import pandas as pd import numpy import csv data = pd.read_csv('heart.csv') def p_target(target): count = 0 for i in data['target']: if i == target: count += 1 return count / len(data) def p_property(property_name, value): count = 0 if value == 0 or value == 1: for i in data[property_name]: if i == value: count += 1 else: for i in data[property_name]: if value[0] <= i and i < value[1]: count += 1 return count / len(data) def p_property_if_target(property_name, property_value, target): property_if_target = 0 count_target = 0 for i in range(len(data['target'])): if data['target'][i] == target: count_target += 1 if property_value == 0 or property_value == 1: if data[property_name][i] == property_value: property_if_target += 1 else: if property_value[0] <= data[property_name][i] and data[property_name][i] < property_value[1]: property_if_target += 1 return property_if_target / count_target def p_target_if_property(properties_values, target): p_properties_if_target = [] for p in properties_values: p_properties_if_target.append(p_property_if_target(p[0], p[1], target)) numerator = * p_target(target) print(numerator) p_properties_if_target = [[], []] for t in [0, 1]: for p in properties_values: p_properties_if_target[t].append(p_property_if_target(p[0], p[1], t)) denominator = sum([[t]) * p_target(t) for t in [0, 1]]) # coś tutaj jest nie tak print(denominator) return numerator / denominator print(p_property('sex', value=1), p_property('sex', value=0)) print(p_property('chol', value=[200, 1000])) print(p_property('age', value=[50, 1000])) print(p_property('fbs', value=1)) print(p_property('target', value=1)) print(p_property_if_target('sex', 1, 1)) print(p_property_if_target('age', [51, 1000], 1)) print(p_property_if_target('chol', [201, 1000], 1)) print(p_property_if_target('fbs', 1, 1)) print() print(p_target_if_property([('sex', 1), ('chol', [201, 1000]), ('age', [51, 120]), ('fbs', 1)], 1)) print(p_property_if_target('sex', 1, 1)) print(p_property_if_target('sex', 0, 1)) d={'sex':['Woman', 'Man'], 'Probability': [p_property_if_target('sex', 0, 1), p_property_if_target('sex', 1, 1)]} p=pd.DataFrame(d) pd.DataFrame(p).to_csv('sex_if_heart_attack.csv',index=False, header=True) age_sex_target = [] for a in range(30, 80, 5): print(a, a+5) for i in [0,1]: age_sex_target.append([[a, a + 5], i, p_target_if_property([('sex', i), ('age', [a, a + 5])], 1), p_target_if_property([('sex', i), ('age', [a, a + 5])], 0)]) with open('age_sex_heart_attack.csv', 'w', newline='') as file: writer = csv.writer(file) writer.writerow(["age", "sex", "heart attack", "no heart attack"]) for i in age_sex_target: writer.writerow(i)