text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 This range in the underlying list is invalid. A possible cause is that elements were removed. Stream was not writable. Invalid element name '{0}'. Invalid element text '{0}'. Empty path name is not legal. Value must be positive. Invalid element tag '{0}'. The keys and values arrays have different sizes. Entry point not found in assembly Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext. Stream was not readable. String cannot have zero length. '{0}' must be non-negative. Cannot read from a closed TextReader. Stream does not support writing. Key cannot be null. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Collection was of a fixed size. Could not find a part of the path '{0}'. An item with the same key has already been added. Key: {0} Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. The usage of IKeyComparer and IHashCodeProvider/IComparer interfaces cannot be mixed; use one or the other. '{0}' must be greater than zero. Collection cannot be null. Stream does not support seeking. Attempted to access an unloaded AppDomain. The path is not of a legal form. Found invalid data while decoding. Array is not long enough. Check array index and length. Unable to find the specified file. Not supported on this platform. The Keys for this Hashtable are missing. Specified file length was too large for the file system. Illegal enum value: {0} The specified file name or path is too long, or a component of the specified path is too long. Unknown value for the ResourceScope: {0} Too many resource visibility bits may be set. Value of flags is invalid. FrameworkName version component is missing. The UNC path should be of the form \\\\server\\share. Cannot write to a closed TextWriter. Code Access Security is not supported on this platform. Unable to use cryptographic functionality. Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection. Access to the path is denied. FrameworkName cannot have less than two components or more than three components. The process cannot access the file '{0}' because it is being used by another process. The given path's format is not supported. Count must be positive and count must refer to a location within the string/array/collection. Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Collection is read-only. ApplicationId cannot have an empty string for the name. Access to the path '{0}' is denied. Insertion index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than or equal to size. Computer name could not be obtained. At least one object must implement IComparable. AppDomain resource monitoring is not supported on this platform. The type parameter cannot be null when scoping the resource's visibility to Private or Assembly. Default principal object cannot be set twice. The home directory of the current user could not be determined. capacity was less than the current size. Could not find a part of the path. FrameworkName is invalid. Attribute names must be unique. The stream is currently in use by a previous operation on the stream. Only single dimensional arrays are supported for the requested action. Dictionary cannot be null. Larger than collection size. There are no context policies. Load factor needs to be between 0.1 and 1.0. Attempt to unload the AppDomain failed. Non-negative number required. Name: Cannot access a closed Stream. Path cannot be the empty string or all whitespace. Insufficient state to return the real object. The file '{0}' already exists. Cannot create '{0}' because a file or directory with the same name already exists. Stream does not support reading. Cannot write to a BufferedStream while the read buffer is not empty if the underlying stream is not seekable. Ensure that the stream underlying this BufferedStream can seek or avoid interleaving read and write operations on this BufferedStream. Resource type in the ResourceScope enum is going from a more restrictive resource type to a more general one. From: "{0}" To: "{1}" Invalid element value '{0}'. Hashtable insert failed. Load factor too high. The most common cause is multiple threads writing to the Hashtable simultaneously. Secondary AppDomains are not supported on this platform. OnDeserialization method was called while the object was not being deserialized. Array cannot be null. Cannot have a null child. Hashtable's capacity overflowed and went negative. Check load factor, capacity and the current size of the table. Illegal characters in path. The Values for this Hashtable are missing. Attempted to marshal an object across a context boundary. One of the serialized keys is null. FrameworkName version component is invalid. Buffer cannot be null. Positive number required. OSVersion's call to GetVersionEx failed Could not find file '{0}'. Argument must be true. Enumeration already finished. Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: '{0}' Key being added: '{1}' The specified operation is not supported on Ranges. Unknown value for the ResourceScope: {0} Too many resource type bits may be set. Enumeration has either not started or has already finished. The parameter '{0}' cannot be an empty string.