text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Can't convert Uri path '{0}' using encoding '{1}'. The {0} operation was called on an incoming request with WebSocket version '{1}', expected '{2}'. No service name check because the authentication was from a client on the local machine. No service name check because the channel binding was already checked. The {0} operation was called on an incoming WebSocket request without required '{1}' header. The stream does not support reading. No explicit service name check because Kerberos authentication already validates the service name. The target array is too small. Bytes to be written to the stream exceed the Content-Length bytes size specified. The WebSocket protocol '{0}' is invalid because it contains the invalid character '{1}'. Protocol error: A received message contains a valid signature but it was not encrypted as required by the effective Protection Level. Removing default service name '{0}' from prefix '{1}'. Service name check failed because the client did not provide a service name and the server was configured for PolicyEnforcement.Always. An error occurred when sending the WebSocket HTTP upgrade response during the {0} operation. The HRESULT returned is '{1}' The Content-Length value must be greater than or equal to zero. Service name check succeeded. Adding default service name '{0}' from prefix '{1}'. Can't convert string '{0}' into UTF-8 bytes: {1} No default service name removed for prefix '{0}'. The '{0}' instance cannot be used for communication because it has been transitioned into the '{1}' state. The WebSocket client request requested '{0}' protocol(s), but server is only accepting '{1}' protocol(s). The message type '{0}' is not allowed for the '{1}' operation. Valid message types are: '{2}, {3}'. To close the WebSocket, use the '{4}' operation instead. Offset exceeds the length of buffer. Received a request with an unsupported authentication scheme, Authorization:{0} SupportedSchemes:{1}. The WebSocket is in an invalid state ('{0}') for this operation. Valid states are: '{1}' The status code must be exactly three digits. The request is not supported. Please call the {0} method before calling this method. Can't detach Url group from request queue. Status code: {0}. Received a request with an unmatched or no authentication scheme. AuthenticationSchemes:{0}, Authorization:{1}. No default service name added for prefix '{0}'. The close status description '{0}' is too long. The UTF8-representation of the status description must not be longer than {1} bytes. This property is not implemented by this class. No channel binding check for the trusted proxy scenario. The close status description '{0}' is invalid. When using close status code '{1}' the description must be null. Custom channel bindings are not supported. The Security Service Providers don't support extended protection. Please install the latest Security Service Providers update. No channel binding check because extended protection is disabled. Specified value has invalid Control characters. {0} can only be called once for each asynchronous operation. Only Uri prefixes starting with 'http://' or 'https://' are supported. Can't close Url group. Status code: {0}. Only HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 version requests are currently supported. The buffer type '{0}' is invalid. Valid buffer types are: '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}'. The WebSocket client did not request any protocols, but server attempted to accept '{0}' protocol(s). The WebSocket is in an invalid state for this operation. The '{0}' method has already been called before on this instance. Use '{1}' instead to keep being able to receive data but close the output channel. Cannot close stream until all bytes are written. The byte array must have a length of at least '{0}' bytes. Empty string is not a valid subprotocol value. Please use \"null\" to specify no value. The received message type '{2}' is invalid after calling {0}. {0} should only be used if no more data is expected from the remote endpoint. Use '{1}' instead to keep being able to receive data but close the output channel. Chunked encoding upload is not supported on the HTTP/1.0 protocol. The value of the '{0}' parameter ({1}) must be less than or equal to {2}. The {0} operation was called on an incoming request that did not specify a '{1}: {2}' header or the {2} header not contain '{3}'. {2} specified by the client was '{4}'. Client certificate not found. {0} returned {1}. Can't convert bytes '{0}' into UTF-16 characters: {1} The argument must be a value greater than {0}. Failed to listen on prefix '{0}' because it conflicts with an existing registration on the machine. The in-progress method {0} must be completed first. Cookie already exists. Sending 500 response, AuthenticationSchemeSelectorDelegate threw an exception: {0}. The WebSocket protocol is not supported on this platform. Querying the {0} Channel Binding is not supported. The specified value is not valid in the '{0}' enumeration. Invalid port in prefix. Invalid path. This stream does not support seek operations. The IAsyncResult object was not returned from the corresponding asynchronous method on this class. Dumping acceptable service names: This operation cannot be performed after the response has been submitted. Authentication errors. No service name check because the client did not provide a service name and the server was configured for PolicyEnforcement.WhenSupported. Only Uri prefixes with a valid hostname are supported. No service name check because extended protection is disabled. This method is not implemented by this class. No channel binding check for requests without a secure channel. The requested security package is not supported. Can't create Uri from string '{0}://{1}{2}{3}'. I/O operation aborted: '{0}'. No acceptable service names were configured! No service names could be determined from the registered prefixes. Either add prefixes from which default service names can be derived or specify an ExtendedProtectionPolicy object which contains an explicit list of service names. Cannot re-call {0} while a previous call is still in progress. There is already one outstanding '{0}' call for this WebSocket instance. ReceiveAsync and SendAsync can be called simultaneously, but at most one outstanding operation for each of them is allowed at the same time. Listener closed. The close status code '{0}' is reserved for system use only and cannot be specified when calling this method. Only Uri prefixes ending in '/' are allowed. Service name check failed. {0} failed with error {1}. '{0}' is not a supported handle type. Can't convert percent encoded value '{0}'. Client provided service name '{0}'. Channel binding check enabled. The stream does not support writing.