply to religious claims (young earth creation) but theism by its very nature has infinitely movable goal posts. And these movable goal posts are perfectly feasible within the theist construct without causing the worldview to break. How can logic apply in such a situation? Not saying that is how it should be, just saying that is how it is. That is why my personal opinion is that the original post is atheist in nature not skeptical. Also please note that I chose the word theism for a very specific reason. I didn't say Christianity, Islam, Hindi or even religion. 1298574901 +I don't know man. \n\nThat would be the fastest moving satellite I've ever seen. 1304182715 +Oh, my mistake. He's only got a Ph.d in Clinical Neurology. 1326848493 +I think it would be stupid to have the government protect an animal that might be non existent,since nobody has ever even come close to capturing one or killing one. 1353900645 +Oh. I see. You think your rational explanations are wrong despite falling back on them as evidence of your rationality.\n\nYou got an answer, but it wasn't the one you were fishing for. Just go ahead and say that you think there is a portal to hell in your bedroom instead of tiptoeing around the point. 1354723031 +I think they live in the ocean, and come to the surface to examine us every once in awhile. 1332824603 +I am going to assume that the lawyer involved didn't actually sue because the wifi was giving cancer...probably some sort of loophole in the law that these guys found and are trying to game by connecting wifi with cancer somehow.\n\nIn the end I want to see the school counter sue for the cost of court at least. 1340494039 +Pretty much anything by The Caretaker:\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fafEPuR1WUM\nOr this tune by Alan Clark that appears on 'Most Haunted':\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwh_erf37vY\n 1355076513 +Homeopathy *is* recognized in many European countries. There are Homeopathic hospitals in England and it's probably more accepted is Germany. 1336326641 +It floats like a ballon 1334295720 +My fellow Americans, Puddlewonderful is hott. God bless the United States of America. 1304314736 +Phew. I feel better now. Also, your username is awesome. 1351776760 +Didn't I [just](http://www.reddit.com/r/skeptic/comments/m4wgn/top_10_worst_antiscience_websites/) post this a month ago? 1324268556 +I think that's [pretty much](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity) the idea. Though the idea is that if we can produce AI even slightly more intelligent than our us, then it could produce slight more intelligent AI than that and so on. 1335057195 +I disagree. I can't find it now, but there was a study done where a largish group of people was shown 2 lines, one obviously longer than the other. One member of the group was not in on the joke, and answered correctly that the longer of the two was longer. Everyone else, however, had been instructed to answer in the opposite. \n\nIn many cases, the person would give in an agree, because they just assumed they were wrong, as the crowd must know best. \n\nThe conviction of being demonstrably right and yet ignored is different than someone being ignored while simply shouting his conviction. Even if both come out in feelings of frustration, they just aren't the same thing. 1325885432 +Gates is consistently hilarious, but also doesn't seem to balk at doing some fairly dangerous things. I don't see a single night's investigation of any phenomena doing much good, but they have turned up some things like the aforementioned footprint. 1333507789 +Ive always attributed mine to the idea that your mind purposefully induces paralisis(i beg forgiveness for spelling errors) and i just become conscious before the chemical is fully removed from my neurosystem. Im not a brain scientist or rocket surgen, so dont believe me. And the first time for me i swear i heard a demon posses me and felt like i was being possessed. Thank god the internet was here or i might have believed it and driven myself over the edge. 1341771486 +its sugar deposits. hence bruising on fruit. 1346594496 +so wtf did this dude say? i can't find any info on it. i know it was only supposed to be a preview of his findings but you would think there would be something interesting revealed. 1329695164 +I told them that I am not close minded, it's just that I have already heard all of their arguments and they are not convincing. But hey, I'm a dick because I am not convinced by their shitty arguments, but they are not by ignoring mine. You gotta love double standards. 1340028745 +Isn't there multiple pictures and videos of this? 1351042302 +Sounds like he will be just fine, in fact. Praying for him anyway! 1282599595 +The notch's are probably a unique deformity in the mirror used. 1329847061 +Missile test. 1324837349 +It's streaming live from Old South Pittsburg Hospital in TN. 1335578483 +Beat me to it. :( 1296699056 +Can't wait for the accurate [FIXED] with the third column, followed by "It was just a joke, nerd" replies to it. 1330059670 +Music is not absolutely subjective though, there are reasons why something is good or bad, mostly based on the experience of the musicians. For example, if I wrote a song right now, it would fucking suck, and that's a fact. Because I have not spent a lot of time on music and developing skill. Listening to music is also a certain skill, which is why little kids listen to shite. 1299027692 +That must have been a low ceiling cloud. 1342401101 +Actually, no, I'm not arguing anything in terms of homeopathy. At all. Don't give a fig about it. My point has been that the placebo effect - regardless of the trigger, whether it be sugar pill or whatever - is a testable, verifiable, scientifically repeatable effect that, at it's base, is a mental ability shown to exist, if not in any one individual, across the human race.\n\nRandi didn't specify that mental abilities had to be supernatural or that they had to be provable in any given person, only that they had to be scientifically verifiable. The placebo effect is a mental power. Give an inert substance to a test population who have been tested as suffering from any ailment and a sizable fraction will show improvement. Every medical experimenter knows this and allows for it in their results. They don't know what mental ability causes it but it happens.\n\nAnd that would meet all of Randi's challenge's criteria.\n\nThat's all I'm saying.\n\nNo need to go off on a homeopathy. 1304174208 +no, it's what he's saying. This looks exactly like damaged negative, which can have any shape, or even writing. 1330833580 +They might not all be after control and domination. Just like there are charitable human factions I would predict there are benevolent or charitable alien factions too. Especially when the convergence of singularity technology and universal ethics happens in a species. 1336144567 +> but changing from an undeveloped to a developed country happens once in a country's lifetime, unless their society is destroyed. Begin in a constant state of change doesn't mean that it changes from developed to undeveloped all the time...\n\nK, agree to disagree. We'll see if Europe is able to recover from its debt problems.\n\n> Your goal seems to be to get everyone working. I have to ask, why?\n\nThe goal is for everyone to be sufficient for themselves without foreign Aid. If that takes working, then so be it. It'd be great if all economies were successful enough as to not require people working, but i don't think we're there yet.\n\n> However, with sweat shops, it is a self-defeating move. The mere act of working in them detracts from the quality of life.\n\nSource?\n\n> Disease is rampant, as is death.\n\nSource?\n\n> People live to work and work to live. It's a useless life. \n\nSource?\n\n> Why try to implement a system in which people suffer more, compared to the current system, where we have some unemployment, which also happens in societies that do have child labor and sweat shops. In fact, because you enlarge the job pool (including children), your unemployment goes up.\n\nSource? Source? Source?\n\n> And yes, minimum wage laws do "force jobs" to other places, but it also makes the US one of the richest people of the world.\n\nExcept for all those poor people on Welfare that can't even get a job to start with...\n\n> Owners of large factories and big corporations aren't really suffering, and implementing sweat shops might give a few people jobs, but they would get less money overall. \n\nSource?\n\n> The only people who benefit from sweatshops are the owners (at least in the developed world). That is why owners implemented them, after all. Sometimes, their interests add up, but most of the time, they do not.\n\nSource? 1342224390 +Oh thank you. You really changed my worldview. 1299372445 +I'm there too! 1336236102 +Yeah not the music but the name. Damn near certain I remember the name "Florence and the Machine" specifically cuz I thought it would be unusual to have a female lead singer in a metal band (how young and ignorant I was). Best explanation I have so far is I actually heard "Rage Against The Machine" and my memory is just messing up on me, as much as it feels like it can't be. It **has** to be. 1352826425 +I see many words here, but I am not exactly positive what I just read. 1338341056 +Go and ask one of the old shop keepers in town. Something like this was bound to be gossip worthy. 1345238358 +Wikipedia does it better than I ever could. If you find it interesting, I would recommend r/psychonaut and Deoxy.org, they make for a lot of interesting reading often regarding that subject. 1328350641 +I think they *should* be called "doctor", actually. It seems incongruous to award the honorific to any PhD, but not to others who have also earned different doctoral degrees (lawyers, DNPs, pharmacists, etc.). 1331602819 +> Now the legal stuff.... I am required to state the following: You must be 18 years old to purchase. Psychic, paranormal, haunted and/or magical items are for **entertainment purpuses only**. I am not responsible for any paranormal activity you may **or may not experience**.\n\nAlways in the fine print... 1281485615 +You're getting some harsh responses.\n\nI just want to say thanks for the effort :) 1344430093 +CGI... 1294667461 +oh I see, no I didn't read any of the other comments, and I didn't read the link either, I just popped in to share that little snippet, it stands alone :) 1281880425 +Stars do that. They really do change colours. They do it because they are producing the light. In fact, one way you can tell a planet from a star is planets don't twinkle. Just a steady light. Stars twinkle, planets don't. 1329204427 +woo, snarktastic! 1283016077 +The main difference was that the organic milk was UHT- from a box and the regular milk was from the usual gallon jugs. \n\nBut the purpose wasn't to determine if organic milk was superior to regular milk, but rather to determine which of the available milk products I preferred in my latte. It didn't matter *why* I preferred X to Y. I don't care about chemicals- chemicals are one of my 5 food groups, along with sugar, salt, fat, and alcohol. I liked X better- *a lot better*, and that turned out to be the organic.\n\n 1338478290 +On the talk page on Relativity, Andy Schafly has made it quite clear that he takes the page seriously... Jesus' miracles disprove relativity because they apparently worked faster than the speed of light. 1288741585 +Wow, you are condescending. You said that military organization has "always been hierarchical." This is not true. You're shifting the argument to something that is more convenient for you to defend. 1332110740 +My friend's old chiropractor was a former Playboy playmate of the month. Not that it speaks to her intelligence, but it was pretty funny. 1317178351 +Holy crapolla, Batman! It appears that any fertilized egg would be considered a person, since they define the fetus and human rights at fertilization. So when they try to get you pregnant in the lab by fertilizing the egg first, they could get the death penalty if it doesn't take. Really? 1299677865 +its peculiar that it is such an unpleasant segment that keeps replaying. That sounds awful. Do you suppose this segment keeps playing as a form of PTSD? 1352075605 +How are you? 1288448486 +I think I will laugh like a maniac if it turns out aliens are real and have visited. There's been so many witnesses and sources saying so, but for the mass of the worlds population, its just sci fi. Dumb bastards. 1342790323 +I don't challenge the belief in reiki/healing touch. My mother has severe, untreatable chronic pain from her illness. I know logically that having me sit there and put my hands on her only curbs her discomfort by placebo, but it's also one of the few comforts for her that I have control over. She uses a massive range of real evidence-based medicine in addition; if she didn't, that's when I'd start having a problem. 1309627695 +Yeah, you are definitely right, bad ideas die hard, but hopefully some of the more moderate supporters will sway. I am probably being overly optimistic regarding my faith in humanity though. 1302583791 +http://www.huliq.com/10282/ufo-sightings-reveal-more-strange-metal-boxes-along-coastal-beaches I guess the British Government documented similar boxes in Sri Lanka.\n 1329107865 +Experts are incredibly important, or did you expect that you'd be able to fit all the knowledge in the world inside that little head of yours in your short little life? 1334678013 +Yup, I get these from time to time, especially when I'm over-tired. 1340089088 +For example, he says that we don't understand electricity, no one does, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The explicit message is that electricity is a wondrous mystery. The implicit meaning is that anyone who tells you differently is full of baloney, and clearly making things up, so don't trust them! But there are actually many, many people (physicists and electrical engineers and chemists) that do very much understand electricity. They know exactly what it is, and how it behaves, and why it does the seemingly magical things it does.\n\nSo if you were to take this guy at his word, and distrust the people who have spent their lives studying these phenomena, then the moment they started saying, "no, but look, THIS is how it works, we checked!" you'd turn around and say, "pssh, no one understands electricity, and the fact that you think you do makes you delusional and not worth listening to." 1348711382 +They stuck the three of us in the same room so they could make sure we wernt drinking they were hard asses about under aged drinking, but we drank our asses off when we hit 21 1345249150 +Yes, but even more skeptical of the assertion that we don't, given the paucity of evidence. 1253059965 +Why do none of these have sufficient explanations even for crazy shit?\n\nSo the Ring UFO, was it an actual ring or funky cloud?\nSeems like there was quite a few shots of what is clearly a cloud and the black ring is superimposed. Were the others ones also supposed to highlight where this cloud is or meant to be the actual UFO?\n\nHollow Earth? People actually believe this shit? So the earth is actually a small Dyson Sphere? Wouldn't the atmosphere be sucked towards the core, and not adhering to the inner wall? What of the expansion and contraction of gas? How do we account for the gravitational pull of the Earth, if it was hollow it'd have a much smaller pull. \n\nSky Hum? Sounded an awful lot like some kind of industrial sound. Far off mining, explosions/blasting, aircraft, weapons test, etc... 1339026489 +[imgur link](http://imgur.com/469a4.jpg) to just the article and comments. \n\nFull page [imgur link](http://imgur.com/rn6Jx.jpg) to get the feel of the site/page.\n\nLet's not give them any more ad dollars or site traffic please. 1283080976 +Best quote ever. 1356891592 +Best quote ever. 1343684863 +This whole thing terrifies me. I just can't get over how childish that logic of dilution is, when it is so obvious that that lets them sell sugar pills at pharmaceutical prices. Don't people know that "anecdotal evidence" means "this is really shady"? 1311807106 +In all seriousness, you *are* part of the problem. Disagree with her, dislike her if you will, but maintain a level of discourse higher than that. 1321152939 +This isn't intended to sound as ghoulish as it does, but: I want to see more recent deaths! 1350807532 +Monsanto is hated because their business practices are evil. Not because GMOs are bad. They aren't. 1330122273 +I find it funny... my Deja Vu I always feel coming... it's like... I know what's coming... and I think... I'm not going to do what I know comes next... except then suddenly that's exactly what I did in my Deja Vu... and my thoughts about fighting my Deja Vu are part of my Deja Vu.\n\nLike the whole time travel piece... if you traveled back in time to tell yourself something... you'd already know it. 1334770600 +Wow. Thanks. I certainly didn't expect that. I am still new to reddit, but it still blows me away just how ready people here are to genuinely give...\n\nIt almost certainly won't be happening for the next few months anyway; though we will see what happens at TAM - that is going to be something of a big event for us, where we will get some really good feedback and exposure and be able to finally assess our path much more effectively (and hopefully pick up a few advisors to help us out along the way) 1338223537 +Or as juno said he has a financial incentive to purport supposed benefits even though evidence is lacking. Or in his words\n\n"I have a business where I teach people to exercise and use the paleo diet to shed body fat and remove the symptoms of many auto-immune diseases, BTW."\n\nI'm not saying the diet does work for losing weight but it simply could be that a restrictive diet (no matter the specifics) + exercise generally results in weight loss. Usually short term though since the majority of people go off their diet eventually.\n\nhttp://motivatedandfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Diets_dont_work.pdf\n\nand here is a small albeit interesting study that could use some follow up experiments\n\nhttp://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1105816\n\n 1329639568 +s/riend/ather 1292860293 +You apparently deleted your two links before I could respond to them?\n\nI've read the first link before. It's not a condemnation of the WAPF but rather an argument against "holistic dental practices" or whatever, right? I have never seen the WAPF advocate any of those dubious practices. Like I said, their articles from trained biologists on, say, trans fats, on wheat and its effects on human metabolism -- these articles are rock solid, and I challenge you to show me otherwise.\n\nThe second comes from a vegetarian source. I agree with some of the things it says about Sally Fallon. And yes, the WAPF has a very anti-vegetarian bent. But, it's very inaccurate to say that the WAPF condemns the use of whole grains. \n\nIn fact, one of the biggest complaints in the from the Paleo diet camp is that the WAPF **advocates** the consumption of whole grains **when properly prepared via soaking, sprouting, fermenting, etc. and other "traditional techniques."** Some of the more strict Paleo people prefer to avoid these grains altogether, while some of the more permissive Paleo/Primal people are all for it. \n\nNone of these articles have attacked the credibility of the WAPF's core message on its own merits. As I understand it, the WAPF advocates\n\n* a diet based on real foods\n\n* preferably based on high quality meats and dairy; local, fresh vegetables and fruit; \n\n* rich in fat-soluble vitamins ADEK, \n\n* relatively high in omega-3 fatty acids, low in omega-6 fatty acids\n\nLook, I'm not a WAPF fanboy. I don't particularly care for their rhetoric, I think some of what they do is misguided, and I think the organization does a lot of things other than what Price advocated. But every time I see criticisms of the WAPF on here, I never see anything substantive. \n\nLike I said, the science-based articles from Masterjohn and Enig are golden. I have yet to see a credible criticism of their work. \n\nThe links you posted were:\n\nhttp://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/holisticdent.html\nhttp://www.vegsource.com/news/2009/11/reflections-on-the-weston-a-price-foundation.html 1290098083 +> I down voted you because you came on r/ufos to say that extra terrestrials dont exist because cameras. \n\nOK... Aliens aren't visiting Earth because of a heck of a lot more than just cameras... For instance, faster than light travel is physically impossible, and without it, the journey here would take almost forever (and require an insane amount of energy). Of course, warp drive is theoretically possible (but would require even more energy). And, just how did the aliens know we were here? Unless they lived within roughly 60 light years, they couldn't possibly know that. And, there aren't very many planets within that distance... 1348379110 +Your user name is hilariously relevant. 1346311579 +I think it all depends on how you define "perpetual motion". The green water in the flask is cool, but even if it works a presented, it won't be "perpetual" due to evaporation. Once enough liquid evaporates to chnage the weight of the water pushing down, the machine will stop. 1356804338 +Thanks for keeping this up, by the way. It's rare for people who've been targets of skepticism to be so open to criticism, and it shows integrity, which i do appreciate. (EDIT: Of course it's fascinating to me as well. Hope that's obvious.)\n\nI'll say that i'm skeptical of some of the responses you've shared. Precise acupoints are part of the historical and theoretical basis for acupuncture; if the precision turns out not to matter, what reason is there to support the theory of meridians at all? The acupuncturist's response that there may be an unlimited number of acupoints makes the theory itself basically useless. It sounds very much like an example of [special pleading](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_pleading). The fingertip acupoint objection to the negative EFT study sounds similar, especially given that the precision of points has been shown not to matter much in other applications.\n\nEssentially it comes down to this: It will always be possible to come up with an explanation for each problem with a hypothesis (like meridian theory) while maintaining that the hypothesis is true. (Carl Sagan wrote a [great illustration](http://www.users.qwest.net/~jcosta3/article_dragon.htm) of this principle.) We must decide for ourselves when the explanations become too cumbersome, too elaborate, or too implausible to be of any use, and the better explanation is that the hypothesis itself is wrong. (I'm invoking Occam's razor; have you come across it already?)\n\nAs a side note, there's a subtlety in the language that might be contaminating our dialogue, and i might be guilty of it myself. There are studies that *show evidence for* EFT, and there are studies that *do not show evidence for* EFT. It's not quite right to say that a study shows that EFT works or proves EFT, or to say that another study shows that EFT doesn't work or disproves EFT.\n\nAnyway, i took a closer look at [these studies](http://eftuniverse.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=18&Itemid=#anxiety) on anxiety. Are there other studies on EFT for anxiety that you've come across other than the list at your third original link? It turns out that the literature there is weaker than i thought before. Basically, what needs to be shown for EFT to be accepted as a practice is that it is at least as good as, if not better than, standard psychotherapeutic methods. Of the 15 articles listed under "Anxiety", in three (3, 7, 8) the patients were self-selected, making the "study" just a collection of testimonials; two more (4, 6) were pilots; two others (5, 15) still used no controls; three others (1, 9, 10) used no treatment as a control (meaning, they compared EFT to no treatment, rather than an alternative treatment); one (12) compared EFT to a placebo version of itself; and one (13) was not a study. Of the three remaining that compared EFT to alternative treatment, two found either no difference (2) or inconsistent results (11). Only the [14th study](http://eftuniverse.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3570&Itemid=2071) found EFT to be superior to an alternative ([progressive muscular relaxation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_muscle_relaxation)). So, as it seems to me, the existing literature suggests that EFT is no better than other methods, or at least there is no reason to conclude *from* the literature that EFT is better, at relieving anxiety. 1343018825 +You misunderstand the definition of coercion. Threats of violence are coercive. False advertising isn't forcing anyone to buy the product. Thus it is not coercive. If you're so concerned about fraud, then sign a contract with the seller stipulating they will be held liable in a private court of arbitration if their product does not perform as stated. 1309658351 +I just might trust you if you could spell. 1354147571 +I Support Richard Dawkins Foundation. 1279644901 +Debates can go on forever...this ongoing [Intelligent Design](http://www.facebook.com/Teach.Intelligent.Design/posts/480441078201?ref=notif&notif_t=feed_comment#!/Teach.Intelligent.Design) debate is getting pretty ridiculous.\n\n 1294033638 +Agreed. The problem rises when people fill in the blanks. I know there are power structures out there that conspire, but I don't claim to know their motives or actual agendas. For the most part I think it is like the quote you posted. A lot of it is informal. People don't need to plot and plan behind closed doors when their interest converge. Its a collective phenomenon dictated by the rules and incentives of society. 1346311684 +A probability. My parents and lots of their friends are anti-vaxxers (luckily they got into it after my sister and I got most of our childhood vaccines) \n\nThey see it as black or white. Vaccines = bad. They don't understand the details and don't really want to. When faced with someone who doesn't even want to understand their own opinion, there's nothing you can do but ignore them and try to make sure they don't get control. 1355826260 +When the hell did they re-legalize mechanically separated beef and where do I get me some? 1332946586 +I am a firm believer. \nNever saw one myself. And I believe 99.999% of all sightings are one of three things; misidentified natural phenomenon, misidentified man-made devices, or flat out hoaxes. However there is that .001% that just don't fit any of the three. There are several well known reports by reliable people that just cant be explained. Four in particular stand out off the top of my head. \n\n[Japan Air Lines flight 1628 incident](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_Air_Lines_flight_1628_incident)\n\n[Lonnie Zamora Incident](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lonnie_Zamora) (by the way I have visited and photographed this site, and some of the physical evidence still exists nearly 50 years later)\n\n[Betty and Barney Hill abduction](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betty_and_Barney_Hill_abduction)\n\n[Rendlesham Forest incident](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rendlesham_Incident)\n\n**Edit** \n\nI have seen an aircraft that doesn't fit any known conventions once. However I am sure that it was one of ours. (US Black project.) 1314326581 +An open mind is important. But only to a reasonable extent. Should I keep an 'open mind' that Reddit is really run by aliens, and that logo is a sign of their true nature? No, of course not. There's no reason to. In my opinion it's completely obvious that this is art being created by people. 1244070271 +Looks like a coin toss! 1330406173 +Yeah... suicide girls needs fake reddit accounts for traffic.\n\nNo.\n\nIt is obviously in skeptic because she is from the show myth busters, a highly skeptical show on Discovery. 1301547187 +If you're around the Terre Haute area (my hometown!), check out the Terre Haute Historical Museum and Mogger's Brewery (best restaurant in town). At the museum, the upstairs has a room full of porcelain dolls (I shit you not), which is simply creepy on the best of days, but sometimes the eyes/heads have moved. Every time I go in there, I ALWAYS feel like I'm being stared at. And with Moggers, there's been a TON of sightings, weird feelings, temperature changes, etc. Its a very historic building in the oldest part of town. 1327262550 +In terms of the burial at sea: They had to take the body in order to confirm the identity. Once you have it, what do you do with it? If they held on to it, it would be seen as desecration. It makes sense that Saudi Arabia would reject the offer, as they wouldn't want a terrorist shrine in their country. \n\nWhether it's a proper Islamic burial may be questionable, but given the circumstances, it was probably seen as the least disrespectful alternative. \n\nI think the story *was* questioned. My first thought was, "Oh, really? That's convenient." And then my second thought was that making a claim like that without being absolutely certain would be unbelievably stupid. I don't trust Obama as far as I can spit, but I don't think he's an idiot either. 1304556352 +I'm aware. I'm at an MD school in the US right now and I rotate in hospitals where DOs work and they all seem perfectly capable to me. In Canada that's definitely not the case though, which is why this article (and the people here) are treating it like an issue of alt medicine woo rather than normal medical mismanagement. 1335372206 +>Stephens said there are only two possible explanations for Sasquatch sightings in the U.S. One is the sightings are simply hoaxes and the other is there are large unidentified primates hidden in the woods and mountains.\n\nThat we have never found any bones of so they must be the only primate with cartilage instead of bone. They are all apparently the **ONLY** primates that live exclusively solitary lives so they must have some sort of magical sex-radar that brings them together when they mate. You heard me magical sex-radar. I discovered it. I am now a big foot expert. Pay me History Channel. 1338497736 +That hurts. 1302914449 +Upvote for "codswallop" (which I had never heard before but looked up) 1317306782 +I never knew that much about them, except one in university who was upset, like seriously upset I didn't believe in God. To each their own for me, but I was like damn....\n\nMy brother was with Assembly of God for a bit... so yeah I understand the cultish aspects. Glad to hear you broke out. 1353525838 +You went to a thing and ran into the guy responsible for that thing? Amaz!ng. 1311477779 +Possible, however I asked her and my grandma about the layout of the house and both said the phone was in the kitchen and my mom slept upstairs and down a hall. It's unlikely, but possible. 1326751296 +You're my boy, Blue! 1311558941 +The flu has yet to significantly harm you... But it does harm others. What if you pass it on to someone who is immune-compromised? 1335060681 +I have no idea what the "pre 2009" thing is, but it sounds like "pseudo-astrology". 1295076517 +Just wanted to comment and upvote so you know that someone is paying attention and appreciates any pics or accounts you may follow up with. 1352574161 +um...what does one use as as placebo for sugar? 1295413967 +This is really cool... I would like to see another witness video though. Surely someone else saw this... 1329931093 +Ah-hah, well said! 1304616808 +That's just your reptilian brain being a dick.\n\nEDIT: The reptilian brain is also known as the hind brain. 1332273292 +Just think about it. If this was true, do you think the government would let you use the water? Despite most of reddit's hate for the government it does do good things. 1345242664 +>Does a cat have any real understanding of enjoyment in regards to where it places itself?\n\nEveryone who's had a cat can probably answer this one with a "very likely yes".\n\n>They are simple mammals without much comprehension aside from how to find food, mate, shit and sleep.\n\nActually, because they are such good hunters, cats (even in the wild) spend a lot of time idling. It is theorized that all that free time helps develop cognitive processes. Though not as trainable as dogs, they are said to be of similar intelligence.\n\nThey are also highly territorial and "possessive", i.e. they do have a territorial concept of ownership of places but also some objects. It seems likely the cat could definitely consider the box as part of his possessions.\n\nBut, yeah, this really doesn't have anything to do with /r/skeptic... :-) 1349540980 +Would haunt my flat by doing crazy shit all over the night and in the morning my victim would wake up with a tpast made for him. 1323717850 +He said he put his hand down..... 1334851787 +The report contains analysis of mostly eyewitness accounts.\n\nThe point is that there is a huge gap between an unidentified object in the sky and that object belonging to visitors from another planet. Something that you seem to have a problem grasping. 1349508912 +( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 1353396138 +http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/890bq/ya_know_what_im_callin_it_dr_amy_tuteur_md_of/ 1259705016 +But then nothing is ever "no" and response in the negative has a "... but unlikely" after it. 1305573602 +"Boy did I enjoy that intelligent, well written, and incredibly insightful article by Jenny McCarthy."\nSaid noone ever. 1350747439 +Very possibly. I've driven down that freeway at the time this had been shot many times for the past 6 months. I've seen very similar objects. They all occurred in a time frame between about when this was shot and mid July. They all did similar things: disappear and reappear, move in direct lines(vertical and horizontal) in abrupt bursts, and slowly move down the coast.\n\n\nOne separate story was during a blackout we had about 10 months ago or so. I was on the phone with my girlfriend when I started to see the lights. There were 4 flocks of 3 lights flying in a triangle formation. One flock would appear and disappear as it flew in a straight path, only to reappear and vanish for good... but the next one would perfectly emulate the last, appearing and disappearing in the same exact area... That was my first truly WTF experience... the GF was telling me I'm just freaking out about some plane. \n 1347713751 +I've got AstronomyCast, Skeptic's Guide To The Universe, SGU 5x5, QuackCast, Chariots of Iron and Atheist News in my subscriptions. They all deliver. 1299794303 +Same thing happened to me, They're everywhere! 1340309152 +Just respond with [this video of a robotic hummingbird built for DARPA](http://youtu.be/NuD1WKHsggs?t=1m20s). I wonder if the engineers who built this sat around and thought really hard until it sprung into reality or if they followed the laws of physics to help them build this beauty? 1340400448 +It's rather, if not entirely subjective. 1337137116 +This is where I like to use the word "suspect" instead of "believe".\n\nI strongly suspect that there is life on other planets, but until we have good evidence I don't believe it. 1328351687 +ScienceDaily is pretty much just press releases - so you're not going to get much (any) critical analysis there. 1294215804 +>I would keep an open mind about the Ouija board, you and whoever accompanies you has to believe it works\n\nThis is where it falls apart. People die of voodoo because they believe it works. That doesn't mean that voodoo is an authentic, repeatable, infallible ritual practice. All it means is that the human brain is affected strongly by believing in something.\n\nIf I truly, with all my heart, believed that every time the person across this office sneezed, that I would get nauseous and throw up, then I would very likely become nauseous and throw up everytime that person sneezed. But that *does not mean that their sneezing causes my vomiting*. It means that my *belief* causes the vomiting. It's an *extremely* important distinction.\n\nThings are either real or they are not real, and if personal belief is required in order for it to "work," then it doesn't actually work. In the soon-to-be-immortal words of astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson: "The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it." *That* is what makes something real. Your perception, your belief, your preconceived notions are irrelevant. It is true with or without you. Truth doesn't care about you one tiny little bit. The ouija board, clearly, is only effective if you believe it to be so, and that means it's your perception that makes it "real," and that means that it isn't actually real. 1335458681 +The fnords reference is excellent and well-appreciated. The truth of the matter is that we are hardly credulous over at the Lamp. We are definitely aware of the occult and of the various interpretations of the global conspiracy dedicated to the total domination of every living man woman and child of this earth from now until eternity's dusk. But that doesn't make any of us more motivated to believe in the Corn Demon - probably less so, given what the Occult Elite are capable of.\n\nIt just as surely doesn't mean there's no such thing. I'm still inclined to think this is a metaphor for INS, either overt or unconscious and Jungian. And it may be a social workers' ploy to motivate interest in the plight of migrant workers. I'm not sure that would be a bad thing, either. What I do know is that it's unlikely somebody ran over the fence, since that property belongs to what looks to be a fairly prosperous farmer, and I'd think the Sheriff's department would already have been called out to the site. Unless the deputy lied to us, which is absolutely a possibility.\n\nYour point about the culturally-ingrained forces that encourage some Latinos to understand reality as embracing the supernatural was both cogent and wholly appropriate.\n\nR 1344636558 +> To be eligible for a refund, together with return postage, you will need to return a genuine Power Balance product along with proof of purchase (including credit card records, store barcodes and receipts) from an authorised reseller in Australia.\n\nThey have provided enough hoops to jump through to effectively evade paying out for their misleading conduct. Fuckers. 1294083033 +They don't even know how to use paint. Plus it went straight from the phone to the computer. I checked all the apps and he didn't have any worth noting. I just want to find the pic of the girl to recreate this to prove to my brother that it's fake. And if i can't then it's just only a little creepy, but still unrealistic. 1332431262 +> decades even\n\nNo, the first Disclosure Project [press conference](http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&amp;source=web&amp;cd=5&amp;ved=0CEEQtwIwBA&amp;url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D7vyVe-6YdUk&amp;ei=WJPNTauRJOLo0QHAv9ngDQ&amp;usg=AFQjCNGH8DinrHiRStVSXu5hhU3A1xTr0g&amp;sig2=mURW8s3v4kaHy4md2yJMyg) was held in 2001. \n\nI think many, many people in the Disclosure Project have divulged whatever evidence they have, including [John Callahan](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_w1OPgoR5M). There is surely no 'smoking gun' but to say they haven't put forth any evidence is a bit misleading. 1305317917 +not to mention the conspiracy theorist shite as a whole... 1309300711 +smarter then you dude 1318671249 +>f you don't already believe in the paranormal and have experience with it, this post isn't for you.\n\nLet me know if you change your mind. 1344359488 +it does sound looped, but my parents dogs sound looped as well. Its the same celebration every time. 1277392688 +If you are looking for more information the following links may be helpful. \n\nJoint Chiefs Of Staff report - http://www.nsa.gov/public_info/_files/ufo/joint_chiefs_staff_report.pdf \n\nDocument explaining how the documents were released and whom they were sent to at the time - http://www.nsa.gov/public_info/_files/ufo/us_gov_iran_case.pdf 1345731119 +Not downvoted because you raise some points that are worth addressing.\n\nAn ad hominem is an argument against *a position* grounded in negative qualities of someone who holds it. The article would be making an ad hominem if, for instance, it claimed that we should believe in anthropogenic global warming simply because the people arguing against it are unreliable or corrupt. The article is instead making the case that Lindzen is unreliable and corrupt, and that he is a poor representative of the scientific community or of scientific thinking. It seems to me that their case is legitimate, if not airtight.\n\nMuch more importantly, dissecting the claims and credentials of specific deniers is not necessariy in order to simply observe that a scientific consensus has been arrived at, slowly and carefully, over several decades, due to the accumulation of a vast body of evidence that has won over almost every legitimate skeptic. Pretty much anyone who confidently asserts that global warming is fiction is either negligibly informed or a bona fide denier. Asserting that global warming is happening is not "advocacy"; it is science. 1330279177 +Sticky sweat for higher friction combined with the fact they're leaning backwards a bit so the object can rest on them. 1330840328 +Tylrbob and squirrelbones are geniuses that only want to teach and show others the truth. Listen to these sage men and learn from their wisdom. 1315544262 +I'm sure he does. I havent asked him about it because he likes to talk. \n\nHe will go on and on even to other topics without noticing if I care or letting me get a word in. I don't think its necesarily intentional but its annoying enough that I try not to talk/debate with him that much. 1345681094 +I feel like this subject comes up every two months here, and people fail to realize it's an optical illusion caused by our atmosphere... 1343513744 +Caffe latte means coffee and milk, it's a simple drink. Italians are not nearly so pretentious as Americans ordering coffee by fucking up Italian.\n\nEdit: I love coffee. I hate coffee "culture". 1319134235 +This has been happening to me for years and I've only had two people witness it first hand. A month ago and I went for a walk in my neighborhood with my boyfriend and 8 went out in a row when I walked underneath. One didn't come back on right away and when I walked back under it it came back on.\nNo one ever believes me, so I stopped telling people about it until they see it happen! 1350830704 +Just say, "where does it say that?" 1336308671 +To be a hard core truther you got to strip your gear down. 1336902404 +Never said we would. But...\n\n<Gets behind podium> I want to see a world in which pure shit-peddlers are the exception, not the norm. I want to see a world where at least some of the kids out there aren't just *told* not to bullshit their way through life, but have parents who model the minimized-bullshit lifestyle.\n\n<Raises volume> I want to see a world where lying sacks of shit are revealed for the oozing, festering stinkpiles they are.\n\n<Thumps podium> My fellow Americans! I want to see a world where empirical evidence is valued, and faith devalued. I want to see a world where "believe this because I say so" isn't enough! Where parents, freed from the shackles of bullshit themselves, turn against the very idea of inflicting it on their children!\n\n<Takes a deep breath> Thank you. And Morgan Freeman bless. 1312412674 +Aw! There's also an experimental variation of this method that I call the Mr. Charles Gambit, but haven't tried it out on anyone yet. Basically same thing, except that you announce every stage of it to the person. i.e. "I've caught you in contradicting statements X and Y. The discomfort you are experiencing right now holding these two contradicting ideas at the same time is called 'cognitive dissonance', in a moment you're gonna try to Z in order to exclude Y from contradicting with X"\n\nMight come off as arrogant, so use at own risk! 1343343163 +You're making the claim that I'm a solipsist and I'm supposed to tell you why you're wrong? The burden of proof is on you, friend... 1328457725 +Google Dr. Jonathan Reed, although I believe it's been a proven hoax, still a neat video to watch. \n\n[I know it's myspace, but here's a ton of stuff about it. A little one sided though.](http://www.myspace.com/528233814) 1334944305 +We went to the petstore to buy some feeder fish. The girl fished them out of the tank and into the baggie and counted 5 (5 for a dollar), the cashier counted 5 and rung us up.\n\nOn the way home my son said Hey, there's 6 in here. My wife verified, yep there's 6 not 5. Cool, a free one!\n\nWe got home and put them in the turtle tank (an occasional treat) and he started chasing them. There were now 7 fish, further verified after he had eaten a couple (easy to see) there were still 5 left. We all counted them separately several times. I was confused. 1341775950 +Except that not all skeptics are atheists, and vice versa. 1323542919 +Go for it. I'd imagine there are many, many people who work on tv shows that think the show is garbage. Heck there are people in every field that think that the company they work for is worthless. 1305573658 +Get real. You're having some trouble over on another thread. This post is the equivilent of a brat yelling "I'm gonna tell on you!" 1354810421 +^ a b c Lamberg M, Hausen H, Vartiainen T. Symptoms experienced during periods of actual and supposed water fluoridation. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1997;25(4):291–5. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0528.1997.tb00942.x. PMID 9332806.\n^ a b c d e f g h i Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recommendations for using fluoride to prevent and control dental caries in the United States. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2001;50(RR-14):1–42. PMID 11521913. Lay summary: CDC, 2007-08-09.\n^ a b c d e f g h i j k Pizzo G, Piscopo MR, Pizzo I, Giuliana G. Community water fluoridation and caries prevention: a critical review. Clin Oral Investig. 2007;11(3):189–93. doi:10.1007/s00784-007-0111-6. PMID 17333303.\n^ a b Consumer Price Index (estimate) 1800–2008. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Retrieved December 7, 2010.\n^ a b Taricska JR, Wang LK, Hung YT, Li KH. Fluoridation and defluoridation. In: Wang LK, Hung YT, Shammas NK, editors. Advanced Physicochemical Treatment Processes. Humana Press; 2006. (Handbook of Environmental Engineering 4). doi:10.1007/978-1-59745-029-4_9. ISBN 978-1-59745-029-4. p. 293–315.\n^ a b WHO Expert Committee on Oral Health Status and Fluoride Use. Fluorides and oral health [PDF]. 1994.\n^ a b c Hobson WL, Knochel ML, Byington CL, Young PC, Hoff CJ, Buchi KF. Bottled, filtered, and tap water use in Latino and non-Latino children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2007;161(5):457–61. doi:10.1001/archpedi.161.5.457. PMID 17485621.\n^ a b c d e Petersen PE, Lennon MA. Effective use of fluorides for the prevention of dental caries in the 21st century: the WHO approach [PDF]. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2004;32(5):319–21. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0528.2004.00175.x. PMID 15341615.\n^ a b Parnell C, Whelton H, O'Mullane D. Water fluoridation. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2009;10(3):141–8. PMID 19772843.\n^ a b c d e f g h i National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia). A systematic review of the efficacy and safety of fluoridation [PDF]. 2007 [cited 2009-10-13]. ISBN 1864964154. Summary: Yeung CA. A systematic review of the efficacy and safety of fluoridation. Evid Based Dent. 2008;9(2):39–43. doi:10.1038/sj.ebd.6400578. PMID 18584000. Lay summary: NHMRC, 2007.\n^ a b c d e f g h McDonagh M, Whiting P, Bradley M et al. A systematic review of public water fluoridation [PDF]; 2000. Report website: NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination. Fluoridation of drinking water: a systematic review of its efficacy and safety; 2000 [cited 2009-05-26]. Authors' summary: McDonagh MS, Whiting PF, Wilson PM et al.. Systematic review of water fluoridation [PDF]. BMJ. 2000;321(7265):855–9. doi:10.1136/bmj.321.7265.855. PMID 11021861. PMC 27492. Authors' commentary: Treasure ET, Chestnutt IG, Whiting P, McDonagh M, Wilson P, Kleijnen J. The York review—a systematic review of public water fluoridation: a commentary. Br Dent J. 2002;192(9):495–7. doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.4801410a. PMID 12047121.\n^ a b c d e Fawell J, Bailey K, Chilton J, Dahi E, Fewtrell L, Magara Y. Fluoride in Drinking-water [PDF]. World Health Organization; 2006. ISBN 92-4-156319-2. Environmental occurrence, geochemistry and exposure. p. 5–27.\n^ a b c d e f g Jones S, Burt BA, Petersen PE, Lennon MA. The effective use of fluorides in public health. Bull World Health Organ. 2005;83(9):670–6. PMID 16211158. PMC 2626340.\n^ a b CDC. Ten great public health achievements—United States, 1900–1999. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 1999;48(12):241–3. PMID 10220250. Reprinted in: JAMA. 1999;281(16):1481. doi:10.1001/jama.281.16.1481. PMID 10227303.\n^ a b c d Burt BA, Tomar SL. Changing the face of America: water fluoridation and oral health. In: Ward JW, Warren C. Silent Victories: The History and Practice of Public Health in Twentieth-century America. Oxford University Press; 2007. ISBN 0-19-515069-4. p. 307–22.\n^ a b Sellers C. The artificial nature of fluoridated water: between nations, knowledge, and material flows. Osiris. 2004;19:182–200. doi:10.1086/649401. PMID 15478274.\n^ a b c Division of Oral Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, CDC. Water fluoridation statistics for 2006; 2008-09-17 [cited 2008-12-22].\n^ a b c d e f g The British Fluoridation Society; The UK Public Health Association; The British Dental Association; The Faculty of Public Health. One in a Million: The facts about water fluoridation. 2nd ed. Manchester: British Fluoridation Society; 2004. ISBN 095476840X. The extent of water fluoridation [PDF]. p. 55–80.\n^ a b c d e Selwitz RH, Ismail AI, Pitts NB. Dental caries. Lancet. 2007;369(9555):51–9. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(07)60031-2. PMID 17208642.\n^ a b Ethics:\nMcNally M, Downie J. The ethics of water fluoridation. J Can Dent Assoc. 2000;66(11):592–3. PMID 11253350.\nCohen H, Locker D. The science and ethics of water fluoridation. J Can Dent Assoc. 2001;67(10):578–80. PMID 11737979.\n^ a b c Cheng KK, Chalmers I, Sheldon TA. Adding fluoride to water supplies [PDF]. BMJ. 2007;335(7622):699–702. doi:10.1136/bmj.39318.562951.BE. PMID 17916854. PMC 2001050.\n^ a b c d Armfield JM. When public action undermines public health: a critical examination of antifluoridationist literature. Aust New Zealand Health Policy. 2007;4:25. doi:10.1186/1743-8462-4-25. PMID 18067684. PMC 2222595.\n^ a b National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. The story of fluoridation; 2008-12-20 [cited 2010-02-06].\n^ a b Ripa LW. A half-century of community water fluoridation in the United States: review and commentary [PDF]. J Public Health Dent. 1993;53(1):17–44. doi:10.1111/j.1752-7325.1993.tb02666.x. PMID 8474047.\n^ Gibson-Moore H. Water fluoridation for some—should it be for all?. Nutr Bull. 2009;34(3):291–5. doi:10.1111/j.1467-3010.2009.01762.x.\n^ Hudson K, Stockard J, Ramberg Z. The impact of socioeconomic status and race-ethnicity on dental health. Sociol Perspect. 2007;50(1):7–25. doi:10.1525/sop.2007.50.1.7.\n^ Vargas CM, Ronzio CR. Disparities in early childhood caries. BMC Oral Health. 2006;6(Suppl 1):S3. doi:10.1186/1472-6831-6-S1-S3. PMID 16934120. PMC 2147596.\n^ a b Griffin SO, Jones K, Tomar SL. An economic evaluation of community water fluoridation [PDF]. J Public Health Dent. 2001;61(2):78–86. doi:10.1111/j.1752-7325.2001.tb03370.x. PMID 11474918.\n^ a b Petersen PE. World Health Organization global policy for improvement of oral health—World Health Assembly 2007 [PDF]. Int Dent J. 2008;58(3):115–21. PMID 18630105.\n^ Horowitz HS. Decision-making for national programs of community fluoride use. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2000;28(5):321–9. doi:10.1034/j.1600-0528.2000.028005321.x. PMID 11014508.\n^ a b c d e Reeves TG. Centers for Disease Control. Water fluoridation: a manual for engineers and technicians [PDF]; 1986 [cited 2008-12-10].\n^ a b c Lauer WC. Water Fluoridation Principles and Practices. 5th ed. Vol. M4. American Water Works Association; 2004. (Manual of Water Supply Practices). ISBN 1-58321-311-2. History, theory, and chemicals. p. 1–14.\n^ Nicholson JW, Czarnecka B. Fluoride in dentistry and dental restoratives. In: Tressaud A, Haufe G, editors. Fluorine and Health. Elsevier; 2008. ISBN 978-0-444-53086-8. p. 333–78.\n^ Division of Oral Health, National Center for Prevention Services, CDC. Fluoridation census 1992 [PDF]. 1993 [cited 2008-12-29].\n^ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Engineering and administrative recommendations for water fluoridation, 1995. MMWR Recomm Rep. 1995;44(RR-13):1–40. PMID 7565542.\n\n 1318789593 +One of the key errors I find in the concept of machines making humans "obsolete" is that idea that machines are more efficient than humans by default. Look at what we need to survive and what we built with these little means. Compare that to running a machine. A single EMP strike could wipe out an entire machine population in one blow. A single virus could destroy a perfectly connected computer network. It's the "randomness" of life and humanity in particular that makes it so damn robust. Not perfect but perfectly tuned to this planet's environment.\n\nAlso, in the end, what will this super-intelligent machine being do? What's its motivation? Who will *define* its motivation? It will never be more than a tool and an extension of mankind's ideas. Maybe we will eventually send our brain waves to host bodys on Mars. But I doubt that we will let robots teach our children or write our music. 1282438455 +Single-use seeds as a concession to the wackos who thing GM is going to invade never occurred to me until you pointed it out.\n\n... Which is why I don't take everything I see in a documentary on Netflix as fact. 1340480643 +Right? It does seem like the UFO downvote brigades are either on vacation or have lost a bit of their following. 1342789723 +i was gna say what that guy said but then i was like whoahhhhhhh duuuuuude\nEDIT: you might want to check theblueprins if you can find them but i suspect that if they are eleven steps they will show eleven steps and before if you had checked they probably would have shown ten steps. a deja vu is when they change something int he matrix. 1341808287 +This ghost must love that window. 1341149791 +Nothing new - I submitted this [3 years ago](http://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/7cq0m/fema_firefighters_manual_covers_ufo_attacks/). Hopefully that puts readers' minds at ease that an attack isn't likely imminent! It was (and is) an odd thing to have in there, but probably defendable as an exercise in thinking outside the box about potential disasters. 1343408953 +http://youtu.be/Y6PNhkHfrcQ 1345704719 +People will only stop being suckered when they stop being suckers. 1308070872 +He's a YEC, how much sense do you expect? 1353537567 +I assume you meant to post this in a different subreddit? 1299484243 +EDIT: here's the best document I got: [FBI report on UFOs in New Mexico](http://vault.fbi.gov/hottel_guy/Guy%20Hottel%20Part%201%20of%201/view)\n\nFrom the report:\n>An investigator for the Air Force stated that 3 so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies, but only three feet tall, dressed in a metallic cloth of a very fine texture.\n\nA recent author has spun this as Russian children sent over by Stalin to freak the US out and cause a reaction similar to 'War of the Worlds'. That seems unlikely to myself, in that they would have done far better to fly into NYC or some other large city to promote such a feat - not the desert wilderness in the middle of nowhere.\n\nI don't think there is really a definitive 'smoking gun'. We have [FBI reports of an unidentified disc coming down that is public knowledge](http://vault.fbi.gov/Roswell%20UFO/Roswell%20UFO%20Part%201%20of%201/view). We have countless mysterious videos that can be construed as dozens of explanations. We have high-level government and military people from all over the world who claim to have witnessed or experienced these craft in action, often doing incredible things. This evidence would be more than enough if we were dealing with any other subject on an academic level. We produce conjecture based on ancient history based on far greater assumptions, yet teach it as if we intimately know.\n\nThe key here is 'evidence'. The problem with UFO evidence is that it is given an extra layer of skepticism it must pass through because of the cultural connotations attached to the subject. It cannot be good enough to be mysterious and unexplained, we now demand incontrovertible truth that these things exist. \n\nSo lets start peeling back the layers. Who is involved that we can be sure of? The government. The government obviously wants nothing to do with the subject, as seen from the white house response to the Disclosure petition. This is the reason I cannot give you the hard evidence you want; it is not in the interest of those who hold it. That being said, there is a LOT of information out there to those who are willing to search for the truth. I think due to your skeptical nature it is best discovered by yourself, as I don't think you will take my opinion very seriously anyways :P\n 1321640854 +They better bring this shit up. 1327549753 +I like to think that there are several different species in our galaxy and they are simply waiting for us to meet their standard of technological advancement before they come introduce themselves. 1335920875 +Great read! I hope more people spend the time to read this because it was well worth the time, in my opinion. 1345227873 +Objectivity is not the issue. Their rights to practice cannot infringe upon another's rights. The law ought to be uniformly applied or it is worthless. If there is no unalienable right against discrimination then there is no reason to codify religious freedom to discriminate. Secular folk can easily discriminate against the religious at will and religious folk can routinely discriminate against differing religious folk as well.\n\nEdit: I wanted to elaborate because I think this is an important issue and I was using my phone when I replied. The key here is to understand that their may be no objective unalienable right from discrimination but when people's rights are protected on a secular level it also protects the rights of religious people. The religious do not need special protections from the likes of those who would infringe upon them. They already have Constitutional protections against that, just like everyone else. And any special protections they might garner cannot cause them to be able to infringe upon another. Otherwise, we risk creating a special religious class of people. Since we are in principle a classless society that would not do. And I say "principle" because we are not objectively a classless society. There are no objective natural laws that would preclude class structures. However, if religious folk decide they have the right to infringe upon others based on their personal or institutional beliefs then they must accept the risk of the other edge of the blade. Many conflicts have started because idiots like these insisted on special privileges that infringed upon others. 1337726460 +That sums it up really. Misrepresentations of science and scientists. 1294330766 +Hah! Yeah me too, as somebody else suggested there would have to be receipts, credit-card transactions, phone calls, texts etc. 1354724671 +Damn 2%ers. Takin' all the science from the 98%. 1336686577 +Does the quesadilla underneath the soup pot come into play at all? If so, I'm in. 1329158672 +I'm really glad someone has had a similar experience. It's a weird and unsettling feeling. Here's hoping it never happens again, whatever the hell happened. 1349217510 +Pretty much dominated by measles 1320043256 +I've always wanted one :'( 1330132745 +I would pay for "Homeopathy the musical". 1333765786 +What type of switch mechanism does this light-switch use? (i.e. is it a 'rocker switch' where you can see if it's up or down? Or is it electronic?) Is it in series with another circuit? (i.e. is there another light-switch in another part of the house which operates the same light? Like maybe a string pull switch) \n\nDoes the garage have a movement sensor for it's light?\n\nThere is a logical explanation, it's just a matter of working out what is happening. Do not rule out that someone might be lying or mistaken. 1325008214 +well, i'm a lifelong nader voter. he isn't running this year, obviously. the only point upon which we disagree is nuclear power. since i'm not able to vote for him anymore, i want to prioritize voting for an atheist. because, seriously, religion shouldn't play ANY part in government, but it always does anyway. if a person is capable of believing the superstitious madness of a religion, then it is totally a factor because it underscores their reasoning at least and will affect policy at worst.\n\nEDIT: spelling 1345501876 +It definitely seems to be the common thread in abduction/contactee cases. I think it's interesting, in that it both proves, and disproves the phenomena:\n\n If they are visiting, and giving advice about where we are heading, it makes sense that those warnings are consistent;\n\n If it is all in the mind, paranoid delusions, general psychological conditions, then it would also be consistent, because individual types of pathology share common features.\n\nA conundrum indeed! 1334704378 +That's not racism. That's just because no one has given aqueducts any mystical meanings. I don't think ancient structure alone is sufficient for that show, I think it has to be *mysterious* as well. 1331624123 +Wait but how are we talking to them if we haven't had death flashes or memorable accidents? 1354456610 +I was surprised to see that your article focuses on the "don't be a dick" aspect of the talk because within the talk itself the "dick" part appears to play a fairly minor role. Perhaps it was more a reaction to other peoples reactions than a response to the talk itself?\n\nThe structure of his talk suggests that the talks purpose was not to lay down an eleventh commandment and then have lawyers contemplate what does and does not qualify as dickish behaviour. Instead, the goals were:\n\n1. To make people reflect on what they are trying to achieve in skeptical conversations.\n2. Put forward the proposition that if a person views you as a hated adversary then they are far less likely to change their position.\n\nThe "dick" comment only comes in as a corollary to these first two point. It is not that being a dick is inherently bad. It is just that if your goal is to change a persons mind then you should not act like a dick towards them because doing so makes it less likely that you will accomplish your stated goal.\n\nViewing things from this perspective clears up some of the questions asked in your blog post.\n\nIf you are chilling out with a skeptical friend is it inappropriate to say "Psychics are bullshit" because that might be a bit dickish? Answer: It is totally irrelevant whether or not the act is dickish because you are not trying to change your friends mind. You are trying to vent or engage in intellectual masturbation or something else. Being a dick in this context does not hinder you accomplishing your goal.\n\nIs it still ok to be aggressive given that aggression does not necessarily imply dickishness? Answer: Again, it does not matter whether aggression is or is not dickish. The only thing that is important is whether or not aggression runs counter to your goal. If being aggressive is dickish then yes it will be bad if your goal is to convince someone to change their mind. However, an approach can still be counter productive even if it is not dickish. Speaking in German does not make me a dick but if the person I am trying to persuade does not understand German then my breath is wasted. Aggression should be judged on its own merits in relation to each persons goals. 1299623477 +The difference between MMS and ClO2 in the water is that the ClO2 in the water has more than likely decomposed into chlorine and oxygen. MMS advocates are telling people to drink it a couple of minutes after mixing it - therefore there will be ClO2 left in. Also, it's generally multiple doses per day. 1288303629 +hrm... I now receive the anti-snopes propaganda... "Snopes lied!!!" Which was also easy to debunk... 1297873082 +Cool! Thanks for sharing. 1342540558 +TIL drinking lots of water prevents aging. 1323824708 +It reminds me of Animal Planet's "Finding Bigfoot" show. My first thought upon seeing a preview was "Shouldn't it be called 'Not Finding Bigfoot'?" I might even watch a show like that. Likewise, a course which seeks out scientific explanations for perceived ghost encounters would be fascinating, OTOH running around with a "Trifield Natural EMF Meter"... not so much. 1309635989 +This. Whether it gets called "intellectual lag" or the "test gap," it appears to have everything to do with *sociological* factors (and, at worst, *cultural* factors) rather than genetics. 1325746089 +**_INFANT?_** **&#3232;\\_&#3232;**\n\nBones aren't even fully developed at that age; couldn't they do some permanent damage "adjusting" them? And for that matter, what do they think is wrong with a baby that makes them require that "treatment", anyway? 1331596012 +Where in CO did you see it?\n\nedit: in defense of this comment, it was asked before the toplevel comment describing where OP saw it. 1325194897 +LOL, sounds like you are implying some things about NY :) 1345585045 +Can I ask about your physical scars? I am not a medium, but I know of a few that I would actually trust and I'm interested in finding out how that would happen. While I have seen welts and scratches related to PK attacks, and I had some marks on my own leg that I carried for a few years that I could not explain following what I believed to be a paranormal event, I am under the understanding that more permanent damage is not typical.\n\nIn the meantime, Mary Ann Winkowski's site: [http://maryannghostbuster.com/](http://maryannghostbuster.com/)\n\nPsychic support, a resource mainly for parents but seems to have some good information and might be able to refer you to a larger support network: [http://www.perceptivechildren.org/](http://www.perceptivechildren.org/)\n\nPsychic support group [http://www.experienceproject.com/groups/Have-Psychic-Experiences/121954](http://www.experienceproject.com/groups/Have-Psychic-Experiences/121954) I have been in other groups on this site and they are hit and miss, but hopefully this one is a good one. It looks like there are quite a few posts.\n\nI wish I could give you more personal help, but all I can go off is what I've studied. My third eye opens up every once in a while but I wouldn't say I'm experienced and its not often. 1344225912 +Dude, spoiler alert. 1344590564 +[Betteridge's Law of Headlines](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betteridge's_Law_of_Headlines)\n\n> "Any headline which ends in a question mark can be answered by the word 'no'".\n\nThough I think it's fairer to say that the words "in general". 1347830440 +I just have trouble feeling sympathy for someone who died of their own stupidity, especially when they encouraged others to engage in similar stupidity. 1338422682 +Weather balloon for sure. 1260413855 +Yes, and yes. \n\nBut are they watered down fools and Nazis? 1349387834 +While I've personally entertained both Libertarianism and Anarchism (I did some Black Bloc shit, read Bukhanin and Goldman, etc.) I feel that Marx adequately critiqued anarchism and it's feasibility. It is anabstraction: Useful to measure states against, but not realistic as a model. 1313572347 +http://i.imgur.com/jj36c.jpg 1356627930 +Haha that would be pretty awesome 1356630734 +Since they supposedly manifest where we can see them and where they can supposedly act, then they are subject to well understood physical law\n\nHowever, there is no possible mechanism for ghosts to act and manifest in the ways described, therefor they don't exist. 1315584891 +What a ridiculous straw man argument. The vast majority of those skeptical of the global warming movement oppose not the science, but the proposed remedies, which in themselves are anti science. If you are concerned about global warming you should be advocating research into geo engineering, which is never advocated among professional doomsayers. That is anti science. 1350396157 +I've opened a new Paranormal Database and while I have not created a iOS or Android application...yet, this should be responsive to those systems. We are looking for your true Paranormal stories such as Ghost Stories, UFO Reports, Cryptozoology sightings, and Paranormal Articles.\n\nMore categories will be forthcoming. \n\nRead or share your own Paranormal Experiences with Parabased! 1345133713 +Yah you wouldn't think that an alien would speak in a British accent or use popular terminology from what people thought of aliens as back then. 1341211964 +Agreed...they are very skeptical too, which is refreshing. 1326779041 +Because people want to see extreme long range forecasts far beyond the ability of meteorologists to predict and most people don't know what a load of shit almanacs are. 1348365134 +okay, everybody .. concentrate 1315843530 +What AMA? link? 1344119607 +Have you read both? Quite different. 1304542240 +Ya know, I don't know what a snicker sounds like. What I imagine when I hear that word is a type of laugh I've never heard someone make. This information is useful to nobody. 1299060303 +Time does alter per planet. The length of day / year is not synchronized. Therefore it is difficult to get a precise time of anything that happened in the past. Everything is estimated *edited* in relation to Earths timeframe.\n\nMy car analogy had a bit missing, doh. I ment to add that, say the car was pressurized and gravity adjustments. They would age slower than those on the outside. 1354131042 +"the blimp scenario" \n\nWell played. 1343536861 +I've always thought that "those things you hold to be true" are your beliefs, regardless of how you arrived at them. Skepticism comes in when you evaluate or re-evaluate your beliefs. Some people seem to draw some parallel between belief and faith, but I've never connected the two, except in the minimal sense that all belief, even scientific ones, need to rely on a certain level of faith (or maybe "trust" is a better word). 1312827897 +Fibromyalgia. \n \nYes, it's real; no, it's not psychosomatic; yes, there is research to prove it. 1341615850 +What makes you so certain about these things, is there any evidence? Without presenting any evidence people are likely to be dismissive. 1353258840 +Does Chopra remind anyone else of that one shit-head lemur from the movie Madagascar? 1354131969 +It's more that he's pressing towards the foot that is off the ground to lose balance and towards the one that is on the ground to show that it "works" 1330605203 +That's Britain for you. The snake oil salesman's dream country. 1330567148 +Greer is a paid shill, along with the entire Disclosure Project. Not saying the military officials are faking what they saw, but I do believe they are misguided into thinking that UFOs are aliens. 1343890656 +I would not cheat on your woman at this point... 1324942578 +Soooo not knowing what every nut and bolt is called on a bike makes a person not be able to ride safely? Got it.\n\nMario Andretti better be able to build a race car from scratch, then. 1355679562 +If that makes you depressed, this'll make you suicidal. Enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtU5q4z-xXc&feature=share 1307355086 +The glitch isn't having cancer, the glitch is him having dreams about being really sick, and then being sick. Another glitch has it being 1st generation cancer in the 40s (grandma), second generation had cancer in his 30s (uncles), and now him in his 20s. If it wasn't for his dream state, he never would have thought to check himself for cancer, thus leading to a very sick OP.\n\nReading comprehension isn't too bad when you aren't looking to troll someone 1347242071 +*So* much better with [this.](http://lab.arc90.com/experiments/readability/) 1286332855 +[It seems to be a frequent surprise to those in /r/skeptic that chiropractic treatment has a dubious and unscientific history.](http://www.reddit.com/r/skeptic/comments/warou/at_a_half_marathon_medical_personnel_services/c5bt64m) 1341891247 +hilarious. 1341174614 +> Please refer to thers "documented cases" and leave personal experience out of science.\n\nUnderstand that Science would be useless without personal experience. Please refer to a remedial English book and leave shitty grammar out of proper spelling. 1346925739 +[One more](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Vqf0eM39Us). Shows a triangular object at very high speeds way above a jetliner. 1307301743 +Okay.\n\nThe majority of medical conditions seen by doctors in the United States are lifestyle-related. Unfortunately, the medical system in the United States is weighted heavily towards acute conditions and weighted heavily against chronic ones. A hospital is a great place if you have pneumonia or a broken arm or need stitches. It's not the best place if you have insomnia because all your doctor can really do in the amount of time he has to treat you is give you pills and tell you to take naps when you can.\n\nNaturopathic medicine, [despite this subreddit's incessant need to turn it into Hitler](http://www.reddit.com/r/skeptic/comments/ct1xb/the_wootastic_ralternativehealth_has_vanished/c0v1bet?context=2), presumes that the patient can heal themselves with the proper guidance and assistance. We now live in a culture where pretty much everyone would benefit from an extra hour of sleep, for example, but none of them are making time for an extra hour of sleep unless their doctor orders it. And he'll help them out by giving them Ambien.\n\nThe overwhelming majority of my wife's patients have issues related to food allergy, stress and environmental factors. Whereas most of her clients would be treated with anti-depressants and anti-inflammatories, she treats them through determining what they're allergic to and what they can do to remove the antagonists from their lifestyles. And, while doing it, she does a full health and medical workup on them including bloodwork, medical history and physical (her initial patient visits are an hour and a half) and, if need be, refers out to psychiatrists, psychologists, dieticians, oncologists, gynecologists, ultrasound technicians, pathology labs, obstetricians and general practitioners, all of whom are happy to take her calls because she's a doctor, practicing medicine, with a license.\n\nOh, I'm sorry. I mean "it's all money bitchez homeopathy is the path to richez!" Better? 1352746418 +Holy water is allowed.. note the bolded part of the email FTA below:\n\n>"'It's important to note that **items that** have a tangible value for the item itself and **may also be used in metaphysical rites and practices** (ie jewelry, crystals, incense, candles, and books) **are allowed** in most cases,' Hoff wrote."\n 1345213812 +Scientists don't need to debunk, magicians already know how those tricks are performed and some of them do debunk those gurus and such. 1301802974 +It's a really common mis understanding that the people who are not making outrageous claims must debunk the evidence of those making outrageous claims. The opposite is true, if you make an extraordinary claim then you must prove to me that it is true, it is not up to me to prove you wrong. I already know you are probably wrong because you are making an extraordinary claim, by definition your claim demands a ton of evidence and is probably incorrect. 1288937042 +That, I did. \n\nI'm just attempting to sort out the fact from fiction. Because I know a lot of pseudo-science pushers enjoy over using the term. 1342896533 +Just curious, what kind of scientist is he? 1333582466 +Yeah, you're right. My apologies. 1292010863 +If the quote could be attributed to someone else, and I could prove it, that would be "concrete" for me. 1332892327 +Something that could never hurt us, like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man? 1317989526 +I guess you could go cynical, cook up your own snake oil, and get in on that action. 1327519357 +For example, one could make perfectly logical arguments about the attributes of god, but only if you assume a priori that god is real. I have a Christian friend that does this. His arguments are sound; but his beginning position is flawed. That's not a fallacy. 1318199751 +Srsly,,, I can't find it either 1344602857 +That's silly. 1305313651 +Because if aliens are capable of incredible technology, I'm sure they're capable of simple evidence manipulation. If a photograph is REQUIRED for absolute proof, the the aliens will make sure that it won't be validated. How do I know this? Well if you're looking at agendas, then it seems like it always was in the alien's agenda to stay hidden. 1352319454 +You really should re read my comments. I have not made any positive claims that chiropractic medicine works. I simply challenged your positive claims about the alarming sensationalist rhetoric you use ie "russian roulette". I have not been defensive in any way. My comments have been straight forward and even keel. I have exhibited no emotion or negativity towards you in this entire conversation. You on the other hand... \n"you are this.." "you are that.." 1349536175 +I need to go to bed. I misread as NOKIA chocolate. 1340835738 +Fair enough. Maybe you will just need to see one yourself. That's okay, it's understandable. Seeing is believing.\n\nWhat I DO NOT understand is why people waste their time posting and masturbating over these bullshit 'could be anything light in the sky 10 miles away' videos when they could instead be studying and discussing important cases like O'Hare, Rendelsham, Phoenix, Gulf Breeze, Belgium, etc etc.\n\nInstead these guys would rather argue with fellow current believers about videos that will NEVER be seen as noteworthy. Why do you think the general skeptical public doesn't take UFOs seriously when UFO believers focus on stupid shit like this instead of credible and compelling videos and cases? \n\nI turn into a dick because it's basically undoing any respect that serious researchers already struggle to earn, and it is undermining efforts to educate the public. It's already chased a few people out of this subreddit, too. Luckily r/UAP is a great place to educate yourselves. 1317359390 +This facebook idiot was literally just quoting from a commercial for the most recent anthony hopkins movie. 1294808174 +>but are spelt the same.\n\nI think you meant "speld". "Spelt" is a type of grain. 1349373617 +As he points you towards the Oscillococcinum that costs $19.99. 1342898774 +I'm not saying that OBE is absolutely terrible, just that you don't need to be an idiot to oppose it and that there are valid reasons to. 1343675257 +http://www.reddit.com/r/NolibsWatch/comments/qubkm/oh_robotevil_what_have_you_done/ 1355366846 +Exactly, but it still leaves both sides thinking they're right. 1344654472 +"[citation needed]" 1349560627 +we have a 4 month old. i sometimes wonder if she's gonna do it. 1303241937 +Even nuttier: Hahnemann started out using bibles. And he didn't want his bottles to be delivered by horse because the shaking might over-potentiate the medicine. 1334223117 +Also Vampires are intelligent beings, Cage certainly is not that. 1316753268 +This. 1310391823 +This. 1326452080 +This. 1328940520 +This. 1333936198 +This. 1351518568 +This. 1285893016 +That would be a false analogy. Dog breeds have actively been shaped by an intelligence for a desired purpose. Humans have been shaped by natural selection for the sole purpose of reproduction/survival. Outside of sociological and cultural study, race is a meaningless term. [here](http://youtu.be/teyvcs2S4mI) is a good overview in which the presenter cites sources and offers suggestions for further reading 1356388049 +This is why I'm canceling my TIME subscription. 1326854016 +The problem here is your presupposition that "any sensible military leader in 1950 would consider it important." Isn't it possible that the event was looked into, found to be inaccurate or hoaxed, then discarded as not of significance? Isn't it also possible that they had other things to do and didn't get around to it? Isn't it also possible that the report was found to be lacking in critical details and deemed to be not worth the resources?\n\nYou are starting with the assumption that there is more to this, but without evidence there is no reason to believe that. How would you go about distinguishing between these two possible realities?\n\n1. There are more related documents and the government is withholding them.\n2. No more related documents exist, despite your belief that more exist.\n\nPerhaps you feel differently, but I think that without evidence it is not possible to distinguish between the two possibilities. I'm not denying the possibility that more documents *could* exist, but until evidence is presented for their existence it is irrational to think they do.\n\nEven if they released more documents related to this, would you really be satisfied? The follow-up could simply say the informant was a liar and to disregard the previous report. Would you accept that as truth, or would you be inclined to say it is a doctored report meant to obscure the true investigation? 1302536668 +You mean to tell me there is no FSM? 1274988065 +And where did they get that idea from? 1338153075 +I love My Ghost Story! The creepiest one for me was the episode with the cat/monkey thing that jumps on the bed. 1352867612 +http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_fluoridation_in_the_United_States\n\nLooks like the federal government recommends fluoridation but does not require it (I imagine the "states' rights" crowd would frown on a federal mandate). At least 30% of the population of the US has unfluoridated water it seems. 1337791445 +> Judging by the quality of the crap posted to this subreddit, no. \n\nFeel free to contribute what you believe to be not-crap to this subreddit. Just sayin'. 1306246986 +oh thanks for that! 1283259732 +Cheremoya is exceptionally tasty, I will give it that. 1354057645 +And the question of whether there is a higher power will finally be answered for all of humanity. 1269049596 +But, they have "Fun, bumpy, educational tractor rides" (only £2) ! It must be exciting ! 1282990473 +> medicine where the efficacy is too low to distinguish from placebo.\n\nFTFY 1319737857 +I haven't researched the specific case, but it should be fairly legit. The dogs have such a keen sense of smell they detect a hormone or some shit that is present in cancer patients with a certain type of cancer.\n\nAnd yes, "or some shit" is about as scientific I am going to get. 1296612293 +I thing to consider is how does the other side see it. I never minced words with my parents about my lack of faith. She initially took it as me saying "you are a fucking moron" when what I said was "I don't share the same beliefs as you, I don't think there is a god." It is an affront to their way of life. By simply stating it we offend them deeply, the way a Creationist offends us, or at least just me. 1279680592 +How can be people afraid that gamma radiation can give them cancer when they see light all the time.\n\nNot that cellphones/wifi are dangerous, but it doesn't excuse you from making a wholly incorrect argument. A constant magnetic field is something else than electromagnetic waves with positive frequency. 1289241146 +>SHE DIDN'T WANT A FORMAL DEBATE!\n\nShe is free to ignore comments ya know.\n\n>go down to the local mosque and start telling people why their beliefs are ridiculous.\n\nAre you really trying to compare criticizing Islam in a mosque with discussing woo on reddit? Do you honestly not see the difference?\n\n>Oh, because IT'S RUDE. Because it's UNCALLED FOR. BECAUSE IT'S UNWELCOME.\n\nIt's only rude if you are condescending. Whether it's uncalled for or not depends on the perceptions of those involved. Whether or not it's unwelcome is irrelevant in this case. The poster was free to ignore mafoo's comments. \n\n>You don't follow someone and keep peppering them with questions and refutations of their beliefs and the beliefs of those they're associated with until they lose it. If she was trying to push her homeopathy views on you, hey you know what, lace into her, because it's pseudo science. But you all went out looking for a fight, then came back to r/skeptic crowing about your "victory". It's fucking childish.\n\nWe're talking about a reasonable discussion in one thread. Where the hell are you getting this harassment shit from?\n\n 1298698237 +Yeah, sometimes I get a little too over-enthusiastic on stuff like this, and don't catch myself before I hit save. So sorry about that.\n\nI hope you had a fun time there though, is there any way to get inside?\n 1354224407 +Scaredest. The only reason I clicked the link. Was not disappointed. 1351354586 +I've been a paramedic for six years and we often have to turn off the lights in the back when doing a "12-lead EKG" because it picks up the 60Hz signal. Moving and talking will *completely* screw up a 12-lead analysis.\n\nNow a regular 4- or 5-lead "monitoring" EKG won't be disturbed by nearby electronics, and it will only be momentarily effected by movement and talking, but a "diagnostic" 12- or 14-lead EKG will be rendered useless until you have an electronically clean environment in most cases. And I'm not talking about old equipment either, I'm talking about new Lifepack and Zoll monitors. 1272417332 +Check this guys other YouTube videos. He is an amateur magician but also uses a fake gorilla suit in one of his videos. Occam's razor is the easiest explanation, unless that Porcupine begins to move in another video. 1262535625 +The short answer is no.\n\nThe word "frequency" should have your bullshit meter ringing, it's a fad word that is used a lot but doesn't really mean anything. I would say it's the same with "atomic level". It sounds fancy but what does it actually mean?\n\nAnd about curing incurable diseases; if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.\n\nBooks worth reading are [Trick or Treatment](http://www.amazon.com/Trick-Treatment-Undeniable-Alternative-Medicine/dp/0393337782/ref=pd_sim_b_1) and [Suckers](http://www.amazon.com/Suckers-Alternative-Medicine-Makes-Fools/dp/0099522861/ref=pd_sim_b_4). 1281371398 +Why don't you give us an example of a monopoly that is allegedly not government-sustained and we'll point out exactly how it *is* government-sustained? 1315375225 +That wired article is profoundly interesting. In particular:\n\n> By the late '90s, for example, the classic antianxiety drug diazepam (also known as Valium) was still beating placebo in France and Belgium. But when the drug was tested in the US, it was likely to fail. Conversely, Prozac performed better in America than it did in western Europe and South Africa. It was an unsettling prospect: FDA approval could hinge on where the company chose to conduct a trial.\n\nAnd:\n\n> Placebo-activated opioids, for example, not only relieve pain; they also modulate heart rate and respiration. The neurotransmitter dopamine, when released by placebo treatment, helps improve motor function in Parkinson's patients. Mechanisms like these can elevate mood, sharpen cognitive ability, alleviate digestive disorders, relieve insomnia, and limit the secretion of stress-related hormones like insulin and cortisol.\n\nSo, it's important to note that the placebo effect isn't just in the mind of gullible patients. It releases very real chemicals that have real physiological effects.\n\nIt would be very interesting to see how skeptics react in double-blind placebo trials versus how the average person reacts. I would bet the farm that a highly religious person who answered in the affirmative when asked if they feel the direct intervention of a god in their lives would be a high-responder to placebo.\n\nDrug companies may need to start profiling test subjects to more effectively filter out the placebo effect, since it has become stronger and harder to beat. 1347797264 +> Not really sure the point of my story, just thought i would share.\n\nObjectively grading things of subjective quality is a really fucking stupid idea? 1354745212 +Anyone can claim something, they don't need to be given the benefit of the doubt. Look through his comments in the thread. First he claimed that this was his first real sighting, only to comment further down that he's seen triangle craft and experienced loss of time with them. OP is a liar. Even a fuzzy picture would have been nice, but nope. 1347740256 +And Penn & Teller did a blind test taste with a few different fruits between organic and normal and tha majority of the people preferred the normal food stating that it tasted better. 1302791373 +I feel like the worst thing a school can do is prevent a child from learning to think for themselves. It's kind of despicable that the state of texas thinks "Education" is limited to memorizing facts. I remember a college history class where we were asked about the magna carta. A student immediately responded that it was signed in 1215. When the teacher asked what was significant about it, they had no answer. 1340943268 +Let us develop/advance/kill ourselves off on our own.\n\nVisit the island to pick up spare food (just as was done with cattle by captains in the big wooden sailing ship days).\n\nStay at arms' length to watch and make sure they don't change the way we are progressing.\n\nStay at arms' length to observe and only intervene if we look like we are fucking up bit time.\n\n\nStay at arms' length to watch until we advance enough for them to involve themselves in our culture.\n\n\nStay at arms' length to watch while eating popcorn so they can enjoy the show.\n\nStay at arms' length to gather spare parts.\n\nStay at arms' length to silently direct and guide and modify/improve us.\n\n 1334712922 +That was kind of painful to read. What an idiot. When she can't respond with facts she turns to an emotional appeal, she completely ignored James' evidence of the past debate and investigations and then she all but flat-out denied that measles can be fatal. This little example of her poor reading comprehension in particular annoyed me:\n\nJames,\n\n>...introduction of MMR in 1988, notifications and deaths fell still further. The ten years following the introduction of MMR saw 18 deaths\n\nSue\n\n>Actually, James, the Office of National Statistics and the Health Protection Agency says there have been four deaths from measles in the last twenty years...\n\nYeah, stupid. He said 18 deaths from 1988-1998 and you're talking about 1992-2012. How can you actually think that is a valid response? 1340494194 +to me it looks like a bunch of helium balloons tied together drifting on an air current, but the lights I can not explain! 1316478246 +[Bullshit](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBMnEtkHzHQ) 1348318243 +I really wish people who do this sort of investigation would post links/citations. Without doing the same research, I have no way of knowing whether the investigator is any more legit than the scammer. 1295762420 +wow that amazing, what some people do to get in front of the camera is unreal, then after the documentary done and then the see it realize that they look like complete nobs. and that when the lawyers come in ; )\n\ncan you give me a tiny hint (or pm me) of what film it was? \n\nyou don't have to, i'm just too damn curious >: D.......thats my curious face. 1350492409 +Well said. Indeed, the detection and correction of errors are always the result of continued application of skepticism and science, almost never by blindly deciding "orthodoxy" is all wrong. 1289978282 +Perhaps "a conspiracy of crazy with a smidgen of misinformed thrown in". 1314129586 +Yeah, I felt this way about the previous Zeitgeist films. While there are credible facts in all, there's still some bunk, and that's disappointing for a number of reasons. Namely, if someone can find obvious untruth in something like this, it discredits the whole thing.\n\nWith that said, I'm glad that someone out there is putting these kinds of theories forward to be tested by the intelligent public. 1296690824 +I agree, that first link you mentioned definitely looks like a high altitude plane illuminated by the setting sun.\n\nEh, I'm not so convinced by much in the 'debunked video,' though. 1319590377 +While I too am concerned that /r/skeptic sometimes drifts toward /r/atheism as a anti-theism circlejerk, I'd say this blog article is relevant. It addresses validity of the young earth creationist story from a scientific standpoint. That makes it relevant.\n\nThat said, the blog's name isn't the best and might send the wrong message. 1354516440 +"Kinetic energy" in the context of relativity usually means mc^2 * (1 - gamma), so it's 0 when a particle is at rest. It isn't really "kinetic" energy if it doesn't have that property. What E=m tells us is that for a particle at rest, it's energy is equal to its mass, period. That's total energy, not kinetic energy. Note that potential energy doesn't really have a meaningful definition at this level of physics. 1332927348 +Well said. Thank you. 1329568321 +Simplest reason: they are not in our part of the universe.\n\nAssuming anything more than that is just wild speculation. 1335151809 +I'm for this philosophy, but on the condition that we can at least advocate correcting the factual misconceptions spreading within the proponents of raw milk, or drinking pastuerized, homogenized, non-Organic, etc. \n\nI think this article is at least sticking to facts, but simply concluding with a philosophy you disagree with, and that's your right as well as theirs, but they made their point with many certifiable facts in tow.\n\nI can't say the same about proponents I know of raw milk, who all get their information from friends, and tell me I'm poisoning myself with run-of-the-mill milk, or how raw milk has unique health benefits. Yesterday organic was the cure, but raw is the new black. Many do it because they think it's superior for other reasons than it is.\n\nMy point is there's a ton of homogenized bullshit spreading on this topic, and strictly supporting a more factually-based education of proponents would certainly not hurt, even if you don't go as far as recommending against drinking it due to health risks.\n\nAs far as your philosophy, though, I'm a smoker, and I hate people telling me I'm going to die of cancer. I'm educated on that topic, and I made my choice, and to hell with anyone who tells me I can't risk my life. If I told you I do it for health benefits, though, you might think differently of me. 1318407541 +Indeed. Why else would he refer to Randi as "The Amazing Randi" instead of just "James Randi"? 1252692489 +Yea, there was a tremendous amount of inbreeding in the Egyptian royal family. I had a National Geographic with an article on the study of mummies identifying 34 direct ancestors (I can't remember the exact number) the majority of pairings were between sons who married their sisters, producing children who then married each other having daughters who matured that then married their grandfathers/uncles as second or third wives, producing more children who married other offspring that were simultaneously their cousins/nieces/sisters/brothers. The string of genetic deformities this inbreeding produced was intense. 1321597331 +>professional association\n\nThat's just another name for a trade organization. They have no authority to issue certifications or licenses. 1346091125 +Thanks, I've actually just started her book. Very good stuff. 1314259850 +> You are quoting CNN. \n\nNo, actually I read the research paper and the data (can't tell you the figure number because I don't have access right now) shows that both yoga and stretching are equal in their benefits. That is exactly what the line you quoted states. \n\nLook at it this way. There are three possibilities: \n\n1. yoga (Y) > Stretching (S); \n2. Y = S; or \n3. Y < S.\n\nThe statement you quoted says "Y > S is not true". You are assuming this means that Y < S. If you look at the paper, the data shows that Y = S. \n\nThe fact that stretching is just as good as yoga is an important finding. The particular stretching regimen they used is atypical but the study definitely shows that just the physical aspects of yoga are sufficient for the benefit and not the spiritual or other pseudoscience, magical aspects can be thrown out of the window.\n\nEdit: Re-worded my response because I just realized that you wrote the article for Skeptical Science. 1319628039 +How sure are you that no student has ever complained about the content of the course? Or even that a student would complain in a circumstance where the content is questionable? \n\nYou can't dismiss the criticisms as unfair or untrue because of the source. The critique stands on its own merit. 1330530342 +The "robot with feelings" idea is interesting, and has been explored in fiction many times. I think it was in an Asimov story, where a robot explains what he means with 'pleasant', something like 'my decision-making processes become more straightforward, allowing for a faster reaction time; I interpret that as pleasant.'\n\nI think the main problem would be our empathy. Unless robots are programmed to express their feelings in a way that we can recognize, we would be impaired to properly interact with them. 1342717800 +I have cited his statements in this thread. Please read those. 1326657690 +I think you may be one of the only people that seek comfort in the basement. Haha. 1345063498 +My friend that sits directly beside me had the exact same experience. 1355098982 +My mom buys that crap ...\n\nDon Cherry's commentary is only useful within the context of the NHL. 1326546700 +This is actually really interesting 1295553191 +Many people use "homeopathic" to mean "herbal" or to mean non-Western medicine. It really shouldn't be surprising that the people who would use this aren't often the most careful with terminology. \n\nFrom the article:\n\n> Mr Monsellato, 52, of the southern Italian town of Tricase, close to Lecce, has been a doctor of alternative medicine for more than 20 years. He is honorary president of Italy's Homeopathic Sinergy Association and an expert on acupuncture.\n\nSounds like they just like anything that isn't too "Western". 1319414294 +Sadly, that's not the way vaccines work. They don't make you immune, they just reduce the chance of an infection when you are exposed. They are most effective when everyone who can get vaccinated does so. When the community as a whole has reduced susceptibility to the virus, everyone's chances of being exposed at all go way down, and the virus is less likely to get a foothold in the population. This is what we call "herd immunity". When you get pockets of people who refuse to get vaccinated, they aren't just putting themselves at risk. They increase the chance of exposure for everyone around them, reducing the overall effectiveness of the vaccine. Then we start seeing outbreaks. We're seeing this more and more in the last 10 years with things like measles and pertussis (whooping cough). 1316720780 +In the U.S., there are far more black professional football and basketball players than there are white. This is determined by ability almost exclusively. Whether this was a result of recent selective breeding or thousands of years of development in Africa, we don't know. Or at least I don't know.\n\nIt is possible that through the same mechanism, black people may be smarter or dumber (on average) than non-blacks in the U.S. It is not socially acceptable to perform this type of testing, so we probably won't know for a long time, if ever. In fact, it is not even socially acceptable to talk about this type of testing (intelligence by race), so I look forward to a large number of downvotes for mentioning it. 1326177547 +Riding high on assumptions, you are. 1335116757 +I wouldn't worry about it. Come what may. 1330064470 +To be somewhat fair to Steve, your diet can prevent or encourage the spread of cancer. It has been found in studies that cancers require a lot of sugars to thrive.\n\nPg. 217 of Good Calories Bad Calories, "In the early 1980s, cancer researchers discovered that tumor cells also overexpress IGF (insulin-like growth factor) receptors, just as they overexpress insulin receptors. The surfaces of tumor cells have two to three times as many IGF receptors as healthy cells, which makes them all the much more responsive to the IGF in their immediate environment.\n\nThis is another way in which cancer cells gain their all important survival growth advantage, suggests Derek LeRoith, whose laboratory at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases did much of this research. The extra insulin receptors will cause cancerous cells to receive more than their share of insulin from the environment which will convey to the cell more blood sugar for fueling growth and proliferation; the extra IGF receptors will assure that these cells are supplied with particularly forceful commands to proliferate. Another critical role of IGF in the development of cancer may be its ability to inhibit or override the cell suicide program that serves as the ultimate fail-safe mechanism to prevent damaged cells from proliferating"\n\nIn short, cancer cells have lots of receptors to factors in the body spurred on by insulin and IGF (which are very similar in effect and structure). IGF concentrations change slowly over time compared to insulin however, so one must keep their diet fairly regular to keep this in check. Shutting down these receptors in mice caused cancer cells to pretty much totally be supressed from growth.\n\nThis stuff could be outdated, but diet can have an influence, though the role of IGF is apparently controversial, as is much in cancer research I would imagine (though do not know). 1318001971 +Thank you, I think they debunked it neatly enough for me. 1306360473 +Nope. I read over that whole page a good 3 times today. I would've noticed. It's in the middle of a word. 1351048380 +The word Yoga is ancient but the activity now described as yoga has it's origens in the 1960s. Which would explain how 60s it seems. 1347839023 +It's quite clear... that guy is the Joker. 1348014976 +No, I did not say that Occam's razor = aliens. \n\nI am saying that it is much more reasonable to hypothesize that the myths and legends are all based on the same past event, rather than to make the leap that many different stories wildly separated people just, by some wild coincidence, have almost identical narratives. To me that smacks more of religion than science.\n\nSo if we assume that the stories are based on a past event, given the technological level of the ancient story tellers, what could account for that "event". Obviously nothing of this Earth in that time period. \n\nSo, assuming a real "event", we are left with two choices for the source of the "event". 1: They really were supernatural beings. 2: They were flesh and blood beings. \n\nWhich is more likely?\n\nIf they were flesh and blood, where did they come from? Certainly no one in the ancient world could fill the bill. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n 1322016956 +Hi. Can someone please explain why they put it in the water? I've heard it benefits your teeth but wouldn't you just have to hold it in your mouth and spit it out if this were the case? Interested to any recommended peer reviewed studies etc. on this issue I can be forwarded to also, there is a lot of bumph out there. Thanks. 1337797559 +Why are all Biblical studies professors anti-bible? I have never understood this... 1313121157 +It seems highly doubtful that she'll give him any of the prescribed medicines for recovery. 1297532267 +"Remote viewing" actually closely fits with this. I really wanted a good term to tie to this, so that might help lead me to this specific process.\n\nThe [wiki](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_viewing) on remote viewing also has a lot of good stuff in it to send my friend, specifically since I think he mentioned a few of the stories in here, and really meant Stargate when he mentioned MKULTRA. 1333604053 +Did you notice any physical changes? Like was your haircut different, scabs or something that disappeared? I guess I am wondering if your body is technically a year older than it should be, or if you glitched into your younger body and only your mind is a year older. 1336584559 +That shit is insane. I was going to buy some for a hiking trip but decided against it when I realized I'd be supporting *crazy*. 1330038578 +Hey Romeo. I guess that it's kind of a subjective matter, but I think you're giving a little too much leeway to the concept of what a jet aircraft should look like.\n\nI happen to have a little figurine that's meant to actually represent a jet aircraft. I've taken a picture of it and placed it with the so called "Golden Flyer" so that you can see a direct comparison:\n\nhttp://www.dumbassguide.info/images/sitedisplay/jet_goldenflyer_comparison.jpg\n\nNow, I've already admitted that there's a very basic general similarity (I'm the dumbass who did that podcast, in case you were confused by the name I go by here). The wings, tail, and body are *kind of* similar in general location\n\nBut I think you need a lot more than that in order to call this Golden Flyer "eerily reminiscent of modern day fighter jets". It seems to me that when you compare this object to something that's actually meant to represent a modern day fighter jet, the term "eerily reminiscent" doesn't really hold up. 1292049847 +This has absolutely nothing to do with scepticism. 1321940552 +In fact 'seeing ghosts' is the LEAST reported phenomenon in 'hauntings', mostly it's just noises and feeling of dread, as well as the occasional "moving shadow", which isn't what you are referring to I believe 1327957524 +1) parallel reality, you two guys shared different pasts. \n\nor\n\n2) you are confused or dreamed it 1338558114 +Damnit! For some reason I can't [reach PubMed](http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov). Have you gone and [done a search](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed)?\n\nMy first though it that it seems pretty much like nonsense. Light turning into biochemical energy? I thought photosynthesis was pretty much only the purview of plants... Humans have a few photosensitive parts (eyes, and our skin responds in a few ways). I've not heard of joints or muscles responding to light.\n\nEdit: Adding link to the [Quackwatch/Devicewatch](http://www.devicewatch.org/reports/lllt.shtml) entry. It's pretty telling (if not conclusive) that the primary search results on Google are device sellers, not literature. Blech. It's starting to look like a duck... Or at least pretty fringe-y. 1291617922 +It's so weird that you guys have been word leaders in every field of science for decades, yet your state school systems seems so backwards at times. 1296200923 +I don't see what this has to do with spirituality. Many people "successfully accept that we have been visited by aliens" because they use their brains, they understand probability and evidence suggesting that we have been visited. 1310938555 +I can't decide if I want him or Dan Dennett as my daddybear - or hell, as my grandpa. 1334659443 +They're valuable to them, and that's the point - the value isn't rational or intrinsic, but it is deeply entrenched. 1328299831 +"Nazis mentioned already? Okay. Well, as long as we're linking to logical fallacy definitions (?) you are giving a beautiful example of a reductio ad absurdum or more specifically, Reductio ad Hitlerum. Your comparison is irrelevant because we are discussing the policy of taxation, not genocide."\n\nHe's not using fallacious logic, it's an apt analogy. \nIf the law of the land should always be followed, as you implied than that applies to all countries and to all times, therefore Nazi Germany's crimes against the Jews was just the law of the land and the jews that didn't consent to it could just have left, according to your implication.\nIt's a valid analogy. 1325473118 +Im honored! (OP) and behind you on this one, go get hitched! Suitably in Nevada! 1283153967 +it would be a step in the right direction, you'll need to prove the log is undoctored and accurate to the best of ones abilities. 1298085591 +Le shrug. You can believe what you like. Good stories are good stories. 1323048543 +Growing up in Utah, I was told by at least a dozen people that fluoride was used as a gas by Hitler to keep the Jews docile in the camps, etc. Almost all of these people also believed that the fluoride gas was released in the camps by turning fluoridated water into steam.\n\nI bet these people had an absolute shit-fit when Batman Begins came out.\n\nEvery time I tried to dig up the origins of this bullshit being so prevalent in Utah, it seemed to come back to the John Birch Society. Pretty much every scientifically ignorant "theory" I ever heard growing up there is part of the Birch agenda. 1349623484 +Last friday I had a great conversation that lasted 3 hours over a couple of beers with an acquaintance. We agreed on practically nothing from politics, economics, organic food, woo, etc.\n\nBut we both left the conversation greatly satisfied, our friendship strengthened and an intellectual discussion richer. Everyone around us thought that we were on the verge of getting into a fist fight, while the two of us felt we just had the intellectual equivalent of sex.\n\nI think the key is to engage in a discussion on the level that the other person is able to follow. If you think you are in a formal debate, while the other person thinks it is a school yard bullying session - you won't get anywhere.\n\nIf the other person does not value truth, the scientific method, logic and rationality, then the conversation is doomed from the outset. 1355253836 +looks like a lot of "those guys" are here too. including me :D 1350583077 +Thanks for the link. I was confused when brain surgeon Charles Teo made comments on Australian TV recently saying that in his experience he had been seeing a higher incidence of tumours in the area of the brain close to the right ear, which he attributed to mobile ('cell') phone use. I had been vaguely aware of studies which concluded that mobile phones were not dangerous, and here he was stating the opposite! 1323853804 +Neither are relevant, asshole. One deals with the ideals of Nazism and Adolf Hitler, whereas the other is in regards to the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). 1329105332 +It certainly isn't a science lab. 1356033593 +The [actual paper](http://websites.psychology.uwa.edu.au/labs/cogscience/Publications/LskyetalPsychScienceinPressClimateConspiracy.pdf) is pretty entertaining, and builds on a [growing body of evidence](http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=%22conspiratorial+thinking%22&hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&as_ylo=2000&as_yhi=) that belief in one conspiracy theory is correlated with belief in other conspiracy theories (almost as if certain people just aren't that great at the whole "bullshit/logical-fallacy detection" thing). Anecdotally this makes perfect sense, but it's nice to have the idea confirmed with some actual research. 1355333635 +Hijack: Engine Down the band? Good. 1304433728 +UFOs does not equal aliens. UFOs do, in fact, exist. Whether they are prosaically explained or anomalous is a question for critical thinkers and science. 1342810818 +I think you are making a logical mistake by implying that "the most qualified" has to be worth anything at all. Just because someone has a high level of *relative* expertise, does not mean that they really have any expertise.\n\n 1261026016 +It's amazing how many "smart" people completely lack the ability to think critically about anything. Sure, they memorized a lot of facts and processes in school, but if you ask them to actually think about things critically, they get nowhere. 1350059257 +you should be able to make a entity that way. 1323141089 +WWJD-energy bracelets, two in one. Book it. 1317528660 +And today *I* learned that some people can't spell the word 'today'. 1344881589 +Check out the link. I don't know about the veracity of its claims., but it postulates that if modern farming technology were deployed to Africa almost the entire continent is farmable and it could be a net exporter of food instead of a starving continent. 1333319196 +Seems to me there's at least a couple things to be proven for me to believe this app's claims.\n\n* Does body movement correspond to wakefulness?\n\nThis seems to be false. During [NREM sleep](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep#NREM_sleep)'s stage 1, the body sometimes experiences [hypnic jerks](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnic_jerk). You experience stage 1 sleep both as you move to deeper stages of sleep, and as you rise back out of them. Thus the app may sense a movement due to a hypnic jerk as you're falling deeper into sleep, not waking up.\n\n* Is wakefulness the best time to end your sleep cycle?\n\nI didn't see any specific citations from a quick search. There's many studies that describe a lengthy list of negative effects of sleep deprivation, but that's when sleep is prevented or routinely interrupted. If you are otherwise getting sufficient sleep throughout the night, it's unlikely you'll have any of those serious sleep deprivation effects from an interruption of your last REM cycle. But will it make you less happy or less energized?\n\n\nIf you feel you want better sleep, or to feel better when you wake up, I bet you'll find more useful changes by reviewing your ["sleep hygiene"](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_hygiene), [reducing caffeine intake](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caffeine-induced_sleep_disorder), and [exercising regularly](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exercise#Sleep).\n\nI've been particularly interested in recent studies of [light and circadian rhythms](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circadian_rhythm#Light_and_the_biological_clock). When blue light roughly matching the intensity of an overcast day strikes the retina it can advance or delay the body's internal clock, and that affects the onset of sleep. This effect can accumulate and cause one's circadian rhythm to drift farther from the typical day/night cycle. It's something to consider when staring at a monitor or smartphone at night. You may be sabotaging your sleep. 1334696051 +The font is a crime against humanity. I had to copy and paste the shit into Word to make it readable. I'll bet most people are not so curious. 1322499291 +I was watching that BBC documentary on time called, funnily enough, Time, and in one episode there the host went into great detail talking about how our whole perception of the speed of time is greatly affected by a small gland in our bodies.\n\n[Here's a link](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTx6ha6fRwo&feature=related) to the start of it. I love the experiment where they show how adrenaline makes time slow down for the observer. 1328440262 +Can you please go into detail on what you mean by calling creationists liars. That's a pretty bold claim to throw around, given how religion impacts peoples perception of reality. 1346867088 +Prior to about 5-10 years ago, someone who was a gay trans man was literally almost never allowed to transition. There are plenty of gay and bi trans men (me, for instance). I think I'd be bi no matter what, but it's possible I am out about it because after coming out as trans and transitioning, a little thing like sexual orientation doesn't seem as big a deal. Most cis bi men seem to, on the other hand, be shall we say circumspect about who they tell (aka on the DL). I really doubt there are more gay and bi trans people I think we just tend to be more out about it. 1323385996 +Right? Glad someone else thought so. A little cheesy but I loved the idea. 1351519665 +Yeah. Phone auto correct is too strong 1355737838 +I don't mean to argue with the hivemind here, but this is hardly crazy talk. \n\nThere is a ton of evidence to show that quantum effects occur in natural processes. The processing of scent, photosynthesis, bird migration, etc. That the mechanism behind consciousness could have quantum mechanical underpinnings is hardly the sort of woo that should be dismissed out of hand.\n\nIt's of course wise to expect to see evidence that supports the theory, but it's not really all that far out there.\n\nWe shouldn't just discard potentially interesting study on the basis that a specific field is rife with bullshit. It doesn't help when he's going on things like What The Bleep Do We Know, but it's not at all uncommon for someone to be on a documentary where the overall subject matter misrepresents their view. The Great Global Warming Swindle is a good example.\n\nFor the record, I'm just talking about the overall theory of consciousness having quantum properties or mechanisms. The near death experience, consciousness in the universe, thing... that's all pretty wacky.\n\nOh, in looking around I discovered another article referencing the same theories. Note the date. http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2005/may/19/badscience\n\n 1351697618 +If I was trying to paint you as anything I would have said "you" and not "he." That's how pronouns work. *You* can stop taking things so personally. 1342896648 +Bravo! 1286867353 +Good! I was hoping with all of the wikileaks crap someone would drudge up some UFO information. I don't think anything came up about that, though. 1350418683 +I took a tour of the ship when I was a lad where they show you all the "hotspots" of activity. I thought it was pretty hokey until we got to some of the crew quarters. I'd been walking a little ahead of the main group, so about 4-6 feet ahead of the rest, when I heard a woman say "don't worry" right by my ear. I said "about what?" thinking it was the tour guide, then I noticed she was a good 8 feet away out in front of the group. No one else was really talking or anywhere close enough to me for it to have been simple chatter. This was loud, and right by my head. Hands down the best ghost tour ever. 1349678340 +Whats the TL:DR of this? 1350866880 +That's a space peanut. 1330101254 +This has happened to my quite a few times in the house I'm currently living in. Probably once every few months I'll see a shadow moving around. One time specifically I saw a shadow walk up to my bedroom and peak in, and I thought someone else must have just gotten home, but no. That, along with other experiences, has me thinking there's a spirit in my home. 1350070697 +>More regulation is better than letting a bunch of quacks run amok. \n\nExcept that all they're regulating here is requiring naturopaths to have a sufficient "education" in naturopathy (a lateral move at best) and restricting the procedures they can perform (a definite boon). However, all Joe Uninformedcitizen knows is that the Alberta goverment said naturopaths are medical professionals, so he's all the more likely to seek one out (and hopefully he at least goes to one that's "accredited") instead of seeing an actual, y'know, trained medical professional. *All* the snake-oil peddlers will see an uptick in business as belief that magic-whatever will cure what ails you spreads, and I don't know that the fact that some woo-peddlers will be certified as being less-harmful to your health than others is all that big a win given the costs. 1343318731 +Yes, because in the scientific world, there is more incentive in publishing risky results very fast than being thorough... 1333457106 +Yeah, I mean it wasn't ALL crap, I guess. They certainly didn't break any new ground though. 1322863559 +I would love to shop at the whole foods you're shopping at. All the ones in my area are significantly more expensive in every respect than my other local grocery stores.\n\nHowever, if I'm looking for a specific product, like a variety of cheese, or Organic Chocolate milk (Holy hell that stuff tastes amazing.) they're guaranteed to have it. It's a bit of a catch 22 though, because I'm not a fan of supporting a store that sells so much alternative medicine bullcrap. 1349190971 +And another thing. From your reply I can conclude you did not read my post properly and you certainly didn't understand it. You flicked over it quickly. It's insulting that you didn't even bother to read it before you replied. *tsk tsk. 1326800400 +It looks like a drunk guy with a blanket wrapped around him staggering across the yard. 1334373986 +Now that's funny. That's not what I meant but going back and reading it, that is fucking hilarious. I'm leaving it. 1351226832 +Well, as they stated in the video, it is just extremely efficient, using gravity as the power source, but eventually, it will wind down. Making a device that runs for 3 days isn't terribly difficult. Making one that runs for 3 years, more so. \n\nI don't think the horseshoe magnets are actually doing anything like the inventor states. The ball is perpendicularly located and ~8 inches away when they're up, which is supposed to propel the ball, but move them down ~1 in and suddenly they have no effect on the ball's momentum? I used to do a lot of patent work and very often we'd have inventors that would describe their inventions, but at one step, they would describe something that broke the laws of physics or was just plain ridiculous, and we'd be forced to figure out what the hell was really going on. The device does not work the way the inventor thinks it does. \n\nThe overhead magnets, springs and pendulums are doing all the work. The horseshoe magnets may actually be serving as a brake when the ball passes in front of them. You'd need speed readings at every angle to really figure out what's affecting what. 1350236727 +I disabled adblock but I still don't live in the USA. Help? 1313701218 +Yes, but hunted by who? Perhaps the guy jumanjii? 1340652881 +Allow me about 15 hours or so when I have more than my droid to make a full rebuttal, if you would be so kind. 1296726159 +I don't see it as anything to be afraid of, I see it as some sort of a message your buddy sent to you go get you to think differently about physical reality. Maybe he opened your matrix capsule and was splashing water on your face. I see the brain as a tuning device, sounds like he altered the frequency at which your thought are vocalized into sound. Perhaps like spinning a record faster. Anyway hope you enjoyed the gift, now take it and figure out how this could be possible given our current understandings about physical reality. 1332546239 +Keep shadowboxing. 1355116977 +I'm Catholic, and I think this subreddit is pure evil and you are all going to roast in hell!\n\nHaha JK. I love /r/paranormal. 1345507346 +Oops: you forgot to say "in my opinion". Because you don't seem to be aware that this is all it is: an opinion. Which is also why nobody listens to posts like these. You come off as righteous, which nobody needs. 1253496996 +Belief in astrology == instant turnoff. 1309566280 +Ha. But seriously, if it's not Quantum that begs the question, how does it work? I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!! 1313589339 +Compared to now yeah it kinda was. Lots of things championed by Reagan and Bush would be called socialist by the Tea Party. 1351921053 +experimental craft created by the worlds governments. however, if that is the case then technology as we know it has already been far exceeded by government scientists for quite a while now if they are capable of creating machines that can do what has been reported for years now. 1321537274 +you sir, just blew my mind. Totally right. 1333993785 +I've been practicing meditation daily for about two years now. I heard a man say that when his solar plexus becomes large enough to touch his root chakra or sacral chakra, he is able to produce an electric shock through his hands. I have attempted to energize my chakras for spoon bending and moving small objects through telekinesis. With out much success my focus went else where. The funny thing is my girlfriend gives me the most amazing energy in my penis/genitals/prostate area when she flirts with me. She really is on an elevated level sexually. Maybe my sacral chakra is just overly active and giving me the necessary energy for moving objects through telekinesis. Thank you, that made sense to me. Now to keep practicing and be patient and I may learn some control. 1343707230 +Well I don't know enough about the history to make an argument in detail, this argument is made from Hitchens' research on the topic.\n\nHe made the case that it's not that simple and straightforward. 1344559116 +[Not even close](http://conservapedia.com/Soccer#Soccer_and_socialism) 1314412718 +You read tarot cards? Can you tell me the name of the person i will meet and be happy with? Do tarot cards work like that? 1318455346 +Well you have to keep it up for a bit :P First week I didn't wash wasn't too great either (understatement) 1351800131 +The one that's up there is WAY too large and interferes with the page layout. I'd take this guy's over that one. Maybe add a trenchcoat and change the font of "reddit" to matrix style letters. 1326482916 +> I know that many of my peers hold—as I myself did—to the theory that the brain, and in particular the cortex, generates consciousness and that we live in a universe devoid of any kind of emotion, much less the unconditional love that I now know God and the universe have toward us. But that belief, that theory, now lies broken at our feet.\n\nThis guy can't have been such a great scientist after all, if one personal experience causes him to throw years of research out of the window.\n\nOccams razor comes to my mind... 1349718849 +You realize the OP didn't editorialize their title right? 1351015082 +and related lecture [here](http://potomacinstitute.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1076:special-cns-lecture-october-21&catid=65:past-events&Itemid=94) 1333133997 +My experience with GPs is that they send you to a specialist to find the root cause. 1335332952 +At first glance, I thought they looked like razor blades. Remember: down the street, not across the tracks. 1321823693 +Oh Raelian? 1318911081 +The point of my reply is that I liked Dawkins and his writings much more when he was advocating science and reason. Now it seems he spends most of his time attacking religion. I'm not making any claims about religion.\n\nHe is often rude and condescending, considered bad behavior by most. I'm not saying he's wrong, or that it's wrong to question someone's faith and call them on their bullshit. I just think it could be done with more humanity and compassion. My biggest gripe about the New Atheist movement is that it often lacks civil discourse. 1351112318 +Hitler ate sugar! 1340293844 +It's between the box set and the bed frame. 1345913063 +Email him my post. :)\nThanks for the compliments. 1291092187 +For some reason all I see is the lady [doing this](http://gifsoup.com/view4/1090080/jump-on-it-o.gif) with the plant. 1327507494 +worked fairs and out of a friends' shop. If you do it for money your a pro. 1318467797 +It would have to be pink slime and beef, not chicken. But my first-hand knowledge comes from the pet supply industry, where I highly recommend avoiding even the dog foods that use by-products (which is what they call the stuff that goes into pink slime), because of the lower protein and nutritive values.\n\nBut as to [pink slime](http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/2012/03/27/pink-slime-deconstructed/) in particular:\n\n>But, is it nutritious? Consumers can certainly make valid arguments regarding LFTB’s content: there’s less overall “functional” protein than that found in other meat products. An analysis conducted at Iowa State University (A.S. Leaflet R1361) found two-and-a-half times more insoluble protein (77% vs. 30%) relative to soluble proteins in ordinary ground chuck. Nutritionally, our gut bacteria digest much of what we cannot, but there’s a good bet that we can’t get as much value from insoluble proteins (collagen and elastin, found largely in tendons, ligaments, and cartilage) as from their soluble siblings (myosin and actin, usually associated with muscle tissues). \n\nThe various vitamins and such will of course be different, but that's also dependent on what the animal was eating. Any place putting pink slime in their ground meat is using incredibly low-quality meat to begin with, so lowering the nutritive value even further seems unwise. 1333638485 +>the debate would quickly reduce to one about things like material properties - which have clear values and are hard to argue about.\n\nUnless maybe the WTC towers were built of materials that weren't meticulously tested and analyzed before assembly... which they weren't. It would devolve into an argument over the exact hardness of the bolts in the outer frame, the ductility of the rivets on the trusses, etc. 1290698803 +Nice! This one's crammed with stuff: A Siamese cat, a human face, a standing woman in a hat, and two other small dogs; one appears to be a Scottish terrier, and the other a chihuahua. Any idea who's projecting this? 1341714231 +How many someones?\n\nIt's "someone's", not "someones". \n\n Someone means more than one someone.\n Someone's means someone is or someone has.\n 1351226629 +I found out how it works, if that can net me some karma back. Apparently it's a hell of a lot more caustic than most other OTC treatments. 1352768626 +Yeah he must do. He's obviously not malicious, or he'd be destroying things and taunting you. He's probably a lonely kid who just wants some company. \nAt least you know his name now and when you hear something moving or a voice, you can say hi to him etc. \nI'm weird, but I've always wanted a ghost like that. Unfortunately I've only experience malicious entities :-/ Now I try to ignore them lol 1351214092 +A lot of people are pointing out that this might be an April Fool's Joke because of the timing, but [Colantotte](http://www.colantotte.jp/global/) appears to be a real company with an actual (as in *existing*, not *functional*) [product](http://www.trionz.com/) that you can really [buy](http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_3_5?url=search-alias%3Dhpc&field-keywords=trion+z&sprefix=trion%2Caps%2C285) today. \n\nLooking up "Colantotte" or "Arc Quest Co.,Ltd" (heh, the "arc" thing gave me pause though) there does seem to be [some](http://news.priorsmart.com/double-reef-llc-dba-ionloop-v-arc-quest-l39w/) [interesting](http://patents.justia.com/2005/06913663.html) [stuff](http://www.metoview.com/traders-6/company/arc-quest-co-ltd.html) out there that indicates this is all real. Real *bullshit*, but still not an April Fool's Joke.\n\nIf it's a joke, someone spent a LOT of time on it. 1331923094 +Being from and currently in Texas, I call bullshit on your story. :) 1299613805 +By "EVERYONE" I mean all the press outlets. 1337211713 +Most non-pop celebrities who are still alive, even ... 1352138439 +That is not what OP did. He complained to the manager as if the gym was responsible for some personal offense against him which they could only rectify by taking the sign down. If I was the manager I'd have told him to get bent too. There is nothing about being a skeptic that necessitates being a giant douchebag. 1327596138 +How did the sighting end? Did they fly off?\n\nToo bad you didn't get a picture. I'm curious to see what you saw.\n 1349879085 +That clip is from this slick 1956 docudrama. You can imagine all the great chrome beasts gathering at the drive-in on Friday night.\n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bGTLtdwPHM 1331077813 +Just a plane at very high altitude. The blinking is its identification lights and the orange color comes from its reflection of the sun. Notice how its at about sunset/sunrise light time, the plane is probably still high enough to hit the sun.\n\nDismissed 1312796213 +apparently the company that made the ad pirated the song 1344991393 +Thanks for that. 1348326537 +try "you forever" available here: http://www.lobsangrampa.org/research.html 1347130445 +Unless you work for the NWO this is why I love Reddit - concise, logical delivery of facts. Thank you. 1298066299 +the study that was made up? 1347041032 +It is dangerous because believing in fairy tales past age 8 is sad\n\nit makes the person less able to make intelligent decisions in politics and their personal lives and both of those things end up affecting me\n\nIt's dangerous because you end up with religious nut-jobs running the country and claiming they are acting in gods will...and some of those Angel loving idiots you were content to let believe their little fantasy, they sign right up to be on the death squads, because their reality says they will live forever in paradise.\n\nIt's dangerous because ignorance and lies are just as powerful as the truth, and if you don't fight for your side...you will lose 1325004756 +Haha! Except I emailed Steve about this a few days ago. I WIN! 1303658470 +Actually it goes both ways whether you like it or not. You can't make empirical claims if you don't have empirical evidence. Not unless you want to be called a pseudoskeptic.\n\nI also believe you did not understand my post. You don't have to believe in spirits, and you can say that "there is no evidence for spirits" to refute anyone's claim that they have seen one and you would be correct to say so. However, you can't say "There are no spirits" for then you are making a claim. 1348126368 +This city (Boulder) wants to Municipalize its electric grid - basically buy the network from Xcel Energy and run it themselves. I think it ultimately will be good for the city but I want to propose that Boulder tax every use of the word "Energy" that doesn't equate to the ability to move an object in a potential field and use the proceeds to pay for the municipalization. 1344823993 +so, speculatively, this is a reverse engineered space ship just randomly cruising in formation with some decommissioned f-14 jets while being filmed by the calmest cameraman ever. honestly it just seems very artificial. 1313887524 +I'm confused on that part, though. How is the Bible eyewitness testimony? Perhaps the Gospels could be considered such (if there are persuasive reasons to conclude that the authors whose names are attached are actually the authors), but certainly the book of Genesis can't be counted as such, even by Christians, since no human existed to witness creation! So what exactly does "eyewitness testimony" mean to these people? I'm very confused. 1335562387 +DAE else notice this part:\n\n> "There are a number of hypotheses on the table, and the evidence for none of them is convincing." [See Photos of Fairy Circles]\n\nIt's like they're saying, "We don't know. Why don't you try to figure it out from looking at photos on your computer." This is where stupid ideas come from. 1340934432 +I think QualiaSoup's video on the same subject is much better:\n\n[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7xt5LtgsxQ](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7xt5LtgsxQ)\n\nIt lays out the rational basis for secular morality, rather than just Bible-bashing as this video does. 1316467533 +Then it wasn't as liberal as you think. 1324683992 +That's what Discovery, History, TLC (after it was purchased) started out as. The road to profit is, however, paved with crap. One of the reasons I was happy to leave my career in tv docs. 1351769631 +Yup. There's always dissenters and non-believers, but the fundamental method is to exert a social pressure. 1343540719 +first thing people will do is over react , OMG what do they want ? OMG its a big bug kill it !! OMG ive seen alien rape porn its going to rape my daughter kill it ! OMG its going to rape my wife kill it ! OMG its going to rape my son kill it ! OMG its going to rape me kill it ! OMG it wants our oil quick invade its planet and rape them before we kill it with fire..... 1333322475 +Building 7 always bothered me... \n\nedit:\n\nSeriously, I am not being a dick, but if you want to explain why a building that didn't get hit by a plane fell EXACTLY like the two others next to it that did, then tell me and cure my ignorance instead of downvoting and moving on.(similar construction methods/materials etc + fire = building collapse?)\n\nIs the point not discussion? I get it this video is a hoax, great, so tell me why I should just accept the building 7 fell without the jet fuel to increase burning temp to melt steel etc etc.\n\nHelp someone out and dont just scoff and downvote. Learn me skeptics and cure my ignorance. 1345512963 +Perhaps the website threw me off. 1320714448 +I had a long, painful discussion with a person about the swine flu pandemic some weeks ago. We were coming along quite nicely, until she suddenly dropped the homeopathy bomb. That's when I realized that it wouldn't matter what I said anyway, because this person is evidently able to believe _anything_, as long as she wants to. 1259570711 +I find it hard to believe that we live in world where people who believe David Icke's lies actually exist.\n\n 1303582905 +They probably already are.\nHere is one of the main misconceptions that seem to perpetuate: that ET's would show themselves completely in the same 3 dimensions as we are.\nWho says they aren't existing in higher dimensions, and all we see and/or detect are 'derivatives' in our own 3rd dimension? 1332405138 +Same here. I admire that he's confident, and I view it as a sign of respect that someone would be so straight with me about what he thinks. I can't stand meek people, but somehow everyone else here does. \n\nYeah, no one is infallible; he got something wrong. Woopty-fuckin-doo. 1330311787 +He needs to stop trying to vaccinate himself from bloggers. 1323924229 +More fun: Cracked's Dan O'Brien had [an entire column](http://www.cracked.com/blog/dont-listen-to-jenny-mccarthy/) basically calling McCarthy retarded about the whole vaccine thing, and I also touched on it in [#5 of this article](http://www.cracked.com/article_18416_5-things-media-loves-pretending-are-news.html) that I wrote. 1301783699 +He didn't just predict the winner, he predicted which way every state would go. 1352300366 +> Chiropractic care is the only thing option that's ever been offered to me\n\nThat's kind of a hallmark of snake oil, isn't? It's a panacea for everything we can't fully cure yet.\n\nHow many homeopaths did it take to cure smallpox?\n\n> acknowledges the scientific studies proving that fibromyalgia exists\n\nThat's kinda the rub, isn't it? While most are sure something matching the symptoms of fibromyalgia exists, we aren't quite certain it's not somewhat psychosomatic in origin. The fact that SSRI's have efficacy in resolving fibromyalgia suggests there's at least some psychological component to some cases. This psychological component will be well out of the scope of a chiropractor. 1337667908 +Someone!, Inform Lord Helmet! 1332046399 +King me! 1269079465 +Matt Taibbi FTW. 1321462023 +Right, but it's not these people who'll die, it's their children. The fact that these people are willfully putting their children's lives on the line is the atrocious part, because *they'll* survive. Not the innocents who got dragged into this by sheer accident of birth. It's the parents who are making these horrible horrible decisions, and they don't have to suffer for them, so they won't feel the consequences until it's far too late.\n 1329628929 +So...that's at least 53 individuals who match the DNA profile. 1/53 (1.9%) chance of being Osama? 1304367664 +OK. Then I say this:\nI think while calling someone or something stupid, people shouldn't use the word "Ain't", which makes them look ignorant, therefore weakening their criticism. \nBetter? :) 1294427176 +> reliable sources\n\nThere's the trick. 1353768144 +That complete article is bullshit, no doubt, just that bacon had its own paragraph made me laugh out to be honest. 1326696823 +Slow clap anyone? Wrong, yes, but had she gotten away with it, I would have included a "Genius, yes". Nice try though. 1274108602 +UNICEF is one of the best NGOs out there. 90% of their funding goes directly to their programs. The claim that less than 5¢ on the dollar goes to their programs is patently absurd, and the UNICEF US fund CEO's salary is about 1/3 what this image claims.\n\nhttp://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=search.summary&orgid=4617\n\nhttp://www.bbb.org/charity-reviews/national/children-and-youth/united-states-fund-for-unicef-in-new-york-ny-1982/all 1355092677 +I used to do a lot of these things when I was in high school. I am probably down for something like this as long as we don't run the risk of legal problems from trespassing. Not in the mood for a legal headache 1318001587 +What?!! You mean doctors can be just as dumb as the rest of us?!\n\nA group of researchers did a massive meta analysis of >100 studies in 1996, and found no significant correlation between the lunar cycle and birth rate, and between the lunar cycle and crime or mental illness, which is a similar myth. That doesn't mean it's impossible, but seeing how no plausible mechanism has ever been introduced for why it would work, I personally am uninspired. 1313434940 +This would make a great book. A tale of a connection so strong between a father and son that not even time itself can limit their relationship. Great story, upvoted for sure! 1326493044 +Could be confirmation bais. \n\nIf you look for an effect, you'll notice everything that confirms it, and ignore anything that doesn't.\n\n 1343559898 +Aw you poor thing. It must be hard hearing about inequalities in our society. 1347383716 +I think you mean same effect, not opposite effect. 1343847079 +Precisely. Smoking and alcoholism are pretty much at play in each and every Spontaneous Human Combustion case.\n\nYou pass out with a lit cig in your hand, your clothes catch on fire, and the wick effect takes over from there.\n\nI won't deny that a world in which a human _could_ spontaneously burst into flame might be a more interest one to live in, though. With or without Brad Dourif chewing you out.\n\n(For those who don't get the Dourif comment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lNSLXEb3iU&feature=related Short and succinct, I promise) 1316834134 +I've had my own sighting and yet I'm still skeptical. What I saw was incredible; two pin-points of light, like stars, chasing each other across half the sky, darting back and forth and pulling off instantaneous stops and full reversals, lasting for about 30 seconds but long enough for my dad to see it too. It was like nothing I've ever seen. That being said, I don't know what it was, and that's about it. I know full well that when I tell other people they're likely not to believe a word of it, or at least present a sort of healthy skepticism of the sort that I also employ when reading about or hearing reports of other people as well.\n\nTLDR; It's okay to believe as long as you're critical about it. As soon as you stop being critical about it, the worse the signal-to-noise ratio gets. 1323763381 +>at that speed no time passes for the photon.\n\nThat's not quite right either. It doesn't really make sense to talk about how much time passes "for a photon" (generally accepted to mean "in the photon's rest frame) because the photon doesn't *have* a rest-frame. To make the statement more precise, we say that there is no Lorentz-invariant parametrization of a photon's trajectory. What that means amounts to basically the same thing: that photons can't evolve between their emission and their absorption, e.g. they can't spontaneously decay. 1332927067 +[Still one of the most unsettling things I've ever heard, fake or not](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4pu9RPHgr0) 1354586360 +As a user of Napster in the late 1990s, and a file swapper with my friends before that, I can confirm that a record company made me do it. 1345469956 +Who's the ethnocentric elitist again? 1331444865 +The Atlanta airport is, apparently, the busiest airport in the entire world, so just from a pure statistical position, yeah, it would also be the number one destination for people who drank milk at breakfast.\n\nI'd also add that many, many flights terminating anywhere in the South have to connect through Atlanta. I was flying to Memphis and had to watch helplessly as we flew past Memphis, on to Atlanta and then back to Memphis. When I asked about it the stewardess said:\n\n"Oh sweetie, we have a sayin' in the South... 'Even when you die, you still have to connect through Atlanta.'" 1341816162 +That was one of my favorite scenes from that movie. I watch it for the same reasons. 1356372840 +Series I episode 9? That surely couldn't mean season 1, if so that'd be an incredibly old episode. 1320452870 +Your mom doesn't need a debunking she needs medication. 1301899909 +This is a great page that talks about how the mythical figure Jesus came about and talks about the fallacies behind Jesus-based apologetics.\n\nhttp://www.truth-saves.com/chapter4.php?section=3 1306432699 +you have like a filter, that filters out not important informations (the lamp was obviously not important to you). So you can't remember because your brain didn't think it's an important memory. 1334648463 +Google it. Apparently he's pretty common. Be careful, man. 1340093997 +when i was about 5 i was staring down my grandparents hallway in theyre appartment into my room, theyre room is across from the bathroom, i saw a tall figure slowly walk by a shadow, i thought my eyes were messed up so i checked the room if my grandfather walked by turns out grandmother and grandfather were on the porch 1350171197 +gamerlen is right. People who are tricked or forced into cults (by being socially outcast -with the other "SP"s- or by threats of eternal damnation) aren't at fault, and they aren't weak minded idiots. The dead 20 year old, the dead 32 year old, and the dead 21 year old are the victims here! Three deaths in nine months....and this still hasn't gotten the attention it deserves. \n\nThe people who are denied methadone, forced to deal with withdrawal, and put in saunas for pseudo-science-woo reasons -those people are victims too. \n\nAnd by the sounds of other reports from people who have escaped Scientologist facilities [(e.g. the Freewinds cruises)](http://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-11-28/woman-27imprisoned27-on-scientology-cruise-ship/3700390)...not all of them had a choice in going, or the option of leaving. 1354936618 +Is there a single legitimate medicine, marijuana aside, that you *can't* OD on? Isn't that why all pill bottles are covered in warnings and have the poison control number on them? 1348054671 +Doesn't necessarily have to be 'bumping the cord.' If there was a loose connection somewhere (inside the lamp or in the cord or in the plug) even a slight vibration could have screwed up the connection. This happens to me sometimes with my mp3 player if I'm not careful to secure the headphone jack properly. Every time I move, the sound can cut out in one or both ears or get softer in one or both ears depending on how I move.\n\nAs for the white blob, one thing that popped into my head is a light spot. Maybe you were sitting such that you had a bright light just barely in your peripheral vision. When you started moving your eyes, the light appeared to move because the spot stayed in one spot in your vision while you looked around. After a second or two of looking around, your eyes adjusted and the spot went away. 1337831841 +OP, listen I know this may sound a little strange but please do more research before trying to "call" these things. A great many people who have had encounters regret it for the rest of their life. I'm not telling you what to do. I'm merely suggesting doing some deep research in the subject before opening yourself to anything for which you do not have any defensive measures or reasonable understanding. 1352790265 +Until this post I was unaware of that skeptic was a community or really could be. Forget all the trolling for a moment and think about the other positions, they don't require being a skeptic such as atheist, feminist, etc. \n\nSkeptic is pealing back everything another would propose as a truth, that is all. skeptic does not bound itself to trolling, threatening, atheism or anything else including a community. In binding the skeptical process and position is to hijack the process and disposition to memes. It is as useless as this entire thread, and the provocation of threats. 1351168960 +"Contains active hydrogen." Yes. It is woo. It is, at best, a $4000 water filter. 1312216342 +Haha. Brilliant! Thanks for the report, I'll get Craig (dev) on to it! 1341032659 +Last I checked I never claimed reading and driving a car were legal or even a thing, I said listening to the radio in a car or talking to another passenger. Thank you for not reading and contemplating my argument and instead only listening to your confirmation bias. 1356980480 +I was recently informed the show has gone from "We found this and this, we couldn't explain them." to "HOLY SHIT THIS PLACE IS HAUNTED!"\n\nWhich, honestly made me very sad. I loved this show because they never really said any place was haunted. They found an interesting point of data, and then attempted to determine what caused it. If they could find no cause, they left it at that; Undetermined.\n\nNow, apparently it's just commercialized typical fake BS... And, like I said, that mad me legitimately sad. It felt like finding out your favorite teacher from elementary school had died. 1352544481 +"Shit" is real. Extraterrestrials visiting Earth... not real. 1352965312 +>and as religion is a form of politics\n\nDon't scare me like that... :-( 1345420115 +> A lot of the stories in this subreddit (the ones that aren't just made up) are probably due to false memories or errors in perception.\n\nCan't speak for anyone else, but I started documenting all the glitches, because my rational brain understood it might be false memory. It is true that every time a memory is accessed and recalled, it changes in some minor way. So I document like a good scientist.\n\nErrors in perception -- that's a bit trickier. \n\n 1326565121 +The fact the world isn't ending doesn't preclude people doing things that might make emergency situations. 1355861103 +I grew up in the Fairfax area and had a boyfriend in HS that lived on Clifton Rd. We used to go down the bridge and never had any interesting experiences. \n\nI was always more worried about the people who have the house at the end of the bridge coming out and yelling at us (which they did) for loitering and being disruptive kids. 1340609801 +I guess my question is whether or not there's any proof of its actual effectiveness. 1325198261 +If the death toll is >1; it's too many! 1304909532 +Two issues with this: first, peas should be in the dead flesh area, and second, donuts should be elevated to super food. Other than that, pretty informative. 1346448972 +I just fail to see how these people's ads are more dangerous than Budweiser's. \n\nThat is, I think we should either overhaul the entire system or allow everyone the same rights of public bullshittery. 1303353611 +:( I only recently moved to Vancouver! 1346220613 +I think it's a confusion over the fact that one of the breakdown products of aspartame is methanol. Not the alcohol as we know it, but an alcohol. As you say the amounts are minute, and easily handled by our bodies. 1330916401 +What sort of credulous bullshit is this? 1317051475 +Related: I usually wear my Ryan Giggs shirt whenever Manchester United are playing. Also used to make sure that everything red (like lighters, bottles, cigarette packs etc.) were standing upright, because it would somehow help the team. You know... Just so it wouldn't be MY fault if they lost. 1332175289 +> Yet not a single person saw anything resembling controlled demolition. Odd.\n\nWho would have seen it that didn't die? What does controlled demolition look like that these people could have seen? Is it possible to hide it? From outside the building, there are experts in demolition that have said there was evidence that it looked like demolition. Also, there were people who reported hearing pops similar to what could have been controlled demolition. It could have been something else too though.\n\n\n 1314657711 +Put the tip of your mouse cursor over one of the black dots on the WSF. That dot stays in the same place relative to the camera until at one point it starts moving to the upper left. That movement starts at same time and direction as the speck of debris's change in direction. \n\nIt's clear that the Shuttle started moving down and to the right (when looking aft). From the camera's POV, the WSF and speck moved up and to the left. At the same time. Being much closer, the change is more obvious with the spec of debris.\n 1321654241 +I don't believe that there is any individual that can singularly control legislature. I do believe that an individual can have significant influence on legislature but that to say they control it is over stating the type of influence they have. 1304623803 +Amongst all this vitriol I can't help but feel concerned for her children. Belligerent ignorance does not create a health environment for them to grow up in. 1351122009 +Just posted it there. Sorry about that! :P I saw the post about the little girl in the spinning chair and figured mine was in a similar vein. 1326486305 +okay. Leonard Peltier. I don't really care if he did it - what was going on at that time was totally different. There were dozens and dozens of murders of anti-government activists on that reservation that year, none of them investigated because of a lack of manpower. at the same time the FBI had its highest ever concentration of agents per capita. This isn't an issue of a single man, its the issue of an incredibly f'd up situation where we believe the government murdered dozens of individuals, then threw all the attention on one guy who may or may not have fought back. 1279252379 +Ok, I did not realize there was a difference between homeopathy and herbal remedies. 1327945830 +You are absolutely correct. I had a girlfriend who believed 9/11 was an inside job, and I spent a majority of the time she spouted about it trying to bring her to reason.Monsanto, 9/11, alien bases on the far side of the moon, alien sightings by ex-naval intelligence. (William Cooper)It seems to be the socially repressed that get hooked on these ideas. Lack of acceptance by your peers feels better when they are in fact under you, being blind to the truth you had to look so hard for. (lol) 1342544734 +Nice try but it is obviously a chinese lantern reflecting headlights of a car. 1329928132 +Periodic Video of chemists annoyed by the idea that "chemicals" are nasty. www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6ZsYCnlvPs 1316571774 +Yes, necessarily. If they are willing to lie about one, you know they are willing to lie about the other...\n\nIf you were a juror in a murder trial, and a witness answered 10 questions - and you knew he was lying about 6 of them - would you trust his testimony on the other 4??? 1346547972 +Have an upvote, sir. Reddit, my brother. Brother, Reddit. 1347259381 +There are a bunch of jets flying over the Denver area as well.\n\nhttp://www.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/12yvf1/jets_over_lakewood/ 1352657812 +That whole area was kind of a mess of mostly USSR but also Finnish and Swedish submarine and general underwater playground during the cold war. Most conspiracy theories about it is more about what the USSR pulled off there and to a lesser degree what Sweden/Finland pulled off or did to monitor it. It's certainly overstated to a huge degree, but there seems to be enough incidents to say more then nothing happened (most of what happened: everyone tested subs and sub detection equipment in a closed loop). 1311980935 +and the gold 1330773910 +Yes, but that is not correct. I have been a Libertarian and active in the Libertarian community since about 2005. They've always hated Bush, and my brand of anarcho-capitalism ususally scares off more moderate libertarian miniarchists. Your assumptions are completely baseless. Then you said Rand Paul is the closest thing to a Libertarian elected last cycle, even though he does not self-identify as Libertarian and Libertarians do not consider him one of their own. He may represent the libertarian wing of the Republican party, but thats about it. He's still a Republican. \n\nEdit: And frankly, reddit used to be one of the freindliest places on the net for Libertarians, until Digg fell and there was a huge influx of unread political theorists who came rushing into /politics. 1306185250 +"How does it stand to reason that any video that follows the first must be faked? This mindset is completely alien to me. It's very simple logic: if I film you, then fake a second video of you, are you fake?"\n\nHow does your analogy come close to even applying If I am claiming the first video is fake but in your analogy you imply that it is necessarily real. You talk of simple logic and then post that?\n\nA better analogy would be if you fake a video of me doing something (just as we know the first video of the Jerusalem event is fake) and then someone else posts a video of me doing the same exact thing, but from another angle.\n\nIf the second video is real, how did the first video get faked without ever seeing the second video before anyone else? If they had access to the second video of me doing that why would they even fake the video in the first place.\n\n 1300797945 +Seasquatch DSV 1327211596 +It's satire. [There was just a post about this on r/Australia](http://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/qorfc/my_brother_thinks_the_questioner_is_being_serious/c3z8liq). 1331358170 +From what I can tell their "peer reviewed studies" are studies performed by homeopaths and reviewed by homeopaths. 1331924011 +Take a look around conspiratard. You might learn something. 1291344897 +I highly doubt he's alive. I agree that it'd be very foolish to make the claim we killed him if he was alive and not under our control. But I think it's possible he died some time ago. 1304383620 +Who gives a damn when there is no control group. They all look pretty much the same to me. 1328072661 +Parents who vaccinate should be raising a stink about sending their children to a school full of unvaccinated kids. It's a public health issue. 1329599112 +I am neither a psycho, an asshole and an idiot, but so far you've given everyone else a reason to believe that you are all of these things. So please stop acting like a psycho, an asshole and an idiot and **please don't respond to this message**. 1351440432 +I am neither a psycho, an asshole and an idiot, but so far you've given everyone else a reason to believe that you are all of these things. So please stop acting like a psycho, an asshole and an idiot and **please don't respond to this message**. 1351521207 +This type of reasoning was funny when it was used to justify flying-spaghetti-monsterism. When these guys try to invoke it seriously, it just makes me sad. 1316831225 +what the fuck? 1345464780 +That was precisely my point : what is "safe" ? safe for whom ? 1319543027 +My sister was talking about the new fitness facility she works at and how it includes acupuncture and chiropractic "medicine". After about 15 minutes of me explaining why I think both are completely useless and going on a bit of a tangent of "there's no such thing as harmless pseudoscience" etc. she frustratedly proclaims: "You're such a skeptic! Why do you have to be so cynical about everything??"\n\nI thanked her for the compliment, then tried to understand why wanting proof of a claim makes me a cynic.. 1309926809 +Thanks for the link! But that is exactly why it was so interesting to me. The way Hall depicts them is much more realistic. Family groups and day to day life. And the way he dictats the stories comes across as he is telling the truth, from memory. But of course i have to admit there is no real proof except for the memoir that he kept. 1327843504 +Min.us is much better. It doesn't strip exif and supports much larger photos without compression.\n\nIf you absolutely need to transfer something in perfect condition then don't use an image host. Just about every host that's dedicated to images will mess them up in some way. Use a traditional file host like Mediafire or Depositfiles in those cases (although that's excessive for this situation). 1350336470 +Oh, just typical "I don't have to answer for myself because I'm anonymous" internet stuff. It's fine, I was expecting it. I'm actually surprised it didn't start sooner than it did. 1343606372 +Ah, got it, thanks. I have no idea about the nutritional and/or therapeutic value the oil may have. 1345238321 +A vaugely similar story, i went into a phoneshop to arrange getting my phone upgraded and i was told that i needed to sort out an appointment to do so.\nThe woman asked me when was a good day and then went to tap it into the computer, then she just stopped and looked at me and said that the computer already had the exact same appointment for the exact same date with me. I had absolutely no memory of going in there to sort it out, but then i also found a reminder in my phone for it!\nIt was bloody strange but i was more embarrased by the queue of people chuckling at me so i hotfooted it out of there with a red face. 1339345194 +Maybe he was and I just haven't seen the videos, I mainly have just watch his debates and read his books. I don't think he is seen as infallible, I think most people who like him disagree with him on his politics, and even more on his views of feminism/women. 1329887987 +Whatever truths exist beyond earth, I really hope we are not alone in the universe. That is for some reason scary to think about. All those empty planets and shit. Damn 1345252168 +>Could you calm down for 2 seconds and stop being so combative?\n\nI'm chill as a cucumber. But I'm only still here to be combative with people, as I've already been persuaded against homeopathy by some of the earliest comments.\n\n>I'm not even the person that made the comment so I'm not actually calling myself witty.\n\nYeah I realized that after I commented. I don't really keep track of who I'm responding too.\n\n>I'm just pointing out that the guy didn't say anything close to what you interpreted\n\nLook... Imagine he had asked me to do some difficult physical task and I replied with "I'm not Superman". Do you think that I actually, literally expected him to have been thinking that I was a superhero from another planet? No.\n\nThink it over.\n\n>There's a lot of people here trying to help you and I've noticed you've been given a few of them quite the attitude.\n\nThey had attitude. I already thanked the people trying to help me politely, and they did help me. I am convinced. 1333648164 +Uh, the top rated comment is asking her to prove it. Sounds good to me. 1342462813 +What about "stage" hypnotism, where the hypnotist vaguely waves his hand in front of volunteers who then promptly fall into a deep sleep? Are they all in on the act, or is the suggestive power/placebo effect enough to actually put them under?\n\nI've always assumed that if it is just suggestion, every so often you'd get a die-hard skeptic who goes up on stage knowing full well it's bullshit and just stands there with a shit-eating grin on their face after being "hypnotised". But for some reason it never seems to happen. 1307507216 +That you all very much for the varying advice and opinions. I will ask my mother if she has seen anything since she's still living in the house. I haven't said anything to her because i don't want to sound crazy. But maybe she's seen it to.\n\nThanks again! 1339982247 +Was hoping you'd save me the time as I'm really not invested into this :(\n\nI'll be sober sometime tomorrow and will check it you rmeind me\n\n 1306317148 +Yes, that is the latest piece of crap being debunked - if you actually cared to read about it you could have seen at the very top:\n\n> *According to David Middleton, "Pat Michaels debunked this particular Warmist myth back in 2008". **In reality, it was Patrick Michaels' article which was debunked - by Dennis Schmitt, the discoverer of Warming Island. The rebuttal was given at the invitation of Andrew C. Revkin who posted it in this article. It is in the nature of some people to ignore rebuttals and just keep churning out the same old 'not happening' and 'natural cycles' climate change myths as if there had never been any scientific evidence against them.** This creates a need for ever stronger rebuttals, which we seek to establish here.*\n\nBut I guess that your [fear of Cognitive Dissonance](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance) is stopping you from reading anything posted here - [a very good way to expose you as a 'fake skeptic'](http://www.reddit.com/r/climateskeptics/comments/kwgys/skeptics_did_i_miss_something_had_anyone_ever/c2ns2be)! 1317741780 +yes, please I'd like to be able to read these articles.\n\nThis opens up the question of whether the subject needs to be consciously aware that a chemical is in their environment, or whether it only requires that they be subconsciously aware of its presence.\n\nHopefully soon there will be studies on the effectiveness of different neurological therapies at treating the MCS symptoms. 1316499693 +Their only purpose was to be on reddit 1245707830 +>As somebody who is very interested in the phenomenon it's an insult to my intelligence when somebody decides to yell wolf without looking into it or using reason.\n\nMaybe you need to just take a moment and get over yourself. \n\nThere are a lot of people in the world who are just becoming aware of this stuff. Educating them and discussing the 'why' of it usually works better than calling them a fucking moron. JMO.\n\nI should add that 99.5% of redditors think we are ALL fucking morons here in r/UFO. 1295995354 +When you came back to your body, you took that guy up your poop-chute, didn't you? 1321153329 +You can be skeptical and still be wrong. However, *being a skeptic* is different than *being skeptical*. \n\nIt's about evidence, regardless of where it comes from. I think it would be helpful if you clarified what specific issues you are concerned with. Admittedly, trying to argue that the earth being an oblate spheroid is wrong because it is the "official theory" won't go very far here. 1289766822 +I've always struggled with this idea. Lazar never really wanted to profit from his story, no books, no movies, and he only had an out-of-date and cheap personal website. His employment/school history was disappeared except for a single pay-stub from los alamos labs. His friends confirmed the story of lazar showing them where the UFO's fly around. He passed multiple lie detector tests. He has no interest in the ufo "community", in fact he declines every interview and remains private.\n\nI can't think of any motivation to lie about all this. Oh well, just another fascinating story that leaves more questions than answers. 1335936139 +It is on no way drastic. Of your GF were to receive a note like that, and you don't know who wrote it, its defiantly better to be safe than sorry. 1344715448 +And so I remain free, ever to live in fear of exposure as a free thinker and stretcher of boundaries. To hide, cower even, amongst the masses. 1314413740 +My apologies as the camera *clearly* wasn't set up ON the volcano. I apologize for the wrong word. It is fixed now.\n\nNow that we are done dissecting the use of a single word in my post....\n\nWho filmed this? Why did they set this up? Were they a scientist (vulcanologist?), when did they film this? With what equipment did they use? Etc, etc....\n\nIf you would rather focus on a single word in my comment then maybe you aren't focusing on the right concepts here. 1315247459 +I read somewhere that the ringing is actually something you hear when one of your brain cells die. 1348415398 +Because western medicine isn't diverse [at all] (http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/about/biographies/biosg.html)... 1329825438 +I have nothing to add just wanted to say I have been watching your videos and had to subscribe.. Great job.. You make me laugh and I really enjoyed your reason rally video. I hope to make it to the next one and if I see you there you can hang with me and my brother. You have gained a fan today, sir.. Keep those videos coming. :) 1343248394 +My god, kimchee is like crack cocaine. The most addictive thing ever. I would open the fridge and wolf down some, do some errands, the open the fridge again and slurp slurp urghllmmnnffffglp...\n\nGood thing I eventually emptied the whole jar. 1340234977 +nope. hes talking aboit the guy that foumd a safe in his dads hotel, thrn cut a deal with oprah. 1339470370 +I understand what you're saying. I wasn't claiming that her experience was evidence just because she is scientifically-minded, I was just mentioning it because it seems interesting. I am actually unaware of the vast majority of evidence against the immunization/autism link (or even the supposed evidence that supports it - but I'm assuming that is non-existent outside of anecdotes), so after work I will start doing some research. \n\nI completely agree with you on all accounts. I'm just struggling with this situation. 1288976403 +One here. I love em, they're the myths of our time. They've taught me lots of healthy skeptical things such as never to trust anyone just because they speak with authority and can fire off strings of facts to back themselves up. When you've watched someone list in intimate compelling detail the many species of alien that they are in regular contact with then you end up giving even the most compelling orator a sideways glance. 1327798469 +In that regard, I imagine we're not any worse than any other non-science publication that attempts to write about science in an accessible manner. However, we're more entertaining and have more aesthetically pleasing genitals. 1333052947 +"How did we get these and know they are real??" "God said so, and magic" 1356850545 +I believe it's a combination. Much like how life varies in form on Earth, surely, life outside of Earth would vary similarly. We may have space faring civilizations with similar capabilities as ours, or we may have beings that have transcended physical space. The scale is huge. It does not benefit us to limit our understandings to "hyper-dimensional" or "flying saucers", as again, life varies and life in the Universe most certainly varies. 1326969302 +>... bs, bs, bs, but no intrinsic magnetic field.\n\n[It still has a magnetic shield](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmosphere_of_Venus#Induced_magnetosphere). Are you trollling?\n\n 1351572442 +It's an overburdened for-profit system, and high-risk liability laws keep away a lot of good OBGYNs. Women's health needs some major focus in this country, and healthcare needs some fucking reform, but running back to the dark ages isn't the answer. I'm sure you agree, I just wanted to add my two cents. 1327729903 +No it wasn't. If a scientific breakthrough like that was made, bricks would have been shat. The source where you read that was either biased or misleading. 1335065935 +Non science should not be debated in science class. 1340914863 +I place my skepticism above my politics, to some extent. So while I'm a (small l) libertarian, I very much dislike Paul for some of his blatantly anti-science views. 1314035978 +[Karl Pilkington meets a human magnet!](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ81b_0ZxtI) 1352837226 +A lot of the aspartame-specific references seem to be written by two MDs. MDs are not biochemists, and clinical research is usually of such poor quality as to not be worth reading. 1294264201 +> if anybody with any expertise can enlighten me on that I'd be grateful.\n\nWithout a lot more details it'd be pure speculation. I've got a bunch of guesses, but it'd probably be better to wait for some more facts. I hope we get some. 1335311640 +I can't read it either. Anyway, I sign a contract with my oil company annually where I will pay whatever their rate is up to a certain maximum price. If it goes over that price, then I simply pay that maximum. The "catch" is that the rates below that max will be slightly higher than the market rate. It's not so much a scam as a bit of a gamble. If prices skyrocket, I'm not affected. If they are low, I pay a little more. Maybe this is the type of thing we're looking at? 1317386089 +I enjoy your user name. Very well done. 1325943667 +Stoners are often nice, intelligent people, but really unless you're also a stoner they tend to make absolutely terrible friends, at least in my experience. 1325292961 +lol im a girl. and i was smoking a j at the time haha 1344943287 +The dude in the jumpsuit really does look almost exactly like him 1344872217 +Shhhhhhhhhhhhh ;) 1348310799 +At how many men does a social contract become valid? 1343100925 +I think there are some things that are worth thinking about in this talk - for instance, that sounds can be considered like visual art in that there can be foreground, background, hues, shades, positive and negative space. Also, there's no doubt that there are various kinds of sounds that people will prefer, and can help reduce stress levels and increase well-being.\n\nWhere I am skeptical is in his apparent connection with real physical health effects, in which it sounds like he attributes more than merely feeling better because the nice sounds are relaxing.\n\nEven more dubious is the attempt at making this scientific by invoking an evolutionary explanation for preferring certain kinds of sounds.\n\nOr that a compressed audio stream forces us to "fill in" the lost data; I have a hard time even understanding that one. 1285509540 +You should probably shove the leaves off the other side 1353821842 +I can see that nylon webbing destroying my feet. I'll stick to my Brooks shoes and barefoot workouts. 1349454425 +*This* *is* *an* *automatically* *generated* *TL;DR*, [*original*](http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/16/science/earth/in-heartland-institute-leak-a-plan-to-discredit-climate-teaching.html) *reduced* *by* *88%*.\n\n> Leaked documents suggest that an organization known for attacking climate science is planning a new push to undermine the teaching of global warming in public schools, the latest indication that climate change is becoming a part of the nation&#039;s culture wars.\n\n> Heartland did declare one two-page document to be a forgery, although its tone and content closely matched that of other documents that the group did not dispute.\n\n> The documents raise questions about whether the group has undertaken partisan political activities, a potential violation of federal tax law governing nonprofit groups.\n\n[**Extended Summary**](http://www.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/psjzj/in_heartland_institute_leak_a_plan_to_discredit/) | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/pbcxq/faq_autotldr_concept/ "Version 0.9, ~3764 TL;DRs so far.") | [Theory](http://www.reddit.com/r/TheoryOfAutotldr/comments/phhg5/official_autotldr_theory_discussion/) | [Feedback](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PMs and comment replies will be read by the bot admin, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *three* *keywords*: document^#1 Climate^#2 group^#3 1329414341 +The statement that "the food supply is being controlled by a few handful of individuals" doesn't follow from this diagram. This is a map of corporate ownership, not individual power. The CEO of Kraft can't just call up someone at Motts and tell them to stop making apple juice. 1349811902 +lost me at 'green and red lights' 1342533004 +See, because he's a basketball player, and because you proclaimed yourself a "competent skeptic" (meaning that you read skeptic blogs and go to /r/skeptic to get upvotes), you gave yourself permission to view the sighting "for" Deron Williams. Even though he said it obviously wasn't lightning, he should have also said it wasn't a transformer explosion. 1352690567 +I don't think you fully understand this meme. 1349378604 +Sure.\n\nBut I'll just point out that all I said was that it was an annoying misuse. Not that I didn't understand what was meant. Just that the sloppy use of language annoyed me, and I think is actually a sign of sloppy thinking on the part of these people.\n\nI think that this kind of misuse has lead to an irrational fear of "chemicals". I'm not the only one that is irritated by this sloppy use of the word 'chemicals', there is a group, I think it might be the Royal Society, that have offered a huge monetary prize for someone that can provide an object that can be held in one's hands that isn't made of chemicals. 1316439522 +This was acknowledged in the heading of the post, where /u/logic11 said "(part of)".\n\nBut that's hardly important. The message is the Atheist community is rotting. That's why I left. 1347373341 +You could also watch the Carl Sagan Tribute Series (think Symphony of Science, but without the autotune):\n\nhttp://milkywaymusings.tumblr.com/videos\n\nMary Jane was a significant contributor to the production of these videos :) 1289000517 +Very true. I've found, though, in my own experience, that I have much better form both walking and running without shoes on. It's actually one of the few things that's helped me recover from really bad knee problems (patellofemoral syndrome). \n\nAs a scientist, though, I must of course include the standard disclaimer that I have just given you anecdotal evidence. I'd really like to see more legitimate studies in this vein. 1316122370 +http://i.imgur.com/tz2hG.png 1355696984 +This was my initial thought, but the article states that the researchers controlled for caloric intake. 1348018879 +It's a joke. 1309637818 +It's a joke. 1311974821 +Common conspiracy trope. Think 9/11 Truthers, Faked Moon Landing, MIB, Area 51, etc...\n\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_helicopter\n\n 1339193014 +If the claim is anything beyond they smell nice, then yes, it's woo.\n\n[This page is especially bad.](http://www.doterraoil.com/wellness.html) 1347660979 +I have a real turd in my panties over these "second hand account" stories and things that happened to a family member at the turn of the century. \n\nI suggest we keep it to first person accounts only. You can't account for a bug in someone else's program 1326604895 +The fundamental difference between MD's and DO's (which hasn't changed) is that MD's only learn science based medicine whereas DO's also have to learn the quackery that their profession was founded on. \n\nWhat has changed is that DO's practice this quackery less and less today (though not entirely and the AOA will viciously defend any DO who does still practice it) and in the US they are *functionally* equivalent to an MD (whereas most of the rest of the world classifies it strictly as alternative medicine). 1337363817 +I agree, could be a trick of light. But still no other photos to see what is going on.\n\nAnd if footprints were concrete evidence than there would be no dispute over bigfoot. 1340064582 +By not lying to her just so she can feel "normal" around other kids... which means she'll get used to defending herself against other peoples' irrational beliefs... 1296087865 +Dude, by posting all of that info about ur dads military career, it wouldn't be hard to pinpoint who he was and who you are...discretion 1345416235 +:/ I am *to* now,\n\nedit:\nMwhaha, dance puppets dance!! 1354129007 +Yes, of course, with the state of UFO study in America it's always possible that the Govt. is lying. But there's not a lot of evidence for it, and explanations like "they responded differently because it wasn't immediately apparent the object was, in fact, a downed balloon" tend to ring more true that sophisticated cover ups. I'm not saying that Mogul was definitely the identity of the object, I'm just saying its the most likely scenario, in my opinion, proposed thus far. Barring evidence, I can't jump to more grand conclusions.\n\nBut you're right. There are individual aspects of the story, changed over years, that have risen questions about how true it is. In general, though, those "holes" in the story have not been so substantial as to invalidate the stories.\n\nHell, it could have been a secret munitions experiment for all we know. But I wouldn't assume it was until I was shown the appropriate evidence.\n\nLike you, I'm no expert. I just want the realm of ufology taken seriously, so we need to be particularly vigilant about separating fact from hypothesis. 1302223420 +I got into an argument like this with someone who is convinced that hemp oil is the miracle cure for everything based on the anecdotes of a guy named Rick Simpson. The guy has no background in science, and has zero proof for his wild claims. And because I questioned that, I got told that I believe everything "Big Pharma" says and that I'm a sheep, blah blah. \n\nYou can't argue with these people. 1353364417 +Why is it so dark near the top? 1330252189 +When you make a post you automatically up-vote it yourself. It's like the karma game on hard mode. 1345229472 +I'm assuming you might have been sleeping on your back and sneezed up, so it rained back down on you? But then I guess you'd expect to see some on your pillow too... 1344350363 +Depends on the nature of the signal. I was presuming something obviously intelligent. Prime numbers would be nice :) 1337658808 +Whilst I don't like Ron Paul, the fact is *he is* a doctor.\n\nNo true Scotsman people, jesus. 1326647425 +As you are entitled to your opinion that is fine.\n\nhttp://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread385474/pg1 1332174875 +This kind of stuff always makes me think of the movie [AByss](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096754/)\n\nStill is a great movie I think. 1283976469 +Also ours was not disturbed by a helicopter so we were able to view it for an extended period of time and from our distance we knew this thing had to be HUUUUGE! 1342319996 +It was only a joke. I was 'getting into character' about the whole matrix thing, and pretending that you were naive to believe that these *obvious* glitches in the gigantic simulation in which we all live were actually harmless technological glitches (of course, that's what *they* would want you to think such glitches are...)\n\nEDIT: to be clear: I don't really think you are '*so* naive' 1342649932 +Maybe its that your friends are not a good enough representative sample of society. Your conclusion was rushed. 1335086704 +Right, because I equate unidentified flying objects with aliens. You must be new here. 1343841526 +Right? Mine are no where near this complicated and awesome. 1328902088 +They sound ridiculous most of the time...but they only have to be right once. 1349371194 +Here's a good lesson in developing a good sense of skepticism. For example, check this statement:\n\n>In general, the **one ton of gaseous expulsion created by a grass-fed cow is estimated to trap twenty-three times the amount of heat as that of a factory cow** – a.k.a, producing twenty-three times the amount of greenhouse gas. At the same time, grass-fed beef is generally agreed to be fattier than corn-fed beef.\n\nThe author was nice enough to provide us a [source](http://www.grist.org/article/2009-05-21-on-cow-burps-meat-and-methane) for this information, so let's check it. Lo and behold, the source says:\n\n>Bovine gas (the burps more so than the farts) is problematic because cattle, jolly cud-chewing ruminants that they are, digest their food through enteric fermentation, which emits **methane, a gas approximately 23 times better at trapping heat than carbon dioxide.**\n\nThat's right, the 23X number is a comparison between carbon dioxide and methane, not between corn-fed cows and grass-fed cows. Now, either the author has a severe reading comprehension problem or is being purposefully disingenuous. In fact, just read a little more in that same [source](http://www.grist.org/article/2009-05-21-on-cow-burps-meat-and-methane):\n\n>What was surprising (at least to me) is that grazing, grass-fed cattle--those happy cows we all like to celebrate, and some of us (hi, Ed) like to eat--will, according to Eshel, emit **four to five more methane than corn-fed cattle.** *But wait -- that doesn't mean that you should reach for a CAFO burger. "There are many reasons why grass-fed is superior," says Eshel. "I don't want anyone to think that greenhouse gas is the be-all and end-all. We have so many environmental problems."* 1310532464 +Yeah, nasty stuff. Watch out for Dihydrogen Monoxide as well. That stuff will REALLY mess you up!\n\nI've never met a sick person who wasn't hooked on the stuff! 1284665406 +Actually, with some govt. run systems you have the options, with others you don't.\n\n> Not with my money.\n\nPrivate insurers are doing it with your money, just like public insurers.\n\nYou can more or less choose your private insurer -- you have a point there. But if all the good choices pay for quackery, then you end up in the same place.\n\nI don't know how much the latter is the case. 1257458224 +The Germans have a word for what just happened: Fremdschämen. 1339662682 +What does statistics tell us? Do people tend to hang alone or in pairs? Why do they do the things they do? From what you are telling me, you do things that make you happy. \n\nAnd regarding choices... Not matter how big or small, you can always do a choice once. If I really want a chocolate shake after dinner today and get one, then I get chocolate shake after dinner today. If after one sip I change my mind and get a vanilla instead then I am not making the choice one more time, I am making a new choice. Point is that we can never know how life would have been with us taking the other choice. \n\nYou tell me, your wife and yourself that you would be perfectly (btw, careful with that word) happy if you had not decided to be with her, but that is extrapolation. It might have sucked as well.\n\nI have many happy memories from things I've done alone, but it does not come close to the amount of good memories together with someone. Be that with friends, unknowns, a dog or a significant other. It's not important that it's with a life long partner at its not always because of what others do. But for some reason most of the happy memories I have was together with others. I am not alone I this. \n\nThere is no guarantee that others would be much more happy all alone in the world. It could well be someone would love that. I think they would be abnormal compared to the average though. 1320756517 +**UFO OP, UFO.** 1315661539 +Where's the strawman? From the article, "'A seven-year-old girl was sacrificed by two persons superstitiously believing that the act would give a better harvest,' Narayan Das, the police chief of Bijapur district, told AFP by telephone," and "Police said the men had confessed to the crime." 1325459464 +He very well might have reversed his opinion on that. I don't know. I'm reluctant to assume he's suddenly shining a skeptical light on everything though. However, I would LOVE to be wrong on this. I like Bill when it comes to atheist issues and (many) political issues... If he were to become a voice for rational thought too, that would be amazing. 1356242557 +I'm wearing my Mystic Mayan Power Cloak right now, just in case. 1323271006 +No. That was an example of baiting.\n\nThat was a simple insult. You accusing me of simply being pedantic instead of addressing what I say, however, is a perfect ad hominem.\n\nThank you for playing. 1351969190 +When would a demolition crew, who would have needed weeks of unrestricted access to the building and who also would have had to do a lot of welding/cutting of main columns, etc, have had the chance to do this in a building that was used on a daily basis by thousands of people without anyone noticing? The only time this could have been done is during the construction of the buildings, and if thats the case the dynamite would have had to be over 20 years old and would have never gone off. \n\nThe myth of the 'hyper-competent government' covers all aspects of the 9/11 shit, unless people really think G.W.Boosch was a genius super villain, the government could have never have pulled off and inside job on 9/11. I'm absolutely convince that the children who think this have just seen too many movies and read too many comic books, and thats really fucking sad. 1286996485 +Upvote for point #1.\n\nAny actual interference by God is a violation of free will. 1276864808 +If water has memory, wouldn't it kill us when we drink it? 1297901389 +The idea isn't to stop using fossil fuels entirely, it is to continue transitioning away from them, towards renewables.\n\nThe problem with the economic argument against a reduction in the use of fossil fuels is that the calculated costs of inaction (both in economic and human terms) are much higher than those of mitigation.\n\nThe technology is already there, and keeps improving. We need to step up the transition and push for political action. Even China has indicated it would be willing to sign a binding agreement on emissions by 2020...it's not an impossible task, even if it's not going to be easy. 1353799848 +What does Friday the 13th have to do with it? Doesn't anyone win on any other day? 1326557516 +>There are people with enough money but not enough sense to fund this shit?\n\nThere are enough idiots to make this a succesful bussines. Remember people buy into homeopathy. 1301190858 +Me and my canine teeth disagree strongly with the article. 1334884947 +Lol fair point I guess. This became quite the tangent from a discussion about sugar ;) 1344878046 +It was gone. I kind of got home put the groceries away. Went to my Xbox. Plop. Look and there it was. 1333551766 +Anyone whose interest was peaked by jaxxil_'s comment could give this Rationally Speaking podcast episode a listen: [RS46 - The Varieties of Skepticism](http://www.rationallyspeakingpodcast.org/show/rs46-the-varieties-of-skepticism.html) 1353282177 +Has she been checked for Lyme disease? Might be a dead end but worth a look.\n\nhttp://www.lymeinfo.net/multiplesclerosis.html\n\n\n 1306771983 +Mirror 1356214025 +My advice: your brother is too young for the cigs. 1332396568 +It may. Most insects dislike being sprayed by water. It's kinda an "active" repellent in that you have to continually spray insects as they land on you. Could be a fun game if you're into tediousness. 1340456801 +here's the [permalink to the thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/DoesAnybodyElse/comments/d82rq/dae_absolutely_despise_the_taste_of_most/c0y90ac).\n\n[Have a listen](http://tinyurl.com/skeptoid-fluoridation) to the skeptoid episode concerning water fluoridation. 1283388881 +Perhaps not "by being hardcore atheists", but there are plenty of atheist whack-jobs out there who would let someone die for any plethora of reasons. These people just happened to use a reason connected with religion, even though almost all others would not. 1320250355 +Impeccable timing....like the delay for flight 93 that prevented it from ever coming close to its target? 1320939673 +luckily, you only get chickenfox once. 1335991327 +Fair enough. I don't have trouble believing his stories, but the old "money first, information second" attitude makes me think twice. Still, the circumstances of his 'suicide' are a bit suspicious. I can't think of a good reason why his physical evidence wasn't analyzed (other than simple dishonesty), but it's interesting that all his samples and quite a few photos were gone when they found his body. Oh well. 1340390721 +I think you need to learn how to spell.\n\nUm, "at his son's birthday", not "at his sons birthday". Come on. You're not typing on a cell phone. This is not that hard.\n 1324839499 +It depends on your perception of 'sinister', and whether you consider a less sinister explanation to directly indicate the truth. Looking at human history, I find no indication to suggest that there is any depth humanity can not sink to ( nor either any height it can not rise to). Whos to say who's right when looking at the evidence, but yourself. 1329872763 +He did it live though 1252588182 +touché lol 1315793139 +I'm guessing that slipping would also be a given for your friend, as well, if he were running with you in such conditions? 1317579702 +How do you think they get to the location of whatever it is they are wanting to do? Say they talked to you and decided to check on family, what then? Poof and they disappear? That brings up another question for me, could they interact with the physical world enough to get in a vehicle I wonder?\n\nOn another note, has any persons religious views came into the conversation when they spoke to you? Have any spoke of their god/gods? Are you religious?\n\nSorry for all the questions, just a few I hadn't seen asked and was curious about. 1333954163 +http://www.cnes-geipan.fr/\n\nhttp://www.online-translator.com/\n\nhttp://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/GEIPAN 1347033464 +Which, again, contributes to the strawman paradigm we all tend to carry around about the subject. \n\nI think if we were going to really attack this topic we would need to spend a lot of time defining terms and abstracting things out in a way that mitigates pedantry. 1355609299 +I recall some guy from some bullshit anti-smoking/anti-drug propaganda organization doing that trick in high school where he had one of the largest football players hold his arm out and he pushed down. Then he made him hold a cigarette in his lips and did the same thing but different so he pushed down. He even repeated the second attempt and told him to resist harder but hold the cigarette in place. \n\nHaving smoked for about 6 years by the time I witnessed the presentation, I knew damn well that it was a trick and I was very tempted to challenge him but I was always the quiet and shy type (not to mention that I didn't want to announce in front of the whole school that I smoked heavily) so I just ignored it. 1309963462 +I agree with a lot of your position, but I feel you are making your argument unnecessarily combative. \n\nConsider this: both over regulation and under regulation, can be damaging, either economically, competitively,environmentally.\n\nIt can also lead to results the opposite if the intent behind the legislation.\n\nI am uncertain fracking is all that great or bad, but it is alleged to be responsible for methane (powerful greenhouse gas) release, that is not factored into the intent of carbon cost plans.\n\nIt looks to me like some energy companies see the current carbon economy climate as incentive to push into previously less viable fields (more expensive) and extraction technologies for gas over coal and oil.\n\nIt's clear that regulation and free markets are a complex beast.\n 1355529055 +Yeah, I would like to know what they mean when they say the missiles could not be launched. Sounds fishy all around. 1285622952 +Yep, that's the one. Thank you :) 1329872785 +I don't like to side with Chopra's mumbo jumbo, however this isn't really the intent of his statement. What I gathered from his words is he meant using our imaginations, as it were, to visualize an image from memory. Yes we can see what a cat sees by reading those particular cells. The true question is when we imagine an image and visualize it does it stimulate our brains in the same- or similar manner. I don't know if that's ever been proven, although I wouldn't be surprised if there's some paper showing strong correlations.\n\nIt would also certainly depend on the subject's brain. Someone with synesthesia may have a much easier time creating imagery which they interpret as seeing. I only know of one case, but her imagination is quite vivid and she has told me visualizing to her is quite comparable to seeing. I am different: conjuring images, like the rose or my mother's face, is difficult for me. There are vague shapes and colours but nothing quite so clear and representative as others have described to me. 1340001836 +I see that you are a genetics major. By any chance do you have any other resources on the topic of GM Crops. I am unfamiliar with the topic and writing a report on it for school. Most of the stuff I have read is very biased. This comment was the first thing that has helped my understanding. Thanks! 1354594676 +People do have different learning styles. However, the theories regarding these styles, how they relate, what causes them, and how best to accommodate them as an educator--should be considered educated suggestions more than they should be considered scientifically sound.\n\nResearch shows that students learn more, and retain longer, when the information is presented in a variety of formats. There are a few good reasons why this is true, regardless of learning styles.\n\n 1254528862 +This is a much better version of that Ghost Hunters game show on Sci fi. I usually find myself laughing as a group messes up or make them self look stupid. It's not a bad show though. 1313080810 +We live on Vancouver island. We were also looking west over the pacific. 1345534389 +> They also use ozone instead of chlorine for the most part to disinfect, which produces far less carcinogenic byproducts.\n\nGood thing ozone isn't [toxic](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6376815). 1338749111 +Hey, there. I have several similar experiences, one of them happened exactly 2 years ago. I was visiting my mom in Bosnia and stayed in our house. I was out with my cousin to the local bar and had 5 Heinis (these are the little bottles of Heineken pipi/girl beer). I admit I was slightly drunk/tipsy. Anyways I get home, my mom is already asleep and I go to the first floor where my room is, get ready for bed and lay down. Just a year ago we had central heating installed, so back then it was wood ovens for heating. I usually didnt touch it, because I have no clue about making fires... \n\nIt was not unusual that late at night my mom would come upstairs and add some more wood to the fire. So I lay down, tipsy ditsy and start to doze away, laying on my left side with my face toward the door of the room.\nRight next to it, to the left is the heating oven. I hear the door opening and someone coming in. I'm not paying attention, thinking it would be my mom adding to the fire... Well, it wasn't my mom. 'It' closes the door and moves past the oven and stands on the other end of my bed, watching over me. I notice and want to turn around but I can't move. I want to say something, I am scared but only mumbling comes out of me. I couldn't turn nor scream... I feel it watches me and I don't know why, initially I was scared shitless but pretty quickly I calm down and fall into a very deep sleep. \n\nThe next morning, remembering what happened, I would ask my mom if she came upstairs to add wood, but she said she didn't. \n\nI know what it was or better, who it was. My dad died in the house in 2005. He had two strokes in 2000 and since then had Alzheimers and Dementia. Five years later he died from a lung pneumonia that was discovered too late. \n\nWhen I was a kid he used to come into my room, when I was about to go to sleep, to tell me not to have my knees bent otherwise I wouldn't grow any taller (actually I stayed pretty short) and then he would tuck me into my blanket and leave and I would fall asleep.\n\nI took great comfort in hoping/knowing that it was him who came bye to look after me. To see if I would have grown any taller maybe. I was looking for signs from him ever since he died and there it was. Or maybe I was just drunk... \n 1356735588 +mermaids in burka's 1304537709 +And I asked him for his evidence that I was wrong and got nothing, and it was obvious early on oftheblah was completely convinced witchcraft wasn't real and his beliefs were deep seated only in science, and at that point I realized that the debate was a dead end because even if God came down from heaven and shook his hand he would say it isn't real because Neil Degrasse said so or because it wasn't in his science text book, and It's obvious you're the same way,that's why you're holding a torch for oftheblah or you're him using a throwaway. btw why did I have to explain myself again? wasn't all this obvious enough for you to see in the original comments or are you trolling me too? 1335610884 +Probably nothing but does kinda look like a sad old man face 1343654419 +Reminds me of story Green-light. An atheist liberal pacifist democrat evolutionist muslim feminist socialist gay jew communist catholic unionist abortionist professor (and a member of the ACLU and NAACP) was bitching at a college class and she told the class that she was a strong independent menstruating womyn and she was going to prove that there is no GOD (peace be upon him). She screamed, “GAWD, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I’ll give you 15 human minutes, and I’m glad all those people died on 9/11! Also all men are rapists and I have abortions for fun.”\n\nTen earthling minutes went by. She kept taunting God (peace be upon him), saying, “Here I am, GAWD, if that is your real name. I’m still waiting. Is my strong, powerful, and financially independent vagina too much for your patriarchy? You stupid man!”\n\nShe got down to the last couple of minutes and a brave, patriotic, pro-life marine just returned from the War of Independence and honorably discharged and newly registered in every class backflipped up to the professor, hit her full force in the face with a spinning flying drop kick (with metal as fuck jet-boots on), and sent her flying from her platform through two panes of glass, two twin towers, a pile of cans, a young mother pushing a baby carriage, a nun and a pile of boxes. The professor struggled up, obviously shaken, with three broken legs, two broken arms, a broken jaw, a broken skull, 12 broken ribs, internal bleeding and a missing spine. She bitched, “What’s the matter with you? Why did you do that? Are you afraid of a strong beautiful black womyn? You stupid Christian, I only worship my vagina!”\n\nThat marine replied, “GOD (peace be upon him) was busy watching over MY buddies engaged in combat in the coke wars (Never forget). So… he… sent… ME!”\n\nThe professor cried a single tear and said “I was wrong to want equal rights for homosexuals, women and minorities. Barry Hussain Osama is a Muslim socialist atheist and he hates America. I am now pro-life, pro-guns, and pro-capital punishment”. The professor then burnt her copy of Origin of the Species, shaved her legs, put her bra back on, and started to make the marine a sandwich. “If Trayvon Martin didn’t want to die he should not have been wearing a hoodie!”\n\n“Welcome to the Republican Party” Said the Marine.\n\nThe students applauded and all registered with the Republican party that day and accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag (where it shed a single tear).\n\nThat professor was Richard Elizabeth Dawkins. That college class was The Beatles. That young mother was Sarah Palin. That nun was Michele Bachmann. That eagle was Ron Paul. That marine’s name? Albert Einstein. 1355540636 +Yeah, always read the labels and see what kind of medicine it is, ding dong. 1294139843 +I already did last night, nothing but tossing and turning. 1338440655 +he does the bait and switch... for jebus! 1352682238 +Most of these claims about alleged golden ratio relationships and golden spirals in nature are spurious, or simply outright false.\n\nThese pages debunk and discuss some of the more common claims:\n\n* [Fibonacci Flim-Flam](http://www.lhup.edu/~dsimanek/pseudo/fibonacc.htm)\n* [The Myth That Will Not Go Away](http://www.maa.org/devlin/devlin_05_07.html)\n\nIf you're looking for something more in-depth, Mario Livio's book [_The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi, the World's Most Astonishing Number_](http://books.google.com/books?id=bUARfgWRH14C) is a highly recommended read: it covers all the things that make the golden ratio legitimately interesting, alongside debunking all the things that don't. 1338295300 +I'd ask what _is_ "natural aluminium" and what's the difference with non-natural aluminium. 1318543961 +This is not the same thing as alpha and beta brain waves. \n\nAlso I'm surprised that you mention alpha and beta radiation but don't say anything about the much more dangerous gamma radiation. 1339672914 +While there are a fair share of skeptics who frequent r/ufos, there are plenty of tin foil hat wearing weirdos too, this is evident in the amount of garbage that gets posted to this subreddit from time to time. r/uap is a better place for constructive thought on this subject IMO. 1342713467 +Tim Minchin sums up my anger towards this show\n\n"What are we fucking two? Do we actually believe horton heard a who?"\n 1261536692 +I like to think that in the alternate universe of the show, the science is real. In our universe though, not so much :/ 1282101154 +Of course. I have every right to lie about products I sell, although it's not in my best interest. It wouldn't take long for people to find out I'm full of shit and stop buying them, and to organize boycotts or public defamation. The lost revenue from losing my customers' trust is almost certainly more than anything I could make from a short period of false advertising. 1286227756 +>good bits\n\nthat's selective, innit?\n\nfor me, it's more of a framework/themes thing. also, baggage of tradition. 1337099576 +In France, a [guy](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claude_All%C3%A8gre), a scientist (also former politician, and former minister -*not* the religious kind), was a loud denier, so the science academy was asked to issue a final opinion on the issue to settle it. And their conclusion was : there is no doubt that climate is changing, that the cause of the change is most likely mankind, and that shit is about to hit the fan.\n\nAnd for my opinion on the whole thing, yes, it's quite real, no, nothing will happen. Corporations will do whatever is good for the next shareholder's meeting, states will do whatever is good for the next (poll, meeting with the corporate supporters, election)... \nThe whole thing will run it's course unimpeded. And I see it more or less this way :\n\n* 2025, first country (an archipelago in the Indian ocean) to disappear because of rising sea levels. Stops being a news story after about 5 weeks. \n* 2026, emergency meeting of the G30. Nothing much happens after many declarations of goodwill. \n* 2029, first large scale *water war* between India and China after China diverts most water from what's left of the Himalayan glaciers to its territories leaving all territories south of the mountain range dry. \n* *at this point you're really going to wish you're already dead* (although I could easily continue the story beyond that point)\n 1292270530 +I like [Psychic Tanya](http://photos.lasvegassun.com/media/img/photos/2011/08/22/Tanya-ShaneONeal_t650.jpg) better. 1315591643 +Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey both published their retarded vaccines-cause-autism screeds on there, for starters. 1285784421 +Why so political? Because I hate it when politics are influenced by woo. 1311942895 +It's more than shorthand, it's the lack of effort you put into your posts. Like for instance, you misspelled "determines" and dropped the 'g' in "typing". Whereas the people responding to you have taken the time and care to respond in a clear manner.\n\nNot to mention you fail to capitalize a few of your sentences, but make sure to capitalize UFO.\n\nAnd what do you bring as evidence and proof? Hearsay. And "regression therapy". You know what the problem with regression therapy is? It relies on our imperfect memories. Memories that are highly susceptible to suggestion. 1340043362 +I was just reading some especially bad websites and they literally pulled out a half-quote from someone and then in a later section bashed that person's reliability. It was pretty epic. 1339049886 +It's worth noting that chemical castration is reversible by just not continuing the medication. 1346855374 +I just stopped. It was maybe a once/twice a month type thing, but it just sort of stopped happening. 1343028003 +AVN... I was thinking Adult Video News. Carry on. 1249684271 +> Studies have to be paid for. So, find out who is paying for the study.\n\n> The person doing the study, what do they do for a living ? If they are a politician, what are their leanings ? If they are a uni researcher, what is the gist of the their main body of work ?\n\nI'm sorry, but I think this is **very** bad advice. I would have had no problem if you said: If there are flaws in a study you could, if you like, try to look at these things to find a motive. But it doesn't work the other way round and in my personal opinion is the reason for a lot of this conspiracy bullshit (a study financed by a pharmaceutical company where it concludes that a product made by this company works as intended is automatically disqualified - that's not how science works).\n\n> The information itself. Is it scientifically sound ? Is it reproducible ? Is the sample size big enough ? Is it representative ? Is there a control group (if the study warrants).\n\nThe problem I have with this is, that it is getting next to impossible to be at a level to judge these things in all sciences. You are fooling yourself if you think you can look at every study or every paper and form an opinion on it.\n\nI hate to say it, but for the most part we have to rely on experts. We have to rely on scientists in the field who know what they're talking about. And you have to trust the other scientists that they will speak out if someone in their field is bullshitting the public (and they do that - just look at the NASA study on arsenic-based life forms or the cloning scandal in Japan a few years ago). 1343657918 +I don't know if religion would collapse like a lot of people expect. I mean the Pope said extraterrestrial life is not evidence against Christianity. If they believed it before I don't see why they wouldn't after. 1325604158 +You've obviously never been with a squirter. I was with an Olympic-level squirter for over a year. I can assure you I know what her squirt fluid and pee looked and tasted like, and the squirt is definitely not pee. This pee/squirt equivalency bullshit is produced by pointy-headed academics with no grasp of the real world, or sex for that matter. 1324667603 +Maybe we should give it a bit more time? It's only been, what, less than a week?\n\nI think it was very silly, on the level of 'rods' and paranormal photos of 'orbs', but in the interest of objectivity I think we should give it a bit more time. 1352864468 +Nobody is getting up and saying "Stop saying that!" They're getting up and saying "You're wrong!"\n\nBecause free speech means freedom to disagree. 1321895928 +Newton? 1344613467 +I don't read the rage comics either, just as I don't parttake in every other facet of atheism. I don't feel the need to call something "retarded" (which is ableist, btw) and other insults just because I don't share it or like it. I avoid insults, my critics revel in them. 1324046217 +Awesome, but probably fake. Like the [alien mummies.](http://www.ufocasebook.com/tinyalienchile.html) 1318550651 +Most of it. I can only really speak to the topic of yoga though. Yoga merely means to yoke oneself to God. There have been hundreds of forms of yoga over the centuries. For many of those forms, including the modern form, the most important aspect of the practice is breath control. Believe it or not, stretching is considered very much secondary to breathing. Diet can also be a huge part of yoga. Hell, sex can be a huge part of yoga. You can't do those last parts of yoga in a classroom. The author qualifies all this by saying "yoga as we know it today." Well, which of the hundreds of forms of yoga? What about the ones which are nothing like what we would consider to be yoga? There is no one form of yoga. There are hundreds of forms of yoga. The article is nonsense. It's a poorly constructed argument, and it's poorly researched. \n\nI'd tend to agree that Aton LaVey invented Satanism. Also, I always thought that the Ouija board started as a board game, or a parlour game. Do people honestly believe otherwise? I don't know. I don't know anyone with a brain who would claim that all of these things are "ancient" at any rate. It's kind of a tacky premise to begin with, but it is a Cracked article. 1310069637 +you can't just throw everything that you don't want to believe/look up into the same bag; the new age bag in this case\n\nthat's doing what non-ufologist are doing to all ufo-related subjects even if it has nothing to do with one-another\n\ni won't express myself about vibration and all that; but I have looked up enough to believe free energy devices are possible but have been suppressed since forever\n\n[this is NOT what i'm talking about but is just a wink](http://geometrybox.com/file/114) 1329233283 +Maybe they'll accept a homeopathic payment.\n\n$19.99 at a dilution of 30C... any mathematicians want to work that out? 1315387477 +Can you tell me why I believe in Bigfoot? 1327107757 +I had to do the same thing. My son had blood in his stool, and when there wasn't, it was green and runny (it's supposed to be yellow and kind-of oatmeal-like). When I took him to the doctor's, he told me to go easy on the dairy products. Within a couple of weeks of eliminating dairy products, his issues were solved. His little rash also went away, and he also didn't cry half as much anymore. \n\nI stayed off dairies for about 18 months and my son still has some issues when he eats too much dairy products. 1346076846 +Here is the audio if you haven't heard it already. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14MJXC0h4TU&feature=youtube_gdata_player 1351010245 +Could be, but judging by one bit of the YouTuber's video description a kite doesn't sound likely.\n\n> It flew off to the north after about 45 minutes and disappeared.\n\nOf course, there's always the possibility he's lying about that part since it's not on video. 1339524099 +Because it's interesting to note that Sagan's opinion on the subject isn't as clear cut as skeptics would like to believe. It's also *very* noteworthy that his recommendation was that the phenomenon is worthy of further study. Not that it was bunk and everyone should go home, but instead continue to gather data in hopes of formulating a solid conclusion based on *science.*\n\nI'd be willing to bet that most people didn't know he testified in a [1968 Congressional hearing](http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc1987.htm) on the matter. 1331941294 +I'm guessing the OP didn't read the article mistook their use as a kooky medical treatment. MDPV is essentially just a more dangerous cocaine, though. 1326529800 +Priceless 1354285211 +Christ, haven't these people been subjected to enough, and now we're giving them crap medical treatment.\n 1347484637 +Do you not think it is realistic that even in a highly advance future people will still hold on to supernatural possibilities to explain the unknown? 1348862150 +"If man were merely a random product of evolution in some place on the margins of the universe, then his life would make no sense or might even be a chance of nature," he said.\n\nI was about to call the pope a tool. But he's right. Life doesn't make sense. 1303716634 +Honestly, I think stuff like this gets written by people who feel a need to prove themselves intellectually, but aren't actually intellectual.\n\nThey probably have some deep psychological issue and have been bowled over in the past and really impressed by people who *sound* smart. Whether or not the speaker actually was smart, or the listener even grasped the topic being discussed.\n\nSimilarly, they probably want other people to be as impressed by them.\n\nUnfortunately, they aren't of an intelligent mindset. By giving off these type of words (construct, geometrical, conscious primal currents) they give the illusion that they are talking about well-defined "scientific" ideas and have a firm grasp of the concepts. It's kind of a cop-out. Goal achieved, no work necessary.\n\nIt's pathetic.\n\n**TLDR** Really they're just spewing words to give the illusion of intelligence. 1289319541 +I think it's irrational to place your own gods above all others and make yours so holy and sacred, and others as "voodoo". Can you be specific in the exact differences between miracles and magic? What about some examples? 1324399462 +This has gotta be a troll, Obviously a fish!! The mods should be kicking shit like this out of this sub reddit.... 1325640171 +My girlfriend and I have both seen a ghost cat that lives with us. It's all black and disappears in direct light. It plays with our two living cats, chasing them and running around the house. It's become another member of the family. 1352230454 +I'd say!\n\n 1336142187 +Haha. No blame on you, but as you've seen it happens all too often! 1338160965 +Oh hi spicy_ckicken_wings. 1313870600 +This line of argument about crop circles has been around for as long as crop circles have, and I'm sure someone has done legitimate research on this point. I don't have any links handy, though. But more importantly, you're not going to see that kind of rigorous research from BLT Research. 1330484270 +Scientists don't know everything. 1331898782 +The government probably used alien technology gathered from the Roswell UFO crash to fake it.\n\n/s 1356289376 +Just a minor quibble; here in the UK (and New Zeland and Australia) osteopath is a protected title and the training is purely evidence based medicine. They're regulated and, critically, their training does not stem from the debunked theories of [Vertebral Subluxation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertebral_subluxation). 1291209521 +Me --> ROTFLMFAO 1321565048 +i know the feeling i used to get this quite alot, i get it sometimes now, i'd get a random scene and maybe some audio, and several months down the line this happens, if i remember correctly, people call it "future sight" 1317308113 +Could you give a source for that please? I'd be interested to incorporate that into my arsenal of knowledge. 1326051746 +Of course they were. 1331538041 +There seem to be a lot of sightings lately with a similar theme. If these are real, there is probably some kind of message in the formations. Maybe an intergalactic "hello". \n\nIf we could show a coherent message in these sightings, it would link them together undeniably. Can we put together a compilation and ask the geniuses on Reddit to take a crack at it? 1291059055 +George W. Bush went to Yale, this man went to Harvard. It all makes sense. 1335582061 +It's possible, but I was sitting in the house and I do remember hearing a motorcycle go by. 1340259149 +Well, yeah, they don't have a pharmacy, and I don't think they sell ANY traditional nation-wide brands. They don't have ms. baird's bread, they don't have Coke, and they don't sell tylenol or advil.\n\nBut if you looked harder I bet you'd find aspirin! 1349189601 +You know, it's probably pretty safe to dismiss any claim at all that's prefaced with "Alex Jones says". 1337140401 +I saw three UFOs tonight, the ones that hover over cities in the triangle shape. They were bright blue, they slowly moved towards the city (Minneapolis) and then they disappeared. It was a magical experience. did anyone else see them? 1288406447 +Whew-- they are lucky the Earth doesn't generate any electomagnetic fields on it's own... I mean, if there was something like fluid iron that made up a large portion of the interior whose movement led to a dynamo effect that produced magnetic fields on the surface... man, they wouldn't be able to go to West Virginia to escape it! 1315954402 +The funny/sad/good thing about this video is that the footage is actually decent. \n\nThe commentary, oh dear. 1353359223 +Wow this is dumb 1351269482 +Last July I was camping high in the Appalachian mountains along the Kentucky-West Virginia border. At about 4 am I had to take a shit, so I walk about 200 yards across the clearing just inside the treeline. As I'm relieving myself in the pitch black I notice that all the insects and frogs down by the creek fell silent. Then I start to hear these really heavy footsteps. They get closer and closer and then they stop. Whatever it was stopped about 20-30 feet away from me and started grunting, whooping and throwing rocks. So I shined my flashlight in the direction of the sounds and rock throwing and all I see is two huge red eyes about 9 feet up in the trees and a flash of reddish-brown fur. When I shined my light whatever it was took off howling. I went back when it was light out and found some 16 or 17 inch tracks, snapped tree branches (12 feet off the ground), and the grapefruit sized stones near my shit-hole. I packed up camp and got the fuck out of there. I don't think I've ever been that terrified in my life. \n\ntl;dr I think I saw a Bigfoot while I was shitting in the woods last summer. 1336069675 +Should have walked up to the guy and asked, "Are you a wizard??" 1306629095 +I am a scientist and not involved in the paranormal in any way, spare the fact that I find it interesting from a mythology standpoint. \nThat being said, when I was going through puberty light bulbs would burn out or flicker, cups would fly of counter-tops, and once a crystal bowl exploded. I looked into it, then, and many of the explanations I found dealt with "poltergeist" activity-- the notion that one's own internal conflicts are becoming manifested through manipulating the outside world subconsciously/telekinetically (sp?). \nNow...THAT having been said, what I really there are natural explanations for all these things, even if they aren't readily apparent. For example, replacing the wall clocks' batteries from the same faulty batch or the change in atmospheric moisture content and temperature leading to more resistance within the lighting fixtures COULD account for what you're describing. As for me, a draft can knock over a stack of cups and a rapidly cooling crystal bowl can explode (as it was just taken out of the dishwasher). IMHO\nTL;DR: There are likely natural explanations for what you are describing, but when we're worked up b/c of the day-to-day stuff, it all seems more overwhelming and somehow connected. \n 1317261479 +Can't tell if real or nosleep... 1350603540 +Technically, nothing is a settled issue. And given how unfounded these counterarguments seem, I remain skeptical of their skepticism. 1348752591 +100% serious. I was 16 at the time. I'm trying to rationalise it but I really don't know. 1335647902 +It appears you don't know the difference between anecdotes and data.\n 1304284208 +What I was wondering is how people who have been blind since birth can describe these "visuals." They're not going to know what "white" is or what "light" is, so how are they going to say they saw a white light? 1319678738 +I have seen those shadows that you speak off. One time I saw a shadow that seemed to be a person, it had the outline of a tall individual and his figure was darker than the night and it ran towards my bedroom. Went in checked everywhere, no one to be found. I did not fall sleep easily that night. But if I learning anything from it was that I should not be afraid. Now I am waiting to see it once more and chase it, understand it and find out what it may be if I can. Kinda weird I know. 1350090926 +Thanks for sharing. =) 1256057208 +AWOOHH.. 1350816903 +Thanks for the pertinent links to a great site dopp3l. \n\n\nI think Grant Cameron has more FOIA docs and info on that site than 99.9% of all ufo researchers(with the exception of [Greenwalds Black Vault](http://www.theblackvault.com/m/articles/category/UFO%20Phenomena)) could accumulate working together,... and Goldwater is a dying breed unfortunately,...a motivated US Senator,... 1339622613 +I have no control over up or downvotes, but i'm not in argument with you. All I was saying is that they do seem like the same event, and if not, it would be a repeat performance of apparently the same maneuvers. \n\nObviously by existing back in Dec. 16, 2009, your date takes precendence; that being said, it doesn't invalidate that this is an alternate perspective of either the same event or a very similar future event in the same place. 1317258633 +Isn't it obvious as shit that the cat is simply swatting at something off-camera, and not the television? 1327523925 +I wish my food would multiply like that. 1356642903 +Sometimes I think that people would rather defend something that is clearly nonsense then admit that they were fooled by it. 1283812321 +The field is real, but the science behind it is complete bullshit.\n\nFurther reading: http://www.nature.com/news/2010/100526/full/465412a.html\n\n"Simply put, people (including professional lie-catchers with extensive experience of assessing veracity) would achieve similar hit rates if they flipped a coin," 1282099922 +oh sorry. lol I thought I had posted the ling in there my baddd\nhttp://dfwparanomalresearchteam.tumblr.com/ 1344291480 +That goes with my theory that the paranormal wont bother you when your high 1352710459 +> “Those students who are not magical are not typically those who enjoy going to parties,”\n\nSince when does happiness equal going to a party? I happen to be a little bit introverted, but that doesn't automatically make me depressed. Seems like this article is making some very large assumptions about what makes human beings happy. 1341856900 +Wow, awesome! I wasn't expecting a legitimate reply. Upvotes to you, kind sir! 1326462653 +Does our universe exist? Is it possible to truly know anything about it? Does a god exist?\n\nScience deals with the empirical and falsifiable. 1346359675 +There is middle ground here. I tend to agree that the light source is on the other side of the glass - I thought at first it was a flashlight reflecting but the refraction has convinced me otherwise. But I don't think it's the Star Family. \n\nIt's just a distorted rising light, nothing can be determined from that. Most likely explanation I think is some sort of electrical arcing.\n\nAgain another video where the phenomenon moves out of frame and the camera doesn't follow it. What's with these shitty photographers? \n 1342289309 +Seriously man the whole experience was so weird that I find myself thinking about it randomly playing it through my mind trying to figure out what happened. One thing I forgot to mention was when we left for lunch the other employees were also clocking out but nobody seemed to understand what I was talking about and were acting like lunch just started when we got back. 1354044468 +Interested but too lazy to google. What's the rest? 1341031570 +As a holder of a doctorate in computational chemistry, you should be telling us how to compute those stats! 1319126171 +And I shall deliver...\n\nOne night, Dani and I just chilling with some battlefield 3 going on, and his graduated sister shows up and has a party for all her grad friends. I know most of them, so it was really cool until I noticed the wierd stuff..\n\nFirst, Jackson tells me something, and his body is bent over all awkwardly. After I came out of the bathroom, I turn to see the EXACT same thing, no differences at all.\n\nAt this same party, I get put in charge of music because every one else is getting hammered. I do a Spotify playlist that I thought I was familiar with, until the songs changed and the lyrics were about a grad party getting broken up by the cops. I changed genres completely, only to hear the same thing basically. I closed the blinds on the massive bay windows just as a police cruiser pulls into the neighborhood.\n\nNot terribly strange, but noteworthy nonetheless. 1342227143 +This is awesome, thank you for sharing 1334267198 +Yes, I think we all have this problem. 1285361078 +probably more like 5 people. 1289787034 +I am the yellow name/black avatar. 1306456106 +'Wrong' about what? What their lying eyes told them? They could be wrong about their *explanations* of an event, but how can they be wrong about what they've witnessed? 1333834578 +a) I did provide a simple, concise explanation. I pointed out the use of the word "our."\n\nb) I wanted to clarify the name of the philosophical position d3sperad0 was illustrating to anyone else who might be reading.\n\nAt this point I would expect anyone who was interested in the thread to simply look up "solipsism" and "epistemological idealism" on their own. We're using the internet, after all.\n\nThank you for apologizing for your assumption and for revealing your true intentions. 1322446262 +To be fair guys, I think he means taking the person into the reactor itself, not that the plant is unsafe. But hey, continue your impulse downvoting. 1354090069 +no idea, I doubt I'll ever know. I can't really listen to that voicemail anymore except for when I'm drunk. 1326612708 +We are probably talking about the products of a Mr Bushmills or Mr Jameson here. A few of those and you'll be able to talk the hindlegs off a donkey too! 1273175568 +Sure it is. In the US, we've replaced use of that term with the phrase "African-American", because it was considered offensive. However, the phrase that we have come to use is not applicable outside of America. In this instance, the acceptable word in Spain is *negro*, which is the word that was originally replaced for being offensive. Irony. 1352322991 +In a sense adult boosters are even MORE important, as we may not even show signs of having a particular virus/disease. 1311098565 +I've heard some convincing arguments that de-leading gasoline and access to abortion are the two reasons that the crime rate plummeted late in the 20th century.\n\nIt's awfully hard to prove this sort of thing, though.\n\n-- edit,\n\nSpecifically, airborne lead generally lowered the cognitive functions of people and raised neurological disorders including lower control of impulses. One of the effects was increased likelihood of committing a crime. Lowering lead intake made people more stable.\n\nChildren of mothers who can't take care of them or do not wish to tend to have problems, including fitting into society and following its rules. Abortion greatly reduced the number of children who had insufficient maternal guidance. 1349815822 +Could it anger it? Yes. \n\nHowever, the signs of protection are there to protect you. \nUnless its fairly strong, it would be unable to do anything. Stronger usually dont bother with you unless you have some talent with the occult. 1350299322 +more experienced = more money paid 1326097664 +Call Sam and Dean, they dealt with one at some point. 1355219921 +The only thing that made me skeptical was the reddit design, but maybe that was just a coincidence 1348868264 +The top post right now is,\n\n>To those who are going to post negative things on this page\nWould you please refrain from it, this is "NOT" a scam or any form a way of getting or asking people for their hard earned money or their support this is a page for exposure for Jesse and his condition ... at the whanau/families discretion this is the direction we have chosen and the direction we see best for the life of Jesse.\n\n>Wether you or anybody else think or believe we should be heading somewhere else please email Cameron, Shane or Michelle to discuss this in a private forum ...\n\n>This is a page for Jesse and his well being and health so if it is not supportive of our efforts please look somewhere else\n\n>Thank you.\n\nI want to post "dear, you are not the scammers, you are being scammed". But I am just ... well... I just can't do it. Maybe I will drop a private message to them. 1330844207 +I am now honor-bound to find an apt application of the word "phallacy."\n\nMaybe the next time people start talking about average penis sizes... no, gotta do this right.. 1331676275 +if it prevents from getting actual treatment, like it did my mom, it can. I'm generally pretty chill, but people being stupid like this about medicine will make me blow a fuse. 1277491650 +That's a horrible dream, but I don't believe it has anything to do with demons. Young children scratch and claw themselves in their sleep all the time, even more when they're having bad dreams. Considering the dream you had, I have no problem believing that you scratched the hell out of yourself. I believe it was a case of night terrors. Anyone who's had them would likely agree with me. 1339085750 +Are you...dumb or something? Do you not know what christianity is? It's believing christ died and came back. That's...literally it. 1347498377 +faith != trust 1285528941 +Ok, we can have a discussion, but only if you stop with the victimization bullshit. You're not being downvoted because you blasphemed against our god of modern medicine. Your initial comment strongly implied that we only differentiate medicine from alternative medicine based on what pharmaceutical companies decide to produce. *That* is why you were downvoted. You did not say anything profound or challenging or about healthy skepticism.\n\n\nNow.\n\n>Are you going to have a doctor say "you should eat two cloves of garlic a day"?\n\nA doctor recommending that you alter your diet is not at all unusual, but that is not alternative medicine. That is just normal nutritional advice. Eating garlic to promote health or avoid a certain condition is fine. But that is not the same as claiming garlic is an alternative to a tested medicine as a cure for a specific disease. People learned to eat citrus fruits to avoid scurvy. The medical test would be if someone did a proper double blind study to show that the rate of scurvy is much lower or eliminated in the group eating the fruit. It's not medicine, it's nutrition. Knowing what is and is not healthy to eat also requires the scientific method. That is only one claim. Eating citrus fruits reduces or eliminates your risk of scurvy. If you want to claim that they also protect against the flu, then you need another study to test that claim. And if you say it will cure you once you've been infected, then it is being claimed as a medicine and that claim also needs to be tested.\n\n\nSo, 2 questions:\n\nWhat are the proposed benefits of garlic?\n\nWhat studies do you have to support each specific claim?\n\n\n>Labeling a field as categorically stupid and employing stereotypes as justification is completely against the idea of skepticism.\n\nHow exactly did I use a stereotype as justification for anything? 1319761387 +yeah that is interesting..... waiting for the follow up 1311327499 +As have I. The only issue I take with that episode is that when you drink too much, you "just have to stop drinking" (or something to that effect). While this certainly applies to most people (like Randy), it's not the case with everyone. Some alcoholics actually need help because they are so physically addicted that simply stopping isn't really an option. \n\nMinor gripe aside, I love that episode. 1321658855 +Yeah, could be! \n\nI have another one very similar to that in that last one in the set. Unforunately imgur doesn't let you zoom far enough in to see it but it's green at this point and looks like 6 individual lights perfectly aligned 3x2. 1355940781 +Yeah this is interesting. 1356274228 +Child abuse. 1320269166 +Unless you are a strict deist, then there is quite a bit of evidence against the existence of most every definition of God...since the claim of existence is a scientific claim, it must be weighed according to probability and certainty according to the evidence. If you believe in logically defined definition of God, then you must also believe in Russell's teapot as well as the invisible dragon in my garage. 1305573212 +Deleting all the stupid people works too. 1344875442 +That's weirder than there BEING UFOs and E.T.s 1330332378 +Looks a bit like a mirror. 1347304415 +No, the wikipedia article is wrong. But it has since been [edited](http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gary_McKinnon&oldid=518490216), so that's a moot point.\n\nMoreover, if he was able to view the image, was it not technically already downloaded to his computer? It would take him roughly 10 hours to download a 256MB file using a 56k modem. In other words, he would have to somehow reduce the file size in order to view it. 1350567978 +Aliens ARE REAL. 1319951483 +Holy shit, this went through my head when reading the title:\n\n>I was walking down the street when cell phone tower.\n\nAwesome story. 1327366315 +To be honest, I don't think this is a UFO. I think this is one of those new drones that some police forced are using around the world now. The drone I'm speaking of uses propellers - perhaps counter rotating propellers - and is used to observe crowds. \n\nSomething like this: http://www.anunews.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/aa-drone-unmanned-police-drone.jpg 1323843998 +is it cold 1325215767 +tl:dl *What are they, why are they, what do they mean?* 1316444191 +im glad good job. its amazing that someone was actually willing to listen. 1313354070 +Ohhh wow. I'm so embarrassed for them. But they deserved it! 1349080027 +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbVdyPZiOLM\n\nYou can edit your self posts, you know. 1340760487 +shape changing ballon that doesn't tumble or rise? sure thing brah. 1295985496 +go for it then, and make a nice website too 1283799920 +She's also for Homeopathy.\n\n> "We will promote complimentary health care – through support of chiropractic, naturopathic, homeopathic, and other non-western practices. The Green Party of Canada recognizes the value of good health as a fundamental human right, and also the key to the most vibrant, inclusive and sustainable Canadian society possible."\n\nTechnically it is not officially Elizabeth May's opinion, but it *is* supported by The Green Party of Canada. 1317229489 + I seriously dont see what the big deal is. They use the most sophisticated training equipment and technology science can give them so basically it becomes who has the best genes. Screw why not allow the drugs and monitor them for abuse or overuse and keep it to uze within responsible limits. I d love to see where science could take the human body. 1345947638 +Edit: should have just used telepathy to make your point. 1316223644 +He's referred to as an "almost teenager". Could be anywhere from 10 to 13. 1351452962 +what you encountered is known in physics as a [closed time-like curve.](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closed_timelike_curve) basically, you enter an area of spacetime that is so warped that you end up traveling back in time to the exact point in which you entered the curve. since you immediately start at the curved point in spacetime, there is (theoretically) no way to escape such loops. you continue travelling faster and faster through the curve until eventually you reach the speed of light. \n\nobviously, you found a way out of the loop, so good for you! you broke physics. 1346041501 +Randi is such a douche bag. 1284754763 +Quackcast has a nice [episode](http://www.quackcast.com/spodcasts/files/podcast_31.mp3) on this crap\nbtw, its nice to see another mycologist here 1248802600 +Did he forget to take it? 1274099825 +Is that from something? Or are you just clever and funny. 1334032900 +At least someone understands my feelings! 1341273251 +It was dinosaurs. 1341069497 +Someones dreaming here. Let me provide seven reasons why Disclosure will never happen.\n\n1. We are barking up the wrong tree. The govt is no longer in possession of the info we`re pushing to get disclosed. The US govt itself is a false construct, a fake choice of two parties that act as one entity, designed to make us believe that somewhere there is a civilized structure to society that looks out for the better interests of the public, when in reality, the govt does little more than provide laws and protections for the corporations in the hopes that the success of those corporations provides the security and needs of the people, that the govt claims to be responsible for. Unfortunately the corporate psychology has no such intent, unless it feeds their bottom line. Disclosure doesnt feed that bottom line,...therefore there is no real impetous to acheive it.\n\n\n2. The majority of the historical documentation & info that the govt may have had, has long since been purged. When we have former heads of the CIA like Bush Sr, who, when asked about what the govt knows about the UFO subject, was cryptically quoted as saying, "You don't know the half of it,...(/sinister grin)". Do you really think someone like Bush Sr., who has an enourmous sense of entitlement, the position of power, and belief that the info would have serious reprocussions on his society, wouldnt destroy as much of that info as possible to maintain plausible deniability? I maintain that info simply no longer exists. I know that's what I would do with a secret that I believed was too dangerous to risk leaking.\n\n\n3. Physical evidence has been deligated to privatized industry. Any resources(tech, info or biological), from crashes or theoretical tech exchanges, has been firmly locked up & diseminated over so many tech generations, in black budget shell companies, such that there is no longer any clear indication of where that resource originated from. Furthermore, a privitized company has no obligation to reveal any of that info. Make no mistake on the issue; even sighting reports now being deligated to the privatized domain,...(brilliant move imo). How can we expect to get disclosure from a corporation that has no interest in sharing the resources that the govt has provided them for research & development. May as well ask Batelle to tell us where the inspiration for Nitinol came from,...\n\n\n4. We've already lost alot of the 'old time' witnesses to the original crimes. The US govt made the clear & informed decision to keep the subject from the public back in the 50s(perhaps earlier). I'm sure the continued delaying actions on disclosure come from hoping they can put it off indefinately, or at least, ideally, until there is no one left from that era to hold directly responsible. 25 year NDAs help, and the testimony from such dated sources have a very limited impact, as witnessed by the lack of MSM coverage of the UFOs & Nukes disclosure last week.\n \n\n5. Disinformation will keep the boat a rockin until it sinks. The Ufological community is, at best, in disarray. There are too many cooks pulling in too many directions to ever get anywhere. People like Greer, Project Cameltoe, Maussan, Icke and Hoagland, are doing far more damage(perhaps purposefully in some cases), than convincing people to take a serious look at the subject in an objective manner. The fact that people still flock to these disinfo mongers and charlatans tells me(and perhaps the powers that be) that we are indeed still gullible sheep, and that there really is no need for disclosure until we stop believing every pile of BS lobbed at us no matter how high or steaming it is, or how much it stinks. The truth may be every bit as unbelievable as the lies, but why stop now if the lies are still working,...?\n\n\n6. MSM is tied to the corporatocracy directly. NWO theories aside, there are only a handful of media conglomerates on the planet and they all have to deal with respective govt bodies. While UFO stories may serve to attract customers, and perhaps make the sheople feel like the issue is moving forward, this is still playing the delay game, and we swallow it over and over,... If MSM really considered UFOs a news story, there would be followups on every UFO sighting reported instead of a 3min segment and the end of the broadcast for filler. MSM has no time to reveal hoaxes or report on genuine unknowns in followups, it doesnt feed their bottom line. They have no real interest in revealing info that could bring down their religious institutions, law makers and greatest advocates, bring them embarassment, resentment or reveal them as outright liars. All of this would shake the status quo one way or another & that's not their job; their job is to make money.\n\n\n7. The govt has no definative answers. Disclosure already has happened. It's just burried in that same mound of BS, like the 2001 Disclosure movement; it's up to you to decide what's real and what isn't, but the govt has already had all their secrets spilled by someone at sometime. Good luck getting any further clarification of the facts from the people who want to maintain plausible deniability,...\n\n\nOn the other hand, France had disclosure long ago with the Cometa report,...wake up people, I'm not sure what your expecting here but you're sure to be disappointed if you can't see the truth has already been revealed; albeit amidst a heaping, steaming pile of BS,... 1286135888 +> I don't think this is by any means analogous. If me not wearing a helmet could cause you harm, then it might work.\n\nWhy are you talking about other people all of a sudden? You said:\n\n> its a "better safe than sorry" precaution\n\nIt would also be safer to wear a helmet while driving a car. Why don't you do that? I'm asking if the "better safe than sorry" excuse actually has any merit. It has to some extent. But after 20 years it's getting silly.\n\n> With this comment, you have exposed your ignorance on the topic\n\nAre you fucking stupid? I told you what the content of the video was because you felt the need to comment without actually watching it.\n\n> Strange; your armchair half think/intuition didn't anticipate the electromagnetic spectrum, huh?\n\nI'm happy that someone who "feels qualified" chimed in and graced us with his wisdom. Go ask engineers what they think about cellphones and laptops in airplanes. Please. 1335214283 +Too stupid even for the video version? Wow, this must be a record even for the deniers!\n\nIn plain words Lindzen Choi 2011 **ass**umed ocean energy variation is only about 2 times bigger than the variation from the clouds, while Spencer Braswell 2011 **ass**umed a ratio of 0.5. The observational data shows that the ratio is somewhere around 10-20 (meaning 20 to 40 times more than the values **ass**umed by Spencer). 1315582811 +What everything I've been linked to seems to say is that "It works short term, but no one quite knows why."\n\nThat's very convincing... 1291692302 +Also, the most important factor here is that it wouldn't take *our governments* to hide an alien presence. They could very well do it themselves, and with more ease than we think. 1332163030 +Indeed, the Lunar Module Pilot of Apollo 14, Ed Mitchel, is a major whackjob (UFO's, conspiracies, Physic phenomena) and that didn't stop him from been a major figure in the space program. 1281172474 +da-de-du -double post 1328558859 +Meh, I don't watch it for the "evidence" anymore. I watch it as a comedy. Those guys make me laugh.\n\nDo they help the paranormal field? Not really. Kind of makes us all look like jack-asses. BUT they are testing new equipment which is showing it to us that we may not have known about before hand. One piece of my equipment I've gotten as a direct result of watching that show. Hopefully soon I can add a second. 1348520378 +Or it could be aliens. Or even Dracula! 1333595612 +`a xor b` is equivalent to `(not(a) and b) or (not (b) and a)`. 1288645811 +This is the only one I'm aware of as well. 1352268592 +Were you there?\n\nIs it possible that she carved them into herself?\n\nIf it is possible, then you should try to help her, as her friend, if you don't mind me saying so. 1337654068 +Can't wait to see this! 1343966854 +They make it almost sound like aliens. 1356055613 +I dropped out of college because of my peers. When it became clear to me that I was sitting in a room with a bunch of people unable to draw conclusions from what was presented to them I got up and left. I was almost more upset by the fact that instructors accepted this as par for the course and were willing to work with it. 1311097362 +I always ask folks who are into that crap "If you were having a heart attack, would you go to the holistic homeopathic hospital, or a real hospital?" 1356721134 +it consisted of two thin metal rods, both bent into an Lshape 1305935729 +Dry? Really, I found it hilarious, especially his retelling of the Carlos Hoax.\n\nMore than that though, he's gentle and compassionate. He's concerned about the dangerous of credulity and I think that would make it the book I'd recommend for someone not familiar with skepticism.\n\nThat said, I haven't read Shermer's book, and he can be quite compassionate too actually. 1344823912 +sigh, here is your evidence. I await your confirmation that everyone is delusional or crazy. http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/81461/SECRET_ACCESS__UFOs_On_The_Record__FULL_/\n\nIf only laziness was not so common among deniers who accuse people. Well you were right about extraordinary evidence at least. 1328117482 +I think someone posted a video a while ago that was "Homeopathic Tech Support" or something like that. Using pyramids to get rid of viruses ect. Damn, I wish I could find it. 1347033487 +What? I'm serious man. I've never watched\nThat movie. 1325721616 +Again, you're absolutely right. The problem is, to ever begin to explain anything you need a hypothesis, an educated guess that in some ways assumes things that are presently not fact. Often the people who make the biggest leaps in science make some outrageous claims through educated guessing mixed with observation, then testing.\n\nYou may not like the concept of science doesn't know everything but it's the truth. Science *can* explain everything but presently doesn't. Until then we make educated guesses, observe and test. 1282447375 +You've got to be kidding... 1313689235 +According to one of my teachers, Elsevier has a 36% profit margin. I haven't checked his figures, but I suspect he would know.\n\nI believe this is a short-term windfall profit due to the shift from print to digital media. The journals and the databases are making out like bandits while they can. 1316314554 +Can't do that, sir. We'd have to call every religulous holiday the same. Imagine the confusion. 1305118001 +That a policy that can result in the death of women is a worse thing than a policy that might not prevent a far smaller number of sexual assaults, or that all men should not be judged on the actions of some men, apparently. 1347381319 +Well, points for using the apostrophe properly. 1331607201 +No, you're fine. Wikipedia is a fine stepping stone. If other people can't take the time to go through Wiki's sources or do their own research, that's on them. 1335733295 +You lack imagination. I was using mine. \n\n\nI can argue the veracity of photos as well. The moon landing only exists in photos, it never was real. Just an illusion. I need tangible evidence. ( facts: moon rocks exist on earth, tracks exist on mars, mirrors can be placed by robots) Prove that man walked on the moon. Go. 1344006323 +From the article:\n>*Was it a meteor? He’d heard there was a green meteor shower taking place from 6 to 9 p.m. that evening — **but no way was it supposed to show up in the earth’s atmosphere**.*\n\nThe article makes my brain hurt. The author tosses the meteorite argument out completely by saying that "no way was it supposed ot show up in the earth's atmosphere." This completely ignores the sole ingredient of a meteor shower, namely meteors burning up in the earth's atmosphere. Just like what appears to be happening in the very poor quality picture.\n\nOn top of that the author's allusion to the "father of three and his 10 y.o. daughter" seems to be a backhanded way of discounting any questions of credibility. I offer this [wiki article involving a father and his children and a hoax...](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balloon_boy_hoax) as food for thought. Sorry but the source needs either vetting or corroboration - the author offers none. 1301969624 +Figures. It's freaky crap. I'm wondering how many more people remember that. 1327200551 +Having lit Chinese Lanterns recently, from my experience, they stay in the air for about 2 minutes before extinguishing and floating to the ground. Unless there are different kinds which last longer, I would not blame lanterns. Still, I doubt these are actual UFOs they filmed. 1354341682 +There is also a reflection in his glasses that looks like a flat-screen monitor.\n\nMy searches also keep leading me to a guy named Gerald Celente, which leads me to think this is a marketing ploy. 1352755441 +I have never seen a flare go off personally but this thing went up then it would mosey back down and it moved side to side too. Eventually it started going up again. If I can get a video of this filmed close to a big monitor I could actually show you (based on the flames and luminescence) the way it traveled. 1347622009 +Aw. I know another one on this thread that was debunked, but I didn't bring it up. I don't want to ruin the fun of the legend, you know? I'm going to check out the link. 1347061464 +pretty good, but what's with the neckticles in the last panel 1282681743 +\nThe vaccine has a limited duration. Your immunity fades over time, so a vaccination for a disease you receive at 5 (or whatever) will be protecting you in your childhood, but is weaker by the time adulthood rolls around (I was finishing high school). \n\nThe doctor was being tongue-in-cheek. The whole idea behind inoculation in the first place is that your immune system can prevent you from coming down with diseases you've already had. The principle behind many vaccines is the idea of giving you a "killed" virus that your body can form antibodies to, but won't result in full-blown disease. \n\nIf someone contracts the disease, they'll eventually have similar immunity, but this isn't necessarily as helpful as being vaccinated from a herd standpoint. If they contracted it, they're producing and spreading the virus while they're ill. For instance, the exchange student spreading the virus resulted in several of us contracting pertussis and missing months of school. \n\nHowever, the few of us that got sick before this was clamped down on were all older high school students. For the purposes of a respiratory illness, we were practically adults. Less healthy targets could wind up dead (and many in the world do). Even if you don't die, pertussis can last about three months. There's also secondary issues that can be caused by having it, rib fractures, and so on (if death weren't enough). 1327324381 +I'll be there! Can't wait :) 1340994334 +It was a fungus. You can find the story on http://www.adn.com under Alaska stories 1313911653 +nobody wants to take responsibility 1328719082 +There's a big difference between dead and *mostly dead*. ~Miracle Max 1346462100 +Interesting happenings, thanks for taking the time to share! I think it would be interesting for you to put aside your fears for a bit and delve deeper into meditation, since "thinking about it" can only take you so far. If you ever do, please write an update! 1353287432 +Thank Xenu. I really loathe that show. 1349367043 +By chance did your version of the phantom menace not have jar jar binks in it? Worst character ever? if so, your reality was downgraded... :) 1340328975 +>No, it is the process of genetic manipulation itself which damages the plant\n\nThis is pretty baseless. There are also many possible processes for genetic manipulation. \n\n>They all suffered from a process that damages the genome.\n\nThis is highly subjective. With the infinite number The number of possible changes is essentially infinite. To say that anything would be "damage" is rather absurd.\n\nBasically any possible problem is an engineering problem that depends very much on the specifics of the modifications.\n\n 1279826599 +One more thing; you of all people here should realize that skepticism has a much deeper and more profound philosophical tradition of both outward and *inward* doubt that has been usurped in name by the Randi-worshipping skeptics of the secular/atheistic variety. 1241570500 +The figure looks to be transparent against the trees in the background. Also, the person who shot it isn't going to say if it was a bigfoot or not. he just encountered one of the most mysterious things that he can't even give a better description of the encounter for the news?..wtf 1338682097 +That's a pretty genius idea. I've little doubt that such a show would at least get one full season, if not more. All the people that I've met that love the ghost hunting shows also love the house hunting / fixing shows. It's a perfect match! 1288574807 +If I believed there was a God who was judging my life and would decide if I spent eternity in heaven or hell, I would damn well be thinking about Him every single minute of every single day. I would devote my life to him.\n\nAll those so called Christians who just see God as a hot water bottle for a little bit of comfort and who spend most of their lives doing "more important things" aren't very serious about their religion. Their lack of devotion to something that they putatively claim is so important makes me doubt that they believe any of it really. 1338914152 +Exactly! And even if those proposed remedies are harmless on their own, they may interact with drugs that the doctors have prescribed. The fact that her behaviour is unethical is enough to report her, even if it doesn't cause harm to the patient in *this* instance. 1311351827 +sound like one of those complex seizure things that make people go on auto pilot for long perioids of time. 1353881861 +I'm glad skeptic weighted in on this, I voted no, despite many of my peers urging a yes from everyone. I came to a no vote with doing a ton of research -- I found not only is GMO safe, the testing they do on the crops are insane -- more testing than, say, what the meat industry does to test for disease.\n\nAn article called GMO "the climate denial of the left". I think I agree. And this article states it bluntly; it's hatred for a multinational. Sure, Monsanto is shitty. But these scientists -- they work hard. And Monsanto, at the end of the day, is still a company. They aren't going to risk putting out a crop that has an allergen and lose a ton of business. The fact is GMOs are safe and the crops Monsanto provides seeds for thrive -- and the yes voters just infurating, somehow.\n\nBetter idea: this movement has legs. Start a regulatory commission that can test if something is GMO-free, everyone kick in a few sheckles to pay for this non-profit. Your organic grocier will eat up this label. And it doesn't depend on the government regulating it.\n\nIt's so perfect it already exists. 1352478485 +Whew...that brought back memories. 1300068310 +It is probably best to avoid discussing these things with them... unless they are blowing big chunks of money on it or putting their health at serious risk, in which case it might be worth the effort to translate the specific literature appropriate to the situation. 1279316712 +True I am thinking its a overexposed construction light. 1302884710 +Thank you for your fantastic reply. Your arguments are really... non existent. 1329484978 +But it is funny because he had a secret. Guess what it was. Guess.\n 1308821969 +*Why are they still pouring? IT'S FULL!* 1346018774 +I tend to ask what other things were being done as well as what ever "healing" ... people especially kids too young to understand...so probably too young to actually tell you whats wrong as well so we are usually guessing as to what the problem is... do just get better sometimes. 1292957231 +It's at times like that that we need to say, in our best John Cleese voice, "But… *this isn't an argument!*" 1312269266 +Interesting how the article was commented [by the local deniers](http://www.reddit.com/r/climateskeptics/comments/11fwl8/global_warming_stopped_16_years_ago_reveals_met/). Also in [science](http://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/11gpxj/global_warming_stopped_16_years_ago/) deniers seem to be very present :)\n\nBut today [I had already lost too much time with a moron that can hardly do basic arithmetic](http://www.reddit.com/r/climateskeptics/comments/11ghbs/wheres_the_anthropogenic_global_warming_signal_in/) so enough for me :( 1350247198 +That's what I mean - even a hypersonic object would leave a contrail which was not completely straight over those sort of distances due to upper atmospheric winds. 1311995052 +Sucks to admit, but thank you for making that clear right away. 1343180221 +http://circleinstitute.com/works/1_recovering/images/11-8_djinn.jpg 1313509293 +what the fuck? I'm an Aries. I AM OUTRAGED!!!!!!\n\nseriously though, how silly. 1324641011 +I've told people I was lactose-intolerant for years because I hated the taste and it made my stomach hurt to drink regular milk (which was true, but it didn't bother me too much if I drank it with food). Cheese and yogurt didn't bother me as much, but then I became vegan to try to clear up a blood sugar problem and several months later accidentally ate some cheese cooked into a soup at a restaurant. My sinuses started immediately filling up and my eyes were watering, and then the waiter told me that they added a lot of cheese. Maybe I really was intolerant! 1273759179 +Yeah.. Soon we'll make an awful cheesy TV movie about how they met.\n\nOh, wait, Hollywood beat us to it. 1303070712 +Now turn around so I can cup the other side. 1316670998 +People who use the internet? 1337769352 +I'm glad you calmed down more as you finished writing the title. 1342376581 +JEEEZ! I'd better stock up then. 1245244728 +Holy crap, someone on the Internet admitted he was mistaken! Well, I guess it would be in /r/skeptic of all places.\n\n> The term "ambient" means something akin to "from the environment" .... therefore, not man-made.\n\nEh, as a photographer to clarify a little we'd still call it "ambient" if it's man-made. It just has to be a part of the environment such as the lights that are usually in the ceiling of a building or the street lamps along the road. If you bring a light specifically for the purpose of shooting a portrait or something (or in this case see a "psychic orb" emitting its own light) then we're not talking ambient anymore. 1345139202 +> it seems like Neil is making points without backing or research on the subject\n\nThat's what always bothered me about this particular Neil Tyson clip. Just the other day it [was posted to /r/videos](http://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/itvtt/neil_tyson_how_to_prove_the_alien_origins_of_a_ufo/) and had received a ton of upvotes. Never once does he reference any historical case data or even hint that there have been some truly unexplained events. But that won't stop non-believers from using the video as a sure-fire way to dismiss UFOs as bunk. It's a shame, really. 1311253038 +I'd vote for Joe Biden as Miss Teen USA.\n\nIf I had the opportunity to rig that contest to make Joe Biden win, I would take it. 1354111763 +And yet you skeptics refuse to believe in the power of quantum entanglement and hoe it can enrich your lives through its holistically fluctuating energies which are derived from the mapping of holographic bio-field enhancers (using the heisenberg uncertainty principle of course). \n\nWhen will you open your all seeing third eyes!?! 2012 is upon us!!\n\n\n\n...I'm JohnnyMi25 and I approve this message\n\n 1323698349 +HOw can you be sure that she is telling you the truth? 1332739633 +On the contrary, I think it simplifies the issue. When you say you're an agnostic atheist you're stating you don't know but don't personally believe. That's a clear starting point for further discussion about the nuances in your position. \n\nSimply saying "I'm an agnostic" doesn't really say much about belief and, honestly, it's only now being used by atheists who don't like to call themselves atheists because they think it has negative connotations or (and I see this more often) people who want to feel intellectually superior to both theists and atheists by sitting on the fence pretending there's no dichotomy. 1308115242 +Yeah, I seem to remember hearing a talk (maybe from TED) about how being able to cook food really makes us apart from easy classification at all. 1353119485 +This. Couldn't have said it better myself so upvote for you my friend. 1326256261 +[Watts up with that](http://wattsupwiththat.com/) 1324218219 +I'm not sure if they check immunization records as late as high school. To the best of my knowledge, I only heard about our cases. From my diagnosis, and talking to her later - she said she'd gotten it from her younger brother and they thought it was just a really bad cold (sick a few months, etc.). She was from Columbia. I can't speak to their vaccination program, though pertussis is on the list of "routine" boosters/vaccinations to have before traveling there.\n\n 1327448893 +No longer available in the UK after they went a little heavy on the [bromate](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dasani#United_Kingdom). 1291359252 +People are douchebags on the internet. We call them out. Therefore we are douchebags.\n\nNice logic for someone who calls himself skeptic. 1351184798 +I wish I spoke Spanish. The video looks like it could have been faked, but since I couldn't understand anything, I couldn't tell what the source of the video is. Does anyone know? 1355108876 +I'm a computer technician, and I assure you that they do not use binary at all. \nWouldn't it be obvious to children if that were the case? 1347580712 +>But that rather begets the question, why not just see a physiotherapist, or an MD? \n\nBecause the excess for my chiropractor, who is a qualified physio also, is $10. The excess for my physio is $22. \n\n 1329456727 +Thanks for linking to that. I think I understand the concept of stabilization. Correct me if I am wrong but is the idea to erase the shake of the camera operator Maybe I want to believe or something but in this stabilised version he cites the wobbly ufo as evidence of cgi but it looked to me as though the stationary buildings shook also.\n [related The Cure for Fundamentalism: Why the Bible Cannot be the "Word of God"](http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0054H1XJ6?ie=UTF8&tag=polidebanews-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=1789&creativeASIN=B0054H1XJ6). 1309077813 +Isn't it usually AFTER you've bought the house do you find out an un natural death has occured? I recently read somewhere that haunted homes sell for much cheaper than otherwise not haunted homes. 1237893758 +Why do you oppose that part, given it's talking about drugs? Of which [/r/psychonaut](/r/psychonaut) does. 1324995198 +Point being. Case studies have been a great way to develop hypotheses, but are not sufficient in proving or disproving them. experimental procedure is required to support a theory with statistical evidence. 1319768544 +What are you, the [reddit police](http://i.imgur.com/N9alv.jpg)? 1302572395 +Witnesses describe seeing a column of water under the object which matches [other UFO/water sightings](http://www.waterufo.net/PIufoW.php)\n\nI think most people are capable of identifying fire-fighting helicopters that use [buckets](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:US_Navy_drops_water_from_a_helicopter-borne_firefighting_bucket.jpg) to haul water 1327300226 +Mine happens to be Dalmatian. I heard Sharks and Dalmations go together very well, if they respect the differences in needs when it comes to habitat. 1281883952 +That one may be BS, but [this one](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A25FRpkbDxU) isn't ;) 1296901871 +Most conspiracy theories are not even theories anymore most have been accepted by perpetrators within to a degree where they dont even care what people know. I.e Rokafella,Rothchild, and corporations like Goldmen sachs. i follow information related to conspiritorial matters and ive seen enough to penetrate skepticism towards so called theories(some are i get that). I think if you don't want to believe something or its against your understanding cognitive dissonance seems to come into play. \nIm gunna look into the guy hottel case i didnt even know it had been debunked, cheers for the heads up anyway.\nThis might be well far out for your liking im undeniable a spiritualist,and am very much into jungian Psychology and Stanislav grof's work. Also experiencing hallucinogenics im intuned in transpersonal/religious nature. Anyway i've been reading Ra material Law of one and its been so enlightening and has really made coherent connections/correlations to extra terrestrial presence. Research what the books about and give me your thoughts. 1344109379 +I'm losig tem all, oe by oe! elp! 1321285585 +Truly amazing 1348714012 +Actually, I don't. 1335316408 +crop circle is irrelevant. What is up with the FABULOUS PONY in the distance??!? 1340715688 +yeah that happend to me with this meteor that came sunday. I dreamt i was somwhere in the mountains with my class, and then there was like an earhquake. i ran outside and the i saw the meteor in the sky!\nI told this story to my Parents before this even happend, and i told them that i think a natural desaster is going to happen. 1335267691 +10, 9, 8, 7, ....\n\nNote: You reposted something from FtB, how is that any way controversial or questioning of their beliefs? Atheism+ is an extension of FtB. 1349919056 +900 calories is a starvation diet. \n\nThis has to be one of the dumber ideas for losing weight. 1350073334 +"Yeah, just shut up and pass it over man" 1326636724 +I think I might write it out as sort of an AMA on r/ufos. That way, I can tell my story to the right audience and will [undoubtedly] get much better direct questions. :) I didn't know anyone'd want to hear it. 1318211394 +This should be in youtube, anybody seen it?\n\nEdit: I started looking for it, and ended up watching a debate... and I thought I'd be getting some work done today.. sigh 1354031476 +If only there existed a Shift key. Think of the uses! 1325765145 +So this is the History channel that I hear Americans talking about? 1293928205 +I'd upvote ya twice, ya glorious bastard. 1355568776 +>Pure ad hom.\n\nNo, it isn't. It is a statement of the fact that I'm *skeptical* about the claim by the Heartland Institute that the document is a fake. Considering they are a mostly a Lobbying/PR outfit (i.e. they are paid to lie), I don't see any reason to believe what they say at face value.\n\n>like the downvote I get every time I see a reply from you\n\nPeople who complain about downvotes are losers. I get downvoted all the time, do you see me complaining about it?\n\nEDIT: just in case that wasn't clear enough, I did just call you a loser. 1329346699 +About what specifically? 1320940977 +That seemed really fake. 1295714879 +As per usual, the comments section take a lot of wind out of your sails. Some people are just too invested in their delusions to be willing to consider that they're wrong. 1331479476 +Well, to be honest; it was working better at first. We would go out a lot and share some laughs, there was real intimacy. But, eventually life caught up with us. Swamp gas has children from a previous relationship with Weather balloons so it made my position more difficult in her life. Eventually, we parted ways. I'm starting to see others now. I have a date with No Comment tonight and was talking online with Chinese Lanterns earlier today so fingers crossed. 1342815128 +Did the fillings just appear? Most folks get cavities first, then go to the dentist to get the fillings. I think you've found a time and money saving shortcut! 1338780643 +I feel it is called magic so that a persons belief can be swayed in a different way. I think that when a young person is shown something, and told that it is magic, that person can hold it close with their true beliefs as something very special.\nTelling a young person that these abilities are really them picking out subtle non verbal clues could perhaps not hold the same special importance in belief structure as "magic".\n 1345000765 +I was taught evolution in primary school. And it was in the late 70s\n\nDo they really don't teach it nowadays in the UK? I can believe anything from the US, but, hey, the UK????\n 1314922879 +There are [other sources](http://www.touregypt.net/construction/) if you don't like that particular link. [This one](http://www.livescience.com/1554-surprising-truth-great-pyramids-built.html) discusses some evidence that many of the pyramid stones were cast, rather than quarried, which I thought was pretty clever. 1343733225 +Go back, get video. 1319457994 +Too true, although Phil should have used "Scientists are from Earth, the public is from Uranus." 1319051837 +The only thing we really have to go on is his sense of certainty- and he seems VERY certain, although it proves nothing...time can only tell. 1223411123 +Explanations and sources are always preferable to statements of opinion.\n\nCare to elaborate? 1312978278 +> "The White Sands case had puzzled many skeptics, because\nthe Pentagon had cleared the published report. The author,\nCommander R. B. McLaughlin, was a regular Navy officer. As\na Navy rocket expert, he had been stationed at the White Sands\nRocket Proving Ground in New Mexico. In his published article\nhe described three disk sightings at White Sands.\n\n>One of the disks, a huge elliptical craft, was tracked by scientists\nwith precision instruments at five miles per second. **That’s 18,000\nmiles per hour. It was found to be flying fifty-six miles above\nthe earth.**"\n\nVery eerie stuff indeed. Also, most of the material in the book is quite believable. 1334880203 +"Something like 80-90 per cent are people mistaking things like Venus for UFOs."\n\nNote that Venus is now near the Sun and will [transit the 5th of June.](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transit_of_Venus,_2012) 1337587097 +Bare trees signify exhaustion/depression. Trees can be indicators of a cycle in your life, like something ending. 1317687140 +I'm pissed at this "Quackwatch guy is a quack!"-silliness at a much more basic level: Being biased doesn't make you a quack. Talking half-truths, untruths or just bullshit does.\n\nOr: Being a quack makes you biased, but being biased doesn't make you a quack. 1289846981 +>In support of a general disposition towards conspiracist ideation, Douglas and Sutton (2011) showed that **endorsement of conspiracy theories was associated with people's willingness to engage in a conspiracy themselves when deemed necessary** 1355483339 +Not necessarily. It may be that helmets increase the severity of torsional injury to the neck, on account of the greater leverage afforded by the thickness of the helmet. It is also possible that a helmet may impair vision or hearing in ways.\n\nI'm not claiming that helmets are definitely bad for you for any of these reasons, but the burden of proof remains on helmet proponents to show that they are definitely good for you. 1318702745 +The US also has a higher rate of overweight or obese mothers, which is associated with all kinds of problems during pregnancy and birth. 1297560286 +>If you show me any studies suggesting that we can focus on one aspect without any other processes interfering, please let me know.\n\nI am suggesting the opposite. We cannot focus on one sense and disregard other senses. However we can still focus on a certain memory or emotion, even with other processes "interfering". I seriously don't see how is this even an issue for discussion. If you can't even focus on an issue or emotion, how can you do any form of therapy at all. In fact, how do you even manage daily living? \n\nThis is what was taught by the founder of EFT Gary Craig and what I practice for myself and with my clients. You can see it for yourself [here](http://www.wikihow.com/Use-the-Emotional-Freedom-Technique-(EFT). \n\nI am not sure why you are asking for studies that show how a therapeutic technique is carried out. Are there even such studies? \n\n 1343143070 +Is /r/skeptic turning into /r/atheism now?\n\nWhat do you want, a pat on the back? A cookie? 1337324355 +Pretty much this, its why capitalism works (most of the time) 1336068392 +Thanks for the info. I did not know Kombucha was so well endowed with B-12. But being vegan, I usually get my B-12 via supplementation. However, I have also read that B-12 can stay in the body for quite a long time, therefore ones potential for going deficient is less than what they might think. But, I was quite malnourished when I was getting the shots *eating disorder*. 1322971565 +This is why we still live in the Dark Ages: the guys that made the original crop circles came forward in 1991 to confess to the world that it was they that constructed the circles. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crop_circle#Creators_of_crop_circles\n\nYet 18 years later people are still in awe of this simple device. \n\nIf volume II of the Bible was ever discovered proving the whole thing to be a good bed-time story, people would still flock to the church on Sunday.\n\nWhat's that expression, 'there's none so blind that refuse to see'.\n\n\n 1246750409 +Exactly. I mean, there are chemicals that can kill HIV/AIDS on surfaces, but I don't plan on drinking it if I ever get either. 1354105845 +I been wanting to call someone yea. I doubt it was telekinesis. Lol 1333042941 +I don't get it. Since when is hitting on a girl in an awkward manner a terrible, horrible, despicable thing to do, akin to attempted rape? \n\nI make awkward passes on a weekly basis. I wish someone would have told me about this earlier. The girls I hit on should also be informed that they're being horribly objectified, and the portion that accept my advances should be shamed for encouraging my objectifying, misogynistic, *predatory* behavior. 1310000361 +>No need to apologize, I was looking forward to a point by point reply :)\n>\n>But because of your need to apologize, I'm assuming it might be a reflection on how you think about these long responses so now I feel the need to apologize.. sorry about the length!\n\nAh, I was more concerned about you and other readers (though by now there are probably not many still reading this). Personally, I'm happy with long replies.\n\n>It's true, there are a lot of unknowns, but on the other hand, there is also a lot of data pointing a certain way. And let's not forget the learning experience, it would be a huge opportunity whether it succeeds or not to put some theories (as theoretical as the theory of evolution or gravity) about human behavior to the test.\n\nYep, that was what I meant in my previous reply about an experiment - how do you do an experiment like this? You would need complete buy-in (so to speak) of all the individuals in the experiment area, and also to prevent people from outside the experiment area from taking advantage. So you would need to basically have a large commune to do it, and to prevent selection bias (most of those who take part would already have bought into the system), it would need to be populated by people that already live in the area. And it would need to run for decades. You would also need to have a contingency plan for failure, since you would need to revert to a currency-based economy, and there would no longer be any traditional businesses in the area to employ people, so it would probably take decades just to return it to something like it was previously.\n\nAlso, if it's an experiment of an RBE and not just a sociological experiment, you need to be able to ensure that all the resources you need are in the area - some resources are currently hoarded by certain countries (returning to helium, the US holds the vast majority of the worlds limited resource, and it's required for coolant for things like MRI scanners). Having to ship in resources may upset the economic part of the experiment.\n\nSo, it'd be a very difficult experiment to do, and I'm not sure many leaders will want to risk their political careers to implement it.\n\n>So with that in mind, it's not about if it is possible to turn around people today (though that could work for the most part I assume, and we're already doing this by exposing people to this information) but it's generational thing, the education and environment of the children (think of the children! :)).\n\n:)\n\nYep, I agree - if it works at all, it'd likely take centuries. Not that it's a reason not to do it, I'm sure we both agree that just because you'll never see the pay-off doesn't mean it's not worth doing it for future generations (though not everyone will see it that way).\n\n>I have met a surprisingly growing number of people that tell me that our system will eventually change itself to a RBE, and that there is no real need for what TZM does.\n\nYou mean spontaneously, without anyone actively working towards it? Interesting - how so?\n\n>But to answer more specifically, education can change people so they live a life free of waste (or keep it in mind and motivate them to do something about it) and share resources instead of hoarding them. Education would make it clear to them that it is in their personal interest to behave that way. And what benefits them (a more clean, healthy environment, less crime) benefits others automatically.\n\nYep, education would work to a certain degree, but what we'd need to change is the consumerist attitudes I referred to previously - people would need to be convinced that they don't necessarily need the latest and greatest things, and to use resources responsibly. Would we be able to change attitudes to the extent that, when it comes time for currency to be abolished, there's very few who will act as people generally do now?\n\n> It's all about intelligent management. There are today already alternatives to certain resources, and I don't mean exact replacements, we might have to do with less so we can do more. And I'll exaggerate with my example but you'll get the point, maybe instead of a solid gold chain you could have a gold plated chain (with comparable weight/feel). Not that people would actually want a gold chain in a RBE, this is just an exaggeration :)\n\nWell, I don't have any jewellery at all (I've never seen the point), but yes, I see what you mean :)\n\nBut at the same time, it's hard to tell if alternatives can be found for all the resources we need (as opposed to want) in the future. Different elements and compounds have different properties, and an application may only ever be able to use that particular one - such with MRI scanners, as I mentioned for helium above.\n\n(Yes, helium is scarce, but it's also cheap, so instead of helping to save lives it gets wasted on party balloons, and hardly anyone realises the implications. Sad, isn't it?)\n\nBut anyway, these will run out whether we stick with a CBE or switch to an RBE, as we agreed, so there's little real debate between us here.\n\n>I get this. And I wonder how that experiment would've looked if there was no money involved and equal access. Those are 2 components that have a very big impact on any system. Would it have failed as much? Would it have failed at all? I don't know, but it's food for thought.\n\nGood question, I wonder that myself, and I'm not sure that we can really ever know. But that's not to compare communism and an RBE - they're both socio-economic and political models, but they differ in many ways.\n\n>I agree completely. And you might have already distilled my view on this, it's not because we don't know the outcome beforehand that we shouldn't at least try it. Eyes on the prize, and its a very attractive prize (world peace, comfortable lives, equal opportunities, no slavery (payed/unpayed) or prostitution (of any kind)).\n\nWell, I can't argue that it's a great prize if it works out. But the risks of failure need to be taken into account as well. I'm not so sure that it's as simple as going ahead and trying it, I think we need more evidence of its feasibility and to put measures in place to recover a CBE (in some form) if it fails, before we go ahead and do it.\n\n>Unless it costs more to do a complete recovery :) If you can't make any money by solving the problem, why solve it? That's the profit motive for ya ;)\n\nPoint taken :)\n\nTo be honest, I'm not sure if it's possible to completely recover more (or indeed, all) of the material, not being in that industry.\n\n>True, it might make things more complex if you have to also keep in mind the recycling part of a product. But if we're not living in a system where you only have a certain budget/time (to market, being faster than your competitor) for R&D and need to cut corners to make it, things will look very different.\n\nYes, but what I mean is, while part of the reason things are designed the way they are is because of time and budgeting constraints, part of it is also because they need to be designed that way or they wouldn't work at all. You can design things better to allow more of them to be recycled, but there's a limit.\n\n>Also, in a RBE, collaboration would be to the benefit of this facet of product design. Instead of having thousands of different corporations with their own R&D and patents, having a world collaboration of all those minds.. imagine the possibilities, it's easy to see the potential benefit(s) in this.. like for example the learning opportunities!\n\nTrue, collaboration would be beneficial, and it would be good not to have to worry about who's going to rip off your IP (as a creator of IP, I'd *really* like that). But we need to be careful not to let that thought blind us - we'd need to consider everything before steaming ahead. 1317844853 +But make sure to dilute the medicine down to 1 part per 1,000,000 kibbles. 1272237489 +Morpheus....is that you? 1343217621 +Apparently in order for you to take my objections seriously here, I'm going to have read *Discourse* to see for myself what the difference between that and *Meditations* is.\n\nBut Meditations is still very much one of Descartes' influential works, and it still very much reflects what his philosophy his. And in *Meditations,* he **does** argue for the existence of God using ontological arguments, and he **does** claim that the existence of God is the way that we can consider reality to be true and break free from the Skeptical position. You cannot separate the views expressed in *Meditations* from the views expressed in *Discourse* that easily.\n\nYou do realize that Empiricism is considered to be one of the philosophical underpinnings of the scientific method, right?\n\nAnd your claim about the universe is that it is impossible to create something without external rules is why that video is a sufficient rebuttal: because it provides a possible explanation for how the universe could have come about from nothing, without requiring external rules to create it.\n\nYour claim was that it is impossible, the video refutes that. The fact that it ends with an admission of not knowing is irrelevant, because of course we don't know for certain. We can't know for certain. But mathematically and physically, there is no reason it is not impossible.\n\n(Of course, I've failed to mention so far the obvious ludicrousness of the universe requiring something to be exist first in order for the universe to have been created. What created the previously existing thing? What created whatever created that? And so on up to infinity. Eventually you have to reach something that was not created, or you have an infinite chain of creation that itself was not created by anything. In either case, why assume that our universe was created, instead of being something which did not require creation?) 1355430952 +Anything anyone has to say about deciphering an alien language is going to be pure speculation. I just don't subscribe to a Star Trek-style anthropocentric notion of alien species and languages. 1346569424 +The obnoxious behaviors we associate with A+ existed before A+ formally assembled. The Skepchick community has been rife with it for a long time. The reason some people, who could rightfully be called bullies (or just dicks) have been picking on "Surly Amy" is because of these behaviors.\n\nYay, Amy has worked to send people to TAM in the past. That is great, but that doesn't make her immune from criticism. FFS, the cliquey Skepchick crowd has been saying awful things about the "old white men" that have worked their asses off for decades, but as soon as someone hurts one of their little feelings by criticizing their tendency to act like victims, they go down like a Brazilian soccer player. It's just more of this deplorable shit:\nhttp://puu.sh/148rI\n\nI haven't heard anyone say that they don't want people from all areas of the spectrum to take part in the atheist community. What people are decrying is that this sub-set seems more interested in establishing themselves as victims first, and demanding up front that they be treated as a protected class. It's fucking obnoxious. When Eugenie Scott goes up on stage and presents, I do not have any thoughts about her gender. At all. It only became an issue in my head when Rebecca Watson started issuing Fatwas against casual flirting because she was personally tired of the attention she had been getting - attention which she had in the past appeared to take in stride and even enjoy.\n\nOh, there I go again, "blaming the victim". 1347379367 +Love the ICP fallacy. \n\nFucking magnets, how do they work? 1327310848 +> you do realise that the video provides proof that chi exists\n\nAre you trolling or just plain dumb? 1281190742 +Not really, but good point, whatever floats your boat and all that. 1320548251 +You don't have shit. You have skewed studies that show a slanted, national propagandized study. For example, the Japanese study on mmr and autism is bunk because the Japanese heavily "urge" other vaccinations prior to mmr. The danish study is also similarly skewed. You people are so stupid, and your methods of propaganda are getting old. You use the same bullshit chopped-and-diced crap as the "omg, the arctic ice shelf is melting!!111one" and leave off the images of the arctic ice shelf growing. Of course, the stupid sheeple-zombies that don't know shit freak out and want everyone to engage in a carbon tax-and-trade system. 1283193658 +Jesus christ, try to control your temper. It's hard to focus on what you're saying when you snap like an angry child. 1314224015 +Not only Russia, my sister heard it in Rio de Janeiro, the thing with these sounds is that it is really easy to just ignore and keep watching tv. 1323423510 +Although there does seem to be [a pleasant rumbling...](https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Boobquake) 1305098063 +You really don't have to worry.\n\n1. You are likely young and your body will survive just fine eating half the calories (or less) than the average American eats. In fact there is evidence that calorie restricted diets can help prolong life.\n\n2. You would be hard pressed to give yourself a vitamin deficiency unless you are literally starving. There is free basic food everywhere. \n\n3. Human beings have lived 100,000 years on diets FAR FAR FAR worse then anything you might have to expereince.\n\n4. So cheer up, loose some weight and save some money. My expereince is that reducing your calories is a good thing. 1329342349 +If go to your local park, the nearest forest, etc, you will probably find that 80-90% of all the plants you see are non-native. The natural balance has already been greatly disturbed by the introduction of invasive species, and bad land management. It's great that you want to help restore some sort of natural balance to the ecosystem, but GMO crops have virtually no impact on that. 1345076489 +No, I think this one was shorthand for the ascii-picard. 1339598896 +thanks. Most excellent.\n\nWhere did you find this?\n\ntoo much UFO stuff are things that go away when you have quality photography, data, etc. 1309530764 +Thanks for the advice. I've heard some debates over tape recorders vs digital recorders and was wondering if one is better than the other. 1340480959 +I can't help but wonder if the patients in the study thought the researchers were lying to them. Scientific studies have a history of deception that even most laymen are aware of. So I don't think the people in the study were 100% sure it was a placebo. I don't know how I would control for that though. It would have been interesting to compare the effects of knowing it was a placebo versus not knowing.\n\nAlso,\n\n>Nope, it still works.\n\nFrom the actual study:\n\n>Conclusion\n\n>Placebos administered without deception may be an effective treatment for IBS. Further research is warranted in IBS, and perhaps other conditions, to elucidate whether physicians can benefit patients using placebos consistent with informed consent.\n\nNot as unequivocal. There were only 80 patients, after all. I'm going to remain skeptical of this claim for now. 1344041590 +Interesting... I'm a huge fan of the SGU but I really can't say the same about This American Life... I still subscribe to it but find that many stories don't interest me. Another podcast in a similar vein that I find much more appealing than TAL is the Radiolab podcast. 1288051935 +Just a quick search, all of [these planes](http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/analysis/compare/jetcrashdebris.html) were almost completely incinerated. 1304499425 +This is a proper glitch story. None of this ghost shit that should be in /r/thetruthishere 1335750277 +Interesting. I am quite certain this is man mand however as it has two flashing lights on either side, like all man-made aircraft. This is to help determine if it is coming towards you, or moving away, depending on the orientation of the lights.\n\nEDIT: Nice catch IntimateShine. 1323796596 +Yes, it is true that placebos vary in efficacy based on a large number of variables (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Placebo#Expectancy_and_conditioning). That, however, does *not* mean that acupuncture is anything more than a placebo, which is what you were arguing above. Sham acupuncture (both with needles in the "wrong" points, and with fake needles in the right ones) works just as well as "real" acupuncture. 1326058280 +And your point is... what? [An organic pheromone-based pest management system](http://extension.psu.edu/ipm/resources/nrcs/programs/conventreefruit/pheromonemating/at_download/file) doesn't pollute groundwater and, more importantly, is [pest-selective.](http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/nature/pesticides-blamed-for-bee-decline-6296322.html) Many organic farmers prefer to use trap systems, while others use rotational planting and [intercropping.](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intercropping) You're eager to criticize organic farming, but you haven't bothered to substantiate anything you've said. You don't seem to know much about organic farming. 1338697390 +Well, I for one love and embrace science. Anyone with a sense of wonder should realize that science is one of the greatest developments of our species. Technology allows us to grapple with our environment, but science allows us to broaden the scope of our awareness, allowing us to create new technologies. \n\nTo discredit it because it doesn't play nice with our worldview is to stagnate intellectually. \n\nBut by the same token, when people begin to treat science as ideology - another world-view - they tend to defend it with the same vehemence that others defend religious beliefs. The scientific consensus becomes irrefutable fact, holy writ. \n\nIn reality, you look at even our most fundamental theories like the Big Bang, and a lot of what we know is based on conjecture. There's a plethora of observable evidence that directly contradicts the big bang, though it remains our best explanation for how the universe came to be. Theories like Inflation arise to answer some of these anomalies, but there's not mechanical explanation for why the universe would suddenly expand more rapidly and then slow again - all we know is that for the big bang to have produced the universe we see, it must have happened. \n\nThe point is, science is in flux. It's constantly open to re-interpretation, and that's a good thing. It means the more we learn, the more opportunities we have to learn. 1353780271 +I always thought of vampires as a way for early society to find a way to explain sex offenders and molesters without delving into to the ugliness of reality.\n\n 1352406777 +fake or not we aren't the only intelligent beings in the universe. 1341421226 +I still have a hard time believing "most American atheists" could be considered to be skeptics. Atheism by itself is not entirely incompatible with irrationality. 1313096903 +lmao.. so lame I just had to upvote you 1290167217 +How far away did she live? I used to use my portable phone in middle school to listen in on neighbors' conversations. I had it down to a science. \n\nIf she lived within a two block radius or so, it's plausible that you were just communicating over the air and not via a telephone signal. Of course, this isn't at all likely -- unless you were BOTH on 49 MHz phones that were tuned to the exact same channel. 1327250559 +No correct answer ... vote for the folks you really like 1308761905 +Wow that's an amazing experience! I've had a few of my own, more than enough to make me believe that they do exist. 1334794961 +Can't wait for another 4 years of war escalation, evisceration of civil and human rights, torture, and indefinite detention without trial. 1313890668 +You make a valid point, but they also make no claims of "absolute fact". They more or less parrot the information in the linked article, to boot. I'll also point out that I didn't upvote them, whereas I downvoted nmoline (and thus tried to provide an explanation for my downvote).\n\n[Here's a comment that I did upvote.](http://www.reddit.com/r/skeptic/comments/ywf37/the_american_academy_of_pediatrics_today_reversed/c5zfm4n) 1346076625 +What did it look like outside of the window? \n\nLooked like a reflection to me... 1318611663 +Wow, I didn't realize my discussion with you was hostile? I was just discussing. I'm sorry if the way I came across in text seemed angry or argumentative.\n\nI have nearly three years of study in psychology and sociology. I'm not by any means an expert, but I *have* looked at the literature. This Münchausen by Internet is, in fact, a disorder, just as the other disorders I've mentioned. Yes, they are faking various illnesses, for reasons such as getting attention or sympathy. That is, in itself, a psychological disorder. So no, I'm not wrong. A person who functions "normally" in society does NOT create illnesses - a person who has a psychological problem does. Münchausen and Münchausen by Proxy are both also disorders. If you looked at the literature regarding Münchausen itself, and related issues, you'd have seen that.\n\nSorry for engaging in discussion with you. 1337859538 +Rebuttal's fine. Being a dick wasn't necessary. 1326711528 +Ifeelyahbro.jpg 1328451974 +Can someone please amuse me as to what the point of this post is? 1355339321 +someone should post those clowns the mexican military footage with the infrared formation 1342674275 +I'm a vegan who knows many people in the AR community in my hometown. It scares me how intertwined animal rights and pseudoscience are. It's taboo and off-limits to question any tenet of the dogma, be it health, animal testing, organic foods etc.\n 1287245025 +Chhattisgarh has a population of 20.7 million people. I would argue that two children an one innocent adult murdered for no reasons is in par with statistics of any more educated area of similar population. Basically those people are serial killer psychopaths and just use their belief for justification. \n\nThen I read this in Wikipedia:\n\n> ... in recent years, 2,500 women accused of witchcraft were murdered by stoning, hanging and beheading by neighbours. \n\n:-( 1325498087 +boo hoo 1335848883 +I'm not sure what is going to happen on 12/21/2012, but it inspired this 30 second [youtube video](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak_ollSPaZM) 1354585111 +If I had a shit-ton of money, what I would do is make a camera especially for UFO's. Here's how it would work.\n\nUser would set up the camera on a tripod. Camera would have a computer in it, or maybe an Android device, Raspberry Pi -- whatever. You'd point the camera in the general direction and the computer would try to target that. A laser would help it target, and would also try to determine distance. (I guess it would need *two* lasers then).\n\nThe camera would have infrared, and be very light-sensitive. I don't know much about cameras, but that's what I would do. \n\nYour video is not nearly as bad as you think it is. I can stabilize it, but I'll need a few hours. If I have to do any real work today, it will wait till the weekend. 1352381297 +Oh, wow. 1347379511 +That's pretty sweet. I'd be a proud dad if my kid did that. 1312411149 +I'm going to make a similar movie about how the world actually works. How we're all stuck at work watching these entertaining things that aren't actually true and how we're getting old and eventually dying in front of the tv. 1337632322 +Wait, you have had experience with ghosts and supernatural entities and then became an atheist??? 1336119799 +Yeah, that's true too. I was watching *Ascent of Man* and there's a whole episode basically dedicated to the serrated scythe. Though I guess that's confounding manufacturing and agriculture. Seems they're intertwined in ways that should be "worshipped" too, :P 1314553546 +I'm a big fan of the series, but I haven't watched the new season due to the cast being swapped. 1356882921 +That question is equivalent to asking if a homosexual is "incurable". It is very unlikely that you will be changing anyone's sexual inclinations, but people are quite capable of not acting on them. Also, as a politically correct disclaimer, no offense was meant in the comparison. 1328828775 +1. Why does government have to spend money? Why can't we just let people spend money on what they want to buy? There is no reason why the govt needs to invest in R&D, companies are already free to research new technologies. If they lack the capital, they can go to banks, investment firms or companies that would be interested in a partnership etc and apply for a loan or some other agreement to develop their technology. This ensures that the loans are only given out to people and ideas with potential and if it fails it's their loss, not the government's loss. My argument is that millions of brains of private people and companies are better at reading the market and producing what people want than the government, to argue otherwise is to suggest that central planning (aka socialism) is the ideal.\n\n2. Yep! The US Dollar is currently the reserve currency which is a huge benefit and arguably will not last. Watch the US's credit rating drop as the world realises that the US cannot pay their debts just like Greece.\n\n3. Got anything to back this up? Any tax given back can be used for people to get out of debt or spend buying things. Why is that a bad investment?\n\n4. Yes they are. You think if we imposed a tax on say all fast food, that the fast food restaurants will just shrug and let the tax eat into the entirety of their profits? You would see a number of different things. A) Fast food places putting their prices up to cover the extra cost. B) Fast food places reducing the quality of their food even further to cut costs. C) Fast food places shutting down because they can't turn a profit anymore, why bother operating?\nThis is just an hypothetical example but you can see how it would increase the price of burgers, make them crappier and also reduce the availability of them. Directly influencing consumers.\nA increase in corporate taxes would have the same effect over the entire country, it's just much more transparent. 1351982574 +Decapitation would reduce the incidence of brain cancer to zero. 1330723423 +Your delusional consistency is remarkable. 1290774039 +I missed this post! Yayyyy for internet. I love Tim Minchin. <3 Saw him here in Portland, and he was *just* as amazing in person as he is .. everywhere else. I got to hug him. ;;\n\nFangirl mode OFF! :) 1322125303 +You actually may have to be born in the United States. There's no clear case law on it, but:\n\nYou must be natural born, not naturalized. According to the US DoS Foreign Affairs Manual (7 FAM 1113, ACQUISITION OF U.S.\nCITIZENSHIP BY BIRTH), definitions\n\n>Naturalization is “the conferring of nationality of a state upon a person after birth, by any means whatsoever” (Section 101(a)(23) INA) or conferring of citizenship upon a\nperson (Sections 310 and 311 INA). Naturalization can be granted automatically or\npursuant to an application.\n\nNow, those born on American soil (7 FAM 1114, ):\n\n>a. Until 1866, the citizenship status of persons born in the United States was not\ndefined in the Constitution or in any federal statute. Under the common law rule of jus soli--\nthe law of the soil-persons born in the United States generally acquired U.S. citizenship at\nbirth [see section 7 FAM 1116.1-1 ]. ...\n\n> b. This rule was made part of the Civil Rights Act of April 9, 1866 (14 Stat. 27) and, 2 years later, it was adopted as part of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.\n\nAcquire citizenship _at birth_, and are therefore natural born.\n\nOn the other hand (7 FAM 1111.2, Citizenship):\n\n>(2) Jus sanguinis (the law of the bloodline ), a concept of Roman or civil law under\nwhich a person’s citizenship is determined by the citizenship of one or both parents. This\nrule, frequently called “citizenship by descent” or “derivative citizenship”, is not embodied in\nthe U.S. Constitution, but such citizenship is granted through statute. As laws have\nchanged, the requirements for conferring and retaining derivative citizenship have also\nchanged.\n\nPeople who are born to American parents are _not_ citizens at birth (unless also born on American soil), and are therefore granted citizenship status statutorily. If we apply this to our definition of naturalization above, then it's _possible_ that people who are citizens solely by virtue of blood may be considered naturalized.\n\nThis is further backed up by ACQUISITION OF U.S. CITIZENSHIP BY\nBIRTH ABROAD TO U.S. CITIZEN PARENT (7 FAM 1131.6-2 Eligibility for Presidency):\n\n>a. It has never been determined definitively by a court whether a person\nwho acquired U.S. citizenship by birth abroad to U.S. citizens is a naturalborn\ncitizen within the meaning of Article II of the Constitution and,\ntherefore, eligible for the Presidency. 1306522883 +I didn't ask for any. 1349643603 +> This demonstrates a lack of understanding of the fact that chiropractors utilise a range of treatments, including postural advice, reassurance and exercise.\n\nSo, in addition to giving people massages, you tell them to sit upright and get some exercise? Why do I need a chiropractor for that? \n\n> This overlooks the fact that many accepted medical interventions have little or no research evidence to support them.\n\nWTF? Name them. If they are "medical treatments" they need to be tested also. 1245195438 +or so help me.... 1326566062 +You constant reliance on a meaningless appeal-to-authority, arrogance, and pretense of some sort of 'special knowledge' indicates **you are immune to logic**. Especially when you rely on logical fallacies.\n\nUnfortunately, your faith is so deeply ingrained that anything that counters it will be taken as proof that you somehow know more or know better. Like it's some sort of mystical knowledge. It isn't. 1287016731 +As a Swiss, I feel offended.\n\nHah. 1329509893 +You are looking at it from a 3rd dimensional bias. If you train your mind to see it it from the 6th, you'll realize this is actually a stairway that you are looking up at as it reaches up into the distance. You have to climb up it. 1346433795 +Awesome quote, "Craig Eversley, a quantum physicist at Berkley commented that he would rather fall down the stairs and crack his head open on a rock than read Deepak Chopra’s latest book, because “It would be less embarassing if someone saw me doing it.""\n\nI'm definitely using that one in the future. 1292457374 +"Meat tastes Great, Cows are stupid."-Heard that a few too many times. \n 1340753699 +> Perhaps the video in question itself sources legit info. Does the PDF give specific citations?\n\nNo it does not. It says things like "according to the UN" and "according to the MPAA" with no specifics or references section. \n\n> Ad hominem?\n\nMy comment is to do with the vagueness and utter uselessness of citing YouTube as a source, they may have well cited "The Internet" 1328118858 +Thank you.\n\n>I recommend reading Carl Sagan's Demon Haunted World\n\nBeautiful book. 1343926945 +That the universe must surely be finite in expanse. I *know* everything we have points to it being infinite, but my mind does not want to believe it. 1307110504 +Magnets. Same old shit, different brown bag. 1273656281 +How does it work? 1339808849 +65% is still too low to me. 1351802629 +MLK didn't talk about tolerance. I'm pretty sure he never mentioned it once. He fought for equality, respect, and fairness in the treatment of all races and peoples. Tolerance is a petty thing compared to all that. 1307817188 +The exact same thing has happened to me my whole life. 1328677850 +They aren't. There has been no MSRA that's been documented that's started in livestock. Countries that have experimented with limiting antibiotics given to livestock (like Denmark) have not seen reductions in the spread of MSRA. 1347162542 +So you're saying that people using it as a term for a severe smashing of the other contributes to people actually raping each other? Bullshit. That's the kind of post-modernist nonsense that really boils my blood. It says, you cannot use this word colorfully or in this context because another meaning of the word is this over here - and that meaning is horrible and shows an ugly side of humanity. 1351172740 +What makes you think so? 1350549963 +What makes you think so? 1267878550 +tweet tweet!\n 1340860187 +It seems to be doing fairly well here, but I reposted this again. 1302577828 +I remember it wasn't a very common name, it very may have possibly been the coincidence of a lifetime though. Still doesn't explain them using the same phone number and order. 1356930644 +http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ana.21743/full\n\nhttp://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mus.21533/abstract\n\nhttp://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mus.21521/abstract\n\nTry using Google scholar next time\n\nhttp://scholar.google.com.au/scholar?hl=en&q=Dr+Steven+Novella&as_sdt=1%2C5&as_ylo=2007&as_vis=0\n\nIt looks like he has been co-author on heaps of stuff which I would expect. Very few people release work in just their own names in modern academia. Especially not something as complex and cooperative as medicine. \n\n*edit - oh.. and excellent taste in podcast you show there. ;)\n\nBut yeah.. leaning to do a good search for academic papers can be tricky. You might also try pub-med\n\nhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed\n\njust type his name in the search field and a couple variations on it. Eg: Steven Novella, S Novella, etc... I get a whole page of publications like that. 1294878129 +Now THIS is a good idea. :D Haha! 1269152717 +"In every country and every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot.... they have perverted the purest religion ever preached to man into mystery and jargon, unintelligible to all mankind, and therefore the safer for their purposes."\n— Thomas Jefferson 1344552747 +Well, the Catholics have no official problem with evolution. The Catholic Church does a lot of good science and history research. I don't like the Catholics totally (especially since they denied the whole "we have guys who touch the little boys" thing for so god-damned long)..... But I have a lot of respect for some aspects of the Catholic Church. Some aspects. 1296220437 +I feel that way right now. I have been joking about the whole alien thing but now...now this is the coolest fucking thing EVER! 1291273673 +If its thinning your worried about, another thing to focus on is the tightness of your scalp... You should be able to move it around quiet easily... If the skin gets too tights it constricts blood flow and the follicles start to die out. So while you have hair scalp massages are a good idea... Your stylist may have mentioned minerals because of the condition of your hair... Hard water and soft water can dry hair out if your not balancing the PH levels with good shampoo and conditioner. It's a tricky thing that thinning hair... I wish you luck!! 1354164616 +Please see my posts at\n\nhttp://www.reddit.com/r/skeptic/comments/r6iwk/remember_how_yesterday_i_was_very_skeptic_at_the/c43fet0 1332356748 +Ha they conspired to turn it over to the town so they would not pay the real estate taxes of about 25K per year:) 1344029011 +Well, give us some credit; the lemurs don't do the logging themselves. \n\nI think you have to consider that an alien race would have multiple interests. So, saying they have an interest in us or an interest in some material, they don't have to be mutually exclusive. You have to be practical and consider, though, that even an advanced alien race is probably still governed by basic economic needs. Gold, or whatever other material, might be in scarce supply throughout the universe. It would thus influence where you decided to set up a colony or puppet species/government. \n\nExample: the United States has multiple interests, one of which is humanitarian aid and development. But above all, there is economics. And so while various countries around the world are suffering from civil war, starvation, genocide and the like, chances are the US usually only intervenes in those that pose a threat to our economic stability (read: have lots of oil).\n\nInterestingly enough, the gold harvesting theories could explain why contact has been minimal. Aside from the natural concerns of not wanting to destroy human culture and delusions of free will, the aliens would also not want to reveal their *needs*. If we knew they wanted/needed material goods from us, we'd have a strategic leverage point against them.\n\nWhy pay for the cow when you can mutilate it for free? 1305932325 +Not so true: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xex9wu_the-placebo-effect-knee-surgery_tech 1333491638 +> Kinesio tape is different, he says, because *it lifts the skin* to assist this lymphatic flow, which, in turn, reduces pain and swelling.\n\nCall me a stupid, reductionist, mechanistic physicist who knows nothing about medicine - but how can something that sits *on* the skin at the same time *lift* the skin? 1341313607 +I don't feel that "footprints, his alleged bed and possible hair samples" should be considered indisputable proof or a confirmation of existence. 1318262301 +Someone taking me to the airport and showing me the spraying equipment built into/on a commercial airplane. And the holding tanks of the millions of gallons of "chem" agent. 1329931824 +Haha I mean no one knows that I feel bad. 1353439899 +I have to disagree in this case. His subtle mannerisms give it away. He struggles with the story and then catches himself, gets back into character, makes a remark, and then back with unconfident struggle of lying. Another tell is how he keeps trying to sway from the story and looks uncomfortable and gets back into his computer. Compare this with all the other rehearsed and delusional stuff he says, and its clear 1346905021 +My doctor asks what I've been eating every time I go to him. 1335662184 +Guess he should blame god for all his outs.\n\n Can’t we silence these Christian athletes who thank Jesus whenever they win and never mention his name when\n they lose? You never hear them say, “Jesus made me drop the ball” or, “The Lord tripped me up behind\n the line of scrimmage.”\n -George Carlin 1312341028 +You can't throw people away for the rest of their lives for murder unless they actually had malice and wanted to kill the child. Justice has to be measured and appropriate. If you have a justice system where your own personal pet peves are punished worse than other forms of manslaughter, then you'd have an unfair system indeed. \n\nBasically, wanting them to suffer worse punishment for manslaughter because you personally hate *their* reason more than other reasons is the same as people who also want *their* own personal vendettas carried out through the justice system. It's the same path that racists and religious fundamentalists take. What would be the difference between *your* religiously-based punishment and *their* religiously-based punishment? No, how about we instead punish people for the crimes that they actually commit? This couple committed manslaughter, and they are being punished for that crime.\n\nThese are the facts: their negligence criminally caused the death of their child. They didn't have malicious intent, and their culpability didn't meet the criteria of a worse or lighter charge than manslaughter.\n\nI'm really glad that the general sentiment in the comments here seems to completely disagree with you. It's a good thing that your "they should suffer worse because their religion is dumb" idea isn't popular. If you want to promote skepticism in the world, please do it through the marketplace of ideas, and not by demanding blood. Thanks. 1320342161 +It's more of the same. That stuff is called "Spidertech" which is a company that does nothing but manufacturer the stuff 'pre-cut' for easy application. \n\nIt's amazing to me the amount of woo in the olympics. I've seen this silly tape as well as cupping and such. Why does anyone buy into this BS? 1344005785 +Hah, amazing. Love Steven Fry and just starting watching this a couple weeks ago. Currently part way into season 3. 1292093183 +>5. Only the top students should consider becoming math and science teachers. No C students allowed.\n\nConsider who the best coaches are in most sports. They were not the star players. In baseball, for example, the best coaches have been career minor league catchers and the like. 1340364123 +>Obviously if we didn't feel it was necessary we wouldn't believe such experiments were morally justified anymore.\n\nRight. You wouldn't get a pointless experiment approved by an ethics board. 1343178265 +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ty33v7UYYbw 1285263033 +Determinism has already been shown to be defective in areas of quantum mechanics, so it's not an absolute. (Not getting into woo here, just pointing out that determinism is not absolute. We all know quantum effects don't directly apply to the macro level.)\n\nWhen you consider chaotic systems, which, unlike quantum effects, *do* directly apply to the macro world that we're all aware of, it is readily apparent that completely accurate predictions of behavior depend upon the ability to measure values with infinite precision, which is not possible. Because of this, I would argue that determinism is not absolute at the macro level either. Lacking the ability to measure with infinite precision, we will never be able to completely predict behavior. This makes the reality of the situation approximate free will. I would argue that it's indistinguishable from free will, and in fact equal to free will in the same way that 0.9999... == 1.\n\nBecause we *appear* to have free will, I argue that the assertion that we do have free will should be the null hypothesis. I believe that the burden of proof is on the determinists in this case, which so far remains unmet. Every argument I've really heard from them is based on the assumption that determinism is absolute, and we already know it isn't. 1264254994 +Not even that it can be used for power, but what it is in general.\n\nI actually don't think most people would know that it's an element on the periodic table. 1337328793 +My room is not far from where she left I could here it shut. 1337265148 +>I am not trying to portray hard evidence.\n\nThis is *exactly what I take issue with.* You're throwing someone under the bus because you have a feeling about something with shitty evidence at best to support it, and you're doing this on a *skeptic* board, a community that's ostensibly devoted to evidence-based decision making. 1355520590 +Haha exactly XD. 1346529462 +I've seen personally the strong libertarian bias.\n\nIn any case, rationally, the amount of time someone put into something is an incredibly weak argument if it is an argument at all. It only weakly excludes the middle between 'something worth that time' and 'utter bullshit'. How's about results? edit: actually, can you just link a few works on rationality that you consider good. E.g. you mentioned formalizing rationality. Can you link any formalisms?\n\nA year or so back their site used to boast that they are applying insane amount of science, which was fairly hilarious but I see that they removed the obviously childish bits. 1347120482 +>The Psychic Twits\n\n 1352260429 +This is the thing that bothers me. The FEMA camp and the martial law. My dad feeds into that crap a little bit but he doesn't even realize Alex Has been saying this crap for 20 years and it's never happened. He only heard about Gw Bush and now Obama. I always say they were wrong about Bush declaring martial law and killing everyone they are wrong about Obama. But he is convinced! 1337178437 +I think that's what he wanted you to say first. 1319188201 +I'll file this under: Conspiracy Theories I don't need to care about. 1340866710 +I'm just wondering if you have an article that is more current than 3 years ago. Are they solving the problem or is the problem getting worse?\n\nBut I guess being inquisitive is a bad thing on a forum for skeptics. 1333642853 +She has looked at things I'm sure. 1323826112 +Yeah but aliens so there 1330446758 +**B** Warning: Midnight Meat Train movie spoilers inside.\n\n!!\n\nOh shit. I just read the [Wikipedia on Midnight Meat Train](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Midnight_Meat_Train).\n\nDamn. That is a pretty damn cool twist, man. I gotta say I kind've didn't really expect to see that coming.\n\nPretty darn cool.\n\nOkay, now that being said, I will still say that THIS particular scenario, I wouldn't necessarily say is one to "fear".\n\nThis is the deal: Reptillians are said to be the *original* terrans. They are said to call us humans THE ALIENS because they say they were here first and we are "newcomer babies" to this planet.\n\nThere is actually a bit of data on Repitillian information, not the least of which deal with the things that the African Shaman Credo Mutwa explains in detail. Yeah. For the most part, reptillians do pretty much seem to suck.\n\nBut, you know what? WE suck. We human beings are sucky, shitty, ignorant assholes. I mean why is it exactly that we say and feel Reptillians suck and are mean and scary? It's because they treat us like we treat COWS. So what's the big fucking deal then? What's going on here is that we're getting the kind of treatment that we give untold MILLIONS of animals every year.\n\nHonestly I'd say serves us right.\n\nWe need to get our act straight. If we figure our shit out, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, etc, then we won't have much to fear. We would really be growing far past all this Reptillian stuff, etc. I don't feel there's much to fear even if Reptillians ARE real and they ARE using human beings as a food source like we use cows.\n\nWe are not our bodies. We are not human beings. We are spiritual identities that happen to be taking human physical shapes to manifest on this planet.\n\nWe need to focus and work from *that* place, and if we do, we will concentrate more on tending to and developing THAT true self - the spiritual self that is not dependent upon the physical body or organism.\n\nWhen one begins to understand this kind of reality and works toward focusing there, then the whole Reptillian thing - although I admit it can be pretty disconcerting (even if fake, to say nothing about how downright harrowing it would be if it is REAL) - is *still* nothing to ultimately fear in and of itself.\n\nIt is an obstacle to work and develope *through* - not something to fear and keep you from growing and moving forward. 1339442813 +i think the most obvious thing is that in the picture you can clearly see how dry the soil is in the dead plant. they just didn't water it. 1335415256 +Oh man... That song in the link... so great. Hilarious. 1323998287 +True, I guess I tend to group sugar pills with homeopathy 1332626835 +In [this book](http://www.amazon.ca/Trick-Treatment-Alternative-Medicine-Trial/dp/0593059042). 1333905157 +Imagine the fun I've had since I realized I'm an Ophiucus. :) 1319354316 +Please post the original pictures if you wish to disprove the people saying it's on. You will be able to tell if anyones watching. 1341634514 +Since when were chemical engineers more reliable at history then historians? That's like grabbing a Psychologist and say "see he thinks global warming is false." 1356449108 +More likely fake than not. 1320947744 +Good point Meg... The new book written to aid the PTSD population of our military should be written by some rational person without the need to push a dogma and fear on the already burdened minds of these brave men and women! \n\nCan we start a petition with a selection of potential authors and have people toss it about, for the military to digest? Perhaps contacting some noteworthy authors in the field and asking them to write about this topic to aid in recovery...? 1313693783 +Makes sense to me. Thanks! 1328279938 +Has this been reported on by any news agency that doesn't lead with Amy Winehouse? 1311476785 +I don't get it. Why isn't the facilitator going to jail for making false rape claims? 1294997163 +This show is also one that got me into the paranormal. This and the X-files back in the day... 1354593830 +Asimov, Clarke, Sagan, and now Martin Gardner. He was one of the giants. \n 1275148574 +Wings are generally not as solid and reflective (translucent) as the body. 1355029485 +i just came here to say that your choice of font sucks. 1330557379 +I know bugs and most bugs don't fly like someone flicked them into the air. Though in some spots i see how it could look clearly like a horse fly. The only thing I wonder is the smoke and fire bursts the hairy man points out. There is not enough evidence here to say this is a UFO and the area looks much to populated that something like a UFO in the sky would go unnoticed by everyone else. I'm for the theory of incredibly small aliens drinking and driving. 1353370403 +The Sagan will be with you... *always*. 1285161072 +I got it out of a book, so I unfortunately assumed it was his original. If it is that guys then I wasn't aware he was being quoted. \n\nNot that two people can't come up with the same simple statement though.\n\n\nEdit: Also, the exact quote seems to be in contention for him. "Faith is a wonderful thing, but doubt gets you an education." Anyways, I'm just nitpicking.\n 1285550930 +That was kind of my point when I said this:\n\n> If you're implying that they don't prescribe steroids during some cancer treatments, you're incorrect.\n 1329936540 +The fact that the church is using a fake miracle to make money. It should be exposed, those giving are probably the least able to afford a donation. He is exposing an outright fraud. 1334239665 +Thanks! 1268416282 +Thanks! 1308769384 +Thanks! 1311619946 +Thanks! 1311976455 +Thanks! 1326755492 +Thanks! 1329498915 +Thanks! 1329705754 +Thanks! 1329920328 +Thanks! 1330785249 +Thanks! 1331479414 +Thanks! 1332870914 +Thanks! 1333306508 +Thanks! 1334641014 +Thanks! 1335717377 +Thanks! 1337912238 +Thanks! 1338148381 +Thanks! 1340263152 +Thanks! 1341058741 +Thanks! 1343466874 +Thanks! 1343594869 +Thanks! 1344899228 +Thanks! 1348805374 +Thanks! 1349462984 +Thanks! 1351781101 +Thanks! 1352579705 +Thanks! 1352826770 +Thanks! 1352937377 +Thanks! 1354110517 +Thanks! 1354408855 +Thanks! 1356330433 +Thanks! 1273764670 +Thanks! 1274645896 +Thanks! 1281448272 +Thanks! 1288147806 +Thanks! 1288992468 +Thanks! 1289355570 +Thanks! 1289840230 +Thanks! 1295300651 +Thanks! 1297762795 +Thanks! 1303882746 +Thanks! 1304733778 +Thanks! 1309480318 +Thanks! 1309912843 +Thanks! 1310085539 +Thanks! 1311957538 +Thanks! 1312744547 +Thanks! 1316099089 +Thanks! 1316140039 +Thanks! 1316595630 +Thanks! 1316805611 +Thanks! 1317317368 +Thanks! 1317662202 +Thanks! 1319058646 +Thanks! 1319935288 +Thanks! 1324493092 +Thanks! 1324941414 +Thanks! 1325715063 +Thanks! 1330864173 +Thanks! 1331078244 +Thanks! 1331951789 +Thanks! 1332514811 +Thanks! 1332637080 +Thanks! 1333010315 +Thanks! 1333943904 +Thanks! 1337793771 +Thanks! 1339518160 +Thanks! 1342727138 +Thanks! 1343467398 +Thanks! 1347135530 +Thanks! 1347319277 +Thanks! 1348600831 +Thanks! 1348879040 +Thanks! 1350177016 +Thanks! 1350559107 +Thanks! 1350965458 +Thanks! 1353512679 +Thanks! 1356454524 +I'm not impressed by the footage (for me it seems a little weird), but with the kids screams, which are astonishing. If the video is fake, those kids deserve an Oscar. It's a shame that non-fluent portuguese speakers are missing that.\n\nALSO, I didn't make the video. :) 1346508577 +Yes, the book is called by ''The Buddha In Daily Life: An Introduction to the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin''. Richard Causton. 1311275458 +Yes. If you're getting it more than once every day or so, it's a sign of epilepsy. This doesn't mean that the OP necessarily has epilepsy, but it is definitely worth checking. 1333338040 +I tried this for about a month. Fira week was terrible. But after that, I felt fucking awesome all the time. Every half hour felt like a full 8 hour sleep. Also had lucid dreams all the time. I stopped because I got a girlfriend and wanted to sleep with her. 1323682772 +Holy shit, I had never considered how many nutjobs she spawned. You're right! 1330105411 +[Mind bullets!](http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_krgnz7Uy9K1qa2q7do1_400.gif) 1345081114 +I am still not seeing it.\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman 1315767779 +It does make way more sense to think of this whole thing as a coincidence, but it just seemed so weird at the time. \n\nWhat's most striking to me about the experience was that I was so sub-consciously deliberate in my walking to the attic and opening the door, despite the fact that consciously, I intended to do something totally different.\n\nAlso, I'm about 97% sure I didn't leave the light on; It was someone else. 1354359147 +Jez,\n\nThis is a practice any person can try for themselves and evaluate it's legitimacy first hand. This isn't something you have faith in. This is a practice that can generate real world results you can observe and others can as well. \n\n 1350672100 +Are you sure this isn't just a dentist office in a hurricane? 1356313922 +fires in colorado:\n\nhttp://dfs.state.co.us/NFIRS.htm\n\ncrime statistics are out there too, etc. contact the police department or city hall.\n\nhowever, I'm sure your mortgage company requires you to have suitable insurance to cover the building....since it's theirs until you pay it off :-)\n\nif you're worried about the cost of theft insurance, just pick a policy with a high deductible and it should be pretty cheap. 1299894159 +[Oh please.](http://jordankinley.com/gif/backpedal.gif) 1330645873 +its not so much an attack on the her as a victim, although she is an idiot, but an attack on the stupid naivety of religious followers in which they believe nonsense and put massive trust and responsibility on the unqualified and unskilled. you see it in all religions and cultures, and its the reason there are still people being needlessly oppressed and abused around the world with issues ranging from child rape to dangerous genital mutilation, from barbaric executions to suicide bombings. stupid people buy into stupid stone age religious ideas sold by men in costumes and are then shocked when it all bites them in the arse. 1343066066 +Guys! CHILL OUT!!!\n\n"American Ghost Hunter" was filmed almost TWO YEARS AGO.\n\nWhen you are producing and editing a movie PLUS shooting episodes of "Paranormal State", things take a bit longer. They had NO studio help and did everything themselves. 1307249884 +Did your submission really need the detour over that link collector site? 1310601853 +>If you cannot correlate the data, that is not anyone's fault but your's.\n\nI'll believe your calculations are correct when I'll read them in peer-reviewed literature.\n\nIn any case, you missed the glaring error of logic in your little exercise, as I demonstrate below.\n\n>Well sited stations return temperatures markedly different than the alarmist modified temperatures of the generic stations. \n\nI'm wondering if I should tell you or just wait until you realize it yourself. Here's a hint. Earlier, you said:\n\n>*The NCDC 144 station Climate Reference Network provides that the result for July is 2 degrees lower than the previous record.*\n\nNow I ask you, when was the previous record you refer to made?\n\n>The excuse that the data must be manipulated\n\nYou know that belief in conspiracy theories is a sign of mental health problems, right?\n\nAnyway, I'll give you a few minutes to figure why your argument is complete crap and come back later to reveal it to posterity.\n\n**Edit**: if anyone else wants to take a stab, go right ahead, I'll come back later tonight. 1344563647 +I haven't checked the thread. Was there overwhelming support (upvotes etc) for the shitty comments only? \n\nEven then, it might still be a shitty (heh) generalization depending on how many unique redditors participated and how many subscribers /r/atheism has. 1325082371 +But the problem is, even genuine/potentially genuine submissions are trolled. 1355865062 +I use olive oil instead of conditioner because it makes my burly skeptic beard soft and not greasy... :c why is this silly? 1343977510 +Why didn't his chakras/spirit guide/celestial animal tell him he was doing it wrong? 1341421350 +"The Union of Concerned Scientists is the leading science-based nonprofit advocacy group"\n\nyet\n\nthey are "working for a healthy environment and a safer world".\n\nThey manage to discredit themselves in the first sentence of their own introduction. Science and advocacy are not related at all. Science does advocate anything. You can interpret scientific evidence and advocate policy based on that but the 2 are independent of each other. So they're trying to create a healthier environment and they are conducting science that supports their pre-disposed position? 1348415211 +My neighbors claimed to see orbs floating around the street then shooting up into space while they were having a smoke. They said the two orbs were white balls.\n\nWitnesses are nut-bags amirite amirite? 1343921745 +After being deployed for 11 months near Kirkuk at FOB McHenry (the most heavilly mortared FOB in Iraq at the time, baby!) I can safely say that the medics who favored acupuncture quickly abandoned the practice once a serious injury came in. 1331703031 +That's actually really interesting, and could explain much. 1351398863 +I've had this argument in various forms over the last few years. I'm genuinely not interested in having it again. Thanks. 1348834157 +Well, in some cases he never responded, in others he ignored it and went on to spam other articles, and in at least a couple cases, he forwarded our objections (Mnementh's and my own) on to the man himself, and we got responses which were also easily torn apart. 1288706562 +Hi. Your story gave me the face-chills I get when I'm reading/hearing certain stories like this. I don't know if the chills amount to anything but my own reaction to what I'm reading, or if it's an indicator of an awareness of something more, but it's a thing that's always happened to me. 1353501931 +You're looking at the wrong object. Watch the video. 1332248212 +What the fuck? Who buys upvotes? Who even knows *how* to buy upvotes? Is it so hard to believe people like something that you don't? \n\nA better question, what are you even doing on /r/skeptic if you make such an accusation with absolutely no evidence other than your own emotions and childish rage? Would the highest upvoted comments me criticising the article if I were using something like that? I doubt it.\n\nPeople who do that have sites with *advertisements* on them, and they profit from it like that. This has no advertisements, only original content, so I can't see where you're getting this idea from other that you find it **so** difficult to believe that others like things that you don't, that you resort to something like this.\n\nWow. Just. Wow. You're that far gone. Not worth reasoning with. 1314004526 +I believe that you are correct about it being the NewLeaf. It was several years ago that I read the book (and several years previously that he must have done this), and some details are sharper than others. 1331420194 +Alright here's the problem.\n\nThat device is going to generate hydrogen using electrolysis POWERED BY YOUR CAR'S BATTERY. The battery gets it's energy from the running of the motor and the burning of gasoline. Generating the hydrogen is going to actually REDUCE your gas mileage. \n\nSome of that energy (the conversion to hydrogen is inefficient) will be put back into the engine when the hydrogen is burned. Obviously though because this is a closed loop you can only hurt the vehicle's gas mileage by doing this. 1291091636 +Sure a lot of serious folk around here. 1313923317 +I came here to post that quote. When I read it I clutched my chest and went "Oh *Asimov*! <3". 1283133191 +What does your post have to do with the subject of the original post? The OP is about improving a clinical trial system that is already in place, not whether or not people and corporations should be free to buy/sell whatever they like without the product having been tested first. Maybe you should take your comment over to /r/freemarket, because it doesn't appear to belong here. 1311828045 +Lacking some details but my best guess is that it's just your eyes playing tricks on you. I have a teddy bear sitting on the windowsill in my bedroom and damn near every time I come in I think its one of my cats. I'm willing to bet your eyes glanced on something and your brain decided it was a cat. 1326991407 +My money is still on his only brain malfunction being the need to concoct stories such as that found in his post in order to make his life more interesting. \n\nWhich is good news for him, psychologically speaking. 1328057955 +I sense another libel lawsuit in the making! 1331343402 +we were one of the last countries to accept plate tectonics for the same reason. It really should be a thing this country should be embarrassed of.\n\nsource a short history of nearly everything. Bill Bryson. 1331526119 +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wZSeTKDBP4&feature=youtube_gdata_player 1341969551 +Ask her how any such thing would get a picture to someone else? It's not as though most people plug their televisions directly in to their cable modems... 1301910042 +One of my favorite bands, Epica, is coming out with a new concept album called "Design Your Universe".\n\n>The album title, 'Design Your Universe', deals with new breakthroughs in quantum physics. It proves that we are all connected to each other on subatomic level. Also, it shows that we can create or at least influence matter with our thoughts… a very interesting fact. Because it changes everything for us, our whole worldview collapses once you accept these facts and integrate them in your lives. So this had to become the new album title.\t\n[wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_Your_Universe)\n\nTheir music is fabulous and I'll probably end up seeing them in concert, but I won't be agreeing with this album >_< 1249716735 +I drank a glass of water and almost died. They had to give me an Everclear IV to lower my BAC. 1356654569 +I notice that he's pretty hostile to people sometimes, it's like *dude, chill out* 1346662522 +Sorry, who said the missile was of alien origin? Looks like it came up from the surface.\n\nAlso, why would it need propellant to maintain velocity in a vacuum - it could easily have reached that speed, using propellant earlier and then simply maintained its trajectory. \n\nYou haven't explained the coherent patterns in the other video or the fact that the 'dust' follows a path and stop dead in line with the other 'dust particles'.\n\nYou aren't very good troll, are you? 1343977226 +I am not able to fully understand this article. Could someone smarter than me throw it in layman? I can grasp space time concepts, but this was a little hard to visualize. 1342963324 +> I grew up in a house in [Aurora](http://www.ufocasebook.com/Aurora.html), Texas, and not only did I live close to where the purported alien crashed, but my father built our house with our back fence to where the windmill was knocked down by the craft. (EDIT: also, our house was a few hundred yards from the cemetery where it was buried)\nRaised in a religious home, but I always had my thoughts about what "God" was capable of creating if he made us. Then as I slowly drifted away from those ideas and towards a logic and reason based life, those ideas began to evolve.\n\n\n\n**Actual Story**\n\nOne year, my parents went on vacation and I was left at home with my cousin watching me for a few nights. I was about fourteen years old at the time (2005). Little did they know, he had barely been there at all because of his dutiful party schedule. Three nights in a row, I recall having the most peculiar dreams I've ever experienced. Firstly, I never remember falling asleep. Not before that and never since then have I been able to recall the last moments before drifting off, but these nights were different. I remember seeing the normal bright vivid colors on the back of my eyelids but then suddenly after about 10 minutes they slowed and stopped. It was as if my eyes were open in a completely pitch black environment with no sound whatsoever. I'm not sure if it was just quiet in my room, but eventually I couldn't even hear my heartbeat. Two white lights began to creep in from a distance, but it felt more warm than bright. I could *feel* the light, more than see it. Then for some reason my brain knew it was sleeping or something, so it may have gone into dream mode.\n\nFor about thirty seconds, I felt like my body was weightless, then another bright light that I could actually see in my dream more than feel came into view. Everything went black for a split second and then I felt myself extremely cold, but still lying down. Things became fuzzier after my body feeling came back, but I still felt like I was dreaming, just not in control of what I was doing. Then, something fucking crazy happened. I see the two lights again coming in from the side and as they get closer, they dim out and there are two faces with translucent black eyes staring at me. I immediately knew it was a dream but was so excited that I was dreaming about aliens that I wanted to go along with it. Normally when I do that in dreams, I'm awoken, but this one was weird.\n\nThey continued their warm presence which was all I could really describe what I felt at the time, and all I wanted to do was ask them questions. I could hear myself asking them in my head but I couldn't talk, and (just like the 'god' voice people hear in their heads) I heard soothing sounds and what sounded like words made of electricity or energy. It wasn't like a voice or a resonance of vocal chords, but more like frequencies emitted that I could kind of sense.. Really hard to explain.\n\n\nThis continued for maybe twenty minutes at most and then my dream went back to black. Woke up feeling great but wished I had dreamt more, as long as I had slept and all. \n\n\nThis would be shrugged off normally, but if you remember from above, nearly the *exact* same dream occurred for two nights after that. The *feelings* more than visuals, the inexplicable voices in my head, the drifting off to sleep consciously.. I don't know what happened to me, and I've never really written it out before, so I'm going to assume it was a dream until they come back this year. Haaah. 1327766393 +Shame avoided, great show! 1288057089 +It's on CW at 1:30am. 1350480527 +["Electrogravitics is a *failed* hypothesis proposed by Thomas Townsend Brown"](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrogravitics). This /r/ can handle the reality wikipedia toes the party line.\n\nHere's [two](http://peswiki.com/index.php/Main_Page) [sites](http://www.zpenergy.com/index.php) I like, and a [related project](http://www.americanantigravity.com/). 1306327749 +I did my version of this as a mind map - I really should post it sometime. \n\nIt's hilarious. 1318006477 +Dude, nobody knows what you're talking about.\n\nRon Paul is definitely anti-vaccination. If you support doing something that makes something not work then you are against it.\n\n"Ron Paul isn't against traffic lights, he just feels that people should be given the choice to follow them or not."\n\nLike vaccination, traffic lights only work if everyone follows them. Whether he has technically said the words that he is anti-vaccination is just a matter of semantics, he is in favor of policies that make them pointless. 1326675202 +If you watch south park, he's the subject of the episode "the biggest douche in the universe" 1314728716 +Just in case some of you skeptics weren't already convinced! \n\nAlso, check out his response to objections: http://records.viu.ca/~johnstoi/essays/courtenay2.htm\n\nand his article Creationism in the Science Curriculum: http://records.viu.ca/~johnstoi/essays/creationism.htm 1355090326 +I've seen plenty of giant plastic bags get swept around in the wind currents of giant stadiums. They act exactly like the object in the video. Sorry, I know you desperately want to believe it's something more. 1315847862 +The alien theory is much more entertaining. 1284155942 +First thing I would do is try to shake it's hand. IMO they have been studying us for longer than we think and would know a hand shake means no threat. Afterwords I would give him/her/it a grand tour of my house, as any respectful human would do. I would answer any question they had, if any. Only then would I begin to ask them the works of the universe and if there's a reason why they are here. So in other words, I would treat them as if they were my own, and would expect the same from them. Even if it means being kicked in the balls as a form of "Hello". 1352240418 +Obligatory "The truth is out there." 1332269631 +> he was saying that the British royal family sacrifices and eats toddlers in a Satanic ritual to gain their powers\n\n\nIt's true. I've seen it. Also batboy was there and bigfoot and the loch ness monster and twelve UFOs. 1352419493 +>logic does not apply when it comes to theism\n\nI honestly don't see how this is a defensible statement, any more than "logic does not apply when it comes to astrology".\n\nPlease elaborate. 1298571624 +An interesting description of a shooting star (meteor).\n 1354745503 +And what should we have respect for? What makes something respectable?\n\nHaving it be made up, unverifiable, and unfalsifiable isn't giving me a lot of reason to respect it. 1322694309 +[Yes they do.](http://www.garda.ie/controller.aspx?page=36) 1344185629 +Thank you. I gave you his home page on thought you might be interested in other subjects he covers.\n\nIf you click on Noreen Renier on his home page it takes you to the page you linked to.\n\nEither way, you're there. 1281469898 +That seems like one of the more plausible explanations actually. Doesn't explain a thing though... except maybe why we're obsessed with having nice lawns. 1312269864 +I know there was one author who claimed to have some kind of space brothers knowledge in a series of books, but when the actual members of his tribe were asked about it, they said it wasn't true.\n 1333471958 +glad it was already said, but Wikipedia's first definition is as follows, which actually sounds very logical and reasonable and has nothing to do with alternative medicines with 0,0001% of some herb as the active ingredient:\n\n>Holistic health is a concept in medical practice upholding that all aspects of people's needs, psychological, physical and social should be taken into account and seen as a whole 1332952017 +YOU WILL ASK NORTH KOREA NOTHING ABOUT LABOR CAMPS THAT DON'T EXIST HOW DARE YOU INSINUATE THAT BEST KOREA IS ANYTHING OTHER THAN A WORKER'S PARADISE!!!\n\n/end caps-lock-apalooza 1330504194 +USO didn't catch on, so I'm afraid ULO doesn't have much hope either. People already know them as UFO's, no matter if they're in the sky, under the water, on the ground, or in outer space. 1303097010 +He may be an expert on Lord of the Rings, but who says he's an expert on how that story actually relates to reality? 1305591318 +no drugs at all.. and how could it have been like this for over 2 weeks now by smoking something or eating something? 1339955719 +This guy is browsing /r/jailbait. Don't help this jerkoff! 1323709788 +Holy Roman Empire. \n\nNeither HD, nor Pretty Good (many of these are debunked or natural/man-made phenomena), nor a compilation. Wait. The last one is true. 1347516681 +I'm 23 and it was in 2008 but I know that phenomenon. I'm not trying to dismiss every possibility to make it more mysterious than it is. But, what you're talking about is the audible frequency range getting smaller as you get older. So correct me if I'm wrong but that means I would stop hearing really high pitched and really low pitched sounds... 1334406356 +no. thats the sad thing. anyone deluded enough to believe this stuff is either a follower or a so completely far gone that any charisma. leadership and organisational ability is drowned out by being absolutely out of their mind.\n\nthat's why its silly and dangerous to portray murderous tyrants as insane. they aren't. they are just ahead of the curve. we would do well to remember that the next time we elect one. 1269043317 +I'm not refuting the (purported) evidence, but take a look at this:\n\nhttp://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/un5on/i_thought_you_guys_might_like_this_video_its/\n\nEyes on the skies! 1339122140 +please refer to the NIH's and Hopkin's most recent studies involving acupuncture and pain relief, fertility, mental and emotional health...etc. also, be aware that the education some of us receive includes more allopathic medical training in the first two years than the majority of RNs. we spend more time in clinical settings in the US and abroad than a Hopkins student. we are mastering not only the utilization of herbal remedies (where all pharmaceuticals are originally based), manual manipulation of joints and muscle, trigger point massage (used in allopathic medicine based on chinese medicine), psychological counseling, and dietary training. Now, I fully agree that there are frauds and fakes out there but i do what i do because after being offered a full ride to Hopkins, I decided to pursue a more wholistic approach. afterall, something that has withstood the test of 4000 years must have some validity. and while i know it is anecdotal, without chinese medicine I would not be alive...fortunately, i have helped several hundred people around the country with the skills i have gleaned. please do some research before you bag it completely. although i understand the skeptic mind, I'd like to remind you that any good skeptic and scientist is beholden to at least test the hypothesis they pose. 1318754515 +Is there a rule against being here? I just like to read the stuff people post. I find it interesting. 1356971790 +I think that speech must be almost absolutely free, but people should be encouraged (but not coerced) through example, education, etc. to use their speech responsibly. In fact, I would say that the law as it stands is pretty effective, the only thing I would change is to make people slightly more liable for their words. In this case, for instance, I think that the parents of sick children, whose children who either did get vaccinated or were medically unable to get vaccinated should be able to sue figureheads of the anti-vax movement. (That is not to say they can not currently, I just think that that is the most important way to combat such nonsense) 1317696525 +\nThe first videos look like some type of Crane or Heron, similar to this http://s190.photobucket.com/albums/z257/americanwildlife/Bird/great-blue-heron.jpg\n\nThe third "video" just shows a pterodactyl looking object but it doesn't move its head or body or anything. Looks like a remote controlled plane. 1287067619 +Sounds like you have a story to tell! And I think it belongs here, yep. 1326834025 +We should question everything and approach each post with the idea that it's NOT paranormal. When all "normal" explanations have been exhausted, we can confidently say that the experience is actually paranormal. Any trustworthy investigator will tell you that.\n\nConversely, if someone posts a story about their personal experience, don't be a dick and tell them it's bullshit. Help them understand why it may or may not be legit, and show some respect and decency. 1355865863 +Good. Let's hope they do. Otherwise, they'd be delusional. 1344123973 +Thinking about it now, it kind of makes sense right? 1322073843 +Well hey, what can you say? Loosing a lighter is inevitable. 1335762239 +it doesn't say it was carried here by a balloon -_-. 1302384367 +That the substance in question is not what the business mentioned in the OP is selling and has not been proven to be effective in humans. 1350236536 +Not sure why everyone's disagreeing with you. That's some pretty solid evidence right there. 1319525192 +CRTs emit a high pitched squealing noise. 1315927342 +I love this casein/glue argument. They like to ignore the fact that many "excellent glues" are made from things like rice and flour. You know what I use to make my books? A mixture of flour and water. Flour + water + heat + stirring = quite a sturdy book glue. So maybe you shouldn't be eating fried dough or bread anything while drinking water... b/c you know, glue. ... and all glue is always toxic... Oh and if only they knew just how many things casein was used in. It's used as a binding agent in anything from medicine to nail polish to soy cheese (which a lot of people mistakenly consider to be vegan). 1346015360 +he wasn't working for the BBC 1353376197 +Do you have a source for that? I have friends who believe the Chinese live longer and better than us in the West. 1297025306 +1. Hold still, while simultaneously freaking the fuck out.\n2. Ask if it spoke English. If so, well enough. I'd try and communicate with it. If not, proceed to 3. \n3. Attempt, through the use of math, to demonstrate to the alien that I am a sapient being. Being that I'm absolutely horrible at anything besides arithmetic, that might not work out so well, but that's about it. 1352245711 +1. Hold still, while simultaneously freaking the fuck out.\n2. Ask if it spoke English. If so, well enough. I'd try and communicate with it. If not, proceed to 3. \n3. Attempt, through the use of math, to demonstrate to the alien that I am a sapient being. Being that I'm absolutely horrible at anything besides arithmetic, that might not work out so well, but that's about it. 1352245744 +I'm kind of surprised that there is so much support on /r/skeptic for this movement. I'd never heard about it before today, but watching their lectures, reading their literature, and seeing interviews with the Venus Project's founder, all lead me to the same conclusion. **This is a movement, not of scientists, but science fans.** They have no grasp on the reality of what they are saying. \n\n[This is the Venus project](http://thevenusproject.com/index.php) that is being promoted by the Zeitgeist Movement. You'll notice that they will give you an e-book in exchange for your email address. [This is that e-book.](http://thevenusproject.com/index.php) Read it; it is full of vagaries and wishful science fandom. Now, watch [a 1974 interview with the founder of the project](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVOPkGAtt48), and author of the aforementioned e-book. If your woo-dar isn't going off yet, take a look at [a project](http://www.rbefoundation.com/) to work out the details of resource-based economy. Finally, notice [this section](http://www.rbefoundation.com/documentaries.php?c=2) of the REBEF site. This doesn't seem to be a movement of critical thinkers. 1314225445 +The comments are worth a read, especially when the king of quackery Dana Ullman starts in, and promptly leaves when pressed into a logical corner. 1340117718 +Yes, I think we could probably turn to Reddit's front page to find an example or two of ways in which the government or some regulatory body has failed to make provisions for expected eventualities (something about BP and the Gulf of Mexico maybe?)\n\nI don't understand your "death panels" reference. I'm Canadian, I'm not afraid of socialized medicine. And I do understand the importance of vaccines in public health. I'm just wary of giving any body the right to interfere in personal health decisions. 1301518778 +>Not sure if you're taking the piss\n\nI'm quite serious. Confirmation bias happens when something happens infrequently, but is given more significance than it deserves. OP is talking about something that happens very frequently, not to mention that these abilities run in her family. It strikes me as rather absurd to chalk it up to confirmation bias and call it a day. 1326848135 +Honestly, it's okay. I would love to see proof. I would love to see you succeed. 1335471389 +James Randi busted this back in the '80s. \n\nHe's my hero. 1222008800 +The funny thing is that (justified) nerd-rage over overpriced cables goes back to before HDMI was even widespread. For years there have been articles claiming to show that even expensive analog cables aren't worth the extra money (beyond a certain level). 1331449861 +The point is not propaganda, the point is that the US is even more of a threat to, say, Iran than Iran is to the US. \n\nIt's incredible how demanding Americans are when it comes to foreign policy. The world is expected to trust whatever government may command the US nuclear arsenal with their lives, however when it comes to non-US countries, people like Harris start arguing pre-emptive genocide before they would trust another nation with the power they currently hold over any other. 1269689617 +Randi often gives the award to a respectable scientist who doesn't deserve it. Dr. Oz has performed thousands of intricate heart surgeries and came to understand that research science doesn't hold all the answers to healing the heart. What has Randi ever accomplished as a scientist that earns him the credentials to belittle such a dedicated and knowledgeable physician? 1304541017 +A lot of his other stuff is spot on. He generally speaks with an erudite wit. Also, being serious about the reptile thing is what has kept the anti-defamation league from suing him. So maybe it's a cover, maybe he did a pile of hallucinogenics and believes this, maybe it's a metaphor for the greedy and primitive violence that is part of humanity. After all, we all do have a lizard brain hiding out underneath our higher brain. \n\nhttp://www.ted.com/talks/peter_ward_on_mass_extinctions.html 1248636459 +Most of the complaints I've seen have been about the use of ammonia. 1350585663 +It's happened to me before. It's very, VERY rare, but it happens. 1334436503 +I'm also interested in finding out whether or not you can 'connect' with specific spirits or if they just come to you? 1349070779 +It was the Gremlins! Now we're in trouble! 1340582584 +So, do you feel that psychic phenomenon somehow *can't* be demonstrated experimentally or that it simply hasn't been? If it's the former, I can see the problem. Actually, I can see the problem with the latter as well, but I'm willing to listen to evidence.\n\nEdit: Also, of course stating that "psychic phenomena... does occur in human beings" on a skeptical forum is going to be greeted with hostility. 1309812141 +You are right that "all" is a bit strong. However, the reason people think that they have any effect at all is because researchers can never bring themselves to more certainty than "it is highly unlikely that homeopathic remedies have any effect", even if they contradict laws of physics and chemistry. People interprent "very probably have no effect" as "could possibly have some effect". People need to be taught that when a scientist says "it is highly improbable this homeopathic remedy will cure you" he means it in the same way as when he says "it is highly improbable that a narwhal will materialize in front of you and start singing christmas carols". Any sane person would know the narwhal thing would never happen .. but one could not know that _for sure_. \n\nAs for people using "homeopathy" to describe anything other than substances so diluted that they are unlikely to contain a single molecule of the original substance.. I haven't really heard about that before. 1300719151 +Don't say that in r/Science they'll bite your head off... 1337700405 +>What "happened" was that he propositioned her in a way that way that was implicitly (if unintentionally) threatening. \n\nI do not see how it was implicitly threatening... at all. In fact he said "don't take this the wrong way", said he found her interesting, asked her for coffee. My point is that if someone finds that implicitly threatening... it's a personal problem, not a societal one... or maybe it is societal problem, just the other way around. \n 1310338286 +For your list, the first n in my name is lower case...\n\nSince insurance is tax-deductible while ... money isnt, that artificially increases the price of insurance by pushing the supply/demand curve, since people are able to spend more on insurance.\n\nAs someone who pays for insurance out of pocket, its a lot.\n\nIf, otoh, this tax was reinstated, the price would go down due to the simple laws of economics (many could not afford insurance at that price, therefore the price would go down the demand curve).\n\nBut I appreciate you knowing so much that you don't have to make logical arguments, you can use faux-common-sense to magically ignore reality.\n\nAlso, I would assume you are a capitalist, this is a capitalist solution, let the market sort this shit out, don't try to pick winners. Personally, as someone who is relatively healthy (and has a medical background) I have no problem paying for healthcare out of pocket, and consider the presidents mandate to be quite vexing, but at least taxing it will bring the private cost of insurance back into balance with the cost via organized health plans. 1283578815 +In the fist half-minute, the narrator explains that by today's science, *light particle wave packets form matter*. Really dude, not quarks but light forms atoms ? Can't really listen from that point on. 1299691118 +The problem with the Monty Hall problem is that we are much better at avoiding trickery than we are at doing math.\n\nOn a real gameshow, you assume that opening another door and asking if you want to switch is *optional*, and the host is trying to trick contestants sometimes. Under this analysis, you might deduce that the host wouldn't offer you a chance to switch unless you *had* picked the car.\n\nBut this isn't the setup of the Monty Hall problem: to get the standard "you should switch" argument to work, you need the assumption that the host's probability of showing you a goat and asking if you want to switch is independent of whether you have initially chosen the car or not.\n\nFor example, suppose that the host only offers contestants a chance to switch if they already have chosen the car. If that's how the host acts, you should never switch. As another example, suppose that most contestants switch when offered the chance to do so, that the show's producers have a fixed number of cars they want to give away, and that the producers have told the host to try to give away the right number of cars. If that's the case, then you should guess whether the show has been giving away lots of cars, and choose whether to switch accordingly.\n\ntl;dr: The standard analysis relies on the host's behavior being independent of your initial choice. People don't generally do that outside of math problems. 1297186496 +Interestingly enough, we could survive on only meat. \n\n[This](http://www.jbc.org/content/87/3/651.full.pdf) is a study done by two men who ate nothing but animal parts for an entire year and were perfectly healthy. \n\nI honestly think the only major health issue as far as food goes in the Western world is over consumption. Vegans are proof that we can do without meat, that shows we can do without everything else, and the dietician that lost all that weight by eating nothing but twinkies and vitamins showed even on shit we can still lose weight. \n\nIf only we had an ounce of self control. 1334890099 +It says in the comments she won't burn it for fear of 'angering the spirit attached to it'. So why doesn't she throw it away? "We spent money and intend to get money back"? They spent $50. Not a big loss if this supposedly haunted dress is such a big terrifying hassle. People sell bs 'haunted' items on ebay all the time to drive up the price. I remember someone selling two ghosts in a bottle for $10,000 a few years ago. 1348270648 +I watched Richard Saunders do a live version of this at Tam Oz, and quite a few people have been replicating it to educate people about this. \n\nAlso, don't forget you can get your own [placebo bands](http://skepticbros.com/placebo-bands/) for much cheaper than the brand name one, and they work just as well! 1291081905 +>I thought the paranormal put off alot of Electro Magnetic Fields?\n\nThere's no evidence of this. If you have any, please share. 1345579610 +Search for this topic on r/fitness. I believe it's been touched on there a few times. Wish I could provide more info, but it's been awhile since I read anything about it. 1350066071 +can you clarify this? I'm not sure I get what you're getting at... 1332375607 +Your doctor is clearly an idiot. Only crazy shiny bracelets can stave off diabetes. 1287700835 +The creep-factor is as much from the near-humanity of it as from any predatory features. The unnaturally thin, deformed limbs and head suggest illness or death, which triggers a whole other set of ingrained aversion responses. \n\nAlso there's some "uncanny valley" effect there, where something not-quite-right is more disturbing than something clearly different from us. That sort of 'alien' feeling is heightened by having it move like a quadruped despite having human-like anatomy (this also feeds into the predator thing, as most predators are quadrupeds).\n 1338997505 +Don't know whether to upvote or downvote this article. According to the latest from Penn, the Salon article is not correct. Here's his latest tweet:\n\n"The article is wrong. I didn't start the MLK quote and I didn't do it on purpose. I checked before posting but not enough. My mistake" 1304549146 +Just continuing the thought.\n\nA functional heuristic can give rise to a bias. Biases affect experience. At every point in the process from the sensory effect down to the bias there is potential to change perception. Memories are mostly experiential and it stands to reason that their perceptive component is very significant. 1351631318 +The problem I have isn't in the thought that people try to do something like the idea behind NWO. I have a problem with the absurd notion that anyone would be capable of it, even if they had the necessary influence and power (which would require a level of cooperation that I am skeptical of). The simple truth is that we incredibly shitty at predicting our own culture(s). The idea that someone would even know how to do it is simply ludicrous, especially considering that the source of the knowledge that would enable it, scientific research, does not seem to be highly valued by those in position to make use of it. 1302632058 +7- Mostly because we are quite capable as a species of deluding ourselves into almost anything that makes our world-view fit with what also profits us. 1301657711 +Your statement is the exact opposite of what the article stated. 1345058585 +>Nutritional science indicates that fasting for extended periods leads to starvation, dehydration, and eventual death.\n\nHold the fucking phone. WHAT? I need to make a few phone calls, and quick. 1335456575 +[related](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aura_%28symptom%29) 1311133513 +pure speculation: someone was trying to connect with you on some level. who did you give school photos to? They must have used it as a bookmark and traded in the book. :) 1340396122 +hey, I have to take a vision test to drive a car, and I theoretically have to prove that I know how to drive it safely without running other people down (although that's a subject that's up for debate, since driving tests in this country are pathetic as far as actually determining whether or not someone is a safe driver, but that's for another debate). I own two shotguns (not entirely by choice - they've been in the family for generations) and never had to take a test to legally own them when they passed from dad to me, never had to prove that I could see (which seems, you know, important. Would suck if I shot the wrong blur because I was nearly blind). My SO has guns that she bought herself, and never had to take a vision test for them, and since they're hunting rifles, never had to take the classes/tests/etc that you'd have to take to carry a concealed handgun. \n\n\nBTW, many municipalities forbid you from having unregistered cars on your property - mainly to keep people from having junker cars up on blocks in the driveway and bringing property values down. So the argument can be quite successfully made that cars are far more regulated than firearms. Hell, many places have required vehicle inspections to make sure that your car is safe. My shotguns have never been inspected by any experts to see if they're safe to use (and in truth, they probably aren't. They haven't been fired or cleaned since I was a little kid, and have been sitting in basements and attics un-cased since then).\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe concealed-carry requirements don't apply, because I can't conceal my car while driving around. Better to look at open carry laws. 1356036339 +I wish this was an AMA because I would ask how anyone in her field takes Bill Birnes seriously. 1315112681 +Well, at least where I am it's not included in my taxes. My water and electricity both come from a distinct semi-governmental organization. \n\nBut we are essentially in agreement. Water's cheap in a developed nation, such that the bottle is likely more expensive than the water. 1321810791 +Are you kidding? At that strength, it'll kill you. Or make you immortal. Probably both. 1301651071 +I'd say "That's no argument", but then... We're talking about creationists. 1330263627 +Read Oliver Sacks's The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. There is a story in there about a woman who lost all sense of her body and had to consciously will herself to do every movement. So many things we take for granted as givens are the work of our brain not so much reflecting reality as interpreting it. Something like that is going on in the experience you relate. 1354365312 +The Indian suicide thing is quite crap.\n\nIf you look at the figures really closely over the last 10 years the rate is no higher than students and housewives in India.\n\nIt is probably going to get worse though because the media has focused on the issue and now the government is giving the family of the suicide victim compensation. so they have incentive to commit suicide. \n\n 1325609021 +I would love for the title to have included some warning that I was about to see a mutilated animal. 1314995323 +Actually the benefits to our national healthcare FAR out weigh the "Waste of taxpayer money" that is the miniscule fluoridation of the water supply. 1337795148 +I like that the climate and environment of a country that never raised cattle prior to us bringing them there is getting the credit for this and not the anal-retentive devotion to perfection that the japanese are known for. Kobe beef is delicious because the meat is extremely well-marbled and the cows get very little excercise. It's also expensive because the japanese are spending ten times as much money feeding the cow. The implication that the same techniques can't be replicated out of japan is disingenuous to the extreme and it just shows that the aritcle writer is a food snob, not a skeptic or a scientist. 1334506966 +Well, not really for painkillers - I generally lean toward ibuprofen or acetaminophen, which are sold in bottles with enough doses to last a couple of years. Mullein in syrup form is about the only thing I take that's an actual *herb*. 1304017777 +Turn off the tv 1356964282 +this is quickly becoming my favorite subreddit. 1344994985 +Please feel free to pursue [this survey of human evolution](http://www.pnas.org/content/104/52/20753) for details... 1345775353 +Lot's of random things help fight some cancers. It's hard to say what is possible. 1345246587 +Hahah, well now you know, I guess? No worries mate. 1329224627 +That is an insect. 1249656295 +WAKE UP!!!!!! 1252813857 +Would you consider though, as the article does, that "angels / demons" are simply less specific, less scientific names for things like multiple personality disorder, mania, obsession... meaning that they don't go away?\n\nIf you take the belief out of religion what phenomena still do remain? Religion was invented, for lack of a better word, to explain strange phenomena in some sort of orderly fashion to the so called "primitive minds". If you throw away all the dogma the original phenomena still exist, the challenge is to explain these types of experience without the religious framework in terms of psychology neurobiology or whatever else causes these bizarre occurrences. 1243442796 +It seems like person B is just referring to anecdotal evidence. \n\nI don't need to see an acupuncturist (X) to know that there is no mechanism by which acupuncture should work (Y). 1305906781 +>Not necessarily; different studies in evolutionary studies have shown there to be a common theme between attractiveness and things like facial symmetry, specific proportions and hair texture.\n\nThings are still only as beautiful as we perceive them to be. That we are biologically pre-disposed to like certain features does not change that; it just explains overall patterns in things humans see as beautiful.\n\n>If you wanted to do something from a completely objective point of view it would be seeing how common the occurrences of such traits are in a specific race.\n\nBut that's almost irrelevant. How people rate attractiveness is much more important information. If people rate blacks as less attractive even though they are perfectly symmetric and have perfect facial ratios, then that is valuable information and not something you pick up on just by measuring people.\n\n>if we are to assume that the study can be based on opinionated statistics yet still be labelled as objective)\n\nThe statistics are not opinionated, the statistics are measuring opinion. And that's fine, because beauty is just a type of opinion. 1306367032 +While not reliable enough to base vital judgments on their readings alone, polygraphs *do* provide *some* insight into whether someone is acting deceitful. It isn't just a prop, it is a tool with its own limitations to be used in conjunction with other tools (including your own ability to read body language). 1351536143 +That is actually really sad. he might still be alive today, having made 30 more years worth of music. God Damnit. 1329023014 +Than they wouldn't be writing shit in corn fields or drawing attention to themselves by turning off their cloaking devices while they fly around. \n\nThink about it, we are only a few years away from being able to successfully render invisible (cloak) any object, including a moving one. There are working prototypes already. The fact that UFO's aren't cloaked mean that they were either A) Produced here on earth where cloaking isn't yet a viable technology), or B) They want to be seen, therefore no prime directive. 1351874822 +> This statement is false. I need only provide one example that falsifies (b). Lets say a company produces electricity from a nuclear reactor and dumps the waste into a water supply. Some of the people (lets say 1,000) that drink the water get cancer and have to pay $1,000 each for a cure. Total cost to society of power plant: 1 million.\n> Lets say a coal plant could have produced the same amount of electricity but without the deaths, but would have cost the company .1 million more. You can even assume if you like that it would cause .5 million in damage to society from asthma if you like.\n\nLet's assume that travel by airplane is less safe than travel by car. (Check figures of deaths by nuclear plants vs deaths by coal power plants, you'll see how this fits right in)\n\nLet us now proceed to draw an irrelevant conclusion that does not reflect reality because the assumptions are flat out disconnected from reality.\n\nLet us now pretend that I have made a cogent, relevant post.\n\nLet us now pretend that I am being downvoted because my contribution to this post was logical and meaningful.\n\nLet us now complain about me being downvoted three times in a single thread. \n\n:-) 1315375472 +That's a great question. My best guesses would be: respected sources. ie. Snopes, wikipedia, /r/AskScience, etc... \n\nI know if I hear the Mythbusters explains that the EM from Power lines is safe I'll likely just believe it. But if I hear the same thing from Fox & Friends I'll assume they're either lying or guessing. 1313497287 +I'm interested to see if there will be any comment about the elevator mishap on this weeks SGU. At this point, I wouldn't mind if she never showed up again. 1310148074 +10,000 reports, taking up 6,700 pages. Dont worry it took me a second also. 1342583029 +That's nice of you to say! Thank you.\n\n>Have you looked into the idea that a ghost could be a psychic imprint of a consciousness rather than the "soul" itself?\n\nI'd have to know what this means, really, in order to talk about it. By "psychic imprint," do you mean that ghosts could be physical manifestations of our consciousness, and that our consciousness is capable of interacting with people/places/things after our bodies have died? 1344602929 +Why should they suppress such books and movies? The subject is already ridiculed in the mainstream media, there's no need to conceal it, the public will not believe it anyway. That's a very strong weapon, mind you. 1338304140 +>Since the evidence overwhelmingly supports the theory of man-made global warming\n\nWhat evidence? \n\nWe put an extremely small amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and \nit happen to get warm for an extremely short while.\n\nThat is not evidence. \n\nMangled, manipulated climate models. \n\nThat is not evidence.\n\nEvidence is the money trail leading from government to so called climate science. That is evidence.\n\nShow me a model where you plug in todays data, run it backward\nand get an accurate result for some known past date.\n\nThat would be evidence. That would be some damn good \nevidence, but we'll never see it, will we.\n 1354402659 +My favorite podcasts are really diverse.\n\n* Metalinjection - For listening to funny potsmoking metalhead.\n\n* DistortedView - For listening to.. well, distorted news and laugh at horrible stuff\n\n* PC gamer - For the gamer side of me\n\n* SGU - For the skeptic side of me.\n\n* Naked Scientists - For the British skeptic side of me. 1272035929 +There's no need to consider all possible possibilities separately. Take them all together, and remember them as a nudge to consider the extraordinary. There's no need to start every statement with "Je pense, donc je suis" and derive everything from there, but completely ignoring anything else is a bad habit as well.\n\nWhat *proof* does he have that his brain glitched? None whatsoever. It's merely the most likely hypothesis, within his worldview. An animist might consider the trick of a spirit the most likely hypothesis, within his worldview. I sincerely think that being aware that we so often accept the most likely hypothesis in good faith, without proof, improves the quality of thought. 1254175349 +Well.... they do really make them :( \nhttp://www.ritecare.com/homeopathic/guide_firstaid.asp 1326531437 +Oscillococcinum is probably the most sly homeopathic medicine there is. It has all the dress of an allopathic remedy: big unrecognizable name, [professional packaging](http://www.ritecare.com/images/oscillo_6.jpg), and a little tube of pills with special administration procedures. To top it off, it has the added appeal of being a medicine that basically amounts to eating sugar. I was surprised, though, when I first found out it was homeopathy. 1314035716 +Because people really love their dogs and get desperate when Fido is in pain.\n\nProtip: Johnson's Medicated Food Powder. Shake it all over the dog. Fleas flee it. 1342030630 +Might be a little more appropriate in /r/nosleep. 1349712439 +I see you there, ponymoticon. And I offer brohoofs, fellow skeptic.\n\n/unrelated 1323092576 +My phone can allow WiFi use in airplane mode but it always asks first. 1307964630 +Agreed. Nutjobs give skeptics a bad name. When it comes to facts, there aren't two sides to hear out. 1289593815 +Perhaps! But since it was only a drop, maybe he was just shaking off. ;) 1356546258 +I shat myself just reading the comment. 1348108941 +I have been eating mussels since I was 8 or so and love them. Unless they smell bad, I eat them all. It's actually pretty easy to see if something has gone bad when you are dealing with seafood. 1286047131 +I think anyone who watched that video is qualified. A psychogenic disorder that only manifests when cameras are around? Hmmm. 1323352728 +You're quite right. I wasn't trying to suggest that OP's story couldn't have been real, just providing a relevant tidbit. 1335159739 +A placebo *is* a mystical health thing. Or at least a mysterious health thing. The placebo effect is really interesting. 1327335188 +its called pareidolia 1356196892 +I personally think skepticism cant be something that is bestowed onto others, rather something you need to find out for yourself. \nHearing about quackery and charlatans might raise awareness of it, but until you lose money, see friends/family losing money or at the very worst see your own or somebody else's health deteriorate as a result of things like homoeopathy or spiritual healers, you can't really appreciate the real need for skepticism in life. \n\nAtheism is something that can be bestowed onto others though. To teach a child the origins of the universe, without the need for fruity metaphores and stupid mythos, you can get across a logical, well cited, factual explanation for it that cannot be refuted. \n\nUnfortunately people can find more and more slippery ways to trick you into getting your money and until you see it happen to you and yours, you won't fully appreciate the real need for skepticism.\n\nWhereas atheists have a lot of skepticism towards any rhetoric a religious person throws at them or anything anybody says that sounds like it was cited from scripture, atheism doesn't really have any connections to general skepticism, as a lot of atheists tend to have general secular beliefs that could adhere to a lot of this pseudo science bullshit. 1341782814 +It's a cheap additive which is a result of a large industrial process. Its a component which any reasonable consumer wouldn't expect in their ground beef - this being pieces of beef and fat of a particular percentage ground up and packaged. And because this beef required disinfecting, it's obviously not a wholesome ingredient in the first place. \n\nSince the use of this was not listed in the ingredients, it's a component which the processor is obviously not proud of using.\n\nAll of these factors lead any reasonable consumer to feel cheated and abused. It reminds all consumers that getting the most money from them is the one and only goal of any large food processor and/or retail operation.\n\nIt's one thing to add this to a product like hot dogs which are produced with trimmings and scraps and then ground an homogenized. It's another to add this as a hidden component.\n\nI look forward to heavy and costly class-action suites against Cargil and other mega-food processors and markets. 1332896492 +yeah, good luck holding on to that belief. the hivemind has spoken. 1335042918 +yeah.... im not seeing anything 1344799438 +Don't forget the abandoned mental hospital in Malboro 1317994190 +There's a vast gulf between "milk is not a wonder-food" and "milk is bad for your health." Many of this article's arguments lie soundly on the former side of said gulf, while its conclusions lie on the latter.\n\nFor what it's worth, the dairy industry does tend to sell its product with questionable health claims. But I wouldn't make a strong claim about its health effects without some kind of study, say a comparison between lactose tolerant/intolerant folks. 1353344361 +Yes give money to the homeopaths that will show them. 1297204994 +I saw a UFO once. Then it was identified.\n\nIt's a massive jump from UFO to alien space craft, and one of those idiots said it's unreasonable to expect stronger evidence than testimony. Perhaps. But it's still completely irrational to jump to the conclusion that they were extraterrestrial space craft without compelling evidence. All you can state is that it was, at least for you, a UFO. 1302307646 +Tho I agree that psychiatrist have been overdiagnosing and over medicating people without necesity, calling autism a made-up condition is completely false and disrespectful to those who have to deal with this.\n\nThe fact that there are assholes who will take advantage of our lack of understanding of the causes and inner workings of this condition doesen't change that some families do have to go through this dificulty. 1327058726 +Why is that ghost foot casting a shadow? So fake it hurts 1356367952 +>Skeptics don't deny climate change.\n\nNo, because they accept the evidence behind anthropogenic climate change.\n\n>Most of us agree with the global warming alarmists\n\nUse of the word "alarmist" betrays you agenda. People who accept the current science are not alarmists.\n\n>We are also skeptical of the alarmists' catastrophic predictions.\n\nDefine "catastrophic predictions." The current science indicates a climate sensitivity of 2 to 4.5C, which a likeliest value of 3C, for a doubling of CO2.\n\n>This article explains the global warming debate\n\nNo, that article is a piece of anti-science propaganda similar to those you post daily on /r/climateskeptics. It is quite revealing that you always post links to blogs and Conservative-leaning organizations, but not from actual scientists.\n\nWhat I find really pathetic is how you always use the same copy/pasted responses to make it sound as if you are a rational and reasonable contributor to reddit, when it takes only a few minutes of reading your actual submissions to understand you're nothing but a propaganda relayer.\n\nOh, and you still managed to change the subject. Every time you do, you confirm my original point (and further show the folks at [/r/skeptic](/r/skeptic) how you guys really aren't skeptics at all - after all, they only have to read you past comments to see what you really think of them). Undoubtedly you'll avoid responding in your next post as well, followed by another of your pre-canned responses, I imagine.\n\nPerhaps you don't realize how much you sound like an actual PR hack. If you haven't considered this as a career choice, then you definitely should. Your lack of intellectual integrity makes you the perfect candidate for the job. 1332742429 +Woo is woo, it maters not who shovels it. 1351734906 +I don't know, if you have a tumor on your head and you decide to not see a doctor does that make the weirdo you decided to see responsible for your illness getting worse? \n\nIf anything it seems like you are just priming yourself for a Darwin award. 1346682951 +I saw the same type of object over my high school in central Florida, last year. It popped up in the sky multiple times, shifted colors, and made seemingly impossible maneuvers. Everyone chalked it up to an RC 'copter; which, was bullshit. \n\n**EDIT**: Here's what I was seeing, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES9ArxfCaWc. I didn't take the video, but it's identical to the object I was seeing. 1356307150 +I can't argue with you because I do not have any information to claim in contrary, however, the only "evidence" we have of ET visits have been overwhelmingly positive. Naturally, the sensational "I twer probed in my butt parts!" and alien invasion genre movies are very extremely accessible to the general public, some of the fringe religions and spiritualists (including the Hopi Indians, modern followers of the Aztec religions and some eastern cultures to name a few) view visitation as direct contact with their deities. It does come down to personal belief because there are no hard facts to refer to, but my understanding which has been built through a lifetime of curiosity about life (within and outside our planet) and spiritual growth has led me to believe that our 'first contact' will likely be positive. A positive outlook on visitors to our planet will undoubtedly lead to a positive interaction if and when that interaction occurs. 1352154386 +It might be that he uploads about two videos a year (if you're lucky). 1332697769 +How on earth do you rob a gun depo? Surely they have.. defence? 1355748532 +That seems like a good idea; GF should let her know times have changed, and young women are not the helpless flowers they used to be; besides, you love GF and would never hurt her. Girls in the dorm will be all right without her, and would like to help her get home to her folks; it's okay to go toward the brightest light she can see now. The Ouija is not necessary for this, and I don't know if having the suitemates present, or yourself, would help or not. 1355361504 +Here's another possible explanation: It didn't happen. I've heard of this story before, but I've been unable to find any credible source that supports the original account. 1301938206 +The best advice for most OP's in this subreddit 1336570219 +It is still better looking and easier to read than most other paranormal sites, which look like they're from the Angelfire days...\n\nAt least they took the time to look professional. 1351787249 +That's actually what makes it so damnably popcorn-worthy (and me trying to eat healthy!)—that homeopathy's arbitrary, make-believe rules are considered too stringent and unwieldy for the average naturopath to find profitable, so they should be simplified in order to bring them into line with the arbitrary, make-believe rules which govern the rest of naturopathic canon.\n\nIt's like kids at a birthday party ganging up on the one kid who wants to play Monopoly when the rest of them would rather stick with Candy Land. 1339786158 +He certainly wouldn't have to. Just consider the ingredients in major brand leaders of counterpart products.\n\nJif Peanut Butter? No HFCS. Welch's Jelly? Yes to HFCS\n\nFrench's Yellow Mustard? No HFCS. Heinz Ketchup? Yes to HFCS\n\nPost Honey Bunches of Oats? No HFCS. Kellogg's Frosted Mini Wheats? Yes to HFCS\n\nEven my local grocery store's ice cream is flavor dependent on whether or not it has it, and remember, that's the cheap stuff.\n\nJust about everything he's mentioned, as far as I've noticed and I've been paying attention, agrees with what dbe's statements suggest. I don't see it in chips, bread, canned food of any kind I've used, powdered drink mixes, juices, yogurt or mayonnaise. Breakfast cereals are about 50/50. \n\nYour reaction to dbe's post suggests you're not in the habit of reading food labels too often. 1344919310 +Were did the tire go? It would not of rolled far. 1355737075 +I can't bring myself to drink milk. No allergies, it just grosses me out that it's milk from another species. Ugh. 1346006022 +>But to think that humans are the pinnacle of civilization not just on Earth but in the entire galaxy is pretty arrogant in my opinion.\n\nOh, definitely. I couldn't agree with you more. But that has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not those Temple vids are real or not.\n\nOf course I don't know either, if they are or aren't. I'd like them to be, and maybe you are right. Personally I strongly suspect that they are a hoax based upon a multitude of similar incidents over the years that were initially praised/hyped and then eventually disproven, but I also honestly think that, regardless, it matters less than you think because videos will *never* be considered proof of UFOs. Ever. There are already many vids out there that are very compelling and probably very real. Ones that many people also think are fakes.\n\nEither way I don't need to be sure about these tapes, but that may be because I am convinced about the reality of UFOs for other reasons. Just don't lose your own beliefs if these are eventually shown to be fake. It has no bearing upon the reality of the phenomenon. 1297488709 +UPDATE: UFO becomes IFO.\n\nSpecifically a very unexciting old PA28/Piper Cherokee with a strobing banner under the wings.\nChopper cameraman fooled.\n\nNot a good day for us UFO enthusiasts.\n\nhttp://www.news10.net/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=51021&catid=2\n\nhttp://www.airport-data.com/aircraft/N56414.html\n\nhttp://flightaware.com/live/flight/N56414 1227647638 +I don't think its about understanding, it more about acknowledging. The more of us that now, the more stupid the government looks, that sort of thing. 1340841564 +It wasn't astounding or anything, it was a catchy little country tune with a message that wasn't about drinkin a six pack, driving pick up trucks, or your wife leaving you. 1279081565 +You've demonstrated that eating slightly more than the recommended daily amount of fruit is better than soda with junk food. *slow clap* I am in awe of your intelligence. \n\nHowever, I didn't say that fruit is worse than or as bad as soda, nor did I say fruit in reasonable amounts. I said fruit in large amounts can be bad for you in response to a statement implying that there was no way someone could get too much sugar from eating fruit. \n\n\n 1343533589 +a bit larger nit to pick: the back is not just a mechanical structure, and definitely is not a lawnmower. and if my lawnmower was broken, i would not "turn it over, try the wheels, do things to find out what works."\n\ni would call a chiropractor! 1327472577 +Your brain does a lot of strange things before you fall asleep. Read about "Old Hag Syndrome". A lot of people have it. Totally normal. 1343089725 +Precisely.. But seriously, the SNR on the audio is ridiculous. Either the people making this video were using top classified military technology ahead of its time (and even then going on what we know of development of digital tech back then, the bit / sampling rate is way too high), or this is fake. 1352801464 +were the fuck is the follow up post? 1353226823 +It's similar to step 6 in that instructable, but it's a 14-minute sequence that uses I think 8 or 10 different frequency pairings throughout it. It's essentially doing the same thing. The Ganzfeld effect using straight sensory deprivation is different, however, since it takes time to "kick in", whereas using the Brain Machine causes instant visual hallucinations. No need to wait, just flip the switch. 1320912594 +*NO MORE QUESTIONS!* 1309838932 +There are some pretty interesting videos out there, but the lack of mass sightings in urban, American cities is a little frustrating. I stay interested in UFOs thanks to a sighting I personally had a few years ago. I do wish that there was more new and credible evidence out there, but I will follow Ufology for a long time regardless. 1329402982 +That's a good point. I'll use better judgement next time. 1342151848 +\nYou might want to consider a new room, with a new roommate. 1344125382 +Just because it is possible to postulate something, does not mean it is reasonable to do so. \n\nThe simplest solution is that they are hearing noises from something mundane like an aircraft, or construction work. The fact that there exists multiple videos of similar sounds from the billions of hours of video available does not make a strong case.\n\nThere is very little reason to suspect that these noises are related. They could be related, but that still gives you no reason to suspect that they are not mundane phenomenon. This is [auditory pareidolia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareidolia), combined with [The Pattern Seeking Fallacy](http://blog.asmartbear.com/pattern-seeking-fallacy.html)\n\nI was dismissive because of how preposterous it is to ascribe importance to meaningless stimulus. Were someone to start collecting videos of sunsets during which there is a cloud formation that is snowman shaped, would you assume that this was noteworthy? *But look at the videos, they are coming from all over the world, and they all have the same snowman shaped cloud!*\n\n 1326819099 +this sentence demonstrates intolerance of alternative religions and violates the first amendment. \n\n/sarcasm 1320190834 +You're right, but the tetrahedra form helices. I suppose that is what they are referring to. 1322588370 +Real, human caused, but do not think we should do anything about it 1294768860 +yeah definitely. actually I think they're blinking satellites, inside balloons, that are tied to weather balloons, that a 12 year old taped flares too. 1326297246 +[Explanation](http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6tu22yikh1rxukuoo2_250.jpg) 1343517486 +And this, my friends, is called a fallacy fallacy!\n\nI did address what you said. I said you were being pedantic, and overly critical of the wording, because the wording was pretty much saying what you're saying. Just not as pedantically.\n\nI feel so sorry for you if you studied philosophy and this is all you got out of it - the art of being a pedant. Can I have a double cheeseburger meal, large size, with diet coke please? kekekekeke 1351969444 +They did a good job with the "Funny how" bit. 1316175542 +Everytime I see stuff like this, I think that it is really possible that aliens are protecting us from big catastrophes which would destroy the earth.\n\nWho knows. It is a really fast object. But I dont think it is a missile either. 1351361289 +What the... how is this even remotely considered a glitch? A glitch is a short-lived fault in a system, not a coincidence. 1345658387 +Sure you can...just let me grab my strap-on. 1345642893 +I was scanning the website and thinking, "why would people believe this?" \n\n\nThen I saw that it is purportedly Japanese. 1324965809 +It's alright dopp. Keep on posting. You provide a great deal of content. And you are dead on right. 1311437873 +Hey, my gut instinct is better than your so-called "facts". GTFO. 1354198106 +I seriously considered that I may have been seeing things. Even now, it's no entirely out of the question...but for what it's worth, I've never used mind altering drugs and I'm a pretty rational and logical person. I've never been able to explain this, though. 1332557400 +So.... It's a Clearly Canadian? 1351278850 +So, you just flat-out think it's unreasonable, when someone does something that makes you feel uncomfortable and unsafe, to mention it and ask other people not to do it? 1321166998 +Teeth missing for a few days...didn't bother to ask. Probably a molar. 1312399346 +To be fair, if you burn yourself you're *meant* to douse it in heaps and heaps of water. 1300687366 +I don't think so. I can clearly make out a combed-back hairstyle and even glasses, I think. It's too defined and humanoid to be a misinterpretation of light. Either way, this almost made me jump when I saw it.\n\nEDIT: I opened it and increased the exposure. By doing this you can clearly make out the facial features. This is definitely interesting. \n\n[Semi-not safe for sleep](http://imgur.com/n1XYY.jpg)\n\nEDIT EDIT: It looks Asian and also it looks like an elf. Santa's watching! You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not shout; I'm telling you why! SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN\n\nEDIT EDIT EDIT: I now see something on the wall that look like a china cabinet. It could be china-ware. But the question is, why is the face very defined, and the other things in the perceived cabinet not bright and clear? I don't see any evidence of a flash either. 1356218354 +Please speak for yourself. 1320315053 +The cameras are big mostly to house all the live broadcast hardware. 1353203675 +Thanks :) 1304611066 +Thanks :) 1313420488 +Thanks :) 1338227762 +Thanks :) 1340202217 +My point exactly. And since we are not used to seeing reality in this way it makes identifying whatever you capture on tape a lot harder. 1345364155 +I wonder what the size of the largest star in the universe is and how our sun compares to it in size? \n 1334252553 +Funny thing about Zicam. I just heard on the latest SGU that the guy who makes Zicam is now in legal trouble for importing and selling a [non-FDA approved remedy for bird flu](http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2011/06/02/state/n135609D39.DTL).\n\nAs far as homeopathy (and other alternative "medicines") go, the only rule they have to follow is not making specific claims to treat or cure disease. They get around this by making weaselly claims to do things like "boost the immune system." They also carry a disclaimer on the packaging that says something to the effect of, "This product is not meant to treat or cure any disease" in super tiny small print. So, legally, you can't do anything about homeopathy or herbal remedies unless they specifically claim to treat or prevent disease. 1308721338 +Show him this.\n\nPenn and Teller MLM Episode [Part 1](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y60XdZJG83U) and [Part 2](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m_4S5BtIbk) 1301458975 +We had a full blood Chow named Sheena, she was given to my mother by my father on mothers day the year I was born. Well about 10 years ago Sheena got really sick the vets couldn't do anything for her because she was pretty old, The day before we were scheduled to take her in to put her to 'sleep' she didn't wake up.. Sadly Sheena had passed in her sleep. Well, as creepy as this sounds Sheena used to sit next to my moms couch and would scratch her self you'd hear the jiggle of this little charm/name tag she had. We still have the couch and if you sit on the right cushion at night you can sometimes hear a "jiggle" of a chain or what sounds like change. This has actually brought my mother to tears before and I've heard her say "Go to sleep Sheena" and it would stop. 1340610401 +I think so. Plus I'm actually fond of them when they're not being insane (which, post-baby, seems to be all the time, but I think that is common with a lot of people) 1309536982 +No charges were filed; the judge agreed that this was a blatant provocation.\n\n[Bart Sibrel](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bart_Sibrel) is a crackpot douche bag who has a history of stalking astronauts.\n 1289572510 +I never espoused the belief that no life forms exist which do not use DNA as their hereditary material; only that we cannot say with certainty that they *do* exist. 1291273268 +That really is a nice message and its great it made you feel better. 1345306929 +Most are doubtful, some are dangerous. Drinking other people's breastmilk is sharing a fluid, so there's a risk of disease including HIV. These risks are outweighed by the immunological benefit conferred on the infant, but probably not worth it for an adult.\n\nChemo and transplant patients are likely to have things going on with their immune systems which makes breast milk (or other non-pasteurized substances) a bad idea. Applying breast milk to a serious burn seems like a bad idea as well.\n\nI don't have any research on this; maybe I am wrong. However I would suggest the onus of evidence is on the claimant. 1299564469 +it is one of the problems that make me wonder if this is more of a "yelling fire in a crowded theatre" free speech problems.\n\nits even worse in a way. People with autistic children are desperate not only for a cure but a reason. You have doctors saying "most of the increases in autism are simply due to us expanding the def and more people getting checked for it' WHich isnt very satisfying.\n\nand then you have this idiot, saying VACCINES DID THIS TO YOUR CHILD. and the parents saying "oh shit we did get them vaccinated" and they have a "why".. they are made with mercury, and the parents go "ooo mercury, that explains a lot, remember mad hatters were mad due to mercury"\n\nit's insidious, it plays on their desperation and it is dangerous. (plus we do have a problem when companies like Merck, hide the fact that their own inhouse scientists were saying their drug causes heart problems and them withholding that info. THIS SHIT, as well as their stupid slap on the wrist for getting people killed, helps the anti vaxxers spread their misinformation)\n\n\ni'm just not sure how to stop anti vaxxers from yelling fire in a crowded theatre without creating a dangerous slippery slope.\n\n 1350749734 +Thanks, this is great. I didn't realize how much I'd value these answers until you asked the question. I'll just add the podcasts I've been listening to myself.\n\nScience:\n\n* Dr. Kiki's Science Hour - Dr. Kirsten Sanford\n* Material World - BBC Radio 4\n* Quirks and Quarks - CBC Radio\n\nPhilosophy / History / Religion:\n\n* Ideas - CBC Radio\n* In Our Time - BBC Radio 4\n* Philosopher's Zone - ABC Radio National\n* Tapestry - CBC Radio\n\nSkepticism:\n\n* MonsterTalk - Skeptic Magazine\n* Skepticality - Skeptic Magazine\n* The Reality Check - The Ottawa Skeptics\n\nOther:\n\n* Spark - CBC Radio (technology and society)\n* Radio Free Burrito - Wil Wheaton (general geek)\n* The Age of Persuasion - CBC Radio (media and advertising)\n 1299870469 +How much do you want to bet that one or more of his patients Googled his name and came across your blog posts? She's scared that this will hurt his business, and she's lashing out. 1323896352 +It was? I thought it was on Fox. 1322752623 +I'd keep going but every time I look further into actual homeopathic remedies(which each of those are) I lose more faith in humanity and its getting tiring. Also what is up with them and quartz its literally the second most common mineral in the earths crust. [This](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartz_oscillator) is still the coolest thing quartz does. 1290614342 +Nope, I don't see a round object. I see a really really big tornado. 1336583907 +Love it. If only there was an explanation for the similar noises here in Ontario. 1318548882 +I didn't realize Ali G used /r/paranormal 1326884029 +Personally, I think it's just an extension of their gullibility. 1336816676 +Why do you say that? I'm not really aware of any solid predictions IQ scores can make with respect to groups, but with individuals the predictive ability of IQ scores is incredible. 1350177859 +I was really hoping to find a little note somewhere, saying "It's a joke, guys! Don't worry!" Of course, there wasn't one. 1290568856 +He sure does. I've bought all three, and asked him if he'd make a doodle on the 3rd one. It was a sort of... conehead looking confused dude with stars circling his head. 1330497447 +Whoever put this together has no clue about objective reality.\n\nIf the government issued interest-free money, how would that eliminate taxes? Does he suppose the government would just print more money whenever it was needed, say to build roads?\n\nThat'd trigger rapid inflation. It's called [Zimbabwenomics](http://longorshortcapital.com/zimbabwenomics-pioneers-even-freer-trade.htm).\n\nDoes he suppose the government would just cease to exist?\n\nThen whence our new roads? Magic?\n\nDoes he suppose the government would stop issuing new currency at some point? \n\nDeflation.\n\nIssue some US Notes to this fellow and direct him to buy a clue.\n\nAs far as relevance to Presidential assassinations? It's a safe bet the Fed didn't assassinate Lincoln, since it didn't exist until 1913. 1312480593 +I'm already sick of this story. It's been everywhere I look all week. Those people are morons. 1334778473 +He's presenting it exactly the same way the other side would.\n\nStatistics are a way to tell a story. And most people are going to use them to argue their point, and ignore them when they do the opposite.\n\nDon't let them argue influenza vaccine, make the argument about polio. 1333977690 +Atheism is just a natural bi-product of proper skepticism.\n\nAnd there's more than enough of The Amazing Randi to go around. 1328118391 +True story... I forgot about those subreddits. That is some crazy shit.\n\nBut it just goes to show that if that content is still around on reddit, the nuts spouting tripe in /r/conspiracy should have to right to post their content as well. 1291059100 +No, I just get called closed-minded. 1280599258 +And that's why I posted this in /r/skeptic and not /r/bullshit or /r/alternativemedicinescam or the like. A more critical evalulation of this procedure is needed. 1290402452 +Here you go...\n\nhttp://www.dvdactive.com/images/reviews/screenshot/2004/10/pdvd_008_copy2.jpg 1328540774 +Seriously, I'm stumped what's her obsession with cutting things in half, and how tires work, and how fast she could do a mile, and converting it to miles a minute?!\n\nI think it is important to understand her thought process, because how else can we deal with people who's understanding seems to be so fundamentally flawed.\n\nor troll? 1332114813 +Haaha, imagine that! I would mind fuck with everyone on a daily basis if I had a twin :P 1337879501 +The problem is most parents who are scared of vaccines are going to refuse whatever age their kids are. 1297125293 +> It wasn't clear to me whether you were being skeptical of helmet use per se or of helmet laws. Sort of a mishmash of both, then?\n\nI became skeptical of the usefulness of mandatory helmet laws.\n\nThe data for helmets being useful in certain types of accident is convincing but there data showing that helmets reduce the percentage of riders who suffer head injuries is not.\n\nMy theory for Australia, and I can't find any good data for this either way, is that people were already wearing helmets in situations that made sense. So the mandatory helmet law here really only discouraged people that weren't at a high risk.\n\nIt's a political no-go area here. Most people will never question it and politician's simply aren't interested. It's lead to some fairly heated discussions about the Melbourne bicycle share scheme's lack of success.\n\n> Have you seen the IIHS data?\n\nI had not, thank you. That's exactly the kind of data I was looking for.\n\nI'd really like to also see data comparing rates before and after mandatory helmet laws are introduced. What little we have for Australia and New Zealand shows no meaningful change. There aren't any other countries with helmet laws as strict as either of ours. We're often actually used as an example of the folly of such laws internationally, it seems. 1311809556 +Bad diet kills. Our cultures current dramatic over-emphasis of carbs and nutrients and "natural" is distracting from actual healthy nutrition. For what its worth, I think this is the best food-related web page I've seen in ages. 1333579014 +No. Rebecca Watson publicly berated the guy to his face in a crowd full of people at a conference where she was *supposed* to be talking about something worthwhile. The guy was not given the chance to defend himself and so posted to his blog, which enjoys a fraction of Watson's readership and doesn't really qualify as a reasonable chance of defending himself. \n\nThe point is this: If you disagree with Watson you're a misogynist and no longer deserve being treated respectfully. 1310588569 +I pick DunksOnShaq next. 1259553605 +Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed my story. If you like I could take some pictures of the mirror, my room, and the hallway where she was standing if you like? Btw that link is actually to my own personal forum. Its brand new and I'm looking to start bringing in some new members - if you are interested :) 1318540140 +that not what you've been saying you've been asking a ridiculous question of "what would it take". This is called a valid side of an argument. take notes. But the likely hood of them being fake is a lot less than of them being real. 1302222496 +Yeah, now that you mention it, shooting lighting out of your fingers isn't that impressive when you're standing on a space station that can shoot planet destroying lightning without using any magic at all. 1285337869 +I really do think that we should be pointing out a lack of skepticism in the reddit community where ever we see it. Reddit as a whole usually is quite skeptical, but we should make a point of calling it out when the community isn't. 1323464777 +I respectfully disagree. Or it really depends on the makeup of the jury. There is plenty of credible and convincing testimony. There is a great deal of photographic and video. But there is no physical crime scene evidence. There is no extraterrestrial craft we can go visit at the Smithsonian... Yet. Much to my personal dismay I might add. 1310746892 +That was creeeepy. And just as it finished, a random piece of fluff floated in my peripheral vision making me jump out of my chair. thanks. 1351535632 +You're right. Implicit in my argument was another premise and here I can make it explicit:\n\nP2: The best president ought to be reelected for as many terms as allowable\n(and I suppose P3: Reelecting Obama is allowable) 1328820970 +Not necessarily. When I still worked in TV news, we called that "Teleprompter Eye." Interns and new anchors would look quite a bit like that when staring into the camera. They were so amped up about being on camera and getting it right that they wouldn't blink. It was especially bad when they were reading their script on the prompter, but even when there wasn't a prompter, they'd still do it.\n 1340224461 +You've probably heard of him. He wrote the Watchmen, V for Vendetta, and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comic book series, among many others. He's a pretty brilliant guy. 1309225211 +Wow... Super, super bad science. The second paragraph:\n\n"Finding only one case of the disease in the investigation of hundreds of Egyptian mummies, with few references to cancer in literary evidence, proves that cancer was extremely rare in antiquity. The disease rate has risen massively since the Industrial Revolution, in particular childhood cancer – proving that the rise is not simply due to people living longer."\n\nQuestions that immediately come to mind:\n\n* Who was being mummified? Everyone? Or just certain people?\n* Out of that number, how many of those mummies exist today?\n* Is an analysis of cancer in ancient literature in any way valid?\n\nI don't know about the first two, but the third I'd have to answer with a resounding "NO!" While you might find some references to cancers that are visible growths on the skin, damn near every other kind of cancer is going to be a "wasting disease" or something of that sort in the literature of old, and entirely useless for an analysis like this. 1287118713 +You have a degree in baloney! 1326746005 +Aye, That be the magic teleportin' lady o England.\n\nBut seriously, weird glitch 1326715670 +1. Clock Reset.\n\n2. Dream. 1345202430 +I thought both the Mythbusters and Penn and Teller bullshit episodes on the Lie Detector fell way way to short of actually going into why the lie detector is actually a lie and why even the lie itself is pseudoscience. 1317408186 +It looks like somebody has already answered it, and was promptly accused of being a shill. 1319737686 +Any credibility to this goes out the window cause you were stoned. I smoke up too but never in the same day that I'm investigating because your mind has a tendency to matrix alot of stuff when being influenced by thc or whatever your drug of choice is 1335314533 +"Young Living Rose essential oils" probably doesn't have a frequency of 320 Mhz though. 1350161353 +Seeing him live in May! Can't wait! 1304073372 +Why you guys hating? Several people felt better after taking them! Several!\n 1329849742 +wow that sounds really interesting. Listen if you want to join, then send me an email at logicbomb.main@gmail.com so we can work out the details and see what projects you can help with or create. 1321307522 +Here's the worst part:\n\nA libel suit like this is a covert shifting of the burden of proof. \n\n WDDTY says "Sunbeams cure diabetes."\n Singh says: "There's no evidence of that. You're fooling people."\n\nWhat WDDTY *should reply*: \n\n a) oh you're right, we don't have evidence, we'll retract that, or \n b) no, we do have evidence, and here it is!\n\nInstead, with a lawsuit, what they're saying is: \n\n Saying that we're fooling people is libel *until you prove that we are in fact fooling people*. \n\nNow Singh has to make a case for the sun *not* curing diabetes. He's been given the burden of proof. If he fails, his claim is defamation. What the actual * * * * Libel should be about unfounded attacks on a person (or, I guess, an organization). The proper questioning of ideas and vocal concern about the consequences of those ideas *is not libel*. 1349338136 +The world would be a better place if everyone thought about what they said and how they said it as carefully as you do. (Or in the case of online discourse, what they wrote.) 1341595613 +One of the big reasons is because of religion. You tell some of these hardcore religious people that hey, there are others, where are they in your holy book. It brings up alot of problems. Also, when we find out there are aliens, people will start realizing that the government isn't the most powerful thing in the world, madness would ensue. 1343280461 +There is a complete list (and I mean COMPLETE) here.\nhttp://skeptools.wordpress.com/2012/04/10/how-many-skeptic-podcasts-are-there-please-help-me-find-them-all/\n\nBTW, Righteous Indignation is, sadly, no more. But the newest is Consequence by the JREF. \n\nYou can get a lot of info by browsing old episodes of podcasts as well, look for those with topics you like.\n\nTwo I NEVER miss as soon as they come out: Skeptics with a K and Monster Talk. 1340991114 +While I didn't *know* that Santa was fake, I set traps for him every year so that I finally *could* know one way or the other. 1322355594 +I gave you an upvote for creep-factor. Even if you only edited this file, I am still thoroughly creeped. Have you experimented with it since then? 1338938200 +i've had to take the myers-briggs, DISC, and something else i don't quite remember. each time i thought it was stupid and more or less watered down choose-your-own-adventure astrology for human resource departments.\n\nmy experience has shown them to be bullshit shortcut weeding devices to sort out candidates, which i suppose i can understand why HR departments seem to be smitten by them. \n\nso, no. not science.\n\nalthough i may concede that my reaction to the tests might identify me as a sociopath. 1355374761 +I would love to talk to one of these people and see how they justify their beliefs. \n\nAnyone know where I can meet one? 1294608177 +How is "Quantum Medicine" in any way scientific-sounding? haha 1297094577 +I recall a reporter starting an interview with Nelson Mandela on his visit to the US, going "As an African-American..." and he interrupts her to say "I am just an African."\n 1352306938 +I believe it was just to show he found it in a trustworthy location, not in like a reflexolgy institute or something 1349992802 +Special pleading. 1338608577 +Wow, I had this too when I was a kid. Just with ancient Greek, I shit you not. It was a meaningful sentence or two, but my mum lost the paper which said what I have said. Same thing with my bro, only with Spanish.\n\nEDIT: Oh, and I should mention, neither one of us have ever had any contact with either of these languages, except maybe Spanish through those soap operas my grandma likes to watch. 1332202140 +No, he's crow. 1346561286 +My coworker saw one of these and got it on video. It looked like a crazy ass blue UFO but it turned out a local RC plane store had a group that rigs their planes with blue led's like this. 1349715353 +Seriously. Best new sub-reddit of 2012, mark my words! 1326821505 +Paint 1333636986 +There would be something to be said for going through with this experiment. Would you have any sound at all on the CD, like white noise, or just silence (and leave it to the person's imagination)? 1304635824 +Along w/ what I mentioned in the post I also tried speaking to it just like you said. I don't know if this was the reason why nothing happened last night but it may be a contributing factor. Right now we are taking this night by night which brings up another point I had not mentioned: these happenings have only occurred at night. 1351103424 +Thanks TheTartanDervish! You are the first person so far who responded to me that have actually experienced this technique, though you don't know it as EFT. I have heard of EFT practitioners bringing EFT to [Rwanda](http://www.eftuniverse.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4333) as well as to [veterans](http://www.nwmedicalhypnosis.com/documents/The%20treatment%20of%20combat%20veterans%20using%20EFT.pdf) so I believe that what you experienced is indeed EFT even if the instructor didn't call it by that name. \n\nDifferent practitioners may teach EFT in different ways, so I don't know how did you learn it, but when you were told to do the tapping, were you asked to focus on the triggering memory or the feelings of panic at the same time? If you were, then even if you were partially distracted by the tapping, a part of you will still be connected to the memory or feeling. At least this is how I teach EFT to my clients, by asking them to focus on the issue while tapping. I would be interested to know how you used the technique. \n\nI don't know how you define the word "treatment", but to me, the fact that it provides relief makes it a treatment, and there is scientific evidence for EFT as a form of therapy which I mentioned in my original post. May I know why would you be skeptical of EFT as a treatment? \n\nMay I know what was your experience of EFT? It's ok if it's too personal to share, but I am sure there are others who would be interested to know. 1342971260 +That very interesting. I'll keep my eyes open for any news on the next jackpot winner. 1330601583 +How did you feel when you saw him, was it unsettling or peaceful? Did you get the urge to warn them? Or did you get the feeling that everything would be fine? \n\nMaybe ask if they are open to the idea of spirits before telling them you saw a deceased loved one enter their home. 1344966396 +Do omega-3 fatty acids neutralise cancer? Cool. 1346646297 +The thing about this, is that skeptics never give a shit when they're wrong. They'll go with a theory with decades, then it turns out it was another misidentification altogether, and they're still gonna be like "I told you so!". \n\nIn my opinion this is more likely a piece of glitter that got caught in the wind. The tumbling action and the two sides of bright reflection is more likely in this case. 1353518255 +As I understand it the consensus on Valerian root in ordinary pill form for sleep is a wee bit more positive, than Vitamin C for a cold. I have taken it for my own insomnia, and I at least feel as though it had a calming effect on me, but my mind was still so busy and anxious that it didn't have any really positive effect for my sleep. So I just switched back to marijuana :P Pricier, but no skepticism required lol. That shit works.\n\nAlso you might consider taking the valerian root in conjunction with melotonin pills. When I took them together for a few days it did seem to help me more than just the valerian. 1321828282 +It's not THAT bad here man. 1355092837 +I suspect the you are a on a soap box. I am not interesting in being a foil for you. 1302155040 +Whoa.. I'll try this out - *thank you* 1336113687 +Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that. I can actually almost relate, my last grandmother passed away a couple of months ago too :( I'm sure your grandmother is now in a happy and better place. My cousin had a dream about my grandmother, my cousin had planned (and did have) her wedding in May and my Grandmother couldn't make it til then :/ but my cousin had a dream where my grandmother said to her "it's alright, i'll be there at your wedding." And that was before she had passed. I'm sure they all have moved on to better places. 1345146146 +Timmy, are you there? 1352869645 +[Only men in my family....](http://i.imgur.com/f7EXB) 1347472885 +Um... did you actually watch that video? He's a 4Life distributor trying to recruit people. 1335300139 +Facts are controversial?\nI don't want to live on this planet anymore. 1321393254 +The risk of complications may be low statistically, but were a complication such as obstetric hemorrhage to occur, it could be almost immediately fatal. \n\n5 minutes to the hospital is too long in that scenario.\n\nSome might argue that 5 minutes is too far to the hospital in lots of non-childbirth related cases that are statistically more likely to occur. My personal opinion, though, is this: Why risk it when the outcome could be your child being born motherless?\n\nI would rather have all the medical facilities immediately accessible to address any complications the mother or child might experience. Still not a 100% guarantee of survival, but should complications arise, it drastically increases the odds for both mom and kiddo. 1298064128 +There is a gulf of insanity between the average mildly-religious person who wants to believe they won't die and someone has a plan for the universe, and the full-blown psychotic who actually thinks demons are running around causing headaches and sucking gay dicks.\n\nInsofar as skepticism is largely about public education, it might be worth recognizing the distinction. It's hard to know where to begin with the latter group; it might be a complete lost cause. 1353979636 +actually it doesn't, because how they're constructed is not an isolated concern. The mode of creation is connected to other issues about crop circles that aren't settled by simply arguing that human constructed circles have been documented. 1312231178 +Micro-economics might be like meteorology, but macro-economics should be more like climatology and it isn't. I've seen more predictive power come out of long term global climate studies than economics. 1309142989 +I have seen the original post, but your comment has worth the repost. 1326065621 +If you read Thunderf00t's subscriber base, you'd agree with everything except the homosexual part. 1350619143 +lol I just got done arguing with that Daemonicus idiot from another thread...\n\nHe's biggest fucking retard I've ever met. 1311040533 +>Would you be concerned if a scientist said that "Evolution is true"?\n\nYes, because it is an equally ridiculous statement. I'd do the same if anyone said the same of the Standard Model or Relativity.\n\n>Which means that AGW deniers are not acting in a rational, skeptical manner, because they are greatly exaggerating the probabilities that AGW is incorrect in order to make it appear as if the theory is controversial, and not well-supported.\n\nI disagree. Any whiff of dissent is met with pretty brutal personal attacks in a manner that is unbecoming to science. 1328287153 +People who hoax do damage to legitimate research. 1351815682 +Sorry, just not entirely certain if that was a "yes" or a "no"... 1356382808 +I used to work at a plant that processed flax for paper... we tried running hemp through the mill a few times in the past, but it's strength makes it very difficult to work with and as a result does cost substantially more to process. 1342123269 +The show is not too bad, though. However, I don't know if I have it in me to watch another "LOST"-type show. 1285167780 +I understand the other criticisms to my interpretation, but I am sorry, I don't understand this one. Are you saying that sharing knowledge is arrogant, or that everyone's knowledge is equivalent? I don't feel like I said that at all. 1336653357 +Not by itself it doesn't. You need other things like sodium as well. 1321934747 +I have no interest in debating you about the merits of lack thereof of a subreddit with ~1 million subscribers. It is entirely irrelevant to the discussion at hand.\n\nYou chose, for no apparent reason, to degrade and denigrate the members of a different subreddit in an entirely unrelated discussion. \n\nMy response was to politely suggest that you were displaying the very traits that you were ascribing to others, and then recommend that you take a good long look at yourself and your behavior.\n\nIf you truly believe that this makes me a "superior denigrating asshole", then the issue is with you, not me.\n\nAgain, look to yourself and stop blaming others for your actions. 1342673802 +Also don't little kids see weird paranormal shit? \nI don't really mind it. I'm don't believe in any religion but I'm spiritual and believe in bad entities. The story I just posted is the only good entity I've ever experienced. I guess that's just because I like scary shit. Oh well 1342942207 +No it's not. Extreme experiences induced by hallucinogenic drugs can suggest legitimate (if rash) hypotheses. Real stupidity would be to deduce that these experiences are conclusive proof rather than avenues of inquiry. Blackmore went ahead and probed such avenues, accepted the randomness of her results and after years of research admitted to being wrong. This, I call guts. Her only fault is buying too quickly into the hypotheses suggested by her experiences with drugs, something that, more often than we would like to admit, we are all guilty of. 1284890364 +What a beautiful, positive and joyful religion Catholicism is... 1342911644 +Funny - the people doing the hiring don't have any experience finding ghosts either. 1346350141 +Like Stross, I take a skeptical view of the time table put forth by Kurzwiel and all the utopian promises made by the singularitarians. The movement smacks too much of wishful thinking and something to fill a void for people who are atheist only out of fashion than a true non-belief.\n\nUnlike the author, I however do believe that something like the singularity could occur. My reasoning is this: I, you and everyone we know and who has ever lived are examples of what we (loosely and with much debate) define as 'intelligent'. Now disregarding any unprovable supernatural elements, you and I are mere patterns of atoms and electricity. There are people undoubtedly 'smarter' than us who are just slightly altered versions of the same pattern. They're over six billion samples of intelligence on this planet right now, that came about with no other influence other than nature's. If patterns like ours can sprout up with only evolution as a guide, than creating something like us artificially should be possible.\n\nIf we fully understand the pattern that defines 'us' and gain the technology to replicate the pattern and alter it: We'll have something we created that is more intelligent than the creators which is then capable to create another even more intelligent entity. This is the biggest step towards the post-singularity infinite rate of technological progression.\n\nIt doesn't necessarily have to be a computer program as a genetically modified clone could just as easily get the ball rolling. As long as we create something smarter than us, it doesn't matter if the pattern resides on a server somewhere or inside a skull.\n\nI can't imagine placing a timetable on this and I think anyone who does is just yanking our chain to sell books and seats at expensive seminars. The singularity just means: anything past this point is unpredictable. It doesn't mean instant utopia, eternal life and some form of demi-godhood for you. It just means: "Undefined."\n\nOh and by the way, Accelerando sucked. There's a lot better singularity Sci-Fi out there with more likable characters.\n\n**tl;dr:** I think the singularity could happen, but there's a lot of noise in the signal. Beware people who claim to know when it'll occur or want to tell you all about how awesome it is for a nominal fee.\n 1309053417 +most likely a bit of something left over from a shipwreck, like an old ship boiler or something. 1320945115 +lol feels like they're out in full force today... 1291433990 +It's not a street light i have a far off picture and there isn't a street light.\n 1341147709 +Look more into what?\n\nLook, you're asking me to present a thorough case using only primary evidence for a set of scientific discoveries being discovered only by humans without the help of Aliens. I can't present this case. I also know that you can't present a persuasive case to the contrary. \n\n I can however point you to every other scientific breakthrough in the history of humanity, discoveries that required moments of brilliance and departures from generally held thoughts, that were sometimes so revolutionary that they may have appeared to come out of nowhere. Was Godel inspired by Aliens when he discovered his Incompleteness Theorem? Was Einstein just copying Aliens when he proposed General and Special Relativity? Did Darwin get his ideas for Natural Selection from Aliens? If your argument is that Aliens helped us create the semi-conductor because it "came out of nowhere", then every other scientific discovery that seemingly "came out of nowhere" was also given to us by Aliens, or your argument is flawed. I don't need to give you an extensive history of the transistor to show that your argument is, quite frankly, bullshit. I just need to apply your general argument to the wealth of Humanity's scientific discoveries and show a contradiction.\n\nAs for holding "UFOs to sme crazy level of standards", I don't think I am. I think it's reasonable to expect some form of consistent, testable evidence before reaching a definitive conclusion. \n\n 1329000727 +I'm a merchant mariner and this show drives me nuts because it props up people that are using very dangerous tactics. Regardless of what you think about the politics surrounding whaling or the Antarctic whale sanctuary, they are endangering the lives of people.\n\nI personally think that the discovery channel supporting them is very irresponsible because of how dangerous they are to people. 1311439700 +So I downloaded the ghostradar app for iphone. It seems pretty fake but i swear before it said pot and i heard a pot clank in the kitchen sink. It was still daylight, I was alone, and I ran outside like a baby. 1314749530 +Could try that, thanks. 1347126723 +Essentially, it must've been a controlled demolition, because...... it looked like a controlled demolition? 1315773235 +Pat Tillman, Jessica Lynch, Suicide epidemic among veterans (see below), government hiding true debt levels (see below), the fact that social liabilities are "off-budget" (illegal), and plenty of others, but I have to run. \n\nhttp://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/11/13/cbsnews_investigates/main3496471.shtml\n\nhttp://www.news.com.au/business/breaking-news/us-government-hiding-true-amount-of-debt/story-e6frfkur-1225926567256#ixzz106MjZzOz 1285161682 +I had a key come off of my keychain ring while in my pocket once. *HOW DID IT DO THAT?!* 1337183757 +Agreed, also, they make neat apps on android and im sure iphone that will record all night but only start recording when it hears sound. Nifty for this or sleep talking/dreams, etc. 1354866819 +I wouldn't say it was a huge benefit to the US to get involved in Afghanistan and Iraq. It furthered the administration's foreign policy goals, but in the long run turned out to be a costly mistake with no clear victory. As I said, if the goal had been to remove the Taliban and Saddam all along, an event like 9/11 was not necessary to carry that out. They simply seized on the opportunity when it presented itself.\n\nIt doesn't hurt to be skeptical but I believe we have established by now that the US government did not have a role in planning or carrying out the attacks. There is simply no proof. 1354827524 +Yes! I'm from Cleveland and the Mansfield Reformatory is crazy! Definitely check that place out. 1350370549 +I love Ancient Aliens. I had an opportunity to interview Phillip Coppens from the show about some of the questions I had....Here's a YouTube link if you're interested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdg20HA_rTQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player 1349374590 +I would like to know more about this. 1281147475 +Wait, is something wrong with yoga? 1335647794 +Passwords solve that problem easily, and soon every kid will have a smartphone with internet access. 1329202679 +How did he do the trick in the video then since there was no paper involved? Were the audience members just in on it? 1346379766 +I agree it would be nice to have one irrefutable piece of evidence put forward, but in the meantime... there's an eye-opening exercise at hand that is to put 'all the pieces together', that serves as evidence just the same; all the evidence ever collected over the years...reports, accounts, testimonies, research initiatives, photos, videos...all of that accounts for evidence of a genuine phenomenon, whether pathological or otherworldly in nature. \n\nThat's worthy of more research and open discourse, imo. Contemplating random photos and videos will always send us in a worthless tailspin. 1322944952 +I like this wiki, but this article in particular doesn't have any scholarly links to support its claims. I believe them, of course, but if I'm going to show her a site, I want to make sure she can't shoot it down because it doesn't have support. Maybe I'll check out the credentials of the editors? 1346881164 +On Day 4 after Matt sees the injuries on his leg, did you guys just drop the topic and continued playing or did you talk about it? What did you talk about? How did you feel? 1344867340 +I have a ton of gadgits but my core kit includes: a digital voice recorder with external microphone, video camera with infra red/ultra violet, illuminators for the camera, a digital still camera, a still film camera, EMF detector, flashlight, and pen and paper.\n\nSince you are starting out you don't need all the fancy stuff yet. Learn how to use the basics first then add on new toys. Learn to observe your surroundings and to always be aware of what is going on around you. That alone will take you further than any equipment can. 1344537141 +> But just think how we could save the world by teaching starving people to do dishes!\n\nI thought we were already doing that? 1277686542 +The story doesn't seem legitimate. The man without a country doesn't mention the name of the country, as they most certainly would've taken note of. 1354226915 +This seems like the movie *Donnie Darcko*. A guy who is told by a creepy bunny costume the world will end in october 31st I think... Anyway, he soon discovers in the movie that wormholes occur and appear randomly anywhere in the universe. As long as you have a metal craft (according to the movie), you could safely travel through time. Reading these kinds of things make me think that it could be possible to do without. 1352693538 +Strange things have been known to happen near I-29N. 1339162743 +If the only source is the FDA, then you aren't very much of a skeptic. The FDA has approved many things that turn out to be harmful later. They are bought by the people they regulate, just like every other regulator. 1341970413 +I myself am atheist, yet I have a strong belief in ghosts. Less of a spirit idea than the escape of an energy that is connected to an area or community. 1341462808 +Next on the agenda: let's talk about the dangers of [dihydrogen monoxide](http://www.dhmo.org/msdsdhmo.html)! 1339593251 +If their belief in Santa was to tech pseudo-science that can be dangerous, you should speak the fuck up or you are just as guilty. 1318452725 +If you can say that then you run with the moron crowd. 1336389728 +I watched The Doctors TV program the other day and they recommended rubbing Epsom salt in the scalp before showering as a help with dandruff. That seems like a more effective use of Epsom salt in a warm bath.\n 1295419884 +Your logic is based on the current definition of slander.\nEdit: I should expand on that. "Social" truths are subjective by nature. How confident are we that a lawyer couldn't "objectively" prove that a social truth was slandered in a court room? 1316991557 +I'd wanna know why he sued his girlfriend for killing his rose bush :/ 1342567770 +Thanks a lot! Always looking for some new places to explore within a days drive. 1331591301 +Goddamn mobile reddit. This is in response to the Dudley rd. post. 1347376850 +http://www.channelguidemagblog.com/index.php/2011/09/23/long-island-medium-theresa-caputo-talks-to-my-dead-mother-for-real/\n\nThis is just cold reading...... 1317934348 +Perhaps they should start a scheme whereby audiophiles can specify how much they'd like to pay. Of course there's a lot of cachet in spending more than those other suckers. 1263937737 +>If you disagree that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas and that we should not attempt to reduce emissions your are purposely murdering our planet.\n\nThese are opinions not actions. Opinions don't hurt anything, only actions do. Emitting CO2 in an unsustainable way murders the planet, believing this is false does nothing of the kind. 1333725884 +I am trying to raise the question, and you may take it as an attack if you like. \nIt seems like even raising a legitimate question, which him owning slaves in a government that he headed, in which the ruling class owned 93% of the wealth, and owned serfs or slaves, certainly is. It is also reported in multiple sources that his party owned approximately 6,000 slaves. When I raise the question, though, I am attacked as though I have an ulterior motive or something. Or people accuse me of being a Chinese sympathizer, when I think that the Chinese government is one of the worst in history.\n\nNobody should be beyond question, and it seems as though he is. Even posting a differing viewpoint elicits anger and scorn from nearly anyone on Reddit, much in the way criticism of Mother Teresa used to before all those stories came out. Instead of researching it, everyone of the 50+ sources I have shown to others have been dismissed, and I have been accused of bias. I don't know of many other public figures that get this level of loyalty and support without question. It seems fishy, when he said that he lied for years about taking the CIA's money and guns to train guerilla fighters, after denying for 50 years that he did it.\n\nLet me ask you why you think I'm attacking him when all I'm doing is raising legitimate questions? And why does it "seem painfully obvious?" It is a 6 word, direct question I asked. How could you read into it what my motive was?\n\nI am merely a skeptic who is allergic to bullshit, and I don't care what a person's status is. 1353912085 +I have a couple of these kids living in my house. My sons have super dark eyes, so dark it's almost impossible to tell where the pupil ends and the iris begins.( I also have the same eyes.) Good to know I'm right when I say they are acting like little monsters 1335294964 +Oh man. Something does not want me to see these pictures. I logged in with Facebook and it's just blinking and refusing to load! 1331090789 +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWoNAagCbsM 1319257738 +Maybe because he was "Trespassing"? 1351522147 +Did you even read the article? 1349279376 +Did you even read the article? 1354431573 +They meant sodium chloride... move along. 1241387625 +Bromine was exactly the answer I got when searching for an answer to this a few months ago. At high dilutions, it wouldn't irritate his hands and would warm up just fine, I suspect. 1309630668 +I hope that soon we can get rid of the cultural belief that fit = thin, lazy = fat. It's really just how much food you eat, nothing else. Of course it's harder for the very fat to exercise, but that seems to be the only actual correlation. 1345908117 +Yes, and that is not equivalent to "Islam is the only source of Middle Eastern problems." But it is pretty similar to "Islam is the major source of problems in the Middle East."\n\nIf I edited the image to clarify that it is the major source of problems in the Middle East, would you then agree with this post and what I've been saying all along??\n\nBecause I feel like the major source of animosity in this thread, is the fact that people think I am claiming if we just get rid of religion, somehow the Middle East will become Europe---never do I say that. I am simply saying that Islam is a major source of problem and we shouldn't be so reluctant to dismiss the influence of religion has on these countrys' tragic situations. 1347871351 +> but it was indicative of a larger problem that is a big deal, and which was made evident in the responses to Watson's comments.\n\nNo, it wasn't indicative. \n\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clustering_illusion\n\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_sharpshooter_fallacy\n\n 1351154529 +You don't seem to be able to argue either side effectively from where I'm sitting. Your links certainly don't do the job. 1341321781 +Nothing about this is stupid. Everyone has their own take on things. I personally dont like the word "Psychic" or honestly believe in them (but I am open to the idea for obvious reasons. I just have a hard time with people who pray on peoples money during times of loss.) \n\nIt is very well possible that she was there guarding you from your accident. And I have read when people have near death experiences or extremely traumatic experiences, that they experience a "quick connection" with the other side. \n\nWhile I am in no way shape or form an expert on this, but I think it could happen. \n\n* and im glad to hear you are okay after such a scary accident :( 1333899574 +It's because it's a Silly Con Watch 1305658710 +perhaps the glass was poorly placed in the cupboard and a very slow slippage occurred. perhaps there was a small earth tremor which knocked over the glass. perhaps a shift in air pressure. perhaps the house shifted on its foundations. perhaps the dog bumped into the cupboard.\n\nmaybe i am an idiot but doesn't wave function and superposition apply to sub atomic particles and not objects such as glasses in cupboards? 1342783427 +Possibly I was more strident than I should have been, I still can't tell since it's 5:40AM and my blood is dangerously low on caffeine. As you say, drug references are a staple of mass media throughout the western world and much as I abhor the concept of commercial prisons I don't think a sinister conspiracy is required to explain the graph I linked above. 1336107195 +Tagged you as "legitimately thinks milk is a carcinogen". 1328526324 +"Are you that starved for recognition that you have to put your entire post in quotes and then attribute it to yourself?"\n\n-The most insightful person on the internet 1339708503 +I took the time to look up the "founders" of higher criticism or as he called it, the critical historical method, I saw that of the one of the first men to apply that kind of reasoning to the study of the bible, was a catholic priest. He was very controversial on many of his views (advocate of free will and stuff) but he was still a priest. I think a priest, even one who fancies himself as a philosopher born of the age of reason, will hardly apply any form of criticism in a way that would be so detrimental to his faith. Using “reason” in this way is quite convenient when it comes to validating one’s “holy” texts. Then again, the man could have been without bias… because the Church is well known for that. 1306446780 +From the article: \n\n> The helmets shielded their wearers from radio waves over most of the tested spectrum ... but, surprisingly, amplified certain frequencies: those in the 2.6 Ghz ( allocated for mobile communications and broadcast satellites) and 1.2 Ghz (allocated for aeronautical radionavigation and space-to-Earth and space-to-space satellites) bands. \n\nExcuse me? They're saying that a simple piece of foil can *amplify* a signal? Where exactly is the power for this amplification coming from? \n\nNow, I could believe that a conical shaped foil hat might focus radiation that leaks in from below since it will "trap" it inside the hat... \n\nAnyway, any paranoid person with a little bit of sense knows that the only truly effective tinfoil setup is one that covers the whole body, going all the way to the ground. That way you have a full body Faraday cage (with the ground, being a fairly good conductor and *somewhat* thick, acting as the final side).\n\nThe only downside of this getup is that you can be mistaken for a very shiny futuristic member of the KKK. 1349123216 +Just because you have never had experences, dosent mean others havent. You quite possibly could have, and never recgonized them as such, your not open to it. A lot of people arent. I know what i have experenced in my life and after seeing my dead ex boyfriend in my back seat, in my mirror, telling me to pull over right now, ( and beleive me ,I did) and watched a semi go through a the redlight. If I hadent of pulled over at that moment. I would have gone through the green light on my side and been hit by that 18 Wheeler dead on. THAT was all the proof I needed. 1344011298 +I found a [link](http://www.amazon.com/12-Piece-Sand-Water-Playset/dp/B0080XVB2A) for you. 1347749798 +Lol'd 1350267738 +I don't think you understood what the article was about. 1289960184 +I happy for you guys for sticking to healthy eating habits. \n\nSimply addressing the logic behind this diet. Modern agriculture is not bad, is not causing illness, and athletes are not better off if they avoid rice. \n 1292294189 +Atheism isn't "Patriotic". It is the non-belief in God or Gods. Period.\n\nOne can be an Atheist and be extremely Partiotic or a complete traitor. 1341357215 +So OBEs are not related to astral projection?\n 1320325251 +which i did, before going here:\n\nhttp://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/gzlto/simple_question_suicide_post_has_this_been/\n\ni even get less of a reply.\n\ni should have formulated my question this way: how can a plank bend wheat without breaking it? 1304097599 +YES!!! PLEASE! 1349815418 +Okay, it's more like a teacher. She has a Masters and this stuff is definitely not curriculum material. 1332005009 +Well, does it? 1318536291 +In all likelihood, it's probably a bug. 1344211545 +I'm sorry, you might have confused heavy metals with something like riacin. You see, they aren't. Hooray! Because it is not uncommon to ingest various heavy metals throughout your lifetime for a variety of reasons. Such as a penchant for predatory fish perhaps. God only knows, but, thankfully, heavy metals aren't dangerous unless certain thresholds are exceeded. Else, there would not likely be one Japanese person who could form sentences due to mercury poisoning. 1256737290 +[The Long Run Blog](http://thelongrunblog.wordpress.com/) 1334288600 +I think you meant 93% of dumb people and 98% of people who can talk. \n\nDumb means you can't talk 1342160501 +As if they need more people wasting their time and making life harder for them. See: Wyclef Jean's Yele charity bullshit 1350902781 +Protip: They are made by people. 1283451218 +for fuck's sake. I explained this on another thread(s).\n\nHomeopathic quacks will do _both versions_.\n\nwith the stupidest people they will say that you dilute a poison to cure a poison.\n\nWith others, they say you dilute a medicine in order to increase it's potency because water 'remembers' what's been in it.\n\nIt's about the money.\n 1279052215 +Yes I do. They are exploiting people in the same way. 1305346285 +What! Huffpo publishing unverified bullshit!? THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS 1278544195 +I believe it may have to do with blood pressure/flow. 1340058741 +As a skeptic I really don't have an opinion about acupuncture besides knowing that there is no substantial evidence or logic for how or why it works. I'm very willing to listen if new evidence or a new theory of acupuncture comes to light.\n\nThat being said, why go chasing after something that, by your own admission, is just barely able to show any appreciable effect? Why throw billions at CAM when there are far more promising therapies and drugs on the horizon?\n\nI guess I'm just lost on why someone would defend something that's really not that big of a deal. 1346292533 +Zero. No chance. \n\nPeter Panic summed it up pretty well. 1340742510 +Firstly, it’s called a [*doom*buggy](http://www.doombuggies.com/).\n\nSecondly, your description of the location of your mom and sister doesn’t make sense to me; at Disneyland in California, the doombuggies turn left to face the hitchhiking ghosts, so the doombuggy in front of you with your mom and sister would then have been to your right.\n\nIn any case, do you have a source for the story of the death of the teenager? 1341959613 +Sounds like breatharianism. Well, Breatharians supposedly live on air rather than sunlight, but you get there by the same method.\n\nhttp://whatstheharm.net/breatharianism.html 1298067474 +Just for the record, I haven't downvoted you. I believe that there are ET vehicles, I believe they can be caught on camera - but that doesn't mean I turn off common sense. \n\nYou seem to do, though. And you try to make it sound like I say pretty much the opposite of what I do. I think people are right to downvote you. 1351280890 +Or wearing a hat and riding about in a tank lookign like snoopy. 1319016809 +TL;DR? 1291527145 +This may be weird to most of you if not all of you, but when I went to school in the... ahhhemm.. 1960's, our straw wrappers, not the straws, were sweet tasting. Yeah, they were so sweet, us kids would chew the paper of the straw. Why would these wrappers be tasting so sweet? I don't know, but I did hear some rumors of them being sweetened with aspartame. What's with that? Was this a testing ground? Were we guinea pigs for the product? I am only now questioning this since I see no need for aspartame to be used in straw wrappers, and the sweetness is still in my memory and I can assure you it was aspartame. 1278716785 +might want to observe 'rational', poster of this, is the same guy. 1288248336 +I agree....seems like something significant happened so it would be nice to see and judge for ourselves. 1242856221 +It's likely a higher being interacting with you and extremely likely (IMO) to be one of your guides or something. It's easy to develop a fear initially (I definitely did) but once I got into reading/understanding these things, those fears quickly subsided. Best way to look at it... imagine a loving, mentor-like parent who you unfortunately cannot remember at the moment trying to get your attention and strengthen the connection between the two of you. 1346551517 +Awesome. A bit about my confirmation bias: I've had pot 6 times in 8+ years and haven't cared for it. I much prefer alcohol. A couple of times I've had pot because I was traveling, forgot my painkillers, ended up in a bad situation, and the only painkillers strong enough people had on them were medical pot, which works, but is short lived and kind of annoying. One thing that I have found to be fascinating about pot is how drastically different some strands are. It is almost like pot is multiple different types of drugs under one name.\n\nAnyways, the study doesn't go over brain chemistry, or 'brain damage' yet it implies as much. I think people forget that IQ change in a person is tied to personality, not genetics, and therefor to look at IQ change you look towards personality change not brain development. The idea that minors have a lower IQ from something physical and not something tied to a personality change seems unreasonable, yet implied, which is kind of annoying.\n\nI'm not doubting the study, but more the implications.\n\nWhat do you think of my perspective? 1346350345 +You're right, our president wouldn't have the spine to do that, such an action would require change. Instead he will continue playing the same old game and keep it a secret. 1328080646 +Here's what happened in plan layman's terms: The solar radiation from the CME (coronal mass ejection, aka solar flare) hit dust particles being left in the wake of an extremely hot planet with no atmosphere to keep all the surface dust contained when an meteoroid hits. This dust is being pulled along by the magnetosphere, thus when the solar radiation hit the ionized particles and was refracted through the magnetosphere, we see a phenomenon very similar to what we on earth label an aurora. 1323429202 +The basis for chiropractic theory - subluxation is completely false. There is no such thing. So, what do you think of someone that trains in an occupation for which the very basis is false? 1322339806 +Came here to say exactly this. 9/10 "paranormal investigations" are done for the sole purpose of people scaring themselves, with any "evidence" being largely anecdotal. \n\nI'm not saying ghosts don't real, but most ghost hunts are just for fun. 1341039333 +*\\*sigh*\\* I seem to have taken this thread as my crusade *du jour*. Be that as it may, I might as well proceed.\n\nConsidering that the Norwegian Medical Association is a member or the WMA, I'm pretty sure that you, too, adhere to the principles of the [Declaration of Helsinki](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declaration_of_Helsinki) and it's later revisions, that state e.g. that:\n\n*"The benefits, risks, burdens and effectiveness of a new method should be tested against those of the best current prophylactic, diagnostic, and therapeutic methods. This does not exclude the use of placebo, or no treatment, in studies where no proven prophylactic, diagnostic or therapeutic method exists."*\n\nThis means that controlling with only a placebo - i.e. a sham treatment with no physiological effects - is *unethical* if there is an already effective treatment available. Otherwise, the use of a placebo is only acceptable if the treatment studied is *"for a minor condition and the patients who receive placebo will not be subject to any additional risk of serious or irreversible harm"*. \n\nYou cannot study e.g. a cancer medicine with half of the subjects only getting saline injections - that would be a death sentence to those unlucky enough to be in the control group.\n\nThis doesn't mean that the studies do not take into account the placebo-effect, but that they just do not use an actual placebo.\n\nThere is no need to test each drug against a *bona fide* placebo to determine that it fulfills the effectiveness requirement you mention. If you test against a prevailing treatment you pretty much know already that if you do better than it, you certainly do better than a placebo. Broadly speaking, the success rate requirement only really applies to somewhat suspicious treatments trying to get approval to be called a medicine, like herbal remedies - e.g. whether [echinacea extracts](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echinacea) can be called medicine or not. Nobody wants to develop a drug that is e.g. overall less effective as a painkiller as ibuprofen - a drug like that would never go into production from economic reasons alone, even if it somehow gained approval (which it wouldn't).\n\nI swear I'm not making this up, these are international treaties and guidelines, to which each individual Medical Association has agreed. Check with your friend, I'm pretty darn sure they'll agree with me. 1326136771 +? | You should change the upvote and downvote signs to question marks on this subreddit\n------------- | -------------\n** ¿ ** | \n\n 1309473609 +The [Cash Landrum Incident](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cash-Landrum_incident) is, in my mind, the best example of what you're looking for.\n\nMultiple eyewitnesses, measurable physical effects, and evidence of government involvement from reliable sources. \n\nI've been to the site once. It's a surprisingly isolated area, despite being so close to Houston. Definitely creepy too. 1346712731 +I worked summer jobs on a biodynamic (Demeter certified) farm for years during high school and can attest your introduction to the topic is quite spot on. While the 'organic farming' bit always made sufficient sense to me, seeing the farmer dowsing amidst the cauliflowers made me question his sanity. 1330276098 +Wow... I consider myself pretty well versed in all things UFO, but it never occurred to me that Rendlesham and the Cash Landrum case were separated by only a few days. That's quite the interesting coincidence. 1344565866 +I could imagine myself crapping my pants if that were to happen to me, freaky stuff. 1336309180 +My issue was with your first sentence. Theism is about belief. Gnosticism is about knowledge.\n\nStrong atheism is "I believe there is no God (or no gods)."\nGnostic atheism is "I know there is no God (or gods)." 1288376197 +Sorry, where is the proof? Was there a voice mail left from an alien, on an ancient Mayan Nokia phone?\n\nDon't get me wrong, I want to believe and thing there is life out there, but please stop saying we have effing evidence unless E.T. shows up and says, "Yo". 1331684203 +I don't care about chiropractic at all.\n\nThe thing about acupuncture in regards to cronic pain is that there are a few big and independent studies that show that it actually does help.\n\nWhat doesn't make a difference is where you shove the needles, as long as you pierce the body.\n\nCheck this out, it's an artical on a large study done by german health insurcance companies to evaluate the viability of acupuncture:\nhttp://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiegel.de%2Fspiegel%2Fprint%2Fd-32565481.html\n 1326043112 +Exactly! Every Ghost hunter-ish show is way too dramatic and 'hokey' IMHO. I'd love to watch A group of ex-Navy Seals or Army Rangers systematically go through a place that is 'haunted'. 1334124116 +You can learn to spot the person who doesn't care if they're telling the truth or not because when they write to try to convince, they just list a bunch of things that they think might change your mind. There's no structure, no organization, no plan - and no attention to whether any of the things contradict each other.\n\nSomeone who actually cares about the answer sets up the question, identifies whatever factors it might depend on, forms a plan to investigate, and draws some conclusions. 1317752056 +My skeptic brain is confused by this wizard I see. Rethinking factuality of LOTR. 1300559936 +Is this really any worse than relying on prayer to heal an injury or cure a disease? It's all a bunch of clap-trap. 1335514197 +TheCookieMonster posted [this video](http://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/bi43j/ki_master_vs_mma_old_video_but_im_posting_it/c0mvkvk?context=1) which may shed some light. 1269568321 +I don't recall whether or not my insurance covers homeopathy, but it does cover Christian Science practitioners. &#3232;\\_&#3232; 1342741595 +Being dumb? Like taking vitamin pills that you don't need? Yeah. 1314453663 +Yea. To get banned from /r/mediation you have to be really a kook.\n\nNut wasn't a strong enough term I'm sorry to say. 1351367551 +I'm not 100% sure myself but it's something that should be added to the general conversation. 1287560267 +Let's do it! 1304750864 +Or a medicine! 1321909803 +That's why it says "undergraduates." And 52 is not a "small" sample size. 1325647929 +(It's worth noting that the video mostly focuses on the question of safety of artificial sweeteners, not efficacy for weightloss. That doesn't make these points less valid, but is relevant for any redditors wondering what the video is all about.)\n\n> Several large scale prospective cohort studies found positive correlation between artificial sweetener use and weight gain. The San Antonio Heart Study examined 3,682 adults over a seven- to eight-year period in the 1980s [18]. When matched for initial body mass index (BMI), gender, ethnicity, and diet, drinkers of artificially sweetened beverages consistently had higher BMIs at the follow-up, with dose dependence on the amount of consumption. \n \nCorrelation, not causation. I thought I was in /r/skeptic here? I am disapoint. \n \nOver-eaters tend to consume a lot of things, including sodas (diet or otherwise). Skinny, health-conscious people avoid sodas (diet or otherwise). Thus, being fat will lead you to drink more sodas (diet or otherwise). Artificial sweeteners might indeed make you fat, but this study does not in any way prove that.\n\n> In addition, consensus from interventional studies suggests that artificial sweeteners do not help reduce weight when used alone [2,25]. BMI did not decrease after 25 weeks of substituting diet beverages for sugar-sweetened beverages in 103 adolescents in a randomized controlled trial, except among the heaviest participants\n\nSwitching to diet soda didn't work...except when **it did work**.\n\n> double blind study subjected 55 overweight youth to 13 weeks of a 1,000 Kcal diet accompanied by daily capsules of **aspartame or lactose placebo**. Both groups lost weight, and the difference was not significant. Weight loss was attributed to caloric restriction\n\nUm...no one is saying that artificial sweeteners miraculously cause weightloss. I'm pretty sure the claim is that replacing sugar with an artificial sweetener -- assuming all other variables remain static -- will result in reduced caloric intake, which then results in weightloss. Comparing aspartame to a placebo and having both groups lose the same weight in fact suggests that aspartame does NOT lead to weight-gain.\n\n> Similar results were reported for a 12-week, 1,500 Kcal program using either regular or diet soda [28]. Interestingly, when sugar was covertly switched to aspartame in a metabolic ward, **a 25 percent immediate reduction in energy intake** was achieved [29]. \n\nHey, look at that.\n\n> Further, the research in this review indicates that artificial sweeteners do not activate neurological satiety loops in the same way as sucrose, *meaning they actually increase appetite*\n\nNo, the study says they **may** contribute to increased appetite. Sounds like a hypothesis to me, not a conclusion.\n\nAlso, why *should* a zero-calorie drink trigger your full satiation response? You aren't satiated at all. Is there any indication that it SUPPRESSES a satiation response, if consumed during a meal? There's nothing in your excerpt at all. Nothing that supports the idea that artificial sweeteners would lead to binging or cravings.\n\nBTW, the normal pathway (as I understand it) for a satiation response is Grehlin, which is produced by a drop in blood sugar, which normally comes after an insulin response. Artificial sweeteners don't produce an insulin response, which is (one of the reasons?) why that chain fails, which is a GOOD THING -- because an insulin response would: \n* Lead to an inappropriate fall in blood sugar, resulting in an actual, acute craving \n* Trigger fat cells to store fat (and to prevent them from releasing energy from fat), which would res \n 1311965910 +i don't think this Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, in all his time at harvard learned anything. to him biology was probably verbatim regurgitation of things he read with out actually allowing them to sink in, he most likely spent the whole time just going through the motions until he graduated. i want to know where he was on the ratio of pass to fail when he sat his finals, i wouldn't be surprised if he only just scraped through. 1335588966 +>Often the news media use the words "highly diluted" when in fact homeopathy is just highly delusional. \n\nGreat line. :D 1283382057 +That was in reference to her blog, she frequently write about publications and takes them out of context. If you then correct her in the comments, she'll delete the comment, ban you, and update saying since no one disputed her she must be right; even though anyone will tell you that's not how a skeptic acts. \n\nAnd then there was the elevator incident when some guy asked her for coffee while waiting for an elevator and she just flipped the fuck out; Richard Dawkins even got involved and wrote a letter she over reacted, and she went on diatribe about how he being a man he could never understand how traumatic it was for her. 1346204674 +What is the paranormal connection exactly? 1310213173 +There might be evidence that any unsubstantiated claim occurred. But this guy presented none. That's why it is a story. 1352401092 +nope. 1354397063 +There is definitely a conspiracy of reality against christianity. Trillions upon trillions of particles are conspiring to behave according to laws that go against christian dogmas and canon. They all seem to communicate almost instantly with invisible waves to coordinate their actions. If that's not a large scale conspiracy against religion, I don't know what it is. 1344611346 +>my ringtone was bohemian rhapsody\nI signed in on three accounts to upvote this. 1329121191 +This is why I cannot stand when the media reports on video games. It's very clear they have no actual understanding of what video games look like or what it's like to play them. I have even seen actual news report something like, "Grand Theft Auto, a game in which players are rewarded points and gold coins for killing cops". That's a slight paraphrase but very close to the actual quote. 1356005411 +Not sure, but this site is highly known here, maybe thats why?\n\nWelcome though. 1334835166 +I love how they make it look like cake and cookies are better for you than steak or turkey. 1346445372 +How government should work. 1343257769 +Or maybe the UFO flap that happened in the 40-60s that started the whole flying saucer thing has faded and real sightings are much less frequent... 1348530771 +Not clear what you consider *real* evidence. I find that people who call themselves *skeptics* have generally made up their mind beforehand, and frankly you come off like you are spoiling for an argument. 1313510696 +Check in particular the Pambakian family. 1328362004 +Must be a spaceship then. Just look up space debri on wikipedia to get an idea how much random junk is orbiting earth. I don't want to burst your bubble but its most likely debri. 1346774404 +I'm constantly amazed that women aren't ranting day and night with rage about how they're often portrayed and the messages their media representatives give them. 1294485416 +I am a woman and an atheist. If a man, or anyone for that matter, did the same thing as the man in the elevator indecent I would decline and just go on with my life. I see that there is no issue with what this man did. Words are words. He didn't even speak rudely. He never threatened her or intimidated her in any way. Not even one physical touch. In my opinion as a woman this is meaningless. If a person asks me if I want to play baseball with them, but I just took the bar I would turn them down to rest. The two are the same in my mind. 1351116053 +Again, I'm not limiting this to marijuana smoking. [Here](http://www.emedicinehealth.com/smoke_inhalation/article_em.htm), [here](http://burningissues.org/health-effects.html), I didn't read through all of the sources on this [one](http://www.drugscience.org/Petition/C2B.html) but it appears sound. Again, I'm not knocking marijuana, the message trying to be portrayed is smoke=bad. Vaping and edibles should be the preferred method. 1332797923 +I just got of the phone with a buddy of mine who as a biology/general science teacher had some pH test paper lying around. Lemon juice (fresh squeeze) came in at a pH of 2 to 3. Since the chart didn't specify whether it would be just the juice or the lemon as whole he popped half a lemon in a blender and tested it at a pH of about 4. \nThe point you made about distilled water seems to have been sufficiently discussed in the thread you linked to, so I don't see how that justifies your observation that 'there is no scepticism here'. 1339624465 +lol. i read that as " Christiano Ronaldo claims end of the world is on May 21 2011". 1304980932 +Dawkins is DEFINITELY a liberal! 1306594175 +There ARE weapons of mass destruction in blah blah blah. People lie someitmes. 1304503910 +you are not verbose, but you are a gent. great post. 1331825455 +>7. If you can pedal a bicycle at an average of 10 mph, how long would it take to reach the moon riding your bicycle taking a three hour break every fifth hour?\n\nIt would take just over 4 years\n\nWhat the fuck does this have to do with Darwinism?\n\nI was gonna say that. 1307725492 +back in the day, Perry DeAngelis was a pretty good reason too. RIP 1310043170 +I guess I'm mainly looking at the 2nd box in the first panel ("Because for each thing...").\n\nThe protagonist's choice not to make fun of people comes not from the humility and self-awareness of understanding that he himself does not know many things, but rather the idea that his knowledge is special and obscure and so, gosh, all those regular ol' folks out there can't be expected to know what I know!\n\nIt is entirely possible that I am reading far too much into this and/or projecting and/or misinterpreting and/or need to cut back on coffee. 1336589592 +The orwellian use of the word "complementary" has nothing to do with the fact that it complements a primary treatment regimen. Treatments are not singular entities, in the same way that most diseases are not discrete problems with singular etiologies. Alt-med nutters use the word because it makes it seem like they aren't trying to deny the earth is round and revolves around the sun. It's like "intelligent design." 1319521920 +Best thing that comes to mind is your camera flash plus the quickness he needed to take the pic caused a bit of a blur. I personally have had that happen on both my iPhone and a regular camera. I also have never captured anything close to a ghostly phenomenon on film (but I have had more than enough personal experiences.) That being said, I have to ask: why should it freak you out that it might be a spirit? 1354947522 +That is freaky. There's a Highway that leads up to a place called Genting Highlands in Malaysia. Apparently stuff like this happens pretty often there. It is said that the people seen crossing or running across the road are victims of fatal accidents that have happened there. Maybe what you saw was a spirit of a victim? Or maybe just one passing by... 1334395177 +I know! That's some hateful shiznit, eh wot! 1315797305 +Derren. 1331133979 +>You are confusing the serious complications from the smallpox study with general complications.\n\nLike I said, I don't know what these complications are. I'm a physicist. Please provide me something to work with here. What is a complication from a vaccine? I've read a lot of literature about the field, I'm not totally ignorant of vaccines. But, I'm not sure what you think a "complication" is. Could you please be more clear about this? I'm actually genuinely curious. I'm merely being skeptical of your claims. I think this is the right subreddit for that, right?\n\nAlso, I never claimed that the US one is better than the European one. I more or less assume that they are the same until proven otherwise. I think that burden is on you, not on me. You're the one claiming that there is a benefit, yet you admit that you have no real evidence of that other than a conversation or so that you've had with people about "complications" that they have had. I don't know anyone who has had complications from vaccines here in the US. Could you please explain this to me? 1316112149 +So you agree that they can't explain it then right ? 1356303637 +The fuck is this? 1323601236 +The fuck is this? 1289532587 +^ this guy right here is using his brain. This is the stuff. 1348106757 +Forget it. He cannot recover. He is mentally ill and needs some kind of medical attention - but will never seek it. 1347287008 +We live in America unfortunately :T one of her old friends is a Wiccan but sadly, he's not the brightest of people. At the moment, I'd say it's fairly low key other than some malevolent giggling we heard a couple weeks ago, which I have to say scared the crap out of me XD 1341335551 +looks like some type of sanding/blasting media:\n\nhttp://www.kingspolishing.com/pro_detail.aspx?contentid=814\n\nThey even list a 'tri-star' shape, but there's no photo. 1343809586 +This, unfortunately.\n\nThis. 1332274169 +"He made us in his stupid image."\n\nSuddenly, the existence of creationists makes sense. 1321546921 +I guess I should spell it out. Conservative sources like those listed above tend to either\n\n1. Shed doubts on anthropogenic global warming\n2. Downplay the negative effects that it has\n3. Shed doubt on our ability to do something about it\n4. Or shed doubt about the degree of anthropogenic global warming.\n\nThe UCS is in the business of sheding light on just how bad global warming is an strongly advocates doing something about it. It's no wonder they aren't fond of more conservative publications like these. It's analogous to a bunch of jews rating arab news agencies. 1348425919 +I really have never tried or know the answer, but can one easily change their IP address? 1317508466 +I know an actual astrologer who does readings. He draws out all the charts by hand and is deeply into it. He is of course insane. 1319393472 +I'm no expert on Asia, but I'm pretty sure they eat mammals there too. 1289329739 +It just doesn't make science. 1300868355 +For fuck's sake. Anyone can disprove the minute details that this shit debunks, and anyone who is looking to disprove this movie on a whole will go "Oooh a link that aligns with my sheltered worldview! TL;DR The movie was complete and utter bullshit and that's that!"\n\nThe truth will set you free, and if you think everything in this movie was conspiratorial coincidence ask yourself this: What does this man and the organization that created this movie have to gain from "tricking" you into believing this? He's the heir to Procter and Gamble! \n\nNow ask what the establishment/Illuminati/13 families/Dark Occultists/Banks/Corporations/whatever-the-fuck-you-want-to-call-the-people-screwing-over-EVERYONE-else has to gain from the lies they spin? Everything: Us as slaves, the wealth of the world, and power.\n\nOpen your eyes, wake up, and realize the truths that are right in front of your faces. 1338328644 +I think there's room for both approaches and that both can be persuasive in different ways. It all depends on who you're trying to convince. Are you trying to convince the guy who is convinced that magic water fixed him? If so, you won't get very far by insulting him. Are you trying to convince the audience to whom this guy is trying to sell his magic water? Well then making him look like an ass would be one of the easiest ways to convince them. 1344609702 +I've been around the internet for a long time, and nearly everyone that sends out stupid threats is 14 or a total troll. If there are some people that are serious, they're idiots; however, they're likely a very small, yet vocal minority.\n\nI just don't take internet threats at all seriously. 1351135509 +Some poor kid is looking for that because they dropped it while shopping with there momma:-/ 1342301311 +Woman's son= man 1306110989 +So really it should be 'survival of the sexingest'? 1335084327 +Doesn't have to be that way. People will believe any stupid shit as long as you give them some sort of logical-sounding reason. My relatives read somewhere that freezing water before drinking it changes its crystal structure for a better one. When I told them that once you unfreeze it the crystals will be gone anyway they fell back to "at least this kills bacterias and the newspaper said its good for you" and continued to do so anyway. 1317226738 +Looks like they were smoking 1331898020 +Pfff... if they were really "max strength," the capsules would be coloured red. :-) 1338818998 +Pretty sure that's [Redmond](http://i.imgur.com/YRkXO.jpg), not California. 1343148203 +Mm. That definitely is interesting. I wonder what it was... 1343476847 +If it was not be tested on animals, it was tested on poor people.\n\nI don't buy anything that was not tested on animals. 1331838754 +This stagnant growth is a property of cost effectiveness and political attractiveness, no? In the U.S., at least, nuclear power was a non-starter for decades because of political pressure from environmental groups. Ironically, this forced US power generation largely to coal, which is about the most environmentally disastrous source of energy imaginable. 1328558121 +So in your opinion, society is irrelevant and we shouldn't care about things like racism or sexism as long as we aren't directly affected by it? 1351179224 +Interesting. I just watched the [original](http://youtu.be/2w0myRrAewA) video, and a few things struck me. This one seemed to be drifting quite a bit. The one I saw traveled at a constant speed at level altitude. Even the speed and direction(s) of the tumbling were constant. I probably should have described it before as being as it was as if it was spinning on multiple axes. The video will give me something to think about, though. Thanks! 1321810112 +Fake 1270980562 +Fake 1293603479 +Fake 1326097948 +Fake 1326736075 +Fake 1331787811 +Fake 1335752959 +Fake 1345741568 +Fake 1304532094 +It's an ironic page that was meant to show you the face of God. 1297796317 +I have lightly dleivered, check /r/paranormal now. 1341467221 +I have lightly dleivered, check /r/paranormal now. 1341467228 +I have lightly dleivered, check /r/paranormal now. 1341467238 +I have lightly dleivered, check /r/paranormal now. 1341467261 +Barrett has [previously responded to Bolen](http://www.quackwatch.com/11Ind/bolen.html) and has, in fact, filed a libel suit or two based on thing Bolen has posted and others have re-published. Many of the claims being made a provably wrong, and he has won several settlements.\n\nRead Barrett's rebuttal and decide for yourself. From my perspective, it looks like Bolen has a bone to pick and dosen't have the truth on his side. 1287637661 +Where can I see your recordings? 1341504071 +This has taught me some important lessons. First, that I can become immune to psychic attack by having my tongue "in the wrong position". Also that if that doesn't work, I can always fight off psychic attack by raising up my big toes. \n\nThe excuses people come up with when their woo is proven wrong is both amazing and rather sad. 1330571054 +The "victim" sounds like the dumber one. 1346645750 +they have a mini alien they are doing something to at the end. they were messin with the eye socket. 1356697373 +There is clearly the danger of legitimizing someone's view by accepting to debate them. And perhaps that risk is large enough to warrant declining such a debate.\n\nI do however think it would be hilarious to tackle creationists by arguing them from the point of view of alternative creation standpoints. \n\n"What nonsense! Clearly humanity wasn't created by Cannanite wargod Jahwe, everyone knows full well that Men were created from the vegetable world by the gods Odin, Hoenir and Lodur. One day the three gods were travelling across the barren earth and came across two trees with life-less twisted trunks. Odin shaped each of the trees into a man and a woman, and gave each of them breath. Hoenir gave them a soul and the ability to reason. Lodur gave them warmth and the fresh colours of life. The man was called Ask and his wife was Embla, and they proceeded to create the race of man."\n\nThis is clearly evident if you compare the genetic material of plants and humans, there are clear genetic similarities which point to humans having been created from trees. Silly christians! 1347549731 +For the gods' sake, they're having to confirm remains by DNA due to the nature of the crash and the condition of the remains. Who the fuck tries to give an 11-yr-old hope in that situation? 1355441694 +It has been in clinical trials for almost a decade now, it is a real thing. \n\nAny sort of HIV fighting aspects of it have not been nearly as well researched (if at all), as the article mentions. 1333493130 +Fully agree on this point. When the student group I advise did a [protest](http://skepticink.com/gps/2012/11/16/protesting-pseudoscience-a-how-to-guide/) of John Edward last spring, I brushed up on my cold reading skills beforehand. I did 10-12 readings and got some really nice hits, shocking most people and showing em how it was all trickery. 1356400162 +The only thing this video is good for is studying logical fallacies.\n\n"Jet cirrus" clouds, what she means is "jet stream cirrus clouds." Four and a half minutes into the video and she has already proven to me that she is irreputable source. She has demonstrated that she doesn't know what she is talking about. She has proven herself to be credulous. Far from compelling, sorry. 1325905430 +The focus on women's reproductive health. It's politicized and ghettoized. Many women's health issues are taboo to talk about, or deemed "gross," but we have tons of boner pill ads all over the place. 1329154780 +Doesn't really look like a fish. For one thing I can't see any fins that would propel it that quickly in any conventional fashion.\n\nIf it had just moved away at a slow speed it would have been more mundane, but that thing just *took off*. 1240812827 +Cat type eyes - nope.\n\nEmits blue green light from them - nope\n\nCan see in the dark - highly unlikely he has any better perception that other people. 1327462933 +I believe the story to be true so far as his personality completely changing, but my (completely uninformed) guess is that it didn't actually turn him gay - he was previously homosexual, but forced himself to think he was straight and act accordingly. The stroke could have affected his inhibitions, or robbed him of cognitive resources he had previously devoted to try and suppress his sexuality. \n\nBut who knows; there's evidence that there are not just hormonal, but structural differences in parts of the brains of homosexual versus heterosexual males. Perhaps trauma to certain areas could alter someone's sexual orientation. I really want to see a case study for this. 1320904069 +Dunno. Going by the nearest thing to empirical evidence we have, deities and apparitions choose to manifest almost exclusively to peasants and nomadic camel traders. Don't think that theologians even get a look in. 1274058942 +Someone say my name? 1341521694 +That does makes sense for all we know there could be someone pulling open off camera. 1327422537 +do you remember why you were saying that? 1326522199 +>And then my second thought was that making a claim like that without being absolutely certain would be unbelievably stupid.\n\nI've said it before, but it bears repeating: The Bush administration was *absolutely certain* that Iraq had WMDs, and it turns out they didn't. And nobody even cared. 1304560948 +You are welcome. I hope you have a better day tomorrow. 1331861195 +this was on the front page the other day, and is a dead animal up in the beams rotting away in a rotting old house.\n\nwhy is this here? 1346005499 +Thanks for the in depth and thoughtful reply. I'm a bit off my tits at the moment, so please forgive me if my answer appears disjointed. Its refreshing to hear someone from the skeptic community acknowledging that despite the mass of conspiracy data, there will be nuggets of truth with in it. \n\nI think every perspective has a piece of the puzzle.\n\nI dont think its really fair to say the conspiracy community is quite as autonomous to say they all say the same thing - some will say they know the truth, some are asking for the truth - and there is a cross over in data shared between the conspiratorial community and the "secular" crowds, and despite its cultic appearance, the people and the perspectives involved in the conspiracy community are incredibly varied and differ substantially on deeper inspection.\n\nI guess my criticism comes from the appearance that the skeptical community is usually quicker to deride the conspiracies than take a deeper look - but perhaps your answer has helped me consider something else...\n\nPerhaps it's a case of the loudest voices in each camp making noises which risk us making basic assumptions about the groups they represent.\n\nI think the vacuum of truth that comes from a knowing mistrust of official sources, as you've rightly acknowledged in your initial paragraph has created an inadvertent power vacuum for competing perspectives on reality - and the antagonism that exists on both sides is a consequence of this jostling for views in putting the world to rights.\n\nRegardless of the accuracy of perspective held up by either party, (or the perspective dismissed by either) I've sensed having gone through a full-blown "awakening" to the information in myself, that the need to defend it (and ultimately proselytise it) was in part an unrecognised product of doubt I still had in my mind about the information. I'd suggest that the same applies to those in the skeptic community who appear to spend more energy ridiculing the conspiratorial community than having a good hard look at what the data is saying. \n\nAs you say, there is so much we just dont know.\n\nI'm interested in building bridges through these competing perspectives because I often find myself seeing correlation between both sides, having passed through an intense phase of information gathering and becoming quite frankly quite intoxicated by it at times.\n\nNever the less, I've found myself passing through it with a growing sense of ambivalence to both skeptics and conspiratorials alike - it's occurred to me through the process that there are more fruitful and bigger fish to fry than screaming till you're blue in the face with someone doing the same back. It's all interesting information.\n\nI cant find a bigger question than "what is the nature of mind?" these days, and that question has superceded really my entire fascination with the NWO/Conspiracy lore.\n\nAnyway, thanks again for taking time to reply, best wishes and thank you for your efforts dissolving the fence between the camps....maybe it's all about what we identify with at the end of the day.\n\nPeace\n;) 1306623804 +/r/atheism is its own cult. Not all cults are religious in nature, yo. The have a pretty strict code of conduct there. If you don't agree with them may Great Old Ones help you. 1353075695 +This really is the bias test for /r/skeptic\n\nThis sort of submission is why I'm here. We need more critical thought and less circlejerking. \n\nBad studies? Poor methodology? Corruption? Just because the FDA or a pharmaceutical company says something is safe or effective, it doesn't mean we shouldn't be sceptical. Remember what happened here the next time someone makes a claim. It could be a homeopathic study or a pharmaceutical study. Don't just back up a source uncritically because you like the outcome. That's religion at that point. 1329827333 +Clearly he is neither an Academic or Historian, he is just some crazy old fucker that managed to drum up some second rate media attention. 1350812572 +>1) that many of the people making threats are members of the skeptic community, who seem to think it's acceptable to make threats, because:\n\nIt's just as likely they are opponents of the skeptical community and wish to discredit it. See creationists, acupuncturists, global climate change deniers, and so on.\n\n>2) the skeptic community is much quicker to condemn her for talking than they are to condemn the people who threaten to rape her.\n\nI'm sorry. That sounds like complete bullshit and stinks more of a personal opinion than an established fact. 1351129696 +> The sound track\n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73PnAymHAHk\n\n...in case anyone wonders 1310204379 +Alright, seriously? \n\nYeah, obviously this girl isn't familiar with the hivemind because then she would have steered far and clear from posting this to reddit.\n\nBut, really? You guys were just assholes. There was no call to completely out her and attack her like that. You WERE attacking her for simply posting about a festival, not even HER festival. Seriously, what the fuck? Way to further the terrible circlejerk reputation r/atheism already has on the rest of reddit. Way to fucking respect her right to invite people to something she's interested in. Just because you don't want anything to do with it, does not give you a license to e-thug her to tears. Polite discourse does not involve attacking someone until they're at their wit's end. Not only that, but you are misconstruing the festival itself, the majority of which is Yoga, music, and food. Sounds like a good time honestly.\n\nShutting down her voice because some gullible people might be taken in by a few things the festival (not her) have to offer is akin to that annoying nice guy, white-knight, all-women-are-fragile-flowers bullshit.\n\nFuck you.\n\nYou should apologize to her and for making this additional post. 1298655967 +oh, you.\n\n*ruffles hair*\n\nscamp 1332289223 +Can't make out anything the guy is saying. 1336967134 +I found some here: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread760104/pg1\n\nI like that second vid, where the object hesitates and then continues. 1318050258 +I posted the video of Current's explanation because the OP posted a video by him, not because he is some sort of authority on structural engineering. If you're looking for more information, I'd suggest an explanation released by Ramon Gilsanz P.E. and S.E. writing for [Structure Magazine](http://www.structuremag.org/Archives/2007-11/SF-WTC7-Gilsanz-Nov07.pdf) as for your claim that the government hasn't released an explanation, you're full of shit. Here is a PDF of [The National Institute of Standards and Technology Report on the Collapse of Building 7](http://www.nist.gov/customcf/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=861610)\n\n 1315750013 +What if I told you, that's what the IT world is becoming. 1347049249 +Deepak Chopra isnt a scientist- He is a self help guru. Does he claim to be anything else? 1323611461 +> I never mailed any threat to anyone's house. Please stop telling lies about me. I am not a liar. `-jcm267`\n\nWait, you're calling *me* a liar because I sourced [something that *you* wrote/confessed?!](http://i.imgur.com/7siJt.jpg) HAHAHA!!!\n\n> I paid like $3 for the address of some kid who I was in a lot of classes with in college and **who I didn't always get along with** (this kid was a nice guy but **completely insane** and **I just couldn't help myself but push his buttons**) so that **I could send a kazoo that I bought with my winnings at Dave & Busters** ***to his current address***.\n\nSo are you lying now or then? 1356560389 +You go to any web site where you can post comments and you will see this. The internet enables the "locker room" and "sewer" jokes to be displayed out in the open with no repercussions. 1325654809 +I just saw him at a performance a couple weeks ago. He was somewhat weak from a round of chemotherapy, so perhaps his spare time is minimal. 1307197158 +Sounds like a double standard to me. I don't see how some could be angry for being objectified after posing semi-nude or marketing themselves as "the sexy skeptic." It's like if I marketed a drug to cure a disease, then got pissed when people used the drug to cure their disease. 1310430293 +Damn, I hope it's not Xenu. The very last thing I want my last words to be is, "damn it, the Scientologists were right!" 1355942989 +Since, I'm a skeptic, I want to first hear the numbers from various different labs, what Dr. Oz reported, and what the FDA approves as safe levels, BEFORE I arrive at any judgment.\n\nI think there are worse things Dr. Oz has done, than this. 1316184957 +Haha! Those crazy vodka laden Russians. 1355137010 +You can't prove that a living, breathing, metallic pink-and-purple-polka-dotted elephant doesn't live in space orbiting Pluto, completely unprotected.\n\nDo you ever say 'but I cannot assuredly say that I'm 100% sure that elephant does not exist'?\n\nEver?\n\nWhy does God get the benefit of the doubt - but not the elephant? There's not one shred of evidence that says God is more likely to exist than that elephant. So, why do you have to hedge your bets with God, but not everything else? 1351061657 +I actually used to tell people I built my diet around my assumptions of what a hunter/gatherer diet would be like until all of the paleo people started telling me I was wrong because their illogical extremes made all the difference... it's good to find out that this isn't what paleo diet researchers are pushing. 1347627138 +You’ve “defined” chiropractic with a century old definition. That’s the logical equivalent of defining current medical practices with Victorian standards. It’s asinine, and it exposes your bias.\n\nHealthcare, like all science, is reliant upon self-revision and does not rely on doctrine like your example of religion does. Physio, for instance, has only adopted spinal manipulation as a form of treatment relatively recently.\n 1330028377 +Aww, it's alright. It was pretty cool while it lasted anyway. 1333041906 +Scenario: \n\nPerson A drinks a single beer, observes funny lights in the sky (which have a rational explanation other than men from outer space), and shares it with person B who was not witness to the event.\n\nPerson B smells the beer on his breath, and decides that he must be drunk. Dismisses his story as the ramblings of a drunkard and tells third parties that person A was drunk.\n\nWould this not be an ad hom? Remember, truth here is subjective. 1347499815 +> GM foods are annoying in many ways, but most of the good arguments against them are about how 3rd world farmers are forced into massive debts by companies selling GM foods.\n\n[Citation needed] 1333171656 +She digs up woo because there's massive profit in it for her, too. She's a 'stamp of approval' that people are willing to pay good money for. Don't think for a second that she doesn't know it's all bullshit. She keeps selling the snake-oil because it helps her brand too. It's a vicious cycle. 1346738836 +> Ouch. It worries me to think that fans of this book might honestly believe that situations like this are dictated by thoughts.\n\nTragically, I've heard people make that very claim and attempt to defend that position, usually with an unintentionally condescending attitude along the lines of: *"Oh those poor people, they're the cause of their own suffering by focusing on the negative and not making their dreams a reality. If only they understood."*. \n\nCome to think of it, I'm not sure that any of those people even read The Secret. This bullshit did not begin with that book and has been around under other names like 'the law of attraction' or 'the power of intent' for a long, long time. 1313121308 +It's funny because of eugenics. 1330139735 +I would sort by relevance so you get more videos people liked (since you already have selected videos from today) 1299936521 +You are joking, right?\n\nWhat do you think "side effect, possibly fatal," means?\n\nOr do you never watch TV with all those ads for western medicine? 1349063877 +I always advocate polygraphs(even though I know they can be dead wrong sometimes) for witnesses, but after listening I am 90% convinced these people believed what the were saying. Some were definitely scared of what they saw. 1350727030 +The obnoxiously high amount of contingent variables which led to the development of technological civilization on our planet leaves me doubting that there is any place like Earth with Earth-like beings out there in the universe. I know the universe is big, but given the limited sample size of known instances of life I'm not convinced that there are any good reasons to believe that the evolution of intelligent life has occurred more than once. Even if it did happen, or is going to happen elsewhere, someone has to be first. That could be us.\n\nI'm more partial to possibility of bacteria-like organisms. Given what we know about life as it arose on our own planet it seems a lot more reasonable. But until we get a second data point (i.e. life arising somewhere outside Earth) all we can do is wildly speculate. 1296089000 +> TIL That during the filming of The Exorcist, many actors were injured, the set burned down, a priest was brought in many times to bless the set, and the actor who played Burke, Jack MacGowran, died from influenza. (found on r/TIL) coincidence?\n\nSure that you want to base your finding on a sample size of one? A ridiculous comedy of errors may happen on the set of every movie. In fact, knowing Hollywood, I wouldn't be surprised to discover that this were the rule, and not the exception. 1355108919 +Lmao at using "Satanic invocation" and then calling Jewish mysticism "mumbo-jumbo hebrew shit"\n\nLearn your fucking roots. 1351410516 +Traditionally Inuit and Masai don't live sedentary lifestyles. 1299616171 +It is trivially easy. Measuring earth-propagated sound was a key part of my job, and it's easily achievable with very cheap equipment you could buy off the shelf for maybe 100 bucks. You could measure any non easily-audible sound with a very cheap geophone. 1307888476 +I can't wait to see James Randi's face when he's forced to hand over $1mln to this group after they comprehensively prove the power of prayer. \n\nOr maybe not 1346606645 +The authors rate each included study on multiple factors (proper control group, sample size, proper statistical analyses, using reliable measures, etc) on a scale from 1-16 (low to high). Of the 66 included publications, there are none that score above a 12. In fact, the average score is just 6.3. As with most meta-analyses, garbage in = garbage out. 1298225154 +Bad ideas are bad. 1342070639 +It would be entertaining to watch you explain why free association and you being prevented from involuntarily injecting people is wrong. Tip: Crying heard immunity doesn't cut it. 1347492073 +To use your example, let's say a dozen people saw a dog walk through your yard and someone has video of it leaving the footprints.You'd have someone claiming that the witnesses were paid by the police chief with the paw print boots and that he faked the video. \n\nThere is a point where it doesn't make any more sense to hold on to contradictory beliefs, let alone add more of them. Some people don't seem to be able to let their beliefs go because they're so sure the official story is a conspiracy/cover-up. There's a strange inability to jettison the lame hypotheses, especially when they're proven to be lame, and other lame hypotheses being added to consideration just because they contradict the official story.\n\nIt's one thing to consider a handful of contradictory beliefs when you just don't know and you're looking for an answer, but it's something else entirely when you cling to those beliefs in the face of evidence or answers that you don't like. 1329759423 +it's not that it's improbable. it's that all the people putting those claims forward are (more or less) crackpots. if they would only stop dreaming up stuff, we wouldn't have to deal with it. scifi is sweet and all, but don't take it into real life. 1340031729 +I find this a total stretch of plausibility. Otherwise known as bullshit. 1329083533 +Seriously? You can't figure out the difference? You can't see the difference between believing something, that is taught to you from birth and most of society around you also believes, vs. simply doing stupid things?\n\nSorry, but if you can't even figure that out, there really isn't much use discussing anything further. 1330328411 +Thank You. 1331090026 +Are you sure someone else isn't home? Say, someone they don't trust with taking care of the cat... 1343982759 +Aw, thanks. I've only been dealing with this stuff for 6 months, but I have had 7 spiritual encounters in that time frame.\n\nAm I dead wrong on any of these things? Or are there any insights you have that you'd like to add? I'm always seeking to increase and correct my knowledge on these things. 1323803118 +Um, no, actually r/skeptic is generally *pro*-vaccine due to the scientific evidence. 1262294636 +[PubMed](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=%22Bovine%20colostrum%22) does not agree with you.\n\nSince I don't have an account, I can't read all the results of those studies but I can confirm you that research has been done. Now if only someone could give us the results. 1311338973 +Where, exactly, do you get that statistic? 1342701729 +I've never talked about it online anywhere before, I was just adding my personal experience - feel free to ask me anything about it :) 1344264008 +Huh, there's at least 3 viewpoints (over shoulder, wider from left, and facing richard) cycled between in the videos, granted they're all a bit crappy in terms of 'professional interview' style, but they do the job. 1339251022 +I ve looked into that sight,so let me get this correct.. I should believe a president of the United States met the aliens just cause some guy wrote that? hmm... it took me some time to get to the point in my life that I dont need religion,this my friend is just the same.I should believe something someone said to someone? with no hard evidence? no data? no research? cmon.. I would be the first one to jump from happiness if aliens appeared .. (good or bad,fuck it) but I cant believe something this far stretched. 1349454813 +At the moment, I lack the desire to fully respond to this, but I want you to know that I agree wholeheartedly with you. I believe ET, under the same laws of physics that we experience here, would develop not only similarly to us, but would most likely follow a very direct path along evolution's line. Every creature needs its basic senses. To see, an eye needs to be evolved. To move, appendages. To hear, auditory receptors, etc. \n\nEverything we perceive here, we would undoubtedly be able to perceive on another earth-like planet. After all, we aren't the *only* place in the universe where our laws of physics apply. \n\nPeople are so quick to assume that *we* are the ones who stand out. I for one think we are a very naive and self-absorbed race, and we have a long way to go... Oh what I'd give to just travel the stars and nudge intelligent life along. 1328503053 +Also, if eating grains were bad for people, we would have died out thousands of years ago. \n\nKnow why cities like London and Rome are thousands of years old? Because they lie in geologically stable areas. \n\nKnow why humans have survived for tens of thousands of years without modern medical knowledge? Because we learned what was safe to eat and stuck with it. Mammoth good. Wheat good. Juniper leaves bad. Get it? 1268106807 +Dismiss it if you will.\n\nWhistleblowers on ETs are abundant and have since been killed.\n\nYou don't have to believe they are among us but...I would rather listen to people that lost their lives trying to get the information out for the greater good than people who are skeptics. 1345135425 +Do you have any opinion on the Nazi Bell machine? True/False? If it was true, they were definately up to something sinister. 1317128554 +I agree with everything you said, but I wanted to point out that the author is a "she." 1287430348 +Both of your assumptions of me are incorrect. It just seems that every skeptic tries to come up with an immediate invalid explanation. I apologize, but that display could not possibly be bats or moths. If you see a plane fly overhead, you can clearly see that it is a plane by the way it behaves: lights, straight balanced flight path, and lack of flapping to create lift. You can tell it isn't a bird. That is an observation made based on experience and you see it as fact. It is how our minds view the world. If some full grown man sat beside you, pointed at the plane and said "That's a blue jay!" or "That's a moth," you would suspect he is either dicking with you or somehow mentally incompetent. Or, he simply views the world so very differently. Either way, you can tell the difference between a plane and a bird. I, and people not clouded by complete skepticism or a lack of knowledge, can tell you with %100 certainty that the objects in those videos(regardless if it was sky divers, extra terrestrial life, or a government test ship)that those objects were not moths or bats by the way they appear and behave due to our knowledge of the observable universe. 1333068376 +That's what he's trying to do by asking a forum of supposed skeptics for their input. \n\nAnd if the health defects have been found, but not through peer reviewed studies then how have they been found? Anecdotal evidence? Supposition? "Studies" with undisclosed parameters?\n\n\nAlso regarding more effective cancer treatments: [citation needed] 1294244391 +There is a hilarious "documentary" on Netflix called ["Paul McCartney Really is Dead: The Last Testament of George Harrison"](http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/Paul_McCartney_Really_is_Dead_The_Last_Testament_of_George_Harrison/70144861?trkid=2361637). Check it out; it takes the conspiracy deeper than any other "source" I've found. 1340896842 +This is why he says we, and all we create, are nature. Everything in the past has led us to where we are now.\n\nI'm fond of the idea that our "consciousness" is actually us in the 4th dimension, and we are like a slug, composed of all states of our life from birth to death. I always kept the idea of us separate though, you are one slug, and I am another slug. His metaphor about the hand passing through the second dimension was really eye opening to me. I know the concept of a 3d object passing through a 2d plane, but to think we are all just fingertips of a larger hand connected in a higher dimension is awesomely comforting. Damn you pseudo-religion! 1344993413 +looks HAARP related... 1344782900 +Lol i think club would be the right word for them. I also am deeply fascinated by Egyptian culture especially the pyramid's and the sphinx. I personally think that they didn't build them using slave labor they either had assistance by terrestrial or extraterrestrial entity's or they used a technology that has somehow been lost in time.\nhttp://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/comments/kayx6/in_1923_a_small_100_pound_man_hand_cut_moved_over/ 1316939001 +>From what I've read, acupuncture has statistically significant results for some conditions - mostly relief of pain.\n\nI haven't read any peer reviewed, methodologically stringent study (eg. properly blinded, randomized, large N, etc.) that showed acupuncture had any effect that differed significantly from acupuncture placebo/sham groups. In other words, the studies (so far) illustrate that the efficacy of acupuncture are easily attributable to the placebo effect. If you know of studies that say otherwise, do share.\n\n>Acupuncture is a poor choice for the author to be critical of here because it has statistical significance above sugar pill placebo, relieving some instances of chronic pain where other treatments did not help.\n\nI have read about some interesting studies done recently that show that non-invasive or small placebos differ in effect compared to larger or invasive placebos (I haven't read the studies as of yet, so I cannot say that these differences were significant, or that they were significant). Ben Goldacre just did an interesting TED talk where he described such a graded placebo effect: with regard to placebo "efficacy", small sugar pill < large sugar pill < salt water (saline) injection. This is suggestive that placebos that are perceived by the patient as being more invasive tend to have a greater effect than those that are perceived as less invasive. But be mindful that we are still comparing placebos to placebos, and this evidence does not yet validate or justify placebos as being used as bona-fide medical treatments, especially for serious conditions. Also be mindful that such results are new, as we are just starting to dig into (with science, that is) what the placebo effect is and how it actually works.\n\nThat said, Novella is not declaring that placebo is bunk (his very first sentence implies the opposite). Rather, he is saying that people have a poor understanding of what the placebo effect is, and what it is not, and we should be careful claims that exploit this ignorance. He is also illustrating exactly why we should be wary of anecdotal claptrap (take a look at what ranza is serving up, for instance). 1317569721 +Questions like "how can snakes and bushes talk?" and "how do people walk on water?" 1355000200 +Those are both just mp3s I opened with audacity. The top was obviously digitally mastered and distributed because that's the only way to get the sound so uniformly loud (That's not the point though because it would sound just as bad if the same thing was done with analog equipment). The bottom is a rip of a 70's record, though it could have easily been done digitally today. \n\nI would have no problem with the loudest sound wave hitting 0db; the problem comes when you amplify every part of the song to make it as loud as it can possibly be because that flattens out the song and makes it sound like garbage, regardless of how good the song really is. Bands and labels do it at the expense of sound quality because they don't want anybody else to be louder than them, and the music industry is still failing (not that I'm implying causation). Many classic bands are re-releasing their old albums with this mastering. I have Black Sabbath's original records (as mp3s) and also their remastered versions of the same songs (also as mp3s with the same bit rate as the mp3s of the originals). The originals sound great but the remasters sound terrible. 1343570987 +If something happens once, it surely happens again. Its the rule of nature. 1340031573 +You should post this in /r/askscience 1343216512 +If I was a doctor I would recommend that shit. Placebo for the win! 1268871496 +More importantly, would they have hilariously high-pitched voices? 1354284595 +Yeah, how ironic would it be if AOL had to tell the HuffPo how the world really is... 1297088387 +On R/conspiracy, they say Iran is only a pariah because they don't have a Rothschild controlled central bank! It has nothing to do with the oppressive theocracy.\n\nYou can't even make this shit up. 1320958097 +Fabulous, thanks for the info! 1317941477 +[Yes, this page is also good](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy)\n\nAny thoughts on my example though? 1281148664 +You said they looked like the Phoenix lights. What else am I supposed to go on? 1344574828 +>shot while eating out with a model\n\nWhere to start.... 1274850563 +[Here's an article following up on his comments] (http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111002053618/simpsons/images/b/b1/Hi.jpg) 1355433017 +Functional Medicine is a legit field. FM has a focus on holistic practices and things like diet, in addition to conventional medical practices. I really doubt that that M.D.s that use FM believe in homeopathy.\n\n 1300840798 +Im almost 100% it was weather balloon safety lights. After some thought, I recall a TV show called Fact or Faked where they covered this exact same thing. I'd post a link for you, but I'm typing this on my phone and it's a bit of a hassel to find it. \n\nI kinda liked Cloverfield btw. 1336359241 +"this is not a hoax and I am not an actor."\n\nOh, OK. 1344786144 +Wow. A guy with a gun shooting a guy without a gun CANNOT be self-defense. What kind of country is this? 1333592113 +And you think it's going to differ an order of magnitude?\n\nA median doesn't have that enough deviation for that study to apply to one can. 1313520319 +No way 1297439217 +Do I still need the MMR if I know for a fact I will never have children? 1341048486 +I bet it would work quite well over here too.\n\nWell, less on the burglar thing... that tends to lead to gunshot wounds or a baseball bat upside the head. 1304071163 +You people need to learn to read. I think Monsanto is despicable... what they do with GMOs is despicable... but being anti-GMO because of Monsanto is lunacy... it's equivalent to being against programming languages because people write computer viruses. 1325914251 +First off, check the usernames. I'm not SaoJoao, the person who said the things you are arguing against. I'm the third party that read the thread and saw where some of the confusion was coming from.\n\n\n\nSecond, I understand that you are trying to "prove that it happens." The problem is that that is completely meaningless - something happening and something being likely or probable are completely different, which is why anecdotal evidence is ignored. If you want to show that fraud or misdiagnosis is likely or the most plausible explanation, it would serve you better to provide statistics, hard numbers, or solid studies on the prevalence of these events, instead of individual anecdotes of times you've seen it happen. I've seen a computer with a mouse nest inside of it, but that doesn't mean I assume that's the cause every time I see a computer crash - I check for the statistically more likely causes before the one I've anecdotally encountered.\n\n\n\nThird, I'm not sure if it's intentional, but I feel your tone is coming off as somewhat abusive and insulting, which is unwanted and unhelpful. Sorry if I've misread you in that regard; text can be unclear at times. 1323368708 +Point taken good sir. I merely have one last question. Weren't all planes grounded at that point in time? Except obviously the CNN helicopter which apparently doesnt give a fuck. 1311182267 +Thank you for the explanation. I realized that last question was sketchy as soon as I posted it. 1348024984 +My friend, his name is Aladdin. 1351479293 +You, OP....are a curious individual but sometimes hesitant to ask questions, as they sometimes get you in trouble. You're affable, but often hold part of yourself back, seldom comfortable revealing your entire self even to the people you love. Speaking of love, your love life has occasionally been a challenge and you have had occasional trouble meeting or even fully understanding your sexual desires. You consider yourself a largely rational person, but your emotions may play more of a role in your thinking than you are sometimes comfortable with. You have suffered financial difficulties in the past, and know what it's like to struggle to make ends meet, but that's changing with time and you have a bright financial future ahead.\n\nHow am I doing so far? ;) 1338860192 +Dude's a neurologist and assistant professor. At Yale. And he puts out a kick-ass podcast. Weekly.\n\nMake time for Reddit! 1303351716 +Nowhere do they quote her as saying that she wants to prove the doctors wrong by demonstrating that alternative cures work; nothing that she says even remotely resembles that sentiment. In addition to continuing chemotherapy per her doctors' orders, she's also pursuing alternative treatments, and that's all there is to this story. That fact alone is utterly unremarkable. As a true skeptic, I would try alternative treatments unless reliable studies had concluded that they do not help at all, and many of the treatments she's trying have not been studied. If modern science is telling her she's definitely going to die relatively soon, then I think it's completely rational for her to try treatments which have not yet been deemed ineffective by science, even if they end up hastening her death.\n\nThe only thing she says which expresses disagreement with her doctors is that she believes that their estimation of the time she had left before death was inaccurate, which apparently it was. \n\nThis submission is stupid. 1339302363 +Hahaha. I've never been told I was closed-minded by a psychic. That must be a majestic experience. Along with the followup "well, I'm open to the possibility that psychics are frauds." 1318827069 +I hope in the future people can discuss culture and genetic differences without worrying about sounding racist. As per your oriental = aliens hypothesis: They did a sketch on Mr. Show w/ Bob and David about San Francisco that made the same claim. 1306902548 +To be fair, they use *bad* scientists to do this. They pre-judge a situation, don't properly investigate it, blunder into the unknown and an alien they didn't think would be hostile eats them alive as a result.\n\nThey should show it in high school science classes as a warning about what happens if you assume things. 1340976311 +>How can this community pretend to be skeptics but believe blindly in global warning?\n\nThat's because we don't blindly believe in it, rather we accept it is very likely to be true (and very unlikely to be false) given the compelling empirical evidence supporting it, as well as the lack of evidence against it.\n\n>The whole idea of being a skeptic is being skeptical of everything.\n\nTo be skeptical does not mean to doubt everything, all the time, it means not believing things that aren't supported by evidence.\n\nDoubting everything all the time quickly makes life unlivable.\n\nhttp://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Pyrrhonism\n\n>I could just as easily post a link saying ' energy band denier mis-reports facts about energy bands', shouldn't we be skeptical about both sides?\n\nOne isn't skeptical of a "side." If one side is supported by scientific evidence while the other isn't, then a skeptic's role isn't to place himself in the middle. 1330663345 +yes, part of why i joined r/skeptic 1295166097 +You do realize that not vaccinating your kids is everybody's business, correct? 1309894317 +Funny stuff. :) 1314803568 +I'd like to address this: "Even where fad diets work, it's not because the fad diets worked, but because they happen to, among everything else they push, comply with these points."\n\nSo, if a diet makes you lose weight because you eat less, the diet itself didn't actually work, it just made you eat less?\n\nEdit: I think the first paragraph of your post is awesome, though. 1339709629 +>There, I'm finished. Hurry up and downvote the fuck out of me so nobody will see this. \n\nWhy can't you just post a comment without this childish rant at the end? 1317200682 +Happy ending? 1330242682 +I promise that I do not. I just lay the slightest amount of disagreement, and try to edge my classmates to follow through. 1312687790 +As has already been mentioned it's Adam Curtis' documentary "The power of Nightmares" which aired on BBC 2 in 2004 (according to Wikipedia).\n\nIn terms of how credible it is, i would also be interested in other opinions on this. His documentaries are definitely not considered "fringe" and he's not an Alex Jones or anything and although his documentaries have an editorial tone he backs everything up with facts, references and tons of archival footage (not a plus in the "should i believe him" column but makes for very good documentary films).\n\nI find Adam Curtis to be pretty trustworthy factually and most criticisms are attacking his ideology or politics (perfectly reasonable but subjective judgements).\n\nWhen looking up that air date on Wikipedia I found out that he called Michael Moore "a political agitprop film-maker" which made me like him more, although doesn't affect his credibility obviously.\n\nedit: I didn't mention that the person who posted this clip (sans context) to Youtube with the headline "BBC Now Admits AL Qaeda Never Existed" is an idiot 1299112851 +Let me translate for you: despite claims of objectivity, gugulo is not listening to what you're saying, and just assuming that his pet explanation has to be correct, so anything you say will just bounce off his complacent assumption that you're just some poor, confused thing. \n\nI'll quote: "*He sees me typing a number obviously longer than the area code. I freeze, realizing what I had just done. The customer looks confused, and I say sorry can you repeat the number? He does and it matches the one I typed.*" \n\nThat's nothing like a schematic memory error. That's glitchy.\n\nAlso, steer well clear of anyone who suggests that James Randi is anything other than a crusading materialist zealot and crashing self-publicist. He's the kind of idiot who gives scientific objectivity a very, very bad name. 1349704972 +Sure, it very well could be a model. Point is that it is an UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT. It isn't a cgi hoax and represents something real in the sky.\n\nIf we knew what it was we wouldn't be debating it. 1310220232 +You gotta root for the home team. 1296731697 +All I can say is that when I was a kid(about 7 or 8 or so) I had strep throat for the first time and I had a very high fever and I began to hallucinate and felt like I was falling infinitely, so if I had a kid I would be terrified of that happening to them. Fevers don't seem like anything to fool around with. 1351727890 +as another commentor said, his formula would benefit from definition of terms. 1334681159 +Same same.\n\n\nRational part of my brain says it's hoakum and the guy clearly has some other kind of agenda.\n\n\nParanoid mental part of my brain wonders if "god" will see I'm generally quite a nice person and let me in on some kinda "new player friendly" mode.\n\n\n\nI've never really cared about religeon, that's not to say I believe or not, I just don't care. 1305892406 +That's fine but you made a blanket statement in your initial comment, you said ufos is a belief system, you should have said people who claim to know ufos are aliens are involved in a belief system. I agree with you there because no one can definitevly say what ufos are providing a real mystery exists (imo there is a real mystery but involves a very small percentage of ufos). 1320081855 +I thought they did it in orbits of the galaxy, so 26000 years? 1331420628 +wow i wanna hang out with yous guys. 1315592073 +Good to start with some facts on the table, thank you 1351525583 +Too colorful, didn't read 1326575519 +It _is_ a leaf. 1315692630 +https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Wiki_markup\n\nEnjoy. 1342200420 +Most convincing?\n\nA) You don't know how the universe was created.\n\n*(Yes, I know it isn't that great. But he asked for their best argument.)*\n\nAnd the best argument you never hear them say:\n\nB) God is a temperamental childish prankster god who likes to screw with us and play hide and go seek and other games, much like a kid with a magnifying glass likes messing with an ant hill. 1303092035 +I have vivid and lucid dreams very often, which I guess is different than astral projection, because I am aware I am dreaming but usually don't have good control and my thought is slugglish. Typically once I know I'm dreaming I start 1. flying around 2. conjuring a hot guy up to have sex with. Not even kidding, it always happens. I even have a "check" in my dreams to tell if I'm dreaming. I either "hover" above the ground or walk through walls/ceilings. Last night I kept hovering over the ground to convince my friend that I didn't actually hit his car and that I was dreaming him and the whole situation up. Weird.\n\nAnyway, wanna know my fool proof tip for starting lucid sleep? Go to bed. Wake up about two hours before you normally get up, then go back to sleep. I always have extremely vivid or lucid dreams when I do this. Another tip is to "check" if you're dreaming during your waking life, like, every time you touch a doorknob, ask yourself "is this a dream?" Eventually you will do this in your dreams. I started doing this way back when I was a teen and I'm pretty sure that's why I have such crazy dreams now. Also, certain foods tend to help, lots of dairy or spicy food can affect your dreams. I know you're asking about AP but learning to control your dreams is pretty awesome. 1343939130 +I always thought it had something to do with where they came from. 1345570899 +from yale.edu\n"Primary sources provide first-hand testimony or direct evidence concerning a topic under investigation. They are created by witnesses or recorders who experienced the events or conditions being documented. Often these sources are created at the time when the events or conditions are occurring, but primary sources can also include autobiographies, memoirs, and oral histories recorded later."\n\nHow does the above video testimony not qualify? If your still not satisfied, how about this.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkO0lZ7BZJc\n\nHonestly I thought this was a place for skeptics, not people who ignore solid evidence because it doesnt fit in with preconceived notions.\n 1340671737 +if we dont know what it is, it could be anything, including an alien spaceship. So no, that would not be a whole other conversation. 1331976806 +They do. 1296192660 +They do. 1324350827 +I have a very good friend who is in marketing. He is also a (diagnosed) sociopath.\n\nThese things are probably related!! 1334438986 +> >The question is, is your beer noticeably better if you were to use cold tap water vs hot tap water?\n\n>The problem is I can't use the hot tap water to make beer right now because I have to keep the temperature low enough that the yeast doesn't die when I add it.\n\nSo that would be a *Yes* to sequentious' question? 1332543581 +I just picked 80% out of nowhere, it doesn't have any specific meaning. But, in order to have much practical application, it would need to be higher than 50%, right?\n\n\nBeing just over 50% doesn't make something accurate, does it? I wouldn't be comfortable arresting 5 people correctly and 5 incorrectly for such a serious crime.\n\n\nIn any case, I would still eat my hat if she guessed over 50% correctly out of a batch of 500. 1332911125 +I used to watch Real Time ever week, but when he went on his flu vaccine rant, I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. 1333505257 +The alternative seems to be to believe every claimant that comes along without using a shred of critical thinking. \n\nThis destroys the community altogether by undermining the research effort's credibility with anyone who doesn't believe the subject, and removing the possibility of actually discovering the truth. To do the latter you actually have to use critical thinking to separate truth from fiction. \n\nThe UFO research community is full of hoaxers and the deluded. They are holding back discovering the truth. Let's get rid of them. What's the problem with that? 1348630926 +I kind-of work in a complimentary field and you wouldn't believe how they get around the legalities so they can say/push that shit on people. It's incredibly unethical. 1313319330 +The problem is that meaning opf 'conspiracy' has been distorted over time to have connotation of being some sort of global thing. In fact, conspiracies do happen all the time. They happen any time a small group of people get together to secretly do something If you don't believe that people, in fairly large numbers on the planet, form agreement between two or more others to break the law or take some sort of covert against someone or something else at some future point, then you're not paying attention to how people are. 1346350020 +>As we unfold the awesome gift of who and what we are, as supreme physiological beings and forms, our avatar abilities will naturally unfold along with the vastly expanded perceptual framework to both our planetary and cosmic existence.\n\nWait, so this is Scientology? 1282742657 +This is a nice list but I would be interested in learning more about why and how these orbs manifest. Specifically, I have always been amazed by the "blue pearl" that is sometimes associated with spiritual development and some meditative states. I have seen these orbs before in purple and red colors as well, but had always considered them to be "spirtual" phenomena. My initial belief was that orbs are more traditionally associated with ghosts and other paranormal phenomena, but maybe that isn't always the case? 1324064373 +The açai berry thing would be far more suited to just "Try our berries, they're tasty." \n\nDo they really need to go through all the trouble of faking medical cures and diet programs? 1334423848 +Neither the headline nor the article ever claim that the drug caused the infection. They do focus on the drug because it is relatively new, but explicitly state that\n\n>there's a risk of infection with any sort of injection, even in a hospital. 1326520559 +I stopped when he talked about helium exploding. The only way to get that to "burn" would be through fusion. Not that I have to tell you fine people that. 1353393587 +This is an example of [samadhi](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samadhi) which I was introduced to by improvising music.\n\nThis is a taste of what meditation strives to bring about in normal day-to-day life. Meditation is very similar to that feeling you get, but rather than having it apply to solely welding, to existence. 1275337801 +Yeah, he read it better. 1333182056 +Well actually, due to relativity, he wouldn't reach light speed until he accelerated for.... approximately eternity. To us, he would get really really close to light speed (99.9999+%) but never quite there. To him, he would always be accelerating at 1g.\n\nLet's not talk about the forces need to keep that up though.... 1343695801 +Not even philosophy class. The ONLY place it has ANY room is some sort of comparitive religion class. Or Sunday School. 1332422968 +No shit. Ouch.\n\nYou'd think with all that cash he'd buy a gun and do it like a man. 1317760652 +nothing to do with ufos but its a hell of a lot more complex that just a line, there is a sort of grid with many more ancient structures. 1323065305 +Well, thanks for all that. Like I clearly said, I'm not able to competently debate this one due to a lot of emotional attachment (indeed, snake-oil cancer cures are where I cut my skeptic-teeth). Maybe the "patently false" statement...that one I'd retract. "Unproven conjecture", I'd replace it with that one.\n\nAnyhow, the real heart of what I'm saying is that the way this is presented should raise bullshit flags for even the most mediocre skeptic. I'll admit I wasn't clear with that... 1338591726 +Imagine those little glaring eyes HERE please. 1295730350 +Those commies polluting our bodily fluids... 1319300302 +The something imbalance hypothesis is just today's manifestation of old thinking fallacy (recall all the woo concerning imbalance in life force).\n\nThe brain is much more complicated. You can have not enough *receptors* for instance. Then you can take a totally unnatural drug that is in totally unnatural way blocking the re-uptake of neurotransmitters that latch to those receptors, resulting in totally unnatural imbalance between its production and removal, and then you'll feel better. \n\nOr you can have low connection strength somewhere upstream of that, or you may simply live in a rather depressing environment, or anything. Either way this re-uprate inhibitor will get you feeling better. So will a sugar pill if you think it helps, and it will be almost as effective.\n\nThere's nothing per-se wrong with totally unnatural solutions, except the marketing perspective. For marketing it is far better to say that there is some balance that is off, which is being made right by the drugs. To equate mood with chemicals and to make you form a mental model of something like diabetes. \n\nBottom line is, we do not understand disorders like depression, and we treat them by prescribing drugs that have opposite (mood lifting) effect. That's it. The same thing we'd do 1000 years ago - recommend 'em some euphoric drug (we didn't have double blind trials back then but we sure knew what the psychoactive drugs were). The chemical imbalance is the sales pitch, the same pitch medicine sellers have been making from long before we figured out what chemical elements were. If someone has a problem you don't understand, and your medicine solves it, the best pitch you can ever make is that your medicine is correcting things to normal. Now this sales pitch is outdated - we have a glimpse of the immense complexity of the issue which does not admit any chemical imbalance model.\n\nedit: better article detailing how it is primarily just a sales pitch and public image rather than an accepted hypothesis per se: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/99356.php 1348729270 +I couldn't agree more and it's a shame. It would be borderline impossible to keep the public's faith after something like that but it could be quite advantageous. What if every time a minor drug was prescribed half the time it was a placebo. We get on-going massive scale research and people aren't significantly disadvantaged. 1269871132 +was the person taking the picture smoking? 1302487749 +@ 0:05 in the audio recording there is male voice saying something. 1341500907 +Oh come on now. You can't just say "compound A has similar effects to compound B, so they must do the same thing!" Skepticism is great, but this line of thinking is dismissive and...well, shitty. Look up vinpocetine. Look up AC-11. Actually, look up all of the components of the supplement you're badmouthig. Maybe even try a bottle. Then come back and tell us how it's the same thing as a cup of green tea. 1337665652 +yes it is 1312559571 +yes it is 1315530248 +yes it is 1312564683 +what i have no time for are the people that dismiss without looking into stuff, people who dismiss UFO's and any conspiracy theories, the 9/11 offical story and so on, they dont want to look for truth they just want to believe whatever mainstream tells them. I cant stand those people 1331694981 +>I have no affiliation with either the right or the left as my beliefs and values align closest to Libertarians.\n\nLibertarians are truly objective as the only political leaning not colored by bias. Got it. 1354468460 +I don't see how ["Two wrongs make a right"](http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/two-wrongs-make-a-right.html) is necessarily a logical fallacy since "right" and "wrong" are not defined in concrete terms. I'm not saying that two wrongs can make a right, merely that without defining a moral framework you can't claim it to be a logical fallacy. I wouldn't be shocked to hear of a conception of right and wrong where "two wrongs make a right" might apply even if I don't subscribe to it. The conception of morality in terms of justice via punishment for example has a similar sentiment. You could define morality in terms of "treating others as they treat others" as well, and while I may not agree I can certainly see right and wrong defined in such terms. The difficult part would be making it apply as a general rule, but the examples stated on the page don't even allow for "two wrongs can make a right under conditions X, Y, Z."\n\n:Cue appeals to authority to prove me wrong.: 1283193097 +The program airs from 1-5 AM Eastern time, with the section on the lie detector beginning at 2 AM. 1323135377 +Could you calm down for 2 seconds and stop being so combative? I'm not even the person that made the comment so I'm not actually calling myself witty. I'm just pointing out that the guy didn't say anything close to what you interpreted, hence it's unfair to jump down his throat for something that's entirely in your head. There's a lot of people here trying to help you and I've noticed you've been given a few of them quite the attitude. 1333609010 +There are only 5 posts on the blog till now, but the blog in chronological order will basically make the case + give updates as it has developed after posting. 1331246006 +I know you've gotten a lot of other responses but I can show you one flaw that couldn't have come about after the fall, it had to have come about before humans were in their current form.\n\nBe warned, they dissect a giraffe in it.\n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cH2bkZfHw4\n\nSo no. A lot of the flaws only make sense as old stuff from what we once were. Even via random mutation there is no reason that nerve would spontaneously change from a sane path to one like that. there was a reason for it to be like that in the past that no longer applies. \n\nchanging it to a path that makes sense doesn't have a strong enough reason for selection (no one dies from it and if it was fixed via a random mutation theirs no reason it would make them more likely to have children) to change in any reasonable time frame.\n\n 1308735006 +Thanks for the sources, I'll check them out 1330327518 +Maybe Einstein travelled back in time to rip his paper off? 1335813529 +> They're not so good when attempting to debunk scientific studies.\n\nI didn't see them attempting to debunk any scientific studies. Actually they usually *refer to* scientific studies to debunk stupid ideas people has, and they did *precisely* that in this show.\n\nAnd the way your comment was worded, although ambiguous, seemed to imply not that scientific studies and experiments are not biased (which by the way, also are biased!), but that scientists aren't, and many people do assume this to be the case (including many scientists), which is why I might trust Penn more than I trust many scientists: because he is more honest with himself and the world about his biases. 1249680665 +Ouija boards, not even once! (seriously, I wish people would stop using those and stop with the stupid blood magic) 1318317659 +Oh yeah and for the record people like you disgusts me. "i should contact 'the catholics' <- this makes me cringe" Wow. 1350414518 +No I gave three guesses of what I think it might be, I didn't basically said it could be anything. 1326167462 +In my opinion there's a rather large distinction between a metaphysical claim of a supernatural thing guiding evolution and the physical claim of young-Earth creationists. It's only a minor point of hers though. 1340124841 +"You want to know something? We are still in the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages — they haven't ended yet."\n\n-Kurt Vonnegut in "Deadeye Dick" 1329698137 +Naw, northern New Englander born & raised. 1339251202 +William Colburg, http://www.micro-a.net/experience.php , a propulsion engineer (ctrl+F his name for credentials), had this to say about him.\n\n*"Just surfing around and found this site which contains many\nreferences to this huxter.\n\nI am a propulsion engineer and I can tell you with great\ncertainty that David is NOT a propulsion specialist or "rocket\nscientist" as he is so often labeled. He knows virtually\n_nothing_ about propulsion systems save a few buzz words that he\nconsistantly uses incorrectly.\n\nHe in fact makes exactly the same mistakes as made on "Extreme\nMachines" and the Discovery"s excellent series on Rockets! He\ncouldn't be doing last minute cramming now could he? Mistakes\nand all?\n\nI know this is old hat information now, but this guy is so far\nout in misrepresenting himself that it deserves to be brought to\nlight once again.\n\nBill Colburn"*\n\nI'm not an engineer, but when people like him have things like this to say about Adair, I find it hard to argue with them.\n\nThere's actually a pretty good email trail on http://ufoupdateslist.com/1998/aug/m01-010.shtml that discusses his credibility. I haven't read all of it, but it seems like most people are pretty skeptical of his claims. The fact that I find his name beside Philip Corso makes me somewhat skeptical myself.\n\nLong and short, I haven't formulated much of an opinion on him as of yet, but I'll do some more research tonight and talk to some of my connections. 1348605993 +BUT AT THAT STRENGTH, WON'T IT DEHYDRATE ME? I'M SCARED! 1301635354 +Yup Slenderman is fake, sorry bro. It's always amusing seeing people talk about him or having experiences with him when he doesnt even exist. 1324551949 +Not really. Stupid and easily duped people will take their ersatz miracles wherever they can get them, logic be damned. It's sad, but that's how it goes. 1307651521 +orly? 1351040950 +Gotta love that she's so fucking sue happy that this couldn't get published and that disclaimer had to be placed at the top. I know I don't have much risk as some anonymous commenter on Reddit, so this is hardly a grand gesture, but whatever. \n \nSally Morgan, you are a sickening human being. You are consciously defrauding the grief-stricken and hopeless for the sole purpose of monetary gain. Everything you do, from your deceitful 'performances' to your enthusiastic use of the legal system to silence your critics should be offensive to anyone with even a partially functioning moral compass. 1330540521 +GMO: Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the crops. 1331257386 +[I linked to this topic in my original post.](http://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/dr8zb/jesse_ventura_is_a_fearmongering_conspiracy_nut/) 1287342311 +>Even though you might think you're a mind reader, you're not...\n\nYou don't know that. :-)\n\nSeriously, I was asking a question, not making an affirmation. That's whey there's a question mark ("?") at the end of the sentence.\n\n>What exactly do you mean by "scientific truth"? Are you referring to your belief in agw?\n\nNo, I'm referring to the goal of attaining scientific truth. Please don't make this about your adolescent "we can't prove anything" argument again, I'm not interested. 1329337658 +I have mixed feelings about this.\n\nChiropractics are just scammers, it's an overglorified kind of massage and can be downright dangerous.\n\nOn the other hand people often either feel sick or that something is wrong when nothing is actually wrong or have an illness they can pretend they don't have with a placebo. In both cases it is surely better for a chiropractor to do his or her thing to make the hypochondriac patient feel better.\n\nOf course this justifies astrology and other retarded things.\n\n\nIn any case Singh has my support, keep fighting the good fight. Fighting for the truth is seldom a bad thing. 1242393358 +Here's her whole reason, with citations. If you can poke holes in it, I'd be glad to send the info to her myself. \n\nhttp://greenparty.ca/blogs/7/2011-07-28/twitter-fire-storm-and-why-i-said-what-i-said-about-wifi 1311959093 +Well, when i read the intp page, its like reading an operation manual for myself. 1338741496 +did you watch the video? He shows the skull of humans both normal and deformed and the the paracas elongated skulls are too long and different from human skulls in several ways 1333680852 +Yes, and it can be very, very bright. Also the lingering trail left behind is a dead give away that it was a meteor. I was very fortunate to observe a weird phenomenon where when a meteor explodes in the atmosphere you hear the boom first and then you see it. Chances of witnessing this phenomenon is slimmer than winning the lottery twice, in a row. I'm gonna go buy a ticket. 1330130441 +So what did he say?\n\nThat guy's the Britney Spears of UFO abductees. 1327940908 +my netbook cried a little when i read this. totally worth it though 1318079288 +Wrong. That's not science. When conducting a scientific investigation you gather evidence and then form conclusions. If you're wanting imagination to drive research then you invariably end up creating conclusions and then gathering evidence to support them. That's where ufology has gone wrong. After the first few cases gained publicity researchers started looking for evidence to support their conclusions while disregarding items that contradicted them. 1326514338 +Having new digital & encrypted channels is going to to matter if someone finds your frequency and overpowers your signal with garbage. 1331354671 +This was my second podcast ever, started listening about six years ago. Just wanted to say hello, thank you for how prolific you've all been, and ask if it's ever weird doing regular stuff with Steven given he seems to know everything about everything? 1346229487 +Check out this website! http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/\n\nI've been in a documentary phase for whatever reason and this has been a great source for me. 1347558208 +What does r/skeptic have to say about the scientific methods applied by Mr. Stubbs? 1318353787 +The Harvard article implies that the main concern for that is the plastic melting. In my experience while corn gets hot, it doesn't get boiling water hot, and I've never had the plastic melt to the corn. On the other hand, I'd be inclined to avoid it, or at lest avoid overheating it. 1307498219 +The really frightening thing to me is: the calender on my wall ends December 31 2009! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh what is going to happen?\n\nGASSP\n\nThe end is nigh... 1245350753 +try using [this web client](http://webchat.freenode.net/) or download your own stand-alone client. [mIRC](http://www.mirc.com/) is pretty awesome once you get it set up. We'd be happy to help you. Hope to see you there :) 1337050076 +Depends... what's your star sign? 1334581833 +I'm happy to say I was there for this talk. He was, ahem, amazing. 1279693240 +Ah, yeah, I mis-worded my response. \n\nYou explained it really well however. 1350427360 +I am not saying it is real in any way. Why do you think it is a fake? 1314901581 +Honestly, a sliced piece of garlic placed in my ear worked for me on a couple of occasions. I know that's not scientific, but I swear it did. I was skeptical but desperate the first time I tried, and all I can guess is that the fumes put out by the cut end of the garlic must have somehow interfered with the swelling or the nerves or something. To be clear, it quickly stopped hurting - in about 10 - 15 minutes after hurting for a few hours. I don't know if that was because the infection got better or whether it just helped the symptoms. 1351732411 +Something is definitely fishy about this. 1336272075 +Now we must all shoot ourselves. 1343608109 +Please read my response to a comment that stated I was a little too drunk and he said I had a holy spirit of a protector in me. Thanks. 1317267966 +Don't forget that when the flame inside the chinese lantern gets extinguished, it is supposed to fall to the ground. Don' think it'll keep floating about for long. 1337399284 +is the blue spiral going towards the ground, coming from the ground, or is actually behind the white spiral and going into space? 1260409713 +Very interesting and thanks for the info, I've used Audacity, works pretty good. Reason I asked was because I've caught some EVPs on my iPhone using the voice memos app, worked but terrible at managing long recordings. I'll definitly look into that recorder. 1339982816 +No acid involved...but I was walking around my neighborhood the other night a good [6] on weed...and I was really freaked out by a strange sound coming from my neighbor's house. "What the fuck *is* that!?" I was thinking. "Is he using a power drill at 11PM on a Saturday?" After a couple minutes contemplation it finally occurred to me that it was his AC unit. 1317084002 +You spend half an hour of your life each day just standing the dirt? That's probably not something you would find in "The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People" 1331451971 +Well done whatever it is. The only question I have is why does he have the camera running and pointed at the ground. 1326725855 +go to jkcinema.com for the full length flash version! 1331361170 +More than that, you desperately want the slick sales website to be true. You don't want to believe the stuff that's saying no one can fix your child.\n\nPeople with cancer can understand the hell out of information about their cancer. It focuses the mind beautifully. It's just that they want to survive. 1356575569 +[What the hell, dude?](http://www.reddit.com/r/skeptic/comments/o9amj/the_red_flags_of_quackery_v20/c3flj1k) Within 24-hours you go from saying that downvotes are not for disagreeing with a statement, to claiming against me that...\n\n> r/Skeptic does not adhere to Reddiquette on downvotes. A downvote here simply indicates disagreement with your opinion. \n\nYou don't get to have it both ways. You probably get away with this sort of hypocrisy on a regular basis, though, don't you? 1326231105 +Its a toy! 1275450066 +[This is what's next.](http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090407173704/avatar/images/archive/1/16/20101227162259!Fire_Nation_airships.png) 1344909427 +haha, well, the aliens are assholes excluding us from their nightclub. 1329934955 +In before someone replies with "This is how bad CO2 is." 1274005346 +* Jokes about the earth being 10,000 years old.\n\n* Jokes about evolution being only a theory. 1274455483 +please? D: 1332016664 +They waste *your* time? ~~What a jerk.~~\n\nEdit: Not really for me to decide. 1338657186 +"I don't do science, science does me."\n\nCan't say I've heard that one before. But giggity. 1327364222 +My grandparents and my mom always tell me they'll pray for me for the upcoming test. \nI reply that if that's the case, then I don't need to study for it anymore!\n\nWe all laugh, for different reasons. 1303265340 +Hey, as long as you agree it isn't really science, I'm satisfied. However, I obviously disagree with you that any observations made under unscientific conditions have meaning. It's impossible to establish controls and, without controls, it's impossible to assign meaning to any result. 1317668484 +Oh, and by materialism standards mind is just matter and soul is not on some separate plane. Will that imply that the mind is just the brain, so if I find out how the brain constitutes the mind and replicate the brain by those standards I would essentially copy the mind right? 1354081167 +There is a broad range of commenters here. Very few here use actual science. Some imagine they do simply because they question things or cast doubt, but saying "this looks shopped" isn't "sciencey". 1349127426 +Were you on fire, by chance? 1314468033 +the reason for the existence of a language is to convey one idea to another person. if you were able to understand what i wrote which you were it means that my version of that language did everything it was required to no un-nessesary effort need be put in. 1353559092 +I saw a video about this. When you're not wearing the bracelet, he pushes down and away from your feet, and when you're wearing it he pushes down and towards your feet. It's almost impossible to stand up when he's also pulling your arm away from your body, but it's easy when he's pushing in and helping you stand up. 1309910368 +Exactly, if you're only teaching rote memorization you may as well close the school and save some money. That's not useful for anything at all, *especially* when so many people have an Internet-enabled computer in their pocket that can pull up information like that in under 20 seconds. Any high school that *isn't* all about teaching critical thinking skills is a waste of space. 1340967691 +You're funny. :-) 1354893089 +I really doubt that anod those have been tested to a have guaranteed effect, anyone can just say that it does 1347914686 +Terrible, had almost nothing to do with science. 1311950824 +This form (Neuroendocrine, I think it's called) is much more operable. 1318673367 +It's dust really close to the lens. If you notice it's all in front of the image, they don't interact with the image. It's not like they go from the front to the back of the image. They all stay at the front. 1342842711 +Are you lot seriously trying to convince me that all water tastes the same? Do you read the same words I do here? 1321836443 +Proof or schizophrenic 1351049827 +She forgot something and went back. 1339270678 +Just out of curiosity, what MW2 map/where on it? 1341982903 +They guy looks like the villan from a horror movie. 1298166797 +Of course! What you just said is fairly scientific, actually. You can't rule anything out, but you must be honest about probabilities, and how new discoveries affect said probabilities. If evidence for one thing continues to shrink the possibility of another thing, you have to take it into account. If the evidence is undeniable, then you have to accept the change in thinking and accept that you were wrong in order to remain honest. That's all. Galileo disproved Aristotle's ideas on momentum. Einstein vastly improved upon Newton's laws of motion. After we discovered the electromagnetic spectrum, the use of radiation gave us a much more accurate age of the Earth. Part of honest inquiry about the universe is knowing when you're wrong, and moving forward. 1344025610 +Oh, there's douchery going on here. No doubt about it. Butthurt douchery. 1310967943 +He was forced out on his arse and the two people at the university who did it received knighthoods.\n\nSeriously. Charles is a fucking embarrassment. 1312043965 +Just looking at the therapy from a skeptical point of view, it seems like a device specifically for the purposes of "reprogramming". I guess I'm just overreacting. 1290282231 +Seriously, though: a source would be nice. \n\nAlso, to the OP: I was going to give you several links/sources to check out, however most would fall under the "channeled" category, which you seem to have already ruled out (it was probably not a valid/thorough search imo, since you are here asking this question :)). Unless you yourself have first/second hand information (aka MEET AN ET!! or a person who claims to have met one), then I think you will find your search to be extremely difficult. 1300618497 +Supposedly nano-thermite was found in the WTC dust, which reacts more explosively than normal thermite. 1346054081 +> This article was posted on July 24, 2003.\n\nThat might explain the bad design and clip art. 1331800051 +I like how Magnet Man anxiously peeks over Randi's shoulder to see what he's doing as he puts the powder on the brush, LOL! 1330834921 +Better than seeing him on TV at 8pm. 1316092252 +Check the ingredients. Most nut milks have added emulsifiers to give it the texture of milk. That texture comes from fat. That's why skim milk feels so watery. I can tell you right now that real coconut milk tastes and feels nothing like cow milk. 1344459507 +Same reason I do, it makes you cringe but then you feel better about yourself because you're not a complete moron and you're like, "well, life could be worse." 1356641617 +Peddling cures that work quickly and effectively would greatly reduce their income. There must be planned (and often implied) obsolescence inherent in their medications for their ever-growing wallets to be satiated. 1313384776 +The world is not America.\n\nBesides language naturally evolves, if you don't believe me find some teenagers that are texting, they speak an entirely different language,all you'll be is a dinosaur fossil. 1337624719 +>By declaring the question answerable, you are implicitly declaring that a 'non-chicken' laid a 'chicken egg'.\n\nNo, you are wrong. That is not at all what we are saying. And that's also why you do not understand evolution. 1304371000 +It's not been proven electromagenetic frequencies aren't harmful. \n(I'm skeptic about this reddits skepticism.) \n(well really i'm not, experience makes it safe to assume this is as much a circlejerk as most subreddits) 1317253179 +He's also a Chemtrailer, which is probably the weirdest of the 3 IMO. 1340517834 +So there's an alien invasion happening.... 1351725395 +Sorry, didn't even bother to read the comments to the post. I generally don't to posts like that one as there is really little comment about. Its a good quote and I left it at that. The fact it was x-post from r/atheism made it a bit annoying as I really hate that subreddit. 1346339624 +of course testimonials can reflect truth but they can never mean anything on their own compared to the efficacy of say double-blind. the simple fact there is no control variable should raise red alarms for finding truth in anything.\n\nthere are a ton of skeptics who are very critical of the pill popping industry (watch Ben Goldacre's TED talk) , and no one will argue doctors are always honest or that their institutions are infallible. that still doesn't mean that people should get away with promoting alternative treatments with such confidence and conviction when they have no real information to back it up. usually they've been unable or are unwilling to do the testing to prove it and just resort to more theatrics to engage peoples' emotions like we see in these documentaries. 1329260511 +do any of these people know who NIST is?\nthe ignorance is breathtaking! 1291016946 +I know I'm late, but do you just mean for mental issues? because the saline/morphine experiment is pretty convincing. 1291089132 +A few things things, since all of them are pretty crazy. I'll separate them by the houses they occurred in with dashed lines.\n\nWhen I was about 9 years old, we finally got a computer and internet working. Since all my gaming equipment was on the bottom floor of the house, the computer was also stored there. Note that my room was also on the bottom floor of the house, that my room had no windows, and that the only way into my room was the door we built to it a little before buying the computer. One day, I'm surfing the internet when suddenly I hear someone banging and screaming from behind my bedroom door, trying to get out. I was frozen in my seat, and I didn't know what to do. I just sat there and listened as I heard something like a woman with very high pitched screaming banging on my door. When I realized what was going on, I ran upstairs to find my father giving my little brother a bath, as if they didn't hear anything. I never brought it up to them. \n\nI also remember eating dinner with my family upstairs, when I heard all my toys downstairs crash. The toys were in a huge container that definitely could not be tipped over. My grandma told me to ignore the sound. \n\nWhen my grandma would get a babysitter for my brothers and I, she would always tell the babysitters to never let my little brother look at the kitchen light downstairs, and that if the kitchen stove downstairs turned itself on, then to ignore it. My little brother was never allowed to look at the kitchen light, because his nose would bleed profusely every single time. For the kitchen stove? The dials would turn themselves, even though they were the kind you had to push in to turn. \n\n------------------\n\nWhen I moved to Minnesota, my family bought a huge house for really cheap. At the time, I had no idea how we got it so cheap. When we finally settled in, my mom bought two couches and a TV, and put them in the downstairs living room. At the time, Adult Swim was new, so I would stay up and watch it every night. However, one night, I hear someone open the laundry room door behind me. Now, nobody was awake at the time since it was late, and if anybody were to come downstairs, they would have to open the door that led upstairs, which I shut. My brothers were sleeping in their rooms down the hall from me, and I would have definitely heard them opening their doors since their doors were very heavy. Back to the laundry room door opening, I was freaking out. I looked back and saw that the laundry door was open. Then, I heard something opening and shutting the washer and dryer doors, and it sounded like it was also just unrelentingly slamming on the sides of them. This went on for what seemed like ages, and I remember that I just started sweating like crazy because I didn't know what to do. I don't remember falling asleep that night, and I woke up still wet from sweat. I think I fainted from being so freaked out by the noises. I'll never forget that night. \n\nLater, my family learned that there was a teenage girl who was shot to death in the hallway downstairs before we moved in. \n\nTL;DR - Lived in haunted houses. Shit happened. 1336037129 +Thanks for clearing that up. I wasn't sure how remote desktop apps work.\n\nThat one press of the "printscreen" key could've changed the world. Too bad. 1350650713 +Imagine the guilt. 1339464480 +She absolutely does, though she was healthy when I first knew her. It's an issue of personality susceptibility - just like there are predispositions to become an alcoholic, but no one is born an alcoholic. In this case the susceptibility to paranoid delusions really starts to manifest in the person's attitude towards the first conspiracy videos they encounter: are they agonizing over it, spending a lot of time doing research, and talking to everyone/trying to convince everyone about it? Does it become one of the most important things in their life? The behaviours surrounding the belief are cause for concern, more so than the belief itself.\n\nIt's still not cut and dry - some people just go through phases where they get really interested in something, but abandon it later. What I think I learned, and wanted to pass on, is that its very easy to dismiss the signs of delusional paranoia right up until it's too late to do anything about it. Because it alters your perception, it is very difficult for paranoids to recognize their own illness, and so early intervention on the part of a concerned friend or family member may be the only hope they have (much as we all hate being paternalistic towards our fellows). 1315762108 +Honestly mostly photo editing, but I imagine it could do anything I wanted it to if I tried. I've actually just switched over to using light room recently on this computer, I used the free trial for CS for a while (I had CS 5), and I didn't really use any features that light room didn't also have. I do nature photography, so a lot of the features on CS were just REALLY expensive playing around toys. I try to limit my manipulation. I'm sure I'll probably buy CS 6 in the future, just not going to pull the trigger until I feel it's worth it. I've used the free trial on 3 PC's just to see how it worked though and it did fine (including some playing around time, so not just adjusting exposure etc). \n\nMy desktop was actually built for mid-end gaming instead of photography, so I don't really know if that makes a difference. It has no problem supporting my obscene 30" 2560 X 1600 screen though. Specs: AMD Radeon HD 6800 X2 (crossfire), dell U3011 monitor (as I said obscenely big, but relatively affordable and it does the job), i5 processor (2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz) and an MSI motherboard (though don't know what type). I'm sure there are other interesting things I could list, but my x built me this computer and I sort of just told him do it for under 1500 and have a grand ol' time. It does the trick for pretty much everything I want to do. The only thing I would add to this computer (right now, someday I may want an uber graphics card) is a solid state drive, I should have ignored my X when he said they wern't worth it my new laptop has one and it is fabulous. I personally hate the idea of all that top down stuff with macs, but I can really see how some people would love it. I have no problem with people using a mac, and for many people it's what makes sense for them, I'm just saying that you can build a desktop for relatively cheep to your own needs. I'm sure if I had built this desktop specifically for video editing, it probably wouldn't have been that much more expensive (no clue what you need, but honestly unless I get some sort of uber graphics card apple doesn't even offer, I can't see it being that costly). At the same time, I would probably never buy a premade PC desktop either. My laptops have all been pretty expensive , though probably with a bit better specs than equivalently priced macs, my last two were a think pad ( the best part about my think pad was that no one would ever steal it because it looked like it was shipped straight from 1995, despite being a brand new $2000 computer) and an alienware (yes I know I over paid, but it's pretty and stuff... I hate myself for saying that).\n\nI like to tease my parents about macs all the time, but I honestly have no problem with them, I just hate the idea that somehow they will magically make you a better artist or other silliness. I know people who buy macs specifically for photo editing... with PS elements. It's silly, yes macs are great, but if the only reason you buy them is so you can do basic photo editing that can be done on a machine for $1000 less it's silly. My sister LOVES her macbook air. It's tiny, it fits in her purse, it weighs next to nothing, and it allows her to surf the internet, sync with her iphone and pretty much never to think about her computer system, and that's fricking great for her. My brother and I would hate it, as well as a friend who uses extremely user unfriendly linux OS's but for my sister and the rest of my family it is great. I hate syncing, I like files and windows and folders and all that old school windows stuff. I am a huge fan of the drag and drop. I like to be able to fool around with the guts and nastiness easily. And I know this isn't really an issue anymore, but dammit if I want porn on my phone, I should be able to get a damn porn app. I don't have a porn app on my android, but knowing that I COULD have a porn app made me happy. \n\n 1341542758 +Tell her you never put much stock in fortunetelling. If they say the future looks bright, that doesn't mean anything unless you do your part. If they say the future looks bleak, that doesn't mean anything either, because you'll face each challenge as it comes, and decide for yourself how bad it was after you've come through it.\n\nMaybe you do have a destiny, but that doesn't solve your problems today of living your life as best you know how. I live *today*, learning what lessons I can from the past, and making what plans I think best for the future. And whatever that future holds, what I have in front of me right now is *today*, and that's what I take care of.\n\nIf some astrologer gave me advice that was anything other than what you can read in *Tao Te Ching*, or the Sermon on the Mount, or *How to Win Friends and Influence People*, or *How to Stop Worrying and Start Living*, or the Book of Proverbs, it's probably not advice worth following. And if they just give common sense advice, my grandma already did that for me. 1301422640 +> I sat fuming in the basement hating life.\n\nYou should really hate yourself for not having a spine and letting people treat you like putty. 1294513498 +Hah, you should see how angry the followers of *Jesus* can become... 1353978804 +Damn you natural selection! Work faster! 1302731269 +No, that's Jim Jackman. You're thinking of that guy who played the jury profiler in Runaway Jury. 1305020864 +> Astrology to me is half religion half science.\n\nhalf-science? I guess we can stop the discussion here, you probably dont know the meaning of science. 1310672004 +That's a good point. If it came up, the government could just claim it was a rogue faction within the government and hang a few long dead officials to blame for it all.\n 1334861061 +And a mickle fistress. 1304224854 +First thing I thought when he started talking: "This guy is an actor." \n\nThen I saw the link to his other monologues. Confirmed.\n\n[here is one](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2DlOtBuYTQ).\n\nHe painted a mole on his face. :D 1344867419 +> Thats the same thing that my mom's alt. medicine practioneer tells me when I question her methods.\n\nHere's where Occam's razor might come in handy when first investigating claims of alt medicine. Again, it's not a law, it's just a tool to use when you investigate these claims. 1338757063 +Not sure how 173 items can be called concise, but nicely done. 1334910791 +To anyone who just watched the Daily Show tonight, he had a guest on who wrote a book about how cancer is the result of inflammation. \n\nThe misinformation is everywhere! 1328261112 +Ah, I hadn't caught the mention of the second dog. That does rule out my guess then. 1336779901 +>>There’s nothing about the dramatic increase in weather-related catastrophes worldwide:\n\n>Which are easily attributable to the change in what is deemed a \nweather-related catastrophe.\n\n>>There’s no mention of the increase in declared disasters in the U.S.:\n\n>Same\n\nYou actually sort of have a point there, if what you're saying is actually true. I'd like to go back and look at all the disasters that were declared during the period of this graph and see if there really is a lower threshold and, if so, what would the new graph look like if some recent disasters had not been included. I'd also try maybe going back and including previous storms that were not counted, but honestly I don't know how to do that since some of that information might be hard for me to gather. I'll give it a try that way as well if I can, but first I am going to see if someone already has.\n\nDo you have any thoughts on where the line should be drawn as to what to include or not include? I'll be totally up front here and admit that I full expect you to shift the goal posts if you dislike the outcome, so I want us to actually commit to a level of proof that will satisfy both of us beforehand.\n\nEdit: So far I found this: http://www.grida.no/graphicslib/detail/trends-in-natural-disasters_a899#\n\nAs you can see, it does conclude that other factors are increasing the rate of reports of these incidents apart from climate change, but things that would be attributable to climate change are increasing at a rate much faster than earthquakes, which would not be. I wouldn't call that alone conclusive, but it's certainly a start. 1353087066 +I.E. she's a fuckin crazy loon who never even knew her great grandfather, "a new, humane order on earth" no more wondering who the black sheep of the family is 1295629315 +Can we all agree that going forward whenever something like this happens, we take the shit back to the store and demand a refund for being sold a fraudulent product that doesn't work as promoted. 1311016439 +> it's just a reader who will never change his/her mind about vaccination.\n\nFTFY, if that was what "made up his mind" then his mind was made up already. 1349633175 +>~~Democracy~~ Republic 1352258964 +Well, I eat meat and I don't think it's "ethical" in the "sentient life is sacred sense," but if I REALLY wanted to know about it's production I'd pursue accounting practices in the industry- somewhere in there are accountings for death by conditions, meat sold at reduced rates from sick animals, etc. 1338276388 +Thanks for your agreement on my points. \n\nI'm curious to know how can you tell if the parties conducting the research are impartial or not, because I can't and I would definitely love to learn how to. \n\nWell, even though the existence of acupoints still cannot be scientifically proven (just like [gravity](http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Has_gravity_been_proven)), there are studies which show the effect of acupoint stimulation on the limbic system (as mentioned in my original post), and this is one way of explaining why EFT works. What do you think about that?\n\nI am definitely looking forward to the day when there are large, reliable studies on EFT conducted and made known to the public. Personally, I have experienced so many good things with EFT that it seems like a waste to me that not more people know about it. 1343118360 +IIRC, this was specifically for the cold relief gel swabs, not for the pill form. 1324976650 +Alright, I think we're going in circles now. I already mentioned 3 comments ago I understand your point about just b/c all theories are exhausted that it doesn't automatically makes the remainder the default answer. I get it: The Appeal to Ignorance.\n\nHowever, there is still something to be said about this... b/c again, it was either an inside job, or it wasn't.\n\nAnd, as I said before there is evidence of implosions, specifically w/ bldg 7 given how it collapsed in a equilateral motion and that the only way this could have occured is if *all* the column supports were *simultaneously* collapsed... also, thermate evidence.\n\nSo, it's not just a matter of eliminating theories, but also how there's direct evidence of an actual implosion (not my words, words of structural engineers).\n\nedit: in short, one has to weigh the evidence. On one scale you have the explosive theory, which is quite heavily weighed with evidence and on the other scale, you have basically zero evidence for the plane and/or fire theory. When one objectively weighs the scales, it simply weighs in favour of the explosive theory. 1324949177 +I've seen a lot of "lights" falling from the sky like this lately. I wonder what that is or what it could mean. 1336614483 +We have a **CHRISTIAN** (wtf?) radio station that has a weekly program where [a local "psychic"](http://www.thealbanynewyorkpsychic.com/) does readings for people. "Must know Mondays" or something like that. She's not very good. A couple of highlights:\n\n* A woman called in asking if she'd meet someone (for a relationship) soon. The psychic asked her if she worked in a college, said that she got an impression of tall buildings around the caller, and said it'd be someone the caller met at work. The caller worked in the infirmary at a prison. The psychic said "prison, college, what's the difference, right? AAHAHAHAHAHHAA"\n* A man whose wife died two years ago called in to ask if she was still somewhere near him. He said that he still visits her grave **twice a day** and hasn't thrown away anything of hers from their house. The psychic said she was still around and that the man needed to try to get in touch with her. (WTF. Dude's severely emotionally damaged from his wife dying. You're an asshole.)\n\nAnd that's just the tip of the iceberg. I've been tempted to call in several times with a fake story about a nonexistent dead relative to see how it'd work out, but I'm not that much of an asshole and I've got shit to do during the day. 1320733717 +I am also in a train station, but bipedal hominid locomotion began about 4 million years ago. Interesting to note that the advent of shoes began about 40 thousand years ago. 1326038272 +http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/SafetyAvailability/VaccineSafety/UCM096228#tox\nToxicology of ethylmercury is not well studied. It is known that it is less toxic than methylmercury, but not by orders of magnitude. It was a dumb idea to use it in a preservative intended for human consumption without first doing proper clinical trials of its effects, even though it turned out to be probably mostly harmless at the doses at which it was used. 1315212241 +By definition. 1284003669 +Fawlty Wires 1332174229 +Airplane contrails at dusk, most likely. 1314634547 +They named a planet after a radio station? 1337918963 +Any time someone claims to be a doctor but then authors histrionic paragraphs like this one I know that Dr. stands for douche rag. \n\n> This is deception at its finest: begin with a shred of truth, and then spin it to fit your own agenda. 1278721135 +I'm drunk and karma whoring.\n\nStill, I thought you might appreciate somebody going on the record, albeit sort of.\n\n 1341635654 +sorry, but it looks like you or your friend just used paint or something. 1340722014 +Romney. He looks less human. 1347270876 +He embodies my concept of evil. Evil is not some woo woo demon chasing me, but simply a banality, the lack of empathy and concern for his actions. Unfortunately at the moment the ban only extends to Iraq and Afghanistan. Considering this bit of junk has been sold to over 40 countries, I hope the UK govt actively contacts the countries security agencies involved ( includes China it seems) and provides assistance in bringing legal action. The card was a particularly nasty lie as it contains the cheapest looking bit of electronics available ( shop theft detector strips) that are not in the least programmable or active for purpose. The full woo on his [web site](http://www.ade651.com/) suggests requests for things to be detected can be provided on cards. Even "Human research". And of course he grabs more cash by insisting on training. I hope he is hammered by the law. Repeatedly. 1264256534 +Damn, I was going to take this test when, come to find out, it costs $10. Of course you can take a sample test for free but the full version with "a much higher level of accuracy" than the free version.\n\nI am going to take the sample test and report back, afterwards I'll look around and see if I can't find any papers for you to look at.\n\nP.S.\nIf you are in college you can usually go through your libraries website and get free access to about a gazillion research sites with peer-reviewed papers that usually cost money to the general public.\n\n**EDIT:** I'd like to point out, before I take this test that it says this:\n\n>If you have answered honestly and accurately, your basic personality type should be one of the top three scores.\n\nHoly shit, out of only 9 possible types that's pretty fucking vague don't you think?\n\n**EDIT 2:** I've come out as Type 5, "The Investigator"\n\n>Type Five \nThe Investigator \nThe perceptive, cerebral type. Fives are alert, insightful, and curious. They are able to concentrate and focus on developing complex ideas and skills. Independent, innovative, and inventive, they can also become preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructs. They become detached, yet high-strung and intense. They typically have problems with eccentricity, nihilism, and isolation. At their Best: visionary pioneers, often ahead of their time, and able to see the world in an entirely new way.\n\nTo bad that just by reading through the short, one paragraph long descriptions of each I could be ANY OF THEM.\n\n**EDIT 3:** Check out the MBTI link that dwchandler posted. You can find a whole crap ton of studies on and related to MBTI. 1272482749 +If that's amended to "unreasonable hope," the chart itself is evidence in it's favor 1344226417 +Oh, I missed that part. 1336005714 +But if it walks like a duck and swims like a duck... 1311905565 +You assume they'd try to use reason and not change the subject/run away and try to forget everything you said. 1356245808 +clinically significant means it has a noticeable effect which this does but only over nothing not sham, look at [this](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8c/Standard_deviation_diagram.svg) and suppose it represents all the results for back pain after sham acupuncture, with the peak representing the average and also the majority of cases.\n\nnow look at the 1 and -1 at the bottom, those are 1 standard deviation from the mean. Now imagine an identical bell curve over the top of that one but centre its peak 0.23 to the left of the first peak. you would see that there are two distinct peaks (significance) but that they aren't very far from each other (standard deviation).\n\nHence there is a difference but a very small one from the sham . in osteoarthritis and headache the SD from the mean was only 0.15 and 0.16. but a noticeable, aronud SD = 0.5, difference from nothing.\n\nThis study does say Acupuncture is better than nothing, but about as clinically significant as the sham acupuncture, which a skeptic could easily agree with, if you had an option between nothing and acupuncture i'd go the acupuncture. 1347410001 +Interesting. [Weatherspark](http://weatherspark.com/?#!dashboard;a=USA/CA/Pleasant_Hill) shows steady wind from the north until about 6 PM, at which point it dropped off. At 10 PM it shifted, coming out of the west heading east at 3.4 mph. But overall, very little wind. \n\nOP, how fast did they move? Faster than 3 mph? The wind direction seems close. 1330144336 +#EANF# [pertaining to Purveyors of Bullshit](http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002HFLZZK?ie=UTF8&tag=idenprop-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=1789&creativeASIN=B002HFLZZK). 1309060056 +They probably see us humans as mere gazelle, stupid and inferior beings to not warrant teaching us their ways...\n\nIt's not like humans are in a rush to teach Giraffes advanced trigonometry or algebra.\n\nThat's the analogy... 1312692218 +In low doses, it's perfectly fine. I used to work at a state environmental lab, and we didn't test tap water sources very often (cities and municipalities get private companies to do that), but when we did, it was ALWAYS right under 4 ppm. However they figured out to keep it so constant, they're doing it right. 1337772375 +That makes no sense. 1356375224 +I haven't watched it, but if the basic premise is that humanity is dependent on a functional ecosystem, that premise would be based in reality. 1346274853 +I tried to downvote one, realized I couldn't and just stopped there. 1328841705 +i believe some do to an extent. Even i have predicted things thru dreaming that happen to come true IRL 1328324396 +I get dry skin when I take hot showers. It's really starting to bug me and I should cool it down a bit. Well, when summer starts. lol 1303016303 +Hmmm, will look into this. 1352083358 +According to my anti-vax uncle, polio has been renamed to [Guillain-Barre Syndrome](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guillain%E2%80%93Barr%C3%A9_syndrome), and that's why there are no more diagnosed cases of polio.\n\nAlso, according to him, cases of polio began to decline as farmers stopped using DDT as a pesticide, and the vaccines did nothing. Logical. 1351805495 +Different angles, and even at that they look pretty similar at the top. I am 99% sure this is the same guy. 1344868647 +Fair point and I did not downvote him. However, others have noted that this user rehashes arguments all the time. If this is the case, it is not reasonable to expect the same arguments to be rebutted painstakingly every single time.\n\nIn addition, I'd like to say something about poor sources, just because it seems relevant. While it is true that every _argument_ must be judged on its own merits and doing otherwise is fallacious, _claims of fact_ are not subject to the same requirements. You can reject a claim of fact from a source that is not credible. Rejecting a claim does not mean taking the negation of the claim to be true, however. 1332307273 +Oh yes. My wife is one of them. 1332173649 +Doesn't that prove that there is no single one-world government? 1302654445 +Ask and ye shall receive http://imgur.com/a/1OKMG 1349840075 +No - it doesn't. They are very close. I see you deny objective morality by saying in order to be moral, you have to have belief. But morality deals with right and wrong. As Wikipedia defines it:\n\n>Morality (from the Latin moralitas "manner, character, proper behavior") is the differentiation of intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are good (or right) and those that are bad (or wrong)\n\nThe question here is are morals subjective (meaning our thoughts, feelings, etc. control it and will differ from everyone else's) or objective (meaning are these universal truths based on reality that stay constant no matter what we think). I argue that no matter what you may think, feel, or say, there is a right answer, the ultimate right answer, true no matter what, and that everything else is wrong. Some less wrong than others, but still wrong because it is not the ultimate right/good thing to do. 1341336664 +Yeah, knowing what it is makes it so much less scary. It only happens to me sometimes, but the first time was awful because I had no idea what was happening. 1338473587 +Right, another retard that claims that AGW is just a conspiracy and he knows better than the peer-reviewed published climate scientists ... but since he 'predicts' a "global cooling of 0.2 to 0.3 degrees Celsius by 2035" at least we know he will go away in 2-3 years top ... or just publish another crappy book for deniers and conspiratards in which he will just predict something else ... or just move towards telling the other retarded theory = "yes, it IS still a warming but it will not be bad" !!! 1328722339 +Some background:\n\nQ&A is an Australian TV show where members of the audience ask questions of politicians, media personalities and subject matter experts on a range of issues.\n\nThe man the question was asked of is Peter Garret who used the be the Environment minister and is now Education minister (also used to be lead singer of midnight oil).\n\nThe show is broadcast live and shows a twitter feed during the show. 1331295439 +[This one is better](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Cvl3DvYIqfk/T39lki7_NPI/AAAAAAAAAyg/VeKeego4ISk/s400/i-like-this-planet-you-get-off-futurama_2_.png) 1340567615 +It is now. 1288308150 +She must be proud, reviving her all-but dead career on the back of bad science and her child's learning disability. 1241455428 +It was a homeopathic remedy she gave me. She was really into that sort of stuff 1300713373 +Well you sure convinced me.... 1315753639 +I understood what you meant, I just disagree. I mean, there are probably some races like that, but others...well, we just can't assume that much about their nature. Perhaps they developed all that ability just *so* they could conquer, rape, and pillage. Maybe their just a mindless swarm with no real introspection other than to spread. Maybe their sense of joy is derived from hunting. There may just simply be some things that are rare in the universe and worth coveting and fighting for.\n\nI understand that it's natural to think of advanced beings as enlightened beings, but I genuinely do think there is danger in ascribing human attributes to the unknown. Some things can grow without the light. 1345192163 +I would like to divert your arguments to the larger thread (one of about 3 or so now already) for future posts http://redd.it/132nc0 1352834969 +Love it, thanks so much for this. I've been obsessed with the Bell ever since I read [Joseph P. Farrell's](http://www.reddit.com/r/josephpfarrell) book [SS Brotherhood of the Bell](http://www.amazon.com/The-SS-Brotherhood-Bell-Majic-12/dp/1931882614/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1334212881&sr=1-1).\n\nI'd love to get my hands on Igor Witkowski's [The Truth About the Wunderwaffe](http://www.amazon.com/Truth-About-Wunderwaffe-Igor-Witkowski/dp/8388259164/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1334212780&sr=8-5) but boy is that book hard to come by. 1334212843 +I find it more likely that we would be visited by interdimensional beings (see: tool's faaip do ooiad) than by something lightyears away... unless they're using interdimensional travel to reach us. I think that's how the mayans disappeared. 1335049499 +I'm sincerely curious about this also. 1290153558 +I want to see one too 1349531936 +One of the most widely used chemical solvents in existence! 1327967657 +They're taking the piss out on truthers being jobless sucks who waste all their time handing out flyers, exchanging links to Zeitgeist and doing nothing productive with their lives. But since it's the onion they're doing it from the truthers "I don't understand why things aren't working out for me even though I've alienated myself from friends, family and work by being and insufferable conspiracy theorist" pov. 1348005071 +Depressed? [Spray those worries away!](http://www.ascendedhealth.com/sprays/spray_IamBlissful.htm) 1297201435 +I retract the "cheap shot" comment. 1351354792 +I just went to gsk.com and downloaded their pdf's on their various vaccines... it's all there. You may have to do some study and research to find out what things like "thimerosal" and "mrc-5 human diploid cells" are, but it's well worth it. 1256146992 +No, not really. There are two main "divisions" within anarchism.\n\n* The Anarcho-Socialists tend to believe money, property, capital, rent, and employment are evil (or something like that, they're hard to understand). They also believe in democracy and redistribution of wealth .... hopefully I'm not misrepresenting their POV.\n* The Anarcho-Capitalists tend to adhere to prefer the (a) non-aggression principle and (b) property rights, and many within the Austrian School of Economics (Such as Rothbard) are Anarcho-Capitalists. Also note that AnCaps use "Capitalism" in the classic free-market sense. 1313575641 +Having both been to AA meetings and been in a homeless shelter, I found the similarities were striking. In both cases, you were expected to accept God, or you weren't fully accepted into the group. In both cases you had to attend group meeting to talk about your problems. In both cases, you had to do "humbling" menial labor like clean the coffee maker or sweep the floor.\n\nBottom line is, they both resemble typical traditional Christian proselytizing of the poor or oppressed. 1321671673 +How did my phone get all the way over there? 1331988062 +1. What is her opinion on religion? I imagine that the truth is vastly different from current day interpretations of Iron Age mythology.\n\n2. Whether there is a god or several gods or nothing at all, it seems there is still a hierarchy of sorts in the afterlife with entities that seem to project their authority over other spirits - at least that's what I presumed from reading NDE/OBE stories ("Do you want to die now or do you want to go back to your life?" or "Hey! Get back into your body!"). Can you elaborate further on this? 1343765415 +He gives a good illusion of being logical. The reality is that he has a really strong tendency to base his decisions on the cultural atmosphere he surrounds himself with. At that point he'll use logic in defense of the already decided issue. But only to a certain extent. He'll debate it, but as a debate. And not as an attempt to actually examine the issue. \n\nHe's a really funny, really smart, guy who provides an example that intelligence and education don't always mean understanding of scientific methodology. 1279246573 +Science isn't about war, you calmly explain the facts and if the person you are discussing with is open to it he/she will accept it, if not then too bad.\n\nYelling and screaming is not what scientists should do nor should anyone who seriously wants to promote fact above fiction should ever do. If you feel compelled to get angry and go into pointless arguments then you are really no better than denialists. 1265535020 +Man, that story sounds like nothing but a flaming bag of p... *oh*. 1306867960 +Obviously Dr. Stuhlinger took the high road here instead of finger pointing. 1344315489 +The fingers he was using to point to the phallic symbols looked quite phallic to me 1307892828 +I'd say the dice are sentient. Also, they will inevitably betray you, at which point you should curse them. 1335083554 +Thanks for the info. It's something to think on - we seem to agree on most points. I'm just not sure I smell disinfo (not that he isn't). 1351727898 +Bare in mind that most of the time when we're talking about alternative medicine we're talking about practices that have been tested, often extensively, and show no results. \n\nAs to the holistic approach to medicine, you are absolutely right. There's nothing wrong with the term holistic in itself, but it has been co-opted by people who are not trained medical practitioners. \n\nI'm sure that there are many doctors out there who take pride in treating people in a "holistic" manner. But there is no licencing for "holistic healers". I could set up a shop and call myself a holistic therapist right now, and be happily stuffing interesting things into even more interesting orifices in no time. 1298936523 +But did you know that the presence of dihydrogen monoxide has been detected in women with breast cancer? A recent study involving 40 breast cancer patients showed that 99 percent of their tissue samples contain this chemical. Dihydrogen monoxide can enter your body through deodorants and antiperspirants. 1348902586 +Joehillsays? 1348269106 +Honestly between the crappy video quality and the rednecks shaking alcoholic hands it could be anything. 1326519846 +Enter...E.T. 1338918517 +wow, amazing detail! hopefully your post can help set something straight. 1346457589 +there is no evidence except videos of the parlour trick. which is not evidence.\npeople do look at these and they make up their minds - its just a silly trick with some pre prepared paper soaked in chemicals. That has been proven in hundreds of actual real science papers (not silly made up ones you claim exist). You really should look at that evidence and use your own analysis to decide. 1349990350 +I just checked all my resources on the subject.\nIm pretty sure it was the cancer. \nUnless the alternative medicine was a bullet. Then if steve had a bulletwound we might reason to believe it was the alternative medicine.\n...\n\nI just checked again, no bulletwound, it was the cancer. 1318635078 +With all the galaxies, planets, moons out there, it would be foolish to think we are the only life in the universe. 1271074833 +FYI, stalks is more appropriate than stocks. As a noun, stocks can mean many things, while stalks only means stalks. 1341530308 +I read psychics as physics. I was quite intrigued by the title. 1339713789 +To Kurzweil's credit, a great deal of his success as an inventor is owed to his ability to, at the very least, see short-term future innovations down the road. He began development of his reading machine before the technology to make it possible had been fully-formed. Likewise his digital keyboard began development ahead of the tech curve so that it was able to come out the moment the tech was ready for it.\n\nThere are a lot of angles you can attack his ideas about The Singularity from, not the least of which being over-optimistic about the likely speed of development. But when one compares a modern smart-phone to the computing technology used during the Apollo 11 mission, one can't help but marvel at how fast this shit is moving. Upon getting my iPhone 4s last year, I was taken aback by how much talking to "Siri" felt like speaking to the deck computer from Star Trek. (And Siri is very much one of the predictions that Kurzweil nailed. He thought it would be on "PCs", but he also thought there would be tiny PCs that we would carry around with us at all times, using wireless communications as well as voice control. That's a pretty damn perfect description of my current phone.) \n\nAnyone performing a thought-exercise of looking at current research in quantum computing, cybernetics, high-speed networking, and fabrication robotics, would find it hard to avoid arriving at similar end-games to what Kurzweil is talking about. He might be a little over-optimistic about how long some of this will take, but most of the ways we're likely to improve technology, including biotech, are probably not far from what's coming. 1353089047 +I appreciate your apology, and I appreciate your thoughts. \n\nMy wife, as a midwife, attends peer review once a month. As a naturopath, she's required to fill continuing ed credits just like any other medical practitioner, and is under the governance of a state-certified licensing board. \n\nShe became a naturopathic doctor and a midwife because she was interested in the *practice* of healthcare, not the *business* of healthcare. Her practice allows her to spend much, much more time with her patients and focus on increasing their wellness, rather than getting 15 minutes to prescribe this drug or that. Not that there aren't any number of conditions that should be treated with prescription medicine - but that so many of the chronic conditions that lower quality of life really respond best to diet, exercise and counseling.\n\nThe problem she faces - **all the time** - is that most people interested in "alternative medicine" have fundamentally given up on allopathic care. They're the ones who know in their heart of hearts that vaccines give you autism, fillings cause brain damage and that [laying on hands](http://www.naet.com/) will cure your ills. And frankly, you *have* to get a little woo with them just to get them to listen to you - I got to discuss anal swabs over dinner last night because my wife is trying to get her partner to swap over to a more accurate hepatitis test and her partner doesn't even really believe in *germ theory*. Meanwhile, most people on the Western side of things think that anyone telling you to get more sleep, eat better and get some exercise so that you can stop taking blood pressure medication is a charlatan and a witch out to drain your bank account.\n\nI dunno. It just gets tiresome defending one side to the other every day and then getting pilloried by both of them. Your viewpoint is diminishingly rare.\n\n 1279936953 +I like the story of that one military officer that touched the craft in Rendlesham Forest, and got some kind of flash of a bunch of binary that he couldn't understand. Some time later, a computer science guy gets ahold of the binary message and it turns out to be the alien equivalent of a license plate. That is the kinda thing that gives me goosebumps, a completely reasonable and mundane piece of information that a craft would have on it. 1337952668 +Way to be skeptical about being skeptical, job. 1355710380 +In the one you hear the cat meowing in you can hear a train whistle blowing at one point. It sounds far off and very faint. Just kind of gives a perspective on how close a cat would have been to you to get picked up that well. 1340416955 +I think Economicvoice.com is guilty of blatant sensationalism.\n\nGoldman Sachs does not say that "the economic collapse is coming." A single Goldman Sachs trading strategist (Alan Brazil) says that $1 trillion *may* be required to shore up European banks.\n 1315805757 +Maybe like... A year and a half ago, also I feel like I'm constantly being watched. It's the strangest feeling in the world. The angel's an average sized human. There's child sized ones too... Jesus christ, I feel like a fucked up Dr. Suess 1335595220 +GCI? 1305359997 +>Today, any idea can be promoted as worthy, irrespective of facts - and tolerated in the name of "fairness."\n\nSad, but true.\n\n***FACEPALM*** 1322489080 +call back and ask what the lady said 1342875423 +[Yes yes yes](http://www.newint.org/features/2008/09/01/message-in-a-bottle/) don't buy that shit. 1334687348 +You can come with me if you want to....I can still save you... 1351725846 +Can dirty hermaphrodites be gay? 1347800072 +dont worry. The same thing happens to me when I'm laying down in bed trying to sleep. 1334864491 +I would stop trying to reason with the hostile 12 year old. The fact remains, whether its good for you or not, cracking and popping joints releases endorphins in roughly the same manner as a massage. I would never recommend anyone to go to the chiropractor. That doesn't change the fact the if people feel better, then it works, especially if there is no measurable cause for their pain. 1349496425 +That sounds downright anti-democratic, actually. 1330488927 +How do I avoid them? 1329975860 +I'm not so sure (no expert here), if proteins were fully destroyed by the digestive process, there would be no such thing as food allergy, right? Peanuts, eggs, milk, wheat, and so forth, all allergies to proteins that the body finds within as foreign. \n\nPerhaps instead of 'all', we should consider that some portion is making it through the digestive process. Now, what comprises an effective dose is hard to say, but if kids can die from minute quantities of peanut, I wouldn't expect much colostrum to be necessary to register with our immune systems. 1311355922 +Transcript [here](http://www.corbettreport.com/911-a-conspiracy-theory/)\n\n>On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 men armed with boxcutters directed by a man on dialysis in a cave fortress halfway around the world using a satellite phone and a laptop directed the most sophisticated penetration of the most heavily-defended airspace in the world, overpowering the passengers and the military combat-trained pilots on 4 commercial aircraft before flying those planes wildly off course for over an hour without being molested by a single fighter interceptor.\n\nThis can be broken up into a few assertions:\n\n* A plane cannot be hijacked with box cutters - Sure it can. Why couldn't it be?\n* Al-Qaeda isn't organized enough to carry out such an attack - They sure as shit are organized. And the "caves" they they live in aren't so much caves as they are literally vast underground fortresses.\n* If it were a legitimate terrorist attack, then jets would have been scrambled immediately. - Fairly thoroughly debunked [here](http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/articles/911/norad/) \n\n>These 19 hijackers, devout religious fundamentalists who liked to drink alcohol, snort cocaine, and live with pink-haired strippers, \n\nIrrelevant\n\n>managed to knock down 3 buildings with 2 planes in New York, while in Washington a pilot who couldn’t handle a single engine Cessna was able to fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corskscrew turn to come exactly level with the ground,\n\nDebunked [here](http://conspiracies.skepticproject.com/articles/911/hijackers/page/2/#hanisucks)\n\n>hitting the Pentagon in the budget analyst office where DoD staffers were working on the mystery of the 2.3 trillion dollars that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had announced “missing” from the Pentagon’s coffers in a press conference the day before, on September 10, 2001.\n\n\nDebunked [here](http://www.911myths.com/html/rumsfeld__9_11_and__2_3_trilli.html)\n\n>Luckily, the news anchors knew who did it within minutes, the pundits knew within hours, the Administration knew within the day, and the evidence literally fell into the FBI’s lap. But for some reason a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists demanded an investigation into the greatest attack on American soil in history.\n\nNot even sure what he's trying to say here. There was speculation about the perpetrators in the beginning, and intelligence agencies said it was most likely a terrorist attack. Can someone chime in and tell me why this is relevant?\n\n>The investigation was delayed, underfunded, set up to fail, a conflict of interest and a cover up from start to finish.\n\n\nDebunked [here](http://other.skepticproject.com/articles/quotes/view/27/911-commission-member-said-commission-was-setup-t/)\n\n> It was based on testimony extracted through torture, the records of which were destroyed.\n\nWhat about the people who claimed responsibility while they were halfway around the world, not being tortured?\n\n> It failed to mention the existence of WTC7\n\n\nDebunked [here](http://www.debunking911.com/pull.htm)\n\n> Able Danger\n\nDebunked [here](http://conspiraciesrnotus.blogspot.com/2007/12/dismantling-able-danger.html)\n\nHonestly, I'm getting tired of this. All of the shit he said has been thoroughly debunked. He just dressed it up in satire and made his assertions even more ambiguous. There is nothing new to see here, except a slightly higher production value in the crazy people videos than normal. 1331094543 +Really man really!!!! 1313688733 +Seriously, it's like these people have never heard of the Food, Drug, & Cosmetic act. Drugs and therapies performed by doctors must be safe *and* effective! If it's not both, the drug is pulled and the therapy is halted.\n\nIt's why, just a couple of weeks ago, the FDA removed metastatic breast cancer from the indication of Avastin: it wasn't effective!\n\nETA: Just tried to comment on the article. Why am I not surprised that my comment must be approved by the admins? 1322410693 +And driving.\n 1329888003 +Yes! Me, too! And then I have weird dreams. 1344560886 +Answer: Are there any scientific studies published in peer-reviewed journals proving HAARP caused the earthquake in Haiti? No? Then the earthquake wasn't caused by HAARP. This is the only rational answer. Anything else is unscientific. 1265543104 +I found this review of Fitzgerald's book, which seems to take issue with a lot of the arguments he makes. \n\nhttp://armariummagnus.blogspot.com/2011/05/nailed-ten-christian-myths-that-show.html\n\nThe main issue seems to be that Fitzgerald makes a lot of arguments against a literal/fundamentalist reading of the gospels, showing they can't be true, but doesn't quite make the connection that this proves there was no historical Jesus. It's an interesting critique after you've seen the talk (which goes over the major points in the book). 1309559655 +If you happen to dream about who wins the World Series, let me know. I've got money, a car, and I ain't that far from Vegas. 1350972277 +There are literally thousands of videos of the events of 9/11. You can find many of them on youtube. 1349670500 +>The answers require out of the box thinking but you are insisiting the box must stay.\n\nI'm only insisting that the known fundamental laws of the universe must stay if we're to have an honest conversation about interstellar travel in that very same universe. Do you think this is unfair? If so, why? And if we are to eliminate the known fundamental laws of physics in the conversation, then where does one draw the line between realistic vs. unrealistic hypotheses? If we were writing a science fiction novel, then I would absolutely agree! But we're not. We're talking about the real world, and I don't know if there's value considering possibilities that aren't known to be possible in the real world. Know what I mean here? We have to work within the framework of what we know, not what we don't know. 1345051289 +It's more likely that every UFO "sighting" was hallucinated or misinterpreted than the idea that we are being visited by intelligent extra-terrestrial beings. Also, you're the one here claiming that we are visited by aliens and until you show me something that can't be 'debunked' I'm going to continue to believe that these phenomenons are earthly in origin. Does that mean we know what they are? No. But jumping from that to ALIENS! is just fucking stupid. 1332250968 +I found the real C2C when I was in fourth grade. Art Bell was the voice I fell asleep to for years. It's just not the same with out him at the helm. 1350462983 +>Nobody said they believed this was paranormal.\n\nThis original post is in /r/Paranormal. You replied to me in /r/Paranormal. I'm replying back to you right now in /r/Paranormal. 1347455149 +Well when you defend "creationist scientists" in /r/skeptic, you're inviting such gems. The very fact you were wrong and continued to argue it just shows your immaturity and lack of self-reflection. 1292611717 +This is just like the bollocks claim that aliens must have helped people build the pyramids, because making a big pile of stones is so much fucking hard work! 1325858798 +*cringe*\nThe very same :D\nThank you very much! 1326564080 +Allopathy is the term the CAM community applies to evidence-based medicine. \n\nIf a certain intervention is proven to work, it's just medicine.\nIf it doesn't work, it's not medicine at all, though it might be presented as such. \n\nMaybe that is a narrower definition than that of 50 million Elvis fans, but I'll stand by it. 1302028078 +Not really. They're mainly songs that pop in to my head, and I think that I'd really like to hear it. Or hey, I haven't heard this song in a while. Then it will pop up somewhere. The songs aren't popular either. Just random. 1327885569 +I'm having a hard time thinking of a scientist more impressive than Newton. 1348704932 +Well, it doesn't belong to /r/nosleep because he went back to sleep. 1337336891 +If I remember correctly, there were issues with some of the earlier DNA testing. That being said, I still am not sure if I buy any of this just yet. 1330661222 +My standard disclaimer is that while I remain skeptical, I acknowledge there are a myriad of phenomenon that human beings are not normally privy to. I can't deny anything I can't disprove. Still with me?\n\nOk.\n\nMy thought? [Spirit Guide] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spirit_guide) 1343407823 +There's also [water intoxication](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_intoxication), but your point still stands. 1283897398 +Isn't that the Nuremberg defense ? \nSo what your saying is that you work for frauds but they are not really really bad frauds so that's ok. 1304403862 +Well, those clappers were probably just the nuts who follow Chopra and Houston around on "tour" and listen to their radio show. Probably not the usual Caltech crowd. I can only hope. 1283291310 +Actual example :[1](http://tech.slashdot.org/story/09/02/10/2211220/false-fact-on-wikipedia-proves-itself)\n\nThough, maybe this didn't actually happen but rather a rushed writer writing on the topic of Wikipedia... 1321453138 +Don't get me wrong, I don't disagree with you. The issue isn't that government wants/doesn't want to control birth rates and such, because they often do, but that the current debate on marriage and associated rights doesn't have much (if anything) to do with government's desire for that birth rate.\n\n> Government control of marriage is actually a pretty ineffective way to encourage procreation.\n\nIt depends on how you view it. Having a codified system could be good, in the sense that contract enforcement helps businesses be able to deal with one another. The 'extra layer' may help create the conditions that allow people to raise children in extra safety or whatever. My comment should only be taken in the context that making absolute statements (government does not want to, government does not help) weakens the overall argument.\n\nFundamentally the argument is flawed because gay and lesbians probably won't have kids outside of marriage, but could (at the very least) raise kids in marriage. Allowing them the same rights would increase their ability to 'have' children, either by proxy, adoption or some other means. 1335475134 +> A law the prohibits bullshit\n\nis a law against freedom of speech.\n\n> A law that stops homeopathy\n\nis the first step on the road to authoritarianism\n\n>, for instance \n\nis a left-over from the copy-and-paste 1267494156 +Sounds like a shoddy ticketing system. 1355839918 +He's right though we should be skeptical especially if they agree with our beliefs (I need a different word, I feel like "beliefs" implies some kind of unchallengeable knowledge, maybe just how I was raised though), I hope this true though, being skeptical of a claim and wanting it to be true aren't mutually exclusive. 1329529954 +That's oxiclean's active ingredient. 1301474448 +2 things after reading this :\n\n- we/i don't actually know that much about the chinese POV on all this (govt and civil) . \n- there are "quite some" people with 6 fingers on each hand out there .. i always felt it wasn't that unnatural .. i wonder what the deal is 1323882281 +....Nope. 1353413465 +^ This is the only constructive comment here. ^ 1343964672 +It is for those of us allergic to corn. Corn syrup takes the chemical components that cause an allergic reaction, and condenses them by roughly 1000 times the ppm.\n\nCheap pancake syrup nearly killed me twice as a child before they figured out what it was. Now I have to have my pancakes and waffles with real maple syrup, poor me!\n\nedit: I a word. 1340426729 +Trolls are pathetic, committing the most facile lies while deluding themselves into believing those lies are clever. \n\nAny internet discussion forum just makes what it can of the content presented to it. /r/Skeptic eventually saw through this lie and that doesn't negate that better people than the troll-OP were able to conjure some meaningful thoughts and exchanges about the content of the lie. 1355690169 +Whoa... 1345683639 +But when it is, that will be the bad thing. Looks like KillAllTheWhiteMan needs to cross ceolceol's palm with silver. 1315404407 +just a story with 0 proof. nothing more, move along. 1347140716 + Wicca and Witchcraft are cool/fun. That perception colors the world in interesting ways. If anyone can be excused for believing in Wicca, it should be kids. As a kid, roughly at that age, I was into that sort of stuff too. It was *fun*. I wanted magic spells damn it. At this point its just him being a unique kid. He's just got an active imagination. Most likely he'll come out of it disillusioned by religion in general. So, don't worry about it. Give it another five years, then *start* to worry if things haven't changed. 1288736449 +Germany showing intolerance of an ancient Jewish ritual? I'm shocked...Ok I actually think this is a good thing.... 1340825659 +From the webmd link:\n> Most of these claims have no evidence backing them up. Some -- like vinegar's supposed ability to treat lice or warts -- have actually been studied, and researchers turned up nothing to support their use. 1305185506 +This is a big problem, in need of a solution. Maybe some kind of double-blind test to determine which are the good psychics? 1306521611 +And these exact reasons are why we'd try to actually attack them, to steal this technology, and put it in the hands of the big corporations, who would then bury it. 1295015996 +Sorry, I keep seeing this. What is SRS? I googled it, but I get results like "sexual reassignment surgery" and "scoliosis research society," and I am pretty sure that's not what you guys are talking about. Thanks! 1347373272 +My reaction was so funny when I found SGU. I was like, "Wait, I'm a skeptic? You mean there are other people in the world like me?"\n\nI felt an instant bond because I finally found a group of people who I could identify with. People who would almost obsessively research a subject and examine evidence. People who examined every facet of life and thought about it. People who genuinely wanted to know how the world worked.\n\nAwesome show, I look forward to it every week. 1346184786 +close. Salt.\nhttp://www.livescience.com/22954-changes-ocean-salinity-voyage.html 1348863837 +Here's a much better photo of [Aristarchus Crater](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f1/Aristarchus_and_Herodotus_craters_Apollo_15.jpg) which you can see looks nothing like "fusion reactor." In fact, since no one on Earth has ever seen a fusion reactor, by what basis can anyone claim that this crater looks like one? 1316094581 +The problem is that if they are able to somehow come to the conclusion that evolution, a scientific theory that has only been bolstered by every bit of evidence ever found, never called into question by any kind of legitimate evidence (there *is no* "contraversy,* and no biologist worth his weight in salt would say otherwise), and is in fact observable in our every day lives (virus mutation, breeding of dogs, speciation occurring in various animals, etc.), then what *else* are they capable of denying without cause?\n\nThe willingness to stubbornly deny evolution on the basis of fallacious arguments denotes an inherent problem with their decision making. Imagine how much *better* that brilliant surgeon, chemist, what have you, might be if their thought processes were corrected to eliminate this flaw.\n\nEDIT: I accidentally a word. 1336759634 +Honestly it's hard to say what it could be, but I do not believe it is paranormal. \n\nMore than likely it is a natural event that we haven't been able to explain. 1348803189 +ah ok. the video didnt show up when i was viewing with firefox. 1340058432 +Interesting, but none of these are completely silent and none are able to hover in one place. That is a key distinction; these are still airplanes and need to be moving forward to stay aloft. Most triangle sightings are characterized by silence and hovering. 1298062179 +What are these credibility issues? 1345601009 +My friend who I talk about in the entry has spoken of the shadow people. I will read that, thank you. 1327361423 +Why just imagine? 1317103248 +I'd also like a link please. 1345660494 +Cocaine is a helluv a drug 1351957580 +Dr. Ketchum appears to be a legit researcher with relevant qualifications, and prweb appears to be a legitimate site for news and press releases which points to DNA Diagnostics (although the website looks like it's from the early 90's, it appears to be a legit business). It is however just a press release.\n\nI am extremely skeptical, and will wait to see the evidence and if it merits it, further independent study of the samples. 1353872629 +Yes, we've all seen the image on the internet. 1337455653 +The correct term is "eugenics," if I'm not mistaken. 1340934504 +>there might be something useful that can be learnt.\n\n- there is no degree of absurdity that the human mind cannot find to be reasonable. 1331214879 +Gotcha. Yeah, GBS can sometimes result from auto-immune responses to a vaccine. I always find it curious that it so often gets brought up in the context of vaccination but almost never elsewhere. GBS is a haywire response of the immune system and it also occurs when people actually get sick, including when people get the flu!\n\nI suppose it is more dramatic when a healthy person gets GBS after a vaccination. But it's also valid to point out that flu sufferers can see GBS after being sick. 1256945186 +Billy Meier is a fraud. 1352865914 +Why should we assume that extraterrestrials would communicate with radio signals? I don't think that silence necessarily means anything. 1323199738 +The would also be able to avoid crashing into a planet, or nose diving into a volcano for that matter. 1351857307 +[No true Scottsman pseudo-fallacy.](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman) Which I'm starting to see everywhere...\n\nThe "true" assertion this context amounts to [pathos](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathos) because you haven't defined it otherwise.\n\nI would say, "No skeptic who submits belief in the christian deity to skeptical analysis will thereafter believe in the existence of said deity." Wordier, but avoids the issues with "true skeptic". 1329857213 +Organic means governmental certification. It's not necessarily great. Most small farms are not able to get certified as organic because it's too arduous and expensive. 1338687579 +i dun 'now wat u say\n\n 1345040321 +Well put. Thanks for your contrivution and the excellent examples you provided. 1339632412 +> There are news paper articles from the time that described eye witness accounts of the phenomena. Both in Norfolk, VA and in Philadelphia, PA.\n\nCitation needed. 1348164387 +Why is this guy getting downvoted? It was hilarous! 1296065398 +I would take the lead any day of the week. After all, what's the off chance of brain damage compared to the choking hazard presented by phallic foods? That's why I don't eat hot dogs, bananas, squash, or Popsicles. 1326719080 +>into nothing more than a small version of /r/atheism where all we do is tell each other how smart we are and how stupid everyone else is.\n\nYou're missing so much of the point. Humiliation, name-calling and chastising are imperative tools. Why act like someone's ignorant, uninformed opinions are somehow worth respecting by virtue of them being someone's opinions? I find myself in the face of pure, unwavering ignorance and you want me to be *respectful*? To tin-foil hat wearing crackpots and jeebus freaks? \n\nThe fact is, there's no excuse in this age of information. The information is there for people. If they can't find it or understand it, or simply won't try to break out of their shell all the while accusing me of being closed-minded, it's not my responsibility to do anything but let them know how much I revile their pathetic, flaccid intellects. 1341555388 +Their reaction was the strangest part of this. I think I recognized those boys (they were maybe around 18 - 20) as friends of a family who lived nearby. They would always ask me for cigarettes if they are the guys I think they were. Although that family still lives nearby, I haven't seen those guys since that night. \n\nTheir reaction really was very bizarre. While the part of my mind that loves mystery and conspiracy, regarding both as exciting and fun, I rather think that their reaction might be somewhat typical: the reaction of people who don't want to believe their eyes. I'm sure you've seen that mentality with some people in the past - where looking away and going about your business is easier than accepting that there is no "non-fantastic" explanation for something that's right in front of you. \n\nTo answer the question if I noticed something else, no. I kept and eye on my watch from the moment I first spotted it and noticed no "missing time", saw nothing prowling around in the area or anything else unusual aside from the thing hanging in the sky above me. \n\nSomething I haven't mentioned, though, those guys who turned and walked away silently, they walked along the side walk that wrapped around the building and did not return. I remembered them always parking in the ample spots in front of the building in the past. \n\n 1318456380 +1:1000000000 chance encounter 1353936637 +That's my point exactly.\n\nThe superficiality of weight doesn't really mean anything unless you go to the extremes of morbidly obese or anorexic. \n\nKeep in mind, that when I said this: \n\n>Probably because it will be used as an excuse for far too many people to absolve themselves of any personal responsibility.\n\nIt was meant as an example of what people like xpda would say. 1327432987 +These scenes are how we turned GH into a drinking game. 1352555989 +[The noise I make any time I hear/read the name Deepak Chopra](http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=NmNObROcBOo#t=2s)\n\nHe is such a dick :/. 1321353485 +Nope, most likely, power saving mode. When battery is below a certain percentage, the automatic setting on most laptops will cut the screen off after a minute or two of no user input. You moving it around when you plugged the charger into the laptop probably brought the screen back up. If it had truly died due to a dead battery, you would have had the whole boot up sequence when you plugged in the charger, assuming it was actually plugged in and providing power. 1326739491 +According to the label it is not made with raw cream..no where does it state anything about "raw". That makes much more sense, it isn't raw..\n\nhttp://www.greenpasture.org/public/Products/ButterOil/index.cfm 1351443477 +Also, one more slight glitch I have encountered. A friend of mine I had back in high school that I would hang out with on a regular basis, had a string of 3 months straight of looking at his phone or a clock at exactly 11:11. Whether we were in school or hanging out, he would always make a note of saying, "hey guys, if you was wondering, it's 11:11." \n\nFor the first few weeks this happened, all of my friends were kind of weirded out by it, but as time went on, we just accepted his friendly reminder. 1326435917 +That's fine. I just didn't want to the analogy (which uses a *person* for AGW) to can confused. It's easier to imagine a train on a train than a train on a person, even if it's all trivial. 1354899073 +Yeah I've had this before too. Even got to the point I double checked what time it was so I knew I wasn't just getting numbers mixed up. Still haven't figured it out either :) 1331860125 +It touches upon the paranormal, and people here are more often self taught and practical.\n\nNot to say it's unscientific of course. 1322425503 +still no arguments. 1345701864 +Your username is pretty relevant, too. 1332845491 +Juicing? The patient's wallet? 1349896175 +Futurism is, at least for me, a fun bit of show. At the heart of it is pure speculation, taking current trends and extrapolating out from there. Just as an economist cannot possibly predict two months into the future, so the same is with future technology. \n\nI worked at a video game company ten years ago and we predicted that cell phones would be the big market for games a decade later (we nailed that) but we had no idea technologies like Twitter and Facebook would be the titans they are on mobile. Disruptive technologies will always arise and throw off the linear curve that a technology was going on.\n\nAnyone that believes strongly in the singularity needs to critically evaluate how slow our medical progress really has been. We are not just our brains, our whole body make up the what we are. What we consider reality is just what our brains composite in aggregate from our senses. It isn't enough to simulate a brain, we'd need to simulate everything from sense organs to circulatory systems. People with artificial hearts have reported trouble sleeping because they lack a pulse. (Citation needed of course, my father and grandfather are docs and mentioned this last year at christmas dinner)\n\nI think your skepticism is well warranted, but don't miss the chance to experience the world the way it can be. I think starting a sentence with "What if . . . " usually ends with a fantastic conversation. 1352731432 +From the sources on wikipedia's Teflon article, I found [this article](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18419647), which seems to indicate that teflon and related cookware account for a very minor amount of the PFCs a person absorbs. I'm not sure if that's just likely to make your mother worried about the food and water that the article says account for the majority though.\n\nTo further that point, the natural news article itself notes that the study took place in the Faroe islands because uptake of PFCs is associated with eating fish, and nothing quoted in the article by any scientists mentions absorbing PFCs from household appliances.\n\n 1328302121 +That was mind blowingly dumb 1354214074 +And he recovered eyesight too!! double miracle! 1276861086 +I disagree, look at how many people are attached to their religious beliefs. I know quite a few in my town. I can safely say, everyone in my wifes family, including my wife, would be extremely freaked out over this. They are very religious Catholics. I think it is much better to just let this information trickle out to those that want to find it. 1346495587 +Interesting 1356402221 +Better safe than sorry! Thank you! 1350414398 +Interesting. Like the gambler who keeps betting to dig himself out of the hole because he thinks the jackpot is coming? 1337886121 +And some conspiracy theories use science...they are not mutually exclusive. 1333838470 +Mothman is scray. If you have netflix they have a documentary on it that scared the shit out of me, its instant view. We need more people to have a mothman discussion. \n\nAs a Jersey resident i have to tell you a secret. Jersey devil isn't real. It was made up during the Revolution to scare the superstitious British out of the Pine Barrens. Reasoning: Records from the Continental Congress including 1/3 copies of the Declaration was kept in the same barn in the Barrens. 1306384548 +Jupiter is visible to the naked eye, and if you catch it on the right night it looks pretty bright. 1289397017 +> Is there not? The supporters of organic foods that I talk to seem to do this and watch the grainy youtube videos that support all sorts of inaccuracies.\n\nI don't think there is. I am not even sure which grainy videos do you refer to. I would prefer you referred to facts, such as the regulations. For example, do you not think that you would prefer to drink the milk produced according to the rules that I have cited, or do you really insist on your cow being fed plastic and manure?\n\n> Obviously this is only my experience but from what I've seen Brian has been great at preventing more misinformation from being spread. \n\nNot about organic food. He has picked a few and well between facts, and he has painted a picture based on these facts. Yes, organic food does indeed use fertilizers. But also, while they are fertilizers, it uses fewer kinds, which is good for people who want to avoid certain pesticides (and other chemicals) more than others for social reasons. For example, I may want to avoid roundup not because I think it is somehow more poisonous than other pesticides (I am not sure which pesticide is the "worst"), but I may have a gripe with Monsanto for its corporate tactics. As a customer, I am happy to have that choice.\n\n> He usually goes over a number of claims (for everything from Bigfoot to organic food myths) and discusses why they are factual or not.\n\nWith organic food he has chosen to paint the picture that suited his opinion. He has chosen a few and far in-between facts and he has mischaracterized the organic food idea entirely. He stuck to the fact that fertilizers and pesticides are allowed in organic food and blown it out of proportion. I do agree that many people want to have food without chemicals, and, currently, there is no official standard in US to label such food. There could be, but there isn't one. Still, to many organic food consumers it does matter that the list of allowed chemicals is limited. It matters even more that organic food is about much more than just use of chemicals. It is not perfect, but certainly most of us would read many organic food regulations and wonder how on earth are such things allowed at all. Feeding cows plastic and manure is just but one example. There are some things like point (8) that we all know most animals in industrial farming will never get. Also, check my link to Google Scholar for scientific evidence that organic milk has clear advantages over non-organic milk. So there is science. 1352468995 +Here. Have a glass of water. 1283358510 +A long term Stossel-Shermer interview would be painful. Both of them are intelligent, but they also each have that voice that makes them sound arrogant and annoying. \n\nThe bit about the "noble savage" really is bothersome, I find myself explaining to people all the time that native peoples weren't any different than us today, although primitive societies are much worse off due to their basic human nature (combined with simple ignorance that requires time/generations to accumulate). On the other hand, you get those ancient astronaut folks trying to claim that early humans were too savage and dumb to build the pyramids or develop agriculture. 1311878496 +Even a broken clock tells the right time twice a day! 1326768940 +I exploded the flashes into images and put them in imgur albums. Makes for easy stepping through the frames.\n\n[First flash](http://imgur.com/a/FjUZu#0).\n\n[Second flash](http://imgur.com/a/jsXIX#0).\n 1342018639 +Personally, I'm concerned a significant psychological/sociological study might be produced in the future proving that it's in everyone's psychological/sociological best interests to say believe in God or follow a religion for example.\n\nThat it's possible that evidence could support ignorance, when held up against certain metrics, and that politicians would move accordingly.\n\nFingers crossed in the mean time 1350146084 +And according to Wikipedia, it's a dilution of about 1:10^400. So, it's sugar water. Well, it does say Homeopathic on the label. Heheh. 1329264495 +Other side of what? Because I doubt that those people who are aghast at the rape/violence threats delivered to Rebecca Watson are the same ones threatening this person.\n 1351109616 +Red Cross letter to US State Dept:\n\n- *"We had not been able to discover ANY TRACE of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners"* \n\nsource: http://i.imgur.com/Jcczo.jpg 1356337901 +You must really hate talking to your friends. \n\nExpressing concern about a program someone is about to enter is totally normal among friends. If my friend was going to get a degree in something the first question I would ask them is what they're going to do with it, and then how they plan on getting there. These are normal things that normal people talk about, and expressing concern for your friends is a good thing, not a bad thing. 1288895699 +But it's on the FBI site itself. The FBI is worried about hits? 1302465813 +This study sparked a furious debate over the peer review process when it was published. Here is a recent article from Goldacre on this debacle, [Backwards step on looking into the future](http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/apr/23/ben-goldacre-bad-science) 1310225537 +That was the one. While I would not say natural medicine and other practices have no value I am skeptical in the sense that many people have given it a bad name in while trying to make a buck. Also I am skeptical that natural medicine is effective because it is largely ignored by the scientific community and hence not enough empirical evidence to effectively evaluate those treatments. A catch 22 if you will. This is complicated by the fact that large scale trials are hugely expensive and probably not a big enough profit margin for companies to purse serious research in the area. \n\n"Even if purely psychological, if it's proven to do some good, any at all, it should not simply be thrown to the curb by the skeptics like so much I see here in r/skeptic."\n\nWhile I agree with you that if it does some good it should not be discarded out right if I broke my arm and the pill on the left will relieve 35% of my pain (statistically significant and homeopathic) or the pill on the left will relieve 100% percent of my pain (pharmaceutical) I can guarantee you which one I will take every time. That is not to say the pill on the left does not deserve greater study. What makes it work, how can we make that more effective etc. \n 1311020611 +Post the footage itself, not you pointing at a screen. 1300181376 +lol I'm on a insane rage fest on ignorance and stupidity right now. PEOPLE SOMETIMES MAN, GUILLIBLE IDIOTS 1335023600 +Homeopathy is bullshit. Magnet therapy is bullshit. Acupuncture, when done by a trained healer, is a great thing. \nMy experience has been that seeing a doctor of Chinese Medicine is more helpful than seeing an MD (I am sure other people have had different experiences with different doctors).\nA healer is not necessarily an MD, and an MD is not necessarily a healer. I don't think I have ever, in my life, met an MD who had the ability to listen and communicate well with me as a patient. It almost seems that they train MD's not to listen in school.\nOf the doctors of Chinese Medicine I have gone to, I have been lucky enough to find a real healer 2x. By that I just mean, someone who listens to symptoms and applies their knowledge to me as an individual.\n 1296824950 +Well, yes, of course.\n\nBut quack medicine will always be quack medicine.\n\nI think that getting *real* medicine back in order is more important, actually, as it should be the system that cures patients and fixes problems. If real medicine can't be trusted, then what do people have left?\n 1348515945 +The best statistics we have suggest that the Iraq War, justified by the September Attacks, is very much genocide. 1290774678 +I've said it before and I'll say it again:\n\nThe *only* good documentary about UFOs that I have seen is the 1956 docu-drama **[UFOs: The True Story of the Flying Saucers](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bGTLtdwPHM)**. \n\nWhen I say "good", I mean, "it has an impeccable and honest commitment to 'the truth'; it has a near-zero percent chance of being fake/hoaxed/disinfo; and by watching it, you learn *more* facts about UFOs, not *less*." I can't stress how important the last point is, and how easy it is to miss when a documentary has limited your perspective and attentions rather than expanding them. \n\nGetting back to my recommendation, [The Montana](http://www.nicap.org/mariana.htm) and the [Utah Films](http://www.nicap.org/utah2.htm) remain two of the best documented, best analyzed publicly known Unknowns -- and yes, you can see them online but I suggest watching the entire **UFOs** movie for invaluable context. Both were specifically declassified for public consumption for this film. And indeed, this fact has fueled some speculation that the whole production was an attempt to test the waters for a full-blown public disclosure, whatever that would have meant in the mid-50s. \n\nThe film is downright boring in its commitment to fidelity to facts over dramatic action. And considering that both Edward Ruppelt and Dewey Fournet worked extensively on the film to help ensure accuracy, it has *by far* the highest intellectual standards of anything you can watch about UFOs this side of **2001: A Space Odyssey** and **Close Encounters of the Third Kind**. Finally, the US natinal security state -- to take Richard Dolan's excellent phrase -- evolved a lot between 1956 and 1966, let alone the present day. UFOs is a document from a time when the government was less sophisticated in its use of PR, and the Great Taboo that the CIA's Robertson Panel dreamt up in 1953 hadn't truly had time to ferment yet in the American subconscious.\n\nI challenege anyone to take the assertions made by this film and attempt to verify/disprove them (your choice of course). You will find that almost every detail, assertion and narrative scene stands up to scrutiny and skepticism of the highest intellectual degree. \n\n**TL;DR**\n\n**[UFOs: The True Story of the Flying Saucers](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bGTLtdwPHM)** rewards serious scrutiny while most other UFO documentaries don't (if your standards rise above the **Zeitgeist**/**Loose Change** level).\n\n**EDIT**\n\nHaving checked out Drmorose's [suggestion](http://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/j4jk6/ufoaliens_documentaries_is_there_is_anything_else/c295k5j), I have to say that [UFOs It Has Begun (1976, 1979)](http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7100303682843029418) is a second "good UFO documentary" by my own standards. But I should have expected no less from a documentary so strongly influenced by Jaques Vallée. 1312151606 +I to am in favor of whatever works. This is why I'm opposed to psychics. How about some goddamn police work - who are the Glendale police anyway, a bunch of rubes at a carnival? This certainly doesn't inspire much confidence. And I thought Joe Arpaio was incompetent. . . 1320117788 +>Things like souls, the afterlife, a supernatural creator, the resurrection, prayer, original sin, immaculate conception, transubstantiation, etc, aren't testable at all, and those are the things that form the basis for most major religions. \n\nTransubstantiation seems pretty borderline to me, Catholics just assert that it can't be tested even though the claims certainly seem testable. Though some of them might claim that it changes only in the spiritual dimension or something.\n\nMany of those other things can I think be render superfluous, and I think that most religious people are intelligent enough to know that, if something is superfluous when it comes to explaining the natural world (sorry this sentence is fully inadequate but I think you get my meaning), then it's not worth believing.\n\nEven believers in ancient aliens building the pyramids I think would abandon belief if they thought the aliens were superfluous. That's why they direct so much energy at trying to discredit any explanations of how humans could have built the pyramids on their own. Equivalently many religious people try to discredit ideas that would render their beliefs (creationism) superfluous.\n\nTo think that religious people would continue to believe while accepting that their religious beliefs were completely superfluous to explaining the natural world, would I think be hugely insulting. I do not believe that the vast majority of religious people could be that different from us. 1348137660 +Looks like an Imperial battle cruiser to me. 1326479224 +I just read through most of it and the guy seems to believe *every* conspiracy theory ever. Illuminati? Check. Aliens? Check. 9/11? Check. JFK? Check. Believed Osama died in 2001? Check. \n\nEvery response with even a smidgen of skepticism is getting downvoted to all hell. Silliest AMA I've ever seen. And, of course, he does it all under the guise of "evidence." 1345538638 +I didn't see any movement that couldn't be attributed to camera shake and deliberate panning. The whole thing seems set up to me for some reason. The opening shot of the sky looks exactly like I would expect for dusk with the first planet becoming visible (usually Venus or Jupiter around here). As others have posted in this thread, when something is out of focus, it can take on a strange geometric shape, and there's just no reference point on the ground when the "movement" takes place. 1342415386 +I really like keeping up to date with environmental news so I read it often. I am just annoyed with a bunch articles posted now and then of dubious nature. \n\nIt can be a small community at times. 1331511765 +If the U.S. wanted to attack themselves so they could convince people to invade Iraq, they would have framed Saddam, not Osama Bin Laden, since Bin Laden had nothing to do with Iraq. It could not have been a false flag, since it didn't even have the flag on it that the Conservative neo-cons wanted to go to war with. 1349630421 +I predict that no one will succeed 1280717183 +With cheese. 1314065236 +That may be the best use of the Look of Disapproval, ever. 1306947263 +I don't really disagree; however this subreddit has a bad habit of mixing the jam with the cheese, so to speak. For example, the articles quoted in another thread as being "devastating" to the claims against chiropractic were *specifically* all studies that measured the efficacy of spinal manipulation in treating things like colic in children.\n\nWhich is good for what it is -- except that the OP asked specifically about the efficacy of chiropractic in treating neck and back pain in adults. The fact that some chiropractic claims are stupidly inflated does not mean other claims are automatically invalid. \n\nAgain, not really arguing the point. My own experience is purely anecdotal. I just wish that here, more than anywhere, logic would be paramount. 1306560107 +Yeah I came across that passage as well. I see your point. However, we have to consider that ancient cultures were elongating their skulls so their children would bear closer resemblance to the gods. The only thing, is that these look strikingly similar to the "starchild" skulls of pre-columbian Mayan civilization, and less like the ones proven to have been elongated by humans themselves. Those jaws are massive. Cpt_Wolf I also wonder how they got to Northern Mexico. What with the recent finding of egyptian hieroglyphics in Oceania (ie: Woy Woy site North of Sydney), one must wonder if canoe was really the only way to get around 3, 000 years ago. I believe there is something distinctly *non-human* about this. 1355778006 +>Logic exists, therefore *my* god exists\nFTFY 1275939148 +As you should. I like visiting this subreddit to read spooky stories, and some of them are quite well done. The ones that are entertaining to read, I can just ignore thinking about how improbable they are in reality and enjoy them as fiction.\n\nHowever, the crazy & paranoid posts that crop up so often are just a chore to downvote & hide. You can talk to dead people, you say? Could you please prove it, and give immeasurable comfort to millions of people, grieving over loved ones? Or just to help answer one of humanity's oldest questions regarding death? Oh... No, you're not willing to provide any evidence... You just want to spout nonsense for attention.\n\n...and so on. 1335495702 +That's a lucky coincidence. 1346571231 +What do you think of the Rebecca Watson "[Elevator incident](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca_Watson#Elevator_incident)"? 1346183208 +not just alcohol, but 87% alcohol. That's very nearly the alcohol concentration of everclear! 1272059784 +It sounds like you need to read up on atheism. It's not a claim, but a response to a claim. 1309203825 +I disagree on one simple point: not every article needs to be written for every audience. Ars isn't reaching an audience that likely needs any explanation of why it's a crock of shit.\n\nThis isn't USA Today, it's a narrowly focused audience. There's nothing wrong with the article focusing completely on a different type of dishonesty from DI. Their readers already know the organization is junk and ID just as junky but seeing them be so blatant is worth a quick article. 1356108346 +You clearly don't have a ffing clue about what it takes, so whatever.\n\nI'm the guy who thinks basic objectivity and factual information will eventually show disbelievers that UFOs are real. \n\nI'm also the guy who thinks that people (like you) who pull their feel-goody fantasies right out of their asses and present them as valid information with zero basis in reality are the primary reason that UFOs and those who believe they exist are considered to be idiots and kooks. \n\nAll you are doing is setting the entire field back with every bullshit 'theory' that you 'intuit', and you steal away credibility from the people doing the REAL work, like Rich Dolan, Liz Kean, Stan Friedman, etcetera. They actually **do research** and **collect facts** to form their ideas, rather than just go with whatever gives them a warm glowey self-satisfied feeling.\n\nYou can bet that I'll be contacting you on December 22 so we can give each other a big hug and marvel at how different everything is for humanity even though nobody did the goddamn spiritual legwork necessary to actually *deserve* such a change. 1351887096 +"Greatness relies on infinite experiences"\n\n"Culture nurtures your own possibilities" \n\n"The soul is rooted in great knowledge"\n\nAnd my favorite (it's the last one I got so far): "Freedom creates universal creativity"\n\nI had no idea who Deepak Chopra is or what he did, but if these can come out randomly out of his tweeter feed, I'm a devoted follower! 1339967291 +Oh I could come up with something much more expensive! I've read most of rube goldbergs stuff! 1321993047 +Had a cell phone that would behave like this whenever it got a little water inside it. \n\nI would often spend time by the neighborhood pool and walk home for lunch, sometimes it would vibrate, sometimes there would be an odd text half-typed (nothing legible) and sometimes the screen would flash on/off between menus. 1331371264 +I'm about as skeptical of alien encounters as ghosts. I agree that any species advanced enough to make it here wouldn't need to probe us and mutilate our livestock. I was just saying that I think it's more likely that alien life exists somewhere out there in space than ghosts here on earth. 1341293724 +There's something to be said for fucking Mexicans. 1347560749 +Went there to find naturalnews.com and left satisfied. 1320773017 +Oh, dang, I think I finally got it. The door I picked was not going to be ruled out in any event whereas the other remaining door has just passed a sort of test by not being ruled out, making it more likely to hide the car than my first pick. 1306379865 +Thanks! I appreciate the reply 1351209487 +Yes you've made it clear that you're not a Creationist, and I never implied you were. You were corrected on your use of "theory." Get over it. \n\nYour rationalization of why he is a Creationist is pointless. Creationism is not a competing theory to evolution. Someone could find evidence that contradicts evolution and form a new theory based on the evidence. This is how Science works. You don't have to automatically be a Creationist. This is what I was talking about. That all these theologians and "scientists" that attempt to disprove evolution through Young Earth Creationism are not doing Science, and I would actually be interested in someone challenging evolution through actual Science and not magic. 1335546529 +I'm talking more about Percy Schmeiser. I haven't heard anything about a mandatory 5-10 year period of laying fallow. 1325621415 +He's not a pedant, he's simply *wrong.* ... I think. It's a little difficult to know what he's actually saying due to that high blood pressure of his. 1313552084 +"by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger" -- already know everything you need to. Everything to follow: 100% bullshit. (is it a coincidence his pic looks like daniel tosh?) 1330139865 +Wikipedia has some details about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transexualism\n\nSome schools of thought feel that it has to do with hormone imbalance. Some feel it is a variation of hermaphroditism. \n\nI am curious as to why you are putting forth this question, though. My thoughts on the matter are: does it really matter? As far as I am concerned, every individual's mind is their sovereign property, to do with as they please. The body, being the housing of the mind/brain, is merely a vessel. If I wish to transform the vessel housing my mind in a way of my choosing, then why shouldn't I? \n\nChange my gender? Ok, sure. Lop off an arm? Why not? If I make someone else uncomfortable to look at me, is that any legitimate reason for me to limit my own personal expression? Neck tattoos look completely stupid (IMO, clearly), but I see no reason to legislate against them. Once we achieve the technology, should people wish to do so, I see no reason not to add a third arm, or 10 fingers on each hand. \n\nIf I feel as though I wish to alter my appearance in any way, that should ultimately be up to me, no matter the reason, and not be limited by whether or not someone else feels uncomfortable by it. 1323366586 +Claude Vorilhon is a known cult-leader and scam artist. Don't believe a single word of anything related to the raeliens movement. Not saying that you do, just saying. 1327712813 +\n>Do adult ANYTHING drink milk besides humans?\n\n[Dat naturalistic fallacy](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naturalistic_fallacy#Appeal_to_nature)\n\n 1346012289 +Well, then, what do you think about burn victims fixing their faces? They don't medically "need" it, but we think nothing of it. People's bodies are their own; we don't get to decide what other people can or can't do with theirs. 1323370058 +That is a wonderful strawman you have there. I am merley pointing out the problem of incommensurability and relating it to creationist psuedoscience. This is a substatial topic in philosophy of science and is most notably is advocated by Kuhn in "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions". I am in no way saying that science is equivelent to psuedoscience. I am saying they share a functional element in incommensurability of theoretical values. 1331532234 +I did not ask. Perhaps strange, but true. I guess I was coping with it in my own way, and that was just to continue on and let it roll.\n\nAs far as the strangeness of Golden Bay. Let me mark some key experiences.\n\n- when I arrived into Golden Bay, biking over a mountain range to do so, I rolled into town and asked this man outside of the grocery store where I could free camp. He directed me to a bridge just down the road. I went there and beneath it there were around 25 other travelers. From all over the world. We all played music together and then played a soccer match in a cow field. It doesn't sound that strange, but it was, it was beautifully strange.\n\n- when I arrived at the Buddhist sanctuary/camp ground I stayed for a couple of days and it was a magical place. However on my leave I was standing by a tea house overlooking the ocean, saying good bye to one of the travelers, an English guy. Right then a large cicada landed on my chest. It was oddly timed and awkward. My friend pulled it off me as I was having difficulty. Later a different friend told me that Cicadas have special relevance in Buddhism. \n\n- I met a woman there from Spain who was very quiet, we talked a little and she drove me and some others around. So I leave Golden Bay after about a week and I meet this same woman again about 1000 miles later in a small mountain village. She told me she was running from her past. She exclaimed that who she once was was very manipulative and she was literally living on the run from what she claimed was a dark personality. We talked into the night. She had suffered a really bad drug trip, but this also enlightened her to some extent to her former controlling nature, and so there she was.\n\nThese may not sound strange to some but my whole experience in Golden Bay was different. Besides sleeping in fields of sheep and sandflies and being surrounded by beauty. It's as if when I crossed over the mountains I was in a place that was governed a little differently. This is probably mostly cultural. But otherwise, these events left a deep mark on me. 1354393910 +Why bother? It's like trying to change the mind of a leftist professor. It'll never happen, no matter how much sense you make. Understand that certain professor's want to brainwash you and sometimes it's better to give them what they want to hear. Get the best grade you can and move on. Life is a lot like this BTW. 1345428587 +My answer to him was, "John, when people thought the earth was flat, they were wrong. When people thought the earth was spherical, they were wrong. But if you think that thinking the earth is spherical is just as wrong as thinking the earth is flat, then your view is wronger than both of them put together." 1356541580 +*prejudice 1333742275 +Who are you? Why do you insist on ruining this sub? 1345499407 +I don't know anything about the skeptic society but tl;dr stands for, too long, didn't read. its a summary for people that don't want to read the whole post, article, etc. 1298426067 +This. Particularly points 2 and 3, IMO, are germane here. Given the immense size of even the Milky Way galaxy, and assuming that some species had found a way to travel close to relativistic speeds (.7C+), the amount of time to reach a given star system in a galaxy 10,000 light years across makes the frequency with which we have been 'visited' during recorded history practically 0. 1346513659 +Way to read the thread she only talks to the dead 1333840311 +I suspect "Truthers" probably watch too much television. 1340802145 +This UFO Hunters episode provides a very plausible alternate suggestion.\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ce6QUJ0idYo 1264454011 +The reason behind this is the UK's insane libel laws. You can't outright call a psychic a fraud in England unless you have the time and money to spare defending yourself against a ridiculous libel suit. Everyone has to carefully couch their language to avoid being sued. 1321727567 +Light seems off on the UFO. 1355436245 +>in short, no one i knew well was questioning it, and we were taught that anyone who did was overly concerned with knowing how it worked rather than whether it worked.\n\nVery interesting. Acupuncture does work, though, so I suppose it's an attempt to cover the fact that the explanations behind it are really bogus. Thanks for your response! 1306289487 +What is this article saying?\n\n1) In the face of ever more faceless enemies (let's look at that "enemies" claim in a minute), the world needs sharp, savvy critics who are unafraid to stand up and loudly challenge systems which exploit and victimize innocent people.\n\n2) People who follow James Randi select easy targets to debunk.\n\n3) James Randi is unqualified to have opinions on current events because he is not sufficiently educated. (Again, let's look at this in a minute.)\n\n4) James Randi's creation of the JREF was merely a maneuver to increase his notoriety and attract followers.\n\n5) Penn and Teller, two additional stage magicians, are setting themselves up to inherit the torch of theatrical skepticism from James Randi.\n\n6) **Skeptics are every bit as susceptible to the desire to form tribes as any other human being. The real issue is not that skeptics are deliberately evil, or that they don't challenge themselves against real targets, but that skepticism is becoming a venue for people to feel superior in a crowd of like-minded naysayers.**\n\n7) **Skeptics are addicted to the thrill of taking down their opponents, and must continually seek out new enemies to vanquish.**\n\n8) True telepathy has been discovered, and brain implants/other technologies amplifying telepathic abilities will be widely accepted in the consumer market by 2020.\n\n9) Skeptics refuse to believe that the military, the government, and other powerful figures and organizations have been performing unethical mind control experiments on innocent people for years. **The victims of mind control experiments who come under fire from skeptics for claiming that their experiences were true are hurt even further by their treatment at the hands of skeptics.**\n\n10) **Skepticism is no longer a tool being used to take down charlatans, but has become a movement enforcing conformity and strict unity of thought.**\n\n\n 1289917313 +Thanks for sourcing some current numbers on that. I'm still awed by the amount of artificial stuff circling our heads in orbit. 1314027631 +yeah, it's people. Persons is like when you're picking out certain people. People comes from populous, and refers to a whole collective entity. The difference is that when you use Persons, the individual is important, when you use People, the group *en masse* is what's important. \n\nIn the same way Peoples refer to more than one collective entity. If he were explaining it to many different peoples it would be like explaining it to the English, americans, jews, arabs, chinese etc. 1319932728 +This might actually be a good topic for r/philosophy, for me it boils down to the Drake equation and similar estimates of probability of intelligent life, but whether that's sufficient proof depends on what you believe to be the nature of the universe - and that's something modern science simply can't conclusively answer.\n\nIf you believe in an infinite universe, then there is almost certainly intelligent alien life and the remaining question is whether any of them have come here (and that's something I'm absolutely not prepared to get into here).\n\nIf you believe in a finite universe, then as a skeptic you ought to want more proof than a probability equation, and I haven't looked into the question nearly enough to render any sort of opinion one way or the other on whether such proof exists or is credible.\n\nFinite universe? cognitive dissonance. \nInfinite universe? cognitive harmony. 1328331928 +*Banksia Robur* for vitality whilst robbing banks. 1298269150 +Incidently, I stumbled upon this via a video posted by another user yesterday. I've posted a link to this in the comments section of that post but thought this astounding paper by a respected scientist warranted its own post. If this is bad practice, please let me know and I'll either delete this post or my comment. If you check my stats, you'll certainly see that I'm not one who seeks Karma; I simply wish others to view this remarkable content if they haven't been privy to it before. Thanks. 1311860934 +You need to refer to my post above, i mentioned 3 schools that still teach it, Palmer was one of them. Many professions use SMT. 1349584483 +Cause it falls under "Things people say" catagory. 1356300756 +And yet this person clearly described the UFO so well that you knew immediately that it was falling debris. I see no problem here. 1312272985 +>But why should the rest of us believe them any more than crazy Aunt Hattie, who swears that she had a sexual encounter with fairies?\n\nReally there is no black and white, everything is a shade of gray (no pun intended) when it comes to figuring out fact. If lots of people with abductions experiences have non-terrestrial objects in them (without any incision scars), I'd say it paints the ET hypothesis in a lighter shade. \n\nI don't mean to sound insulting (I know I'll sound that way anyhow) but I don't think guys like you will ever budge until *The Powers That Be* give you permission to change the way you think. You don't really want physical evidence (even though you initially asked Oryx for some); you want Katie Couric, the Deans at MIT, and the White House to tell you that ET visitation is now sanctioned as a serious subject.\n\nAnyway, if ETs ever become widely accepted to be real it won't be because of reason, science, and data; it will be because people with high social status said it's OK to think that now. 1264497519 +I think with immense generation towers, and fatal reception by golfers in mid swing, we could reduce the population and demand for electricity greatly, thus there would be more resources for fewer people. As more and more people were electrocuted by wireless long range electrical transfers, the cost of the electricity would start to approach "Free." 1353267245 +FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATOR WAS REAL! 1323945888 +This whole E-Cat business still raises all sorts of skeptical flags for me. What do we actually know about this thing?? Its a magical black box where some unknown magical thing happens using some unknown magical catalyst. Does it have the radiation we would expect to see in a fusion reaction? *Dunno...* Is it even a fusion reaction at all going on inside that machine? *Who cares...* Can we see some papers about how this machine works so that scientists can lear about it? *Shut up and give me money!* Rossi seems to have little interest in doing good science or even helping out science with his discovery, and everything he has done so far indicates to me that he is at best greedy and at worst a total crank. 1321161955 +Oh whats that? Link? 1332463038 +So, because he doesn't punch like a boxer, that makes his technique bad? He didn't train to win a "match". He trained to live in a street fight scenario. Competition is way different than street fighting. \n\nThat video is of him showcasing power punching. It's not a video of him sparring with a heavy bag. 1312930398 +So basically ITT rogue astronomers words and the musings of ancient civilizations which may or may not be even interpreted correctly are now more official than the scientists alive today whos job it is to actually test this stuff. OK.... 1344634767 +This! The reason some of these being look like they are coming from outer space is because they have to leave the gravity of earth to be able to switch their material selfs to different dimensions. In my opinion it is not possible to switch dimensions with the gravity or magnetic field of earth disturbing your switch. 1335620205 +According to what sources? Don't you dare say the Mayan calender, not with all the silliness surrounding that myth. 1340203046 +the entire time I was reading this I kept imagining it as a How I Met Your Mother episode. 1328427677 +You can't explain that. 1320855464 +You can't explain that. 1318582075 +You can't explain that. 1327987565 +I LOVE when that happens. It just makes me feel so connected to everything else, kind of like in Avatar. 1339704768 +So if I have sweaty hands will I get a better reading? 1350438639 +So, NASA was able to ascertain DNA from skeletal remains on Mars and have linked them to Skull & Bones members? Is there anyone who is taking any of this seriously? Seriously? 1278604757 +[The Pink House.](https://www.google.com/search?q=The+Pink+House&oq=The+Pink+House&aqs=chrome.0.57j64l2&sugexp=chrome,mod=12&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#hl=en&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&q=The+Olde+Pink+House+ghost&oq=The+Olde+Pink+House+ghost&gs_l=serp.3...11814.12375.2.12663.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=1d332d38cdc82502&bpcl=38625945&biw=1600&bih=732) 1353309149 +"Fucking disks, how do they work?"\n\nAnswered. 1343608284 +I always lie. 1344963633 +Interesting viewpoint. It appeared to be a fairly obvious joke to me. Then again, I don't believe in the rapture. He also donated all ad revenue to charity, which is pretty cool. 1337979135 +Haha whoa, ok there, true believer. Never mind that I didn't even say half that shit, or that "higher standards than the AMO" means absolutely nothing when it's an organization you founded yourself and all the members are your own family. 1313980213 +yes. My grandfather *(moms dad) was the first. He passed alone when he had a heart attack at his home. My grandmother (who is still living) was at work and when she came home she found him. It was so sad. I still miss him.\n\nMy grandmother (dads mom) recently passed in November in a tragic accident. She was knocked over by a person in a bar (she was a wild and exciting woman for her age) and hit her head. She became unconscious and slipped into a coma. She passed after being taken off life support. \n\nI have yet to see my grandmother, however I dream of her often. But I saw my grandfather a few weeks after he passed. He was in the kitchen with my grandmother. Standing behind her, propped up on the counter. Just watching her while she cooked. he tried to brush the hair from her eyes, and just smiled at her so lovingly. he looked at me and "shhhh'd" me, and winked. Like it was our secret. He then leaned over to kiss her cheek and dissapeared into the back room. My grandmother swears sometimes that she can hear him laugh or sometimes snore when shes alone. :) I never told her about him visiting but I think she knows. Once I caught her talking to him. she was just talking out loud and said "Now James (my grandfathers name) if you keep waking me up at night I swear I will burn one of your favorite records!" lol she always threatened him like that when he was alive. I think it was an inside joke between them b.c they would always laugh after she said it.\n 1333767599 +>Wow, that's...really not a lot of birds. So, a small figure that will continue to decrease as birds learn to stay away from large turbines.\n\nYou must have not read my comment. That figure is expected to *increase* to at least one million birds killed by wind turbines each year:\n\n""A 2008 Department of Energy report calls for the U.S. to generate 20% of its electricity from wind by 2030. By then, wind turbines are expected to be killing at least one million birds each year, and probably significantly more, depending on the final scale of wind build-out."\n\nhttp://www.abcbirds.org/abcprograms/policy/collisions/wind_policy.html\n\n >birds learn to stay away from large turbines.\n\nBirds don't "learn to stay away from wind turbines".\n\nThe Altamont Pass wind farm has 5,000 wind turbines and has been killing Golden Eagles for over 30 years. On average, 67 protected Golden Eagles are killed by the Altamont Pass wind turbines every year.\n\n\n\n 1332739892 +When I saw the promos before it started, I thought it looked really cool. Then after watching it, I realized it was one of those "Night vision" shows where nothing actually happens. I hate shit like that. 1333481587 +This website proves nothing. Not saying it's a real photo of an alien space ship, but this "forensic assessment" website is worthless. As a photo manipulator myself, I do somewhat enjoy the way this website manipulates people into thinking a vague jpeg artifact enhancer is proof of anything whatsoever, but it's a detriment to ufology. 1349076729 +Like they say " there's more than meets the eye" there so much we don't know about this existence its not funny, unless something funny pops up that is. 1350569863 +Conspiracy? No, just theater.\n\nI'm curious as to where else people are told to turn off their electronics or risk disaster. 1335229894 +seems like they are posting on this thread too... silly salespeople 1345246316 +As a person who also studied paranormal phenomenon and other worldy entities, it is hard to understand that only those who would believe to happen can be affected. I have come to find out that harmful entities only hurt you if you think of yourself as a weak being compared to the one you handle. Never let your shields down. 1350877548 +No strap at all on the camera. Was my wife's little pocket cam thing. 1325543727 +\\* Sova Nu is available for the low cost of $2 per night and works best with 7-9 hours of sleep and a regular exercise regimen. 1287435129 +I've taken Paxil myself for 3-6 months at a time after my mom passed away from cancer. I have to say, it's one of the weirder drugs I've taken. Takes a week or two for your body to adjust to it, and then you're pretty much hooked on it because of the very unpleasant withdrawal effects, regardless of whether it's doing anything for your depression.\n\nAfter about 6 months on it, I realized it really didn't make a huge difference - the only thing that really helped was getting my life in order (exercising, not letting the house go to shit by not doing dishes/cleaning/etc.) and deciding to do things that the voice in the back of my head said I'd hate doing because I felt sad and wanted to crawl into a hole. I suppose depression is a personal journey that's different for everyone, but I stand squarely on the side of Paxil being an ineffective drug that has mild, if any benefits and plenty of drawbacks that would lead me to say it really shouldn't be prescribed. \n\nGiven the enormous amount of studies on SSRI's that show only a slightly better effect than placebo, seems that my anecdotal experience is backed up by the science. 1334326888 +> /r/MensRights keep telling everyone that accusations of rape by women are 99% false\n\nI'm subscribed to /r/MensRights and I've **never** seen someone say that 99% of rape accusations are false, so you have to provide evidence that someone did so and **wasn't** downvoted into oblivion. 1345168607 +I have been playing too much Borderlands 2...I almost commented to correct your spelling of "eridium" :/ 1354075473 +> After reading other sources\n\nI'm impressed, you looked up your own sources. I'd be more impressed to know what they were so I could actually comment on their contents. You can call "my guy" a hack all you'd like, but your lack of research is quite obvious at this point. 1331952783 +The spill will be a hit when the beans shit a fan. 1346709759 +I'm not a believer in all things alien, but hypothetically speaking, the government has unlimited resources. Really. Unlimited. With all the reports of billions of dollars here and there just being "missing" with no trail or indication of where it could be, there could very well be trillions of dollars in hiding. Being spent on god knows what.\n\nImagine recruiting the smartest people on earth for a project that could last forever. A project that you have trillions of dollars to experiment with. How much did it cost to develop the first iPhone that blew people away? Now think a trillion dollars. We're talking real world sci fi type stuff that if people saw it, would not believe how far we've come. Perfect invisibility, teleportation, mind reading, quantum computers/dna based computing, robots that think like real people, faster than light vehicles. If i was a conspiracy theorist, i'd say the US shut down manned spaceflight programs because it was just a public face. Because our government already has the technology that would easily dwarf what nasa's doing right now, but is keeping it secret. We could very well have technology that allows us to travel to the moon in minutes. Imagine having that and spending billions on a space program. Waste of money right? Pointless right? Fun to think about 1331946557 +Yes it is. That picture has been around for months. This isn't a government coverup, it's the media not checking their sources. 1304362422 +You need those to cleanse the toxins. 1323636517 +Delightful.\n\n[If water has memory, then...](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_sRDhbC46aKs/SdqTq9ZM--I/AAAAAAAAAIs/iBlLxTBOcO4/s1600-h/HN09poster1A.jpg) 1286449268 +Here she is in the amazing and spooky film[ Kwaidan](http://www.youtube.com/user/masakikobayashi4u#p/c/F53B23F0A52C4AC9/4/vSvL8lE7Bpg).\nOne of my all time favorite films. 1296878641 +6 examples of people with nothing else to do.... the 6th is the person who wrote this article 1355168600 +I like the approach, but this article needs some work. \n\n\nA better way to address #2: if we could see the future, optical illusions wouldn't work [reference](http://www.livescience.com/strangenews/080602-foresee-future.html)\n\nOn the other hand, \n\n>"Psychic abilities ... would be widespread throughout the animal kingdom, just as eyes and ears are." \n\nWatching pack animals cooperate, I'd almost believe in psychic communication. It makes more sense than "They're magically born knowing what to do".\n\n\nNow that I'm thinking about it, what's really psychic, anyway? I mean, you're reading my thoughts right now across thousands of miles. 1275140316 +Quite a bit of this is misleading, even if true. More green space doesn't reduce crime, more green space is a sign of wealth in a city, or else low population density, either of those would explain a decrease in crime.\n\nThe green space doesn't cause less crime, the lower crime rate and the green space likely have a common cause. 1341015579 +How close did it get? Did you think it was observing you? No criticism on my part, I find your story very intriguing! What do you think it was? Did you see it leave? Could it have been trying to communicate? 1348702984 +What is means is not that liberals are correct, but that reality doesn't reflect republican ideas, because the current age of republicans are living in a bubble far far away from reality. Both economically "trickle down economics" and pretty anything that has to do with their social conservatism / christian right authoritarian stances. When you watch Fox News, they don't rely on facts or evidence at all for their arguments, they lie all the time, because they don't care about truth, they care about furthering their narrative.\n\nThis is why reality has a "non extreme christian right, free market corporatist" bias.\n 1330472578 +[Shoe on head?](https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=e3914fe6ddc4cc35&resid=E3914FE6DDC4CC35!1574&parid=E3914FE6DDC4CC35!1563&authkey=!AJQc7Rvun5f1fmU) 1332999168 +Did they have a contract to be together 24/7 in the 80s? 1308448991 +Who sits on lawn furniture in the middle of a hallway?! 1341469855 +Could be. As a one-off, it may be very hard to try to figure out exactly what happened... but awesome stuff! I love those moments when the world just calmly smacks you right in the face with some sort of "Fuck your idea of what's possible" moment. 1347123922 +Lon, if this isn't fake -it's one of the more amazing visuals in the sky I've ever seen. 1262634583 +Told to an actor and his actor son a week before a major movie release about...aliens. I'm guessing even the President isn't above a little cross marketing. ;) Gotta wonder how big a donor Will Smith is to his campaign. 1337353690 +You must have missed this part:\n\n>And this of course depends on the subject of the debate, for example someone denying the existence of the sun or something. Certainly some things are inarguable…\n\nThanks for the downvote though. 1325885740 +Sounds like just lucky enough to move into several haunted locations. That man in the doorway is the only thing leading to being followed I'd think he'd be the only candidate but not likely IMO 1319361026 +Haunted Mansion at Disneyland, unreal activity. 1335572118 +This video is on r/skeptic about once every 3 months. 1298483451 +Worked for me. Try on a computer instead of a phone. 1325475382 +... It is if you interpret it scientifically... 1338390296 +Aha, thanks! =) I'll read it.\n\nBut GOD that site has some buggy CSS or whatever. 1333125312 +Lol thanks man. It took us a while, but I enjoy it a lot. Lemme know if you really want one. I'll see if I can't get a redditor discount. 1317000749 +"Attributing such quotes to famous persons to give the quote more credibility is ridiculous" - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill\n\n Also this one uses A.E. as an authoritative figure... 1294506600 +ya i woulda said, "fuck that!" gotten up, and promptly left. 1354584292 +Oh is that the one where Joe Claimed to have "clowned" Phil Plait. I think I heard about that on the SGU. 1331519942 +It didn't close down. It's homeopathic education. The less they get the more intelligent they become. 1276480647 +Again, over simplification and jumping to conclusion. You seem to know the foundations here, so you would know that its more complicated than that. They couldve done a Cost Utility Analysis to show that there are more quality life years gained with a chiro versus other options, etc Also their research mustve shown that people placed high priority of chiro's. Back and neck pain from having a car totalled is not something that can be fooled easily with a placebo effect from the mind. Im sure you are aware that is some of the worst pain imaginable and also that hardest to manage. Thats why all your chronic opiod users are people with long term back pain, because nothing else works but strong narcotics and heavy anti inflammatories. \n\nSo point is, with such a severe injury, why would people keep turning to chiropractors if they didnt work? Its not like other so called "quaks" that you wouldnt know the difference if you had or had not gone there, and so the "doc" takes the side of "you didnt get a cold this season, therefore the herbal mixture you've been taking worked as expected"....We are talking about extreme pain that either have, have less of, of no longer have. When dealing with extreme pain, its an easily distinguishable difference, and if nothing but heavy narcs can control the pain, i believe placebo effect wouldnt help it either. 1331593192 +If you listen to coast to coast for the credibility you're going to have a bad time. Coast to Coast is like a canvas, they throw anything and everything at it, some stuff is more credible than other stuff. Its agenda is primarily entertainment, not so much having credible people on the show.\n\nEdit: Unfortunately I can't steer you to another show because I don't listen to much radio. 1341966775 +Well, it's economics and logistics, but it's also public perception, fear and misunderstanding of science, so I'd say science is a part of it. When the folks at the UN don't understand the science, they're risking making a disastrous decision based on ignorance and fear. 1355794718 +> [College:] “Well, we aren't endorsing them.”\n\nI say, next time the situation arises, skeptics ought to *demand* a booth for Voodoo healing, one for Harry Potter-esque curative potions, and -- if you don't mind the hatred it would generate and want to *really* drive the point home -- a case for virgin-rape curing AIDS. There is just as much evidence for the potency of these examples as there is for any alternative medicine and this fact should not go unsaid. 1320882880 +It looks like this will be the choice I'm going for as this book is coming up again and again in the thread. I'd better grab a copy for myself too! 1311269960 +Older woman, hair tied up, wearing hat, facing away from the camera looking out to sea. Within a few seconds she had moved on. 1340438993 +>Approximately 30-35 million Christmas trees are sold each year in the U.S.\n\n>Nowadays, more than 3 million Christmas cards are sent in America alone!\n\nIf accurate, this is really interesting... but it seems counterintuitive to think that 10x as many trees as cards are sold per season. Any idea on real numbers for these? 1355260133 +I shall PM you, as there's something quite uncool about giving away magic secrets on public forums. 1354285407 +Your assumption is based on what exactly? That you were standing over my shoulder making sure I didn't watch anything. I watched them just fine. \n\nROFL, for you to use Science as a way to describe paranormal activity makes you just as dumb as the other people who believe this show.\n\nI really can't believe that you take a show going 8 seasons and fact. It's an entertainment show. These idiots have been caught making shit up before.\n\nBut, reality doesn't get upvotes in this thread. Only far flung ideas and idiotic stories about "I heard something."\n 1345160152 +The basis of osteopathy is quackery. However, they have stumbled onto some treatments that do have clinical benefit. As others mentioned, though, a licensed physical therapist is your best bet. 1340212779 +Have you ever met anyone that saw it personally? According to the documentaries, approximately 10,000 people saw it. Have you ever brought it up at gatherings of any kind or inquired about it? 1330804629 +>the US second amendment is mind-boggling to me\n\nI knew this was going to be mentioned. I could explain it to you in a rational way, but you need to first promise me that you haven't already made up your mind and are open to the possibility that the second amendment is a very important part of our constitution. The gun debate is extremely politically and emotionally charged and I won't discuss it with anyone who will blindly subscribe to 100% of the political ideologies of their "party" or who will listen to emotional arguments rather than rational ones.\n\nPenn and Teller's explanation of the Second Amendment touches on this but also misses a few of the important points, IIRC. 1325085877 +Yep. I've got a motor vehicle-related neck injury I've treated for a decade or so with Chiro. Not exclusively, just as part of the overall approach, chiro is good for when the pain is acute. Definitely offers relief and reduces tension, which allows for preventative measures (strengthening, flexibility) to be deployed. 1291193249 +Here's all I can find on it from a credible source.\nhttp://www.nasa.gov/centers/marshall/news/news/releases/2003/03-199.html\n\nI can't find anything about a NASA study supporting all 300 claims. 1327519544 +No eclipse. The Moon will be just past first quarter on those days.\n\n> solar radiation will increase very hard at the End of 2012.\n\nWhy do you think this?\n\n> It was one of the Mars moons that was hollow (dunno if Phobos or Deimos, though)\n\nThere's no reason to think either of Mars' moons are hollow. 1318883495 +This explains the popularity of Pabst. 1295437183 +Try nuclear reactors of 1980s and 1990s, e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/THTR-300 1328605991 +Same here. The whole premise of it is ridiculous. The existence of gods cannot be proven. Plus, O'Reilly is one of the most dishonest, mealy mouthed, sly persons alive today. I just don't understand why he has a show on a news channel. 1320378706 +There would be no way to tell who is truthful, who is delusional, and who is straight up lying, so why does it matter? 1332343967 +You will make it to some sort of success, but I don't know if it's med school or not. Your success is rooted in helping others, but I also find that as you heal others, you destroy yourself. You need to be wary of this, and balance the pursuit of flesh pleasure with spiritual pleasure. Likewise, you need to heal yourself before you can heal others, and your cards suggest you are carrying some sort of secret baggage from your past that you need to unload. Do that, and you'll be a goddamn juggernaut. 1353400156 +West Virginia Penitentiary. 1331952159 +That's why I come to /r/skeptic: A well thought out, rational, skeptical, and - above all - sourced laying out of facts.\n 1350674864 +Funny how people can see the same thing and come to different conclusions. A balloon was *exactly* what it looked like to me. 1339537601 +That doesn't look anything like a pitchfork. 1323361200 +why even browse /r/UFOs when all you do is debunk almost everything related to UFOs? what a waste of time on your part. 1326416793 +Very interesting site, but I'd like to recommend that you have your web designer proofread before publishing. There's so many errors on this website that it actually takes from your credibility. 1320580670 +Let's talk about something else. I'm making a post now, check the new posts to see what I've got on the grill. It should be up in a half hour or so. 1342754990 +I recently started listening to "Skeptic's Guide to the Universe", hosted by Novella. Very entertaining and informative, I recommend it to anyone reading this comment. 1323409074 +I have a ~~temple~~ heart pimple! #*pop*# \n\nWhew, just in time. 1346307476 +That seems like a good idea. Keep it as simple as possible. As for the usability, here's some ideas I can think of:\n\nIt is quite confusing to display *"If you know of any, please use the links below"*, followed by three lines of *links* that are not the ones the user is looking for. The link (singular!) the user is looking for is in another paragraph and is not a link, but a button ("Rebuttal"). I think it would be much more intuitive to see something like this:\n\n>**No rebuttals yet**\n>\n>(button) Submit a rebuttal \n>(button) Request a rebuttal \n>(button) This page rebuts another \n>\n>*Help | Random discussion | Contact us*\n\nAs for the interface for pages *with* rebuttals, I think the most important thing is to get rid of as much clutter as possible, and to create an hierarchy from design. Here's a [mock-up](http://i.imgur.com/HhF6e.png) I quickly made. I would imagine up and down vote buttons on the right hand side of the little score numbers.\n\nAlso, when clicking random, I landed on the tutorial "Faux News" page in a particular instance. This should of course be eliminated from the random sequence.\n\nIf you have any questions, I am glad to help.\n\nGood luck! 1338281351 +Go smug myself? This coming from a person that is telling me that they are a better scientist than I am, even without knowing what I do for a living. I was merely pointing out an inaccuracy, as you have been doing. If you want to talk about cherrypicking, perhaps you should realize that is exactly what you are doing. \n\nThe whole point of the subreddit is to be where scientists give answers, if they are wrong, they are downvoted or removed. If you don't want scientists giving answers, then you can go to /r/askreddit, where any question is answered by anyone. \n\nIf you don't like the subreddit, don't visit it. 1310978087 +I have no idea what I said. I never asked anyone, I was pretty shy at the time and didn't want to seem any weirder than I already was. 1353178316 +Doesn't stop bible bashers posting in atheism, or vice versa. Although i didn't know this was in the skeptic subreddit, but think what I posted. It makes sense, but most people just want to downvote and say that you're wrong, without saying it... Common sense > proof, I don't need to see someone pissing in a toaster to know it's a bad idea. 1344257997 +His name wasn't Tim was it? Because around the time this guy I knew got dumped because of his reiki rock therapy and general woo, he started to really get crazy with his co-workers, trying to "heal" them and stuff...he said that it would help my carpal tunnel, so I humored him (because why not - free rock message!) and it actually made my hands feel worse...I told him it hurt and he said it was proof that it was "working to heal the nerve damage". What a loon! 1351049472 +http://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajb/article/viewFile/14900/58644\n\nhttp://www.springerlink.com/content/crr91wgknhf5v58g/\n\nhttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924224406002470\n\nhttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1567576906001172 1349130301 +Don't even bother. It's easy to see that regardless of science or evidence presented, he'll find some other area to criticize. Typical denier and/or truther strategy. 1344905320 +Well that menhir (aka large standing stone) was pretty near him .. Could that be the cause of the slight reverb?\n\nJust asking and not assuming anything. Great theory though. 1349866808 +> but legally organic means something different - about how it's grown, fertilized, protected from disease, etc.\n\nwhich is an absolute joke.\n\nThis spoiled tomato im about to eat is organic so it must be good for me!! 1316285073 +He may be new to the subreddit. 1342383414 +Hell Yea Sounds Very Intersting 1352519116 +;) Just doing a reality check to see who's paying attention. There seems to be a lot of new faces around here who have trouble discerning or displaying critical thinking skills. 1298065747 +I get Jill Stein as well. 98%.\n\nI can't find any smoking gun in regards to chemicals. She's against phthalates such as BPA, but I don't know enough about that issue to comment either way. (My position would depend on what evidence we have supporting such a risk as well as what alternatives we have. Basically a risk/benefit analysis.)\n\nI did find a claim that nuclear power emits more carbon than renewables. I'd find this claim questionable. (Google "lifecycle emissions nuclear coal wind solar" or something similar to find the research - which does not appear to have a consensus.)\n\n 1345480447 +>a resistance has developed to it in less than 40 years.\n\nI suspect that's enough time for evolution to kick in if selection pressures are strong enough.\n\nThe domesticated silver fox, which looks like a dog, was managed in about 30 generations I believe. 1350695029 +What the fuck. 1333870714 +From the documentaries that I've seen, the Phoenix Lights was a massive media event and it had people and the media captivated for days (at least in the Phoenix area). The fact that multiple people witnessed seeing such a huge craft in the sky along with the grainy videos that we have on the event make it one of the most scrutinized events in UFO history.\n\nI think most of the other reports that you see on local news channels do not reach national attention mostly due to the fact that the footage is mostly inconclusive. Considering the amount of fake videos, misidentification of flares, regular military aircraft etc, it is not surprising that most videos or pictures are not looked at it more detail. Why would someone waste time or money investigating a video of a series of distant blinking lights taken on a cellphone camera? \n\nLook at the amount of buzz that the 'paperclip' UFO generated about a week or two ago. It started off as a local news broadcast and eventually reached the attention of the national media. I read about the event when someone posted a link to a report in this community. About two days later, I saw it on the front page of CNN. \n\nI don't agree with the fact that the media does not cover UFO reports. In fact, I think they do pay a fair amount of attention to it. One could argue that they do adopt a condescending tone sometimes, but they are fairly active in covering UFO reports.\n\nI think what we need is a massive sighting bang in the middle of a major city on a clear sunny day with the object in sight for more than 10-15 minutes. I think all hell will break loose then. I bet the media would love to have such an event happen and it'd whip up a massive frenzy. 1352439663 +Thank God! :D 1303700732 +I agree. If anyone ever compiled a video of all these similar craft sightings, I think it would be pretty interesting. \n\nAgain, its the multiplicity that has caught my attention. 1-off UFOs dont impress me, but when its the same shape/colors/behavior over and over again...\n\nI'm on your side, i just can't say for sure. :) 1287782961 +This is one of my top 5 things I hate about the UK - pseudo 'correctness' and not being able to deal with being 'offended'.\n\nRight after that it's calling a racist someone who is anti-theist. 1321373344 +I don't understand the downvotes, love the topic. Cheers OP. :)\n\n1. Will there ever be a turning point on Earth, from where we are currently heading, to where i wish we globally were?\n\n2. How many other races exist in our universe? 1346166071 +That place is 20 miles from my house.. Should we go check it out? 1343180076 +Lost in the Saint Louis sub. I didn't see it. 1352665726 +How about if the sticker is applied to the display rather than the product itself? 1331064447 +It seems you are right about this. TIL. I'd still be wary of diagnosing OP's friend with a personality disorder based on such a small amount of information. 1348781078 +Whenever motives are mentioned. Yes the US did have a motive for making it appear that we got to the moon first. The pharmaceutical companies have a motive to suppress perfect cures. Big oil has an interest in the failure of cold fusion...\n\nIt goes on and on. Need something more than an interest though. 1322254993 +Well, your request is very large in scope.\n\nThere seems to be an abundant amount of physical evidence of a crime and coverup. There is a huge amount of motive. There are many reasonable arguments for government involvement.\n\nYou could throw a dart and hit reasonable motive and evidence. 1314720321 +What? no 1351121996 +So a half victory. I wrote up another response to his first bit, because I'm not sure that he understands the context of how research works and is published in the first place. 1327331078 +So pouring homeopathic arsenic on a zombie would bring it back to life, in effect killing it? 1328279529 +You should just go crazier and use Bond villains!\n\n> Don't you know! Blofeld is stealing the sky to use against the French! 1340937912 +It's hard making multiple angles sync up, man. It's just hard. 1300143967 +The other aspect to organic foods is sustainability. Not everyone eats organic for health benefits. 1349200598 +It's stuff like this that will ultimately bring about the dissolution of the United States of America. Good. 1337735010 +When some girl in a bar asks what do you do, do you say "Oh, I'm a special agent, but I can't tell you anything more."? 1325705015 +I'm not saying it's dangerous. I'm not saying I believe in the conspiracy theorists claiming it's about mind control or sterilization. I'm saying it's unnecessarily fueling these fears. Give people access to all the flouride they want by all means, but forcing it on them is bound to make people nervous. 1344658210 +My best friend has a Doberman ghost. I slept in her basement and I woke up to it whimpering and pushing it's old bed around. 1344987684 +I just don't care anymore. 1341472112 +Or go elsewhere. There are tons of schools to choose from. 1354773130 +It would be nowhere near 100%. If you were lucky you could hope to get it up from 30% to maybe 60%. That's nothing to sneeze at, but it's still not going to do anything like reversing global warming. Again, the waste heat given off by all our devices and power plants and other activity doesn't cause global warming. All the heat given off by all human activity is an utterly insignificant amount of energy compared to what we get from the Sun. Even if you could completely eliminate all waste heat, you'd still accomplish nothing of any significance. 1338539948 +[Rationalwiki](http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Main_Page) would've been a better place to start this... 1321251166 +America did change it, for a while... 1295029381 +>These are not skeptics.\nSome Scotsmen might want to have a word with you about that. 1321233449 +imo keep doing it but only debate Ann Widdecombe 1302826843 +Or I've had something to do with them. 1335508401 +Take some homeopathic sleep medicine and report back in 5 days. 1300735487 +This reminds me so much of people back in high school arguing about whether or not people were true punks. 1280195425 +Thanks for almost blowing out my speakers.. Shit man! 1349722252 +\nmy question is why would they imprint the picture of the alien with the message. 1320850985 +When you are a christian, you have already showed the world that evidence is of no importance to you and you are willing to accept any kind of bullshit at face value, no matter how crazy it sounds.\n 1356031855 +I don't comment unless I have to. 1351236180 +Hi let me explain a little about the pro pit movement. This very small group of people are very well organized and funded well by the industries, groups and charities that make huge amounts of money off these dogs. \n\nThus they cannot afford to admit the obvious truths. They have a set of at least 25 myths, misinformation and lies they use to try hide the truth and deny the problems that exist today.\n\nMyths such as the Nanny dog myth, the ATTS myth, the its always the owner myth and on and on. Each of these myths has been disproved and yet they continue to try to convince people they are true.\n\nHowever there are many facts backed up by empirical evidence that show the seriousness of this growing crisis. Here are some\n\nFact: pit bulls kill more people than all other types of dogs combined.\nFact: pit bulls dismember a body part on average every 5.5 days or less in the US alone.\nFact: pit bulls kill a person on average every 16 days or less in the US alone\nFact: pit bulls escape confinement 14 times more often than other type dogs.\nFact: pit bulls turn on and attack their owners 6 times more than other type dogs.\nFact: pit bulls are the only dog known to attack adults as often as children.\nFact: In every study done by cities t on the numbers of bites and attacks in their towns. pit bulls have been shown to bite more, attack more and cause much more damage than other dogs.\n\nPit bulls are inherently dangerous for many reasons and the pit bull advocacy is continuing to knowingly make the problems worse just to protect their income streams.\n\nPit bull advocates have been exposed for their efforts to try to skew polls by flooding them with their calls to actions, by calling for harassment campaigns against media outlets and government officials to try to silence those who speak the truth and prevent any laws being passed to protect the public from the dogs and their just as dangerous owners.\n\nThey have even gone as far as to put out a call to action in Ontario telling their members to call and email their representatives every day and make them fear pit bull owners and advocates.\n\nMost of the pit owners may not even be aware of the truth in all matters but they are in some and they still choose to be deliberately deceitful and knowingly dishonest in spreading myths, misinformation and lies that put people in harms way, get people hurt and killed, and help to make the problem grow worse year after year.\n\nThe pit bull advocates in many cases have ben caught making comment such as the following:\n\n"I have pit bulls because puppies ruin carpets but kids ruin lives" This from meagan krumpholz on facebook and her pinterest page.\n"The kids deserved to get mauled" On kgun 9 on your sides page.\n"I hope the dog dies" This by the owner of a pit who had just pulled the owner by the leash into someone else's yard and attacked their small dog.\n"the dog is the victim" This we hear often after a fatal mauling. No compassion for the innocent victims and no concern for the human life lost.\n\nFinally go to almost any story of an attack by a pit bull and watch the pit bull owners and advocates start coming up with complete nonsense in an effort to blame anyone, anything and everyone except the dog that did the attack. They heap insult and harassment upon the victims and their families, they heap abuse and hate upon them and even the dogs owner all in an effort to try to protect a dog that has just seriously mauled or killed a person or someones beloved pet.\n\nYes be very skeptical of the pro pit bull movement as most if all care nothing for the truth or honesty just protecting the pit bull no matter what in any way they can try. 1337628109 +I'm more than willing to admit I can be an ass at times, but I don't think I could have been more pleasent during this exchange without sugercoating it in kind words and compliments. And that's not how I treat people whom I respect. Of course, dissenting opinions (or facts) always appear hostile to close minded people. 1329993227 +While talks and interviews are nice for the layman, science based medicine relies on vast amounts of data. I could hop up on a news program and talk about how Martians are causing global warning, but that doesn't make it true. 1298322269 +OK, But birds is still an unlikely explanation. Did a quick search and found some info on birds...\n\nhttp://www.stanford.edu/group/stanfordbirds/text/essays/How_Fast.html\n\nIt states that in some cases birds can reach a speed of 60+ MPH and that the highest alt. they would ever reach would be 20k feet. Lets say that commercial jet shown is flying at 20K and we know that its moving way faster than 60mph. Yet the objects in question are moving much faster than the jet. \n\nBirds flying at 60mph/20k feet would be moving across the sky at a much, much slower rate. Please point out where I am confused. 1310683224 +... What's wrong with homeopathy..? I've actually used this exact stuff on my cats. Homeopathic worm treatments and fleas treatments. Both worked. I like non-homeopathic stuff too, but sometimes I feel safer using a natural product. So you want to strangle me now? Grow up. 1311055410 +That they all seem to 'land' at the same spot leads me to speculate that this video is in reverse, and that the 'landing' spot is actually where these things are lifting off. Flares would tend to fall straight down, and even if they didn't, I can't see how they would originate from a constantly shifting aerial platform and then all fall to earth in the exact same place. That the sound is proper forward motion leads me to think this is a mildly more intelligent than usual hoax (though not by much), but a hoax nonetheless. Combine that bit of knowledge with what we already know about how flickering is indicative of chinese lanterns or other candle-powered lighter than air balloon systems, and this could be more accurately labeled "WORST UFO HOAX on video November 30,2012." Also, it's either in black and white due to some sort of night vision mode, which is unlikely because we're not seeing any more detail than would normally be caught at night, or it's in black and white to disguise what would otherwise be obvious orange candle fire. 1354405430 +>Again, are you going to claim that knowledge gathered through the scientific process is just opinion? \n\nI can't even see how you can come back to this idea having gotten this far. Your just throwing out strawmen.\n\nHow difficult is it to understand that our current knowledge has limitations and emerging science can be easily riddled with issues. Can you not find a middle ground between accepting the existence of limitations and "opinion"?\n\nAnd yes, if you don't know what the hell you're talking about you shouldn't be picking sides. Is this a controversial idea? You propose a situation where a layman has to choose between two conflicting experts. How the hell are they supposed to choose? Why *shouldn't* they be suspending judgement? What is the virtue in picking one for the sake of taking a stance if they can't decide for themselves?\n\nThe thought process you have behind this is really just reinforcing the issues that I'm poking at.\n\nMy points are as follows:\n\n**Literature has limitations. Citing it ought to acknowledge as much.**\n\n**If you support scientific consensus without knowing anything about the topic, that's OK, but it isn't skepticism**\n\n**Skepticism should involve the *logical debunking* of an idea, not merely appealing to what is already said regardless of how valid it is**\n\n**If you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and there is no clear consensus, DON'T PICK SIDES**\n\nThat is consistent with everything I have said. If you want to take an issue with anything in bold I'll listen. But no more of this "science is opinion" crap. 1325829828 +Watching Ancient Aliens ? aren't you ? I thought about that possibility too. I had another post somewhere... but it got downvoted to hell. I asked what it took for any type of scientest if they landed on a virgin planet like earth without any tools to create what we have on earth right now. It is hard we got where we got without any external help 1318871691 +Did you speak about her after the incident was over? Does she have any memory of it or what she also part of the "as if it never happened at all"? \nAnd if she does remember it, what the *hell* did she see that you didn't? 1352214851 +Wow. They didn't make fun of him. 1249480440 +Ah yes, let's teach evolution in among the ABCs and addition tables and shoe-tying and other stuff so basic that it doesn't actually matter if you can think critically about it. Hey, it's not indoctrination if it's true, right?\n\nPretty sure when I was five they had me convinced storks delivered babies. I mean come on. It's shit like this r/skeptic... 1314932249 +Iirc todays anti-vax started with a study that linked vaccines wit autism. The study was later shown to be false and non-credible. 1355922610 +That's my thing, it's almost like scamming people out of goods. There was one that really got me saying "oh come on". It's like they couldn't find anything then a mobsters garrote shows up. I also read ppl are skeptical of him due to his credentials. He clames doing this for forty years but his record shows it not being as long. Also something about his work w the Warrens on the haunting in Connecticut. (Google) I watch it when nothing is on, but not like some of the other more plausible ones. There was one on travel channel from England that seemed legit minus this one psychic. They had. A paranormal psychologist who would solely look to debunk things. 1348509861 +*Than* possible. 1329517665 +God is busy getting Rick Perry elected. 1326382399 +Apparently you only skimmed over that last sentence, or else you would show some knowledge of its contents beyond the words contained within it. (I won't go into your 3 hilarious misspellings, as I feel it cheapens the discussion (har-har).) Since, according to your comment, you think you have the right to command another adult how they can talk about themselves, we stand on completely different moral grounds and the "discussion" should be finished here. But I would rather convince you that my standing on this matter is very reasonable and justified, as I (naturally) believe. Also, I'm bored.\n\nI belive that nobody, neither me nor you, have the right to condemn what consenting adults privately do. Nobody is harmed by any such thing; those eager to be offended by anything they wouldn't enjoy personally don't even have to see it.\n\nSo, what *do* you see wrong with it? Perhaps you feel it is cheating in a kind of competition taking place in your head to have the most sex possible that there are people who are happy with a same-sex partner while your attempts to woo a member of the opposite sex were tragically unsuccessful in the past? 1270337331 +Bird spotted during SF Giants Game, September 11, 2011. 1315833643 +Sorry for being unclear. By debunking I mean all of the red comments on the right. "Debunking" the "original" image in the center, which was doctored.\n\nMy assumption is that one person originally created the altered "original" image, and also created the red text, to deliberately make Fox news look bad. \n\nI could understand the satirical argument, if it were just the original image. But this kind of choice I realize is very subjective. 1332760847 +but thats the fun of debunking! 1355972149 +Speaking of ghosts, that's how she fell. A ghost pushed her. Haha. She's always talking about how as a kid her grandparents house was haunted and she always saw peoples ghosts face to face, and that objects would get picked up, stop in the air, and then just drop to the floor. Whats up with that? More false memories? \n \n**tl;dr Ghost confuses child with jenga tower.** \n\n\nShe also believes that she's been talking to god since she was a very young child, and my idea is that because she has such an unshakable belief in god; naturally she'd convince herself she knew of him before ever being told. Demons, angels, ghosts, god, the devil, my schizo father, believes in all of it. Obviously a very superstitious person. Makes sense she'd make up false memories, or misinterpret them.\n\n\nWhy do some people develop these beliefs? Defense mechanism for lacking a sense of security or knowledge of the world? Parental replacement? Escape from a reality they find disappointing? Middle child syndrome, feeling alone and unappreciated, thus adopting a belief that places them in the center of the universe? What do these beliefs say about a person?\n \n\n**tl;dr: I see crazy people. Walking around like regular people. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're crazy. They're everywhere. **\n\n 1314068706 +I think it was too long, so I didn't read it.\n\n**tl;dr tl;dr** 1289148679 +Is there a list somewhere of semi-abandoned, vacant, and/or no-trespassing old buildings like this? 1269259589 +/r/Psychonaut is great :) 1344483228 +| It's vigilante vaccination - you know, taking immunity into your own hands."\n\nI always find attitudes like this fairly interesting. Consider this statement from a completely objective standpoint (without casting judgment on vaccinations, or bringing into the topic the idiocy of shipping pathogens, etc.)\n\nWhose hands am I to put my immunity into? Is she implying that individuals cannot be trusted with their own immunity, and that they need to be helped along by some entity (the State?) 1320866516 +Yeah, too bad the judge can't just dismiss the plaintiff as "flippin' retarded" or something. 1340493432 +"If you're watching it, it's for you."\n\nSame for "reading" and "listening."\n 1353284212 +I am fairly sure that from the pov this pic is taken at, her left is also our left. Just thought I would throw that out there. 1346881996 +I would never touch a ouija board. Just a friendly suggestion to save your life. Although they look harmless enough, they are dangerous spiritually. If you access the spiritual relm without understanding what you are asking for you could find yourself in a dangerous position without even knowing what is happening. \n\nOn another note Ghosts should not be attracted to you. Especially without being able to be helped. Ghosts are lost spirits generally don't want to be disturbed unless you can help them. There are people called spiritual mediums with the gift to see spirits and help in this process. 1324022119 +Scumbag George Knapp:\n\n"We gave the tape to experts for analysis."\n\nGives tape to hypnotherapist. 1341991671 +[Rational Wiki](http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Mohenjo-daro) 1342808875 +Yes, we all have photographed snowflakes and ashes, and had our cigarette smoke look like ghosts.\n\nHowever, self-propelled dust? Not buying it. 1353986162 +Ah. On you go. I'm into the Skulls now, so another hour twenty min. to go. \n 1349282830 +I always end up with 0 :( 1345833284 +It's amazing how many people would willingly vote for the Christian version of Sharia, even though it'd probably be the last time they ever got to vote on anything. 1326531352 +I myself have not, but I've read quite a few different stories in which people claim to have visited a Reddit-like site in a dream before they really did. 1335735786 +It would have been more interesting if he did not put in so many [redacted]\nI believe Redacted 8 may have referred to [this](http://www.airspacemag.com/space-exploration/Soviet-Star-Wars.html?c=y&page=1) 1345736574 +I also heard this mentioned last week on the SGU podcast. 1302966964 +No, not this time :) few months ago some eight of us and a bong for 30 minutes saw these lights above the capital city from a rooftop - best smoke I ever had. 1311750599 +I miss the times when the history channel showed history on it. 1300877328 +Maybe because he is lying. 1355874167 +I don't know if I accept that excuse, what about the people who are in a traumatic position and retain their ability to think and realize that using a psychic will do nothing? 1320171836 +While absence of proof is not proof of absence, there is the possibility that we're not currently being visited. 1337952374 +I'm not an american and don't understand any of it. I've heard about how dollars used to be green and it isn't, or the opposite, but both bills on the picture are gray, and I have one green dollar on my wallet right now. How can a banknote be "tax-free" or "interest-free"? \n\nInflation, taxes and interest are not an inherent property of money, but emergent properties the rules a society lives by. You can have inflation in an economy based on Apples, ask for interest in your lending of stone peebles and require a tax on the production of antelope meat.\n\nCare to explain what a greenbacker is? 1312480610 +Honestly, once you've read Cryptonomicon, the rest of Stephenson's work should be pretty smooth for you. That's probably his hardest novel to digest.\n\nI actually place "The Diamond Age" on my list of Books That Permanently Changed The Way I Think. 1354322288 +Maybe it is someone just looking out for you. Perhaps, a relative on the other side. 1342771962 +Weird thing happens at work (student internet express market) for me too. I'll be wiping down tables at close, and one of the computers will just turn the bleep on. Sometimes the xbox and playstation will turn on or off on their own too... 1338534346 +Nice try, Calabrese mobster from Toronto. 1355807485 +All I can think of is Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and I hope that there is a bowl of petunias lying somewhere nearby also. 1317404517 +The "sexy" compliment is a manifestation of misogyny in that it's a form of the first (and often only) thing most people pull out as a compliment to a female speaker ("You look great!").\n\nWell, fuck how she looked - was her talk compelling and well presented? Did she get you thinking? Because that's what she's there to do, not to titillate you, and to treat her like her personal worth hinges on her appearance is a slap in the face.\n\nEDIT: It's like the way TV interviews almost always show guys from the shoulders up and women from the breasts up - it's not intentionally meant to be sexist, I'm sure, but the fact it's so consistent really does contribute to a sexist environment; the message becomes very clear that what a woman happens to be saying takes a back seat to our ability to ogle her tits. 1338675137 +I just know she gave that ghost crabs. 1353262900 +The home/natural birthing movement attempts to help people with methods and practices based on idealism.\n\nObstetrics attempts to help people with methods and practices based on science. \n\nThat's pretty much all you need to know to make a rational decision. 1298049956 +I believe in free will, the wisdom of the crowds, and Discordianism. 1299451889 +Ok, so american soldiers will kill american unarmed and peaceful people for the sake of keeping a secret away from them? Does this not mean that we should probably change something in this country? 1342057258 +No arguments there on any account. A fool and his money and all that..\n\n\n 1318970788 +Yeah yeah I guess. They were borderline skeptical, they questioned institutions more than observations and science. 1317531181 +I take it that you live in Tromsø?\n\nDo you have any idea how hard it is for someone to move to and live in Norway? I'm a Dutch & New Zealand citizen (my wife is a Chinese citizen, which may or may not be a problem).\n\nTromsø looks like an absolutely awesome place for someone who is into astronomy, so I would love to move there, or even just work there for a year or so. 1300838304 +So, if Chist *really* did walk the Earth, he was probably not the milky white Caucasion that modern Christians imagine he looked like. He probably would have been darker skinned, and looked more like bin Laden. 1324504869 +I live in the Phoenix metro, PM me if you ever find anything. I've never pursued the paranormal, but I'd be interested. 1314771894 +You are very kind thank you.\n\nYou also predate the cars, but you were not classed as 'other' back then. Your return to metropolitan streets in number sufficient to generate significant journalistic effort is welcome. \nHowever the sheer number of "car drivers are mean" and "don't judge us all by the actions of a few articles" coming from recent converts to two wheels who only a few years ago were a four wheeled risk to me, raises a wry smile from my (still hopefully youthful in the right light) lips. 1348697889 +I dunno, all I know is that artificial sweetener makes me stummy hurt 1294264312 +I was going to write "A few hundred deaths will turn this movement around", but then I thought better.... even 1000s will not do it. 1322909333 +Because "psychics" use sociology, psychology, and common sense to derive a randomly vague response which the end user(s) interpret to their liking.\n\n"You are in grave danger".\n\n* You're going to be hit by a car. (Physical Danger)\n* You're going to lose your job. (Monetary Danger)\n* A family member may die. (Emotional Danger)\n* Your mouth will be chopped off at work. (Social/Physical Danger)\n* You're going to win the lottery. (Inverse Danger [note it's still *danger*]).\n\nAlso:\n\n> Because there's no such thing as psychics. 1252972104 +He said that magic is real and that you make sigils of desires to make it happen and that the idea of the self is fraudulent because we're all one. He also said that amorphous silver beings from the 5th dimension offered to show him whatever he wanted and they showed him Alpha Centauri - and they showed a landscape of our universe outside of time where humans looked like centipedes-all their actions through their life blended together as one. 1344992117 +Have they tried playing music to their eyes? 1331195586 +According to the replies there, it's because you debunked the wrong movie. 1296240274 +No, Yes. 1296169667 +Oh I'm well aware that a man of his stature has no reason to be contacted by ET's above anyone else around. He just has really implementable and helpful ideas that everyone should impose upon themselves. 1316629516 +The person who made this is a redditor actually: [callum_cglp](http://www.reddit.com/user/callum_cglp), [and](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_naQhynOg0) [he](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPM-vKpiKR0) [has](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xUAR6vbxxU) [eight](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zb6gAPG3yM) [others](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4tYTgV1x28) [so](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-6wXZXOUV8) [far](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYt85mcI-bk). They're quite good. 1300579682 +He would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for those meddling kids. 1305674103 +You are safer being unvaccinated among a herd of vaccinated people than you are being fully vaccinated among the unvaccinated.\n\nWhen those around you are healthy, you are more likely to be healthy; thats why universal healthcare is so important. Your health affects others. 1334528095 +It wasn't in the shape of human, but it was the size of a large adult male. Solid black, oblong, whispy edges, from what I recall. 1347213812 +Any being capable of finding this shithole of a planet probably wouldn't care to visit. 1293051640 +Point being it's not morally justified simply because the ends justify the means but because we don't value their lives anywhere near as much as those of our own species- rooting for the home team essentially. From an evolutionary perspective it's not unsurprising that we would. That said we try to avoid doing so because it's still somewhat morally repugnant to us to use them in experiments. Obviously if we didn't feel it was necessary we wouldn't believe such experiments were morally justified anymore. 1343177377 +Well just stating it for the record, I havent upvoted or downvoted you a single time. Actually I take that back, according to reddit enhancement whatever Iv upvoted you once. 1351005645 +> It very greatly depends on what the \n> actual statement is. "Life is very likely \n> to exist outside of planet Earth" is easily \n> falsifiable, so it is a scientific statement\n\nI'm a little bit confused. How are you proposing that we're able to falsify that statement? 1290520929 +Favourite comment of Peter Joseph's counter-rebuttal "I hate to sound condescending..." 1296633570 +I can't remember the episode, but penn had a two or three minute talk where he explained that what they do is not scientific, and that everything they do is blatantly biased by their beliefs. that said, they are usually pretty spot on 1321126011 +This. If we are to learn the lesson of Thalidomide, it is the intervention of government regulators that literally saved hundreds of children's lives in the US the 50's and 60's. 1348335386 +It's funny that the tailpipe analogy is somewhat correct - stop breathing out C02 and the body will become [acidotic](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acidosis#Respiratory_acidosis). 1339692060 +>Miles concurred in an interview with NPR's Michele Norris. "What happened here was yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater," Miles said. "The claim is very important because women will make important health decisions based on the idea that mental retardation may be a side effect of this, which there's no evidence, so far, that it is."\n\nThis is absolutely true. The Democrats may not be the saviors this country needs right now, but the Republicans' strategy of playing on people's fears via outrageous falsehoods in order to grab power is not just slimy, it's destructive. Humans are naturally curious, rational creatures who want to learn about the truth of their environment, but fear can trump reason all too easily. Not to beat a dead horse, but what we need are more scientists and engineers in power, and fewer lawyers. 1316892885 +if you listen to some of the UFO channels they explain some of that as perhaps your future self as an alien visiting you. Unfortunately most people freak out or experience traumas or black out... 1326606428 +Ctrl + Print Screen (Prnt scr), then open up Paint and copy it (Ctrl+V) into the program, then save the image, crop it, upload it, etc.\n\nOr some keyboards have a specialized Print Screen button in the Function keys.\n\nFor future reference =) 1353804261 +I have a friend who *insists* he is allergic to all fruits and vegetables and uses it as an excuse to ingest nothing but bullshit. 1273773545 +Stars are renowned for blinking. "Twinkle, twinkle, little star", even. I don't mean to be snarky, but ya'll need to get out in the country at night ... you're going to love it. 1348899675 +Please don't upvote shit like this on r/skeptic. 1326010078 +Breaks my heart. But we have at least come together long enough to plant seeds of curiosity. Even if they break it up, power users, engineers, DIY enthusiasts, and all kinds of willing and dedicated people will come up with a new way to communicate freely over large distances. People may be super dumb, but others may be equally intelligent and genuinely act in the best interest of their fellow man. Just not, you know, the ones in the ruling class. Lol 1345217572 +It needs a Bigfoot Shopped in the trees! 1310995326 +The chances are that their difference is larger than the average difference in humans. 1298657819 +I've only had a chance to read through the 8 pages of the Magnet rpt and frankly I am amazed to see the words written on actual government documents (unredacted) that plainly say (essentially): "We don't know what they are, but they are real, and we've ruled out anything man-made. The fact is that we have to put aside what we want to believe and accept the data which leads us to believe this is in fact aliens visiting us. Now that we have accepted that fact, the goal going forward needs to be obtaining this technology for the obviouse benefits that it would provide." It then goes into a page on how they think the propulsion system somehow exploits gravity and explains briefly some of the ways they plan on investigating this phenomena and then ends there. \n\nI've just never seen a government document that I read from a government website say "Our conclusion is that UFO's are piloted by aliens, we don't know why they're here but they're here, let's accept it and move on" , shocking really. \n\n\nNote: The quotes are not actual quotes, they are very sloppy paraphrasings, they do specifically say it is extraterestrials and not of human origin though. \n\nI think disclosure is happening all around us, but I bet you won't hear much about this on the news tonight. 1317328265 +The Nopalea thing is just part of the whole "superfruit" health fad, it actually looks fairly generic. 1308658139 +The tv was probably on. 1337897407 +But do you enjoy...SURPRISE FISTING??? 1320963246 +Is am good. 1350424617 +*and technicians. \n\nAlso, these people aren't managing a McDonald's - they're operating huge fleets of scientific equipment that scans the universe for signals then they're filtering all the data. More than likely everyone on that team would be getting paid far more than that if they worked for a privatized company that did the same work. 1312999236 +This was examined pretty well in [Mary Roach's Spook](http://www.maryroach.net/spook.html) 1355297703 +A couple years back I went there and Chiropracty was listed as a legitimate thing. It really made me lose interested in the site. Looks like that has been fixed since. 1340041280 +That was my thoughts on the subject, I thought digital would be "cleaner" with less interference. 1340515294 +>It means we know that we don't know the truth. Don't you care about that at all?\n\nI love how truthers always phrase it like that. What we _know_ is that there are people who have questions. What we _don't_ know is whether or not the "official story" is what really happened or not. The way you state things is that because person A still has questions, then event B _cannot_ be what everyone else thinks it is. The math just doesn't add up. In no way does some people questioning the official report mean that we _know_ that what is described in the official report didn't happen. The people doing the questioning could be just as wrong as those who wrote the initial report. 1290886068 +*Which* Kennedy assassination conspiracy? 1356638543 +Actually, they do exist and they're called manatees. 1341448074 +>I tend to ignore her to avoid feeding her.\n\nLiterally feeding her... and wiping her fake tears with wads of that ad revenue. 1351202895 +The Great Cabal That Controls Everything...unmasked by some moron with a loose grip on reality and some cheap-ass free-to-download video editing software.\n\nMakes perfect sense. 1330123404 +Dang! 1340728803 +No. Not at all. In fact it's a sham. 1321667982 +And from the quack's wife, no less. What, wouldn't any other lawyers take the "case" or whatever you'd call it? 1291840632 +You don't know if those pics are fake or not. They are interesting because they are of the same thing but they look like they are from two different cameras and thus two different people. That is kind of a big thing. It still needs to be confirmed of course but.....why dismiss it so quickly? That's almost like trying to pass it off as a souyuz rocket or something like that. \n\nYou cannot know for sure. 1279569089 +Apparently they've been around since 2006. 1336955326 +I agree, though I think it precipitated the problem. I'm hoping to get through to my older sister before she goes over the deep end with this, too. And evidence is the way to get through to her. 1297018493 +Thank you for the clarification. 1278737640 +Xe would have him in a fortnight. Or can we just put seal team six on retainer? 1331285741 +I was wondering why "Chinese Feng Shui" has a term for something that only happens on the Gregorian calendar. 1297867270 +A Canadian or British paycheck. 1301597246 +I highly doubt that the jet shot down a advanced craft that can travel the universe. 1351743031 +TIDES!!! 1316371991 +What do you want to hear? 1316220488 +those women are insane and Penn is the only calm genuinely compassionate one there. 1356124884 +>How many people study sciences (mainly physics) or related fields here? Or work in a science-based area\n\nMuch like Penn Jillette, I'm a science enthusiast. I'm not a scientist.\n\n>How many people here are religious, or feel spiritually inclined?\n\nN/A. The deepest thrill I get is looking up at the night sky, but there's nothing religious, spiritual, supernatural, or mystical about it. But if I had to choose an experience that I would classify as transcendent, it would be that: contemplating the universe.\n\n>How many people here are like me waiting to be convinced that the paranormal COULD be true.\n\nThe paranormal already *could* be true. I'm waiting for repeatable, testable evidence that cannot be more eloquently explained by our known models of the universe and, even more importantly, the understanding of how our brains work thanks to advances in neuroscience. 1343143140 +Looks like a tiny, lonely cloud. 1341323898 +woah....that's a lethal ratio, dude 1320914807 +This is pretty silly. It seems analogous to those libertarians who call all government action "socialism", or those Democrats who can invent a reason that any policy they don't like must be "racist", or those Republicans who find ways to associate all manner of evils with "liberalism".\n\nIf you're a Republican whose definition of "liberalism" is so broad that it includes Stalin and Hitler as well as Obama and Kucinich, it's probably not a very useful definition: it pretty much means "things I don't like." It surely doesn't aid you in predicting what modern "liberals" will do ... except possibly that they'll do things you don't like.\n\nAnd likewise, what exactly does calling evolution "a religion" accomplish? With this broad definition of "religion", what else will we sweep in?\n\n*Professional sports* have their temples, their sacrifices, their irrational rituals, their holy days. They even have elaborate ritual costumes: a fan dressed in team colors with his face painted is even more dramatic than a cardinal's robes.\n\n*University education* has temples both elaborate and expensive; it charges many of its acolytes a steep fee for participation (almost as expensive as Scientology, or heroin); it has its priesthood in the form of the full professorate; its rituals such as graduation ceremonies.\n\n*Literacy* itself could be regarded as a cult practice. Parents spend much effort to initiate their children into its mysteries. It has its temples in schools and libraries. It practices discrimination: Those who do not convert to this religion are scorned as stupid and incapable, and excluded from polite society. \n\nOr how about *driving cars*? Confirmation in this religion is an important rite of passage in young adulthood. There are temples in the form of dealerships. Those who do not practice the appropriate rituals of regular maintenance are regarded as irresponsible ... and those atheists who choose not to partake in this religion at all are frequently denounced as hippies or freaks of various sorts.\n\nWith a sufficiently broad notion of "religion", we can simply subsume all organized or semi-organized human behavior: government; economy; even dating. And insofar as we can call everything "religion", *doing so tells us nothing at all.* 1272518719 +Exactly, as soon as you start calling UFOs, aliens. Well, they aren't UNIDENTIFIED flying objects because you just callled them ETs and you should go make another subreddit called /r/disclosure or someshit. The less bullshit the better. 1316206939 +The explanation is easy and does not require magical thinking.\n\nThere are billions of people in the world. At any given moment, positive things are happening to some and negative things are happening to others. \n\nOn the same day, some other people had heart attacks and just died. Some others had heart attacks and lived, but didn't win any money. Still others won some money without having heart attacks.\n\n**TL;DR, this is pure coincidence.** 1353948221 +Yes, I am often thinking of this. It would be neat if all the stories are true (sort of) but I think often about the CD player analogy. \n\nI think that the mental construction of authority is much more important than people think. I have many qualms with how governments abuse authority and how too many people trust it blindly, but in the same vein, a too precipitous denouement of that authority might be catastrophic. It might even be worse if "they" never land, the suspense might be too much maybe? Taunting our RADAR for years and years? Or perhaps they are trying to goad us into further development by challenging us and taunting our limits. I spend a lot of time thinking about this.\n\nI agree, if they are thousands of years ahead of us we probably cannot get much. I wish it were otherwise. Although perhaps we are not yet responsible enough. Who knows?\n\nI love thinking about these scenarios. To me they truly are on the frontiers of thought and possibility.\n\nAlso, I am sometimes confused by reddit's reply system, is our conversation being declared as dis-info by posters below? 1328163605 +That's fair! I just came into this thread expecting that people would be providing evidence in answer to OP's question, instead of saying it is "common knowledge". It might very well be the case that this effect is accepted across many fields of study, but I was hoping there would be more studies cited from the outset, instead of me having to prod people to produce them :P\n\nAs far as research to prove I'm not a fool (owch!), I would direct you to the general work on cognitive biases that began with Kahneman & Tversky about 30 years ago, that led to research on how social positioning affects perception ([maybe start here?](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cognitive_biases#Social_biases)). I know next to nothing about wine in particular (oh no, a fool!!) but my standpoint was more of the general skeptic seeing commonalities in the area of wine glassware and the sorts of domains I'm more familiar with (like scientific reasoning and that jazz). 1301507124 +To be fair, we measure water pollution in parts per million (ppm) and parts per billion (ppb), so a concentration of 10^-9 M, or 1 ppb, for an active ingredient is not negligible. 1295287232 +If he created "perfection", I would take that to mean he created a being which would make a choice to become imperfect. 1308753927 +Those are mad skills, also SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!! (Seriously, you meant something like [this](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv3_zFD6_xE)?)\n\nEDIT added the seriously [4] 1321947956 +I'm afraid to inform you that you are an awful kisser. 1354533493 +Dude: spend 30 minutes over at r/UAP. Seriously: you're going to need to educate yourself a bit. There is a plethora of very solid documentation over there. You want me to condense a very complicated topic with many facets into a tidy summary here for you and that just isn't possible. I'm sorry that there's no dummies' guide for this. Kean's book can be read in an afternoon.\n\nTheories and hypothesis need some factual basis or evidence to be valid. What is yours? The ET hypothesis has a lot. Whether you have time to review it or not, it really speaks for itself. And this isn't just my opinion; it's the general consensus of those who have spent their lives studying this stuff.\n\nEdit: [here is a great debate between Dolan and Dr. John Alexander, a military officer. Leslie Kean moderates. It's a podcast called '2012 UFO ‘Cover-Up’ Debate'; scroll down and there is a download button. Dolan presents some of the best evidence in a very concise fashion here.](http://inceptionradionetwork.com/archives/irn-2012-debate/) 1330321533 +I half expected goatse. 1256686591 +The point is he took the opportunity to insult people on national media. He was not called in for that reason. Also, India has had laws about insulting religion since the British were there - ostensibly to foster peace and tolerance between different religions, but instead used today to lock up dissidents. He knew that and he took a risk. It's ridiculous, but you don't see me going on TV in Iran and saying Allah is a pig for much the same reason. 1353868011 +With no battery?\n 1326653018 +[Snopes says this is false](http://www.snopes.com/legal/et.asp) 1304997040 +So.... he took seven minutes to basically say that the interviewer was too stupid to understand the actual answer, and he would just have to accept that magnets work because they work. ;)\n\nHe is fascinating to listen t, though. 1292609068 +I used to take that. Now I just drink coffee. 1287815151 +I wish trigonometry were that easy when I was in school.\n\ntan(1) = 10 \ntan(2) = 20 \ntan(3) = 30 \ntan(4) = 40 1335631206 +>Unicorns are magical creatures, they don't die and leave bodies around. They just look like horses because that is how they have chosen to be viewed in this plane of existence.\n\n*Everyone* knows *that*… 1312516598 +I don't usually drink, but today was the day for me to raise a glass or three in his honour. 1324851936 +2.44, he zooms right back out. Palm trees are clearly in another yard, I would imagine there was no other viewpoint to film from. 1317031220 +A close family member of mine build rockets, and has built rockets for 30 years. After showing this person the Norway Spiral video they could equate it to *no known type of missile/rocket*. Their exact words were "interesting" with a slight smirk. This was the most telling thing this person has *ever* stated when it comes to this topic of strange craft/phenomenon. 1302371220 +Oshit. 1328442683 +It's been *quite* a day here in r/ufos. 1336805509 +A friend of my parents, a guy I used to really respect and like when I was growing up, has just revealed on Facebook that not only is he charging people for spiritual readings but he has also won Psychic of the Year award for the state. He has also charged my mother for a reading.I posted a skeptical video on my FB wall (a video of Derren Brown talking about cold reading to Richard Dawkins) and he sent me a very abusive message.\nI'm just taking the "ignore it and it will go away" approach to our disagreement but as I'm moving back to my home country soon I fear I will be seeing him at social gatherings. He's a big guy, ex navy and the president of the state chapter of the Masonic Motorcycle Club so I am very intimidated by him.\n\nJust venting. Thanks. 1355506726 +This is probably the most reasonable and intelligent thing I've ever heard anyone say about airport security. 1296094776 +Came across this in my quest for reliable nutritional information. Maybe not entirely reliable, but entertaining... 1320640273 +Every time I try and talk about this stuff with environmentalists all i ever get from them is shit about displacement of people and what not. No one can ever give me evidence that fracking is causing any environmental issues (which they may well be but i haven't seen much for evidence) and I show them things like this and they claim that its either conspiracy or exxon trying to spread misinformation. 1315955872 +That made me lol too. Wtf. 90% imaginative and 10% physical. That's pretty a bold statement. 1329168406 +ahh. ok. saw it. mhm... could be anything tho 1337617043 +I had one of those on my crotch for two hours at WalMart once. I was working electronics and not a single customer mentioned it.\n\nI also kept a handful of alarm stickers behind the desk to drop in customer bags for lulz. One time we dropped at least 10 of them in a jerk-bag coworker's pocket. Pretty sure he noticed before exiting the store.\n\nWe also stuck them to carts underneath and placed them wherever possible including inside of TV boxes. 1331090511 +I just don't understand the Big Pharma theories. Is the root of it all that people are upset we can send stuff into space and harness the power of the atom but can't cure a cold? It's a big business; if a local soccer mom invented a cure for AIDS, they'd either buy her out in a second or pretend they came up with it on their own (dishonest, but AIDS is still cured) and make billions. \n\nI can make sense of the 9-11 "truthers" and the Moon Landing Hoax and such, but I can't even begin to understand the Big Pharma one.\n\n/rant 1334432395 +This is the real reason why one should be vegetarian, to get rid of them bastards!\n\n\nEdit: secret 1310107008 +Fine... Now you have to explain what "photosynthesise" is and how it works, and also explain cell-division.\n\nProceed. ;) 1312241896 +I know what I'll be doing when I get off work. I love me some alien conspiracies. 1343040575 +"You know what would really screw with the earthlings? Lets shine some balls of lights in the sky, so they're all like "WTF?!?" 1355897539 +I did look relatively the same, yes. 1326465185 +Do you have any idea how old this is starting to get? 1342321418 +I love NPR but the issue I have with this idea is that NPR gets to decide what 'truth' is. I realize that at times the truth is pretty obvious and it is ridiculous to give the opposition equal time - like an example below about making sure flat earth believers get equal time. But too often the 'truth' is very dependent on the viewer. What happens when NPR decides something is the truth when it is simply an opinion? At least presenting both sides of an issue gives both the reporter and viewer an opportunity to understand not only what is right but WHY it is right and the other is wrong. 1330461626 +> Who decides what is or is not logical?\n\nNonsense. What is logical is a matter of fact, and no one has to decide it.\n\nAlso, data don't matter to logic. Logic is about general, formal structures, and applies to everything.\n\nThe idea of the sun revolving around the earth is not a logical truth, and never was one. 1272309119 +Haha, I wouldn't have thought it was as weird if I had heard her listening to it a bunch. I think it was a private thing for her. Plus I was really young and she kind of even hid his suicide from me at the time. And the post says the first I'd ever even heard of the song was when my piano teacher had me learn it in middle school. 1326756725 +No shit..I agree..so sick of seeing bullshit contents like that just because the rest of the world hasn't found time to troll the Internet 20 hours a day.. or maybe some people are just starting to look into these things. I'm glad people post things like this. My boyfriend has read and watched tons on aliens and UFO's, and has gotten me into it. So a lot of this stuff is new to me. 1352501099 +When the author stated repeatedly that 75% of the world's population is lactose intolerant, and provided a citation . . . well, I just had to read it for myself!\n\nHere's his statement: \n\n>6. Not everyone can stomach dairy.(v) About 75 percent of the world's population is genetically unable to properly digest milk and other dairy products -- a problem called lactose intolerance.\n\nAnd here's the citation:\n\nhttp://consensus.nih.gov/2010/images/lactose/lactose_finalstatement.pdf\n\n>The prevalence of lactose intolerance is difficult to discern because studies have varied in their interpretation of what constitutes this condition. . . . The prevalence of lactose intolerance in the United States cannot be estimated based on available data. None of the potentially relevant studies identified in the systematic review used an adequate definition of lactose intolerance or evaluated a representative sample of the U.S. population. . . . Although these studies shed some light on the epidemiology of lactose intolerance (discussed below), they cannot be used to estimate the prevalence of lactose intolerance.\n\nand\n\n>Despite the limitations in the available studies, there were several noteworthy observations. First, lactose intolerance determined by self-report or nonblinded lactose challenge is less frequent across all ethnic groups than is lactose malabsorption determined by breath hydrogen tests or lactase nonpersistence determined by biopsy or genetic testing. Second, lactose intolerance, lactose malabsorption, and lactase nonpersistence vary across racial and ethnic groups with the lowest reported occurrence in European Americans and higher although variable occurrence in African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans. The systematic evidence review notes that the racial and ethnic variability in lactose intolerance following nonblinded lactose challenge was not as extreme as that reported in lactose malabsorption and lactase nonpersistence. Third, lactose intolerance with nonblinded lactose challenge and lactose malabsorption was low in young children, but increased with age. In children younger than 6 years, lactose malabsorption was low in all the studies and peaked between ages 10 and 16 years. Little evidence suggests that lactose intolerance increases in older persons.\n\nNowhere in that statement from NIH is the assertion made that 75% of the world's population is lactose intolerant; in fact, it says quite the opposite, that we have no idea.\n\nBased on Hyman's blatant lies (not even a misunderstanding or misrepresentation) about the NIH statement's content, I would be disposed to disregard anything else he has to say. Either he is a willful liar, or incapable of checking his own references. \n\nEither way, he's not a reliable source of information. 1353347884 +Will be interesting to see how all this turns out. I'm still hoping soon, but we will see.. 1244844785 +Do we expect Nobel laureates to endorse the law? This is good news but not at all surprising. 1331132833 +Curious as to why you think being vegetarian isn't realistic for most people? I might agree on the vegan front, but being vegetarian is vastly different than being vegan. 1290444807 +you only need to know its slant before recommending it? shouldnt you...... read the book before recommending it? 1355333202 +Obviously, conservation of energy applies here, but I think the poster is asking for a more in-depth answer.\n\nI can't explain how magnets work in plain English, because any analogy I might try to use will likely rely on electricity or magnetism, itself. Richard Feynman explains exactly why he can't explain in [this video](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMFPe-DwULM). \n\nThis explanation will necessarily be a simplification, since you can't get a good understanding of these things without looking at the math. In my understanding, though, magnets interact via photon exchange. Magnetic forces are caused by particles tossing around photons, little packets of energy. The particles don't actually *produce* any energy, they just exchange it, so if you pull energy out of the system, the system will still run out. \n\nThe physics of this are more complicated than simple attraction and repulsion, and most "perpetual" motion machines using magnets work based on how people *assume* magnets work, not on how they actually behave. \n\nFinally, the behavior shown is not perpetual motion or energy production at all. Even if the machine in the video actually works as shown, you'll notice that the hand holding the magnet is constantly moving slightly. That motion is required for magnetism to work properly: magnetic fields don't apply force to objects that are at rest relative to them. In moving the magnet, the man is supplying the system with energy, and I can guarantee that he's supplying it with a great deal more than you could possibly collect. 1269135118 +My grandfather told me a somewhat similar stories as in the 20's spirit-ism was the rage. During a "ghost party" (people gathering around a table with the equivalent of a scrabble board game), he knew the answer of a question asked by one of the attendee to the ghost and "thought it" with a spelling mistake. The "ghost" answered the question with a spelling mistake. 1341965367 +So everyone should be afraid of men. 1351117883 +This would be great filming a UFO!! How?\n\nWell think about it, most UFOs travel within "a blink of an eye"- speed. So if we had this camera, we can better understand and possibly see the movement in which the UFO craft travels.\n\nI mean I have watch countless vids/reports/research regarding UFO craft movement. \n\nGenerally we think UFOs move from Point A to Point B in a "straight" line. BUt there have been videos showing that UFO aircraft moves in a "wiggly" pattern from Point A to Point B. \n\nThere was this video of an old woman who filmed UFOs for over 45+ years?? and just recently came out with her videos(over 80+?). She said as she played back the video of the UFOs frame per frame, they made "streaks of light" when they moved from POint A to Point B. Not sure what the VIdeo was called, but it can be found on YouTube. 1345262301 +I would imagine that innocent people confess for a number of different reasons but here are a few:\n\n1. bad legal advice - don't listen to your cousin's uncle's best friend's legal opinion and overworked public defense miss things (or worse);\n\n2. guilt - not being guilty of the crime in question doesn't mean that you aren't guilty of something else or guilty of knowing details and not doing anything, etc etc. so in an effort to keep one secret, they 'confess' to a lie;\n\n3. fear - fear of everything - the cops, the courts, the people you know when you get out, your family, your job, etc etc. If you are looking at possible life with a jury and, say, only two years with a plea bargain if you confess, some people would rather do with the devil they know even though it's wrong;\n4. and this is the biggie - trust - you trust the system. If you are innocent and arrested for soemthing you didn't do (and I speak from a minor experience on this one) you just keep thinking that it will be okay because... you didn't do it! Of course they will do their investigation and surely I will eventually get let go and maybe even an apology. But then things just get worse and more surreal and then you realize that they are really going to arrest you. And then you ARE arrested and you STILL trust in the fact that you can't possibly be found guilty because you aren't! there can't be evidence because you are innocent! But when the dust settles and you are still on the hook, innocent people may do a lot of dumb things, not least of which is confess to a crime they didn't commit. 1330364846 +This one is interesting, considering this specific theory about dreaming which basically says that the dreaming part of sleep occurs during the short period of time we wake up, the loud bang triggers your waking up and starts the dream which incorporates the event and make up a most probable story about the cause of the bang, then you finish waking up and the most probable story happens.\n\n\n\n\n\n 1326495307 +The moon landing truthers have the same attitude you have. \n\nTruthers think everyone else are just 'blindly' believing whatever the government says about the moon landing. \n\nYou're doing it wrong. 1316788332 +What a dreadful shade of blue. 1333024479 +They are not ufos, they are a new type(more like WIP) of stealth aircraft that has been kept secret by the US military since at least the early 1990s\n\ni believe the general identification name that it most commonly goes by is the "chameleon".\n\ni can assure you that the craft is not extra terrestrial at the very least.\nhere at the NAS in pensacola, they test and train with them all the time. Though this is not all they do that is classified at the base.\n\nThey like doing these sort of things at NAS because of how relatively low it is on the"raises suspicion" scale, along with the facts that it has a natural waterway barrier on one side, as well as having a dense blanket of trees surrounding the base.\n\nmost people wouldn't suspect things go on here, simply because they base seems so open to the public with the naval aviation museum and the blue angels, as well as the other shows and displays they have, if it wasn't planned out, then it was a really convenient for them to have a base that is both seemingly public, yet has so many ways to hide the really important things in a rather obtuse location for these sort of things. 1337701968 +But as the saying goes, "you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into." 1296327277 +The purpose of the lawsuit is (almost certainly) not to win the case. The purpose of the lawsuit is (almost certainly) to convince a cancer patient to not go through the expense of defending the case and settling, by, say, taking all the text criticising the homeopath off the internet, agreeing to never criticise them publicly again, and paying a smaller settlement for having the temerity to criticise someone. 1263135974 +There's an infinite continuum of "what ifs" out there and it doesn't make any sense to try and examine each one. Without any evidence the idea that the phases of the moon have a causal effect on human psychology can be easily dismissed. 1353439169 +That is a brilliant YouTube troll! 1317794904 +It might be interesting to ask him to talk about his distinction between science and magic. As a scientist, he seems very anchored to the "nuts and bolts" theory of UFOs (or as he still calls them, "flying saucers"). But if these are real, physical objects coming from (for eg) Zeta Reticuli, then they must be essentially magical, or at leasr supernatural, because they are defying what we know to be fundamental physical laws of nature (ie, speed of light travel). So I would like to know how he reconciles this in his own thinking. 1331030052 +Claiming mega doses of vitamin C can cure all kinds of things from the common cold to cancer, and responding very negatively to those who did subsequent research and found no evdience to support his claims. 1334016156 +My understanding is that Pusztai fed the rats raw potatoes, which rats don't want to eat anyway, because they're not nutritious enough to live on. He basically starved the rats for a couple of days, and the two varieties of potatoes were substantially different.\n\nHere's an [excellent breakdown](http://gmopundit2.blogspot.com/2006/02/analysis-of-pusztai-study-on-gm.html):\n\nUnfortunately, Pusztai’s analyses of the chemical composition of the transgenic lines were rather superficial. And his quick leap to the conclusion that the variation he observed was attributable to the fact that they were transgenic was simply unwarranted. This mistake has proved costly to Pusztai himself. And unfortunately, the expertise battle that sprang up around the experiments has obscured the importance of carrying out well-designed experiments to evaluate the food qualities of transgenic crop plants expressing proteins that have the potential of affecting human health. Lectins are clearly in this category.\n\nPusztai has been criticized severely for the quality of his experiments. His experiments have been attacked for their small sample sizes, the use of inappropriate statistical procedures, and the fact that a diet of raw – or even cooked – potatoes is a bad diet for rats (people too), even when supplemented with a bit of extra protein. But oddly enough, in all that has been written about these experiments, no one seems to have seen their central flaw, which was that he did not use appropriate controls. A “control” is the part of an experiment that allows the researcher to examine the consequences of just the change (in this case) or the treatment (in the case of a drug) under study. In Pusztai’s experiments, the control potatoes had a different history than the transgenic potatoes and, in particular, that history included a culture procedure that induces somaclonal variation. The likeliest source of the variation he detected – and of the differences he attributed to the fact that they contained foreign DNA – was the culture procedure itself. In order to be able to attribute the deleterious effects of the transgenic potatoes to the newly introduced gene or to some other part of the introduced DNA, he would have had to make a comparison between potatoes that had the very same history, but either had or lacked the transgenic construct. This can be done, but the study that Pusztai participated in was simply not designed for such a test.\n 1333150098 +They look too bright to be fire lanterns. I thought it might be a reflection in the glass of the window, but I don't think so. 1327294714 +I love the idea that our Sun is a fucking Stargate. 1342765750 +why would they? 1296652248 +The way you replied looks exactly like someone shaking as they pound on their keyboard. Use more punctuation next time. 1328497456 +If he had followed it with a joke, like hey maybe a ghost did it, then yes, I would assume he was fucking with me. 1333895295 +Lame. Duly noted. 1299369777 +it seems pretty far off the mark, to me. you didn't need to quote the relevant passage; i read it.\n\nit's clear that this psychic schmuck doesn't think skepticism = pedophilia. he's referring to his perception that skeptics sit around their computers at 3 AM, plotting ways to ruin the lives of psychics, just as a pedophile might sit around at 3 AM plotting ways to fuck children.\n\nit's quite clear from the passage that he doesn't think that skeptics are pedophiles, or that skepticism is *the same* as pedophilia.\n\nis he attempting to slander a group of people through the comparison? yes. but he doesn't think asking questions is the same as fucking kids. \n\nsorry. 1273608958 +the full paper is here if anyone wants to go through it in detail:\n\nhttp://www.methodesurrender.fr/docs/art_bsem_2009.pdf 1326141722 +I love the "It took me one week to get over the flu with this." Yeah, that's about how long the flu lasts completely untreated. 1255717969 +lol http://i.imgur.com/7SUqm.png 1328236613 +How embarrassingly backward. 1303648549 +Well, for one, if you're vegetarian/vegan, that rules out gelcaps, which are often the only non-liquid source of DXM in pharmacies.\n\nThere was a general consensus among DXM-heads that Zicam Cough spray was the fastest-acting, hardest-hitting DXM product in existence. It was popular among abusers; it's possibly why they stopped making it. It had slightly more DXM than a whole bottle of cough syrup in about one-eighth the volume of liquid. It tasted absolutely unholy, but there was a sick pleasure to be found in it. (Again: if you're into that kind of thing.) \n\nWhatever you're imagining about how disgusting chugging a bottle (or bottles) of cough syrup is, you're probably right. It's *self-violation*. There are many people out there who puke at least once every time they do it. \n\nI was one of the people who never puked. Never. If you knew what it's like to be full of cough syrup, you would know that this was a very mixed blessing.\n\nBasically, people drink cough syrup for the hell of it. Or because they get used to it. Doesn't cough syrup just taste like something that will do strange things to you if you drink enough of it?\n\nOr because it's the cheapest suitable product at the local pharmacy, and even cough syrup addicts have better things to spend their money on.\n\nHopefully I'll never go into a big off-topic monologue on cough medicine on reddit again... 1325011099 +Organic food is only a label, [skeptoid](http://skeptoid.com/episodes/4019) did an episode on Organic food and nothing has really changed since it came out. There was a [study](http://www.royalsociety.org.nz/2010/05/27/science-organic/) done on bird preference of organic vs standard seeds, the birds preferred the standard seeds.\n\nAs for recycling, the big issue is that it takes a lot of energy to recycle materials and that energy use may be more damaging to the environment than just putting the material in a landfill. The thing about that argument however is that some parts of the world actually have renewable energy plans and will have a majority of energy coming from renewable resources in the near future. The energy can be renewable, while the materials and land use are not. So depending on what you are recycling and where you live this can change rapidly (smaller places may have much less land for landfill use, such as Japan so recycling may still be a good idea there) 1325080250 +how do you 'test' the existence of ET ufos outside of having a spaceship on display? \n\nwith that said, are you surprised we don't have any 'testable evidence'? or do you think it's just not available to be seen?\n\nsome would claim all of us have UFO tech around us now. From transistors to teflon to fiber optics to kevlar, all arrived out of nowhere out of black military programs and government contractors. it's all in how small you want to make the box. 1328992150 +Wait wait. Accidental misreading enables teleportation? 1278955590 +You're being downvoted because you're reporting an entirely subjective experience and implying it had some objective meaning or relevance - the same kind of elementary error made by people who believe their *strong feeling* God exists constitute proof.\n\nThe error you're making is believing you're a reliable narrator, even to your own experiences. [You are not](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cognitive_biases).\n\nRather, each time you recall an event you recall it imperfectly (and it's also influenced by the context in which you recall it), and each time you recall it your memory **re-**imprints it in your mind, diminishing or erasing the original[1]. Memory isn't some chiselled-in-stone record you look things up in, even though it subjectively feels like that. Rather, it's more like a rumour, where instead of a list of facts you're forcing experiences to conform to a defined narrative, [every telling changes the story somewhat](http://scienceblogs.com/cortex/2010/06/memory_is_fiction.php) and how much it changes relates to how strongly you feel about the subject. After a while it can diverge surprisingly far from reality.\n\nFor example, it's entirely possible (although you won't *feel* like it's true) that you had a strong feeling you'd catch a ball on one occasion and actualyl caught it on another, and your memory has mixed the two memories together to make a better, more satisfying narrative. Alternatively, you might have wanted to catch the ball many times, but because you never did you forget about it. Then the one time you *did* catch it is a big deal, so you remember that occasion but forget the others... and "I *really wanted* to catch the ball and I did" easily becomes "I *knew* I was going to catch it any I did" over time.\n\nAlternatively I would have thought every kid in the ballpark wanted to catch the ball, and at least some of them are going to be the kind of precocious kids to announce they *will* do it (outgoing kids are prone to assuming if they want something enough they will necessarily achieve it). So in a group of thousands of kids at thousands of games across the country for many years of baseball games, eventually you're going to get a few kids out of that group who both believed they would catch a ball and caught a ball. It's not significant - it's just a fluke of statistics that seems special because your brain latches onto it[2].\n\nWith the greatest respect, you're not getting downvoted because you've offended anyone's sensibilities, but because you're making a basic error we all know about and have moved past - your post is simply *wrong*, not controversial. <:-)\n\n[1] This is really true, incidentally - [studies are being done](http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/health/article3850302.ece) where they take victims of PTSD, load them up with happy drugs like MDMA, then walk them back through their recollections of the traumatising event.\n\nThanks to the drug their present emotional state is relaxed, happy and accepting, so when they finish reliving the memories and re-imprint them, they lose much of the emotional trauma associated with the memory, and because the memory is re-imprinted the effects persist indefinitely, even after the drugs wear off.\n\nIt's a relatively new area of investigation, but the studies are showing good results.\n\n[2] A good example of this trend is if someone randomly shuffles a pack of cards and I pull out all four aces, most people would be amazed - that's millions to one, right? Amazing!\n\nEqually, if I pull out - say - the ten of clubs, the four of diamonds, the jack of hearts and the seven of clubs nobody would be impressed even though I have exactly the same chances of getting that as any other combination, *including all four aces*.\n\nThe only difference is that *you think of four aces as being significant*, and other "random-looking" sequences as not. Again, a cognitive illusion caused by your brain's penchant for pattern-matching, which has no real objective significance. 1276852635 +Right, but the headline suggests a link between the nature of the ceremony and the collapse - that superstitious ceremony was behind this tragedy, when really it was just the setting for it. 1276203581 +"...overwhelm the immune system"? REALLY?!\n\nFFS, read up on some medical literature from this century if you're going to speak about it in public like this. 1331153485 +Now if only we can get high res images of all the things floating around the sun that miraculously don't burn up (if it was space junk) 1346082956 +> Humour, Memory, **Stutter Decrease**... WHAT?\n\nfabulous. now i'm going to have people telling me i just need to think before i talk AND to stop whacking it.\n\nFYI for anyone reading this, telling someone who stutters that they just need to slow down and think before they talk makes us hate you. 1344266431 +Ah, the old call for backup. I thought it was getting too nutty in here. 1290764585 +This is one of those obnoxious rhetorical questions I was talking about. 1329691752 +Well I only believed one. That's because my doctor told my mom not to let me sleep the night I got my concussion. 1338691661 +Thanks, I'd totally forgotten about that! I *so* suck at statistics. 1323672470 +blogspam? why? 1243796796 +I'll be in the 27% because I do remember that video coming out later, not sure if the next day or a couple of days later. It was the video of the sewer repair crew... or something to that like. 1347389732 +Over to the left there's another area that looks like it has a face, except it looks like a fish tail is halfway in what would be its forehead. 1354658175 +New site coming soon....wanted to set-up a reddit link. 1275547682 +Perhaps she can go on a speaking tour with Sara Palin? 1325701256 +I'm just guessing here, but maybe the much of the milk based products just don't have enough calcium for a healty diet, unless you like to drink milk straight.\n\nI presume this is why we find other products, like orange juice and Tums, having added calcium? 1346561980 +Correct. Don't get me wrong, I agree that both are equally stupid, but that would be what the policy says. 1345222449 +Rocks have spirits? Seriously. 1352779754 +There has been a great deal of polygamous relationships in many societies. 1338287573 +Harris defends his philosophy just fine. That isn't the issue here. The issue is that Craig is a disgusting manipulator and liar. Craig never debates anyone. He always lies and sets up straw men. 1303228191 +Pshht, everyone from /skeptic/ is like this. Haven't you heard? 1286952657 +If I had been flying an unauthorised drone over Israel I wouldn't be in a hurry to put my hand up and claim responsibility. 1352196522 +Well, no one usually goes around saying I lack the cognative skills to understand what (_________) is therefor it either isn't real or magic/aliens/religion. 1355848339 +And then there is this one:\n\n"Sad, but with all respect John you are part of the corrupt system. Why won't you invent a product yourself that can block EMF pollution. Microwave radiation/cellphone towers/EMF/dirty electricity/and electromagnetic weapons are all used to harm our planet and children. If you want to give this product a bad name, then invent your own that will prove these technologies should be used in the correct matter of living. Prove it, or just keep your false comments to yourself. Peace."\n\nI hope it was just a joke. 1340719696 +Let's consider the fact that fusion rockets only exist on paper in the year 2012. Somehow, David Adair, was able to create one in 1971, when he was 17 years old, with a help of his father, who was a NASCAR mechanic or some such.\n\nIn other words: rocket scientists, engineers and various other incredibly intelligent people cannot build a fusion rocket now, with today's technology but a teenager in 1971 was able to with a help of a mechanic? 1348192849 +I see now what you mean. Let me rephrase: "I believe that other non-string theorists will not invest much energy learning or supporting string theory unless it can be shown to provide some practical use, as manifest by predictions which can be tested in normal/practical conditions or through the creation of useful technology". \n\nI am honestly interested in understanding why I should support (or not) string theory. I admit I made the mistake of thinking that others were under the same opinion as myself and I should not have assured you of anything. If anything, i'm just trying to understand. You appeared to me knowledgeable in the subject, so I thought you could help me. Perhaps I was wrong. 1327791667 +Personally, I think he's a thoughtful and compassionate person. He doesn't sound crazy to me. I sense more 'crazy' in the average cable news pundit than I do in Icke. While Icke's ideas are far from the mainstream, he offers support for them, to varying degrees depending on the theory.\n\nThis isn't a crazy man or a propagandist. This is a man with wild ideas who genuinely believes them. Take or leave him, but he's genuine. 1320689250 +http://xkcd.com/435/ 1328274527 +A million upvotes to you. The thing that makes skeptics is that they change their minds when presented with new evidence. 1283468241 +'Fucking creepy' about sums it up. 1317090937 +I'm in pharmacology and did a project on the toxicity of aspartame in my 4th year. There's a comprehensive review (100 pages) of the studies done on aspartame up to 2007 which can be found here: http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10408440701516184\n\nBasically, no strong scientific evidence for the notion that it is toxic in humans at our consumption levels. In recent years, work by Soffriti et al., has claimed to demonstrate a link between aspartame and cancer in rats: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16507461 \n\nhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17805418 \n\nhowever these studies have been criticized by numerous scientists and health organizations including the FDA, NCI and the European Health Commission etc. \n\nedit: review requires subscription. I uploaded it here for anyone who is interested - http://drop.io/ifejia2 1276902523 +>Mostly due to the deliciousness of meat\n\nI assume you mean this somewhat facetiously.\n\n> we do produce enough calories even with meat production to feed everyone.\n\nThe problem with meat production isn't a lack of calories; it's the damage done to the environment. [Cattle produce more greenhouse gases than cars](http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?newsID=20772&CR1=warning#.UKb_usy_XUI), most of it in the form of methane, which is 23 times more effective as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. [Livestock are a major contributor to water pollution](http://www.nrdc.org/water/pollution/ffarms.asp).\n\nAnd that only considers domesticated animals. [According to a Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimate, over 70% of the world’s fish species are either fully exploited or depleted](http://www.un.org/events/tenstories/06/story.asp?storyID=800).\n\n\nWhile I'm not trying to sell you on veganism, I do feel there are sound environmental facts in favor of reducing meat consumption. [Americans eat twice as much meat as they did fifty years ago](http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2012/06/27/155527365/visualizing-a-nation-of-meat-eaters), while our nutritional needs have remained largely the same. Surely we can afford to scale back on what is essentially a luxury food. 1353118874 +Sambucal is a homeopathic remedy still undergoing clinical trials: http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00375115\nFrom their own website:\n>What clinical evidence is available to support Sambucol?\n\n..."Sambucus nigra or the black elderberry is a plant native to Europe, Northern Africa and parts of Asia. The flowers and berries have a long history of use in traditional European medicine as well as the berries being used to make wines and cordials. (1)\nThe black elderberry, due to the dark pigmentation of its fruit, contains high concentrations of the flavonoid group of antioxidants called anthocyanins. It is these natural antioxidants that give the elderberry its purple pigment. This means that the fruit of the black elderberry have powerful antioxidant capabilities. Studies looking at the antioxidant activity of many types of fruits, including the black elderberry have shown that the total antioxidative capacity of the elderberry was higher than that of the blackcurrant, gooseberry, cranberry, blueberry and redcurrant\nDue to the amount of stress that modern society places on our bodies, it may be beneficial to take an antioxidant supplement to help boost the Immune System, particularly at times such as when suffering from a cold or the flu virus.\n\nDietary supplements containing extracts from the black elderberry have long been used across the world for treating cold and flu symptoms, including aches and pains, coughing and nasal congestion. Supplements are available in many forms including expressed juice, teas, syrup and lozenges."\n\n...in other words; none. 1301308927 +This is the fourth "robert the doll" related stories I have seen today. What is it? 1342338909 +Yes, actually that is helpful. It explains why there is a switch in the graph. 1284152085 +Phil Plait still has quite a bit to answer for for his "that was a potential rape" statement. \n\nThat was a failure in logical thinking of epic proportions. As far as I've seen, he has not backed that statement up. \n\nI'm inclined not to listen to people who fail so miserably in rational thinking. I'll listen to him about astronomy, but given that there are many others out there who can give me the same information, I'm inclined to go to them, all other things being equal. 1321220062 +There's also an XKCD app. 1342299943 +Doesn't this now count as a "book?" 1277805685 +Help? He probably just needs some friends who likes space ships as much as he does. 1257842536 +Richard Black at the BBC undertook a similar exercise with climate skeptics. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7092614.stm\n\n 1254007459 +Not quite, meth is manufactured from crabapples. 1330737777 +There is a really good Dr. Oz show where he invites leading skeptic and neurologist Dr. Steven Novella on to his show to debate alternative medicine, the youtubes are linked [here](http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/index.php/watch-steve-novella-on-the-dr-oz-show-on-tuesday/).\n\nSteve is also has a terrific podcast, [skeptics guide to the universe](http://www.theskepticsguide.org/). He does a post-show analysis in [podcast 302](http://www.theskepticsguide.org/archive/podcastinfo.aspx?mid=1&pid=302). But you'll want to download and listen to the [entire archive](http://www.theskepticsguide.org/archive/podcast.aspx?mid=1), it's been voted best science podcast in 2010 and best educational podcast in 2009. I have listened to every episode multiple times, they really are terrific. 1326857227 +[Here's something from an AMA with a guy that was one of the kids on the show.](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/hpzcx/i_was_one_of_the_kids_on_bill_nye_the_science_guy/c1xdz2w)\n\nHe describes that he was annoyed that MORE people didn't bother him and, in one instance, mocked a kid because of it.\n\n 1322523219 +Haha thats weird 1342469506 +Maybe your polarity got reversed. Try yelling "FLAME OFF!!!". 1354836107 +I completely agree so long as that "governing body" have absolutely no part in the government (moral and intellectual authority but no legal authority). Make it a massive and glorified Consumer Reports and I am in like Flynn. Try and suggest to me that the FDA is a good idea or effectively executing their task and I am out like a Obama's clout. 1345186589 +Fabricated evidence or not, full disclosure won't come from the government, it'll be served as feigned ignorance through our media feeding tubes until we get angry enough that we don't know the full truth. 1339085155 +I know of one such limited condition! I think chiropractic disease theories are ridiculous, and so did my chiropractor. I got into an accident, had a vertebral misalignment, and my insurance recommended a guy. My preference would have been a DO. But this guy had a shared practice with a licensed physical therapist, and took before and after xrays to prove it had moved and been put back. It was a lot more PT than manipulation. \n\nHe was clear: "Chiropractic manipulation can't keep anything it moved permanent, if anything even needs moved. Without PT chiropractic is useless; everything will just drift back to where it was if you don't build the muscles to keep it in place."\n\nI was floored years later when I discovered how much bunk most chiropractors run on. 1326768661 +They are nothing but a waste of money. 1282371179 +At first I read "physics classes" so I thought "Way to go Colorado" then upon second reading I was completely speechless. 1344862965 +This may or may not be a quote, I'm not sure\n\n*If your mind is too open then any kind of shit can get in.*\n 1282678038 +Possibility 1: animals can read each other's body language\n\nPossibility 2: animals can develop a magical connection to each other\n\nLet me think about it... 1286846836 +Could you maybe track them in Edit2, so that the distinct lights can be differentiated? This is great work, btw. All my upboats. 1352880350 +Goons and redditers are both the annoying college frat guy that only hangs out with other college frat guys, and is awkward/an ass with anyone else. 1327404140 +If your Drivers' Ed class didn't show you an abundance of car crash movies, they weren't doing their job. 1272497869 +> I would find it very odd if there wasn't a lot of life in the universe.\n\nYep.\n\n> Doesn't mean however that anyone has contacted us yet. \n\nIf you undertake a critical examination and investigation of the phenomena on this planet, you will find that amongst the rubbled mountain heap of loony stories, debunked anecdotes, hyperbolic tales, and disinformation campaigns, there have been an untold number of valid, verifiable, and truly unexplained contacts that have taken place.\n\nLooked at in isolation, any one of these contacts might not mean much. Taken en toto over the many decades and entirely disparate areas, countries, regions, and walks of life that these contacts and reports have taken place on, one gets a *very* clear understanding - just by the laws of probability and chance alone - that there has indubitably been a significant amount of *real* contact on this planet.\n\nAdditionally, there is nothing like personal experience to settle a matter one might have doubts about. I have had occurrences in my life that are similar to what many have described in their own encounters.\n\nThis, along with quite a bit of other data I've come across (as well as the info I pointed out above), let me know that we not only have been contacted before on this planet, but that we are currently being contacted *now*, and that there are beings from other areas of the cosmos already on this planet as we speak. 1332439953 +before my last move, i used to go to a chiro about once a month. i paid cash, 65 dollars a visit. great back, neck, shoulder, and glut massage (yes he massaged my ass, i'm an athlete, i need it). then he would pop the shit out of my back. it felt great. \n\ni don't know if it did anything, but to go to a massage therapist cost 70 bucks plus tip for the same thing, minus the back popping. 1291189962 +It's almost always such a choice. 1347135099 +You know I honestly thought it might be different this time. I don't know why. 1356137915 +You betcha!\nBut really, I was downvoted immediately and then everyone who *does* decide to reply apparently only read the first half of the article (I'll give you a hint: It's not supposed to be about Sarah Palin). I think being frustrated to the point of prodding sarcasm was justified. Though I wonder who I thought I would attract with such silly venom? 1297956843 +Could it be that you have a recurring memory which interfered with the order of how it happened? I'm not saying I don't trust you but I study biology enough to know the brain is a tremendous chemical computer server. Bugs that could mess up the whole database emerge all the time. 1326477740 +You know what? I'm okay with this...mainly because I'm 30 years old and still wake up in the middl of the night with that goddamn veiny, pipe-smoking, head growing out of the ground on the cover in the back of my mind.\n\nI...I just can't bear to unleash the horror on the younger generation. I'm not sure they're strong enough to handle it... 1334667691 +More specifically: get infected with HIV and then have it develop into AIDS.\n\n(actually, no - I really wouldn't wish that on anyone) 1308391002 +That all points to some form of psychokinetic activity. \n\nAre your parents under stress or do they live - and this is weird - near a teenage girl in puberty OR is your mom going through menstruation? 1336196340 +Just be sure no one confuses it with electro gonorrhea, the noisy killer 1315955858 +I don't think most OWSers even understand corporate personhood. 1339187528 +The only thing that separates parlour tricks from "divine miracles" is time. 1302636323 +> Your mom is now bit more familiar with the world around her. Well done mate.\n\nFTFY 1302347979 +Good points. In return however, I'd like to see more fellow skeptics have the balls to call themselves atheists and not cringe away out of a false feeling of accommodation. 1323541997 +I prefer to all the banking cabal a banking junta. 1338555674 +If GhostHunters were real, if their tools could actually be used to detect ghosts, you know that cemeteries would be making a killing by having people pay to spend time with a ghost of their choice or something. 1287564259 +I can't get through the first minute of this.It makes me cringe, I wonder what (if they even have one) is their social life like? 1330708737 +You don't have to shout 1335673726 +I'm honestly surprised you haven't been downvoted to hell for this. Reddit has a hard on for cycling. No one wants to admit that they are an antiquated nightmare that has no place on modern roads. If you were to walk up to someone who had never heard the idea before and suggest allowing someone riding a flimsy piece of metal on two wheels to share a 35 mph road with modern engines, they'd laugh at you. It'd be as ridiculous as suggesting we allow Go Carts on the road. But the smug factor locks in, because they're **saving the earth** or **healthier than you pigs in your cars** who just want to get to fucking work. 1348760228 +He seems pretty certain about that... 1327186541 +The difference is you are not trained as a surgeon.\n\nIn the states I hear anyone can be a midwive, but not up in Canada.\n\nI've known many girls who have had huge problems at hospitials. Doctors rushing through the birth or forcing a c section just so they can get the next patient in and out.\nOne doctor pulled the umblical cord out rather then letting the mother birth the placenta and she hemoraged and almost died.\nI think someone who has 4-8 years of school based soley on medicine and the birthing proccess will be better than a doctor who is not focused just on birthing. 1259681786 +Phenomenon. Singular. One phenomenon, several phenomena. 1282934978 +I don't believe a non American can be president. I think that's in the rules somewhere. 1351907215 +A fun point, as made in the comments:\n\n>Astronomical observations are eyewitness accounts – the finite speed of light ensures this.\n\n>Astronomers can answer that “were you there?” question with an emphatic “YES, I WAS!” 1353980760 +[97%, actually](http://www.skepticalscience.com/global-warming-scientific-consensus-basic.htm). 1331413938 +Using any personal data for *any* purpose other than expressly agreed to by the subject of the data is illegal under [EU law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_Protection_Directive). Considering you(r company) nominally supplies the UK market, take heed. 1349940558 +Yeah, I thought a lot of you guys would say that, and that's why I wanted to include that, before I threw the box away, I vigorously shook it, just to make sure they weren't stuck at the top. Then, I threw it away and this happened. 1346380351 +I visited a psychic once out of curiosity and entertainment. She made some clearly obvious observations about me, followed up by generalized statements that could apply to nearly every 25 year old male, and always was asking leading questions. It was amusing in its own right, but I can see how people that desperately want to fix something broken inside of them can fall prey to it. 1344466688 +Thank you very much, kylev! 1314036256 +[Feel like debating a Chopra 'chatbot'?](http://www.wisdomofchopra.com/) 1354127261 +So showing him your thought process as you evaluate this claim wouldn't be helpful, in your opinion? I beg to differ, sir. 1312503362 +There's also some striking differences. 1314302784 +Your australian aren't you... 1340269518 +I don't, but my father in law had this experience. I posted the story [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/Thetruthishere/comments/pagi8/fam_alien_abduction/). 1348025909 +you're mom never mentioned her step brothers? 1350321360 +Excellent follow-up. I was hoping a daylight shot would materialise. 1328813830 +My best answer is: Why you shouldn't? 1335737164 +It's interesting that *all* of the mentals on reddit always come to that conclusion. 1291036587 +If you have evidence that chiropractic isn't just a placebo, I would honestly be interested to see some. 1305086542 +Here's another good discussion in this series - [Perspectives on the Self: Conversations on Identity & Consciousness.](http://www.nourfoundation.com/media-gallery/videos/Perspectives-on-the-Self/To-Be-or-Not-to-Be/The-Self-As-Illusion.html) It's moderated by Krista Tippet who has this cool radio show called [On Being](http://being.publicradio.org/) and also has [Dr. Pim Van Lommel](http://kuriakon00.com/celestial/science/dr_pin_lommel.html) on the panel. He's a cardiologist that did a big [study](http://profezie3m.altervista.org/archivio/TheLancet_NDE.htm) on near death experiences in hospitals.\n\nEdit: You can hear his thoughts on NDE and cosciousness at about 21 minutes into the clip. 1326037365 +Pretty sure most astrologers will still talk about planets going into retrograde... Though it could be argued that such language is inaccurate in the same way as talking about "sun rise".\n\nI met an astrologer once though and asked him if he used the Ptolemaic model and he said he did.\n\nRegardless of what system they're using they're still producing Barnum statements, and the people who think astrology works are often counting the hits and ignoring the misses. 1341187327 +I read 'Chariots of the Gods' twice in the last two years, I know what are saying. 1320791946 +http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_blue_(color)\n\nSomething like that 1320619042 +Cart before horse. 1341186677 +I was part of a cult called church of the first born. No, you can't google it, they don't use computers. Anyway, they believe in faith healing and babies die often. Actually, people of all sorts die often because they don't go to doctors. My uncle died of a spider bite. I had a great aunt who's intestines would fall out of her ass regularly until she died. The women don't cut their hair or wear shorts or pants, they can't wear make up. The men are straight out of the 1800's. Lots of inter-familial marriage. They sing 19th century hymns and church lasts from 8 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon sometimes (they have to be "lead by the spirit"). Creepy and illogical. I later became a moderate christian, then I just figured nobody knew what happened when we die. Now I'm an agnostic atheist. I was fortunate to be born with a questioning mind. The only downside is that I have a hot cousin in the church who I probably could have boned. You win some, you lose some. 1306472617 +That seems to be referring to the art. The fact that some meteors even bounce back out into space seems to defy your assertion that they never change direction. I will wait for the expert to weigh in. I posted the question to him on allexperts; they are supposed to respond within 3 days. 1320023603 +Ah well, he's not going to do that again is he. 1318651200 +Good link! [Here's part two](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIr3Lo9zlLs), where you can see a delusional parent claim that her child "is vaccinated" because he's taken a homeopathic "vaccine" for polio and measles. &#3232;\\_&#3232;\n 1308915826 +We are in agreement. Also, please, if you don't mind, post this on my subreddit. 1336795807 +This is so lame, sorry to say that. People nowadays buy all the kind of apps... 1335021061 +how do you do the spoiler thingy in this subreddit?? 1317757697 +Anonymous is often not even a group in the classical sense of the word. People operating under the affiliation,"Anonymous"(What with the mask and other elements of style) - have both done stupid and mean things and great things. 1352128739 +Unrelated to the analogy? \n\nWhether or not having an abortion is LESS of a loss than suffering through the hardship of a developmentally retarded child does not somehow negate that having the developmental retarded child and needing to abort it is sad.\n\nLikewise, the fact that you're better off fixing a leaking drain quickly as it will cost you less long term does not negate the fact that the drain being leaky in the first place puts you in a position worse off than if you HAD NOT HAD THE LEAKING DRAIN IN THE FIRST PLACE. 1328868758 +What next? Are we going to hear words like "disinfo agent"? 1294665464 +That bracket... close it... please... *twitch* 1344725916 +bologna* 1289764187 +Or /r/climatedeniers 1355129000 +lovely, just as I requested. 1326624155 +Here's the thing; The evidence IS in. The European Union spent more than $425 million studying the safety of genetically modified crops over the past *25 years*. The conclusion of these studies can be summarized in one sentence: Crop modification by molecular methods is no more dangerous than crop modification by other methods. It has been studied- it's just that people don't want to believe it. Serious scientific bodies that have analyzed the issue, including the National Academy of Sciences and the British Royal Society, have come to the conclusion that GMO crops are safe. They've been in use for dozens of years and there has yet to be proven any link of health risk for GMO foods.\n\nAnd this is what get me: people want food labelled when there's NO REASON to believe that GMO crops are of any more danger than the foods you have that are non-GMO. It's a fear campaign, it's based on ignorance and ludditism. 1336285482 +Plus, he needs to leave his town and instad of going in Paris or in any of the other thousands of tows of France, he just cross the fucking ocean. 1353678187 +Experiment tried... 1311035010 +you clearly haven't discovered the joys of paranoid nutcase literature then. paranoia magazine is one of the most reasonable and mild-mannered publications in the genre, not that i believe anything they say. for example, i have a whole self published book on how the earth is hollow and inhabited by aliens and has huge holes at both ends for their spacecraft. 1276649533 +This sounds like a job for logical fallacies. She might not be able to counter or refute them all.\n\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies\n\nYou can not win with truth, evidence or facts. Maybe you can win with deception and guile. 1348165118 +if it didn't track muscle loss it's basically useless imho... 1327447395 +I saw a UFO a few years ago around sunset in mid-summer. I was just casually looking up at the sky which I sometimes do and I saw what I had at first thought was an airplane. As soon as it caught my attention and I was looking at it more, it flashed and disappeared. At that point I knew it wasn't a plane for sure. I asked my friend who was with me at the time if he saw it, but he wasn't looking up and said he didn't. Then again, I can't say for sure if that's alien. 1305173953 +I think I am of the belief that the skeptical community shouldn't try to get directly involved into politics for the most part because political arguments are often based on a certain worldview whose truth cannot be objectively verified. That is, arguments often based on opinions rather than facts.\n\nHowever, I am all for debunking objectively false claims. 1274821480 +Thanks! I'm usually a grammar nazi, too. I'd rather be corrected and learn something, personally. 1343780230 +Do you object to pepper? salt? garlic? I don't really get this argument. 1296091758 +There are two specific issues in flight here \n1) A claim that acupuncture works with no actual data to backup that claim\n2) The fact that this got through peer-review\n\nBoth truly knock all this into the WTF category.\n\nI've personally seen acupuncture work successfully ... hint: think placebo (I'll not befuddle you with the details, its an old story, the patient if 100% sure it really worked)\n\nHowever, what is of fact more concern is that this got into the British Journal of General Practice 1306867328 +Lmao! 1353791017 +I thought that, but the fact that wet bed sheets could be actively "harmful" perhaps makes it valid. \n\nIf it had been an ingested water "remedy" then a fairer title might have been "killed by reliance on homeopathy" etc. 1355086932 +I think the best reason to be skeptical on this beside the fact that teeth observably can't repair themselves (elderly people who still have their teeth but have been worn down over the decades are a good example) is that she didn't provide a before and after picture. Also I couldn't see any outside confirmation either. \n\nAs for it disappearing (assuming it did) is it 'healed' or is something just stuck in it? Like putting wax on your car to cover up minor scratches. It didn't make the scratch go away but it gives you the illusion that it is. 1351445231 +I don't think that the holes in the official story completely disprove it or anything, I just think there's a lot more that we need to know before I'm convinced.\n\nI'm always in downvote hell here, it doesn't matter how I word my posts, I have a slightly different opinion so I am worthless. I thought this was a **discussion** board but I have been repeatedly proven wrong about that. 1320855389 +That's crazy, how would he know it was binary in the first place? In another special they said he had a camera and took several pictures. I want to know what happened to the film. 1314389136 +Guys, I'm opening up a new restaurant. I recently realised that all my life I've been eating all wrong. All the substance of food is what causes disease. With my new techniques, we extract the vital force of food into a water solution; the water "remembering" what food it came in contact with. By extracting this essence into the water, we can eat without having all the indigestible toxins polluting our digestive tract. Come to my restaurant and enjoy a 30C steak, some 30C potatoes, and our trademark 50C soup. Since preparation of these foods is so labour-intensive, we have to charge more than you'd normally pay for the dishes, but your health is worth it. 1347039817 +> There is no distribution system for hydrogen\n\nThat's fitting, since there's no Thorium infrastructure either.\n\nNone of this is proposed as a "shovel ready" project. This is about a multi-decade recreation of our entire infrastructure from the ground up -- it's about seeding the very beginnings of investor interest. 1328545480 +Clearly, the Fox agenda here is this:\n\n"LOL stupid scientists think dinosaurs farted themselves to death! See? All science is clearly bullshit, leaving only one possible explanation: Jesus created the earth 5000 years ago, and satan buried dinosaur bones in the ground to deceive us into thinking otherwise" 1336507466 +If it is a Power Balance bracelet, be sure to keep [this other video with Saunders in it](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ynbx5JfEwcA) in your bookmarks. It contains the exact type of blind test you're talking about. 1273788082 +First off, Mothering magazine has already shown its bias--allowing anti-vaccine articles and ignoring actual science.\n\nSears, too, is a [known anti-vaccine advocate](http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2009/08/dr_bob_sears_stealth_anti-vaccinationist.php), though he hides it behind a "delayed vaccination schedule."\n\n[Here's some actual science on the issue](http://www.chop.edu/export/download/pdfs/articles/vaccine-education-center/aluminum.pdf). In short, a baby gets 2.5 times more aluminum from breast milk, much more from formulas.\n\nSo if aluminum was a problem--which it isn't--there would be things other than vaccines we should be worrying about. 1296098737 +What, like trying to treat TB and HIV with homeopathy? 1300046065 +So... Blind people are God? 1281672182 +[Relevant](http://diaconspiracyfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/obama-denver-airport.jpg) 1326981093 +Promise I am not getting trolled? :) 1342740281 +It's possible that omgdonerkebab was asking why lskalt would converse with such a person in the first place. The obvious answer is that lskalt didn't know the person had such views prior to the conversation. 1285220462 +Thank you! One of the most important things people must know about "scientific theory" and "scientific law" is that they *don't imply certainty*. A "law" describes one thing, and a "theory" describes another. A "theory" can never become a "law," and a "law" can never become a "theory." A "theory" is not less certain than a "law," and a "law" is not more certain than a "theory." 1345133841 +Well now ... don't get excited. :) 1344615910 +Myers quotes Kyle Hill as saying:\n\n> "When I talk about skepticism, I believe that I am talking about something that encompasses many other similar philosophies like atheism, humanism, and freethought."\n\nI'm not sure such silliness is worth an impassioned blog post. Hill is just confused. \n\nMyers takes some time to point out Hill's first confusion, which is just the logical fallacy of affirming the consequent: even if we take it as a premise that skepticism implies atheism, this does not imply that atheism implies skepticism.\n\nBut even more confused is the idea that skepticism should encompass an ideology like humanism. Unlike atheism, which is just a certain belief about a single topic which can be subject to skeptical inquiry, humanism, and other political ideologies like socialism, communism etc., are complex sets of beliefs that are ultimately based on subjective values. Skepticism cannot possibly "encompass" humanism any more than it can encompass Christianity or Islam.\n 1343004853 +I think I see where you're coming from, but I don't mean to say that we should just give up! I just think that you're being *too* optimistic. I mean, take your statement "everything that can't be explained will be." This statement would require (effectively, if not literally) infinite explanations of physical phenomena (and possibly, though seemingly unlikely, other currently undiscovered kinds of phenomena); we could never even come close to verifying it empirically, and so to take it as true is simply dogmatic. Even in the theoretical realm of mathematics there are things that can't be proven: the axioms, by construction, are not provable, so it will never be clear as to why we need these and not others (mathematicians please call me out if I'm wrong about this, I'm a physicist), and there are in fact certain mathematical statements which can be proven to be unprovable. In physics we're continually searching for the "theory of everything," but there are at least a fair number of us who don't think that it's even possible for us to construct one, myself included. This isn't proof by any means, but it seems compelling to me that to have a theory of everything in our system (the universe), we would need to have some kind of special vantage point outside of our system. From our current understanding of how things work it seems chimerical that this will ever happen.\n\nAnyway, my point is that we shouldn't just "give up," because if something is unknowable we don't know that it is (as far as I know there are no physical results that are proven to be unprovable) and so we'd better keep trying in case that it's not. 1340476626 +I am confused lol sorry, only after I posted did i think to check who I was actually replying to 1340909883 +I guess if you want to deify random events, then, yes, Loki controls the weather. 1326551567 +he, there was a joke which i picked up somewhere \n\nGalactic counsil :\n\n- we should welcome the humans in our mids as they have discovered nuclear power\n\n- "great, they will be flying about in space in no time then"\n\n- "not quite"\n\n-" how so, don't they experiment with nuclear power in space"\n\n- " no ..."\n\n-" .... "\n\n\nsorry, i'm bad at telling jokes but you get the idea :p 1321522476 +Mine as well. Except for the third Ravenor book. I wanted to strangle him for ruining all that setup with such a flat ending. 1289133630 +Deepak, is that you? 1327778089 +Me and my gf got hungry so we decided to go and get some food. We were driving down princess anne heading in the direction towards the airport right before military highway. I looked up and saw a kind of shiny light/orb just floating over the area where the airport was. It just kinda sat there not really moving or making noise. Next thing i knew the damn thing shot straight up in the air at an incredible speed. I kept driving with my mind trying to process what i saw. I thought i had just imagined it until my gf turned to me and asked me if I had seen what she did. I asked her what she saw and to my surprise she said the exact same thing that i saw. Neither of us really knew how to react to that. 1345604421 +I'd love to hear the recording. 1326175736 +Really? I didn't know that. I assumed it was defined as a change in the ratio of phenotypic expressions within a species because of natural selection, and that said repeated changes of these phenotypic expressions is what causes a group of individual organisms to become a different species from their ancestors and now-cousin species (or evolve, as it were).\n\nI think we have different definitions of the word microevolution in mind. 1350495748 +Either real person, or shopped :) 1356058671 +I had a friend of mine sound like this once. He had consumed two bottles of Grey Goose and a handful of Vicodin he bought in a Mexican pharmacy... 1289311080 +First off, get the dogmatic part of understanding out of your head, or "karma" is just another bullshit religious word people use to get your money or control your behavior. Good: now you're thinking like an atheist Buddhist.\n\nFor me, karma is much simpler than that. When I show compassion for others, they respond in kind. More important, I feel better and more worthy of happiness. If a cashier gives me change for a $20 when I gave her a $10, I will correct her, because my dignity is worth more than $10. We both benefit. That's karma. 1329960524 +Thanks for pointing that out. Didn't even notice it until i read your comment. 1332421930 +"We are not alone in the universe"? "Proxemic of human sexuality?"?\nAnd Brian Eno is a scientist now?\n\nI'd love to believe the first but unfortunately we have no evidence, no matter how magnificently, soul-shakingly massive the universe is, and no matter how enticing the Drake equation may seem. Some of the statements made in the article are quite interesting however, particularly those from *actual scientists*. I wish they kept it to strictly science and not wishful thinking or esoteric sociology concepts. 1328264518 +I eagerly await the reports of increased concentration and improvement on grades after the evil waves are shut down. 1287517722 +Oh wow, very interesting. Too bad a majority of the posts felt like it was better to be derogatory but, hey, that's reddit. Hopefully he comes over to this sub. 1331950705 +Can meteors cause a flash grenade effect? 1329329699 +[What does that mean](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8BWBn26bX0)? 1278120344 +I wish I knew. I have done, and continue to do, my best to rid us of this scourge of unreason, but the endarkenment is a very powerful movement. 1265129489 +Gentlemen, we have success: http://bitey.com/2010/07/pilliga/ 1335146768 +You're welcome :-) ! 1340092549 +Obamer's birth certificate, dude. Did it shoot JFK from the fake moon landing? 1316768734 +http://www.youtube.com/user/filmscribe1 \nMany videos on this account (The uploader of the two posted above) \nreally look suspicious to me. 1344869797 +>Sheldrake has shown in the past that **he is not afraid to be labeled a rebel**, thanks to his theory of morphic resonance, which suggests the following:\n\n> Natural systems, or morphic units, at all levels of complexity are animated, organized, and coordinated by morphic fields, which contain an inherent memory. Natural systems inherit this collective memory from all previous things of their kind by a process called morphic resonance, with the result that patterns of development and behavior become increasingly habitual through repetition.\n\nAs the good folks in CJ would say - 'So brave'. The derp is really strong with this one. 1329642329 +Please be aware tho that he has a considerable and sometimes obvious bias. I love his research, but its not the most objective source out there. 1298344920 +[JREF](http://www.randi.org)? 1305344435 +This is a pretty good how to:\nhttp://www.wikihow.com/Cold-Read\n\n\n 1356399972 +So, Aussies. Next target? How about those magnet bracelets that [chemists (pharmacists) are selling](http://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/healthinfo/article.asp?ID=3368)?\n\nAs far as I am aware, they are about as effective [as a power balance wristband](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4582282.stm) 1306137948 +sorry, I was not suggesting that all Italians are part of the mob! Frankly, for my mother to tell me not to date an Italian, just because she had a bad experience with one, is pretty bigoted of her. Obviously the vast majority of italian-canadians are just normal citizens and not part of organized crime. It's unfortunate that negative stereotypes of Italian people still exist 1355798925 +Let me re-phrase then. Who decides if something can be described as being logical? 1272323311 +I mean, it's possible. I just have a really hard time believing that that could've happened in the area it was in. 1352005017 +That occasionally happens to me 1350566838 +If you study the incident you'll find it involved many different objects, not an object. Also there's no evidence earthlings have a physical model of reality yet that could be used to construct such technologies. People are throwing billions of dollars at supercolliders because we haven't even discovered fundamental natural forces and particles, however Congress did cancel construction of the Superconducting Supercollider in Texas so what that implies we can only guess, does some faction within the USA know something the Europeans don't? Maybe they had reason to believe the more modest European effort would be a success so the US version was unnecessary. 1330307127 +I don't know about endorphins, but I certainly enjoy the feeling of popping my knuckles as well as my back. 1302200710 +Because I don't want to go home just to swap radios? There'd still be the cost in gas there. 1347747103 +he convinced them he was a psychic - that's like convincing someone you're the easter bunny. it's their fault for being stupid enough to still believe in the easter bunny. 1340476368 +Ethics is the study of how to act. The consideration here, of when to require scientific certainty and when not to, is an ethical consideration. Not so much good/evil morality, but how to act. Don't be afraid of ethics, it's the most important philosophical branch. 1322709456 +I have no clue if these suggestions will work but they sound like quite brilliant ideas with high probability of success. 1311008676 +I suspect that you're being over confident about your own intelligence, unless you're not a human and a member of some more intelligent species.\n\nI doubt that there was a conscious decision process going on in the heads of most of these people "oh I've had a vitamin pill, that means that I can eat some more chips and smoke more". Of course if a similar line of thought did go through the heads of these people then that is worrying, because that would be a really stupid conclusion to come to... 1314451188 +At the time it was really scary but after it happened it was like an amazing experience and like I said I'll never forget it. \n 1340485713 +I was given a litmus test for dis-info quite some time ago - anytime someone produces a date. It hasn't failed yet. 1287608423 +Notice that it was published in 2009. [Here's the abstract](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21058170) the article refers to. Read the abstract and notice that the authors used statistical regression to find the supposed link between the vaccine and autism. [Here's the article itself.](http://www.ncims.com/articles/ThirmerosalandDevelopmentalDisability.pdf) The authors tie thimerosal to "EIS," an acronym meaning "early intervention or special education services." This is not autism; the article itself says, \n\n> While this study uses EIS as a proxy for developmental disability in general, but not specifically autism, autism merits consideration because it is a developmental disorder with recent notable impacts on EIS.\n\nSo the authors state that EIS is a proxy for development disability but not autism. \n\n[Here's an article](http://leftbrainrightbrain.co.uk/2010/09/autism-causation-and-the-hepatitis-b-vaccine-no-link/) debunking the Hep B/autism link and bemoaning the fact that the accusations never end.\n\nThe other problem, as noted in Gallagher and Goodman's article is that thimerosal is no longer used in American-made Hep B vaccines (It's still in use in a flu vaccine, I think). However, the CDC [points out](http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/Concerns/thimerosal/) that thimerosal has been used in vaccines since the 1930s, and I note that its use was without the current hysteria about autism for all those decades.\n\nThe [CDC's study](http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/Concerns/Thimerosal/QA_Pediatrics-thimerosal-autism.html) was conducted with about a thousand children, about half of whom had no evidence of autism and about half were on the spectrum of some form of autism. The CDC found no connection between exposure to ethylmercury (the "bad" ingredient in thimerosal) and diagnosis of some form of autism. The study looked at vaccinations received by pregnant women as well as by newborns.\n\nThe CDC's study did not consist of running regressions on existing data to find correlations. They looked at the actual immunization histories (Gallagher and Goodman asked parents for their recollections); follow the link for the details of how the study was conducted.\n\nI mentioned that thimerosal is no longer used in Hep B vaccines. [This article from WebMD](http://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/news/20080107/thimerosal-down-but-autism-rising) points out that although thimerosal is no longer in use, autism diagnoses are still rising. Normal people would expect that if thimerosal in Hep B vaccines caused autism, removing it would mean autism diagnoses would either cease or decline. Especially if, as alleged, Hep B vaccines caused a three-fold increas in autism.\n\nI call B.S. 1337982663 +Mike Lacelle is a co-producer of the 5X5 and he's having serious health issues. Without him our schedule is just too full to record it every week. We are going to look for interns(should mention this on the next show) to help with our workload. Right now I have 6 projects for the SGU including working on the board of directors for NECSS, the new Occ videos(please support us!), two conferences, a video game and a yet to be mentioned project that will hopefully take off. 1346183619 +I can smell it from here 1335708041 +It's not a total solar eclipse, it's an annular eclipse (meaning you will see a "ring of fire" around the edges instead of being totally blacked out). Not that it would change their conspiracy theories. 1337448420 +Nobody here is skeptical of this story? The kid's parents didn't notice their child was missing a tooth for three days? 1312422830 +When you were watching your life was it in first person? 1340569639 +There are a few studies here and there showing mild differences in nutritional content, certainly not enough to show up on nutritional labels. Personally, I just prefer not to ingest traces of pesticide if I can avoid it, and farm land used for organic farming produces less toxic runoff, so I guess I prefer organic produce for primarily environmentalist reasons. I really doubt there's much real difference in what ends up on your table. 1287379257 +That whole article sounds like an "if I had killed her, which I did not, I would have..." type of thing. Very poorly written if the author is trying to persuade people who disagree. 1304568244 +>ometimes that standard of discussion is "males check your privilege plz," and whether or not that makes sense or is defensible I don't think it counts as discrimination.<\n\nThat is exactly where you loose me. While male privilege exists (as does Female privilege, though many refuse to even discuss that idea) it is not to the extent that many people like to claim it does. Well, I think extent is the wrong word to describe that. I think that male privilege is not nearly as significant or as powerful as people want to believe it is...that is closer to what I mean. As another way of restating that, only because I feel my thoughts aren't translating well, is that male privilege in the vast majority of situations does skew the situation toward the male perspective it is likely that skewing is on the order of providing males 1-2 points of additional credence on a 10 point scale, where pretty much anyone using the term "check your privilege" likely believe it is more like a 9-10 point bump. I also believe that, while nearly 100% undiscussed, and outright denied by a large majority of feminists, female privilege is just as common and has an equal impact on societal discussions. Personally, I would go so far as to say that there is no such thing as gender privilege, but that would get me cut out of most conversations on the topic. I truly do believe that basically everything I have seen cited as a "privilege" is something that the other side would actually define as discrimination, so both parties feel wronged. \n\nNow as to why your statement causes me a great deal of pause. I truly do consider myself egalitarian, and while I tend to take on a greater number of male rights causes (because my perspective is irrevocably skewed to the male side of things) I am a staunch defender, some may say militant, of women's rights. I love researching gender topics, and have read a significant amount of research on the subject (though today I generally dismiss anything coming out of a Women's Studies department due to essentially dismissing scientific process and displaying massive bias) and also seek out gender studies blogs and news stories. This has led to me having many conversations, both IRL and online, with both Feminists and with MRA's. Throughout years of involvement with egalitarianism and activism of this sort I have noticed a number of consistent behaviors, but no so consistent as the use of the phrase "Check your privilege" to remove a persons voice from the conversation, essentially stripping them of their own agency, and place a person squarely in an out-group identifier. Not only this, but the constant aggressive use of that phrase creates a self-affirming group-think fueled environment in which critical thought is quite literally impossible lest you be placed in the "privileged" outgroup. \n\nIn online forums "check your privilege" is most often followed by an immediate ban (or at minimum, much more scrutiny which usually leads to a ban) which means that the person who is supposedly "privileged" isn't given the choice or even the opportunity to identify where their behavior may have been inappropriate and actually learn to be more conscious of triggering statements (which only exacerbates the problem), but more sinister is that they now have yet another piece of evidence about how feminists are "man haters" or "female supremacists" who "won't even let a man speak". See, the use of the phrase actually produces a more voracious misogynist but one with greater evidence, thus increasing their ability to draw other people further away from an egalitarian mindset. \n\nI'm not going to get into how I feel that this action, the creation of ones own enemy out of a potential ally, is definitive of the current feminist movement participants as that is a much longer conversation for a different time. I will however say that it is my honest to god conviction, and one which I have come to after significant reading and interaction as well as after being raised as a feminist and involved in feminist organizations, that modern Second Wave (and to a lesser degree Third Wave) feminism has been the single largest driving force behind the continuation and development of nearly every problem that currently faces women in today's society, not to mention the creation of a significant number of overt and covert misogynists. I know that is a HUGELY controversial statement, but one which I have not come to lightly or without evidence. If you want to discuss this further I am happy to do so, however I do have to warn you that my school begins next week (which means I'm already 2 weeks behind in the quarter) so my time and energy will be pretty limited. Translation: it may take me quite some time to respond to anything and it may not be as coherent or as well cited as it should be. \n\nPS: I wanted to point out to you, since you used it as an example in a semi-mocking manner, that it is not fallacious to state the wage gap is a myth, it is now a well researched and evidence-based argument. An argument, I might add, that is supported by a long-term and massive study conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics overseen by a number of outspoken feminists and conceived as a study which would provide incontrovertible evidence of a major wage gap that necessitates legislative actions such as the Equal Pay amendment. It is best if you don't continue to canonize "the wage-gap" as your argument of societal sexism, as it is a major indicator that you may be the type of person who cares more about ideology than about facts. Just an FYI as many people do not know about the BLS study and because they have heard the stats so often have accepted the wage gap myth as a fact. 1348029074 +Could support this statement somehow?\n\nIt seems to me that having roundup resistant crops wouldn't change the amount of roundup you need to use because you're just trying to kill weeds and stop pests. It should just stop your crops from being damaged. 1350623485 +cartooncorpse, change every instance of "you" into "I" and spend some time reflecting on that. 1297581444 +This is the worse potato recording I've seen yet. 1354957091 +I'm aware of that now thanks to this thread ... it's just not something they generally verbalize from what I've seen 1311955360 +That Looks so fake! 1348862018 +I have no idea why I didn't remember one of the main parts of the theory. Thanks. 1345743004 +No, by question everything I mean question everything. You haven't done that if you don't think 9/11 was an inside job. You did not approach the matter objectively with the idea that it *could be an inside job* in mind. You approached it with your mind already set, solidifying your previous held judgements against the idea created by propoganda, like Bush saying "We shall not tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories about 9/11." Perhaps at one point you thought you might give the evidence a chance, but the bias still remained and you only discovered information that was most likely condescending in nature and only reaffirmed your already held belief. The truth does not persuade you, what everyone else believes and more importantly, what everyone else ridicules is what persuades you. You are not a skeptic. 1331181896 +I didn't know fireworks moved around like sperm.\n\nTo me, they're alive, bugs or birds.\n\nIf alien, those crafts are probably alive, like cylon. 1342557827 +>"You're the one using ad hominem attacks and saying "it's quite a step," you bet it's quite a step"\n\nThat's not what ad hominem means, and actually the UFO guy was the one who attack Bill Nye personally 1324639080 +Ya it's a fun ride, I always enjoy it. \n\nIf you're already a big fan of the Ancient Astronaut theory but haven't seen the show, the show will give you a ton of topics to read up on yourself.\n\n 1338646464 +DO NOT DO THIS. Lexi_Laura is trolling you. 1352766973 +That's a good point. Are there any costs associated with a well as far as bring taxed? 1336832411 +Well, I'm done with the internet for the year. 1337311055 +I have two of his books. He's a terrible writer and insane. 1304640167 +Alan Watts. \n\nI hope you look into his work, He speaks better about the subject that I ever could.\n\nhttp://isohunt.com/torrent_details/58458581/Alan+Watts?tab=summary 1274663906 +So we should make lying illegal. Kantian deontology for all! 1309702635 +[This](http://www.expelledexposed.com/?gclid=CIeS0Lf_86oCFWUZQgodDGbBLw) site has responses to everything in the movie. Also, the NOVA special [Judgement Day: intelligent design on trial](http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/evolution/intelligent-design-trial.html) is another great resource for why ID is not a scientific proposition. There are also some books out ([Why evolution is true](http://www.amazon.com/Why-Evolution-True-Jerry-Coyne/dp/0143116649/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1314603649&sr=1-1) and [The greatest show on earth](http://www.amazon.com/Greatest-Show-Earth-Evidence-Evolution/dp/1416594787)) but it is very likely that he would not read them.\n\n>He refused to listen to any facts from me and actually hung up on me.\n\nThere is the problem, there is no amount of discussion or evidence that will get through to him until he starts acting like an adult. 1314603753 +In the "Life Expectancy Variation Over Time" section it shows a table that says the life expectancy drops from the upper paleolithic's 34 down to 20 in the neolithic. It then slowly crawls back up. 1327556191 +Or perhaps stop posting while drunk. &#3232;\\_&#3232;\n \n\n:) 1313678738 +I believe all of this is true and more. If in fact they are keeping this information from us and this technology from us, they are in essence enslaving us upon this planet. They are controlling us by controlling information and technology that will give us much greater freedom from their way of life. More importantly, if this information is true and they are lying to us, everyone has a vested interest to hold them accountable for their actions. For enslaving us by keeping this from us. For this reason alone non believers should be on the front line demanding the truth and the end of the lies. If they are among us, they are part of the conspiracy and may include them controlling us for their own purposes. \n\nThis is why I believe that non believers should be the first one's to be helping us non believers get to the truth of the matter. Non believers serve as roadblocks or speed bumps to the truth. You are playing into their hands of deceit and lies. \n\nIt is very hard to realize that everything we have been told and taught is a lie. Its hard for me to believe but when you start to look at ALL of the information that is out there, how the government responds or lack of response, the warnings from people in power, the history of man wanting to control man, etc, etc, etc, you can easily start to see through the lies and deceit. \n\nThe world could be such a more better place than what we have no. We are totally under their control and most of us don't even know it. Extremely pathetic. 1336144587 +And people aren't allowed to test medicines on themselves, its pure supposition without masses of people actually trying them. 1306187505 +It looks like Legos, therefore it must be Legos.\n\nI'm sorry, but there is a huge trend to claim that things that look like 'something' ARE that something, and it's just too simplistic to be considered valid to me. I wouldn't rule out that *something* could be on the dark side of the moon, but this is pure fantasy.\n\nAs an aside: people who can't manage basic spelling and punctuation should avoid blogging.\n\nEdit: misspelled 'legos'. How humiliating. 1329768301 +The actual document issued by the regulator: [PDF](http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/binaries/broadcast/guidance/psychic-tv-guidance.pdf) 1324659819 +and just as easily other people could just not be paying attention to the sky. what would of caught their eye, lights? there are lights everywhere. something your mind might totally dismiss without second glance. sometimes people are actually looking - and see things. 1344122108 +powerful 1354702817 +How can I be skeptical of someone I've never heard of? 1342995028 +if it was actually cheaper i would agree with you. Some small towns may not have a physiotherapist but they usually do have a chiropractor. I have been to one myself when i had a pinched sciatic nerve. after 2 visits the pain was completely gone. I'm sure not every chiropractor buys into the whole philosophy. they just learned the basics and got the certificate so they can help people. 1347015845 +i enjoy it. it's fun, and i usually learn something in the first half. 1348546522 +It's a fantastic book and should be required reading. The other book required for reading should be Bill Bryson's 'A Short History of Nearly Everything'. 1289951290 +This guy creeps me out to no end, he should at least have the decency to use his original first name [Piyush,](http://cenlamar.com/2011/09/07/alexandria-attorney-greg-aymond-governor-jindals-first-name-is-racist/) rather than that ridiculous Bobby shit. 1337346025 +The authors of the modern constitution put in some clauses which essentially states that statements deemed offensive members of any community are punishable. This is just a case of the law being taken to the extreme. It may cause a lot of debate in chatrooms, but will never stand up in a court of law. Any lawyer worth his salt can get these charges dismissed.\n 1334243469 +Swamp gas trapped inside a balloon shaped like Venus. 1288079318 +Criticism him personally all you want. I am not his fan boy. The issue is that he works at the most prestigious science university in probably the world. They don't tend to give tenure to quacks. \n\nI tend to think global warming will occur if we don't mend our ways. That said, my confidence that I evolved from a common ancestor with a chimp trumps that by a long shot. I find it hard to believe that this is a crazy opinion. 1355969900 +That house is fake! 1354404022 +I find Quantum Physics to be stranger than Religion (and I do NOT believe in any Religion) 1335052448 +There are thousands of mysteries in science. Some of the bigger mysteries include:\n\n* Unification of gravity with quantum physics\n* Confirmation of string theory, m-theory, and other speculative theories in physics\n* Specific mechanisms involved in the origin of life on earth\n* Specific mechanisms responsible for some of the more complex diseases and neurological disorders - Alzheimer's, autism, depression, etc.\n* Predicting events in chaotic systems - earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.\n\nThere are many large scale conspiracies that skeptics scoff at, but in a lot of cases we tend to believe in similar conspiracies just at a much smaller scale. For example, there quacks that claim that pharmaceutical companies have a secret cure for cancer, completely own the FDA, and are poisoning your children. I believe that pharmaceutical companies have systemic bias in their research that tacks on a few percentage points to the effectiveness of their products. If they are hiding that bias it qualifies as a conspiracy, but ultimately it's nowhere close to the paranoid conspiracies that other people believe. 1353902661 +The scientific method requires control over variables, which has been more or less impossible in the "study" of UFOs. They tend to appear and disappear quite unpredictably, and thus rarely leave us with anything other than ad hoc optical recordings and witness accounts.\n\nSo it's difficult to either fault people for being unscientific, or to discount the phenomenon as not being something truly novel. We have enough data for it to be interesting, but not enough to be particularly elucidating. So, like all phenomena that cannot be reined in with controls, it stays relegated to the "paranormal" playground. 1337195742 +I think it is safe to say that no one understands Quantum Mechanics. (Richard Feynman)\n\nThey don't know what they are talking about. 1325297774 +Other countries that are hardly comparable to the United States in terms of culture and crime. You can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe any other developed country has the same level of organized crime that we do, especially in gangs that are already involved in international trafficking of drugs. Within the United States gun control has been proven to be at best ineffective, and at worst simply disarming citizens while leaving guns in the hands of criminals. 1342992147 +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BEM-ObMXJY&feature=player_embedded#at=492\n\nIf it's this I'm not impressed. This shot was called "The most compelling UFO footage ever" by the guy who put it out there. That's not saying much. 1301947427 +>>*Schizo* guy takes advice from a guy with dementia<< \n\nFTFY 1350919109 +Why would you think anyone is offended by this? they probably read it, thought "thats dumb", downvoted and never gave it a second thought. 1340607736 +Wow that freaked me out. Question : why is the video quality so good? Most videos transcoded to Youtube from the 80's are poor quality. 1352755785 +>Perhaps it's not an official "peer review", but a scientist (I'm assuming this researcher IS a scientist) giving an opinion about another scientist's findings, even to a journalist, would count for more than if the journalist asked some joker in the DEA for his opinion, dont'cha think?\n\nNot at all, because we have no understanding of his background, potential biases on the topic, and most importantly, we only have a soundbite. We don't have his written report, and for all we know, the journalist snipped out that section to fit in with what they personally think of the study.\n\nThe fact that it passed peer review is a sign that there are no major methodological or theoretical flaws with their conclusion.\n\n>point number 2 is something I replied to in your other post. what WERE the methods employed in finding their sample population? it doesn't say, which is another part of this story that smells bad to me.\n\nWhat do you mean they don't mention the methods they used? The authors have a whole section called "METHODS" where they discuss this in detail. Here's what they say:\n\n>"A population-based case-control study was conducted in Los Angeles County, California to investigate associations of testis cancer risk with exposures of the perinatal period, childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood. Eligible cases were men diagnosed with TGCT between December 20, 1986 and April 4, 1991 in Los Angeles County; who were ages 18 to 35 years at diagnosis; spoke English; and were born either in the United States, Europe, Canada, or the Middle East. The Los Angeles County Cancer Surveillance Program identified 201 men who met these criteria. Of these, 8 had either died before being contacted or were too ill to participate, 6 had cognitive difficulties precluding participation, 14 could not be located, 2 were not invited to participate because health care providers denied permission to contact, and 8 chose not to participate. The remaining 163 eligible cases (81%) participated in the study. For each participating case, we attempted to enroll up to 4 unaffected control men who were matched to the case on date of birth (within 3 years), race, ethnicity, and neighborhood of residence at the time of diagnosis. An established procedure was used to identify potential controls by defining a sequence of housing units on a specified block; attempting to identify the sex, age, race, and ethnicity of the inhabitants of each unit; and thereby determining whether 1 or more appropriately matched potential controls were identified. If no potential control was identified after canvassing 150 units, then race was excluded from the matching criteria; and, if a matched control based on the relaxed criteria was not identified within 150 subsequent units, then the case was not included in matched case-control analyses. The procedure described above identified 371 individuals as potential controls for the 163 eligible cases. Of these, 292 men (78.7%) chose to participate. We enrolled controls that were not matched on race/ethnicity for 24 cases, and we were unable to enroll any matched control for 24 additional cases. From 1 to 4 matched controls were enrolled for each remaining case: We identified 1 control for 16 cases, 2 controls for 95 cases, 3 controls for 26 cases, and 4 controls for 2 cases.\n\n>Interviews were conducted in person at participants' homes and were administered by trained interviewers using structured questionnaires. All participants were interviewed between October 16, 1987 and December 15, 1994. Information was requested for a reference period up to 1 year before the diagnosis of TGCT for cases and the same date for each case's matched controls. Participants were asked to provide demographic information; family history of specific cancers and urogenital conditions; personal history of some infectious diseases; and personal use of tobacco, alcohol, and numerous recreational drugs. Participants were asked whether they had ever used each drug, and ever users were asked the first and last years of use and the average number of times per week of use."\n\nIt seems pretty comprehensive and detailed to me. Did you actually read the paper, or are you trying to judge the quality of the study from the newspaper article on it? If the latter, then you may want to look at the reasons why you are arguing against this finding. Are you arguing against it because it is scientifically flawed (which you can only know by reading the paper itself), or are you arguing against it because you smoke cannabis and you don't want to believe that you have increased your risk of testicular cancer?\n\n>I'm not sure if you know what "disinformation" is, but it's crucial to spread it if you want to reinforce a bullshit drug war that costs taxpayers billions and erodes our Constitution like sand on a beach.\n\nThe authors don't get paid for their findings. They get paid whether there's a link or not. What you are suggesting is that people who have dedicated their lives to fighting cancer, would risk funnelling millions of dollars into a line of research which they know is fruitless, and would knowingly end up killing hundreds/thousands/millions of cancer sufferers, just to continue some vague conspiratorial notion of "spreading disinformation".\n\nThat's bullshit. At least read the fucking paper before you implicitly accuse cancer researchers of being mass murderers. 1347418258 +You know how much reddit likes TL;DR 1326842993 +> to say that science will answer questions of morality and values is scientism\n\nLet me add my 2 cents on this specific issue: you and I both understand what is meant by that statement, but taken word by word, the statement can be interpreted as the assumption that there exists a "right" answer out there a priori, which science is just incapable to figure out.\n\nThat assumption in itself is a scientific issue, no? Whether the notion of objective ethical answers make any sense - it should at least be a valid scientific position to look for evidence.\n\nSo when you and I talk about it, we probably both mean that it's NOT an empirical issue (with an a priori "right" answer), but rather a decision to be taken by people, which is, of course, outside the domain of science.\n\nScience can inform us on the outcomes of decisions, but not on which decision is the "right" one to take. Not because science can't do it (and some other tool can), but because as far as we know, answers to these questions are subjective, not empirical in nature.\n\n> scientific evidence is the only valid form of evidence and that all other forms are lesser, or should be rejected entirely, which is also something we should avoid. \n\nWell, this obviously depends on how fool-proof you want your claims to be. If you claim you saw a red car today, I will probably accept that without asking for a peer-reviewed scientific study, because the claim isn't extraordinary. But certainly if an extraordinary claim is made contradicting a position which has been thoroughly documented in the scientific literature, I am justified in being skeptical and to ask for more credible (scientific) evidence, no? 1346695871 +The image link has a line at the bottom of it which mentions the West Virginia Republican Party, which is why I thought they were pushing it. I understand that both parties had a hand over the years; I was making the same point you were making. 1353816140 +I know that it has already been commented several times that this chart is out of date, but to further add to the "out of date" mantra, [Unilever](http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20121008/BIZ/310089989/1031/biz) is starting to sell off some (most?) of its food products divisions so they can concentrate on their core health care and personal care line.\n\n 1349832437 +"You should have eaten free-range all-natural organic fish without artificial mercury, like Dr Oz recommended. Close but no cigar." 1339086545 +I like mine better, it let me believe that I have a wild imagination and that shit ain't real 1341162983 +>in a centre called the Burzynski Clinic in Houston, Texas. \n\nMaybe read the article before making irrelevant statements. 1322497138 +i can only respect that you can comprehend that. I cannot at this point in time .. not to mention that it makes everything kinda pointless lol ..bummer 1321559706 +SVEN LAW, LAWLESS, etc, etc 1329165961 +Part II of a scary ghost story! 1304978631 +I feel I must point out that we've gone to a lot of effort and expense searching for extraterrestrial bacteria, or even signs that some once existed :)\n\nBut yes, the implications of crossing the galaxy don't sit well with the UFOs are aliens explanation. 1278576771 +Level/field 1328282492 +shouldn't balloons ascend continuously until it pops? This seems to stay level. Of course there could be a string attached that we don't see but still. 1295974434 +Equate toxins with "evil humours". Now everyone talking about toxins is a quack. Nice. I especially love the sentence "waste products are metabolized by organs like the liver". Which is just a different way to say that toxins are detoxified by the liver. The liver is a detoxification organ primarily. Go ask your doctor - that is mainstream science. Toxins are created by the bacteria and yeasts in your intestinal tract - and your body can metabolize or detoxify them just fine assuming you are healthy. No need for colon cleansing or detoxifying cleanses thank you very much. I agree - detoxification and cleanses are *totally* abused by the alternative health community. But toxins (be they drugs, pollutants, pesticides, byproducts of our immune systems and metabolic processes, intestinal flora, heavy metals, etc) are real and are a part of mainstream evidence based medicine. 1250656630 +You must be a really fun and great person to hang around with. 1309551627 +Sorry you're getting some down-votes, but your honest question looks indistinguishable from some of the trolls we get in r/skeptic. Looks like you've gotten the information you needed, though.\n\nAnd, since nobody has mentioned it yet: you get more mercury exposure from eating a tuna sandwich than you do from a flu shot (some of which still use thimerosal as a preservative in multi-dose vials). 1284935333 +[Hate to say I told you so 2 months ago,...thanks for noticing,...](http://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/8od8c/nitinol_titaniumnickle_linked_to_roswell_debris/) 1250711356 +That sounds an awful lot like the cure for dehydration and almost exactly like the cure for chicken pox. Which I'm pretty sure is just the same as the cure for rashes. 1296521973 +If I am correct, that is a quote from [Elane Lewis](http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:bYvg15bjOeYJ:hpathy.com/the-hpathy-team/elaine-lewis/+&cd=16&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us) who is a homeopath, and has something to do with the hpathy web site that had published the recipe. It really does sound like trolling but apparently she is sincere. 1327281896 +http://www.skepticforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=14976\n\nhttp://coastgab.com/index.php?topic=3202.0\n\nCan't find a copy of the video, but the first link worked fine for me, and I even tried it again just now. The second link shines a bit more light on Dr. Leir 1354648712 +I detected a hint of sarcasm in his post. You might want to recalibrate your sarcasmeter and check again. 1294277150 +Oh please. Am I not allowed enough of an ego to be heard? Why can't someone simply post to this subreddit without it being caught up in some filter cause they used the word 'orb' in the title? Again, it's not the point of reddit. We're all here to share. If we hate something, we will flame and downvote to hell. Why can't that be the case here as well? 1316232537 +Dogs are able to smell and hear things that we have insufficient senses to detect. It is likely an animal of some sort. Any time a cat or dog (or other animal) behaves "strangely," this is, by far, the most common reason why. There's nothing paranormal about it. Your apartment is A-OK (although you may want to keep your ear out for noises in the walls, or set mouse traps, or something). 1337096923 +[Jerry, just remember: it's not a lie, if you believe it.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn_PSJsl0LQ) 1343765699 +That is a FANTASTICALLY written piece. I lost it at the phrase "walking suggestible." 1303812103 +First law of thermodynamics and conservation of energy. Energy must be transformed by generating heat or doing work, and it is not something that can be created or destroyed unlike, say, mass.\n\nIf you wanted truly perpetual motion (indefinitely long, at least) you would need a frictionless system in a vacuum that would move in a straight line under its own inertia a la Newton's Third (e.g. the Voyager probes). 1350240399 +that would actually make sense (ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flatland) I never really thought about that as a possible answer. kudos to you, dr. 1296710365 +Yea I agree about what you said about the brain.\n\n 1317358292 +Do you even know what thermite is, you blithering gobshite?\n\n 1349578393 +If new evidence comes up that challenges the theory, I will once again evaluate it rationally. 1328390205 +Well not wholly. In the case of beliefs that have been proven false, we have a good scientific understanding. 1288026764 +The 4th and 2nd seem quite believable to me. But considering one of them is obviously a fake, who is behind that video and why? If no more videos are released, or witnesses come out, I guess its a hoax then. 1296672073 +I just used a 32" hd tv too find it out but achieved nothing... 1354321218 +Great thanks, though in the modern criticism section there is this line...\n\n>Former U.S. Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank Alan Greenspan gives most credit to Ludwig Erhard for Europe's economic recovery. Greenspan writes in his memoir The Age of Turbulence that Erhard's economic policies were the most important aspect of postwar Western Europe recovery, far outweighing the contributions of the Marshall Plan. He states that it was Erhard's reductions in economic regulations that permitted Germany's miraculous recovery, and that these policies also contributed to the recoveries of many other European countries. Japan's recovery is also used as a counter-example, since it experienced rapid growth without any aid whatsoever.[citation needed] \n\nSo I don't know if it's true or not that Japan did what it did without aid.\n\nStill the Marshall Plan does seem to provide a good example where America has after helping in the military defeat of a country (Nazi Germany) then went on to offer significant aid to that country.\n\n>But some on reddit like to believe it is the root of all evil and can do no good.\n\nYes unfortunately. I'm not one of them though. The American constitution with its focus on individual freedom has had massive positive effect all around the planet. Many countries owe their modern laws, and freedoms that come from them, to the founding fathers of America. 1294751812 +Thank you kind sir. I am downloading a few episodes now. 1339895239 +So you have no evidence, but you think it's a conspiracy? 1350905943 +I thought the whole point of this was to act as a placebo effect. How can you have a placebo effect if you don't know what's happening? 1306957710 +exactly :D 1354490831 +did the ancients have a printing press? 1322091840 +I know the Nnnghk you're talking about, he's a little shit. Always stealing my tinfoil hat.... 1342723125 +>QM isn't an assumption\n\nYou misunderstood. I meant assumptions made by the author of the video, not assumptions about quantum mechanics in general.\n\n>I can easily point to MANY books\n\nPlease do. 1299706803 +Oh solipsism, because your mind is such a powerful tool that it governs all that you do. Even though the placebo effect doesn't effect every disease or, yet we are all contained within your mind, because you deny both science and technology to believe what you want to believe. 1333526873 +It craps out on very complicated sites, but it seems to be getting better.\n\nA couple of months ago it couldn't save any reddit sites, and no [it does an ok job](http://backupurl.com/5c2m1j).\n\nMany things are ruined when cached, but it's still better than a screenshot. 1292713639 +For the record, I **am** an asshole; However my comment was made in jest....\n\nThough the only vegan I've known was an outright cunt, I recognize the reason was problems other than the lack of meat in her diet. 1346053089 +Quite true. 1332476257 +Come on! We're not creationists here - you can spell his last name as Myers. 1294215846 +Or any food that has been in a factory, truck, warehouse, etc. 1286103037 +>There was one exception, however; anxiety disorders were 32% less frequent during the last lunar quarter. \n\nEven the study shows evidence of a correlation between anxiety disorders and the lunar cycle. I daresay, when reaching their conclusions, the authors of the study exhibited the same confirmation bias as much of /r/skeptic seems to; dismissing evidence in favour of a predetermined conclusion. 1353476938 +Holy cow. You are a right badass. 1321284104 +The parents and many involved are saying it was resurrected. Perfectly ripe for skepticism. 1334278254 +> But don't let the word intellectual scare you off.\n\nI hate that they felt a need for a caveat. 1299477164 +Thank you very much mate. It's been incredibly tough but life stops for nobody, and I know Dad would have wanted me to push through and get my life back together. Definitely agree about the comments, some excellent theories and ideas being shared. 1308482424 +You might want to note that Steven Jones is a Biologist and he says "... and **we're** turning really not into evolutionists, but into theologians."\n\nAlso, I tend to agree with him about much of Evolutionary Psychology in general, and I don't think Pinker's response to Jones' criticism was substantive. 1290221367 +>What’s with the Mayans suddenly? The Bible is much more authoritative on the end of the world but there is no date in the Bible. People always want a date. I can say with certainty that the end of the world is not this year. We could be heading into some very difficult times economically but it won’t be the end of the world as we know it. Especially, since Romney will kick Obama’s butt out of office!!\n\nCan somebody please tell me to stop reading the comments under the article? 1336059186 +Relevant youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKKvmFZBALo 1349290232 +I think it sorta looks like Darth Maul. 1341373901 +> Go watch the documentary people. No seriously, [7] they are raising some good questions in between all the spin and the [8] plámas, but bring your sceptical shades\n\nVery well put. That's exactly how I feel. 1295028761 +> I don't think running us through a meat grinder would be diplomatic at all.\n\nThis is part of the whole brainwashing/indoctrination thing. One would just as easily have a positive association with E.T. contact if it were more commonly (or at all) portrayed in such a manner by the MSM. 1331781855 +> This is proven\n\nHi, I'm a dumb foreigner. How is this proven? 1290718540 +fake as hell 1312534231 +I moved to New Jersey in the mid-70s, and there was an experiment going on at Rahway prison for those convicted of child sexual abuse. The goal was not to punish but to treat them. There were media interviews, and the inmates all said the program was wonderful and that it worked. \n\nSome years later, they studied the recidivism rate for those in the program and those not in it, and there was no difference. They abandoned the program.\n\nYour use of sex crimes and sexual offenders is broader than child sexual abuse, so I don't know if it carries over. The Last Psychiatrist has [an article on pedophilia here](http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2007/03/a_primer_on_pedophilia.html) if you're interested in diagnosis and treatment. His key comment: " all of our attempts at catching pedophiles before they offend are doomed to absolute failure" 1328842741 +On the bright side, fewer people will take the vaccine-autism link seriously now that Trump of all people is advocating it. Seems like even Fox can't seriously find a way to stand for it now that Trump is backing the idea. 1333466576 +3.999... is the same as 3 + .999... so yes it is 4.\n\nThink of it like this. 1/3 = .333... 2/3 = .666... 3/3 = .999... = 1\n\n 1306338355 +I don't think I believe you 1242174587 +Does nano-thermite explode though? I don't think so.\n\nThis whole thermite business is so shady. Ever ask yourself why TNT wasn't found at ground zero, or some other well known explosive? TNT is a really novel molecule, synthesized exclusively for its exploding properties. *That* would be an interesting find at ground zero, since there's really no other reason it would be there than to blow stuff up.\n\nKnow what thermite is? It's a metal oxide mixed with a metal powder. Sound vague? Yeah, because you can make it out of lots of different combinations of metals. Nothing too novel about thermite. Is it that far fetched to think that in all that molten aluminum and iron at the crash site that some metal formed an oxide? Hardly a smoking gun. Truthers just latched on to the one questionable compound that could have reasonably formed on its own.\n\nAnd to top it all off, it doesn't even explode! So silly. 1346071245 +Rock, Rock, Photographic Artifact, Rock\n\nOccam's razor bitches. 1347411026 +> This podcast features a panel of scientists...and Rebecca Watson.\n\nWhere did you get the idea that all of the other panelists were scientists? I've just looked through their bios on theskepticsguide.org, and while they all have credentials listed that show them to be stalwarts of the skeptical community, the only one whose occupation is listed as being in the sciences is Steven Novella (academic neurologist).\n\nThe only other person who's profession and educational background they mention is Evan: "Evan's profession is in television production, and he holds a BA in Communications from Central Connecticut State University. " - so he's not a scientist.\n\nIf any of the others had an education in the sciences, I assume they would have mentioned it. So I feel confident in surmising that Steven Novella is the only scientist in the group, and the rest are only science enthusiasts.\n\nThis strange contempt for Rebecca Watson, based on these kind of nonsense reasons, is really bizarre. If you just don't like her personality, I can understand that. People don't mesh with each other all the time, that's life. But just leave it at that instead of trying to justify your antipathy. 1330948288 +Could you direct me to a list of Monsantos unethical behaviors? \n\nI've read through their wikipedia page, but those things listed there don't seem outstandingly evil, more like standard corporation stuff.\n\nIf you could provide me with something to read, that would be great. I don't want to make an uninformed decision. 1350658145 +He didn't ask her for coffee, IIRC... he asked her to "come back to his (hotel) room" which is totally more creepy. 1310154560 +I haven't seen that movie, but thank you for the recommendation, I will add it to my list! \n\nI had added the movie "[Paul](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1092026/)" to my list yesterday based on [this clip](http://www.megavideo.com/?v=IHU0G81X). :D 1308088395 +> it could be an out of focus object.\n\nYup! Thanks for weighing in. 1353640289 +Even if we assume that the data is worthless due to meddling researchers, this doesn't invalidate all the other data done by scientists all over the world that shows similar things about climate change. More research certainly needs to be done, and it's being done. 1259789849 +Yeah, to hell with with survival training, and other such inconveniences. We'll just luxuriate for a year in these posh underground digs, and then we'll be set free on a post-apocalyptic world.\n\nWhat could go wrong with this scenario? 1348940447 +Well then okay, I agree that extremist Islamist groups are a problem, I don't think anyone is claiming that they are not. It's just a question of whether those groups form because of Islam, or that they form and end up using Islam as a basis. 1347826923 +The people that don't give a rats ass about the environment or climate. As long as one is making money, one has little need to worry about details like the climate, environment or human rights. 1340060106 +I've started a critical-thinking based political/social commentary group blog at critical-thinker.net. Stop by and send me a link to your blog if you don't mind. 1299116442 +Yeah. Easier to disassociate. 1347380162 +http://www.goominet.com/unspeakable-vault/vault/361/ 1291989316 +i didn't mean to offend you. in my opinion these can all be explained by photography related issues. 1345418836 +BRB, going to start selling potions on craigslist. 1345227349 +You kid, but at some point I guarantee you're going see new agers espousing the benefits of the coprophagic diet, which will keep you safe from chemicals like sodium chloride and citric acid! 1341781662 +I'm a firm believer that our government is currently on the moon, and have been on the moon since the 50s. \n\nWe need to wake up folks. The apathy in this country is destroying our democracy. 1318872017 +http://imgur.com/XYYae This is the casing.\n\nhttp://imgur.com/o4Jlu This is the clock location. 1329687498 +Wikipedia does not agree with you. Night soil is raw human feces and is not even legal to use in the US just as raw bovine feces is not legal to use. You have pathogens in the feces of animals and people, both of them have to get processed and treated before they can be used as manure, and by that time all the pathogenic microbes have died.\n\nAs for you other concerns, we only mandate putting things on labels if it relates to the consumers health. If we were to start mandating that companies include the environmental impact of their products on their labels then we would start with far more important things like carbon footprint, whether or not ecologically important land has been destroyed, etc, before we started including GMOs. 1352435038 +You have to walk slow enough that you dont disturb the ash layer and touch the burning coals underneath, but fast enough that you aren't in contact with the ash for too long. 1343088769 +"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."\n\n- Winston Churchill 1354004832 +I can't cite sources right now, but my understanding is that in every study that has been done on this condition, sufferers can't tell the difference (with better than 50% accuracy) between a device which is switched on and a device which is switched off. 1315915074 +I'm thinking that was a lie. 1296295142 +While I definitely agree with you and made an argument similar to yours in another post, it's no point preaching to this crowd. Everyone in this subreddit decides to bring out the pitchforks and downvote any dissenting views before considering a discussion of why this sort of thing is bad. /r/skeptic is turning into /r/politics' bastard son. It's a shame too, at only 30,000 subscribers. 1316989963 +It loads!! Thank you!! Super anxious to read it now hahaha. 1331103389 +So are you saying that people are compelled to talk to you? and you believe that it's esoteric in nature? 1320676138 +I see - apologies, I was approaching it from a different angle (whether the grounding effect worked as they said it did).\n\nTried to find the paper so that we could at least see what that actually says, but I'm not getting very far. Wevers full name is Rutger Wever, and I found hints (but not very firm ones) that the paper was published by Springer-Verlag in "The circadian system of man: Results of experiments under temporal isolation", but that was published in 1979 and appears to be out-of-print - couldn't find any digital copies. Might get it in a library or used if you're curious enough and don't mind the risk that it's not even in there.\n\nAs for the papers on the research page - I'm not qualified in any way to evaluate them properly (especially the health claims), and I wouldn't know where to look for good quality independent medical research. Unless someone else here can help, we're at a dead-end.\n\nEdit: one other thing - I found a lot of references to experiments where Wever put subjects in an EMF-shielded room. I'm wondering if this is what is meant by grounded, since to shield a room like this, you use a Faraday cage, which needs to be grounded (the subjects aren't necessarily grounded themselves)? 1316068219 +I'm stealing this and using it for ever. And I'm not giving you royalties. 1335107836 +How did she react? 1332114886 +Well I still don't understand. Like I said many commenters "took the bait" so to speak, so it seems like the poster was correct that they had the opinion that placebos were bad therapy. So maybe the poster was making a generally unwarranted assumption, but to the audience of /r/skeptic, it was aptly targeted.\n\nYour example isn't fair. A placebo is something which by definition is something "fake", but that has a real effect through expectation. It's therefore reasonable to address a forum dedicated to the criticism of things which are not real to question its value. George Bush isn't defined by having blown up the WTC, he's defined as an anglo male who served as president of the US. Positing that he had blown up WTC would be highly dubious assertion to most circles. That being said, it would have been well-received and therefore rhetorically useful to have made that assumption in /r/conspiracy (although there are some commenters there who would object to the assumption.)\n\nSo why was it a circlejerk again? The poster said, in effect, "maybe placebos aren't bad." Most commenters have taken both sides of the question, validating the poster's framing of the inquiry in terms of the position with which he/she didn't agree. 1278099315 +DUDE. shouldve installed a camera 1326574702 +Rather famous [trance DJ](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Oakenfold) from the UK.\n\nThe only reason I know the name is because an ex-girlfriend was a bit of a rave kid. 1303510162 +At some point, we wont be able to feed everyone and they will be swimming in their own waste. Where that is, I have no idea, but population control is an issue that needs to be addressed. There has to be enough food and a way to get rid of the waste, or use it somehow. \n\nTake a 55 gallon drum, fill it with 50 gallons of water, put in 20lbs of sugar, then add yeast. Can it support 7 billion yeast? Yes, quite easily. As the yeast consume the sugar, they reproduce profusely producing CO2 and ETOH, and eventually when there is between 10% and 20% ethanol in the barrel, the yeast die off in their own waste. If they cant get out and spread to other areas, they will die due to lack of food or in their own waste. The earth is our 55 gallon drum and we are ripping through the sugar pretty damn fast.\n\nWe can find new ways to produce more food, and new ways to use the waste to produce more, but there will still come a point where we cant sustain it. Weather can make that come sooner or later. 1343490869 +I've actually never heard of the case until now. Morehead seems to have quite a few strange happenings, though -- Mr. Gatti's, Nunn Hall, and Clack Mountain all come to mind. People seem to believe those are all haunted locales. 1354073237 +Fair enough. It does look and feel like blogspam though, which is why most folks chose purple. 1354295221 +Looks like a droplet of water on the lens. 1349248065 +I take issue with the word dismissive, because that makes it sound like religion was tossed aside without due consideration.\n\nI tossed it aside after much consideration, finding it lacking. 1296183504 +That information isn't entirely correct. IPCC represents thousands of scientists, and there's like a couple of dozen skeptic scientists (that are dubious as well). However the IPCC scientists were like 93% sure man made global warming is happening (but that percentage is rising because of the effects that are becoming more apparent.) 1322918505 +I came here to post exactly this. I've found that statement to be one of the most helpful things to keep in mind when arguing with people who have no evidence to base their opinions upon. 1356381239 +> Skeptics will just claim they are Photoshopped.\n\nThat's because, unless the object is far away and out of focus, the object _is_ photoshopped.\n\nI have yet to see a clear picture of a UFO that isn't obviously CGI'd.\n\nEdit: Downvote, lol? Show me a picture that isn't 'shopped instead. 1295862276 +I'll assume you aren't being a jackass -- the point is, he says Bill Nye is throwing ad hominem attacks, when in fact Bill Nye was being completely respectful (while still disagreeing with his conclusion) and then the guy starts in with "Mr. Comedian" which was clearly said in a tone that marks it as an ad hominem attack... Pot calling the kettle black -- even though the kettle wasn't even being black... or something. 1324616811 +>Because if an argument only becomes privileged when made by a certain class of people, then I feel that all you've done is admitted that it's an attack on a person and not on the argument.\n\nThat's not what claims of privilege are about. Nobody's opinion becomes invalidated because they are white or male. You seem to be interpreting "check your privilege" as a kind of ad hominem, when it has nothing to do with the person themselves but their biased perspective. \n\nThat is, if a guy is aware of their privilege, and adjusts their argument accordingly (to eliminate all biases and flawed thinking on that topic) then it would be absurd to tell him to 'check his privilege'. \n\nThis is why so many people who understand the concept of 'privilege' get confused when people try to argue that it's used as a way of shutting down discussion or as an ad hominem. It's a way of weeding out shitty arguments and continuing discussion; it only stops discussing if the person who gets called out on the ignorance gets all annoyed and leaves the discussion. In other words, it's like telling a creationist to read a science book. 1347503324 +The Mormons can have Independence, MO. It's a shithole. 1351285170 +The board doesn't do anything. At all. The [ideomotor effect](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideomotor_effect) makes the board work. \n\nIf the Ouija Board were demonic, it wouldn’t be sold at Walmart. 1333231967 +Obviously the TARDIS. Calm down, its just The Doctor. 1326942249 +So you can decide for yourselves, here's a link someone gave me earlier today, supposedly debunking a lot of what is said in Thrive. I haven't read much of it yet, so it could obviously be dis-information.\n\n[http://thrivedebunked.wordpress.com/](http://thrivedebunked.wordpress.com/) 1338017899 +I'm surprised they didn't include "Magnets. How do they work?" 1291753646 +Many can be explained by nighttime sky divers who do events at airshows, they have to practice... 1341628534 +its not news, its cnn. 1293212856 +That's what I am saying though - if there is not enough evidence to know either way, that's not skepticism in my book - that's just as bad as belief itself. 1296200942 +"Tu fui, ego eris."-What you are, I was; what I am, you will become." They explore something like this in the game Virtue's last Reward. The main character's can slingshot their consciousness through time to either remember something or tell their-selves something at that age. \n\nEDIT: forgot to mention the fact that the character's actually do pass out when they do this. 1353683701 +Ball Lightning... Not really. Is that a serious question though? 1321103748 +I worked with people that were dying for nearly a decade, I did not find this to be the case. I am open to new info though. Do you have any examples of people being dishonest on their deathbed? 1333952807 +I used to have that book. Turns out it was self-published by a total crank. He's in jail now for fraud. 1241398644 +People are being rather nasty, but I will say that, if it was real to you, and you're suffering from PTSD symptoms, there may have been something there, something that your sub-concious is terrified of. When children are very young we don't know what to be afraid of, we imagine later on, perhaps it's like a suppressed memory that is causing the PTSD. \n\nAlso, I would like to add that I am scared and exhilarated by the idea of Aliens or UFO's. \n\nKeep the anxiety under control OP, that can do more harm. 1345775852 +Using the argument that Muslim women are badly treated so Rebecca should not complain makes no sense. 1351113166 +I just drove past it last week. Not so scary now that they remodeled the whole house. 1287435674 +What if it did work? What if the nude pictures and sexing *did* strengthen his telepathic connection with the "other side"? We can't prove that it didn't. \n\nAt the very least he could **say** that it worked. And, who could say otherwise? 1340543735 +Yeah exactly. If that's a real story, then that nurse obviously did not know how microwaves work. 1333014947 +I have seen something very similar in Fairfax, Virginia. I was looking at the stars, then I noticed one begin to move very slowly, then eventually fade out. Every time I've seen one do this, I see another in the same area do the exact same thing moments later. 1355902695 +Your childs life is at stake, and you're gambling? 1320149904 +a lack of evidence does not disprove something. 1319681722 +Sorry to be blunt, but if you think your comment is science then you're pretty simple. 1294272979 +Please do. \nI just realized you guys (being American, yes?) have military posts all over, are we talking about domestic military healthcare or abroad, or both? 1345631252 +> we'll just have to agree to disagree\n\nFair enough. \n\n> I'm skeptical that a free market could do any better than what we have now.\n\nAnd that's why libertarians seem like evangelists. They want to try to inform others of the information that support their views.\n\n> I see a bad govt and want it better\n\nMay I ask how you would propose making it better? 1313637658 +Billions which, were it not for the alleged false flag of human-caused climate change, could instead have been invested into researching and combating the true cause of climate change, up to and including bonafide terraforming. Billions which, in most instances, will never end up in the pockets of the people doing climate research, but rather to those who are instead researching green technology. There is likely almost no overlap between the two. Climatology and engineering are two very different birds.\n\nThere is simply no reason at all for the scientists involved to fabricate evidence, let alone a reason so compelling that a mere 0.17% of them would be willing to dissent. 1353794111 +Okay, I'm not going to call CPS on my boss. Especially if I don't know that hiatal massage is not a real thing. I'm sure he would be receptive to some information about it if I had some and make sure his kid makes his appointment with the real doctor. 1295391347 + If I just downvoted, you wouldn't know why. I let you know why to help prevent you from repeating being a fucktard in the future. Welcome to the internet. Maybe you should lurk for a while if you're that sensitive. 1352506395 +You might like /r/4chan or /r/classic4chan then, it's where we steal and hoard the funny stuff ;) 1345041766 +Welcome to the world of UFO videos. 1287765188 +The standard of evidence certainly isn't as rigorous as, say, physics. It's definitely a science, but it's a bit of a softer science, like sociology or anthropology. Neurology, on the other hand, is a bit of a different story. 1337863455 +So is the entire issue of obesity. 1311134794 +Yea. Well, 3 of my friends along with myself joined r/UFOs yesterday **because** of his post in that thread. That one spam link you saw doesn't have anything to do with what he posted. What you saw as endearing and annoying I found to be extremely interesting and eye opening. 1328751342 +Agreed. Just because it's *less stupid* doesn't mean it still isn't really stupid. 1342634700 +> Personally, I think that if there are Type 3 civilizations out there we may not have found them because they are freaking TYPE 3 civilizations\n\nIt could also be because what we're seeing in space is actually millions of years in the past so they may have not even been created. They may exist and we just can't see them... yet. 1333992765 +Thanks for mentioning that you thought they might have corrected themselves. I wouldn't be aware of the...er... clarification (Is it still a clarification if you're clarifying that you have no idea? I guess it is, but it seems wrong to call it that) otherwise! 1346975151 +>A great letter, but consider that in 2050 \n\n...\n\n>Given that this will take at least 15-20 years\n\nThat still makes thorium relevant since thorium is so abundant. Do you think we won't be able to make a thorium breeder? 1344352845 +I thought you were joking. And wait..is that a picture of the moon with flames photoshopped onto it? 1290964958 +Hmm... interesting. I think I understand. 1353536796 +At least soldiers get paid and have an infrastructure supporting them. 1354854307 +You seem to be redefining terms to fit your viewpoint. It won't be possible to continue the discussion if one party is making up definitions.\n\nSentience and self-awareness are not at all the same thing. You asked for a definition of sentience, so here is one, from Merriam Webster:\n"responsive to or conscious of sense impressions"\nSense impressions means things like smell, touch, pain, etc. \n\nI don't understand why you disagree that human sentience comes from the nervous system. This is not really disputed by scientists. \n\nMany animals cannot recognize themselves in the mirror, but can still experience pain, as is evident by their responses to injury and other hardships. Some nonhuman animals can recognize themselves in a mirror, but I don't think that's relevant.\n\nAs I said before, there is actually evidence that bacteria aren't sentient. Yes, they are alive, but so are plants. There is no evolutionary reason for plants or bacteria to develop sentience, and since we know that in humans it is the nervous system that provides sentience, it is very unlikely that any organism without a nervous system and without the ability to avoid danger would develop sentience.\n\nThe way bacteria react to environments is much simpler than the way animals do. Their reactions are on a basic chemical level. Roombas don't actually have the ability to learn from past situations. They can only react to current situations, or respond to their programming. It is conceivable that a robot could be sentient, but I don't think that artificial intelligence is nearly that advanced yet.\n\nYou asked for evidence of animal sentience. There is a lot. Here is one particular scientific paper: http://www.springerlink.com/content/p4g44725t17126x0/\n\nSince you seem not to think that animals deserve our consideration, do you think it's okay to torture a cat, dog, chimp, or other animal? 1322013113 +Whedon or Wheaton? Did Wheaton get it from Whedon? And did Plait get it from Wheaton, or is it Plait's Law? \n\nOrdinarily, I'd just assume it was a typo, but it also seems like something that Joss Whedon could have said. 1341516990 +As far as the skeptic goes in me, which resides over a larger part of my perspective than the believer does, this is by a far the best supporting evidence for a real and actual aerial phenomena that we don't currently understand. \n\nThe camera shake was verified but it was only a few arcseconds of the camera shifting during the exposure (as you would expect in a non-mounted night time camera shot). The shaking was not sufficient to make the streak across the sky shown in the picture. This object was also verified to not be the moon or any other known star. \n\nI'm pretty sure day/night superimpositions were made that showed any questionable phenomenon to be clearly airborne. \n\nThere are a few documentaries out that cover the story. They're quite interesting 1312825743 +Wow.... and I mean WOW. I am still not sure if this is a total Poe or not... \n\nOnly 11 members. I think the site is less than a year old (not sure - the forums suddenly got locked out while I was browsing them, and I think that was the date I saw in the stats). There are nearly 4800 posts, the vast majority of which are between just TWO of the users. Either two very deluded people, or one VERY delude person, or a very committed hoaxer... 1340867779 +I'll keep it up, not so I feel that I'm better than you...Only an asshole like yourself would think I care about trying to be better than you over Reddit, you fool. But keep up your good work troll. 1347364421 +It could also be his hand, depending on how he was holding the phone. 1341199084 +Schrodinger's sunscreen. 1337537153 +The box never said that it worked on nails. Most consumers would draw the conclusion that it would but that's not the manufacturers fault - it's a good strategy. 1274976425 +hi, sorry, but if it was rain, i need to go to an hospital...;) 1330771729 +"Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works."\n\n2 John 1:9-11\n\nAccording to the bible Christians should only help them if they are also Christian. Your stupid hippy dippy Christianity was invented in the 60s and has next to no bearing on orthodox Christian teaching. 1344345495 +No, you have stepped into my clever trap (yeah, yeah, that's it - it has *nothing* to do with needing to be clearer in the first place). Just because 95% of women are *capable* of having a safe and happy home birth does not mean that they all do. If a labor progresses too long, if a mother gets skittish, if - basically - mom ain't feelin' it, to the hospital they go. Generally to get a zap of pitocin, which my wife isn't allowed to use or she loses her license to practice.\n\nWhich outlines how patchwork the MANAStats database is - in most states, midwives aren't licensed *at all* so they have no license to lose. What they'll do in similar situations is put a squirt of pitocin on a cotton ball and put it up in mom's cheek down by the gums, which hustles labor along just dandy. So suppose you're trying to use the MANAStats database to find out about the use of pitocin in labor. They'd likely refuse you the data - because a lot of births in their database *did* have pitocin involved, but the data *might* indicate that (if it's legal in the midwife's state, *might not* indicate that (if it's illegal in the midwife's state and they used it anyway) or, worst case, *might indicate that pitocin was used illegally* and therefore, a midwife with the exact same practice modality in Arkansas as they use in New York could end up facing criminal charges simply for participating in the study.\n\nIt's a total catch-22. Collect the data and risk showing that your members are practicing outside of the scope they've managed to assemble across a patchwork of 50 states... or continue practicing in darkness and never get the laws changed. And what do they get? "*Homebirth midwives don't want you to know.*" 1258390917 +If you go into court, proof has to lie on both sides or the case is null and void. You can't claim proof to back up one theory, without having proof to disprove another.\n\nAt the end of the day, we are all observers and there will never be the proof needed to prove or disprove.\n\nUntil such times as other life was to pop down and say hello, or Nasa was to find the building blocks of life (but still wouldn't prove other intelligent exists.) Then all skeptics are going to say to get proof that we cannot possibly get yet. 1354274019 +Well I can add something to the list on here. Half of our rooms on the ground floor face the parking lot. I've walked by the window for 109 a half dozen times tonight while outside having a cigarette. Its been dark, no one is staying in there, no has been in there. When I was outside just now I turned to flick my cigarette and come back in and thru the sheer curtains I can see that the light on the night stand is on. Will I be going to turn it off? Nope. 1348653118 +I presume you believe the computer on which you are writing exists. You grossly oversimplify a complex and fascinating issue by assuming you are even capable of distinguishing your beliefs from what you think you know objectively. Purely epistemic concerns aside, your cognitive apparatus (and mine) does a superlative job of modeling the world, but in a way which interweaves emotion, personality structure and external input. Our reality is intersubjective. You cannot blithely weed out the beliefs from the statements of fact. And adherents of the 'CSICOP' brand of skepticism often have a perceptible personal stake in seeing that the status quo is left undisturbed.\n\nAs to your second point, I reiterate: we simply don't have the intellectual juice at this stage to judge which places a civilisation one million years older than ours might like to visit nor what technology they might have at their disposal.\n\n 1331843013 +You know that was sarcasm right?... 1331869822 +Teacher: "OK class. Can anyone tell me why a catastrophic global flood 5000 years ago wouldn't lay down a thick layer of deposits encompassing the remains of every species that has ever lived on the planet; but would in fact lay down literally thousands of layers, with the organisms becoming more and more simple as the layers got deeper?" \n\nJohnny: "Umm, because the layers were made a different times, and the deeper ones were made first?"\n\nTeacher: "NO Johnny! That's just what the Devil *wants* you to think!" 1354994101 +Stay away from Monument Blvd. 1352100404 +And while we're at it, here:\nhttp://skepticsannotatedbible.com/index.htm\n\nAll the Abrahamic religions have content in their scriptures that encourage violence. When followers of those religions feel like being violent, they find those parts particularly compelling. Never did I say that Islam was peaceful... I ~~said~~ insunuated that all religions are violent and the only reason that Muslims (or, 1/1000% of them) are finding their violent versus meaningful all of a sudden is because of their current geopolitical situation. 1333855298 +I have noticed that many rational people start to develop a dice-related superstition when they play rpgs. Partly, it was just for fun (a friend of mine had a pentagram where he would place the dice) but sometimes you can't be sure whether they are serious or not ("Stop using those dice! You keep rolling awful numbers!"). 1332172099 +Who the hell is this Eric Bakker guy? He doesn't even have a wikipedia page.\n\nI offer 1000 upvotes to someone who can prove to me that he's a real person. 1312845337 +How about showing the unmanipulated picture? WTF? 1339182679 +i certainly wouldn't dismiss it, as long as it's assumed it's all going on in their brain. people who achieve those kinds of frames of consciousness probably do it through their own social/developmental predispositions though, not by reading FAQs :P 1341012922 +Thank you. I'd love to get her a copy, but it's always been difficult to even talk to her for 15 minutes much less get her to read a whole book. She's an extremely ~~stubborn~~ independent woman. 1328668343 +Nice to know that Canadian people are just as gullible as Americans. I hate it when we're the stupidest people on the planet.\n\nI'm guessing that if someone tried to have sex with the girls, they would have "snapped right out".\n\n(Yes, I see they're just kids. But it was such a good line I couldn't resist. In no way am I advocating sex with under-age people) 1339806322 +Thank you too. It's been fun.\n\n>My involvement in the paranormal as a ritualist has been to get rid of it, not to prove it's validity.\n\nThat's the difference between religion and science.\n\nAs a skeptic, it still frustrates me to think people are willing to just assign their beliefs and not investigate what really happened, but I'm far more accepting of that than someone who investigates something and stops looking at the paranormal answer leading people down bad science. 1324657683 +Watch the show Dead Like Me. You'd like it. 1351716335 +[Here ya go](http://ghostsstory.com/blog/497/hauntings-in-maryland/) :) 1349679228 +Kinda reminds me of [Prosopagnosia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosopagnosia), but I don't think that that's sporadic. 1326468008 +My only thought is "What the hell are they thinking? 24 hours straight? Are they nuts??"\n\nI guess we'll see how it goes :) 1316799456 +Likewise. This is the first time i am reading about a golden disc. Highly likely that it is a frisbee as the article claims(ignoring what the photographer said). But again, it could be something else too... 1330352070 +Yes, a random youtube comment is clearly a good place to learn about anonymous. Or any other organization. 1304496981 +A lot of them are genuinely convinced. I used to be one of them. 1309736549 +It's like the Illuminatus! Sequel. Now with Reptilians! 1316148095 +Yes, yes [they can](http://pesn.com/2005/11/16/9600203_New_Nazi_Bell/),...do you have the funding for it? \n\n\nBut this is [nothing new](http://www.searlsolution.com/technology3.html),....\n\n\nThe author of the original post site is using a number of these patents to build one himself, as mentioned in one of the interviews posted below...seriously-do read/listen to the content,... 1275188734 +It's a real [thing](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mouthfeel) but yeah, it just grosses me out saying it. 1335297708 +If a person came to me saying they had information about my child I'd want them questioned by the police. Possibly as a suspect. Regardless of their claim. 1320121560 +Why did you get downvotes for this? Surely, no one thinks this is false. If there's someone who doesn't believe this is true, I need to talk to them and find out what they think is going on. 1285121083 +I didn't know stupid was hereditary. 1336666691 +All that drama scince elevatergate is so fucking ridicoulus. A while ago i unsubbed from quite a few youtube channels I was subscribled to a long time, something I never did before. Why? The occasional drama vid would be one thing, but there are so many of them I've just grown tired of seeing those faces and hearing those voices. The "old gang" has become very protective of their little clique, and instead of discussing their differences in private, they publicize all their actions in real time on all their channels and blogs. They all do stupid shit, but all sides only see the errors of others and then go on some 5 minute rant about how "we" are all rational and "they" are behaving like creationists. 1345813143 +>Again, I never once asserted that he was anti-vaccination.\n\nSo, again, what was the point in saying "Celebrities and Ron Paul" in regards to "evidence against vaccinations"? What else could that have possibly meant other than you asserting Ron Paul is anti-vaccination? That's what the comic portrayed, and that's what you comment portrayed. Like I said before, if I am incorrect in this judgement of your comment, please, let me know.\n\n>He is, however, asserting a public policy that diminishes the effectiveness of vaccination and puts children in danger, **and he is doing so because he doesn't understand how vaccinations work.**\n\nYou keep asserting this, but all you've shown in your articles is that *he is following the libertarian position* on the matter. For his political position he probably values the personal liberty of being able to choose to vaccinate or non-vaccinate over government mandated vaccination.\n\n>So you found the links I provided but you didn't read them. This is a waste of my time.\n\nOf course I read them. If you believe there's something in there that supports your position, then by all means quote it here. But thus far you've shown nothing beyond what we all know and agree upon. 1326665338 +>And realistically, saying "I didn't know a severely sick kid needed a doctor" is like saying "I didn't know I wasn't allowed to plow my car into old ladies." "I didn't know" is never an adequate defence.\n\nNot if you truly believe God will heal 1320367035 +Yeah I see. Makes much more sense now. Lol 1355609978 +I agree entirely. Jack Ruby's connection to the mafia is tenuous at best. Any one who knew him said that he shot Oswald because he thought he would be considered a hero. It had nothing to do with the mob. 1343511918 +i think CERN (steins;gate reference)\nthey want my time machine to take over the world! 1326513993 +I bet when you close your eyes, the world doesn't exist. 1346771646 +yeah, i normally don't make much mention of it. i gauge the opinions of others around me before i come out with this info. i'm well aware that this is tin-foil-hat-wearing-lunatic territory so i know better than to just start blaring on about all the UFOs I've seen :) 1318206401 +Okay. So we find interesting signals that could be artificially produced. How do we go about finding if they actually are, and then what? Its not like we would be able to contact them any time in the near future. 1325849935 +" This individual may have influenced " - this is why you need control group (some people of approximately same body fat and general health) and rigorous experimental set up. \n\nThere was no miraculous increase in respiration (and thus heat output) as well, two times what you have at rest is not that much. I'm not sure what is even being claimed here, TBH. The claims do not appear particularly extraordinary to me, and this 'influences the autonomous neurous system thing' is significantly nonsense as this system will try to keep you alive in any case. People can learn to consciously control a lot of stuff we don't normally consciously control, and there's not that much point in this because 2x metabolic rate is readily obtained in more natural ways like shivering, or if you want, flexing statically. And none of that has anything to do with saying mantras to yourself. 1349115221 +I'm a little late here, 5 days late, but I personally do not believe in the notion of being able to ask a haunting to leave or return. If you want to see things like that again, I would go looking for them. Investigate reportedly paranormal places. 1334155485 +Circles made of bullshit.. in crop fields.. daym scary. 1351007147 +kinky. 1317332761 +Know what happens after the abortion? The doctor reassembles the body parts in a pan to make sure he got it all out. I've seen video. NSFL.\n 1328683590 +*grabs popcorn* 1296515202 +ANYTHING is a homeopathic treatment. That's the beauty of it. No bothering with researching and rigorously testing for side-effects -- you can just whip up some well-known compound in a bowl, dilute it until it's just water, and sell it as "homeopathic."\n\nThe genius of homeopathy is that you'll get harmful effects from overdosing on just about anything -- usually something in the stomach, heart, lungs or any combination thereof. Therefore, the "theory" has evolved so that there is a wide gamut of preparations and concoctions to cure just those ailments, so if one doesn't work, you go on to the next -- paying through the nose every time, of course. 1290373356 +I agree with you on nearly every point. Yes it will be virtually impossible to definitively convince her she's not looking at an alien. Yes one runs the risk of looking like a pessimist or a needlessly argumentative jerk. But while I may personally not feel like it's worth my time to try and debunk this (to say nothing of it being outside my expertise), who am I to tell someone else not to? We can all "triage" as we see fit. But thanks for explaining your point further. 1335486162 +She's a religious nut in a nursing home. I mean, I can ask her questions you want to know, but she had only mentioned it because I brought up cryogenic freezing once. \n\nIt's really weirding me out that four or so years later, I see this and realize that there was a depth far greater to Walt Disney than I was aware of. 1318890562 +Yeah, it wasn't a rental by any means. It was a retail version of the movie. 1354472429 +To be fair, a lot of universities - Harvard included - have some seriously weird courses, albeit hardly as unscientific and superfluous as this one. 1277387183 +Yeah, the treatment your aunt received was certainly conventional, science-based medicine. There's nothing alternative about the correct diet and iron supplements, even though alternative practitioners would like to claim so. Diet actually works, after all ;) The difference is that some alternative practitioners overstate the effect of diet to the point where special diets become a "cure" for cancer (and all cancer is caused by the wrong diet), but that's not what r/altmed is about. r/altmed takes science-based, diet-related mainstream medicine and calls it "alternative" in an attempt to make the rest of alternative medicine look more legitimate. It's a strategy that's been used a lot by a lot of alties before - often in the same breath as accusing mainstream medicine for only using pharmaceuticals to treat disease, which is demonstrably wrong, as your aunt's example shows (diet changes, exercise, physical therapy, etc. are all part of mainstream medicine). 1319487037 +Is it wrong that during several parts of that video, while the oh so spooky music was playing, my only thought was: good...that's where we're headed and where we need to head.\n\n-1 government world... is this a bad thing?\n-consolidated ID system...definitely \n-micro chip...sounds pretty convenient\n 1299821309 +Magic?\n\nSeriously, why would you come here to ask that question?\n\nGo here. http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/reference/?p=38 1340808133 +Conspiracy theories are such an easy out for people to take. It's much easier to blame shadow governments and immensely powerful organizations for the problems in the world or in your life. It makes you feel like it's not your fault that things are the way they are, that the deck is stacked against you and you never had a chance. \n\nI don't think it's possible to say one thing and convince a conspiracy theorist that they're on the wrong track. The dangerous thing about the conspiracy meme is that lack of evidence or evidence to the contrary is usually interpreted to mean that the conspiracy is even more powerful than previously thought. Anyone who doesn't believe it is either naive or, even worse, in on it. \n\nI think you just need to attack it using Occam's razor and just keep driving home the point that if it's is true why would the secret organizations allow sites like Prison Planet to continue to operate? 1310678215 +When you think about getting attacked are you afraid it'll be a man or a woman? 1351124163 +Wow, number 1 most of this is BS conspiritard rubbish. Number 2, I'm not going to debate the merits of a a youtube video, rubbish. The iO9 article is about nazis hiding evidence of atrocities, not archeologists hiding evidence that conflicts with evidence their dogma. When they discovered it, they had to change their data, nowhere does it say that they purposely ignored or suppressed new information. Finally, that hheartbeat BS uses biblical nonsense about giants. That's your evidence? You need to come to jesus my friend (metaphorically), you need to see the light. 1354651786 +And did you not listen to me when I explained why eyewitness testimony is useless? Please lets not retrace our steps here. If you are not going to raise any new points or attack mine, then I think you should just admit defeat. 1352573820 +Cause and effect isn't that simple. But you can isolate the effect of alcohol by seeing whether events with or without alcohol served lead to more or fewer riots, or comparing the percentage of arrested rioters who are drunk to the percentage of event attendees who are drunk. 1332955844 +Yuuuup, that's the creationist movement for ya. 1343550280 ++1 on Rationally Speaking, SGU\n\nAlso, [Reasonable Doubts](http://freethoughtblogs.com/reasonabledoubts) (counter-apologetics) is very good if you don't mind religion being a target of skepticism. \n\nAnd at the risk of being a self-promoting whore, a friend and I have a [podcast feed](http://beastcast.libsyn.com/) where we do interviews for our website. It's not entirely skeptic-focused, but we've had some good skeptic interviews with people like Ophelia Benson, PZ Myers, Sanal Edamaruku, Gregory Paul, Seth Shostak, and a few others. 1326025307 +Liberal and yet defending anarchism and libertarianism. How odd. Liberal yet trying to argue that Somalia is now all better thankfully because of no more guvvvaaament. Yeah, because I'm sure it was the simple fact that government is the reason countries are not thriving utopias. 1313608283 +Well, there is significantly more genetic diversity in the "black" Africans than the rest of the races combined. 1298543769 +I am a skeptic of religion and superstition but consider myself an agnostic 1296197777 +Absolutely :) I'm at work at the moment, but I'll take some pictures hopefully either tonight or over the weekend. 1318556159 +Ouija boards are too susceptible to suggestion. I say you should set up a recorder and ask questions. Have someone take pictures, too. 1342339082 +Parts of everything are bunk. I make decisions based upon several principles that include: textbook/school education (with a big block of NaCl), clinical guidelines, studies, personal experience, and risk/benefit analysis.\n\nFor example: before going off to school I worked in an office when an older lady (existing patient) came into the office using her cane heavily (she rarely did more than carry it in her left hand, this time it was in her right hand and she was *LEANING* on it). She spoke with a slur had drooping of her eye and mouth. I stopped her immediately, had her sit down, and ran to get the chiro in the office, I knew something wasn't right but hey I just had a Biology degree. He came and called an ambulance who took her to the ER, while keeping her calm. She was in the midst of a stroke and manipulation would likely have killed her and provided no benefit to her neck pain. That is as black/white as it can be but it illustrates the point of risk vs benefit analysis.\n\nI always look through my 'skeptical goggles' when reading research papers, be it my field or just something a friend sends me. I always ask myself: who is writing this, why are they writing this, who verified the results, who reviewed it, where is it being published, why is it being published, and what is the clinical impact. \n\nI recently read & discussed a study about standardizing the material used in transferring gut flora for help with IBD. It made perfect sense that we should have a standardized colony grown in labs with the proper ratio of bacterium and proper dosage amounts rather than using a family member's flora as the transplant source. You not only have better results but it is standardized, something that we should have in all fields. 1342795059 +Well it's a joke, mainly because its fake for other obvious reasons. This thread does however still let us talk about the subject in a skeptical manner. 1352853477 +I agree completely. I'm not saying there is a causative factor, or even a solid correlation at this point. Just pointing out that the notion that aluminum couldn't pass the blood-brain barrier is clearly false. 1301460048 +I believe that paranormal is something that can or may not always be explained through science. The faithless... and I am not talking about religion here... make me sad. You probably can't see things in a way that I do. I believe in a lot of things. Souls (again, not in a religious way), reincarnation, forces of good and evil, dead relatives/angels looking out for you. \n\nI am not going to tell you why I believe in all of those things to prove myself to a stranger on the internet. Just know that I have personal reasons for believing in those things. 1344429799 +Yeessss [evolution](http://i.imgur.com/Ybicf.jpg) 1333098888 +Which jurisdiction, may I ask? 1342019281 +When it comes to climate denial, I've noticed that a lot of otherwise smart people end up denying it because they're opposed to the kind of trash coming out from Hollywood and from nutjob environmentalists.\n\nUnfortunately the message from scientists gets drowned in a torrent of bullshit which just confuses people who don't have the time, desire or critical thinking skills to find out what's really going on. 1273925480 +Man, I love those things. They're like rock-tumblers on steroids. 1343839127 +This is what everyone is saying, and I can't help but agree with them. Releasing the 6 (?!) other videos in original format would certainly do a lot to assuage the skeptics. But since this happened in 2010 and they just made it public, I have to wonder why they aren't releasing the rest of the video. 1331942642 +There is a blog written by doctors that covers this kind of material everyday ( http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org ). It has a lot of material about the pharmaceutical industry, how good studies are conducted, and various forms of alternative medicine. Here is a couple of their articles I favorited a while back \n\nhttp://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/index.php/placebos-as-medicine-the-ethics-of-homeopathy/\n\nhttp://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/index.php/comparitive-drug-research/ 1330555170 +touche 1320498380 +My bad 1329152273 +That is the normal short explanation the issue at hand here (and what normally happens) is what is described by the following quote:\n\n>Dissonance is aroused when people are confronted with information that is inconsistent with their beliefs. If the dissonance is not reduced by changing one's belief, the dissonance can result in misperception or rejection or refutation of the information, seeking support from others who share the beliefs, and attempting to persuade others to restore consonance. 1301253256 +Not paranormal, but definitely cool. 1354180766 +I regret that I have but one upvote to give. You're braver than I. I'd have been scared that the customer would start spouting, "I HAD A WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE WITH HOMEOPATHY HAVE **YOU** EVER USED IT" and I would get reported to my boss. Alternative medicine is way too popular where I live. :( 1313332126 +Hence the "or" in my sentence. 1311720386 +He made the camera himself? And then he saw a purple light on it? 1287363973 +As some have said, it could simply be a sleep paralysis hallucination.\n\nIt's up to you to decide whether you believe that the things you see while dreaming/under sleep paralysis/lucid dreaming, etc. are a type of external reality, or simply elaborate mind movies that occur internally only. \n\nFor the sake of fun, let's consider that you have had an encounter with some kind of entity that exists outside of your imagination. From your description, this being didn't seem to have the negativity associated with other supposed succubi encounters I've heard of. She didn't seem as aggressive, for one. Or as evil. You describe her as cute and not all that pushy. That might make her something not quite so bad. I actually have heard of a little test that might show her true colors. Up for a little experiment? Then do this: set up a mirror above your bed, or in whatever direction you look while sleeping in your normal sleep position. Try to contact or summon this entity again, if you think you can. Look at 'her' in the mirror. If she is a succubus, you should see... something. I won't tell you what, since then you might actually conjure it up mentally and spoil the experiment. But if you view a succubus in a mirror, you'll know it.\n\n 1326515249 +>2 + 2 = 4 is a declarative abstract statement. \n\nThen there would be no point to using that as any kind of proof of truth. It would just be "It's true because we say it is". So either the OP was wasting space, or could have been trying to make a point\n\nAs I said other people have with me here. I'm sorry you can't accept my experience with them, and assume I was being pretentious. Whatever.\n\n>I've never seen anyone who goes on the tack that simple math is not absolute who isn't also a pretentious, pseudo-intellectual asshole. Not one.\n\nSounds like a confirmation bias to me... you see it in me because you've decided that's what I was and there will never be any way I can counter that. Even though I wasn't.\n\nI was giving the guy several benefits of the doubt created by his own statement, combined with the bullshit arguments I've had to endure here... I wanted to avoid a long drawn out mess like this by calling it out up front. It seems it can't be avoided either way... either you don't call it out up front and waste time with unstated assumptions, or you call it out up front and get framed as pretentious.\n\n>I was applying your standard for "technically possible" to your scenario.\n\nNo you weren't. By not accepting what I meant by normal, even though I tried to explain it clearly... even though I later clarified, and you continue to reject it and not address the point with that understanding in hand, you are not addressing my scenario. You are addressing one of your own creation, and avoiding the original point.\n\n> That it is possible to drum up fantastic scenarios for any given situation that can still fit the level of detail supplied\n\nI disagreed explicitly with that point several times. Sure, you can argue with the language, but if you try to understand the what the person means, and see that he has tried to address all potential fantastic things... you should treat it is if he has. \n\nI gave you the reason I trotted out my fantastic examples, it was because the OP didn't indicate whether he was considering that kind of thing or not. If he'd just said "normal", I would have one more clarifying question to confirm that... and we'd be talking about actual issues, not this bullshit.\n\n> but you don't argue in good faith.\n\nEvery step of the way. You've just decided up front that I'm not, so nothing I can say will satisfy you that I am.\n\n> You tried to cite examples of things that can be proved with 100% certainty that, when using the same logic you applied to simple math, can be shown to not actually be 100%.\n\nYou don't see any difference between actual physical reality that we don't know everything about, and a system of mathematics we ourselves created?\n\nThen we have nothing to discuss. Concepts and reality are the same to you and we're just not operating in the same universe.\n\n>And really, all you had to say was that it was 100% certain that there could be no such thing as a square circle or married bachelor. Those are straight up contradictions that anyone who tries to argue against is just demonstrably contrary.\n\nI didn't think of those actually, those would have been simpler examples. However, the God example matched that in my mind.\n\nAlso I stated several times the underlying commonality of those. If you don't control the whole system, you can't specify things enough to completely disprove anything.\n\n 1320775234 +OK, the poll is up and running ... you can vote here ...\nhttp://www.skeptical-science.com/critical-thinking/poll-skeptical-podcasts/ 1308760761 +Totally emotional. The response is "Thank you for defending my right. Let me show you my appreciation by exercising it." 1318592817 +I second this. This website will tell you what % of donations go to project costs, how much to marketing, and how much to administration. \n\nI am very fond of [World Vision](http://www.worldvision.org/) as far as charities go. 1355104660 +I agree. In fact, I use this subreddit from time to time for a skeptical perspective, not because I am a skeptic. I'm not trained in science and logic enough to consider myself a skeptic, though I am working toward such a virtue. In the meantime I would appreciate some substance from an obviously learned and wise skeptic, such as yourself, rather than a fucking retarded statement that doesn't help anyone. Please offer a substantive response or go fuck yourself, jerk. 1294897452 +oh and formal drug trials... 1259613281 +And he bites! Scoreeeeeeee! 1345071337 +It's a fake. The image of the creature was used before in a more obvious fake\n\nhttp://i835.photobucket.com/albums/zz280/sadiepoolovee/Swamp_Monster.jpg 1291966476 +You can't educate everyone about everything. I cannot tell you how many of my friends – all of whom have at least a college education and are by no means stupid – have bought things like homeopathic or traditional Chinese/herbal remedies thinking that they were actually medicine, because they were in the section with all the real medicine at the grocery store and hey it says on the label that it's totally natural and safe! \n\nI'm not saying that this toothpaste stuff should be illegal, because I don't know exactly what kind of consequences would come from using it – but I also don't think companies should be allowed to put whatever they want on the ingredients label, even if it's obviously bullshit ("high vibrational frequencies"? Really?) Now, I did see in another thread that this company also sell something that supposedly treats brown recluse spider bites – and imho, that kind of shit should be illegal, because if someone used that thinking it was actually going to work they could easily end up dead. 1297197658 +To turn it around, why would I expect a system to not work well, because when I think of private regulators I think of AAA etc. \n\nThere's a lot of variables, and obviously a perfect system is impossible or close to impossible to achieve in any short span of time, which is why if a Libertarian got into office he wouldn't be immediately shutting everything down. We have much bigger problems right now like pulling out of a war we can't win and fixing our economy. 1306292851 +> The Buddha (or, as I like to call him, that fat Indian kid)\n\nI agree, but I'm going to be nit-picky: 'The Buddha', aka Siddartha was a skinny post-ascetic. The Fat Kid is *a* Buddha of Chinese origin, but not 'The Buddha' of Indian origin.\n\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budai 1311352287 +no way. 1288914658 +haha ok thats freaky. 1296329216 +After having a look at a few of the papers they cite quite a few look like observational studies or small sample sizes. The one with the Aspen Seedlings is a case in point.... 'Because only one treatment enclosure was established for each treatment, differences among groups could not be analyzed statistically.'\n\nThey also seem to be mostly in-vitro and animal studies and that makes difficult to translate how the effects might manifest in humans if at all.\n\nI found a fairly recent review paper (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18359015) and after using meta-analysis etc to look at as many studies as they could find on the subject they came to the conclusion that:\n\n'This review showed that the large majority of individuals who claims to be able to detect low level RF-EMF are not able to do so under double-blind conditions..... The available observational studies do not allow differentiating between biophysical from EMF and nocebo effects.' \n\nThe nocebo effects are particularly interesting in that it seems that when people live near a cell tower they blame any adverse symptoms they have on that..i.e. if they have a headache it's because of 'that damn cell tower' and not because they had a stressful day.\n\nThat kind of ties in to the link you gave as well, as they seem to be blaming everything from headaches to the forests and bees dying out on microwave radiation! 1289236581 +As someone who lives right on the shore I assure you that this is algae. 1312782290 +> Skepticism isn't about giving the benefit of the doubt to every wild eyed scheme[.]\n\nWho said anything about giving anyone the benefit of the doubt? I can't prove there are no Purple Plutonian Unicorns, but that doesn't mean I have to give one second of serious attention to anyone who says there are, or account for them in any way in any of my reasoning or activity.\n\nI'm just saying "Don't say you know something for a fact until you can demonstrate it." If self-described skeptics don't follow this rule, who will? 1305648610 +This article was, in a word, crap-tastic. 1312311310 +or throw it in the trash 1348270688 +Meh, I don't really care. As long as he knows he's an asshole. Which [he admitted to](http://www.reddit.com/r/skeptic/comments/px7xf/my_daily_routine/c3t03gg?context=3)\n\nDeluding yourself into thinking you're not an asshole isn't much better than deluding yourself and/or others that you're psychic. 1329720735 +Woah why wasn't I invited to the mod circle jerk?\n\nDicks.\n\nps- I miss the little matrix reddit alien we had, any chance we could see that return, perhaps to the left of the "GITM" :D 1327005982 +Is it not a group of quadcopters? Like the post from a week ago predicted? 1348291501 +one molecule through the bladder of Oliver Cromwell? Does that mean water cures being an irredeemable bastard? 1355522177 +Oh I'm sorry, I missed the video. I should slow down and pay attention sometimes. hehehe 1343566730 +Thanks! (After reading up on confidence intervals and p-values it looks a lo clearer now.) Strange that they're claiming significance, what are they mistaking? 1302778757 +Don't worry about easyhistory, he just likes to post the same bunch of links over and over.\n\nhttp://www.reddit.com/r/obama/comments/939bq/a_leaked_gop_memo_says_they_will_engage_in_every/c0baucr\n\nhttp://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/936i3/whats_wrong_with_the_media_the_imply_obamas/c0baee6\n\nhttp://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/9310q/you_know_that_canadian_woman_who_would_have_died/c0b9p6h\n\nhttp://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/92w55/obama_slams_gop_for_opposing_health_care_reform/c0b9cho\n\nhttp://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/930yp/obama_calls_on_the_bloggers_to_keep_the_pressure/c0b9chi\n\nhttp://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/92yh1/jack_asks_if_its_right_to_soak_the_rich_to_pay/c0b9ch4\n\nhttp://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/92x79/rumors_of_the_demise_of_obamas_health_care_reform/c0b9ce1\n\nand that's just the past couple days.\n\nHe also doesn't think it's spam:\n\n>It's not spam. It's responding to different people. If you don't like it that's up to you, but it's not spam if the response is on topic to what is commented.\n\nhttp://www.reddit.com/r/skeptic/comments/92y94/thanks_skeptic_for_pulling_me_away_from_alex/c0bcql9 1248415081 +>A "doctor."\n\nA licensed MD who practised for decades. \n\nYes, he's got some archaic and outdated views on some things. \n\nAnd while I think his view on mandatory vaccines is ignorant, I don't think that gives you any right to mock him being a doctor.\n\n(And as a Canadian who doesn't support Ron Paul, you'll get an idea of the kind of objectivity I'm trying to bring here)\n\nEdit: Anyone actually going to explain their downvote? 1326632617 +I don't accept the report as evidence. The fact that you assumed so and your language here shows you really are a conspiracy theorist. You are part of a very sad and psychologically confused sub-culture. But enough about you. \n\n9/11. People make mistakes in their reports it happens all the time. But until you have evidence that 9/11 had some ulterior motive other than anger at America for trampling on their holy lands then you have no right to say anything and be heeded. The burden of proof is on you. You have clearly misinterpreted the youtube videos and it's pretty sad. A simple read through of [this](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11_conspiracy_theories) and checking the references within (of which are numerous and credible) should make you skeptic of your own "skepticism." I'd love to believe the government is full of evil secret shit and I'd love to do something about it but I see no proof and no good reason to. Do you seriously think Bush was smart enough to help orchestrate something like that? I used to live in Texas when he was governor, dude's an idiot. Do you seriously think the war in Iraq actually made any economic sense? We spent billions upon billions and we still are in the middle east. If the government was smart enough to orchestrate an attack like this in America you'd think they could plan a decent war. 1334507612 +That sounds amazing, I attempted to join a group here in Anchorage, but they wanted me to pay a $250 "joining fee", wanted to drug test me(not that I would have any problem passing) and wanted me to have two seperate background checks done. I thought it was a little ridiculious, and when I asked them when they last went on a case, they said it had been over a year and a half since their last investigation. To be honest, it kind of turned me off for a while. 1321300933 +Did anyone doubt that acai berries were a marketing scam? Not saying they aren't healthy, but they aren't any better than any other fruit. 1326762121 +I have had a sleep paralysis hallucination where a black cloud with a lot of electricity pulsing through it hovered above my head on the ceiling. There was also another humanoid entity in the room at the foot of my bed who 'made me aware' of the cloud. \n\nFor years, before I learnt about sleep paralysis, I was convinced I had been cursed by some demonic force and the cloud was the 'subconcious' manifestation of the curse. I'm glad there is a logical explanation for the experience because it was extremely disturbing at the time. 1314589639 +That's some deep logic you have there. 1351109405 +could be those crazy parachuting flare guys again. 1296779195 +I would love to see something like this also. I tried to do a bit of research on the place myself regarding the claims and couldn't find anything. 1342954314 +[There is even a song about it.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eBT6OSr1TI) 1332202211 +My patrol guys just came back to check on me, and to get my money for a subway five dollar footlong, so I figured since the quiet was disrupted I'd go upstairs and stop and restart the audio. \n\nI announced my return, and that I was starting up the recording again. \n\nI'll review it. I'll have two two-hour recordings of the dark, empty office up there. Back in the dark. 1348221502 +I was mostly joking 1327444596 +I get this a lot. And I wish the same thing. :/ Especially my grandmother who passed away suddenly. I have so many questions for some family who passed before I was born. But I dont see them. And I can only assume its because they are in a "better" place and happy :) 1333817109 +He didn't drop soda entirely, he just switched to diet. Also, there's no stated evidence that he was drinking ten a day. Plus, he most likely drank cans of coke, which were 150 calories as opposed to 100. 1312570853 +Honestly most of the talk on that place seems to originate from some evidence that there are now quasars that have a redshift which might not be an indication of the distance to them or of their real speed - and that for such cases there is an alternative (unproven?) theories that claim to explain things apparently better by also adding some amount of Compton effect or some other effects - however jumping from that to claiming that all redshift in the universe is only from Compton effect and that there is a 'conspiracy' to hide that is just the usual stupid talk that we see from conspiratards ...\n\nEDIT: very likely the standard Compton effect can not explain that ... 1328380305 +Stay away from the new scooby doo. the "ghosts" are now real. 1274280973 +This guy is a fucktard... he has tricked many people here with his bullshit, and caused lots of fear amongst gullible Kiwis (the people not the birds.. I don't think they would fall for his bollocks). 1314689438 +These occupy groups seem like they consist of loons and crackpots. 1337262782 +Good point, although you'll notice that the pattern is not exactly the same. Well, I say that but I am also aware that the pic did not quite turn out as intended.\n\nI appreciate the bit about scale. I didn't think about it at the time because I didn't expect to find anything at all and I typically associate that kind of thing with Bigfoot prints. Next time, I'm taking a ruler along for good measure.\n\nSorry about the pun.\n\nR 1344637276 +I've suffered from sleep paralysis since I was a child. It causes a sense of panic, hallucinations, and an inability to move. It is frequently preceded by lucid dreaming episodes. So yes, I'd say this poster was dead-on.\n\nA fundamental tenet of paranormal investigation is to do everything you can to account for rational explanations, and only when you cannot provide one to entertain a possibility of the paranormal. Which is something you should be familiar with, given your tag is Sherlock Holmes, who famously said (In The Sign of Four), "when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"\n\nOr, to reverse that, if you can't eliminate Lucid Dreaming and Sleep Paralysis as possibilities, you can't jump to the paranormal. 1342118341 +I'm a round eye so I'd be insulting myself haha. I said "do you believe me? Those floating things are not aliens" 1349139811 +I'm ridiculing you, and only you. You're taking the internet too seriously. Take a step back and look at who is the overreacting retard (hint: it's you.) 1285044299 +If you want a cirlcejerk, /r/atheism is good for that. The longer skeptics exist in a closed system the more out of touch and incapable of interacting with others we become. This guy is right. He is an outsider coming into the movement so he can give perspective that a lot of us lack. 1335971788 +Let me answer you by way of a little story of my second class session in archeology; The professor is a well known (in his field) Mayan archeologist, he manages his own long term dig of a major temple and has done a lot of foundational work in interpreting Mayan hieroglyphics. He spent a good 20 minutes of the class session explaining why the whole 'world ending in 2012 according to the Mayan calendar' was bullshit (his exact words) and then went on to ancient aliens and other assorted nonsense. Basically telling us that not everything on the discovery/science/history channel was worth talking about, and that if we brought up any of that stuff in class we would be mocked. He finished by telling us we were adults and should act like adults when approaching knowledge. 1312741103 +Torrent anyone? 1349879249 +Is it that hard to believe that there are religious teens that don't want to be gay? I totally agree that it is fucked up to send someone away for religious reasons against their will. 1349801651 +He's right, on the surface, looks aren't everything. But to the casual on-the-fence visitor, the site looks like a crazy person built it. Somebody help that guy out! :) 1299423535 +No need to air out your dirty laundry here bro. Thanks for your input though. 1355184720 +Hmm. I consider it a life skill. 1330744897 +In his defense, you'd hit a bitch too, if she were to make fun of your idiotic beliefs. 1329786383 +So fake it hurts 1349136465 +Being walked to death to the concession of a series of blatant lies to live until the rest of your people are expected to die in poverty is sure to hit anyone hard. 1345176216 +Get a bunch of newspaper or website horoscopes from the same day and compare. 1309553023 +That's not entirely true about one copy of the sickle cell gene. Look up Ryan Clark of the Pittsburg Steelers when they played in Denver a few years back. A lack of oxygen will convert some RBCs to sickle shaped even in people with only one allele. He had to have emergency surgery to remove his spleen. 1341320822 +Right there with you. I tried to just watch the movie as a movie but man did it feel really anti-science and anti-skepticism. Scientists yet again portrayed as people poking their noses where they don't belong. \n\nAlthough I think it can just as likely read as poor writing that resorts to tired rote character decisions that has determined the course of horror/thriller films for decades. \n\nTo be honest Cabin in the Woods made me think even less of Prometheus. I started to think that the something that drove the characters in that were happening to these characters. It made me LOL.\n\nMy most reviled line in the movie is when the "biologist" says "Oh, we're going to overturn 200 years of Darwinism.", I mean we would never hear in a movie that same sentance replaced with Newtonianism, or Einsteinism. Maybe Newtonian Physics or Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity. It's just the way that the line is delivered it sounds so perjorative, and as if Darwin is the one being adhered too an not evolutionary theory which has expanded and changed to include new evidence that wasn't available to Darwin at the time.\n\nI know I should just throw my hands up and say its just a movie, but then the film also pushes the ancient aliens theory, even to the point where it implies that the "Engineers" were involved somehow with Jesus. Seeing as it was approximately 2000 years ago when the engineers decided they were going to exterminate Humans for some "crime" which resulted in a disagreement among the Engineers.\n\nSorry about the rant, I just needed to get it out as I was super excited for this film, and on so many levels did it disappoint. However, it looked great and the performance from Michael Fassbinder was superb in fact I was happy when he started passively dispatching the crew. 1340812819 +I recall a totally legit study where dogs were trained on the smell of bladder cancer. Not only did they identify it in urine, one also diagnosed a case of kidney cancer the researchers were unaware of. 1296618657 +I think skepticism is a skill that anyone can learn. I think even something simple like the scientific method, or a flow chart with a few simple steps on it could help anyone to think more critically.\n\nFor example when presented with new information:\n\n1.) Is there any physical proof?\n\n2.) Are there experts in the field who can vouch for this?\n\n3.) Who benefits from me believing this? Is someone making money from selling books, selling a product, etc. \n\nI think most people are skeptical, it just depends how far they apply that skepticism in their life. Deeply religious people will definitely carefully interrogate someone who showed up at their doorstep asking for 20$. What do you need the money for?, do you have proof you are my long lost brother?, etc. They might unthinkingly give the same money to a televangelist, without asking what the money will be spent on. 1324602905 +it just proves chi. and there is already lot's of stuff that does that. This is just a easy personal demo that anyone can do, with a little practice. 1319651740 +My cat is like that too, and she is really sweet and small. About 7 years old.\nSorry that she died :( 1340635659 +The big secret is they are both really bad for us but no ones really talking about it. 1344877647 +I don't mind when people spout nonsense. It lets you know they're idiots straight away.\n\nMuch like ghetto wheels on a car. 1349629338 +These cloud phenomena are certainly showing up at various locations but, I doubt that these are UFO wormholes or portals. I have heard speculation that this is a result of HAARP or other manipulation of the atmosphere. This particular 'halo' is interesting because of the funnel-like formation. 1266440889 +Personal anecdote:My parents got a chocolate lab puppy,Nestle, the year I was born. We basically grew up together until she passed away around age 14. She would always drink from the toilet in my moms bathroom.A year or so after Nestle was gone, my mom woke up to the sound of drinking in the bathroom. It went on long enough for mom to get irritated and yell. The noise stopped and a minute or two later she gained her wits and checked the bathroom. Unsurprisingly, nothing was there. There is no way to know for sure that my mom wasn't half asleep and imagining things but it resonated with me nonetheless. 1335638909 +I was libertarian for a while. Basically when I first met the idea of Ron Paul. That guy does deserve a lot of respect.\n\nBut travelling to a third world country where it really struck me just how much value a government adds to a society really started me moving away from the more pure libertarian ideals.\n\nI still fully support the personal liberty ideals of libertarianism, but I cannot support the ideals which involve expecting people to fight for themselves when they are down. Compassion really is the thing most lacking from the libertarian ideal (I know, it is meant to be filled in by the average person - I'm just not convinced that works out very well in the end). I want a government that will stop people from being stuck on the street, will stop people from being unable to afford healthcare, and will support the weakest in society at the expense of others - because that is who needs to support the weak!\n\nPrivate systems are just as bloated an inefficient as government ones - but only government systems are *meant* to be for the good of the people, while private systems are *meant* to be for personal profit. Whether governments always succeed at being for the benefit of the people or not doesn't stop the fact that they are at least designed to fulfill that role, while the other isn't even meant to do it.\n\n..I think we got a little off topic here. 1338273948 +disappointed in where? 1310156294 +The Hopkinsville event had multiple witnesses, and the creatures described were quite different, they were not the typical greys which this account seems to be influenced by. These creatures resemble the Hopkinsville entities in only one respect: small humanoids. Also Hopkinsville included a UFO sighting at the beginning.\n\nThis report is from one witness, the report of another witness is anecdotal. The report comes from someone who appears to know a bit about such accounts. The evidence is weak and sending people out there based on this would be expensive and might achieve what a possible hoaxer wants, attention or whatever other validation is motivating them, even just hoodwinking someone for shits and giggles. They really should come up with better evidence than this, given the story so far. \n\nI mean, if this was happening to you, you'd make a bit of an effort to get better evidence, wouldn't you? Admittedly you'd be freaked out, but if you got good evidence, that would be worth a lot, financially and in every other respect. The guy claims to be armed, he doesn't have to go down the "mine" and his family are out of harm's way, so what's the problem? The dodgy photos seem pretty weak given the account of these things coming right up to the house. \n\nNot worth the effort with what has been presented. 1340273456 + What do you mean? I read the OP and commended on it. \n\nYour comment is typical for a believer, you want to shift the burden from the person making the claim to the person questioning the claim. It is the author of the article to provide the evidence and to prove the claims. If the author doesn't understand what constitutes evidence then they are not in an enviable position.\n\nMaybe you should familiarize yourself, with the fallacy of shifting the burden. 1306867999 +This post has been removed. This content is not appropriate for this subreddit, please to not post it or anything like it again. 1356011165 +But... conspiracies and stuff! There's no time for critical thinking. 1336774324 +I am still amazed that the US still has their voting dates during the week instead of the weekends and some of the huge lines that form outside voting zones.\n\nAussie here, all our elections are held on weekends and the wait to cast your vote is rarely longer than 5 minutes. 1352281808 +can you post a link to this ? i'd be interested in seeing it. or the title of the episode. Has there been a "bullshit" on it too? 1353265494 +"It's immoral to let a sucker keep his money" -Canada Bill Jones 1306461749 +No, I'm saying that "I didn't suffer trauma from abuse, ergo religion is categorically worse than child abuse" is a pretty fucking atrocious argument. Again, he allows his personal experience to override any other argument and uses only his personal experience to advance his overall agenda, ignoring or downplaying other experiences in the process. All of which is horribly unscientific.\n\nHe could've said "child abuse is bad. But teaching Christianity is also bad, and even worse!" and duked it out on the terms that actually exist. Instead he attempted to redefine child abuse to not-so-bad-as-all-that and preconditions his argument on that being accepted. Shitty argument. 1351098672 +Wait a minute, I thought Geocities was shut down? 1303251522 +Lost interest at #2. 1318633452 +Derren Brown introduced neurolinguistic programming to me.\n\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derren_Brown\n\n[subliminal advertising](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyQjr1YL0zg) 1269284042 +Im in Fairfax! You post has freaked me out!!! 1348795864 +TIL.\n\nAlso, he apologized (Jon Stewart) for the usage of the history channel quote on Monday. 1323817105 +You're correct. This is a common magic trick that commonly went wrong so it doesn't happen too much anymore. If you check on youtube, you can find dozens of horrific, home-recorded videos of this trick going wrong. 1295725828 +Assume there is an amount of food to be able to provide for a population of Y. Let's say the population of some place is Z. As long as Y=Z, there is enough food (When Y>Z, there is a surplus of food). The moment Y<Z there's going to be less food for everyone. Eventually its going to get to the point where there just isn't going to be enough food, because the rate at which food is procured is slower than the rate of population growth. So people starve to death, which brings Z closer to Y again. More people dead, less mouths to feed. Once Y=Z again, the cycle repeats.\n\nAnd water distribution is usually given by aid groups to main cities, which is then distributed to towns, and then from there, people come from the villages to the towns to get water. They can't just "move" there, for the same reason that someone can live in one city, yet work in another. 1268159786 +I heard a similar story and what the guy did was he said out loud "OK, if there's anybody there, please make yourself known, because you're driving me crazy right now..." That guy is [David Icke](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HAN57I-lnE). 1341713487 +That sounds like one heck of an experience! 1343560879 +he said no rain, it snowed. I see no issue. 1313551465 +Ask them questions. Don't spout your beliefs. Make them do the thinking.\n\nAn easy way to do this is just to take your statements and frame them as questions in a non-judgmental way.\n\n**Example:**\n\nP1: I'm tired of everyone talking about gays getting married. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!\n\n*P2: What do you feel about the parts of the Bible that talk more about loving everyone regardless of them doing things you disagree with?*\n\nP1: That doesn't mean they should be able to get married.\n\n*P2: Who should be able to choose who gets married?*\n\nP1: God-fearing Americans. This is a Christian nation.\n\n*P2: Do Jewish people deserve to be able to get married?*\n\nP1: Yeah, I don't have a problem with them. It's just the gays.\n\n*P2: So maybe it's not so much about religion as it is about what you just feel isn't right?*\n\nP1: Yeah.\n\netc....\n\n------------\n\nObviously the conversation could go a million different ways, but if approached in this manner you are much more likely to have a productive conversation that gets to what's underneath the superficial beliefs. It doesn't pass judgement, yet still leads them to think about things in a more critical way. You may find that you just don't agree, but at least you can find out the real reason *why* you don't agree. If it had started argumentatively, the conversation would have just been an argument about what the Bible does and doesn't say, which we found wasn't even the real issue here.\n\n\n\n\n**Edit:**\n\n*Just a downvote without any comment after I spent time typing all of that?* 1341561383 +Were you guys driving a Delorean? 1340727311 +You've already given me a fair bit to read, and I'm just an uneducated (really, Creationist schooling and only went to university for a short period before leaving) layman. Though this stuff fascinates me.\n\n>However, if it is learnt, and people suddenly stopped speaking and decided to write everything down, a malleable mechanism like learning could adapt to this, whereas the innate mechanism is more "rigid" in that for it to change it requires an evolutionary shift (which obviously takes a few generations).\n\nOkay, do we have any decisive evidence on this issue? I thought that stuff like reading and writing was harder. But as you've pointed out it can be explained either way, because we don't spend nearly as much time reading and writing as we do talking. 1328529485 +Anyone else notice the faint Hebrew lettering below the "Ingredients"? It's the first verse of Genesis. 1297205023 +>All in all I think a local food bank or shelter might be a better choice than any of the big ones.\n\nDefinitely this. Donate your money/time/goods in your own community, where you can see it in action.\n 1355105164 +Why be defensive about being helpfully educated? You've got some serious insecurities there, *bro* . 1340407990 +That sucks, Art Bell was a really good interviewer, even though its hard for me to get over his politics. 1350608953 +Quite well, thanks. **NOBODY** watches reality TV against their will, it has no physiological side effects, and if people *really* wanted to watch quality television, the equivalent of Downton Abbey would be on every single fucking channel.\n\nYou think we *like* working on "Say Yes to the Dress" over *West Wing?* 1344192969 +I disagree - George has the mentality of a child but none of the wonder. Art approached most subjects with logic, topical knowledge, and genuine interest. Noory sucks so bad he even sang an Elvis song live on the air . . . Ugggg what a piece of work. Here's the clip (set to video by a fan): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9SVj7tQmFs 1354196065 +Why would someone make a fake of a video they saw? 1296829468 +That is what alarmist evangelicals like to say, but usually quickly followed by a complete lack of skepticism in anything to do with climate science... Despite how much stuff is based on remarkably poor data or based on computer models that never quite seem to be right about much without an awful lot of tweaking and tuning. That's doin' sketipticsm wrong, big fellah. 1309639388 +Instead of trying to combat climate change, I think it's better to deal with rising sea levels, droughts, animal extinctions, etc. 1313541535 +They're talking about manipulating the upper back and neck (also part of the spine). It can help mobility slightly and increase comfort. No, I don't go to a chiropractor, but I do so using either stuff raided from yoga or simply grabbing my head and popping/stretching my neck (I'm sure plenty of people stretch their neck in various ways when it's stiff) and I'm not sure what benefit one would have from having a third party do it beyond perhaps inability to do so oneself or the ability to add massage (hard to rub your own neck/shoulders as well as another person can).\n\nNot sure how risky it is, there are a lot of blood flow through there and manipulating it (in any way) could conceivably "jar lose" stuff or damage something (overextending the neck muscles isn't uncommon especially if they're tight, the spinal cord is there, etc). Can't imagine it's a massive risk, but perhaps they'll continue research and present actual studies. 1339167203 +Does it happen *every day?* 1305857014 +It's called the power of suggestion. You run into it a lot with all of that backward song lyrics stuff. 1313431172 +This is revolting.\nBut, I'm not buying that the bad reaction was because of the pills she took. It could just be coincidence. The placenta pills probably do nothing at all, other than freak people out. Either way, there isn't any science here. This sort of thing should be subjected to proper double blind studies, hopefully turn up nothing, and be put to rest.\nGross. 1332787118 +I'm not gonna lie, my adrenaline was rushing as soon as I turned. I guess I just got scared from not expecting it. Like I've seen videos online, but never anything with my own eyes like this. 1356677243 +>She's a naturopathic doctor and midwife\n\nWait a minute. She's *two* things that scientific evidence shows are inferior to actual medicine? I think you need to stfu. 1286837518 +Well, it would have been so much easier of them to make the crop design and just park their ship next to it, waiting for us to show up with beer and cookies. 1351860854 +Well this thread is great for revealing the butthurt Democrats in /r/skeptic. Thanks for that, at least, but now I feel less like a part of the community. 1306185953 +This is exactly right. It's not panic that disclosure will unleash, it is a matter of control over information, people, money, energy. The old guard is desperately trying to keep the lid on, because once disclosure is out of the bag, the whole old game is literally over. It may be a little bumpy, but it's going to be a beautiful ride. 1345181930 +So... no fuck is given to hemoglobine, urines, or any of the molecules of the organism wich serves as buffers. Because you know! We piss yellow liquid just because humans beings always liked that color... 1338132167 +[This Frontline documentary talks about it in depth](http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/real-csi/) 1336696684 +That was either a bad test, or more likely there were many introvert questions that you answered as an introvert. 1338742455 +Also, we have only been on this planet for a minute fraction of the galactic time scale. We have been capable of leaving Earth for an even smaller fraction. There is the possibility that we have just missed the other space fairing species by a couple of million years.\nOr we're being quarantined. 1340059777 +Combine harvesters.\n\nIf they're space ships, let's see them depart by flying away. Oh, wait, they can't, so they don't show that. \n\nIf you're filming amaaaaazing UFOs, you take footage of the most important aspect, don't you? The part where they fly away really fast or go through a wormhole or whatever it is they do. \n\nYou don't film them manoeuvring around then stop filming before they fly off. "Oh I've got enough footage of this earth-shattering unknown phenomenon now, so I'll shut off my camera and stop watching." Right.\n\nAlso they dubbed the audio in an obvious attempt to deceive. 1346585902 +They have hinted at it a bit, but never overtly, so I respect them for that. Not so sure about that religious episode where his mother comes to town though. 1324750127 +"Just the placebo effect" doesn't exist. To say that the mind is tricked into thinking that the pain is lessened (as an example) by a placebo pill does **not** explain by what mechanism the pain is lessened. I am not defending sugar pills here, but am simply pointing out that the "placebo effect" is also a mystery that we are just beginning to investigate and understand. \n\nEric Mead gave a very interesting talk on this subject at TED. You can view it at http://www.ted.com/talks/eric_mead_the_magic_of_the_placebo.html 1346873153 +The bible says that the earth was given for humans, which means that we shouldn't be able to change it in a way that makes it uninhabitable for us.\n\nOf course, this only works for people who value a single book of myths over mountains of verifiable evidence. 1331667350 +What's not skeptical about it? I've only had a chance to read a few of the myths they argue against and they seem reasonable to me. Isn't debunking myths with science sort of a key function of skepticism?\n\nEdit: Nevermind. I read your submission and comment history. Sorry for inadvertently feeding the troll. 1314298035 +If a craft is high enough, then the engine noise can be effectively drowned out.\n\nIt very easily could have been a night time training run for aircraft like you describe.\n\nrefueling at night is probably a necessary skill, and one that would have to be trained for. 1321572664 +Agreed, and it was never an issue with my son and his father, either. By the time they're old enough to notice a difference, they're old enough to understand why there's a difference. 1330711833 +Yup that about covers vitamins. 1309992849 +[It can be slightly acidic](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purified_water). 1339604152 +As is "it's"... 1347471582 +Has any member of your family been into the occult(Freemason, Rosicrucian,Mormon,Jehovah) or even a "dabbler", or a family member that thinks a dead "relative" from the past spoke to them? have you done anything at a very young age that would have been considered occult? 1342854524 +Heh, it's definitely a cool bit of reporting. I checked the SkepDic and found something similar just now, a "magnetic fuel stabiliser".\n\nhttp://www.skepdic.com\n\nInset Fuel Stabilizer\nhttp://www.skepdic.com/inset.html\n\nYou'll like it. This is the Google Custom Search (for their site) that brought it up.\n\nhttp://www.google.com/custom?hl=en&client=pub-3542920166946725&cof=FORID%3A1%3BGL%3A1%3BLBGC%3A336699%3BLC%3A%230000ff%3BVLC%3A%23663399%3BGFNT%3A%230000ff%3BGIMP%3A%230000ff%3BDIV%3A%23336699%3B&domains=skepdic.com&ie=ISO-8859-1&oe=ISO-8859-1&q=car+magnetic&btnG=Search&sitesearch=skepdic.com\n\nI would have posted the page text for those that don't want to go off-site, but it makes my post over 10k and I didn't want to leave 2-3 comments.\nCheck out the skipdic page, though.\n\n 1319408286 +> lol u shitlords don;t come to be educated\n\nI was there to learn. I asked questions in good faith. I was shouted down for my temerity. Believe me or not, but that is the case.\n\nAnd if you think calling people "shitlords" demonstrates a willingness to do anything other than attack your audience, you don't deserve to use the term "hate speech" in a sentence.\n\n> ur not foolin ne1.\n\nYou visibly don't have any respect for the people you disagree with, nor do you apparently argue in good faith. That's OK, and I'm glad that you own it. That said, it's never going to win you any support, nor is it going to help you grow as a person.\n\n> certain forms or speech are banned\n\nIn my case, questions about language use and finer points of the balance of rights between individuals. That I did not know the fourth-wave-feminism answers to these questions, how they apparently apply to wider human rights issues, and that inconsistencies in these positions _absolutely don't exist_ was sufficient to get me shouted down. I'm not one to push too hard, so that ended quickly enough.\n\n> it's like if u said that a communist revolutionary party cannot execute praxis because idk they ban libertarians from raising issues at plenums or they bad hate speech altogether\n\nThe question really is, are you planning praxis or are you executing it? For planning, sure, limit discussion. If you're trying to execute praxis - seems to be the necessary purpose of a public space - you need outreach, discourse, and education. Otherwise, you're just impotently spinning your wheels.\n\nIncidentally, the communist party isn't the best example. They have historically done a terrible job at executing praxis, at least in the US. 1347395913 +Companies look to make money. Some of that money is made by throwing money at RIAA lawyers (as tax deductible donation to a trade organization that is commensurate with participation in a given field). It's a no-loss situation. Do the companies proper also try to make money via ad sales selling anything that's popular? Yeah. While there's likely no collaboration between these sectors akin to what we might call entrapment, it's still a shitty business practice to have your free lawyers attack people who aren't your customers. Long term, that's not a great way to get more customers. 1345475077 +Sorry, typo'ed that one! 1352735969 +***BadAstronomer***:\n\n>&#91;2012/04/10&#93;&#91;15:29:09&#93;\n\n>[&#91;Translate&#93;](http://translate.google.com/#auto|auto|The less you read about homeopathy, the more you understand it. 'google translate this tweet'): The less you read about homeopathy, the more you understand it.\n\n[&#91;This comment was posted by a bot&#93;&#91;FAQ&#93;](http://www.reddit.com/r/tweet_poster/faq 'tweet_poster FAQ')[&#91;Did I get it wrong?&#93;](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=tweet_poster&subject=Error%20Report&message=[Oops!](http://reddit.com/r/skeptic/comments/s2ndz\\)%0d%0dPlease leave the subject and this link unaltered, but feel free to add a description here. 'report an error') 1334072115 +Not just Katrina... some people actually believe that all hurricanes are created and controlled by the gubment.\n\nIt's impossible for a natural disaster to occur without spawning some sort of conspiracy theory. 1337376577 +Thanks, I've got ones up on the TAT and projective drawings as well. 1356456505 +I do, but opinions and stupidity are two different things completely. 1330641372 +You ams confuse basic with bitters, which ams a pretty bad equivalence peoples ams taught for some reasons. Because acids ams sours, and base ams opposite acids so they must be bitter, right? Well, no. Mechanisms for detects acid and bitter things ams different. In truth, many bitter things ams alkaloids which ams basic compounds, but also ams often detects in very low concentrations. Some other bitter things ams like baking soda, ams a salt but ams also not detects in same ways... \n\nGood example of how this will fucks your brain is eat a grapefruit - it ams acids, but also bitter. 1338192450 +I'm sure you guys have forwarded this landmark date to CNN .... here's hoping they mention it tonight. 1315067826 +Yep!! I wrote about something similar happening to me just the other day: http://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/13r1pf/synching_words/ 1354211224 +Octopi have the innate ability to select the most delicious mollusk, this year it happened to be in the Spanish box...\n\n 1278616587 +I have to argue this. If you didn't have companies making sterile crops, and claiming ownership of the intellectual property that produces then we wouldn't have these crops in the first place.\n\nIntellectual property rights are important. What they allows is business to invest in and produce more ideas, new ways of doing things. What incentive is there for a company to innovate if their investment would be copied and under cut?\n\nImagine if they produced seeds for crops that weren't sterile. In two seasons Monsanto would not sell a single seed. It would be cheaper for someone to buy some of their seed just for breeding. \n\nMonsanto would do one or two things from this. The seeds they do sell in the first place would have to be priced at a level that recovers their entire R&D budget (read millions of dollars), or they wouldn't research seeds in the first place. 1335606731 +The spiritual energy of Halloween makes psychic readings almost impossible. Everyone knows that, jeeeez.\n\n 1320106446 +I think it's a very good demonstration, I'm not too sure what the results are telling us though. 3-4% could be accounted for through stastical error, and I think the length between the two point would very slightly depending on how far away the camera is from the window, 3% difference could be as little as 1cm I would think. this is another lateral movement that would be foward and backwards. Overall I think this strengthens the idea that it's just dirt on the window. I would be interested in seeing you try with teh cleaned up frames. 1327028491 +I love the fact that so many professional magicians are also sceptics. Its almost as if they naturally become sceptics as they begin to realise how easy it is to fool someone. 1318114074 +Holocaust deniers have been around for a while. I'm not sure why the appearance of a few on the internet would cause *anyone* to panic. 1356501048 +The one in Colorado springs looks an awful lot like parachute flares. 1342184812 +Farts. \n\nGuess they're healthy to inhale. 1333903724 +I already seen it but didn't even think of it again until you mentioned it. 1350864188 +So, when 10% hold unshakeable belief "X is true" and a different 10% hold unshakeable belief "X is false", what happens? It's impossible that both beliefs could "be adopted by the majority of the society".\n \nHeadline fail. 1311736504 +In my 29 years of serving Christ I have witnessed many miracles and seen many blind eyes opened - God still heals today. His existence in such things is evident in the recreative miracles that take place. God's existence is not contingent upon your belief, but your future is contingent upon what you do with His existence. 1272140019 +There are a bunch of videos that show TAPS is faked. Sadly it ruined the show for me. I really used to like watching it. We had turned it into a nice drinking game. Every time they reference a term then cut away to explain what the term or technique meant, take a drink. It got ya pretty numb by the end. 1348499734 +Knowing this subreddit, I keep expecting someone to post a thread about how they lost a big, freaking screw in their locked room and haven't found it to this day. o.O \n\n/wormholes. wormholes everywhere. 1326487895 +Oh I'll never tell \n\n^_~\n\n 1290835007 +Is there, by any chance, a Frozen Donkey Wheel in this well? 1297929124 +Wild guess: women were considered semi-divine due to their unique gift of being able to produce new life. Later, when the male role in reproduction was found, that semi-divinity was lost. 1342817208 +>UFOs are not physical craft. They're metaphysical in nature. The disinfo is to assume that they ARE craft and that they ARE from outer space. \n\nWell these objects do look like flying "craft" and they show up on radar and film- so they *are* solid, physical objects.\n\nIn regards to your PROCLAMATIONS: you don't *know* anything. The sooner you come to grips with that the better off you'll be. You *believe* these things, for whatever reason. It is human nature it seems. You have to fight it. Quit trying to explain everything like a religious prophet and enjoy the mystery. \n\nHere is what can be known: there are physical objects of unknown origins in our skies capable of advanced maneuvering and speeds, and they have been reported since at least the 1940s. Anything beyond that is speculation and imagination. 1326520424 +Another one is north of Indian Springs. 1330138228 +Just to give some background information, this is a press release from The 9/11 Consensus Panel, a truther organization. 1339992125 +You should both read the Dalai Lama's The Universe in a Single Atom.\n\nhttp://www.amazon.com/Universe-Single-Atom-Convergence-Spirituality/dp/076792066X 1311267524 +I used to think the whole building came down all at once, that puzzled me. Seeing this video completely explains what happened, first the internal structure collapsed then the outer shell. 1315522485 +Seriously. I have been to a chiropractor twice, for acute back pain. I can't say it helped completely, but it did for me resemble a massage, which was the only way I could afford one using my insurance (read:free (and at least I thought it was the only way at the time)). Not to mention this chiropractor gave me some light back exercises to do, which I think is more than reasonable advice. It was no miracle cure, but damn it if I did not feel better walking out of the chiropractor's office. \n\nI have never heard of chiropractors claiming they can heal diseases before Reddit, but I guess I'm in the minority. Of course, I would never support that idea, which seems ludicrous. What does seem reasonable to me would be the fact that they can help with minor cases of back pain and posture problems and such. For any serious problems, the obvious answer would be go see a real doctor. \n\nOn that note: I can understand the rage against homeopathy in this subreddit, as I know people very close to me who believe in homeopathic remedies, and it pisses me off to no ends. I would be more understanding if they were religious. Think about it - at least homeopathy can be scientifically proven to not work, and as far as I'm concerned, it has been not proven to work. I frequently say that for me to be able to accept that homeopathy works, I would have to burn my diploma and forget almost everything I learned about science. In the case of religion, at least it is scientifically impossible to prove or disprove the existence of god (I'm an atheist for the record). \n\nSorry for the long rant and going off topic a bit. 1310421050 +That's not exactly what I meant (atheists that believe in alt. medicine, ufo's, etc.), but it is right on, have an upvote! 1296163187 +Seriously, why is Pauling "nuts"? 1333986801 +I most certainly do, I drive a car with good gas mileage, work at home (and when I worked at the local university took the bus), have an energy efficient apartment and use energy-saving techniques to cut my heating and cooling costs, et cetera. \n\nBut that makes sense just from a personal finance perspective too. Overall, though, this is the kind of thing that requires public investment and public policy changes; there are structural reasons as to why renewable energy and alternative modes of transportation are still lagging behind. Cutting your personal footprint doesn't change the business economics. 1337307525 +also, kim jong il got 11 hole in ones the first time he played golf. true story. 1324329829 +Two piles of manure. Don't step in either. 1269256740 +Your title made me think of [Placebo](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Placebo_\\(band\\)) 1289458912 +This is the single best argument. If The Big Bang 'theory' is correct, and for the sake of simplicity of argument, there is no multiverse, but just this universe: The universe is around 14B years old, and our own system is around 4B, which leaves an awful lot of room (14B years) for there to be systems that support intelligent life more evolved than our own, given the vastness of its size and the sheer time and cosmic variety of it all. Heck, forget about 1000 years, for all we know there could be civilisations 1B+ years ahead of us, given that we ourselves are around 1B years in the making, there's 13B others years for that to be possible. 1351121502 +Something that gets past a lot of people using alternative medicine angry at "Big Pharma" is that "Big Pharma" are among the biggest sellers of such remedies in the first place. \n\n*Wait, I can sell stuff in the health market that needs zero research, doesn't have to work and is unregulated by the government? Sure, why not!*\n\nThey would be stupid not to. 1290909969 +There's a place somewhere out in that same area we called the Murder House (I don't remember why). Checked it out a few times. There's a dirt basement area underneath with a low ceiling. Ever checked that place out?\n\nOne time myself and a few friends were exploring the area, we went down into the basement to see what was up. We were all down there and accounted for, and suddenly we heard loud footsteps from the house above us. We all instantly froze, looked at each other, and then ran the fuck out! 1337860562 +I had seen it in the aisles and never looked into it. Its back to back with aspirin/ibuprofin and just figured it was another of the same. good to know its all BS. 1327348756 +This is really neat and all, but, um... Where are the figures, and the suggested reading/listening list? 1338218431 +I edited my original comment. \n\nAnyway, I dont deny that man is definitely partly to blame if not mostly to blame for the recent warming. \n\nI guess my main frustration is the topic itself and the "answers" to the problem. 1329330117 +How do they get odd numbers? 1305948114 +The reason the moon appears so bright would be due to the length of the exposure ie the camera is capturing more light than normal. You will also note that the stars, planets, and city lights are all far brighter than normal. 1317113266 +Utah: seriously... why? 1325223818 +Can you pull the headers?\n\n1. Log in to Gmail\n2. Open the message \n3. Click the down arrow next to Reply, at the top of the message pane.\n4. Select Show Original.\n\nPaste them here. It will give a history of the message and where it came from, which servers touched it, and the time stamps. 1348087754 +If you'll forgive the pop culture reference, I Want to Believe.\n\nI work in a very rational, empirical field. I subbed here because I deeply hope that there's something "more," but can't generally suspend my disbelief long enough to believe it. (For me, Occam's razor is strongly dissuasive of UFOs as extraterrestrial aircraft.) This subreddit gives me a little fodder for keeping that hope alive. 1349445925 +I'm in Alabama. [I think this is the same thing I saw.](http://www.katc.com/news/huge-fireball-spotted-over-southeast-us/) \n\n[Here's a \\(very poor quality\\) video.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4PLAwuZ77E) 1324588424 +Usually doing like with an incense, letting them burn slowly...I just remembered, sage is really good too, and burns slowly 1349741879 +That was one of the most convincing UFO videos I've seen. Are you (the OP) the guy who filmed it? 1350061228 +Could you describe a little more about what your brother is actually doing or planning to do, for those of us who are unfamiliar? What I got from the wikipedia article and your post is that your brother believes that he has a bank account somewhere containing $630,000, which was given to him for no apparent reason by the US government. And now he believes he can either withdraw this money through some obscure bureaucratic procedure or that he can write cheques from this fictitious bank account... somehow. I'm hoping that the situation is less bizarre than my interpretation of it. 1325031154 +I did respond to what you said. You're arguing that their inaction is a justification for our own. 1331416866 +Took a look at some of the videos. Some are obviously faked. 1314821066 +You seriously linked to someone describing natural selection, as "worship of science", you've got to be retarded.\n\nStrawmanning by pointing out real examples where religious people have started protests over?\n\nThe point of ridiculing religion is to get them to stop getting so offended by it. Similar to how people use to make fun of people who got angry in school when someone insults them, the solution was to not be so offended by it. That's the goal. Religions are so easily offended by everything, and that's only going to lead to violence down the road.\n\nAnd you dislike atheism because it used popular memes like advice animals and facebook pictures to make a specific point or bring to attention a specific issue. \n\nLet me tell you, a lot of subreddits are about to disappoint you (but it's funny that you directly go to magicskyfairy which has all of this).\n\nYou dislike /r/atheism because people show respect to something said by the Dalai Lama? Really? REALLY?\n\n> strict interpretation of the same holy book that they forgo belief in\n\nWell that's why religious scripture was created, to be strictly followed since they are divine texts by God. If we went back in time to the 12th century, they'd hang you for saying you want to interpret a line of Bible as a metaphor. Today's Christians are a lot more modern, so the point of quoting Bibles to them, is to show them, they are good because of modern moral zeitgeist, not because of the Bible (since they don't strictly adhere to the Biblical laws).\n\n>superiority complex\n\nSuperiority complex for believing in evolution, the scientific fact, and being upset that they met people who don't believe in it (AKA uneducated ignorant people)---that's superiority? \n\nNext you'll tell me your math professor has a superiority complex for grading you badly on a math test.\n\nHey [this](http://www.borderofinsanity.com/assets/2012/01/Atheism-vs-Stupidism-atheism-26693291-500-417.png) was on the front page of /r/atheism today. I bet you're gonna tell me that it's offensive because people who think atheism is stupid should not be called stupid because that's offensive. 1347872404 +We certainly can take a lot of meaning from the Biblical texts to our lives because, at the most basic, humans haven't changed over the centuries. So to that end, yeah, we can learn from our ancient roots. And I do find a lot of value in that.\n\nAnd, as a church community we have our traditions (that have changed over the centuries) to pull from and our community interpretations that have been peculiar depending on the community time and place you're talking about. \n\nThere is value to be had in all of this and much of it is what I still find meaningful in the church and in our religion.\n\nBut all of that value and meaning in the Biblical texts goes exactly as far as what we bring to it. And what we bring to it is an awful lot. No matter how we might desire to read some sort of plain meaning out of the text, we will always end up reading into the text if we attempt to apply it to our modern life.\n\nThe work of Biblical scholars like John Collins and many others has been to get past the mysticism surrounding the texts and really examine them as documents that have come to us over a very long and complicated timeline. As such, the texts can, in a sense, live again when we're able to see them as part of the community that created them.\n\nA homily certainly does provide the members of that church a way to interpret those texts and integrate them into their lives. But that is not the texts themselves. That's the theology of the church tradition and potentially the personal interpretation of the priest creating meaning and layering it back on to the text. That homily still has meaning, it's just not any more or less valuable than creating a homily based on a Shakespeare play or an epic by Homer. 1313135535 +> We've recently adopted a new $100 bill made of untearable and very durable plastic and there are plans to unveil other plastic denominations as well.\n\nFWIW, polymer notes have been around for a long time - in this regard, Canada isn't that advanced. I agree that we have had some pretty neat stuff though. 1326831558 +Well, as long as she can cherry pick the data that appears to support her conclusion without actually having to show all the data, why not? It gives her claim the air of legitimacy, even if it is erroneous. How many people will actually look up the study for themselves instead of just being outraged that such blatantly evil things are being forced on our children? 1329149334 +Toy store? Seems about right. 1317531502 +This is incorrect. 1347386753 +The tricky part is the whole "everyone agrees with it" bit. In fact, all native English speakers still have to have this rule pounded into them in elementary school because it is perfectly natural in English to end sentences with prepositions. So from a descriptivist view of English it is in fact not a rule at all, but a made up prescription that has no basis in how actual Anglophones speak. 1300331857 +Just want to say I'm glad to see there are some demsocs who are pro gun. Actually following the evidence instead of just following ideology. 1311023018 +It's not going to help some with an allergy to honey, that's for sure. :P 1296719418 +My wife bought 2 bottles of homeopathic restless leg "medicine" from Walgreen's yesterday. I am mad as hell that Walgreen's even carries homeopathic crap. I am going to complain by email today and I will read the other suggestions in this thread later to see if there is anything else I can do. 1300714615 +It's not that people are skeptics, it's that they aren't going to jump at every claim and just start believing it because someone claims it might be true.\n\nIt's the opposite of believing in whatever someone says, just because they said it. \n\nMere claims aren't evidence and the "information" found by one person just can be wrong if it's not supported and verified by others in the field.\n\nClaims need backing evidence, backing evidence that is verified. 1343910771 +Whilst true, those people wouldn't represent a substantial number of [/r/atheism](/r/atheism). \n\nSome links get love, some don't - Timing seems to be a large factor. 1334245275 +If he is still alive, he and his supporters will get the word out. 1304366695 +What used to happen with wine was that the quality of wine would depend on which field that it was grown in, the quality of the soil, the amount of light, the storage containers. It used to be that if it tasted good, the price would go up, and if it tasted bad, it would be cheap.\n\nThen science happened. Modern producers scaled up their operations, bought in grapes from a wider range of growers, who had also been improving their crop, they refined their process, monitored the quality of the source, blended appropriately.\n\nNow there are still some stonking, expensive wines out there, but cheap wines are no longer cheap because they are bad, they're cheap because they are mass produced, and the quality and consistency is on a relentless march upwards as a result of a scientific feedback loop.\n\nQuite frankly, for most supermarket wines it has become a branding exercise, where you pay more for a name than the content, much like most of the stuff we buy nowadays. 1302966737 +>The trick would be to have that scientist waiting in the field \n\nEven though *that scientist* would be subjected to the same human observation errors that mainstream scientists use to discredit everyone else's encounters.\n\nIronic, huh? 1314391143 +>just so we can have a new mascara\n\nYes. This is what animal testing is about.\n\nNot about producing vaccines and cures for diseases which kill, cripple and harm millions of people a year.\n\nNot about producing vaccines and cures for diseases which kill, cripple and harm millions of animals a year.\n\nAnimal testing is about cosmetics. That bunny DIED so you can have better lashes. That's the sickening truth, people. /s. 1331854570 +You have said too much. For your own safety, remain silent about this issue. Under no account should you mention bed-jumping, bed-jumpers, or any other related phenomena. Do not attempt to research the matter. Carry on as normal with your life. I repeat: for official purposes, THIS DID NOT HAPPEN.\n\n...or you know, maybe this guy is just being an ass. I prefer my version. 1346706369 +>Because you're arguing semantics. You introduce a new and previously unused term (SRSPrime)\n\nOr, in other words, I highlight the major cause of the misrepresentation of SRS on reddit.\n\n>My statements this whole time have been about the root subreddit, /r/ShitRedditSays[1] , unless otherwise specified. You have, however, intentionally taken them to refer to the entirety of the SRS offshoots, even when I've already said that I don't think that.\n\nAnd the problem is that SRS is just as misrepresented as r/atheism. How many times have you heard people claim that the people in there are angry, hostile, men-hating, etc? 1347423445 +I am not a scientist, but I am running for state representative in NH on the idea that legislation needs more scientific basis. I'm regularly appalled by the lack of dedication to science and reality our world lives by. \n\nMy state just passed legislation that allows parents to tell their children's teachers if they're uncomfortable with the subject matter to exclude the child from learning anything the parents disagree with. This will not make for an educated generation, if pop culture can dictate what happens in science class.\n\nIn case anybody's interested- it's http://electfisher.org 1331225360 +By stating that some herbs "work", you're implying that skeptics think that none do. This is a straw man. Every skeptic I've met admits that many herbs can and do work. Herbs are just cocktails of drugs, sometimes one or more of those drugs can help, but they can also hurt. 1299558231 +and times were different.. then. we werent currently at war with two muslims nations.\n\nwe didnt have a very right wing al quada telling people the west is at war with all of islam.\n\nwe also didnt have the hyper right wing in america going all about islamofascist and how every single solitary 1.6 billion muslims were terrorists.\n\nThey rabid right feeds off each other and that is how things esculate.\n\nNotice they never want to come to the diplomatic table without preconditions.\n\nNotice they all want to blow the middle east to hell and dont see the hypocracy in killing the innocent.\n\nnotice they think tough talk and drawing lines in the sand is a way to de-escalate the problem.\n\nsaying "bring em on" while it gets the rabid right cheering, it isnt the wises thing to say in war.\n\n 1347469450 +* Clearly, there is some disagreement about the "general use" of the word "drunk." It is not as obvious as you've made it out to be. Watson made the effort to define what she meant by "drunk" multiple times. So, when there is confusion about what *she* meant, do we defer to her definition, or to an outside definition? When a biologist is talking about the *theory* of evolution, and there is confusion about the meaning, do we defer to the biologist's definition or the "general use?"\n\n* I really don't see her definition as special. She's not the only one that says a drunk person cannot consent. For example, my state university's sexual assault policy states that a person under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol is not able to give consent. So, it would be a stretch to call this a special or extremist position. You can question the validity of policies like these, but it's the codified status quo in places.\n\n* She can later say whatever she wants and have it questioned, yes. However, it's clear to me that the later tweets were her **reiterating** the same concept over and over. These were a **continuation** of what she was saying, not the start of some whole new conversation, completely devoid of context. If there was any confusion about the tweets, she **made a blog post** to clear things up. The tweet is part of a **context**, and to ignore what she said both before and after is foolish and/or intentionally dishonest. 1356045520 +The Company, nowadays. 1349653183 +This is just a very complicated version of the Bloody Mary game. 1355173869 +Doesn't the skunk ape kind of resemble a 'big foot' type creature? This thing was very thin and hairless.\n\nEdit: it's noteworthy that this creature was quick. very agile. 1313789168 +"It probably wouldn't work. I've talked face-to-face with creationists before, and the problem is their mind boggling ignorance."\n\nThe problem with atheists is their mind boggling lack of common sense in the approach. Actually you have to put a great deal into God's hand so to speak. You cannot force people's face into truth and expect them to thank you, it's by the grace of our creator that we come to know truth. 1265514535 +Earl *Greys*! GASP 1292947679 +sarcasm -_- 1326184266 +You're now on a list somewhere. 1342058296 +Well, that's not the entire context...\n\nYes, they did kidnap him - but they had his parent's permission. If they had done *exactly* the same thing a few month earlier (when the man was 17), it would have been perfecly legal... 1342038385 +Yeah, the math seemed a bit wonky on that one. That means just about each one of those people is responsible for a little over 3.1 million dollars each. 1351879573 +Healthy cells very rarely actually hit the point at which telomeres become the dominant factor in their dysfunction. More common is that cells cease being able to reliably reproduce vital sections of genetic code, leading to impaired metabolic function and frequently one of many types of programmed cell death. In order for a cancerous cell to become "immortal" however, it must have a modified ability to replenish it's telomeres.\n\nThe "self destruct mechanism" is actually not one mechanism but many mechanisms. By means of these mechanisms a cell can detect if it's genome is damaged or replicated improperly, or if the cell's physical integrity has changed, or if the cell is unnecessary, or even if some of it's error checking mechanisms are not working properly. These self defense mechanisms can work by halting the cell's metabolic processes or by activing other processes. It's a complex system which usually requires multiple mutations in multiple (often redundant!) genes, both genes which check for errors and genes which regulate growth and reproduction. \n\nAs a consequence there will never be a global cure for "cancer", because cancer is a name for one of thousands upon thousands of different types of cellular dysfunction. 1305334953 +remember lucid dreming was "pseudo-esque" before it became accepted as well. Along with the world being flat and such. Remember babysteps and never assume something is hogwash just because the consensus doesn't approve...yet. 1347150411 +Depends on how hot I am. 1339749638 +WTC nuclear demolition! Bwa ha ha ha. Anyone who walks down the street with a geiger counter anytime in the next million years could disprove that one! 1299438536 +I love this theory, and often include pole reversals in my "big list of things that could take society/civilization down" I don't think that it holds up for the bird deaths. \n\n 1294506686 +Since you're interested, there have been at least a couple major attempts to replicate Bem's results since it was published, and both have been negative. The most recent one ran into some issues with the journal that published Bem's original article, because their policy has been not to publish straight replications. After some hubbub, I've heard that they are actually going to publish it, so that should be coming soon. 1348690481 +I hope so. I emailed the people at TAM that I wanted to add some workshops to my registration, but they haven't responded yet. 1339552902 +Thank you for the advice, i'm aware its not the most enticing of hobbies, but I just want to have that experience, I guess you could say its on my bucket list, oddly enough. \n\nI take it you have some experience in this. Is this a hobby of yours or what? if you don't mind my asking. 1340563940 +Something being natural in no way implies it is safe and good for you. 1338793633 +Wow.. a non-evidence based neurologist.... that's fucking scary. 1326062470 +A Klasshole, if you will. 1350184788 +No way. Not even close. That is a once in a lifetime sort of thing. 1340818323 +Thanks for the links. It's fairly depressing that the response you linked is so far down the page, after a whole load of snarky comments. 1270132994 +I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and was institutionalized for months.\nWhen I moved to Houston 6 hours away to live with my dad?\nI would see faces in the clouds.. you know.. disoriented type but they've always smiled. Well my grandmother died the next day and the night she did.. I was tired.. In the corner of my bed I felt weight. As if someone was sitting there patting me on the back of my head. \nThis feeling.. of deep sympathy over whelmed me. Like whatever it was felt sorry for what I was gong through. I don't know if it was real or my illness but I believe it was her. \n 1356925065 +TL:DR??? 1343954417 +This thread is a Penn and teller circlejerk combined with an anti-gun control circlejerk.\n\nIt does not belong in this subreddit. 1356134863 +Street view shots are not taken at the same time as satellite images. As you can see in street view it is cloudy, they would never use a cloudy image from a satellite, because you would see nothing.\n\nThose 3 blurry smudges could be something in the clouds, or just dried up dirt that was splashed on.\n\nEdit 1: If you really want to know what it is do not go to wtf, or paranormal. Go to [/r/askscience](/r/askscience).\nThey can distinguish to see if a ufo is a spaceship or a raindrop in no time. 1328112362 +1. It's bullshit\n2. ...peddled by bullshitters\n3. ...and believed by people who fall for all kinds of bullshit. 1254832219 +I saw the exact thing last night in Los Angeles! 1350068900 +I'd agree with that, but that is a completely separate argument from talking about the DMCA :) 1284835601 +> Do you have something other than assertion and suspicion to justify this.\n\nNot sure what evidence I should provide for this. Typically, if an "agressive" intervention is uncommon in a society, there is little desire to fund lots of studies to see if there is a benefit of that procedure. Because circumcision is common in the US, there was a lot of interest in figuring out whether there is a benefit of process that was occurring commonly but the AAP had not recommended since 1971 (which was the first time it talked about (I think)). And if you look at [AAP's report from 1999](http://www.cirp.org/library/statements/aap1999/), you can see the length of the section on UTI (approx. 1450 words long) versus the section on STDs (approx. 146 words long). This reflects that the latter studies are a more recent suggestion.\n\n> Males retain ability to orgasm, females do not.\n\nThe studies are mixed on both these. There are several reports of reduced penile sensitivity and delayed orgasms in circumcised males. There are also reports of females happily having orgasms after FGM. But since this is not my primary area of interest, I don't know where the overall opinion lies in these. I agree the intention in the case of FGM is reprehensible but the intentions in the male side are often (a) religious, (b) a desire to fit in, (c) a desire to look like Dad's, (d) health concerns - and (d) is much less frequently the intent compared to the other three.\n\n> I'm not necessarily a proponent for male circumcision, but I do think the hullabaloo is much overwrought.\n\nI am not certain about the value of circumcision and therefore was looking forward to the AAP's recommendation. The press release was a bit hyperbolic for my taste and therefore I mentioned that. I hope I did not come across as too militant. The reason for the general hullabaloo is that it is not (a) a societal norm in most of the rest of the world, (b) the intention is suspect in a majority of cases, and many countries are more sensitive about a child's rights than Americans are (rightly or not), and (c) it is the internet - only the loudest and the most motivated survive. 1346088570 +I just realized your condescension was all based on an entirely incorrect understanding of Argumentum ad Ignoratium.\n\nArgumentum ad Ignoratium is NOT the concept that "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."\n\nIt is actually the concept that absence of contradicting evidence is not proof.\n\nThe two are very different ideas; in fact they insinuate opposing conclusions. You clearly are someone who gets off on correcting people's logic - and not actually displaying good logic - if you just assumed without learning about or so terribly misunderstood Argumentum ad Ignratium. You effectively turned the entire concept on its head and attempted to argue that it suggests the opposite of what it does. I can't believe I argued with you at all about it.\n\nThe teapot analogy perfectly explains why you can safely say Bigfoot doesn't exist. Your semantic focus on the word "probably" is inane. 1346873203 +What happens if someone changes the alarm to a time you don't know, will you still wake up before it? 1340400252 +The only information I have is that the person taking the picture is the Ex and he lives in the house. He is taking a picture of his gf's tattoo and there are no other residents of the house. They, divorced wife and husband, have both said between the two that they thought the house might be haunted and have witnessed strange things. He sent the picture to the ex wife and he said there was no one else in the house. He lives alone and they are about to put the house up for sale.\n\nI was hoping someone could give me some different colorizations of the photo to send back. I'll see if I can probe for more information.. 1347302032 +This is really quite extraordinary the vividness and amount of detail you experienced in your dream. It kind of seems like from what you described that it might be very possible that this vision much like your last could be two years before the event (if it does occur). At least, I think, everyone can take a small breath of relief that it's not anything happening at the end of this year. Still though, I feel very concerned myself about this very likely going to happen and I live in southeast PA which would be relatively close in proximity to this event should it be as large as you describe. \n\nI would say first that I [with my current knowledge base] cannot think of any reason for a volcanic event of such large a magnitude to occur on the east coast of the U.S. . There is no volcanic activity hereabout whatsoever really. Even our mountains, the Appalachians, are very old short mountains without any kind of circumstances that would cause or even presently have anything volcanic going on. And, from your descriptions, it sounds like the lava was coming from the coast/ocean, which is just as weird since there is equally nothing volcanic there. The only thing that would even maybe have something happen volcanicly would be the Great Atlantic Rift, but only I would think if it were affected by some outside source to open into the Earth far enough to expel magma (if that's even possible, I don't know; I just know it's a very large and deep crack from back when the continents separated), but even so the rift is in the center of the Atlantic and seemingly too distant for you [if such an extreme circumstance were possible] to see lava even in Rhode Island. This would lead me to believe something more along the line of an external event, like a meteor; if it were large enough, and went deep enough on impact, AND was close enough to your house in Rhode Island- then maybe that might bring about the circumstances in your vision, but I can't be sure. I would think though it would at least coincide with your hearing a bizarre explosion.\n\nAlso, and I hate to even mention this, but if perhaps what you saw as lava *wasn't* lava but instead something that looked very similar to lava but different, maybe it could've been like a sort of wall of fire and rock that would be reminiscent of what you would see emanating from the center of a nuclear explosion. Perhaps comparing some videos or written accounts of nuclear explosions to your own vision experience might tell you if the possibility of a nuclear explosion is something that might fit the circumstances of your premonition or not.\n\nI'm not sure what else could be possible, but maybe looking into written accounts of meteor impacts or accounts of nuclear explosions might tell you if either of those are likely possibilities. And surely, if some other possibility comes to my mind I won't hesitate to post it :). 1354820197 +>[dis is dumb shit, da maker of dis video n ne one hu agrees wit it iz stupid](http://i.imgur.com/mJ5R9.png)\n\n\nFuck, why doesn't YouTube just disable comments by default? Comments are already optional, just make people *enable* them, rather than *disable* them. 1327816519 +Yeah... There is nothing there. 1328815062 +It looks like some sort of bleed over from a television that's been duplicated almost side-by-side. The woman in the picture is clearly wearing a business suit of some sort and is talking to a man with his back turned. Unfortunately I can't quite make out who the people might be to say where it may have come from. 1353189390 +The practical/statistical significance thing is a common error.\n\nGoogle scholar is also very good for getting an overview, especially if you have access to a database where you can view the full articles. 1346088694 +You are so full of it. *This guy* hurts the scientific method more than anything else possibly could?\n\nThat's so ridiculous I don't know where to start. What a paranoid idea. 1347231485 +Oh yeah...I forgot that part....upfos for you friend..... 1345864849 +I should clarify: I was talking more to the "Cafeteria Christian", the person who is in their religion because they were born into it, and while is not particularly devoted to it...still identifies with the beliefs therein. \n\nMy wife is a great example of this, she's nearly a deist to be honest...she certainly doesn't embrace much of Catholicism, even though that's the checkbox she selects. Rather, she lives by the Golden Rule and typically uses religion and church as a baseline in her life, and a source of tradition and community. The "lack of evidence" to support the ideas of God and Jesus and all that aren't a big deal to her so much, because she also is able to acknowledge that her beliefs might not be true. But they make her a happier person, and she gets something out of them.\n\nI think most religious people are like that, to be honest. Fundies and Evangelicals are the corner cases, and they do indeed have many of the same traits that we've talked about in this thread. 1337362582 +The fundamental rule of skepticism is, IMO, "Kiss my ass!"\n\nDo skeptics even realize how difficult it would be for them to set a standard for belief? I mean, if all skeptics got together in Vegas for a week and sat down and said, "Fine. What would it take for us to believe in aliens?"\n\nThe answer that they'd eventually come up with, is that they'd believe in aliens if they came down here and kissed their asses! What if the aliens don't want to do it their way? They're busy. They have alien shit to do, and some skeptic convention is saying "We'd believe in you if only ____." \n\nSome people just like to mock the world from armchairs. Let them have their fun.\n\nAs for you, if you think about it, no you wouldn't carve your initials in a tree. But what *would* you do? You know some humans, you've been to Earth a few times. You were born here. What do you think an alien would have to do? What do you think an alien's message would be in the first place?\n\nEDIT: Changed pronouns. 1351877633 +Terrible parents. But from a pragmatic point of view (and one I doubt even crossed their minds), there is no healthcare in this country. Who gets a manslaughter charge for someone who is too poor to afford life-saving healthcare? No one.\n\nThe whole crux of this system of healthcare is you get what you pay for. If you can't pay for it, you don't get it. Sure, hospitals are obliged to take you in if you show up, but *only long enough to ensure that you're vitals are stable*, then they can kick you out back on to the streets.\n\nSo what is the difference between opting out voluntarily in paying healthcare versus someone who simply can't afford it? Should a mother who can't afford to get her kid, say, an organ transplant be charged with manslaughter if her kid dies because of it?\n\nNow don't get me wrong, I am not defending "faith healing" at all. It's ridiculous. What I am saying is that this situation is only slightly different from someone who simply can't afford healthcare. The only difference (if you ignore the neglect) is that these presumably had enough money to seek professional care.\n\nIt's food for thought, and something I doubt many people have really considered. Opinions? 1320364568 +For a skeptic you seem very sure of that. What makes a good conspiracy is that you can't be sure of the validity. Some are more reasonable than others, but the key is plausable deniability. For instance, take uaps, there is only eye witness accounts and folks like Peter Hellyer (ex Canadian defense minister), et al, who claim the phenomenon is legitimate. Then there are people who claim there are lizard people controlling the world... one of these conspiracies is not like the other when approached with a skeptical mind. 1332300485 +Face down, ass up, and they're all deeply corrupt? 1354036877 +Not if you have certain brain injuries or problems, as I do. I'm in my thirties. Life still goes by at about the same rate as when I was a kid, more or less, but my perception of what was a week or month has become a smaller packet. 1344959474 +Aww, just like Hachi. Dogs are the best. 1348275109 +Give it a try. Extract (in capsule form) is preferable to tinctures. It helped me a bit, but had some side effects (hard to describe wierd feeling), so I stopped taking it. 1305757784 +>i tested out of high school at age sixteen. as such, community college was my only option (and i even had to fight to get in there).\n\nI met people in your situation when I went to a four year accredited university. What made it so hard for you to get in? 1314582082 +See also: [Kary Mullis](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kary_Mullis#Personal_views) and [Linus Paulings later work](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linus_pauling#Molecular_medicine_and_medical_research) 1308848210 +I do:\n\nhttp://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/10picz/multiple_ufo_sighting_over_cincinnati_ohio/\n\n 1349402271 +I'm increasingly of the opinion that the very idea of holding a public debate is rubbish where questions of science are concerned. Public debates are little more than theatre, and it's only marginally more relevant to the truth than a wrestling match. 1313443971 +[You got it chief](http://imgur.com/GWycf) 1337310266 +http://i.imgur.com/kJ5Oq.png\n\nCompared to jet.\n\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=tapiLstStHk#t=48s\n\nON FILM 1353138509 +This is a long-held belief amongst Tesla lovers. Unfortunately there is no way to prove it because of the conspiracy against Tesla wherein the government took/destroyed all his notes and machines after his death. 1354746513 +Oh yeah absolutely. In no way did I want to imply that he shouldn't call him on it.\n\nBut in retrospect I see how you could misunderstand my comment in that way. I was just extremely surprised that 'calling him out' on this topic is necessary. I was not aware that it was *that* bad in america. 1319548131 +Came here to show some charles shaw love. 1302903220 +No, I say "whatever" because I don't find the evidence compelling, and I am completely uninterested in having this off-topic conversation. Go find someone else to argue with. 1332268642 +I think it is a disingenuous argument used by people who are against nuclear power under all circumstances. \n\nFirst, it was "You'll have to glowing two headed babies!", and now that people are realizing that was a lie, it is "Hey, wind and solar are just around the corner!"\n\nSolar and wind are great...but they have to be paired with an "always on" technology...especial if we want to move away from oil and look at an electric auto fleet. Solar and wind are still emerging technologies, and will require huge infrastructure investments to power a country. Those investment will occur over decades, and won't begin in earnest until the technology settles out.\n\nSo, it is at best naive to say we can water for wind and solar. At worst, it is as dishonest as glowing two headed babies. \n\nNuclear is the best "always on" technology. The 104 anitquated, underdeveloped, underfunded, much maligned 70's era nuclear reactors in the USA still produce about 20% of the electricity. Carbon neutral, with a minimum of pollution or environment damage. If the US had kept building reactors with increasingly modern technology, no telling what degree of energy independence the US would enjoy today. \n\nAs for safety, ask a miner or a roughneck how safe conventional power is. 1276285492 +Tied for 5th Place! Thank You!!! 1327074675 +I'm seeing him Saturday at the University of Calgary, it's going to be great. 1316581526 +I wish antivaxxers would just go live on their own little island so they can die of whooping cough, measles, polio, mumps, and diptheria without infecting the rest of us.\n\nOh, and tetanus. I wonder if antivaxxers get tetanus shots? (Somehow I think they'd be all over a tetanus shot if they stepped on a rusty nail.) 1342810563 +The camera zoom and shake on the first video is clearly fake. Haven't gotten to the others yet. 1348349170 +Now I get what you are talking about.\n\nI guess you see fighting for acceptance of atheists in the public sphere and the subsequent legal challenges as inherently political. Ok. \n\nHowever, that is atheist organizations promoting atheism on pretty strict legal grounds, not atheist organizations fighting for some VERY broadly defined thing such as social justice... Which literally every single person alive has a different definition of, whether atheist or not. \n\nIf your point is that the so-called new atheism has already set a precedent of meddling in political and social issues therefor atheism+ should not be argued against because they want to do this; then I think you are mistaken. \n\nSeparation of church and state, creationism in classrooms, public displays of religious symbols,.... all of which are well defined legal issues dealing direction with the intrusion of religion and suppression of atheism (and science). Whereas the stated issues of atheism+ are generally non-controversial, what 'social justice' actually means to the group/individual that is the problem. \n\nThere are loads of social justice issues done by individuals in the 'new atheist' movement but these are individual decisions about the issues and what needs to be done. It isn't a group deciding, dictating to their membership and punishing dissent. 1346564414 +WTF half of your comments are correcting peoples grammar.\n\nYou arent really contributing to the conversation by doing so,you could at least leave a comment relevant to the thread and then complain.\n\nYou can correct this post aswell if you like,this time I have purposely left out the apostrophes,I hope you appreciate the work. 1353723026 +Please stop trying to drag the discussion off-topic. The issues of abortion or atheists charitable efforts are completely irrelevant here, so let's stick to the subject, eh?\n\nSo, back on-topic, would you say you agree with the statement "Parents should be allowed to harm their children however much they want, as long as their *claimed intention* is good and they're acting in accordance with their professed beliefs"?\n\nBecause that's how I'm reading your position at the moment - if I've got it wrong, please do correct me. 1280160112 +Rather shortsighted. You're really only focusing on the States as the only area of import.\n\nPseudo-science aside, there is a chance for catastrophe: the hype. Man's history is replete with rash judgements. Notably, in this particular case, we have reports of wealthy (super-wealthy) folk buying apocalypse-proof condos to weather (whatever) may happen during this time period.\n\nIf any of you care to take the time to think about it, those with exorbitant amounts of wealth have always held power over the general population (in various forms). One particular point of interest in our time period, is the ease of sharing information within closed circles. \n\nHolding that in mind, let's go back to wealth = power. The rich elite surround themselves with like-minded and equally influential people. Like themselves, each of these elite is privy to certain fragments of intel (respective to their communities) which is in turn gabbed about through their elite group. Swapping occurs; mostly of "higher-up" rumors or whathaveyou. I've been privy to these conversations as of my vocation. I cater to many, many richer-than-sin folk. \n\nI'm willing to bet that if we do see anything on an apocalyptic scale, it will be of the persuasion of an 'insurance policy.'\n\nWe've all heard that the super-rich are all for the idea that the population should drastically decrease as for longevity and 'strengthening' our species.\n\nSo what would happen if all these blokes were to head underground for an event of cataclysmic scale, only to be left there without any actual event every occurring? Enter the insurance policy; a tactical nuclear strike on a tumultuous region would ensure MAD for all those above-ground.\n\nI am vehemently convinced that any detrimental event will be of the manufacture by the elite groups of the world.\n 1348337141 +To get 20 tests, probably. 95% of 20 is 19, so that last study - the green one - is in the 5% that sort of failed. 1302098778 +but they don't tell their doctor because herbals 'aren't drugs', they forget, or they don't want the doctor to yell at them. So the reverse is actually true: doctors should always directly ask patients about any herbals they may be taking.\n\nThere's also the problem of content. pharmaceuticals have X mg of whatever in them. However, herbs can have all kinds of different concentrations or substances. One dose of willow bark one day cures your headache, the next dose another day burns a hole in your stomach. 1306532550 +However, there are still several climate scientists that feel our effect on the environment is not as bad as most claim. Environmental alarmism can be very dangerous. 1267024552 +Spicy peppers contain Capsaicin, and the common curry spice Tumeric contains Curcumin. Capsaicin and Curcumin have anti inflammatory properties in addition to being effective expectorants. They're a decent treatment for cold and flu symptoms but not a cure, per se. 1354123386 +If this wasn't for publicity, my guess is they would have found out what it was before telling the world. I'm willing to bet they did send divers down and found out it wsan't important and are now getting the most of what they can out of it. 1309661821 +Just like the number of different carcinogens in a product is an asinine statistic, it's not the number of different vaccines that matters. What matters is how likely the product, taken as a whole, is to give someone cancer, or how much more likely a child receiving the complete vaccination schedule is to become autistic. 1306940317 +>Infowars.com is a Free Speech Systems, LLC company. \n\nNot sure of the reporting rules for LLCs. 1312397306 +The arecibo message was sent to the M13 star cluster in 1974. The message itself will take 25,000 years to arrive. We received a response in just 27 years. So either a) Said alien race receives the message in 13.5 years and sends a return message back the 13.5 years with crop circle technology, truly believing this is the best communication method. b) Some alien race picked up the message within a 27 light year radius, travels the distance and leaves a shitty message. c) Human made. 1355115315 +I'm definitely a skeptic, but I definitely think that skeptics and modern medicine have a lot more they can learn from naturopathy. 1303103801 +Obviously the socioeconomic factors hinted at in that paragraph could have entire libraries written about it, but, putting it simply...\n\nWhat I was getting at was that it's harder for black people to get into postions of economic power, so they choose to go into sport instead. This is also probably related to the stereotypes mentioned later - white people are seen as naturally smarter, black people as more naturally athletic - and contributes to the issue. \n\nAs for the mini golf - you've missed the point. The experiment shows that both groups performed equally well, until it was mentioned that it was a test of natural athletic ability. When white people felt they were being tested for natural athletic ability which they perceive themselves as not being so good at, their performance plummeted. 1345049890 +Great post, would like to clarify one thing, while all water reactors require a pressure vessel, BWRs like Fukushima operate at a much lower temperature than PWRs and do not require a large containment building like PWRs. 1323400672 +Iridium flare? Ever see one? 1348206796 +Fair enough. I suppose I was misinformed then. 1326153032 +If you look at around 30 sec... There's a coin that just falls off rather easily (top right).\n\nIf it actually was magnetic forces, this would not happen at all and he would not be able to remove the other coins simply by leaning forward. 1305502099 +When engineers go up there and talk about the actual thing they built , sitting in a real laboratory, that has a real-world use...\n\nI can't complain. 1344531618 +Believing aliens exist without proof is no different to believing unicorns exist without proof. 1328344886 +Here's another article from the same great source: http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/science/ufo-filmed-over-thames-estuary-in-london-190575.html\n\nNote to self: Blacklist "theepochtimes.com" 1330471584 +Ah, so the claim should be adjusted to include professions that practice quackery in part. I didn't catch that part. 1326157505 +This is a bit off topic, but I wish more forums, reddits, etc had a no portmanteau rule. I've never found portmanteaus to anything but halfway clever and are generally strawman fallacy's in and of themselves. 1353362933 +note, black's first comment was cut off, oops:\n\nThis research explains why I am misspelling words that I know more frequently and many of the other side effects I am noticing. \n\nI have a little bit of Aspartame drinks left, and that is it. I will drink those but after that no thanks. If I "have" to "have" pop then it will be unhealthy healthier Fructose filled Pop from now on. That just gives you things like Diabetes and Gout instead of the Seizures and Brain Cancer that Aspartame gives. Apparently its a neurotoxin! \n\nI have been on the fence about Aspartame for awhile now, but simply Googling "Dangers of Aspartame" are enough to convince me, that whether it is true or only partially true, it's not worth it when I can confirm memory loss personally. 1305126943 +Is there any way I can bet against this? 1336035169 +At Skeptic meetings we don't care if people are mistaken about issues, X, Y, Z before they come. Education is the point not ideological purity.\n\nWould you ban a speaker who was an expert on debunking CAM (Complimentary Alternative Medicine) because they were a theist? If the answer is yes, then we have a serious problem.\n\nSkepticism is at its heart about science, would you also ban theists from being scientists?\n\n 1343143167 +Are the accidents broken down? Drug errors could account for the third leading source of *accidental* death. It still couldn't be 100,000 though. 1341518161 +are you kidding? imagine unsolved mysteries without them. 1337023070 +The interviewee should have their own camera recording their interview from start to finish with no interruptions, as a reference. When a discrepancy appears in the broadcast interview, they can then point to their own video and say "here's how it was before it was edited." 1313425614 +You know what's less cool? Downvoting everyone who proofreads it. It goes against reddiquette 1303084637 +I sympathize with some of the MR complaints (e.g., rape of men being disregarded, the oppression of not being able to be affectionate with children without being suspected of sexual abuse). However, the MR community here on reddit has previously shown to be incredibly [transphobic](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transphobia), and for that alone I have huge problems with them. 1345150224 +If I'm remembering right, the claim is that the act of birthing puts a lot of strain on the child's spine, and that is what misaligns it.\n\nAs to why they think it's related, the claim is that if your spine is messed up, your nerve system is messed up, and that makes your immune system messed up. Something like that. If you listen to an extreme chiropractor, they'd tell you that if you were perfectly aligned you'd never be sick, because your immune system would catch everything. 1324020867 +could you please back that up? 1348814488 +You must have never seen a newspaper then. 1311631238 +Wow that's alot of information haha, got lost in there. But let's go in order of questions here. \n*Can you describe this fellow in a more anatomical sense?*\nThe fellow in an anatomical sense was to say very chaotic I guess. Like I mentioned, he seemed to take on a different form each time that I've seen him, such as a dragon, a man in a suit, a man in a king's battle arraignment, a man with an antelope's head, a feral, coyote-like, anthromorphic creature, and a man in a suit, this time with what appeared to be dreadlocks.\n\n*How did he move?* He usually made very slow gestures, unless I approached something that I would sense that he wouldn't want me to touch. His movements then would become erratic and jerky, like a human that is heavily under the influence of cocaine.\n\n*What were his outlines like?* I'm not sure what you mean by this, but he seemed to never have an outline, he was just a mass of shadow and black, so if he did have one, I could not discern it.\n\n*What kind of sounds could you hear?* Most of the time, the dreams would have a hissing sound, and if i remember correctly, in the city dream I heard what seemed to be a sparking sound, like you hear from a fuse on a firecracker.\n\n*What did you get from the Oujia board?* I didn't receive anything, but what I heard from my girlfriend is that she made contact with a ghost, but she felt threatened by the presence, so she stopped. She tried again later the board simply said bad, over and over again, so she stopped for good then.\n\nAs for about me, my birthday is on December 5th, 1991. I love art, and I love music, and I smoke cigarettes. Things that I don't like are centipedes, basements, overly-zealous atheists and religious fanatics. I usually will talk about anything with anyone really, so long as they're comfy with themselves. I'm a very outgoing person, and I love to socialize.\n\nUsually my dreams are half of the time about people I know and having a good time, or making a bad time for me better by changing things to make it appeal better to me. My favorite colors happen to be violet, sage, and yellow, and my favorite number is 17. As for the thoughts, as of lately my thoughts have been about my recent ex, so I can't really give much leeway on that question.\n\nAs for the correspondences, Chicago is to the East of me, Ravens are my favorite bird, I get in trouble alot, Roses are in the garden in the front, I smoke *cloves* in my cigarettes( if that counts), and I love my life for others, so unselfishness I guess also fits.\n\nAs for the things in the numbered bullets, that is where it confuses me. If you could go into detail on what you mean by these fetters.\n\nAs for the way I feel around him, it's a terrifying comfort. It's really hard to describe it other than that. 1343005667 +mmm.... crystal brainzzz good 1336513106 +Living long enough causes cancer. 1355013642 +I own a small brewery so I have the whole alcohol makin' routine down. Interesting method for the wine though... might be fun to try at home one day. 1345832240 +She lost me at "more than 50% of our federal tax money is going towards the military." Not sure when this was made but in 2011 it was 19%.\n\nAlso, "you can't continue to run a linear system on a finite planet." I have no idea what that means. 1335561442 +You completely changed the title. It says right there "in Their Lifetime". 1336035310 +Fox News has our finest seal of approval. Upvote it. 1313064812 +Going by that article, because Deepak Chopra and many other quacks put quantum in front of everything, the whole field is bullshit. Post-modernism fuels a lot of new age and other crap, but it's a tool. I don't blame a hammer when I fail to fix my computer with it and banish it forever from my toolbox.\n\nIn history, area I'm most familiar with, post-modernism can be very useful, and even there it produced bullshit. Still, in its very basics it is just the rejection of a single, dominant narrative (be it western, masculine, nation-state, whatever). It is not that the stone drops different for white European man than it does for black African female. It is that they might perceive and interpret it differently. Unless, that is, they use the tools of modern science. Sure, it can, even should, be viewed as just another viewpoint, but a privileged one because no matter the cultural background it gives same results. By that virtue, even if modern science is western in origins, it is still universal.\n 1323501824 +from the at least Greek civilization onward, probably well before that, there were people who clearly reasoned that there was no logic behind god and no need for god to explain the universe 1324427166 +I'm a cat-based evidence lover myself. 1341921747 +I think that a major problem here is also that as video capturing quality develops, so do video editing and video shopping techniques. 1352705193 +Aye. It's fuckin creepy. 1339430655 +We lived in a house that had "minor" spirit activity. \nThings would fall off shelves (well they were thrown really) at random times, feeling like someone was looking at you when no one was there etc. \nOur Husky would be playing in the house and suddenly stop and stare into the kitchen at nothing. \nYou could call her and she wouldn't even look at you (usually she comes right to you).\nAfter a few seconds she would suddenly just start playing again like whatever was there was gone now. 1315239836 +For the sake of argument, there is also a paranormal entity called the ["black stick man" #3 on the list](http://listverse.com/2009/04/24/top-10-bizarre-modern-paranormal-phenomena/). The descriptions are pretty similar, so maybe that's what his GF saw and he knew about Slenderman but not black stick men so assumed it was Slenderman. 1313601201 +"for years?" then why didn't dubya take him out to ensure an even better republican victory in following elections. 1304340826 +I think you're thinking of Elizabeth May in Canada... and yea, she's nuts. Completely turned me off of our Green party. 1345521188 +This article was linked in three other subreddits with no upvotes before r/paranormal was collectively dumb enough to send it to the top. 1322298650 +Did we learn noting from the intelligent design fad? These people feed on conspiracy thinking and their oersecution mania. You will not convince them, as you will not convince some that the moon landing was a hoax. Call them out in public forums, when they try to claim legitimacy in the marketplace of ideas, but don't engage them on their territory. Wasteful of your energy, they are not interested in engaging in discourse at an honest level. \n\nYou're arguing fouls on a streetball court in their neighborhood. Play elsewhere. 1343836156 +Maybe she'll sue the radio station now. 1320712891 +>What the hell is in my house?\n\n- natural shadows\n\n- computer with photoshop program 1344898607 +Spider-Man will never web up Jesus. Sir Topem Hat will never ride Thomas to salvation. The Ninja Turtles will never get a pizza with the Virgin Mary's image burned into the cheese. 1332384401 +Thanks for your tip. However I'm 100% sure it wasn't a meteor. Read my post again and you'll see why. 1299663978 +Do you think they'll have to start claiming it's caused by wi-fi next? 1304014596 +Cheese 1330588489 +I don't think luck is some kind of force or substance, or magical woo-energy that makes things go your way, if that's what you mean. But it is a convenient way to refer to chance going your way. 1333748915 +I hope so because you'd have to be pretty special not to realize that gaping math flaw. 1297868933 +And fuck you all for downvoting me. Get the fuck out of your sci-fi shells and look at reality for a second. 1302272906 +The Venus de Milo is still in Paris last time I checked. 1352095398 +>"blind faith" should be admired.\n\nwtf are you doing in the skeptic subreddit? 1320452516 +Yes and no. I was actually thinking about that today and my first thought is that we'd see a lot more Arab scientists and economists is they were also give the kind of opportunities Jews have had in the modern world. If they found careers and got into colleges more by merit than by who they and their parents know, and if the oil wealth of the Gulf was invested into science and research rather than in the pockets of royals and their spawn, they would also perform quite well.\n\nLikewise, the disproportionate amount is rather slight since Nobel Prize winners in this category come from a very wide variety of ethnic backgrounds. I'm sure that the relentless focus on study and achievement helps but we also need to think about access to the resources and opportunities here. 1313632253 +That is creepy and I just got a whole bunch of chills through my body. That "wide-eye" look is just disturbing. Like you only see that stuff in the horror movies. 1340122134 +That disc player 'trick' was atrocious, not helped by the magician himself being awful. \n\nIf he'd made them properly portable it would have been more interesting but having them attached to speakers just gave far too much avenue for simple electronic shenanigans. In actual fact, one of them kicked in *far* too fast for a cd player which made me think there was an MP3 player concealed somewhere.\n\nNow, what I'd like to do it take it one stage further. Ask them to bring in their own CD... and you give them a specially designed CD player which instead of just playing the CD, also transmits it wirelessly to the player on stage. They, from their seat, choose a CD, and place it in the player, you can then "magically" guess which track they're going to play, and burn the first 30 seconds or so for later use in the trick...\n\n... I've thought about this during my morning shower by the way... :p 1309878335 +.....\nAm I alone in love for the wonder that is the camel toe? 1326275429 +It's pretty rare that you hear the science writers for a paper actually called on how shitty a job they do. But in those instances, I've always found the answers depressing. Even in papers I'd have considered fairly reputable, the science reporters seemed to just display an outright ignorance of how science is actually performed. They seemed to obsess over the idea of a story. That opposing viewpoints had to be represented, and that the effects of an experiment were as subjective as the pros and cons of any political party. 1300610859 +There was an article around a few days back covering the effectiveness of drinks like Gatorade in terms of how they can improve an athlete's performance when they're essentially just sugar water. The gist of the article was that it wasn't the sugar giving the drinker more energy, but triggers in the mouth letting the brain know that something sweet was incoming, making the drinker happier. They discovered this by having their test subjects swish the drink around in their mouth and spitting it out, then go for a run.\n\nHow does this map to this particular concern? Apparently when the testers did the same with diet drinks, they got no benefit from it. It would seem that your mouth knows the difference between real and fake sugar, and doesn't let your brain know if it's dealing with the latter.\n\nNo source once again (can't find the article) but I remember reading it exactly because they made that distinction, and the whole taste-sweet-gain-weight is something I've heard and wondered about before as well. 1312562376 +that was dumb 1339685541 +She is dead... 1349481653 +I think you may be right after watching the video, you never actually see her type. You see her pressing one button then it switches to the computer screen as it talks. How could someone (I'm guessing so this may not be accurate) have perfect grammar, spelling and sentence structure without a normal education. I've been in a school with many special needs students and they never did anything close to that level.\n\nI'd like to be wrong about this, sure its a nice story but I agree that it is probably fake. 1330763713 +in related news, it turns marijuana hermaphroditic. 1310471007 +Alright, so the topic is how men and women are influenced by society to have sex and or how men/women influence each other using those stereotypes. Yes there are people that don't fit into this category. If you would like to add to the conversation then stand up for an individualized relationship, and please differentiate how your individual relationship isn't impacted by the influence of those around you. That would add to your argument, instead of staying in the realm of "There is an opinion I don't like, I haz the anger". \n 1324590884 +http://tiny.cc/thisoneepisode <- You can hear about it , they interview the author, which then was made into an episode . 1352613056 +Wrong.\n\nStainless is made of two words - STAIN, LESS.\nIt's stains LESS.\nhttp://www.finishing.com/190/05.shtml 1301506276 +I can't get this date to work in the tracker. It keeps telling me to put it in the correct form and I have. Can you take a screen shot of what you get. If it wasn't the ISS, who knows? Believe me I want to be open minded to this as best I can. I just dont want to jump to conclusions. 1350073123 +Can't help but to be skeptical, but the flashing lights is throwing me off. It looks like it could be a kid's toy. 1305352261 +That's exactly how I felt when the Q&A really got going. People yelling at one another, standing up and offering unsolicited personal testimony, tinfoil hats and everything. 1348510889 +How so? From the tutorial explanations on that site, all I can tell is that without rainbowing, it was not likely edited with an adobe product (photoshop). So maybe gimp, but you'd expect brighter dots around the area that's different (edges) while the rest is relatively smooth, which I think is expected (but those ELAs are a bit hard to read to me).\n\nIs it that the background's black in the ELA instead of more distorted? It's an image from January according to the meta-data so it's likely been saved more than once which might account for that.\n\nI'd say it's more likely a lens flare or reflection on glass (taken through a car window?) then a digital modification.\n\nMy guess would be an i-phone taking a picture of a cloudy sky through a car window near a traffic stop at a red light, with the red light oddly reflected off the glass, maybe reflected in a drop of water. 1345596823 +You really expect to post such drivel into /r/Skeptic? Lots of kids hopping up and down? Amazing.\n\nDon't you realize that if someone could actually float and defeat the force of gravity they would be the most important person in the world. The entire theory of physics would need to be rewritten.\n\nTM (I assume you mean transcendental meditation) was debunked in the 60's. \n\nIt's embarrassing to everyone that someone would foist this nonsense on us and I'm sure the head of this school is laughing all the way to the bank. 1351124871 +[/r/politics](/r/politics) is secretly [/r/circlejerk](/r/circlejerk) in disguise. 1324963465 +>Yes. \n\nWell, that shows that you are the religious one here. Your religion is "science" (read: a particular brand of science that denies anything spiritual).\n\n>science has actual scientific proof.\n\nRedundant much? That statement exemplifies the circular nature of your reasoning. As already noted more than once, standards of evidence are subjective. You obviously refuse to even acknowledge that I've made this point, as shown by your refusal to respond to it, and your continued insistence that I have no proof. I think the reason you want to ignore this point is that it means that your attitude toward reincarnation may actually be mo