System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
GSSAPI operation failed with status: {0} (Minor status: {1}).
Client does not have permission to submit mail to this server.
Error in processing.
Service not available, closing transmission channel.
The connection was closed
Protocol error: A received message contains a valid signature but it was not encrypted as required by the effective Protection Level.
Target name should be non empty if default credentials are passed.
Help message.
The collection is read-only.
No support for channel binding on operating systems other than Windows.
Only absolute directories are allowed for pickup directory.
An invalid character was found in header name.
Seeking is not supported on this stream.
An invalid character was found in the mail header: '{0}'.
The address has an invalid host name: {0}.
Unable to send to a recipient.
Invalid hex digit '{0}'.
Mailbox unavailable.
SSL must not be enabled for pickup-directory delivery methods.
This operation cannot be performed while a message is being sent.
User not local; will forward to specified path.
The date is in an invalid format.
The specified media type is invalid.
The specified port is invalid. The port must be greater than 0.
NTLM authentication is not possible with default credentials on this platform.
One of the streams has already been used and can't be reset to the origin.
Command not implemented.
The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.
{0} can only be called once for each asynchronous operation.
The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated.
Unable to read data from the transport connection: {0}.
The server returned an invalid response to the EHLO command.
The server returned an invalid response in the authentication handshake.
The MIME transfer encoding '{0}' is not supported.
Requested protection level is not supported with the gssapi implementation currently installed.
An invalid character was found in the Base-64 stream.
Mailbox name not allowed.
Syntax error, command unrecognized.
Unable to send to all recipients.
Mailbox unavailable.
Data stream is still open.
An asynchronous call is already in progress. It must be completed or canceled before you can call this method.
Failure sending mail.
Insufficient system storage.
Command parameter not implemented.
The specified content type is invalid.
{0} returned {1}.
A recipient must be specified.
The specified content disposition is invalid.
Reading is not supported on this stream.
Bad sequence of commands.
Service closing transmission channel.
The server response was: {0}
Writing is not supported on this stream.
Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>.
A from address must be specified.
Service ready.
User not local; please try a different path.
Smtp server returned an invalid response.
The specified value is not valid in the '{0}' enumeration.
The SMTP host was not found.
Transaction failed.
Authentication failed.
The client or server is only configured for E-mail addresses with ASCII local-parts: {0}.
The IAsyncResult object was not returned from the corresponding asynchronous method on this class.
The ContentID cannot contain a '<' or '>' character.
Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
This method is not implemented by this class.
GSSAPI operation failed with error - {0} ({1}).
Exceeded storage allocation.
Insufficient buffer space. Required: {0} Actual: {1}.
The requested security package is not supported.
The requested security protocol is not supported.
Already connected.
This operation cannot be performed on a completed asynchronous result object.
This property cannot be set to an empty string.
Server implementation is not supported
The mail header is malformed.
IIS delivery is not supported.
{0} failed with error {1}.
'{0}' is not a supported handle type.
Server does not support secure connections.
The SMTP host was not specified.
This operation cannot be performed while in content.
The operation has timed out.
The specified string is not in the form required for a subject.
System status, or system help reply.
The server committed a protocol violation.
The parameter '{0}' cannot be an empty string.