text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Probable I/O race condition detected while copying memory. The I/O package is not thread safe by default. In multithreaded applications, a stream must be accessed in a thread-safe way, such as a thread-safe wrapper returned by TextReader's or TextWriter's Synchronized methods. This also applies to classes like StreamWriter and StreamReader. The BaseStream is only available when the port is open. System.IO.Ports is currently only supported on Windows. '{0}' cannot be set while the port is open. Unable to read beyond the end of the stream. The process cannot access the port because it is being used by another process. The port is already open. The specified port does not exist. Stream does not support seeking. The specified port name is too long. The port name must be less than 260 characters. The given port name does not start with COM/com or does not resolve to a valid serial port. Enum value was out of legal range. The write timed out. EndRead can only be called once for each asynchronous operation. The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request. Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection. Access to the port is denied. The process cannot access the port '{0}' because it is being used by another process. Argument {0} cannot be null or zero-length. Access to the port '{0}' is denied. RtsEnable cannot be accessed if Handshake is set to RequestToSend or RequestToSendXOnXOff. The maximum baud rate for the device is {0}. IAsyncResult object did not come from the corresponding async method on this type. Can not access a closed Stream. Argument must be between {0} and {1}. EndWrite can only be called once for each asynchronous operation. Enumeration of serial port names is not supported on the current platform. The timeout must be either a positive number or -1. The timeout must be greater than or equal to -1. Positive number required. The PortName cannot be empty. Non-negative number required. The given port name is invalid. It may be a valid port, but not a serial port. The port is closed. The port is in the break state and cannot be written to. SerialPort does not support encoding '{0}'. The supported encodings include ASCIIEncoding, UTF8Encoding, UnicodeEncoding, UTF32Encoding, and most single or double byte code pages. For a complete list please see the documentation. The port '{0}' does not exist.