System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
end of file
Interface type '{0}' cannot be created. Consider replacing with a non-interface serializable type.
Attempted to write an attribute with local name '{0}' after writing the attribute '{1}'='{2}'. An attribute with local name '{0}' may be written only after writing the attribute '{1}'='{3}'.
Cannot copy XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas. Target is readonly.
XML encoding not supported.
XML data contract Name for type '{0}' cannot be set to null or empty string.
Factory type '{0}' for ISerializable type '{1}' must also be ISerializable.
Encountered unexpected character '{0}'.
No matching start tag for end element.
DateTime content '{0}' does not start with '{1}' and end with '{2}' as required for JSON.
In the data contract name for type '{1}', there are curly braces with '{0}' inside, which is an invalid value. Curly braces have special meaning in data contract names - they are used to customize the naming of data contracts for generic types. Based on the number of generic parameters this type has, the contents of the curly braces must either be a number between 0 and '{2}' to insert the name of the generic parameter at that index or the '#' symbol to insert a digest of the generic parameter namespaces.
Array length '{0}' provided by the get-only collection of type '{1}' is less than the number of array elements found in the input stream. Consider increasing the length of the array.
of type {0}
Type '{0}' cannot be exported as a schema type because it is an open generic type. You can only export a generic type if all its generic parameter types are actual types.
The data contract type '{0}' is not serializable with DataContractJsonSerializer because the data member '{1}' is duplicated in its type hierarchy.
No corresponding start element is open.
Encoding not supported in JSON. UTF-8, Unicode, and BigEndianUnicode are the only supported encodings.
Enum value '{0}' is invalid for type '{1}' and cannot be serialized. Ensure that the necessary enum values are present and are marked with EnumMemberAttribute attribute if the type has DataContractAttribute attribute.
ValueType '{0}' cannot have ref to another object.
Quota must be a positive value.
An internal error has occurred. No conversion is possible to '{0}' - error generating code for serialization.
The empty string is not a valid local name.
The Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) message encoding is not supported on this platform.
{0} has multiple definitions of interface '{1}'.
An asynchronous operation is already in progress.
Invalid enum value '{0}' cannot be deserialized into type '{1}'. Ensure that the necessary enum values are present and are marked with EnumMemberAttribute attribute if the type has DataContractAttribute attribute.
One of the known types provided to the serializer via '{0}' argument was invalid because it was null. All known types specified must be non-null values.
System.Runtime.Serialization.NetDataContractSerializer is not supported on this platform.
The XML encountered when deserializing extension data is invalid.
Member '{0}.{1}' has more than one IgnoreDataMemberAttribute attribute.
There was an error deserializing the object {0}. {1}
The IXmlSerializable type '{0}' cannot be deserialized because it does not have a public parameterless constructor. Adding a public parameterless constructor will fix this error. Alternatively, you can make it internal, and use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute on your assembly in order to enable serialization of internal members - see documentation for more details. Be aware that doing so has certain security implications.
Character reference not valid.
The value of this argument must be non-negative.
The value '{0}' cannot be represented with the type '{1}'.
UniqueId cannot be zero length.
Data contract '{0}' from namespace '{1}' is a value type and cannot have base contract '{2}' from namespace '{3}'.
Non-empty start element expected. Found {0}.
WriteState '{0}' not valid. Caller must write start element before serializing in contentOnly mode.
No characters can appear before the XML declaration.
Member '{0}.{1}' has DataMemberAttribute attribute. Use EnumMemberAttribute attribute instead.
Array too small. Must be able to hold at least {0}.
The XmlWriter is closed.
Array too small.
Collection type '{0}' does not have a valid Add method.
Processing instructions (other than the XML declaration) are not supported.
Object graph of type '{0}' with Id '{2}' contains a reference to itself. The object has been replaced with a new object of type '{1}' either because it implements IObjectReference or because it is surrogated. The serializer does not support fixing up the nested reference to the new object and cannot deserialize this object. Consider changing the object to remove the nested self-reference.
Surrogate char '0x{0}' not valid. Surrogate chars range from 0x10000 to 0x10FFFF.
Assembly '{0}' is not found.
Expected XML qualified name. Found '{0}'.
Type '{0}' has more than one CollectionDataContractAttribute attribute.
Invalid Ref '{0}'. Must not be null or empty.
Encountered invalid root element name '{0}'. '{1}' is the only allowed root element name.
The data contract type '{0}' is not serializable because it is not public. Making the type public will fix this error. Alternatively, you can make it internal, and use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute on your assembly in order to enable serialization of internal members - see documentation for more details. Be aware that doing so has certain security implications.
Method name specified by KnownTypeAttribute attribute on type '{0}' cannot be the empty string.
DataContract namespace '{0}' is not a valid URI.
No get method for property '{1}' in type '{0}'.
Attempted to write text after writing attribute type='{0}'. Text may be written only after the attributes type='number', type='boolean', or type='string'.
Line {0}, position {1}.
Element '{2}:{3}' contains data from a type that maps to the name '{0}:{1}'. The deserializer has no knowledge of any type that maps to this name. Consider changing the implementation of the ResolveName method on your DataContractResolver to return a non-null value for name '{1}' and namespace '{0}'.
Start element '{0}' from namespace '{1}' expected. Found {2}.
You must write an attribute '{0}'='{1}' after writing the attribute with local name '{2}'.
Collection interface type '{0}' is being used as a get-only property and does not have an Add method. Consider adding a setter to the property or using a collection data contract that does have an Add method - for example IList or ICollection<T>.
Serialization Callback '{1}' in type '{0}' must have a single parameter of type '{2}'.
The maximum array length quota ({0}) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxArrayLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader.
The data contract type '{0}' cannot be deserialized because the data member '{1}' was found more than once in the input.
Type '{0}' cannot be serialized. Consider marking it with the DataContractAttribute attribute, and marking all of its members you want serialized with the DataMemberAttribute attribute. Alternatively, you can ensure that the type is public and has a parameterless constructor - all public members of the type will then be serialized, and no attributes will be required.
XML declaration can only be written at the beginning of the document.
Cannot write a CLR value that maps to number, array, object, true, false or null in JSON after a string value has been written.
Encountered unexpected attribute local name '{0}'. 'type' and '__type' are the only allowed local names for attributes. 'type' can be used to influence how data is written; its valid values are 'object', 'string', 'number', 'null', 'boolean', and 'array'. '__type' can be used to provide type hint information to the writer.
'{0}' in type '{1}' cannot have EnumMemberAttribute attribute Value set to null or empty string.
The specified size exceeds the remaining buffer space ('{0}' bytes).
Invalid Callback. Method '{3}' in type '{2}' has both '{0}' and '{1}'.
Non-empty start element '{0}' from namespace '{1}' expected. Found {2}.
WriteStartElement cannot be called immediately after WriteStartElement without writing the 'type'='array' or 'type='object' attribute.
High surrogate char '0x{0}' not valid. High surrogate chars range from 0xD800 to 0xDBFF.
XML encoding must be 'UTF-8'.
The collection data contract type '{0}' specifies '{1}' for the ValueName property. This is not allowed since the type is not IDictionary. Remove the setting for the ValueName property.
The type '{0}' cannot be serialized to JSON because its IsReference setting is '{1}'. The JSON format does not support references because there is no standardized format for representing references. To enable serialization, disable the IsReference setting on the type or an appropriate parent class of the type.
XmlDictionaryString IDs must be in the range from {0} to {1}.
Only a single typed value may be written inside an attribute or content.
Property '{1}' in type '{0}' cannot be serialized because serialization of indexed properties is not supported.
Expecting state '{0}'.
The data contract type '{0}' cannot be deserialized because the property '{1}' does not have a public setter. Adding a public setter will fix this error. Alternatively, you can make it internal, and use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute on your assembly in order to enable serialization of internal members - see documentation for more details. Be aware that doing so has certain security implications.
There was an error checking start element of object {0}. {1}
An object of type '{0}' which derives from DataContractResolver returned false from its TryResolveType method when attempting to resolve the name for an object of type '{1}', indicating that the resolution failed. Change the TryResolveType implementation to return true.
The expected encoding '{0}' does not match the actual encoding '{1}'.
The encoding in the declaration '{0}' does not match the encoding of the document '{1}'.
Type '{0}' cannot have CollectionDataContractAttribute attribute Namespace set to null.
The specified size exceeds the remaining buffer space ({0} bytes).
There is no open attribute.
Type '{0}' cannot be IXmlSerializable and have CollectionDataContractAttribute attribute.
Array length '{0}' provided by Size attribute is not equal to the number of array elements '{1}' from namespace '{2}' found.
To write JSON arrays, use XML writer methods to write the attribute type='array' followed by methods like WriteStartElement (with the local name 'item'), WriteAttributeString, and WriteEndElement to write the JSON array items.
Type '{0}' is not a valid XML type.
XML declaration can only be written at the beginning of the document.
An internal error has occurred. ExtensionDataReader is in an invalid state.
Attempted to write an attribute '{0}'='{1}' after writing the attribute with local name '{2}'. The attribute with local name '{2}' is only valid with an attribute '{0}'='{3}'.
The data contract type '{0}' cannot be serialized because the property '{1}' does not have a public getter. Adding a public getter will fix this error. Alternatively, you can make it internal, and use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute on your assembly in order to enable serialization of internal members - see documentation for more details. Be aware that doing so has certain security implications.
This XmlDictionaryWriter implementation does not support the '{0}' method.
The get-only collection of type '{0}' returned a null value. The input stream contains collection items which cannot be added if the instance is null. Consider initializing the collection either in the constructor of the object or in the getter.
'{0}' is an XML type and cannot be serialized when assigned to an interface type that does not implement IXmlSerializable ('{1}'.)
XmlDictionaryString ID {0} not defined in the static dictionary.
Type '{0}': If a KnownTypeAttribute attribute specifies a method it must be the only KnownTypeAttribute attribute on that type.
The data contract type '{0}' cannot be deserialized because the OnDeserialized method '{1}' is not public. Making the method public will fix this error. Alternatively, you can make it internal, and use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute on your assembly in order to enable serialization of internal members - see documentation for more details. Be aware that doing so has certain security implications.
The input source is not correctly formatted.
An internal error has occurred. Data can only be stored into ArgBuilder or LocalBuilder. Got: {0}.
The value of this argument must fall within the range {0} to {1}.
End element '{0}' from namespace '{1}' expected. Found {2}.
The collection data contract type '{0}' cannot be deserialized because it does not have a public parameterless constructor. Adding a public parameterless constructor will fix this error. Alternatively, you can make it internal, and use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute on your assembly in order to enable serialization of internal members - see documentation for more details. Be aware that doing so has certain security implications.
Property 'Order' in DataMemberAttribute attribute cannot be a negative number.
XML comments cannot contain '--' or end with '-'.
Cannot deserialize since root element references unrecognized object with id '{0}'.
Invalid Size '{0}'. Must be non-negative integer.
The specified offset exceeds the buffer size ({0} bytes).
Canonicalization already started.
There was an error writing start element of object {0}. {1}
Only whitespace characters can be written with this method.
element '{0}' from namespace '{1}'
The expected encoding '{0}' does not match the actual encoding '{1}'.
Enum type '{0}' cannot have the IsReference setting of '{1}'. Either change the setting to '{2}', or remove it completely.
(not matching)
Type '{0}' cannot specify an XmlRootAttribute attribute because its IsAny setting is 'true'. This type must write all its contents including the root element. Verify that the IXmlSerializable implementation is correct.
Duplicate attribute found. Both '{0}' and '{1}' are from the namespace '{2}'.
The Type '{0}' must have a parameterless constructor.
An XML declaration is required for all non-UTF8 documents.
Array too small. Length of available data must be at least {0}.
The constructor with parameters (SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) is not found in ISerializable type '{0}'.
Cannot export null type provided via KnownTypesCollection.
Invalid number of parameters to call method '{0}'. Expected '{1}' parameters, but '{2}' were provided.
The empty string is not a valid local name in JSON.
Malformed XML declaration.
XmlDictionaryString ID {0} not defined in the XmlBinaryReaderSession.
Type '{0}' does not have a static method '{1}' that takes a parameter of type 'System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet' as specified by the XmlSchemaProviderAttribute attribute.
ValueType '{0}' cannot have id.
Type '{0}' cannot have DataContractAttribute attribute Name set to null or empty string.
Method '{0}.{1}()' returns '{2}'. The return type must be compatible with '{3}'.
Start element expected. Found {0}.
{0}.{1}' is not marked with OptionalFieldAttribute, thus indicating that it must be serialized. However, '{0}' derives from a class marked with DataContractAttribute and an IsReference setting of '{2}'. It is not possible to have required data members on IsReference classes. Either decorate '{0}.{1}' with OptionalFieldAttribute, or disable the IsReference setting on the appropriate parent class.
Method '{0}.GetSchema()' must return a schema with a valid Id.
Expecting element '{1}' from namespace '{0}'.
Collection type '{0}' does not have a valid GetEnumerator method.
Type '{0}' cannot be serialized, serialization code for the type is missing. Consult the SDK documentation for adding it as a root serialization type.
IExtensibleDataObject property setter '{1}' in type '{0}' must return void.
Version not found in XML declaration.
Cannot export null assembly provided via '{0}' parameter.
{0} does not have a default constructor.
Virtual Method '{0}' of type '{1}' cannot be marked with '{2}' attribute.
XML '{2}' '{3}:{4}' does not contain expected attribute '{0}:{1}'. The deserializer has no knowledge of which type to deserialize. Check that the type being serialized has the same contract as the type being deserialized.
comment '{0}'
Non-empty start element '{0}' expected. Found {1}.
node {0}
IXmlSerializable.WriteXml method of type '{0}' did not close all open tags. Verify that the IXmlSerializable implementation is correct.
Type '{0}' cannot have DataContractAttribute attribute Namespace set to null.
Value type '{0}' cannot have the IsReference setting of '{1}'. Either change the setting to '{2}', or remove it completely.
Member '{0}' in type '{1}' cannot have DataMemberAttribute attribute Name set to null or empty string.
'{0}' is a collection type and cannot be serialized when assigned to an interface type that does not implement IEnumerable ('{1}'.)
List of referenced collection types contains more than one type with data contract name '{0}' in namespace '{1}'. Include only one of the following types. Only matching types can be valid references: {2}
List of referenced collection types contains more than one type with same data contract name. Include only one of the following types. Only matching types can be valid references: {0}
An object of type '{0}' cannot be serialized at the top level for IXmlSerializable root type '{1}' since its IsAny setting is 'true'. This type must write all its contents including the root element. Verify that the IXmlSerializable implementation is correct.
Cannot write content while an attribute is being written.
An internal error has occurred. Object table overflow. This could be caused by serializing or deserializing extremely large object graphs.
The data contract type '{0}' cannot be deserialized because the member '{1}' is not public. Making the member public will fix this error. Alternatively, you can make it internal, and use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute on your assembly in order to enable serialization of internal members - see documentation for more details. Be aware that doing so has certain security implications.
XML version must be '1.0'.
KnownTypeAttribute attribute on type '{1}' specifies a method named '{0}' to provide known types. Static method '{0}()' was not found on this type. Ensure that the method exists and is marked as static.
{0}. Encountered '{1}' with name '{2}', namespace '{3}'.
ValueType '{0}' cannot be null.
Type '{0}' with CollectionDataContractAttribute attribute is an invalid collection type since it
Unrecognized Byte Order Mark.
IXmlSerializable Type '{0}' must have default constructor.
The specified key already exists in the dictionary.
The data contract type '{0}' cannot be deserialized because the OnDeserializing method '{1}' is not public. Making the method public will fix this error. Alternatively, you can make it internal, and use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute on your assembly in order to enable serialization of internal members - see documentation for more details. Be aware that doing so has certain security implications.
The collection data contract type '{0}' specifies the same value '{1}' for both the KeyName and the ValueName properties. This is not allowed. Consider changing either the KeyName or the ValueName property.
Stream returned by IStreamProvider cannot be null.
The value cannot be parsed as the type '{0}'.
The maximum read depth ({0}) has been exceeded because XML data being read has more levels of nesting than is allowed by the quota. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxDepth property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader.
Schema type '{0}' returned by CLR type '{1}' is not found in the XmlSchemaSet.
Deserialized object with reference id '{0}' not found in stream.
Encountered unexpected prefix '{0}'. The prefix must be null or empty.
Invalid byte encoding.
An object of type '{0}' which derives from DataContractResolver returned a null typeName or typeNamespace but not both from its TryResolveType method when attempting to resolve the name for an object of type '{1}'. Change the TryResolveType implementation to return non-null values, or to return null values for both typeName and typeNamespace in order to serialize as the declared type.
Using surrogates with get-only collection properties is not supported. Consider removing the surrogate associated with '{0}'.
Member '{0}.{1}' cannot be serialized since it is neither a field nor a property, and therefore cannot be marked with the DataMemberAttribute attribute. Remove the DataMemberAttribute attribute from the '{1}' member.
Characters with hexadecimal values 0xFFFE and 0xFFFF are not valid.
Unexpected character '{0}'. '{1}' can write only whitespace characters.
The data at the root level is invalid.
DataContractJsonSerializer does not support data members of type '{0}'. Consider using int, System.Object, or a concrete enum definition instead.
An internal error has occurred. '{0}' is not assignable from '{1}' - error generating code for serialization.
Member '{0}.{1}' has more than one DataMemberAttribute attribute.
{0} has DataContractAttribute attribute.
Type '{0}' is not a valid serializable type.
Only Element nodes have attributes.
Type '{0}' does not have DataContractAttribute attribute and therefore cannot support IExtensibleDataObject.
The data contract name '{0}' for type '{1}' has a curly brace '{{' that is not matched with a closing curly brace. Curly braces have special meaning in data contract names - they are used to customize the naming of data contracts for generic types.
Encountered invalid character '{0}'.
Base64 encoded data expected. Found {0}.
A user callback threw an exception. Check the exception stack and inner exception to determine the callback that failed.
The deserializer cannot load the type to deserialize because type '{1}' could not be found in assembly '{0}'. Check that the type being serialized has the same contract as the type being deserialized and the same assembly is used.
Characters with hexadecimal values 0xFFFE and 0xFFFF are not valid.
KnownTypeAttribute attribute on type '{0}' specifies a method named '{1}' to provide known types. The return type of this method is invalid because it is not assignable to IEnumerable<Type>. Ensure that the method exists and has a valid signature.
{0} does not implement IEnumerable interface.
Unexpected end of file.
Type '{0}' with data contract name '{1}:{2}' is not expected. Add any types not known statically to the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding them to the list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer.
The data contract type '{0}' cannot be serialized because the OnSerializing method '{1}' is not public. Making the method public will fix this error. Alternatively, you can make it internal, and use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute on your assembly in order to enable serialization of internal members - see documentation for more details. Be aware that doing so has certain security implications.
Cannot call {0} while an attribute is being written.
Unrecognized constant type '{0}'.
Only classes can be generated as ISerializable.
The specified offset exceeds the buffer size ({0} bytes).
Base64 sequence length ({0}) not valid. Must be a multiple of 4.
Type '{2}' contains two members '{0}' 'and '{1}' with the same data member name '{3}'. Multiple members with the same name in one type are not supported. Consider changing one of the member names using DataMemberAttribute attribute.
The implementation of the function requires System.Runtime.Serialization.SchemaImporter which is not supported on this platform.
text '{0}'
Method '{0}.{1}()' returns a non-null value. The return value must be null since IsAny
Serialization Callback '{1}' in type '{0}' must return void.
Type '{0}' is an invalid collection type since it
Only one root element is permitted per document.
This XmlDictionaryWriter implementation does not support the writing of multiple root elements.
JsonObjectDataContract.ParseJsonNumber shouldn't return a TypeCode that we're not expecting.
The collection data contract type '{0}' cannot be deserialized because it does not have a public parameterless constructor. Adding a public parameterless constructor will fix this error. Alternatively, you can make it internal, and use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute on your assembly in order to enable serialization of internal members - see documentation for more details. Be aware that doing so has certain security implications.
The data contract type '{0}' cannot be serialized because the member '{1}' is not public. Making the member public will fix this error. Alternatively, you can make it internal, and use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute on your assembly in order to enable serialization of internal members - see documentation for more details. Be aware that doing so has certain security implications.
Type '{0}' cannot be ISerializable and have DataContractAttribute attribute.
The namespace '{1}' can only be bound to the prefix '{0}'.
Whitespace must appear between attributes.
The document does not have a root element.
The 'maximum bytes per Read operation' quota ({0}) has been exceeded while reading XML data. Long element start tags (consisting of the element name, attribute names and attribute values) may trigger this quota. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxBytesPerRead property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader.
']]>' not valid in text node content.
{0} does not have a valid Add method with parameter of type '{1}'.
Failed to create Delegate for method '{0}' of type '{1}'.
Expecting End'{0}'.
'{0}' cannot be called while WriteState is '{1}'.
An internal error has occurred. Char is not a valid schema primitive and should be treated as int in DataContract.
Type '{0}' cannot be added to list of known types since another type '{1}' with the same data contract name '{2}:{3}' is already present.
There are multiple root elements.
DateTime values that are greater than DateTime.MaxValue or smaller than DateTime.MinValue when converted to UTC cannot be serialized to JSON.
The attribute 'type' must have one of the following strings as its values: 'string', 'number', 'array', 'object', 'null', or 'boolean'. Encountered unexpected value '{0}'
An internal error has occurred. DataContract cache overflow.
ID must be >
The combined length of the prefix and namespace must not be greater than {0}.
KnownTypeAttribute attribute on type '{0}' contains no data.
The canonicalization process is not supported on this platform.
Invalid attribute. Both '{0}' and '{1}' in type '{2}' have '{3}'.
Start element '{0}' expected. Found {1}.
The value '{0}' cannot be parsed as the type '{1}'.
Cannot call '{0}' while Depth is '{1}'.
Invalid byte encoding.
Nested arrays are not supported.
The inclusive namespace prefix collection cannot contain null as one of the items.
The implementation of the function requires System.Runtime.Serialization.IDataContractSurrogate which is not supported on this platform.
The data contract type '{0}' cannot be deserialized because the required data member '{1}' was not found.
ContractNamespaceAttribute attribute maps CLR namespace '{2}' to multiple data contract namespaces '{0}' and '{1}'. You can map a CLR namespace to only one data contract namespace.
Cannot write attribute with local name '{0}' multiple times.
Nested arrays are not supported.
The characters '{0}' at offset {1} are not a valid BinHex sequence.
DataContractJsonSerializer does not support the setting of the FullTypeName of the object to be serialized to a value other than the default FullTypeName. Attempted to serialize object with full type name '{0}' and default full type name '{1}'.
Invalid XML encountered. The same Id value '{0}' is defined more than once. Multiple objects cannot be deserialized using the same Id.
Maximum number of items that can be serialized or deserialized in an object graph is '{0}'.
The prefix '{0}' is not defined.
An internal error has occurred. '{0}[]' is not supported when generating code for serialization.
Member {0} in type {1} cannot be serialized. This exception is usually caused by trying to use a null value where a null value is not allowed. The '{0}' member is set to its default value (usually null or zero). The member's EmitDefault setting is 'false', indicating that the member should not be serialized. However, the member's IsRequired setting is 'true', indicating that it must be serialized. This conflict cannot be resolved. Consider setting '{0}' to a non-default value. Alternatively, you can change the EmitDefaultValue property on the DataMemberAttribute attribute to true, or changing the IsRequired property to false.
BinHex sequence length ({0}) not valid. Must be a multiple of 2.
Error in line {0} position {1}.
'standalone' value in declaration must be 'yes' or 'no'.
The empty namespace requires a null or empty prefix.
{0} is a built-in type and cannot be a collection.
Type '{0}' has set its ISerializable assembly name to "0". "0" is an invalid assembly name. Consider using the full name of mscorlib if you would like your type to be deserialized in that assembly.
A null value cannot be serialized at the top level for IXmlSerializable root type '{0}' since its IsAny setting is 'true'. This type must write all its contents including the root element. Verify that the IXmlSerializable implementation is correct.
IExtensibleDataObject property setter '{1}' in type '{0}' must have a single parameter of type '{2}'.
Type '{0}' cannot be IXmlSerializable and have DataContractAttribute attribute.
DataContract with name '{0}' and namespace '{1}' cannot be added to DataContractSet since another contract with the same data contract name is already present and the contracts are not equivalent.
ReferencedCollectionTypes specified via ImportOptions must contain valid types. Cannot contain null.
Cannot find a path to the member when generating the XPath query.
No set method for property '{1}' in type '{0}'.
ReferencedTypes specified via ImportOptions must contain valid types. Cannot contain null.
Encountered unexpected element local name '{0}' for item in collection. '{1}' is the only valid local name for elements in a collection.
CData elements not valid at top level of an XML document.
Cannot load member type '{0}'.
Method specified by KnownTypeAttribute attribute on type '{0}' returned null.
Canonicalization not started.
The reader cannot be advanced.
There was an error serializing the object {0}. {1}
The collection data contract type '{0}' cannot be deserialized because the method '{1}' is not public. Making the method public will fix this error. Alternatively, you can make it internal, and use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute on your assembly in order to enable serialization of internal members - see documentation for more details. Be aware that doing so has certain security implications.
Processing instructions (other than the XML declaration) and DTDs are not supported.
An XML declaration with an encoding is required for all non-UTF8 documents.
DataContract for type '{0}' cannot be added to DataContractSet since type '{1}' with the same data contract name '{2}' in namespace '{3}' is already present and the contracts are not equivalent.
An internal error has occurred. Could not load serialization schema. Consider providing schema with namespace '{0}'.
Type '{0}' has more than one DataContractAttribute attribute.
The maximum array length ({0}) has been exceeded while reading XML data for array of type '{1}'.
Array Size '{0}' is not equal to the number of elements found '{1}'.
Invalid IExtensibleDataObject. Both '{0}' and '{1}' in type '{2}' provide property setter.
The IXmlSerializable type '{0}' is not serializable in partial trust because it is not public. Adding a public parameterless constructor will fix this error. Alternatively, you can make it internal, and use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute on your assembly in order to enable serialization of internal members - see documentation for more details. Be aware that doing so has certain security implications.
The byte 0x{0} is not valid at this location.
Type '{0}' cannot have CollectionDataContractAttribute attribute Name set to null or empty string.
Method specified by KnownTypeAttribute attribute on type '{0}' does not expose valid types.
Unexpected end of file. Following elements are not closed: {0}.
The prefix '{0}' is bound to the namespace '{1}' and cannot be changed to '{2}'.
Member '{0}.{1}' has more than one EnumMemberAttribute attribute.
This XmlWriter implementation does not support the '{0}' method.
Element {0} from namespace {1} cannot have child contents to be deserialized as an object. Please use XElement to deserialize this pattern of XML.
Type '{0}' is a recursive collection data contract which is not supported. Consider modifying the definition of collection '{0}' to remove references to itself.
To write attribute values with this XmlDictionaryWriter implementation, you must write either string or char[] values.
The namespace '{0}' is not defined.
The data contract type '{0}' cannot be serialized because the OnSerialized method '{1}' is not public. Making the method public will fix this error. Alternatively, you can make it internal, and use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute on your assembly in order to enable serialization of internal members - see documentation for more details. Be aware that doing so has certain security implications.
'{0}' is not a valid xml:space value. Valid values are 'default' and 'preserve'.
Type '{0}' cannot inherit from a type that is not marked with DataContractAttribute or SerializableAttribute. Consider marking the base type '{1}' with DataContractAttribute or SerializableAttribute, or removing them from the derived type.
Type '{0}' cannot have CollectionDataContractAttribute attribute KeyName set to null or empty string.
'{0}' contains invalid UTF8 bytes.
Expecting state '{0}' when ReadObject is called.
Type '{2}' contains two members '{0}' 'and '{1}' with the same name '{3}'. Multiple members with the same name in one type are not supported. Consider changing one of the member names using EnumMemberAttribute attribute.
An internal error has occurred. Unexpected contract type '{0}' for type '{1}' encountered.
No corresponding start element is open.
The IsReference setting for type '{0}' is '{1}', but the same setting for its parent class '{2}' is '{3}'. Derived types must have the same value for IsReference as the base type. Change the setting on type '{0}' to '{3}', or on type '{2}' to '{1}', or do not set IsReference explicitly.
'{0}.{1}' has the IsRequired setting of '{2}. However, '{0}' has the IsReference setting of '{2}', because either it is set explicitly, or it is derived from a base class. Set IsRequired on '{0}.{1}' to false, or disable IsReference on '{0}'.
Cannot export null type provided via '{0}' parameter.
The type '{0}' cannot be deserialized because it does not have a public parameterless constructor. Alternatively, you can make it internal, and use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute on your assembly in order to enable serialization of internal members - see documentation for more details. Be aware that doing so has certain security implications.
WriteStartElement must be called at least once before WriteStartAttribute may be called.
DataContractJsonSerializer does not support objects of type '{0}'.
Start element '{0}' does not match end element '{1}'.
Low surrogate char '0x{0}' not valid. Low surrogate chars range from 0xDC00 to 0xDFFF.
'{0}' cannot be called while WriteState is '{1}'.
Prefixes beginning with 'xml' (regardless of casing) are reserved for use by XML.
'{0}' '{1}' from namespace '{2}' is not expected. Expecting element '{3}'.
The characters '{0}' at offset {1} are not a valid Base64 sequence.
Invalid Id '{0}'. Must not be null or empty.
Encountered unexpected namespace '{0}'. The namespace must be empty.
Type '{0}' cannot have CollectionDataContractAttribute attribute ItemName set to null or empty string.
cdata '{0}'
IXmlSerializable.WriteXml method of type '{0}' attempted to close too many tags. Verify that the IXmlSerializable implementation is correct.
Element '{2}:{3}' contains data of the '{0}:{1}' data contract. The deserializer has no knowledge of any type that maps to this contract. Add the type corresponding to '{1}' to the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding it to the list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer.
There was an error writing end element of object {0}. {1}
The collection data contract type '{0}' specifies '{1}' for the KeyName property. This is not allowed since the type is not IDictionary. Remove the setting for the KeyName property.
Collection type '{0}' must have a non-null item type.
Type '{0}' cannot have CollectionDataContractAttribute attribute ValueName set to null or empty string.
Text cannot be written outside the root element.
Multi-dimensional arrays are not supported.
CLR namespace '{0}' cannot have ContractNamespace set to null.
DataContract namespace '{0}' cannot be specified since it is reserved.
The maximum nametable character count quota ({0}) has been exceeded while reading XML data. The nametable is a data structure used to store strings encountered during XML processing - long XML documents with non-repeating element names, attribute names and attribute values may trigger this quota. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxNameTableCharCount property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader.
The surrogate pair is invalid. Missing a low surrogate character.
List of referenced types contains more than one type with same data contract name. Need to exclude all but one of the following types. Only matching types can be valid references: {0}
List of referenced types contains more than one type with data contract name '{0}' in namespace '{1}'. Need to exclude all but one of the following types. Only matching types can be valid references: {2}
Unexpected end of file.
ID already defined.
The dictionary of type '{0}' cannot be deserialized as a simple dictionary because its key type '{1}' does not have a public static Parse method.
WriteStartElement can be called at only the start of a document or immediately after calling WriteEndElement.
This method cannot be called from IXmlSerializable implementations.
end element '{0}' from namespace '{1}'
The data contract type '{0}' cannot be deserialized because the required data members '{1}' were not found.
The '{0}' quota is readonly.
Object graph for type '{0}' contains cycles and cannot be serialized if references are not tracked. Consider using the DataContractAttribute with the IsReference property set to true.
The writer is closed.
The maximum string content length quota ({0}) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader.
A prefix cannot be defined while WriteState is '{0}'.
Type '{0}' cannot have MethodName on XmlSchemaProviderAttribute attribute set to null or empty string.
The prefix '{0}' can only be bound to the namespace '{1}'.
The token '{0}' was expected but found '{1}'.