Filip Graliński 8f9bb1565b Update deadline
2019-11-25 15:23:09 +01:00

19 lines
674 B

No 555
Note: this task is only for students of "Formal languages and
complexity theory" taught in English.
[Your program should read lines from the standard input and check each
line separately (without end-of-line character). Please use regular
expressions as much as possible (in particular, try not to use
logical operators outside the regeular expression). If it is
possible, use just one regular expression.]
For each string from the standard input, check whether it is a 9-digit
phone number (format "NNN-NNN-NNN" or "NNN NNN NNN"), not beginning
with "555". Write "true"/"false" on the standard output accordingly.
DEADLINE: 2019-12-05 17:00