text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Token '{0}' does not support a conversion to Clr type '{1}'. Reference to unparsed entity '{0}'. The '{0}' character, hexadecimal value {1}, at position {2} within the name, cannot be included in a name. To be XML serializable, types which inherit from {2} must have an implementation of Add({1}) at all levels of their inheritance hierarchy. {0} does not implement Add({1}). '{0}' is not yet implemented. The TotalDigits constraint failed. The type for {0} may not be specified for primitive types. Function '{0}' in '{1}' has an invalid number of arguments. There was an error exporting '{0}': elements declared at the top level of a schema cannot be unqualified. Schema with targetNamespace='{0}' has invalid syntax. {1} Line {2}, position {3}. Invalid byte was found at index {0}. Invalid BinaryXml signature. XmlRoot and XmlType attributes may not be specified for the type {0}. '{0}' is an invalid value for the {1} property. {0} cannot be converted to {2}. 'simpleType' or 'complexType' cannot follow 'unique', 'key' or 'keyref'. The top XML element '{0}' from namespace '{1}' references distinct types {2} and {3}. Use XML attributes to specify another XML name or namespace for the element or types. DTD must be defined before the document root element. The element {0} has incomplete content. List of possible elements expected: {1}. Inference can only handle simple built-in types for 'SchemaType'. The MaxExclusive constraining facet is prohibited for '{0}'. The referring attribute must be present. No complex type to redefine. The element cannot contain text. Content model is empty. Uppercase-First sorting option is not supported. Input or output values of an rpc\literal method cannot have an XmlNamespaceDeclarations attribute (member '{0}'). The attribute '{0}' has an invalid value '{1}' according to its schema type '{2}' - {3} Invalid content type derivation by restriction. The '{0}' attribute is not allowed. There is an unclosed conditional section. The '{0}' start tag on line {1} position {2} does not match the end tag of '{3}'. It is an error for both 'length' and either 'minLength' or 'maxLength' to be members of {facets}, unless they are specified in different derivation steps. In which case the following must be true: the {value} of 'minLength' <= the {value} of 'length' <= the {value} of 'maxLength'. When the order is many, the maxOccurs attribute must have a value of '*'. '{0}' declaration is not permitted in non-schema aware processor. Transform terminated: '{0}'. Function '{0}()' must have at least {1} argument(s). The MinLength constraining facet is invalid - {0} Expecting 'PCDATA'. Value '{0}' cannot be used for the {1} property. The datatype '{2}' is missing. The MaxInclusive constraint failed. This is a duplicate MinInclusive constraining facet. StandAlone is 'yes' and the value of the attribute '{0}' contains a definition in an external document that changes on normalization. This is an invalid object. Only objects returned from Compile() can be passed as input. 'all' is not the only particle in a group, or is being used as an extension. Type '{0}' from namespace '{1}' does not have corresponding IXmlSerializable type. Please consider adding {2} to '{3}'. The '{0}' attribute is either invalid or missing. The type, {0}, is undeclared. The parameter entity replacement text must nest properly within markup declarations. Method {0}.{1}() specified by {2} has invalid signature: return type must be compatible with {3}. 'sequence', 'choice', or 'all' child is required. '{0}' in namespace '{1}' The 'current()' function cannot be used in a pattern. Keyref '{0}' has different cardinality as the referred key or unique element. '{0}' is an invalid xml:space value. SOAP-ENC:arrayType has mismatched brackets. '{0}' Internal error: {0}. XmlAttribute and XmlAnyAttribute cannot be used in conjunction with XmlElement, XmlText, XmlAnyElement, XmlArray, or XmlArrayItem. The Form property may not be 'Unqualified' when an explicit Namespace property is present. The 'import' element cannot appear at this location. The MinExclusive constraining facet is invalid - {0} No validation occurred. '{1}' is an invalid value for the '{0}' attribute. QIL Validation Error! '{0}'. A node of type '{0}' cannot have the name '{1}'. '{0}' cannot be a member of substitution group with head element '{1}'. The reference node must be a child of the current node. The value for the '{0}' attribute is invalid - {1} 'SchemaLocation' must successfully resolve if <redefine> contains any child other than <annotation>. Cannot resolve the 'schemaLocation' attribute. The index being passed in is out of range. The document to be loaded could not be found. The 'InnerText' of a 'Document' node is read-only and cannot be set. Values that are declared as {fixed} in a base type can not be changed in a derived type. Cannot resolve '{0}'. The XML element '{0}' from namespace '{1}' is already present in the current scope. Use XML attributes to specify another XML name or namespace for the element. Elements with the same name and in the same scope must have the same type. 'maxInclusive' and 'maxExclusive' cannot both be specified for the same data type. An attribute of type NOTATION must not be declared on an element declared EMPTY. The element list has changed. The enumeration operation failed to continue. Expecting a system identifier or a public identifier. Stack overflow. The String '{0}' cannot be represented as an XmlQualifiedName. A namespace for prefix '{1}' cannot be found. The value of the '{0}' element does not equal its fixed value. The 'current()' function cannot be used in a pattern. Illegal namespace declaration xmlns:{0}='{1}'. Namespace alias '{0}' already defined in the current scope. 'xsl:import' instructions must precede all other element children of an 'xsl:stylesheet' element. Lists of BinaryXml value tokens not supported. Cannot import schema for type '{0}' from namespace '{1}'. Redefine not supported. A node of type '{0}' cannot have a name. The value for the 'minOccurs' attribute must be xsd:nonNegativeInteger. Value of {0} mismatches the type of {1}; you need to set it to {2}. Cannot have multiple DTDs. Root element name must match the DocType name. General entity '{0}' references itself. The base type is the final union. Invalid attribute type. The element {0} has invalid child element {1}. List of possible elements expected: {2}. The base attribute '{0}' whose use = 'required' does not have a corresponding derived attribute while redefining attribute group '{1}'. Only 'element' is valid as derived particle when the base particle is 'element'. The base any attribute must be a superset of the derived 'anyAttribute'. The actual length is greater than the MaxLength value. Scientific notation is not allowed. Serialization Assembly Name: {0}. Unexpected end of file has occurred. Negative values are prohibited. Invalid character in the given encoding. Circular substitution group affiliation. '{0}' is not in the notation list. Cannot merge schemas with targetNamespace='{0}'. Several mismatched declarations were found: {1} 'xsl:when' must precede the 'xsl:otherwise' element. The dt:values attribute is missing. System does not support '{0}' encoding. When both 'xsl:matching-string' and 'xsl:non-matching-string' elements are present, 'xsl:matching-string' element must come first. Method '{1}' of extension object '{0}' cannot be called because it is generic. The value '{0}' is invalid for dt:minLength. Content model validation resulted in a large number of states, possibly due to large occurrence ranges. Therefore, content model may not be validated accurately. There is an error in XML document ({0}, {1}). SimpleType content is missing. The attribute {0} is missing. Abbreviated step '..' cannot be followed by a predicate. Use the full form 'parent::node()[predicate]' instead. Member element {0}'s type cannot be derived by restriction or extension from head element {1}'s type, because it has block='restriction' or 'extension'. The DataType value cannot be empty. Double redefine for group. Unexpected DTD declaration. For non-array types, you may use the following attributes: XmlAttribute, XmlText, XmlElement, or XmlAnyElement. Cannot serialize member '{0}' of type {1}. XmlAttribute/XmlText cannot be used to encode types implementing {2}. Make sure that the ConformanceLevel setting is set to ConformanceLevel.Fragment or ConformanceLevel.Auto if you want to write an XML fragment. Set XmlWriterSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods. The attributeGroup '{0}' has already been declared. No stylesheet was loaded. The named template '{0}' does not exist. The MinLength constraining facet is prohibited for '{0}'. The value '{0}' is invalid according to its data type. Only XmlRoot attribute may be specified for the type {0}. Please use {1} to specify schema type. There is no Unicode byte order mark. Cannot switch to Unicode. The 'msxsl:script' element cannot be empty. Selector cannot appear twice in one identity constraint. The 'value' attribute must be present in facet. XSLT compile error at {0}({1},{2}). See InnerException for details. '{0}' is a duplicate attribute name. The Length constraining facet is invalid - {0} Cannot create an 'EntityReference' node with a name starting with '#'. The element '{0}' is abstract or its type is abstract. An 'Attributes' collection can only contain 'Attribute' objects. The length constraining facet is prohibited for '{0}'. Element '{0}' was not found. The QName '{0}' cannot be represented as a String. A prefix for namespace '{1}' cannot be found. Could not deserialize {0}. Parameterless constructor is required for collections and enumerators. The MaxLength constraining facet is invalid - {0} '{0}' is an invalid XPath for selector. Selector cannot have an XPath selection with an attribute node. For security reasons DTD is prohibited in this XML document. To enable DTD processing set the DtdProcessing property on XmlReaderSettings to Parse and pass the settings into XmlReader.Create method. Cannot generate serialization assembly {0} because it already exists. Use /{1} to force an overwrite of the existing assembly. Cannot serialize {0}. References in structs are not supported with encoded SOAP. The Keyref '{0}' cannot find the referred key or unique in scope. The standalone document declaration must have a value of 'no'. The derived element {0} at ({1}, {2}) is not a valid restriction of the base sequence particle at ({3}, {4}) according to Elt:All/Choice/Sequence -- RecurseAsIfGroup. The derived element {0} at ({1}, {2}) is not a valid restriction of the base choice particle at ({3}, {4}) according to Elt:All/Choice/Sequence -- RecurseAsIfGroup. The derived element {0} at ({1}, {2}) is not a valid restriction of the base all particle at ({3}, {4}) according to Elt:All/Choice/Sequence -- RecurseAsIfGroup. The XmlReader is closed or in error state. The key sequence '{0}' in '{1}' Keyref fails to refer to some key. The specified type is abstract: name='{0}', namespace='{1}', at {2}. Cannot open '{0}'. The Uri parameter must be a file system relative or absolute path. The '{0}' element is not declared. The group ref to 'all' is not the root particle, or it is being used as an extension. The '{0}' element already exists in the content model. Invalid name character in '{0}'. The '{1}' character, hexadecimal value {2}, cannot be included in a name. The '{0}' attribute is not declared. Cannot convert a node-set which contains zero nodes or more than one node to a single node. Instance validation error: '{0}' is not a valid value for {1}. String literal was not closed. XSLT function '{0}()' has the wrong number of arguments. Element '{0}' cannot appear more than once if content model type is "all". Schema Id is missing. The schema returned from {0}.GetSchema() must have an Id. {0}as well as The identity constraint '{0}' has already been declared. It is an error if the derived 'minExclusive' facet value is greater than or equal to the parent 'maxExclusive' facet value. Element should have prior schema information to call this method. Circular identity constraint reference. Expected a node test, found '{0}'. The '{0}' property is read only and cannot be set. The '{0}' character, hexadecimal value {1}, cannot be included in a name. 'xsl:analyze-string' must contain either 'xsl:matching-string' or 'xsl:non-matching-string' elements or both. Invalid XML attribute quote character. Valid attribute quote characters are ' and ". '{1}' values must be unique within the same scope. Value '{0}' is in use. Please change '{1}' property on '{2}'. The derived wildcard's namespace constraint must be an intensional subset of the base wildcard's namespace constraint, Any:Any -- NSSubset Rule2. The derived wildcard's 'processContents' must be identical to or stronger than the base wildcard's 'processContents', where 'strict' is stronger than 'lax' and 'lax' is stronger than 'skip', Any:Any -- NSSubset Rule 3. The derived wildcard's occurrence range is not a valid restriction of the base wildcard's occurrence range, Any:Any -- NSSubset Rule 1. It is invalid to call the 'ValidateEndElement' overload that takes in a 'typedValue' after 'ValidateText' or 'ValidateWhitespace' methods have been called. Choice identifier '{0}' must be an enum. Type '{0}' cannot be serialized by XmlSerializer, serialization code for the type is missing. Consult the SDK documentation for adding it as a root serialization type. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=613136 XmlText, XmlAnyElement, or XmlChoiceIdentifier cannot be used with rpc\literal SOAP, you may use the following attributes: XmlArray, XmlArrayItem, or single XmlElement. String comparison option(s) '{0}' are either invalid or cannot be used together. The attribute value cannot be empty. The empty string '' is not a valid name. {0} Cannot query the data source object referenced by URI '{0}', because the provided XmlResolver returned an object of type '{1}'. Only Stream, XmlReader, and IXPathNavigable data source objects are currently supported. This is a duplicate FractionDigits constraining facet. The xsi:type attribute value '{0}' is not valid for the element '{1}', either because it is not a type validly derived from the type in the schema, or because it has xsi:type derivation blocked. The MaxInclusive constraining facet is prohibited for '{0}'. The current position on the Reader is neither an element nor an attribute. Cannot have both an extension object and a script implementing the same namespace '{0}'. Expected 'Extension' within 'SimpleContent'. Schema was not created using this tool. The group ref to 'all' must have {min occurs}= 0 or 1 and {max occurs}=1. Type {0} is not supported because it has unbound generic parameters. Only instantiated generic types can be serialized. Referenced type '{0}' is only valid for encoded SOAP. Extension object '{0}' does not contain a matching '{1}' method that has {2} parameter(s). Cannot generate serialization assembly '{0}' because a directory with the same name already exists. Invalid xml:space syntax. '{0}' is a duplicate template name. '{0}' element children must precede all other children of the '{1}' element. The variable or parameter '{0}' cannot have both a 'select' attribute and non-empty content. Type of choice identifier '{0}' is inconsistent with type of '{1}'. Please use {2}. Operation is not valid due to the current position of the navigator. XmlArray and XmlArrayItem cannot be used in conjunction with XmlAttribute, XmlAnyAttribute, XmlElement, XmlText, or XmlAnyElement. The XML element '{0}' from namespace '{1}' was not expected. The XML element name and namespace must match those provided via XmlAnyElementAttribute(s). The group is not allowed when ElementType has empty or textOnly content. There are multiple root elements in the output XML. There was an error exporting '{0}': bare members cannot be attributes. An internal error has occurred. 'xsl:analyze-string' cannot have second child with name '{0}'. 'All', 'any', and 'choice' are forbidden as derived particles when the base particle is 'sequence'. 'Choice' or 'any' is forbidden as derived particle when the base particle is 'all'. The field '{0}' is expecting at the most one value. Collation language '{0}' is not supported. XmlElement, XmlText, and XmlAnyElement cannot be used in conjunction with XmlAttribute, XmlAnyAttribute, XmlArray, or XmlArrayItem. This mapping was not crated by reflection importer and cannot be used in this context. The identity constraint '{0}' validation has failed. Either a key is missing or the existing key has an empty node. Schema does not exist in the set. The stylesheet is too complex. The buffer is not large enough to fit a surrogate pair. Please provide a buffer of size at least 2 characters. The MinInclusive constraining facet is prohibited for '{0}'. The type {0} may not be serialized. Every member of the derived group particle must be a valid restriction of the base wildcard, NSRecurseCheckCardinality Rule 1. The derived particle's occurrence range at ({0}, {1}) is not a valid restriction of the base wildcard's occurrence range at ({2}, {3}), NSRecurseCheckCardinality Rule 2. BaseUri must be specified either as an argument of XmlReader.Create or on the XmlParserContext. If it is specified on both, it must be the same base URI. The variable '{0}' is undefined. There is an error in the XML document. Ambiguous method call. Extension object '{0}' contains multiple '{1}' methods that have {2} parameter(s). Cannot insert the node in the specified location. Parameter entity '{0}' references itself. There is no element to infer schema. 'restriction' or 'extension' child is required for complexType with simpleContent or complexContent child. The element {0} has invalid child element {1}. XmlWriterSettings.{0} can contain only valid XML text content characters when XmlWriterSettings.CheckCharacters is true. {1} Type '{0}' is not declared, or is not a simple type. The value of an 'default-collation' attribute contains no recognized collation URI. Functions may not have more than 65535 parameters. Default attribute '{0}' for element '{1}' could not be applied as the attribute namespace is not mapped to a prefix in the instance document. SimpleType restriction should have either the base attribute or a simpleType child, but not both. There is an unclosed literal string. Standalone document declaration must have a value of 'no' because an external entity '{0}' is referenced. The name of the source assembly. This is an invalid xsi:type '{0}'. Attribute '{0}' has namespace '{1}' but no prefix. The fixed value constraint on the '{0}' attribute reference must match the fixed value constraint on the declaration. Cannot validate '{0}' because its owner document is not the current document. Missing '{0}' member needed for serialization of choice '{1}'. The element {0} has invalid child element {1}. List of possible elements expected: {2}. {3} IsNullable may not be set to 'false' for a Nullable<{0}> type. Consider using '{0}' type or removing the IsNullable property from the {1} attribute. Invalid XML document. {0} The return value must be the first member. The type attribute cannot be present with either simpleType or complexType. The data type of the simple content is not a valid restriction of the base complex type. Namespace prefix '{0}' is not defined. Prefixes beginning with "xml" (regardless of whether the characters are uppercase, lowercase, or some combination thereof) are reserved for use by XML. The XML attribute '{0}' from namespace '{1}' is already present in the current scope. Use XML attributes to specify another XML name or namespace for the attribute. Multiple redefines of the same schema will be ignored. The 'annotation' element cannot appear at this location. Multiple definition of element '{0}' causes the content model to become ambiguous. A content model must be formed such that during validation of an element information item sequence, the particle contained directly, indirectly or implicitly therein with which to attempt to validate each item in the sequence in turn can be uniquely determined without examining the content or attributes of that item, and without any information about the items in the remainder of the sequence. Complex content restriction or extension should consist of zero or one of 'group', 'choice', 'sequence', or 'all'; followed by zero or more 'attribute' or 'attributeGroup'; followed by zero or one 'anyAttribute'. The 'xsl:apply-imports' instruction cannot be included within the content of an 'xsl:for-each' instruction or within an 'xsl:template' instruction without the 'match' attribute. The element {0} has incomplete content. List of possible elements expected: {1}. {2} {0} is an unsupported type. Please use [XmlIgnore] attribute to exclude members of this type from serialization graph. '{0}' is an invalid name for processing instructions. The SOAP-ENC:arrayType references type is named '{0}'; a type named '{1}' was expected at {2}. The element '{0}' is missing. The content model of a complex type must consist of 'annotation' (if present); followed by zero or one of the following: 'simpleContent', 'complexContent', 'group', 'choice', 'sequence', or 'all'; followed by zero or more 'attribute' or 'attributeGroup'; followed by zero or one 'anyAttribute'. {0} cannot be serialized. Static types cannot be used as parameters or return types. The maxOccurs attribute must have a value of 1 or *. There was an error reflecting field '{0}'. An 'xsl:apply-imports' element can only occur within an 'xsl:template' element with a 'match' attribute, and cannot occur within an 'xsl:for-each' element. {0}='{1}' is not supported with rpc\literal SOAP. The wrapper element has to be unqualified. '{0}' is an invalid XPath for selector or field. The type {0} may not be used in this context. To use {0} as a parameter, return type, or member of a class or struct, the parameter, return type, or member must be declared as type {0} (it cannot be object). Objects of type {0} may not be used in un-typed collections, such as ArrayLists. Duplicate ID attribute. Unexpected BinaryXml token. Derived element '{0}' is not a valid restriction of base element '{1}' according to Elt:Elt -- NameAndTypeOK. The 'redefine' element cannot appear at this location. An error occurred during a call to extension function '{0}'. See InnerException for a complete description of the error. line-feed (#xA) or tab (#x9) characters, leading or trailing spaces and sequences of one or more spaces (#x20) are not allowed in 'xs:token'. Stylesheet or function parameter '{0}' cannot have attribute 'tunnel'. The element '{0}' has been attributed with duplicate XmlAnyElementAttribute(Name="{1}", Namespace="{2}"). The base type is the final extension. Invalid attribute restriction. Derived attribute's type is not a valid restriction of the base attribute's type. The '{0}' element has an invalid value according to its data type. Schema attribute schemaLocation='{1}' is not supported on objects of type {0}. Please set {0}.Schema property. If type is being redefined, the base type has to be self-referenced. Invalid value of a character entity reference. Simple content restriction must have a simple type child if the content type of the base type is not a simple type definition. Cannot construct namespace declaration xmlns{0}{1}='{2}'. Prefix '{1}' is already mapped to namespace '{3}'. XmlNodeType {0} is not supported for partial content parsing. Two distinct members of the attribute uses must not have type definitions which are both xs:ID or are derived from xs:ID. Invalid 'name' attribute value '{0}': '{1}'. FractionDigits should be equal to 0 on types other then decimal. The whitespace character, '{0}', is invalid. Only TypeKind.Root can be set for typeof(object) which is never value type. This node is read-only. It cannot be modified. The '{0}' Keyref can refer to key or unique only. Schema with targetNamespace='{0}' has invalid syntax. {1} Value of parameter '{0}' cannot be specified more than once within a single 'xsl:call-template' or 'xsl:apply-templates' element. The 'Attribute' node cannot be inserted because it is already an attribute of another element. The MaxExclusive constraining facet is invalid - {0} 'anyAttribute' must be the last child. Type '{0}' is not a compiled stylesheet class. It is an error if the derived 'minExclusive' facet value is less than or equal to the parent 'minInclusive' facet value. Cannot bind to the reserved namespace. The attribute '{0}' already exists. Incomplete entity contents. The variable or parameter '{0}' was duplicated with the same import precedence. An XML comment cannot contain '--', and '-' cannot be the last character. Attribute and namespace nodes cannot be added to the parent element after a text, comment, pi, or sub-element node has already been added. The prefix '{0}' in XPath cannot be resolved. You must implement public static {0}({1}) method on {2}. An element declared at the top level of a schema cannot have maxOccurs > 1. Provide a wrapper element for '{0}' by using XmlArray or XmlArrayItem instead of XmlElementAttribute, or by using the Wrapped parameter style. The SchemaLocation '{0}' is an invalid URI. --- End of inner exception stack trace --- Cannot resolve external DTD subset - public ID = '{0}', system ID = '{1}'. Unsupported sort option '{0}' in collation. Member {0}.{1} of type {2} hides base class member {3}.{4} of type {5}. Use XmlElementAttribute or XmlAttributeAttribute to specify a new name. Group {0} is missing. No element type can have more than one NOTATION attribute specified. This document already has an 'XmlDeclaration' node. The global element '{0}' has already been declared. The element {0} cannot contain text. List of possible elements expected: {1}. The target namespace of an attribute declaration, whether local or global, must not match http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance. This element was named '{0}' from namespace '{1}' but should have been named '{2}' from namespace '{3}'. The value 'xmlns' cannot be used as the name of an attribute declaration. The encoding style '{0}' is not valid for this call because this XmlSerializer instance does not support encoding. Use the SoapReflectionImporter to initialize an XmlSerializer that supports encoding. The '{0}' attribute is ignored, because the value of 'prohibited' for attribute use only prevents inheritance of an identically named attribute from the base type definition. Using {0} as a base type for a class is not supported by XmlSerializer. There is a duplicate key sequence '{0}' for the '{1}' key or unique identity constraint. The '{0}' attribute has an invalid value according to its data type. Unexpected XML declaration. The XML declaration must be the first node in the document, and no whitespace characters are allowed to appear before it. The default value '{0}' of element '{1}' is invalid according to the type specified by xsi:type. The type {0} may not be used in this context. All script blocks implementing the namespace '{0}' must use the same language. XsltContext is needed for this query because of an unknown function. ']]>' is not allowed in character data. No content generated as the result of the operation. '{0}' is an invalid value for the 'encoding' attribute. The encoding cannot be switched after a call to ResetState. Name cannot begin with the '{0}' character, hexadecimal value {1}. Cannot serialize interface {0}. ']]>' is not expected. '{0}' has an invalid token. Invalid high surrogate character (0x{0}). A high surrogate character must have a value from range (0xD800 - 0xDBFF). The attribute group {0} is missing. Reference to undeclared ID is '{0}'. The element '{0}' cannot have both a 'select' attribute and non-empty content. Type '{0}' from namespace '{1}' declared as derivation of type '{2}' from namespace '{3}, but corresponding CLR types are not compatible. Cannot convert type '{4}' to '{5}'. This is a duplicate MaxExclusive constraining facet. The Enumeration constraining facet is invalid - {0} Cannot resolve entity reference '{0}' because the DTD has been ignored. To enable DTD processing set the DtdProcessing property on XmlReaderSettings to Parse and pass the settings into XmlReader.Create method. The default value of '{0}' attribute is invalid according to its datatype. '{0}' cannot be a child of the '{1}' element. Member '{0}.{1}' hides inherited member '{2}.{3}', but has different custom attributes. Circular reference in derivation of IXmlSerializable type '{0}'. To use a result tree fragment in a path expression, first convert it to a node-set using the msxsl:node-set() function. The {0} method is not supported on node type {1}. If you want to read typed content of an element, use the ReadElementContentAs method. Invalid NmToken value '{0}'. It is an error if the derived 'maxInclusive' facet value is greater than or equal to the parent 'maxExclusive' facet value. 'simpleType' should be the first child of restriction. The collation '{0}' is not supported. Undefined complexType '{0}' is used as a base for complex type restriction. Cannot convert the operand to a node-set. String must be exactly one character long. Prefix '{0}' cannot be mapped to namespace name reserved for "xml" or "xmlns". Invalid content type derivation by restriction. {0} '{0}' is an invalid attribute for the '{1}' element. The input document has exceeded a limit set by {0}. The element {0} cannot contain text. Right curly brace in the attribute value template '{0}' must be doubled. Fragment identifier '{0}' cannot be part of the system identifier '{1}'. The XPath for selector or field cannot be empty. Only XmlEnum may be used on enumerated constants. Value cannot be null. The order attribute must have a value of 'seq', 'one', or 'many', not '{0}'. Cannot insert a node or any ancestor of that node as a child of itself. The model attribute must have a value of open or closed, not '{0}'. All particles in the {particles} of the base particle which are not mapped to by any particle in the {particles} of the derived particle should be emptiable - All:All,Sequence:Sequence -- Recurse Rule 2 / Choice:Choice -- RecurseLax. An 'xsl:template' element without a 'match' attribute cannot have a 'priority' attribute. Schema item '{1}' from namespace '{0}'. {2} This is an unknown facet. Expecting an external identifier or an entity value. Function '{0}()' has failed. The group '{0}' has already been declared. AVT cannot be nested in AVT '{0}'. If the derived content type is Mixed, then the base content type should also be Mixed according to rule 5.4 of Schema Component Constraint: Derivation Valid (Restriction, Complex). The 'use' attribute must be optional (or absent) if the default attribute is present. The '{0}' attribute is invalid - The value '{1}' is invalid according to its datatype '{2}' - {3} If the derived content type is Empty, then the base content type should also be Empty or Mixed with Emptiable particle according to rule 5.3 of Schema Component Constraint: Derivation Valid (Restriction, Complex). {0} Line {1}, position {2}. Cannot serialize object of type '{0}'. The object does not have serializable members. The values 'substitution', 'list', and 'union' are invalid for the final attribute on complexType. '{1}' is an invalid value for the '{0}' attribute. Scripting language '{0}' is not supported. Invalid '{0}' attribute: '{1}'. The supplied schema contains particles other than Sequence and Choice. Only schemas generated by this tool are supported. Cannot deserialize type '{0}' because it contains property '{1}' which has no public setter. Root element is missing. An attribute or element of type xs:ID or derived from xs:ID, should not have a value constraint. The element, {0}, from namespace, {1}, was imported in two different contexts: ({2}, {3}). Expression must evaluate to a node-set. Identifier '{0}' is not CLS-compliant. An array of type {0} may not be used with XmlArrayType.Soap. '{0}' is a duplicate notation value. Element's type does not allow fixed or default value constraint. Validate and CheckValidity are only allowed on Root or Element nodes. It is an error if the derived 'maxExclusive' facet value is greater than or equal to the parent 'maxInclusive' facet value. Extension function parameters or return values which have Clr type '{0}' are not supported. Facet should go before 'attribute', 'attributeGroup', or 'anyAttribute'. The node is not an expandable 'EntityReference' node. The value of the '{0}' attribute does not equal its fixed value. {0}.{1}() must return a valid type name. This is a duplicate WhiteSpace constraining facet. '{0}' is an invalid language identifier. The MinExclusive constraining facet is prohibited for '{0}'. The schema could not be removed because other schemas in the set have dependencies on this schema or its imports. The node to be removed is not a child of this node. Invalid namespace declaration. The string for whitespace contains an invalid character. Element is not allowed when the content is empty or textOnly. Element '{0}' cannot substitute in place of head element '{1}' because it has block='substitution'. The actual length is less than the MinLength value. The values 'substitution', 'list', and 'union' are invalid for the final attribute on element. An XmlSchemaSet is only allowed as a parameter on the Root node. The Whitespace or SignificantWhitespace node can contain only XML whitespace characters. '{0}' is not an XML white space character. An error has occurred while opening external DTD '{0}': {1} Data source '{0}' cannot be located. Cannot serialize member '{0}' of type '{1}', see inner exception for more details. Attribute reference '{0}' declared in schema type '{1}' from namespace '{2}'. WriteStartDocument cannot be called on writers created with ConformanceLevel.Fragment. This is a duplicate TotalDigits constraining facet. There can be no type value when attribute is 'xsi:nil' and has value 'true'. The derived sequence particle at ({0}, {1}) is not a valid restriction of the base choice particle at ({2}, {3}) according to Sequence:Choice -- MapAndSum. '{0}' is an unexpected token. Expecting whitespace. Access to directory {0} is denied. The process under which XmlSerializer is running does not have sufficient permission to access the directory. Circular attribute reference. The node must be either type XmlAttribute or a derived type. Reference to invalid attribute '{0}'. Unexpected end of file while parsing {0} has occurred. Public attribute '{0}' is an invalid URI. List of modes in 'xsl:template' element can't be empty. Reference to an unparsed entity, '{0}'. This is a duplicate MinLength constraining facet. The value specified for 'minInclusive' cannot be greater than the value specified for 'maxExclusive' for the same data type. The '{0}' element is invalid - The value '{1}' is invalid according to its datatype '{2}' - {3} The namespace, {0}, is a duplicate. A reference to attribute set '{0}' cannot be resolved. An 'xsl:attribute-set' of this name must be declared at the top level of the stylesheet. Markup for unspecified default attribute '{0}' is external and standalone='yes'. Cannot serialize {0}. Nested structs are not supported with encoded SOAP. Method '{1}' of extension object '{0}' cannot be called because it has one or more ByRef parameters. Prefix "xml" is reserved for use by XML and can be mapped only to namespace name "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace". Reference to undeclared attribute group '{0}'. The datatype '{0}' is missing. Xml type '{0}' does not support a conversion from Clr type '{1}' to Clr type '{2}'. Invalid namespace in 'anyAttribute'. Value '{0}' was either too large or too small for {1}. Empty choice cannot be satisfied if 'minOccurs' is not equal to 0. The element '{0}' cannot contain child element '{1}' because the parent element's content model is text only. 'All' or 'any' is forbidden as derived particle when the base particle is 'choice'. The values 'list' and 'union' are invalid for the blockDefault attribute. Element '{0}' must have either 'select' attribute or non-empty content. any element in namespace '{0}' The element cannot contain comment or processing instruction. Content model is empty. Attribute '{0}' of 'xsl:output' cannot be defined more than once with the same import precedence. Decimal format '{0}' has a duplicate declaration. Invalid XmlSerializerAssemblyAttribute usage. Please use {0} property or {1} property. Could not find schema information for the attribute '{0}'. Format string should have at least one digit or zero digit. Format '{0}' has two pattern separators. Format '{0}' cannot have zero digit symbol after digit symbol after decimal point. Format '{0}' cannot have digit symbol after zero digit symbol before a decimal point. Format '{0}' cannot have two decimal separators. An 'xsl:template' element without a 'match' attribute cannot have a 'mode' attribute. Circular attribute group reference. The 'InnerText' of an 'Entity' node is read-only and cannot be set. '{0}' is an invalid value for the {1} property. The property may only be specified for primitive types. Collation option '{0}' cannot have the value '{1}'. Only 'child' and 'attribute' axes are allowed in a pattern outside predicates. Cannot serialize object of type '{0}'. Consider changing type of XmlText member '{0}.{1}' from {2} to string or string array. The string '{0}' is not a valid {1} value. '{0}()' is an unknown XSLT function. The type {0} may not be serialized with SOAP-encoded messages. Set the Use for your message to Literal. {0}. {1} already has attributes. An error occurred while parsing EntityName. The 'required' attribute must not be specified for parameter '{0}'. Function parameters are always mandatory. Invalid or missing value of the choice identifier '{1}' of type '{0}[]'. The targetNamespace '{0}' of included/redefined schema should be the same as the targetNamespace '{1}' of the including schema. '{0}', hexadecimal value {1}, is an invalid character. Unexpected node type {0}. {1} method can only be called on elements with simple or empty content. The minOccurs attribute must have a value of 0 or 1. The surrogate pair is invalid. Missing a low surrogate character. The xsi:type '{0}' cannot be abstract. The XML element named '{0}' from namespace '{1}' is already present in the current scope. '{0}' is an invalid language identifier. Particle cannot exist along with 'ContentModel'. The MinInclusive constraint failed. Namespace Manager or XsltContext needed. This query has a prefix, variable, or user-defined function. The braces are not closed in AVT expression '{0}'. There was an error reflecting property '{0}'. Namespace '{0}' is not available to be referenced in this schema. Cannot change conformance checking to {0}. Make sure the ConformanceLevel in XmlReaderSettings is set to Auto for wrapping scenarios. Invalid QName ID. ReadContentAsBase64 and ReadContentAsBinHex method calls cannot be mixed with calls to ReadElementContentAsBase64 and ReadElementContentAsBinHex. Missing schema targetNamespace="{0}". Expecting an internal subset or the end of the DOCTYPE declaration. '{0}' is an invalid attribute type. Invalid particle derivation by restriction. ReadValueChunk method is not supported on this XmlReader. Use CanReadValueChunk property to find out if an XmlReader implements it. The 'include' element cannot appear at this location. Cannot set the 'InnerXml' for the current node because it is either read-only or cannot have children. The global XML attribute '{0}' from namespace '{1}' references distinct types {2} and {3}. Use XML attributes to specify another XML name or namespace for the attribute or types. IsNullable may not be 'true' for value type {0}. Please consider using Nullable<{0}> instead. An 'xsl:choose' element can have only one 'xsl:otherwise' child. XmlNamespaceDeclarations attribute cannot be used in conjunction with any other custom attributes. The notation '{0}' has already been declared. Expected ComplexType. Schema was not generated using this tool. Enumeration has already finished. Wildcards '{0}' and '{1}' have not empty intersection, and causes the content model to become ambiguous. A content model must be formed such that during validation of an element information item sequence, the particle contained directly, indirectly or implicitly therein with which to attempt to validate each item in the sequence in turn can be uniquely determined without examining the content or attributes of that item, and without any information about the items in the remainder of the sequence. The 'xsl:template' instruction must have the 'match' and/or 'name' attribute present. No simple type to redefine. The '{0}' attribute of 'xsl:decimal-format' cannot be redefined with a value of '{1}'. Collation option '{0}' is invalid. Options must have the following format: <option-name>=<option-value>. The second character surrogate pair is not in the input buffer to be written. The function '{0}()' is undefined. The method for enum {0} is missing. {0} may not be used on parameters or return values when they are not wrapped. The global attribute '{0}' has already been declared. Attribute '{0}' is not permitted in basic XSLT processor (http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt20/#dt-basic-xslt-processor). A schema error occurred. It is an error if 'whiteSpace' is among the members of {facets} of {base type definition}, {value} is 'replace' or 'preserve', and the {value} of the parent 'whiteSpace' is 'collapse'. It is an error if 'whiteSpace' is among the members of {facets} of {base type definition}, {value} is 'preserve', and the {value} of the parent 'whiteSpace' is 'replace'. The TotalDigits constraining facet is invalid - {0} Cannot serialize member '{0}' of type {1}. SoapAttribute cannot be used to encode complex types. The type '{0}' cannot be serialized because its parameterless constructor is decorated with declarative security permission attributes. Consider using imperative asserts or demands in the constructor. The value 'substitution' is invalid for the finalDefault attribute. The WhiteSpace constraining facet is prohibited for '{0}'. Carriage return (#xD), line feed (#xA), and tab (#x9) characters are not allowed in xs:normalizedString. Executing a stylesheet that was compiled using a later version of the framework is not supported. Stylesheet Version: {0}. Current Framework Version: {1}. At least one field must be present. '{0}' is an unexpected token. The expected token is '{1}'. '{0}' is an unexpected token. The expected token is '{1}' or '{2}'. Extension namespace cannot be 'null' or an XSLT namespace URI. The TotalDigits constraining facet is prohibited for '{0}'. Invalid particle derivation by restriction - '{0}'. The type {0} was not expected. Use the XmlInclude or SoapInclude attribute to specify types that are not known statically. Cannot resolve entity reference '{0}'. Data type should be enumeration when the values attribute is present. Unsupported combination of validation types. MinLength is greater than MaxLength. An element or attribute information item has already been validated from the '{0}' namespace. It is an error if 'xsi:schemaLocation', 'xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation', or an inline schema occurs for that namespace. Invalid text declaration. An XML error has occurred. '{0}' is not a valid BinHex text sequence. If the partial validation type is 'XmlSchemaElement' or 'XmlSchemaType', the 'ValidateAttribute' method cannot be called. XML attributes may not be specified for the type {0}. The variable or parameter '{0}' is either not defined or it is out of scope. Illegal type derivation: Type '{0}' derives from anonymous type '{1}'. Please change '{1}' to be a named type by setting {2}={3} in the type definition. The right curly brace in an attribute value template '{0}' outside an expression must be doubled. '{0}' is an invalid XmlNodeType. The referenced element with ID '{0}' was not found in the document. Cannot assign object of type {0} to an object of type {1}. The type Void is not valid in this context. The value '{0}' is invalid for dt:maxLength. Member '{0}' cannot be encoded using the XmlText attribute. You may use the XmlText attribute to encode primitives, enumerations, arrays of strings, or arrays of XmlNode. Exported mappings must come from the same importer. The Writer is closed or in error state. Cannot find a {0} with name '{1}' to redefine. Substitution group refers to '{0}', an undeclared element. The Pattern constraint failed. Reference to undeclared substitution group affiliation. It is an error for both length and minLength or maxLength to be present. The '{0}' value for the 'dateTimeOption' parameter is not an allowed value for the 'XmlDateTimeSerializationMode' enumeration. Prefix '{0}' is not defined. Only whitespace characters should be used. The XPath query '{0}' is not supported. '{0}' is not a supported language identifier. Extension functions cannot return null values. Schema item '{1}' named '{2}' from namespace '{0}'. {3} Xml type '{0}' cannot convert to Clr type '{1}' unless the source value is a String or an XmlAtomicValue. The string was not recognized as a valid Uri. Although the '{0}' element's content type is mixed, it cannot have element children, because it has a fixed value constraint in the schema. Reference to undeclared model group '{0}'. The base type is the final list. {0}.{1}() must return a valid type name. Type '{2}' cannot be found in the targetNamespace='{3}'. Sgen utility failed to pregenerate serialization assembly for {0}. Compilation of XSLT is not supported on this platform. The ReadValueAsChunk method is not supported on node type {0}. The values 'list' and 'union' are invalid for the block attribute on element. Xml type '{0}' does not support Clr type '{1}'. Cannot have '?>' inside an XML processing instruction. Invalid wsd:arrayType syntax: '{0}'. Internal Error: Unrecognized constant type {0}. The type {0} is not supported because it implements IDictionary. Value '{1}' of attribute '{0}' is not permitted in basic XSLT processor (http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt20/#dt-basic-xslt-processor). This is a duplicate MinExclusive constraining facet. The element {0} cannot substitute for a local element {1} expected in that position. This attribute has no name. The element {0} has incomplete content. The partial validation type has to be 'XmlSchemaElement', 'XmlSchemaAttribute', or 'XmlSchemaType'. Reference to an unknown data type, '{0}'. Type {0} is missing enumeration value '{1}' for element '{2}' from namespace '{3}'. Decimal format '{0}' is not defined. Argument {1} of function '{0}()' cannot be converted to a node-set. Invalid 'id' attribute value: {0} Invalid content model. Whitespace not allowed before '?', '*', or '+'. The contents of '{0}' must be empty. Namespace URI '{0}' is declared to be an alias for multiple different namespace URIs with the same import precedence. Indentation value must be greater than 0. Circular reference in the definition of variable '{0}'. SimpleType list should have either the itemType attribute or a simpleType child, but not both. The derived type and the base type must have the same content type. Content must be "textOnly" when using DataType on an ElementType. The xpath query is too complex. The 'http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl' namespace is no longer supported. {0} is inaccessible due to its protection level. Only public types can be processed. The default value constraint cannot be present on the '{0}' attribute reference if the fixed value constraint is present on the declaration. The content attribute must have a value of 'textOnly', 'eltOnly', 'mixed', or 'empty', not '{0}'. sequence expected to contain elements only. Schema was not created using this tool. The 'EndValidation' method cannot not be called when all the elements have not been validated. 'ValidateEndElement' calls corresponding to 'ValidateElement' calls might be missing. 'Entity' and 'Notation' nodes cannot be cloned. Type '{0}' is not declared. Stylesheet '{0}' cannot directly or indirectly include or import itself. The current position of the navigator is missing a valid parent. Invalid namespace in 'any'. Internal error: missing generated method for {0}. The '{0}' attribute has already been declared for this ElementType. When group is redefined, the real value of both minOccurs and maxOccurs attribute must be 1 (or absent). A circular reference was detected while serializing an object of type {0}. Cannot set a value on node type '{0}'. '{0}' cannot be a child of the '{1}' element. The element 'xsl:perform-sort' cannot have 'select' attribute any content other than 'xsl:sort' and 'xsl:fallback' instructions. The Writer is closed. Data type has already been declared. This is an unexpected token. The expected token is '{0}'. Prefix "xmlns" is reserved for use by XML. An 'xsl:choose' element must have at least one 'xsl:when' child. The default value type, {0}, is unsupported. SOAP-ENC:arrayType with multidimensional array found at {0}. Only single-dimensional arrays are supported. Consider using an array of arrays instead. Cannot assign null value to an object of type {1}. The specified type was not recognized: name='{0}', namespace='{1}', at {2}. {0} was not expected. The global XML item '{0}' from namespace '{1}' has mismatch default value attributes: '{2}' and '{3}' and cannot be mapped to the same schema item. Use XML attributes to specify another XML name or namespace for one of the items, or make sure that the default values match. Abbreviated step '.' cannot be followed by a predicate. Use the full form 'self::node()[predicate]' instead. Incomplete DTD content. The content type of the base type must be a simple type definition or it must be mixed, and simpleType child must be present. XmlAttribute and XmlAnyAttribute cannot be used with rpc\literal SOAP, you may use the following attributes: XmlArray, XmlArrayItem, or single XmlElement. Arithmetic Overflow. Element '{0}' with namespace name '{1}' was not found. Reference to an undeclared entity, '{0}'. It is an error if the derived 'minInclusive' facet value is less than or equal to the parent 'minExclusive' facet value. Circular reference in the definition of attribute set '{0}'. Cannot load the schema from the location '{0}' - {1} Input or output values of an rpc\literal method cannot have maxOccurs > 1. Provide a wrapper element for '{0}' by using XmlArray or XmlArrayItem instead of XmlElement attribute. {0} cannot be used as: 'xml {1}'. Variables cannot be used within this expression. Reference to undeclared parameter entity '{0}'. XmlAttribute cannot be used to encode array of {1}, because it is marked with FlagsAttribute. '{0}' is an invalid XPath expression. The MaxInclusive constraining facet is invalid - {0} The value specified for 'minExclusive' cannot be greater than the value specified for 'maxExclusive' for the same data type. '{0}' is an invalid QName. '{0}' is not a valid Base64 text sequence. The XML element '{0}' from namespace '{1}' references a method and a type. Change the method's message name using WebMethodAttribute or change the type's root element using the XmlRootAttribute. Variable or parameter '{0}' was duplicated within the same scope. Type is incompatible. Cannot use XmlNamespaceDeclarations attribute on member '{0}' of type {1}. This attribute is only valid on members of type {2}. It is an error if the derived 'minInclusive' facet value is less than the parent 'minInclusive' facet value. Ambiguous types specified for member '{0}'. Items '{1}' and '{2}' have the same type. Please consider using {3} with {4} instead. Expected schema root. Make sure the root element is <schema> and the namespace is 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' for an XSD schema or 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data' for an XDR schema. It is an error if there is a stylesheet module in the stylesheet that specifies 'input-type-annotations'="strip" and another stylesheet module that specifies 'input-type-annotations'="preserve". Circular element reference. The maxLength value must be equal to or greater than the minLength value. Cannot use wildcards at the top level of a schema. The transition from the '{0}' method to the '{1}' method is not allowed. The argument to function '{0}' in '{1}' cannot be converted to a node-set. The named node is from a different document context. Cannot pre-generate serializer for multiple assemblies. Type '{0}' does not belong to assembly {1}. WriteStartDocument needs to be the first call. The '{0}' attribute is not supported in this context. Invalid syntax for a hexadecimal numeric entity reference. '{0}' is not a supported encoding name. '{0}' is not a supported output method. Supported methods are 'xml', 'html', and 'text'. It is invalid to call the 'ValidateEndElement' overload that takes in a 'typedValue' for elements with complex content. If multiple custom attributes specified on a single member only one of them have to have explicit '{0}' property, however if more that one attribute has the explicit '{0}', all values have to match. Missing required command-line argument: {0}. The element name '{0}' does not match the name '{1}' of the 'XmlSchemaElement' set as a partial validation type. '{0}' is an invalid key pattern. It either contains a variable reference or 'key()' function. Warning as Error: {0} XmlWriterSettings.{0} can contain only valid XML whitespace characters when XmlWriterSettings.CheckCharacters and XmlWriterSettings.NewLineOnAttributes are true. Expecting external ID, '[' or '>'. Conditional sections must specify the keyword 'IGNORE' or 'INCLUDE'. Check content definition of schema type '{0}' from namespace '{1}'. {2} Cannot set the namespace if Namespaces is 'false'. 'EntityReference' nodes have no support for setting value. The reference node is not a child of this node. The value '{0}' is invalid according to its schema type '{1}' - {2} '{0}' and content model are mutually exclusive. any element A conditional section is not allowed in an internal subset. This document already has a 'DocumentElement' node. Different schema types cannot be mixed. The targetNamespace parameter '{0}' should be the same value as the targetNamespace '{1}' of the schema. The '{0}' attribute cannot be present. It is an error if 'length' is among the members of {facets} of {base type definition} and {value} is greater than the {value} of the parent 'length'. Cannot serialize object of type {0}. Multidimensional arrays are not supported. Cannot serialize member '{0}' of type {1}. XmlAttribute/XmlText cannot be used to encode complex types. Value '{0}' of the choice identifier '{1}' does not match element '{2}' from namespace '{3}'. If ref is present, all of <complexType>, <simpleType>, <key>, <keyref>, <unique>, nillable, default, fixed, form, block, and type must be absent. The derived particle cannot have more members than the base particle - All:All,Sequence:Sequence -- Recurse Rule 2 / Choice:Choice -- RecurseLax. For element declaration, either the name or the ref attribute must be present. Object type is not supported. Cannot be nominated as the {substitution group affiliation} of any other declaration. The encoding style '{0}' is not valid for this call. Valid values are '{1}' for SOAP 1.1 encoding or '{2}' for SOAP 1.2 encoding. Reference to an invalid identity constraint, '{0}'. Could not find schema information for the element '{0}'. Type {0} is missing enumeration value '##any:' corresponding to XmlAnyElementAttribute. The 'key()' function cannot be used in 'use' and 'match' attributes of 'xsl:key' element. '{0}()' is an unsupported XSLT function. Reference to invalid element '{0}'. '{0}' element cannot have text node children. The attribute local name cannot be empty. Only the first 'xsl:sort' element may have 'stable' attribute. Invalid namespace attribute: xmlns:{0}="". Restriction of 'anySimpleType' is not allowed. Cannot redefine a complex type as simple type. The value of maxLength has already been declared. The derived sequence particle at ({0}, {1}) is not a valid restriction of the base all particle at ({2}, {3}) according to Sequence:All -- RecurseUnordered. Multiple self-reference within an attribute group is redefined. The variable or parameter '{0}' was duplicated within the same scope. Unexpected end of file has occurred. The following elements are not closed: {0} The MaxExclusive constraint failed. A parameter entity reference is not allowed in internal markup. The value for the 'maxOccurs' attribute must be xsd:nonNegativeInteger or 'unbounded'. XmlWriter cannot process the sequence returned by the query, because it contains an attribute or namespace node. Ignoring invalid command line argument: '{0}'. Cannot define fields before selector. SOAP-ENC:arrayType was missing at {0}. Cannot find a script or an extension object associated with namespace '{0}'. An error has occurred while opening external entity '{0}': {1} Elements and attributes cannot belong to the reserved namespace '{0}'. The namespace declaration attribute has an incorrect 'namespaceURI': '{0}'. ReadSubtree() can be called only if the reader is on an element node. The attribute name '{0}' does not match the name '{1}' of the 'XmlSchemaAttribute' set as a partial validation type. Cannot create node of type {0}. You must implement a default accessor on {0} because it inherits from ICollection. Circular group reference. There is a missing element. Cannot import a null node. The {0} method is not supported on node type {1}. Entity replacement text must nest properly within markup declarations. Cannot serialize object of type '{0}' because it has multiple XmlNamespaceDeclarations attributes. Not the same name table. Top-level element '{0}' may not have a null namespace URI. Cannot write a node of type XmlAttribute as an element value. Use XmlAnyAttributeAttribute with an array of XmlNode or XmlAttribute to write the node as an attribute. This document already has a 'DocumentType' node. The value of the '{0}' attribute must be '{1}' or '{2}'. Char is not a valid schema primitive and should be treated as int in DataContract Function '{0}()' must have {1} argument(s). Relative URIs are not supported. The FractionDigits constraining facet is invalid - {0} The element {0} has incomplete content - {2} NOTATION cannot be used directly in a schema; only data types derived from NOTATION by specifying an enumeration value can be used in a schema. All enumeration facet values must match the name of a notation declared in the current schema. No DTD found. Derived attribute's use has to be required if base attribute's use is required. Wildcard '{0}' allows element '{1}', and causes the content model to become ambiguous. A content model must be formed such that during validation of an element information item sequence, the particle contained directly, indirectly or implicitly therein with which to attempt to validate each item in the sequence in turn can be uniquely determined without examining the content or attributes of that item, and without any information about the items in the remainder of the sequence. The complexType '{0}' has already been declared. For attribute '{0}', either the name or the ref attribute must be present, but not both. Invalid syntax for a decimal numeric entity reference. Xml type 'List of {0}' does not support a conversion from Clr type '{1}' to Clr type '{2}'. Cannot serialize object of type '{0}' because it has multiple XmlText attributes. Consider using an array of strings with XmlTextAttribute for serialization of a mixed complex type. Cannot have ']]>' inside an XML CDATA block. The Pattern constraining facet is prohibited for '{0}'. This is a duplicate MaxLength constraining facet. Array of type {0} is not supported. Cannot convert the operand to 'Result tree fragment'. This is a duplicate Length constraining facet. The values 'substitution' and 'extension' are invalid for the final attribute on simpleType. Data at the root level is invalid. There was an error processing type '{0}'. Type member '{1}' declared in '{2}' is missing required '{3}' property. If one class in the class hierarchy uses explicit sequencing feature ({3}), then its base class and all derived classes have to do the same. When the ref attribute is present, the type attribute and complexType, simpleType, key, keyref, and unique elements cannot be present. Expected simple content. Schema was not created using this tool. It is an error if 'maxLength' is among the members of {facets} of {base type definition} and {value} is greater than the {value} of the parent 'maxLength'. The URL cannot be empty. Warning: Cannot share {0} named '{1}' from '{2}' namespace. Several mismatched schema declarations were found. There was an error exporting '{0}': bare members cannot contain text content. Unexpected token '{0}' in the expression. Cannot serialize {0}. Arrays of structs are not supported with encoded SOAP. The occurrence range of element '{0}'is not a valid restriction of the wildcard's occurrence range in the base, Elt:Any -- NSCompat Rule2. The namespace of element '{0}'is not valid with respect to the wildcard's namespace constraint in the base, Elt:Any -- NSCompat Rule 1. The value of the '{0}' attribute cannot be empty. The MinInclusive constraining facet is invalid - {0} The namespace attribute '{0}' of an import should be the same value as the targetNamespace '{1}' of the imported schema. Expecting '?', '*', or '+'. Cannot write XML declaration. WriteStartDocument method has already written it. The 'xmlns' attribute is bound to the reserved namespace 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/'. A list data type must be derived from an atomic or union data type. Type '{0}' is not serializable. ReadElementContentAs() methods cannot be called on an element that has child elements. Document cannot have multiple document elements. Element '{0}' from namespace '{1}' is not a complex type and cannot be used as a {2}. There was an error generating the XML document. Execution of the 'document()' function was prohibited. Use the XsltSettings.EnableDocumentFunction property to enable it. There was an error reflecting type '{0}'. The node to be inserted is from a different document context. The current node cannot contain other nodes. There was an error reflecting '{0}'. SOAP-ENC:arrayType must end with a ']' character. An 'xsl:template' element without a 'match' attribute cannot have a 'mode' attribute. If the 'nillable' attribute is false in the schema, the 'xsi:nil' attribute must not be present in the instance. Cannot create a node without an owner document. The {max occurs} of all the particles in the {particles} of an all group must be 0 or 1. The {base type definition} must have an {attribute wildcard} and the {target namespace} of the R's {attribute declaration} must be valid with respect to that wildcard. There was no XML start tag open. ReadContentAsBase64 and ReadContentAsBinHex method calls cannot be mixed with calls to ReadChars, ReadBase64, and ReadBinHex. The value of the namespace attribute of the element or attribute wildcard is invalid - {0} Resolving of external URIs was prohibited. Expected token '{0}', found '{1}'. System attribute '{0}' is an invalid URI. The element '{0}' cannot contain child element '{1}' because the parent element's content model is empty. The content type of the base type must not be a simple type definition. XSLT compile error. Invalid serialization assembly: Required type {0} cannot be found in the generated assembly '{1}'. The referenced element with ID '{0}' is located outside the current document and cannot be retrieved. Either the memberTypes attribute must be non-empty or there must be at least one simpleType child. All schemas in the set should be successfully preprocessed prior to compilation. The enclosing <schema> must have a targetNamespace, if the Namespace attribute is absent on the import element. Invalid reference id='{0}'. Object of type {1} cannot be stored in an array of this type. Details: array index={2}. Document does not have a root element. The attribute of type ID is already declared on the '{0}' element. The following text is not allowed in this context: '{0}'. 'all' must have 'minOccurs' value of 0 or 1. 'all' must have {max occurs}=1. Format cannot be empty. '{0}' is an invalid XSLT pattern. Invalid attribute restriction. Derived attribute's fixed value must be the same as the base attribute's fixed value. Script block cannot implement the XSLT namespace. Cannot add schema to compiled schemas collection. A type with the name {0} has already been added in namespace {1}. The Enumeration constraining facet is prohibited for '{0}'. If ref is present, all of 'simpleType', 'form', 'type', and 'use' must be absent. A reference to key '{0}' cannot be resolved. An 'xsl:key' of this name must be declared at the top level of the stylesheet. This is an unclosed string. Xml type 'List of {0}' does not support Clr type '{1}'. It is an error if the derived 'minExclusive' facet value is less than the parent 'minExclusive' facet value. Undefined complexType '{0}' is used as a base for complex type extension. Cannot resolve the referenced document '{0}'. Supplied XsltArgumentList does not contain a parameter with local name '{0}' and namespace '{1}'. Type {0} cannot derive from {1} because it already has base type {2}. DTD is not allowed in XML fragments. The empty string '' is not a valid local name. A circular type reference was detected in anonymous type '{0}'. Please change '{0}' to be a named type by setting {1}={2} in the type definition. The element cannot contain whitespace. Content model is empty. There is no reader from which to load the document. DTD is prohibited in this XML document. The contents of '{0}' are invalid. The prefix '{0}' cannot be redefined from '{1}' to '{2}' within the same start element tag. Version number '{0}' is invalid. Line {0}, position {1}. It is an error if the derived 'maxExclusive' facet value is greater than the parent 'maxExclusive' facet value. Inference cannot handle entity references. Pass in an 'XmlReader' that expands entities. The type {0} may not be exported to a schema because the IncludeInSchema property of the XmlType attribute is 'false'. NOTATION must have either the Public or System attribute present. Mandatory parameter '{0}' must be empty and must not have a 'select' attribute. The current node cannot contain other nodes, so the node to be removed is not its child. '{0}', hexadecimal value {1}, is an invalid attribute character. Value '{0}' cannot be converted to {1}. Double redefine for attribute group. '{0}' does not represent any 'XmlNodeType'. Selector must be present. The simpleType '{0}' has already been declared. Unexpected end tag. The Pattern constraining facet is invalid - {0} Multiple self-reference within a group is redefined. Execution of scripts was prohibited. Use the XsltSettings.EnableScript property to enable it. XmlReaderSettings.XmlNameTable must be the same name table as in XmlParserContext.NameTable or XmlParserContext.NamespaceManager.NameTable, or it must be null. '{0}' is already used as an ID. The value is too big to fit into an Int32. The arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. XPath Expression in AVT cannot be empty: '{0}'. The required attribute must have a value of yes or no. The values 'substitution', 'list', and 'union' are invalid for the block attribute on complexType. The content model can only have one of the following; 'all', 'choice', or 'sequence'. Unsupported BinaryXml codepage. Cannot reconcile schema for '{0}'. Please use [XmlRoot] attribute to change default name or namespace of the top-level element to avoid duplicate element declarations: element name='{1}' namespace='{2}'. The base type is final restriction. SimpleType list should have either the itemType attribute or a simpleType child to indicate the itemType of the list. The 'Text' node is not connected in the DOM live tree. No 'SplitText' operation could be performed. The element {0} has invalid child element {1} - {2} The '{0}' attribute has already been validated and is a duplicate attribute. The field '{0}' is expecting an element or attribute with simple type or simple content. Unexpected XmlNodeType: '{0}'. Internal error: deserialization failed to advance over underlying stream. Expected end of the expression, found '{0}'. Whitespace cannot be stripped from input documents that have already been loaded. Provide the input document as an XmlReader instead. Cannot serialize member {0} of type {1} because it is an interface. minOccurs value cannot be greater than maxOccurs value. The XML element named '{0}' from namespace '{1}' is already present in the current scope. Elements with the same name in the same scope must have the same type. '{0}' is not a recognized extension element. The '{0}' element has already been declared. Type '{0}' from targetNamespace='{1}' has invalid definition: Circular type reference. Types '{0}' and '{1}' both use the XML type name, '{2}', from namespace '{3}'. Use XML attributes to specify a unique XML name and/or namespace for the type. The MinExclusive constraint failed. Function '{0}()' must have {1} or {2} argument(s). FractionDigits is greater than TotalDigits. The '{0}' identity constraint is not declared. It is an error if the derived 'totalDigits' facet value is greater than the parent 'totalDigits' facet value. Error: {0}. The specified node cannot be inserted as the valid child of this node, because the specified node is the wrong type. The Enumeration constraint failed. If the partial validation type is 'XmlSchemaAttribute', the 'ValidateElement' method cannot be called. NotInWriteState. One or more assemblies referenced by the XmlSerializer cannot be called from partially trusted code. An error occurred at {0}, ({1}, {2}). There are multiple root elements. Function '{0}()' must have no more than {2} arguments. Namespace nodes cannot be added to the parent element after an attribute node has already been added. The derived particle's range is not a valid restriction of the base particle's range according to All:All,Sequence:Sequence -- Recurse Rule 1 or Choice:Choice -- RecurseLax. Cannot serialize member {0} of type {1}, because it implements IDictionary. Type '{0}' was not found in the assembly '{1}'. Wrong XML version information. The XML must match production "VersionNum ::= '1.' [0-9]+". Syntax for an XML declaration is invalid. XmlText may not be used on multiple parameters or return values. Cannot call ResetState when parsing an XML fragment. The required attribute '{0}' is missing. Unsupported option '{0}' in collation. Set XmlReaderSettings.Async to true if you want to use Async Methods. The '{0}' element is not supported in this context. Cannot pre-generate serialization assembly for type '{0}'. Pre-generation of serialization assemblies is not supported for dynamic types. Save the assembly and load it from disk to use it with XmlSerialization. '{0}' is a duplicate XSD element. The '{0}' notation is not declared. No group to redefine. Element '{0}' must have no character or element children. The MaxLength constraining facet is prohibited for '{0}'. '{0}' is not a valid BinHex text sequence. The sequence must contain an even number of characters. Enumeration data type required. Expecting an attribute type. Prefix '{0}' is already assigned to namespace '{1}' and cannot be reassigned to '{2}' on this tag. Reference to undeclared entity '{0}'. Cannot load the stylesheet object referenced by URI '{0}', because the provided XmlResolver returned an object of type '{1}'. One of Stream, XmlReader, and IXPathNavigable types was expected. Multiple accessors are not supported with rpc\literal SOAP, you may use the following attributes: XmlArray, XmlArrayItem, or single XmlElement. BinaryXml Parser does not support initialization with XmlParserContext. '{0}' is an invalid XSLT pattern. Enum {0} cannot be converted to {1}. The Namespace '{0}' is an invalid URI. Schema information could not be found for the node passed into Validate. The node may be invalid in its current position. Navigate to the ancestor that has schema information, then call Validate again. Enum values in the XmlChoiceIdentifier '{0}' have to be unique. Value '{1}' already present. Query requires a default data source, but no default was supplied to the query engine. The value specified for 'minInclusive' cannot be greater than the value specified for 'maxInclusive' for the same data type. The 'anyAttribute' is not expressible. CDATA end token is missing. Invalid attribute restriction. Attribute restriction is prohibited in base type. It is an error if the derived 'minInclusive' facet value is greater than or equal to the parent 'maxExclusive' facet value. Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object. The call to the '{0}' method does not match a corresponding call to 'ValidateElement' method. The value of minLength has already been declared. The value of the '{0}' attribute must be a single character. The '{0}' and '{1}' attributes of 'xsl:decimal-format' must have distinct values. There are more then one schema with targetNamespace='{0}'. Expected EntityHandling.ExpandEntities or EntityHandling.ExpandCharEntities. This element has no name. Please review schema type '{0}' from namespace '{1}'. Inconsistent sequencing: if used on one of the class's members, the '{0}' property is required on all particle-like members, please explicitly set '{0}' using XmlElement, XmlAnyElement or XmlArray custom attribute on class member '{1}'. Namespace '{0}' has a duplicate implementation. '{0}' is an invalid expression. The FractionDigits constraining facet is prohibited for '{0}'. List of modes in 'xsl:template' element can't contain token '#all' together with any other value. List of modes in 'xsl:template' element can't contain duplicates ('{0}'). Only SoapElementAttribute or SoapAttributeAttribute may be used on members. Cannot include anonymous type '{0}'. SOAP-ENC:arrayType could not handle '{1}' as the length of the array. This is a duplicate MaxInclusive constraining facet. Double redefine for complex type. The literal in AVT expression is not correctly closed '{0}'. The FractionDigits constraint failed. Invalid attribute extension. An undefined prefix is in use. '{0}()' is an unsupported XSLT function. Invalid BinaryXml protocol version. An asynchronous operation is already in progress. Cannot load the schema for the namespace '{0}' - {1} Method '{1}' of extension object '{0}' cannot be called because it is not public. 'restriction' or 'extension' child is required for complexType '{0}' in namespace '{1}', because it has a simpleContent or complexContent child. Wrong value for the XML declaration standalone attribute of '{0}'. Error: Type '{0}' could not be imported because it redefines inherited member '{1}' with a different type. '{1}' is declared as type '{3}' on '{0}', but as type '{2}' on base class '{4}'. The fixed and default attributes cannot both be present. An attribute with a local name 'xmlns' and a null namespace URI cannot be created. The targetNamespace attribute cannot have empty string as its value. Group '{0}' from targetNamespace='{1}' has invalid definition: Circular group reference. The root element of a W3C XML Schema should be <schema> and its namespace should be 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'. Cannot redefine a simple type as complex type. No attribute group to redefine. An item of type '{0}' cannot be constructed within a node of type '{1}'. The schema items collection cannot contain an object of type 'XmlSchemaInclude', 'XmlSchemaImport', or 'XmlSchemaRedefine'. The DTD has already been written out. Generated serialization assembly for assembly {0} --> '{1}'. The type '{0}' from namespace '{1}' was used in two different ways. An attribute of type ID must have a declared default of either #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED. The SOAP-ENC:arrayType references type is from namespace '{0}'; the namespace '{1}' was expected at {2}. 'simpleType' should have only one child 'union', 'list', or 'restriction'. Cannot find the script or external object that implements prefix '{0}'. SimpleType restriction should have either the base attribute or a simpleType child to indicate the base type for the derivation. The value of the '{0}' attribute cannot be empty. Use '#default' to specify the default namespace. An error occurred while loading document '{0}'. See InnerException for a complete description of the error. {0} method is not supported on this XmlReader. Use CanReadBinaryContent property to find out if a reader implements it. The supplied xml instance is a schema or contains an inline schema. This class cannot infer a schema for a schema. Type '{0}' from namespace '{1}' is not a complex type and cannot be used as a {2}. The value specified for 'minExclusive' cannot be greater than the value specified for 'maxInclusive' for the same data type. Validate method can be called only on nodes of type Document, DocumentFragment, Element, or Attribute. The document does not have a root element. 'xsl:key' has a 'use' attribute and has non-empty content, or it has empty content and no 'use' attribute. Complex type expected to exist with at least one 'Element' at this point. It is an error if there is a member of the attribute uses of a type definition with type xs:ID or derived from xs:ID and another attribute with type xs:ID matches an attribute wildcard. The XmlReader passed in to construct this XmlValidatingReaderImpl must be an instance of a System.Xml.XmlTextReader. Expected WhitespaceHandling.None, or WhitespaceHandling.All, or WhitespaceHandling.Significant. Cannot generate serialization assembly '{0}' because directory {1} doesn't exist. Invalid BinaryXml standalone token. Value '#default' is used within the 'exclude-result-prefixes' attribute and the parent element of this attribute has no default namespace. Stylesheet must start either with an 'xsl:stylesheet' or an 'xsl:transform' element, or with a literal result element that has an 'xsl:version' attribute, where prefix 'xsl' denotes the 'http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform' namespace. Element reference '{0}' declared in schema type '{1}' from namespace '{2}'. '{0}' is an unqualified name and cannot contain the character ':'. Cannot serialize member of type {0}: XmlAnyElement can only be used with classes of type XmlNode or a type deriving from XmlNode. It is an error if a union type has a member with variety union and this member cannot be substituted with its own members. This may be due to the fact that the union member is a restriction of a union with facets. External entity '{0}' reference cannot appear in the attribute value. 'xsl:template' must have either a 'match' attribute or a 'name' attribute, or both. The XmlSchemaSet on the document is either null or has no schemas in it. Provide schema information before calling Validate. The actual length is not equal to the specified length. '{0}' is a duplicate enumeration value. There must be no fixed value when an attribute is 'xsi:nil' and has a value of 'true'. ReadValueChunk calls cannot be mixed with ReadContentAsBase64 or ReadContentAsBinHex. '{0}' is not in the enumeration list. The surrogate pair (0x{0}, 0x{1}) is invalid. A high surrogate character (0xD800 - 0xDBFF) must always be paired with a low surrogate character (0xDC00 - 0xDFFF). Type of choice identifier '{0}' is inconsistent with type of '{1}'. Please use array of {2}. Token {0} in state {1} would result in an invalid XML document. Expression must evaluate to a node-set. '{0}' is an undeclared prefix. It is an error if the derived 'maxInclusive' facet value is greater than the parent 'maxInclusive' facet value. It is an error if more than one attribute whose type is xs:ID or is derived from xs:ID, matches an attribute wildcard on an element. It is invalid to call the '{0}' method in the current state of the validator. The '{1}' method must be called before proceeding with validation. XmlNamespaceDeclarations may not be used on multiple parameters or return values. Member '{0}' of type {1} cannot be serialized. Members with names ending on 'Specified' suffix have special meaning to the XmlSerializer: they control serialization of optional ValueType members and have to be of type {2}. Cannot assign object of type {0} to an object of type {1}. The error occurred while reading node with id='{2}'. SOAP-ENC:arrayType was empty at {0}. Double redefine for simple type. The value '{0}' is not valid according to any of the memberTypes of the union. Explicit sequencing may not be used on parameters or return values. Please remove {0} property from custom attributes. 'XmlSchemaSet' can load only W3C XML Schemas. You need to add {0} to the '{1}' member. Schema type information provided by {0} is invalid: {1} Cannot write XML declaration. XML declaration can be only at the beginning of the document. The '{0}' namespace is not defined. Only SoapEnum may be used on enum constants. Namespace attribute of an import must not match the real value of the enclosing targetNamespace of the <schema>. The order must be many when content is mixed. {0}='{1}' is not supported with rpc\literal SOAP. The wrapper element cannot be nullable. The namespace attribute cannot have empty string as its value. Internal error. The local name for elements or attributes cannot be null or an empty string. Xml type '{0}' cannot convert from Clr type '{1}' unless the destination type is String or XmlAtomicValue. 'minInclusive' and 'minExclusive' cannot both be specified for the same data type. Warning: {0}. Content cannot be converted to the type {0}. Cannot use a prefix with an empty namespace. Ambiguous choice identifier. There are several members named '{0}'. Cannot serialize object of type '{0}'. Base type '{1}' has simpleContent and can only be extended by adding XmlAttribute elements. Please consider changing XmlText member of the base class to string array. '{0}' has an invalid qualified name. Invalid name character in '{0}'. Multiple schemas with targetNamespace='{0}' returned by {1}.{2}(). Please use only the main (parent) schema, and add the others to the schema Includes. The attribute '{0}' does not match one of the four allowed attributes in the 'xsi' namespace. {0} cannot be serialized because it does not have a parameterless constructor. Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext. Invalid content {0}. '{0}.{1}' already has attributes. An XmlSchemaSet must be provided to validate the document. Missing mandatory attribute '{0}'. Unable to parse data as SQL_DECIMAL. Expected Element. Schema was not generated using this tool. Cannot import nodes of type '{0}'. The formatter {0} cannot be used for default values. It is an error if 'minLength' is among the members of {facets} of {base type definition} and {value} is less than the {value} of the parent 'minLength'. Circular type reference. These members may not be derived. Expected DTD markup was not found.