This commit is contained in:
lechwolowski 2020-04-21 23:00:41 +02:00
parent 427a67e77a
commit 8d7f01f010
3 changed files with 246 additions and 1 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -4,4 +4,3 @@ pyenv

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@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
import numpy as np
from time import time
import keras.backend.tensorflow_backend as backend
from keras import backend as K
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Input, Activation, Flatten
from keras.optimizers import Adam
from keras.callbacks import TensorBoard
import tensorflow as tf
from collections import deque
import random
from Deep_Q_Learning.GC_Env import GC_Env
REPLAY_MEMORY_SIZE = 50_000 # How many last steps to keep for model training
# Minimum number of steps in a memory to start training
MINIBATCH_SIZE = 64 # How many steps (samples) to use for training
UPDATE_TARGET_EVERY = 5 # Terminal states (end of episodes)
MODEL_NAME = 'l-3_n-26-12-6-relu4l_adjusted_rewards'
MIN_REWARD = -200 # For model save
# Environment settings
EPISODES = 20_000
# Exploration settings
epsilon = 1 # not a constant, going to be decayed
# Stats settings
# Further, whenever we call load_model(remember, we needed it for the target network), we will need to pass custom_objects={'huber_loss': huber_loss as an argument to tell Keras where to find huber_loss.
def huber_loss(a, b, in_keras=True):
error = a - b
quadratic_term = error*error / 2
linear_term = abs(error) - 1/2
use_linear_term = (abs(error) > 1.0)
use_linear_term = K.cast(use_linear_term, 'float32')
return use_linear_term * linear_term + (1-use_linear_term) * quadratic_term
# Own Tensorboard class
class ModifiedTensorBoard(TensorBoard):
# Overriding init to set initial step and writer (we want one log file for all .fit() calls)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.step = 1
self.writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(self.log_dir)
# Overriding this method to stop creating default log writer
def set_model(self, model):
# Overrided, saves logs with our step number
# (otherwise every .fit() will start writing from 0th step)
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
# Overrided
# We train for one batch only, no need to save anything at epoch end
def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None):
# Overrided, so won't close writer
def on_train_end(self, _):
# Custom method for saving own metrics
# Creates writer, writes custom metrics and closes writer
def update_stats(self, **stats):
self._write_logs(stats, self.step)
class DQNAgent:
def __init__(self, env):
self.env = env
# Main model
self.model = self.create_model()
# Target network
self.target_model = self.create_model()
# An array with last n steps for training
self.replay_memory = deque(maxlen=REPLAY_MEMORY_SIZE)
# Custom tensorboard object
self.tensorboard = ModifiedTensorBoard(
log_dir="logs/{}-{}".format(MODEL_NAME, int(time())))
# Used to count when to update target network with main network's weights
self.target_update_counter = 0
def create_model(self):
model = Sequential([
Dense(26, input_shape=self.env.OBSERVATION_SPACE_VALUES, activation='relu'),
Dense(12, activation='relu'),
Dense(6, activation='relu'),
Dense(self.env.ACTION_SPACE_SIZE, activation='softmax'),
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer=Adam(
lr=0.001), metrics=['accuracy'])
return model
# Adds step's data to a memory replay array
# (observation space, action, reward, new observation space, done)
def update_replay_memory(self, transition):
# Trains main network every step during episode
def train(self, terminal_state, step):
# Start training only if certain number of samples is already saved
if len(self.replay_memory) < MIN_REPLAY_MEMORY_SIZE:
# Get a minibatch of random samples from memory replay table
minibatch = random.sample(self.replay_memory, MINIBATCH_SIZE)
# Get current states from minibatch, then query NN model for Q values
current_states = np.array([transition[0]
for transition in minibatch])
current_qs_list = self.model.predict(current_states)
# Get future states from minibatch, then query NN model for Q values
# When using target network, query it, otherwise main network should be queried
new_current_states = np.array(
[transition[3] for transition in minibatch])
future_qs_list = self.target_model.predict(new_current_states)
X = []
y = []
# Now we need to enumerate our batches
for index, (current_state, action, reward, new_current_state, done) in enumerate(minibatch):
# If not a terminal state, get new q from future states, otherwise set it to 0
# almost like with Q Learning, but we use just part of equation here
if not done:
max_future_q = np.max(future_qs_list[index])
new_q = reward + DISCOUNT * max_future_q
new_q = reward
# Update Q value for given state
current_qs = current_qs_list[index]
current_qs[action] = new_q
# And append to our training data
# Fit on all samples as one batch, log only on terminal state, np.array(y), batch_size=MINIBATCH_SIZE, verbose=0,
shuffle=False, callbacks=[self.tensorboard] if terminal_state else None)
# Update target network counter every episode
if terminal_state:
self.target_update_counter += 1
# If counter reaches set value, update target network with weights of main network
if self.target_update_counter > UPDATE_TARGET_EVERY:
self.target_update_counter = 0
# Queries main network for Q values given current observation space (environment state)
def get_qs(self, state):
return self.model.predict(np.array(state).reshape(-1, 30))

Deep_Q_Learning/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
from models.Garbage_Collector import Garbage_Collector
from helpler import Render_Element
from models.House import House
from config import MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT
import numpy as np
class GC_Env:
OBSERVATION_SPACE_VALUES = (2 + 1 * 4 + 6 * 4,)
def reset(self):
self.draw_items = {(x, y): Render_Element(x, y)
for x in range(MAP_WIDTH) for y in range(MAP_HEIGHT)}
self.gc = Garbage_Collector(self.draw_items)
self.actions = {
0: self.gc.move_up,
1: self.gc.move_down,
2: self.gc.move_left,
3: self.gc.move_right,
4: self.gc.pick_trash,
5: self.gc.leave_trash
houses = list(map(lambda item: self.draw_items[item], list(filter(lambda item: isinstance(
self.draw_items[item], House), self.draw_items))))
observation = [
self.gc.col/(MAP_WIDTH - 1),
self.gc.row / (MAP_HEIGHT - 1),
self.gc.mixed / self.gc.limit, self.gc.paper / self.gc.limit, / self.gc.limit, self.gc.plastic / self.gc.limit,
for house in houses:
for item in ["mixed", "paper", "glass", "plastic"]:
observation.append(getattr(house, item) / house.limit)
return observation
def step(self, action):
action_result = self.actions[action]()
houses = list(map(lambda item: self.draw_items[item], list(filter(lambda item: isinstance(
self.draw_items[item], House), self.draw_items))))
new_observation = [
self.gc.col/(MAP_WIDTH - 1),
self.gc.row / (MAP_HEIGHT - 1),
self.gc.mixed / self.gc.limit, self.gc.paper / self.gc.limit, / self.gc.limit, self.gc.plastic / self.gc.limit,
for house in houses:
for item in ["mixed", "paper", "glass", "plastic"]:
new_observation.append(getattr(house, item) / house.limit)
if action_result == False:
reward = -10
elif action_result == True:
reward = -0.1
reward = action_result
done = True
if not self.gc.is_empty():
done = False
for item in self.draw_items:
if isinstance(self.draw_items[item], House) and not self.draw_items[item].is_empty():
done = False
return new_observation, reward, done