text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Null is not a valid value for {0}. {0} is not a valid value for {1}. Accessor methods for the {0} property are missing. Invalid type for the {0} event. The primary and secondary objects are already associated with each other. Parameter must be static. The {0} culture cannot be converted to a CultureInfo object on this computer. The value '{0}' is not a valid value for the enum '{1}'. (New...) Couldn't find type {0} '{0}' is not a valid value for 'Interval'. 'Interval' must be greater than {1}. The Mask value cannot be null or empty. Parameter must be readable. Duplicate component name '{0}'. Component names must be unique and case-insensitive. A valid license cannot be granted for the type {0}. Contact the manufacturer of the component for more information. Length mismatch. Parameter cannot be static. Invalid event handler for the {0} event. {0} on {1} The number of elements in the Type and Object arrays must match. (Collection) IDictionary parameter contains at least one entry that is not valid. Ensure all values are consistent with the object's properties. The service {0} already exists in the service container. The object {0} is being remoted by a proxy that does not support interface discovery. This type of remoted object is not supported. The number of milliseconds between timer events. The object used to marshal the event handler calls issued when an interval has elapsed. Invalid value '{1}' for parameter '{0}'. (none) Indicates whether the timer is enabled to fire events at a defined interval. Expected types in the collection to be of type {0}. The CurrentContext property of the LicenseManager is currently locked and cannot be changed. The CurrentContext property of the LicenseManager is already locked by another user. {0} Array Indicates whether the timer will be restarted when it is enabled. An array of tab type names or tab types must be specified tabClasses must have the same number of items as tabScopes The checkout was canceled by the user. Once a ListSortDescriptionCollection has been created it can't be modified. Invalid member name An instance of type '{1}' was being created, and a valid license could not be granted for the type '{0}'. Please, contact the manufacturer of the component for more information. The specified mask contains invalid characters. The CurrentContext property of the LicenseManager can only be unlocked with the same contextUser. (Collection) Relationships between {0}.{1} and {2}.{3} are not supported. Text "{0}" cannot be parsed. The expected text format is "{1}". Color '{0}' is not valid. (Default) {0} cannot convert from {1}. '{1}' is not a valid value for '{0}'. The specified type is not a nullable type. Invalid type for the {0} property The specified character value is not allowed for this property. The PasswordChar and PromptChar values cannot be the same. The service instance must derive from or implement {0}. Property accessor '{0}' on object '{1}' threw the following exception:'{2}' '{0}' is unable to convert '{1}' to '{2}'. Accessor methods for the {0} event are missing. The type description provider {0} has returned null from {1} which is illegal. Cannot create an association when the primary and secondary objects are the same. (none) (null) (Text) Scope must be PropertyTabScope.Document or PropertyTabScope.Component Failed to create ToolboxItem of type: {0} Occurs when the Interval has elapsed.