Dictionary ========== Your program should read a finite-state automaton from standard input. The automaton is deterministic, you can assume it does not contain cycles. Each automaton path is labeled with a symbol sequence of the following form: ; e.g.: biały;ADJ dom;N piła;N piła;V stali;N stali;V stali;ADJ Next you should read words from the file whose name is given as the first argument (`*.arg` file). For each word, you should all automaton paths that begin a given word, the following symbol is ';' (semicolon), e.g. for the word 'dom' we are looking for paths beginning with 'dom;'. If there is no such path, the following message should be printed: ;OOV For instance, for the automaton given above and the input: budynek dom piła we should get: budynek;OOV dom;N piła;N piła;V If there is more than one path for a given word, they should be given in alphabetical order. The program does not have to check whether the automaton is correct and whether it is deterministic and does not contain cycles. NOTE 1. In section B for points for your tasks, the maximum (rather than sum) is taken. NOTE 2. Task only for students whose student index number ("numer indeksu") is divisible by 3 with a remainder of 0 POINTS: 14 DEADLINE: 2019-12-16 23:59 REMAINDER: 0/3