
640 lines
20 KiB

* NOTICE: this is an auto-generated file
* This file has been generated by the `flow:prepare-frontend` maven goal.
* This file will be overwritten on every run. Any custom changes should be made to vite.config.ts
import path from 'path';
import { readFileSync, existsSync, writeFileSync, mkdirSync } from 'fs';
import * as net from 'net';
import { processThemeResources } from './target/plugins/application-theme-plugin/theme-handle.js';
import { rewriteCssUrls } from './target/plugins/theme-loader/theme-loader-utils.js';
import settings from './target/vaadin-dev-server-settings.json';
import { defineConfig, mergeConfig, PluginOption, ResolvedConfig, UserConfigFn, OutputOptions, AssetInfo, ChunkInfo } from 'vite';
import { getManifest } from 'workbox-build';
import * as rollup from 'rollup';
import brotli from 'rollup-plugin-brotli';
import replace from '@rollup/plugin-replace';
import checker from 'vite-plugin-checker';
import postcssLit from './target/plugins/rollup-plugin-postcss-lit-custom/rollup-plugin-postcss-lit.js';
const appShellUrl = '.';
const frontendFolder = path.resolve(__dirname, settings.frontendFolder);
const themeFolder = path.resolve(frontendFolder, settings.themeFolder);
const statsFolder = path.resolve(__dirname, settings.statsOutput);
const frontendBundleFolder = path.resolve(__dirname, settings.frontendBundleOutput);
const jarResourcesFolder = path.resolve(__dirname, settings.jarResourcesFolder);
const generatedFlowImportsFolder = path.resolve(__dirname, settings.generatedFlowImportsFolder);
const themeResourceFolder = path.resolve(__dirname, settings.themeResourceFolder);
const statsFile = path.resolve(statsFolder, 'stats.json');
const projectStaticAssetsFolders = [
path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'main', 'resources', 'META-INF', 'resources'),
path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'main', 'resources', 'static'),
// Folders in the project which can contain application themes
const themeProjectFolders = => path.resolve(folder, settings.themeFolder));
const themeOptions = {
devMode: false,
// The following matches folder 'frontend/generated/themes/'
// (not 'frontend/themes') for theme in JAR that is copied there
themeResourceFolder: path.resolve(themeResourceFolder, settings.themeFolder),
themeProjectFolders: themeProjectFolders,
projectStaticAssetsOutputFolder: path.resolve(__dirname, settings.staticOutput),
frontendGeneratedFolder: path.resolve(frontendFolder, settings.generatedFolder)
const hasExportedWebComponents = existsSync(path.resolve(frontendFolder, 'web-component.html'));
// Block debug and trace logs.
console.trace = () => {};
console.debug = () => {};
function injectManifestToSWPlugin(): rollup.Plugin {
const rewriteManifestIndexHtmlUrl = (manifest) => {
const indexEntry = manifest.find((entry) => entry.url === 'index.html');
if (indexEntry) {
indexEntry.url = appShellUrl;
return { manifest, warnings: [] };
return {
name: 'vaadin:inject-manifest-to-sw',
async transform(code, id) {
if (/sw\.(ts|js)$/.test(id)) {
const { manifestEntries } = await getManifest({
globDirectory: frontendBundleFolder,
globPatterns: ['**/*'],
globIgnores: ['**/*.br'],
manifestTransforms: [rewriteManifestIndexHtmlUrl],
maximumFileSizeToCacheInBytes: 100 * 1024 * 1024, // 100mb,
return code.replace('self.__WB_MANIFEST', JSON.stringify(manifestEntries));
function buildSWPlugin(opts): PluginOption {
let config: ResolvedConfig;
const devMode = opts.devMode;
const swObj = {}
async function build(action: 'generate' | 'write', additionalPlugins: rollup.Plugin[] = []) {
const includedPluginNames = [
const plugins: rollup.Plugin[] = config.plugins.filter((p) => {
return includedPluginNames.includes(
values: {
'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify(config.mode),
preventAssignment: true
if (additionalPlugins) {
const bundle = await rollup.rollup({
input: path.resolve(settings.clientServiceWorkerSource),
try {
return await bundle[action]({
file: path.resolve(frontendBundleFolder, 'sw.js'),
format: 'es',
exports: 'none',
sourcemap: config.command === 'serve' ||,
inlineDynamicImports: true,
} finally {
await bundle.close();
return {
name: 'vaadin:build-sw',
enforce: 'post',
async configResolved(resolvedConfig) {
config = resolvedConfig;
async buildStart() {
if (devMode) {
const { output } = await build('generate');
swObj.code = output[0].code; = output[0].map;
async load(id) {
if (id.endsWith('sw.js')) {
return '';
async transform(_code, id) {
if (id.endsWith('sw.js')) {
return swObj;
async closeBundle() {
await build('write', [
function statsExtracterPlugin(): PluginOption {
return {
name: 'vaadin:stats',
enforce: 'post',
async writeBundle(options: OutputOptions, bundle: { [fileName: string]: AssetInfo | ChunkInfo }) {
const modules = Object.values(bundle).flatMap((b) => (b.modules ? Object.keys(b.modules) : []));
const nodeModulesFolders = modules.filter((id) => id.includes('node_modules'));
const npmModules = nodeModulesFolders
.map((id) => id.replace(/.*node_modules./, ''))
.map((id) => {
const parts = id.split('/');
if (id.startsWith('@')) {
return parts[0] + '/' + parts[1];
} else {
return parts[0];
.filter((value, index, self) => self.indexOf(value) === index);
mkdirSync(path.dirname(statsFile), { recursive: true });
writeFileSync(statsFile, JSON.stringify({ npmModules }, null, 1));
function vaadinBundlesPlugin(): PluginOption {
type ExportInfo =
| string
| {
namespace?: string;
source: string;
type ExposeInfo = {
exports: ExportInfo[];
type PackageInfo = {
version: string;
exposes: Record<string, ExposeInfo>;
type BundleJson = {
packages: Record<string, PackageInfo>;
const disabledMessage = 'Vaadin component dependency bundles are disabled.';
const modulesDirectory = path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules').replace(/\\/g, '/');
let vaadinBundleJson: BundleJson;
function parseModuleId(id: string): { packageName: string; modulePath: string } {
const [scope, scopedPackageName] = id.split('/', 3);
const packageName = scope.startsWith('@') ? `${scope}/${scopedPackageName}` : scope;
const modulePath = `.${id.substring(packageName.length)}`;
return {
function getExports(id: string): string[] | undefined {
const { packageName, modulePath } = parseModuleId(id);
const packageInfo = vaadinBundleJson.packages[packageName];
if (!packageInfo) return;
const exposeInfo: ExposeInfo = packageInfo.exposes[modulePath];
if (!exposeInfo) return;
const exportsSet = new Set<string>();
for (const e of exposeInfo.exports) {
if (typeof e === 'string') {
} else {
const { namespace, source } = e;
if (namespace) {
} else {
const sourceExports = getExports(source);
if (sourceExports) {
sourceExports.forEach((e) => exportsSet.add(e));
return Array.from(exportsSet);
function getExportBinding(binding: string) {
return binding === 'default' ? '_default as default' : binding;
function getImportAssigment(binding: string) {
return binding === 'default' ? 'default: _default' : binding;
return {
name: 'vaadin:bundles',
enforce: 'pre',
apply(config, { command }) {
if (command !== 'serve') return false;
try {
const vaadinBundleJsonPath = require.resolve('@vaadin/bundles/vaadin-bundle.json');
vaadinBundleJson = JSON.parse(readFileSync(vaadinBundleJsonPath, { encoding: 'utf8' }));
} catch (e: unknown) {
if (typeof e === 'object' && (e as { code: string }).code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
vaadinBundleJson = { packages: {} };`@vaadin/bundles npm package is not found, ${disabledMessage}`);
return false;
} else {
throw e;
const versionMismatches: Array<{ name: string; bundledVersion: string; installedVersion: string }> = [];
for (const [name, packageInfo] of Object.entries(vaadinBundleJson.packages)) {
let installedVersion: string | undefined = undefined;
try {
const { version: bundledVersion } = packageInfo;
const installedPackageJsonFile = path.resolve(modulesDirectory, name, 'package.json');
const packageJson = JSON.parse(readFileSync(installedPackageJsonFile, { encoding: 'utf8' }));
installedVersion = packageJson.version;
if (installedVersion && installedVersion !== bundledVersion) {
} catch (_) {
// ignore package not found
if (versionMismatches.length) {`@vaadin/bundles has version mismatches with installed packages, ${disabledMessage}`);`Packages with version mismatches: ${JSON.stringify(versionMismatches, undefined, 2)}`);
vaadinBundleJson = { packages: {} };
return false;
return true;
async config(config) {
return mergeConfig(
optimizeDeps: {
exclude: [
// Vaadin bundle
load(rawId) {
const [path, params] = rawId.split('?');
if (!path.startsWith(modulesDirectory)) return;
const id = path.substring(modulesDirectory.length + 1);
const bindings = getExports(id);
if (bindings === undefined) return;
const cacheSuffix = params ? `?${params}` : '';
const bundlePath = `@vaadin/bundles/vaadin.js${cacheSuffix}`;
return `import { init as VaadinBundleInit, get as VaadinBundleGet } from '${bundlePath}';
await VaadinBundleInit('default');
const { ${', ')} } = (await VaadinBundleGet('./node_modules/${id}'))();
export { ${', ')} };`;
function themePlugin(opts): PluginOption {
const fullThemeOptions = {...themeOptions, devMode: opts.devMode };
return {
name: 'vaadin:theme',
config() {
processThemeResources(fullThemeOptions, console);
configureServer(server) {
function handleThemeFileCreateDelete(themeFile, stats) {
if (themeFile.startsWith(themeFolder)) {
const changed = path.relative(themeFolder, themeFile)
console.debug('Theme file ' + (!!stats ? 'created' : 'deleted'), changed);
processThemeResources(fullThemeOptions, console);
server.watcher.on('add', handleThemeFileCreateDelete);
server.watcher.on('unlink', handleThemeFileCreateDelete);
handleHotUpdate(context) {
const contextPath = path.resolve(context.file);
const themePath = path.resolve(themeFolder);
if (contextPath.startsWith(themePath)) {
const changed = path.relative(themePath, contextPath);
console.debug('Theme file changed', changed);
if (changed.startsWith(settings.themeName)) {
processThemeResources(fullThemeOptions, console);
async resolveId(id, importer) {
// force theme generation if generated theme sources does not yet exist
// this may happen for example during Java hot reload when updating
// @Theme annotation value
if (path.resolve(themeOptions.frontendGeneratedFolder, "theme.js") === importer &&
!existsSync(path.resolve(themeOptions.frontendGeneratedFolder, id))) {
console.debug('Generate theme file ' + id + ' not existing. Processing theme resource');
processThemeResources(fullThemeOptions, console);
if (!id.startsWith(settings.themeFolder)) {
for (const location of [themeResourceFolder, frontendFolder]) {
const result = await this.resolve(path.resolve(location, id));
if (result) {
return result;
async transform(raw, id, options) {
// rewrite urls for the application theme css files
const [bareId, query] = id.split('?');
if (!bareId?.startsWith(themeFolder) || !bareId?.endsWith('.css')) {
const [themeName] = bareId.substring(themeFolder.length + 1).split('/');
return rewriteCssUrls(raw, path.dirname(bareId), path.resolve(themeFolder, themeName), console, opts);
function lenientLitImportPlugin(): PluginOption {
return {
name: 'vaadin:lenient-lit-import',
async transform(code, id) {
const decoratorImports = [
/import (.*?) from (['"])(lit\/decorators)(['"])/,
/import (.*?) from (['"])(lit-element\/decorators)(['"])/
const directiveImports = [
/import (.*?) from (['"])(lit\/directives\/)([^\\.]*?)(['"])/,
/import (.*?) from (['"])(lit-html\/directives\/)([^\\.]*?)(['"])/
decoratorImports.forEach((decoratorImport) => {
let decoratorMatch;
while ((decoratorMatch = code.match(decoratorImport))) {
`Warning: the file ${id} imports from '${decoratorMatch[3]}' when it should import from '${decoratorMatch[3]}.js'`
code = code.replace(decoratorImport, 'import $1 from $2$3.js$4');
directiveImports.forEach((directiveImport) => {
let directiveMatch;
while ((directiveMatch = code.match(directiveImport))) {
`Warning: the file ${id} imports from '${directiveMatch[3]}${directiveMatch[4]}' when it should import from '${directiveMatch[3]}${directiveMatch[4]}.js'`
code = code.replace(directiveImport, 'import $1 from $2$3$4.js$5');
return code;
function runWatchDog(watchDogPort, watchDogHost) {
const client = net.Socket();
client.on('error', function (err) {
console.log('Watchdog connection error. Terminating vite process...', err);
client.on('close', function () {
runWatchDog(watchDogPort, watchDogHost);
client.connect(watchDogPort, watchDogHost || 'localhost');
let spaMiddlewareForceRemoved = false;
const allowedFrontendFolders = [
path.resolve(generatedFlowImportsFolder), // Contains only generated-flow-imports
path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules')
function setHmrPortToServerPort(): PluginOption {
return {
name: 'set-hmr-port-to-server-port',
configResolved(config) {
if (config.server.strictPort && config.server.hmr !== false) {
if (config.server.hmr === true) config.server.hmr = {};
config.server.hmr = config.server.hmr || {};
config.server.hmr.clientPort = config.server.port;
function showRecompileReason(): PluginOption {
return {
name: 'vaadin:why-you-compile',
handleHotUpdate(context) {
console.log('Recompiling because', context.file, 'changed');
export const vaadinConfig: UserConfigFn = (env) => {
const devMode = env.mode === 'development';
if (devMode && process.env.watchDogPort) {
// Open a connection with the Java dev-mode handler in order to finish
// vite when it exits or crashes.
runWatchDog(process.env.watchDogPort, process.env.watchDogHost);
return {
root: frontendFolder,
base: '',
resolve: {
alias: {
'@vaadin/flow-frontend': jarResourcesFolder,
Frontend: frontendFolder
preserveSymlinks: true
define: {
OFFLINE_PATH: settings.offlinePath,
server: {
host: '',
strictPort: true,
fs: {
allow: allowedFrontendFolders
build: {
outDir: frontendBundleFolder,
assetsDir: 'VAADIN/build',
rollupOptions: {
input: {
indexhtml: path.resolve(frontendFolder, 'index.html'),
? { webcomponenthtml: path.resolve(frontendFolder, 'web-component.html') }
: {}
optimizeDeps: {
entries: [
// Pre-scan entrypoints in Vite to avoid reloading on first open
exclude: [
plugins: [
!devMode && brotli(),
devMode && vaadinBundlesPlugin(),
devMode && setHmrPortToServerPort(),
devMode && showRecompileReason(),
settings.offlineEnabled && buildSWPlugin({ devMode }),
!devMode && statsExtracterPlugin(),
include: ['**/*.css', '**/*.css\?*'],
exclude: [
name: 'vaadin:force-remove-html-middleware',
transformIndexHtml: {
enforce: 'pre',
transform(_html, { server }) {
if (server && !spaMiddlewareForceRemoved) {
server.middlewares.stack = server.middlewares.stack.filter((mw) => {
const handleName = '' + mw.handle;
return !handleName.includes('viteHtmlFallbackMiddleware');
spaMiddlewareForceRemoved = true;
hasExportedWebComponents && {
name: 'vaadin:inject-entrypoints-to-web-component-html',
transformIndexHtml: {
enforce: 'pre',
transform(_html, { path, server }) {
if (path !== '/web-component.html') {
return [
tag: 'script',
attrs: { type: 'module', src: `/generated/vaadin-web-component.ts` },
injectTo: 'head'
name: 'vaadin:inject-entrypoints-to-index-html',
transformIndexHtml: {
enforce: 'pre',
transform(_html, { path, server }) {
if (path !== '/index.html') {
const scripts = [];
if (devMode) {
tag: 'script',
attrs: { type: 'module', src: `/generated/vite-devmode.ts` },
injectTo: 'head'
tag: 'script',
attrs: { type: 'module', src: '/generated/vaadin.ts' },
injectTo: 'head'
return scripts;
typescript: true
export const overrideVaadinConfig = (customConfig: UserConfigFn) => {
return defineConfig((env) => mergeConfig(vaadinConfig(env), customConfig(env)));