text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Invalid signature. Stream length minus starting position is too large to hold a PEImage. Invalid coded index. Unexpected handle kind: {0}. PE image not available. Invalid directory relative virtual address. Base reader must be a full metadata reader. Expected array of size {0}. Invalid document name. Unknown section name: '{0}'. {0} must not return null. Not enough space for stream header name. Illegal tables in compressed metadata stream. Unexpected CodeView data signature value. Invalid directory size. Method body was created with no exception regions. Expected signature header for '{0}', but found '{1}' (0x{2:x2}). Specified label doesn't belong to the current builder. Unsupported format version: {0} Unexpected op-code: {0}. The operation is not valid on this builder as it has been linked with another one. Read out of bounds. Row ID or heap offset is too large. Specified handle is not a valid metadata heap handle. Metadata table header too small. Value must be multiple of {0}. Invalid exception region bounds: start offset ({0}) is greater than end offset ({1}). Row count must be zero for table #{0}. The value of field Characteristics in debug directory entry must be zero. Data too big to fit in memory. Unknown PE Magic value. Missing mscorlib reference in AssemblyRef table. Label {0} has not been marked. Metadata tables too small. Assembly already added. Table row count space to small. Declared size doesn't correspond to the actual size. Can't get a heap offset for a virtual heap handle Metadata table {0} not sorted. Specified readers must be minimal delta metadata readers. Invalid compressed integer. Write out of bounds. Expected array of length {0}. The limit on the size of {0} heap has been exceeded. Unexpected SignatureTypeCode: (0x{0:x}). Invalid Metadata stream format. Invalid number of rows of Module table: {0}. Not enough space for Blob stream. Not enough space for version string. Unexpected stream end. Row count specified for table index {0} is out of allowed range. Missing data directory. Invalid handle. Invalid row count: {0} Invalid PE signature. Signature provider returned invalid signature. Not enough space for String stream. Specified handle is not a TypeDefinitionHandle, TypeRefererenceHandle, or TypeSpecificationHandle. Invalid number of sections in declared in PE header. Sequence point value is out of range. Stream must support read and seek operations. There are too many exception regions. Can't add vararg parameters to non-vararg signature. Signature type sequence must have at least one element. Invalid COR header size. Metadata image doesn't represent an assembly. Specified handle is not a valid metadata table or UserString heap handle. Invalid entry point token: 0x{0:8X} Invalid relative virtual address (RVA): 0x{0:X8} Expected non-empty list. The size of the builder returned by {0}.{1} is smaller than requested. Invalid import definition kind: {0}. Invalid constant value. Hash must be at least {0}B long. There are too many subnamespaces. Invalid method header: 0x{0:X2} Invalid method header: 0x{0:X2} 0x{1:X2} The MetadataStringDecoder instance used to instantiate the Metadata reader must have a UTF8 encoding. Value is too large. The Debug directory was not of type {0}. The distance between the instruction {0} (offset {1}) and the target label doesn't fit the operand size: {2} Stream header too small. Metadata version too long. Image is either too small or contains an invalid byte offset or count. Value of type '{0}' is not a constant. Expected signature header for '{0}' or '{1}', but found '{2}' (0x{3:x2}). Image is too small. Invalid token. Unknown tables: 0x{0:x16}. Blob is to large. Section too small. Invalid metadata section span. Module already added. Can't emit a branch or exception region, the current encoder not created with a control flow builder. Not enough space for Metadata stream. Handle belongs to a future generation Expected list of size {0}. Invalid type size. Invalid SEH header: 0x{0:X2} Invalid local signature token: 0x{0:X8} Specified handle is not a TypeDefinitionHandle or TypeRefererenceHandle. EnCMap table not sorted or has missing records. Expected non-empty string. Invalid COR20 header signature. Builder must be aligned to 4 byte boundary. Unknown file format. Invalid serialized string. Metadata header too small. PE image does not have metadata. Standalone debug metadata image doesn't contain Module table. Not enough space for GUID stream. Unexpected Embedded Portable PDB data signature value.