Diachronic morphosyntactic disambiguation challenge =================================================== The task is to take part in "Diachronic morphosyntactic disambiguation" challenge: http://poleval2020.nlp.ipipan.waw.pl/challenge/poleval-diachronic-morpho Also, apart from submitting a solution you're expected to report any problems with the web site (including incorrect English, unclear instructions, software errors). Please add issues at https://git.wmi.amu.edu.pl/filipg/gonito with label "poleval". (first check whether you're the first to submit a problem). For an account there, please contact Filip Graliński, but do it only when you're sure you'll take part in it — the dataset and instructions are freely available without a need to sign up there: git://poleval2020.nlp.ipipan.waw.pl/poleval-diachronic-morpho http://poleval2020.nlp.ipipan.waw.pl/challenge-readme/poleval-diachronic-morpho http://poleval2020.nlp.ipipan.waw.pl/challenge-how-to/poleval-diachronic-morpho This is a special task, Jenkins/make won't be used. The task will be scored manually, according to the following criteria: * submitting a solution beating a simple baseline along with the source codes: 4 points (the baseline is available here: http://poleval2020.nlp.ipipan.waw.pl/q/afaf0b03df49b6d14e3a9dd3aeae3a5ea58141a2) * quality of solution (including the result obtained): 0-8 * quality of usage report (0-6 points) In Section A (contrary to B/C) points are *added* (it is not the case the maximum is calculated). POINTS: 0 DEADLINE: 2019-12-20 23:59