from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function import sys import itertools import pytest import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_, assert_equal, assert_raises, IS_PYPY # This is the structure of the table used for plain objects: # # +-+-+-+ # |x|y|z| # +-+-+-+ # Structure of a plain array description: Pdescr = [ ('x', 'i4', (2,)), ('y', 'f8', (2, 2)), ('z', 'u1')] # A plain list of tuples with values for testing: PbufferT = [ # x y z ([3, 2], [[6., 4.], [6., 4.]], 8), ([4, 3], [[7., 5.], [7., 5.]], 9), ] # This is the structure of the table used for nested objects (DON'T PANIC!): # # +-+---------------------------------+-----+----------+-+-+ # |x|Info |color|info |y|z| # | +-----+--+----------------+----+--+ +----+-----+ | | # | |value|y2|Info2 |name|z2| |Name|Value| | | # | | | +----+-----+--+--+ | | | | | | | # | | | |name|value|y3|z3| | | | | | | | # +-+-----+--+----+-----+--+--+----+--+-----+----+-----+-+-+ # # The corresponding nested array description: Ndescr = [ ('x', 'i4', (2,)), ('Info', [ ('value', 'c16'), ('y2', 'f8'), ('Info2', [ ('name', 'S2'), ('value', 'c16', (2,)), ('y3', 'f8', (2,)), ('z3', 'u4', (2,))]), ('name', 'S2'), ('z2', 'b1')]), ('color', 'S2'), ('info', [ ('Name', 'U8'), ('Value', 'c16')]), ('y', 'f8', (2, 2)), ('z', 'u1')] NbufferT = [ # x Info color info y z # value y2 Info2 name z2 Name Value # name value y3 z3 ([3, 2], (6j, 6., (b'nn', [6j, 4j], [6., 4.], [1, 2]), b'NN', True), b'cc', (u'NN', 6j), [[6., 4.], [6., 4.]], 8), ([4, 3], (7j, 7., (b'oo', [7j, 5j], [7., 5.], [2, 1]), b'OO', False), b'dd', (u'OO', 7j), [[7., 5.], [7., 5.]], 9), ] byteorder = {'little':'<', 'big':'>'}[sys.byteorder] def normalize_descr(descr): "Normalize a description adding the platform byteorder." out = [] for item in descr: dtype = item[1] if isinstance(dtype, str): if dtype[0] not in ['|', '<', '>']: onebyte = dtype[1:] == "1" if onebyte or dtype[0] in ['S', 'V', 'b']: dtype = "|" + dtype else: dtype = byteorder + dtype if len(item) > 2 and[2]) > 1: nitem = (item[0], dtype, item[2]) else: nitem = (item[0], dtype) out.append(nitem) elif isinstance(dtype, list): l = normalize_descr(dtype) out.append((item[0], l)) else: raise ValueError("Expected a str or list and got %s" % (type(item))) return out ############################################################ # Creation tests ############################################################ class CreateZeros(object): """Check the creation of heterogeneous arrays zero-valued""" def test_zeros0D(self): """Check creation of 0-dimensional objects""" h = np.zeros((), dtype=self._descr) assert_(normalize_descr(self._descr) == h.dtype.descr) assert_(h.dtype.fields['x'][0].name[:4] == 'void') assert_(h.dtype.fields['x'][0].char == 'V') assert_(h.dtype.fields['x'][0].type == np.void) # A small check that data is ok assert_equal(h['z'], np.zeros((), dtype='u1')) def test_zerosSD(self): """Check creation of single-dimensional objects""" h = np.zeros((2,), dtype=self._descr) assert_(normalize_descr(self._descr) == h.dtype.descr) assert_(h.dtype['y'].name[:4] == 'void') assert_(h.dtype['y'].char == 'V') assert_(h.dtype['y'].type == np.void) # A small check that data is ok assert_equal(h['z'], np.zeros((2,), dtype='u1')) def test_zerosMD(self): """Check creation of multi-dimensional objects""" h = np.zeros((2, 3), dtype=self._descr) assert_(normalize_descr(self._descr) == h.dtype.descr) assert_(h.dtype['z'].name == 'uint8') assert_(h.dtype['z'].char == 'B') assert_(h.dtype['z'].type == np.uint8) # A small check that data is ok assert_equal(h['z'], np.zeros((2, 3), dtype='u1')) class TestCreateZerosPlain(CreateZeros): """Check the creation of heterogeneous arrays zero-valued (plain)""" _descr = Pdescr class TestCreateZerosNested(CreateZeros): """Check the creation of heterogeneous arrays zero-valued (nested)""" _descr = Ndescr class CreateValues(object): """Check the creation of heterogeneous arrays with values""" def test_tuple(self): """Check creation from tuples""" h = np.array(self._buffer, dtype=self._descr) assert_(normalize_descr(self._descr) == h.dtype.descr) if self.multiple_rows: assert_(h.shape == (2,)) else: assert_(h.shape == ()) def test_list_of_tuple(self): """Check creation from list of tuples""" h = np.array([self._buffer], dtype=self._descr) assert_(normalize_descr(self._descr) == h.dtype.descr) if self.multiple_rows: assert_(h.shape == (1, 2)) else: assert_(h.shape == (1,)) def test_list_of_list_of_tuple(self): """Check creation from list of list of tuples""" h = np.array([[self._buffer]], dtype=self._descr) assert_(normalize_descr(self._descr) == h.dtype.descr) if self.multiple_rows: assert_(h.shape == (1, 1, 2)) else: assert_(h.shape == (1, 1)) class TestCreateValuesPlainSingle(CreateValues): """Check the creation of heterogeneous arrays (plain, single row)""" _descr = Pdescr multiple_rows = 0 _buffer = PbufferT[0] class TestCreateValuesPlainMultiple(CreateValues): """Check the creation of heterogeneous arrays (plain, multiple rows)""" _descr = Pdescr multiple_rows = 1 _buffer = PbufferT class TestCreateValuesNestedSingle(CreateValues): """Check the creation of heterogeneous arrays (nested, single row)""" _descr = Ndescr multiple_rows = 0 _buffer = NbufferT[0] class TestCreateValuesNestedMultiple(CreateValues): """Check the creation of heterogeneous arrays (nested, multiple rows)""" _descr = Ndescr multiple_rows = 1 _buffer = NbufferT ############################################################ # Reading tests ############################################################ class ReadValuesPlain(object): """Check the reading of values in heterogeneous arrays (plain)""" def test_access_fields(self): h = np.array(self._buffer, dtype=self._descr) if not self.multiple_rows: assert_(h.shape == ()) assert_equal(h['x'], np.array(self._buffer[0], dtype='i4')) assert_equal(h['y'], np.array(self._buffer[1], dtype='f8')) assert_equal(h['z'], np.array(self._buffer[2], dtype='u1')) else: assert_(len(h) == 2) assert_equal(h['x'], np.array([self._buffer[0][0], self._buffer[1][0]], dtype='i4')) assert_equal(h['y'], np.array([self._buffer[0][1], self._buffer[1][1]], dtype='f8')) assert_equal(h['z'], np.array([self._buffer[0][2], self._buffer[1][2]], dtype='u1')) class TestReadValuesPlainSingle(ReadValuesPlain): """Check the creation of heterogeneous arrays (plain, single row)""" _descr = Pdescr multiple_rows = 0 _buffer = PbufferT[0] class TestReadValuesPlainMultiple(ReadValuesPlain): """Check the values of heterogeneous arrays (plain, multiple rows)""" _descr = Pdescr multiple_rows = 1 _buffer = PbufferT class ReadValuesNested(object): """Check the reading of values in heterogeneous arrays (nested)""" def test_access_top_fields(self): """Check reading the top fields of a nested array""" h = np.array(self._buffer, dtype=self._descr) if not self.multiple_rows: assert_(h.shape == ()) assert_equal(h['x'], np.array(self._buffer[0], dtype='i4')) assert_equal(h['y'], np.array(self._buffer[4], dtype='f8')) assert_equal(h['z'], np.array(self._buffer[5], dtype='u1')) else: assert_(len(h) == 2) assert_equal(h['x'], np.array([self._buffer[0][0], self._buffer[1][0]], dtype='i4')) assert_equal(h['y'], np.array([self._buffer[0][4], self._buffer[1][4]], dtype='f8')) assert_equal(h['z'], np.array([self._buffer[0][5], self._buffer[1][5]], dtype='u1')) def test_nested1_acessors(self): """Check reading the nested fields of a nested array (1st level)""" h = np.array(self._buffer, dtype=self._descr) if not self.multiple_rows: assert_equal(h['Info']['value'], np.array(self._buffer[1][0], dtype='c16')) assert_equal(h['Info']['y2'], np.array(self._buffer[1][1], dtype='f8')) assert_equal(h['info']['Name'], np.array(self._buffer[3][0], dtype='U2')) assert_equal(h['info']['Value'], np.array(self._buffer[3][1], dtype='c16')) else: assert_equal(h['Info']['value'], np.array([self._buffer[0][1][0], self._buffer[1][1][0]], dtype='c16')) assert_equal(h['Info']['y2'], np.array([self._buffer[0][1][1], self._buffer[1][1][1]], dtype='f8')) assert_equal(h['info']['Name'], np.array([self._buffer[0][3][0], self._buffer[1][3][0]], dtype='U2')) assert_equal(h['info']['Value'], np.array([self._buffer[0][3][1], self._buffer[1][3][1]], dtype='c16')) def test_nested2_acessors(self): """Check reading the nested fields of a nested array (2nd level)""" h = np.array(self._buffer, dtype=self._descr) if not self.multiple_rows: assert_equal(h['Info']['Info2']['value'], np.array(self._buffer[1][2][1], dtype='c16')) assert_equal(h['Info']['Info2']['z3'], np.array(self._buffer[1][2][3], dtype='u4')) else: assert_equal(h['Info']['Info2']['value'], np.array([self._buffer[0][1][2][1], self._buffer[1][1][2][1]], dtype='c16')) assert_equal(h['Info']['Info2']['z3'], np.array([self._buffer[0][1][2][3], self._buffer[1][1][2][3]], dtype='u4')) def test_nested1_descriptor(self): """Check access nested descriptors of a nested array (1st level)""" h = np.array(self._buffer, dtype=self._descr) assert_(h.dtype['Info']['value'].name == 'complex128') assert_(h.dtype['Info']['y2'].name == 'float64') if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: assert_(h.dtype['info']['Name'].name == 'str256') else: assert_(h.dtype['info']['Name'].name == 'unicode256') assert_(h.dtype['info']['Value'].name == 'complex128') def test_nested2_descriptor(self): """Check access nested descriptors of a nested array (2nd level)""" h = np.array(self._buffer, dtype=self._descr) assert_(h.dtype['Info']['Info2']['value'].name == 'void256') assert_(h.dtype['Info']['Info2']['z3'].name == 'void64') class TestReadValuesNestedSingle(ReadValuesNested): """Check the values of heterogeneous arrays (nested, single row)""" _descr = Ndescr multiple_rows = False _buffer = NbufferT[0] class TestReadValuesNestedMultiple(ReadValuesNested): """Check the values of heterogeneous arrays (nested, multiple rows)""" _descr = Ndescr multiple_rows = True _buffer = NbufferT class TestEmptyField(object): def test_assign(self): a = np.arange(10, dtype=np.float32) a.dtype = [("int", "<0i4"), ("float", "<2f4")] assert_(a['int'].shape == (5, 0)) assert_(a['float'].shape == (5, 2)) class TestCommonType(object): def test_scalar_loses1(self): res = np.find_common_type(['f4', 'f4', 'i2'], ['f8']) assert_(res == 'f4') def test_scalar_loses2(self): res = np.find_common_type(['f4', 'f4'], ['i8']) assert_(res == 'f4') def test_scalar_wins(self): res = np.find_common_type(['f4', 'f4', 'i2'], ['c8']) assert_(res == 'c8') def test_scalar_wins2(self): res = np.find_common_type(['u4', 'i4', 'i4'], ['f4']) assert_(res == 'f8') def test_scalar_wins3(self): # doesn't go up to 'f16' on purpose res = np.find_common_type(['u8', 'i8', 'i8'], ['f8']) assert_(res == 'f8') class TestMultipleFields(object): def setup(self): self.ary = np.array([(1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7, 8)], dtype='i4,f4,i2,c8') def _bad_call(self): return self.ary['f0', 'f1'] def test_no_tuple(self): assert_raises(IndexError, self._bad_call) def test_return(self): res = self.ary[['f0', 'f2']].tolist() assert_(res == [(1, 3), (5, 7)]) class TestIsSubDType(object): # scalar types can be promoted into dtypes wrappers = [np.dtype, lambda x: x] def test_both_abstract(self): assert_(np.issubdtype(np.floating, np.inexact)) assert_(not np.issubdtype(np.inexact, np.floating)) def test_same(self): for cls in (np.float32, np.int32): for w1, w2 in itertools.product(self.wrappers, repeat=2): assert_(np.issubdtype(w1(cls), w2(cls))) def test_subclass(self): # note we cannot promote floating to a dtype, as it would turn into a # concrete type for w in self.wrappers: assert_(np.issubdtype(w(np.float32), np.floating)) assert_(np.issubdtype(w(np.float64), np.floating)) def test_subclass_backwards(self): for w in self.wrappers: assert_(not np.issubdtype(np.floating, w(np.float32))) assert_(not np.issubdtype(np.floating, w(np.float64))) def test_sibling_class(self): for w1, w2 in itertools.product(self.wrappers, repeat=2): assert_(not np.issubdtype(w1(np.float32), w2(np.float64))) assert_(not np.issubdtype(w1(np.float64), w2(np.float32))) class TestSctypeDict(object): def test_longdouble(self): assert_(np.sctypeDict['f8'] is not np.longdouble) assert_(np.sctypeDict['c16'] is not np.clongdouble) class TestBitName(object): def test_abstract(self): assert_raises(ValueError, np.core.numerictypes.bitname, np.floating) class TestMaximumSctype(object): # note that parametrizing with sctype['int'] and similar would skip types # with the same size (gh-11923) @pytest.mark.parametrize('t', [np.byte, np.short, np.intc, np.int_, np.longlong]) def test_int(self, t): assert_equal(np.maximum_sctype(t), np.sctypes['int'][-1]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('t', [np.ubyte, np.ushort, np.uintc, np.uint, np.ulonglong]) def test_uint(self, t): assert_equal(np.maximum_sctype(t), np.sctypes['uint'][-1]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('t', [np.half, np.single, np.double, np.longdouble]) def test_float(self, t): assert_equal(np.maximum_sctype(t), np.sctypes['float'][-1]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('t', [np.csingle, np.cdouble, np.clongdouble]) def test_complex(self, t): assert_equal(np.maximum_sctype(t), np.sctypes['complex'][-1]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('t', [np.bool_, np.object_, np.unicode_, np.bytes_, np.void]) def test_other(self, t): assert_equal(np.maximum_sctype(t), t) class Test_sctype2char(object): # This function is old enough that we're really just documenting the quirks # at this point. def test_scalar_type(self): assert_equal(np.sctype2char(np.double), 'd') assert_equal(np.sctype2char(np.int_), 'l') assert_equal(np.sctype2char(np.unicode_), 'U') assert_equal(np.sctype2char(np.bytes_), 'S') def test_other_type(self): assert_equal(np.sctype2char(float), 'd') assert_equal(np.sctype2char(list), 'O') assert_equal(np.sctype2char(np.ndarray), 'O') def test_third_party_scalar_type(self): from numpy.core._rational_tests import rational assert_raises(KeyError, np.sctype2char, rational) assert_raises(KeyError, np.sctype2char, rational(1)) def test_array_instance(self): assert_equal(np.sctype2char(np.array([1.0, 2.0])), 'd') def test_abstract_type(self): assert_raises(KeyError, np.sctype2char, np.floating) def test_non_type(self): assert_raises(ValueError, np.sctype2char, 1) @pytest.mark.parametrize("rep, expected", [ (np.int32, True), (list, False), (1.1, False), (str, True), (np.dtype(np.float64), True), (np.dtype((np.int16, (3, 4))), True), (np.dtype([('a', np.int8)]), True), ]) def test_issctype(rep, expected): # ensure proper identification of scalar # data-types by issctype() actual = np.issctype(rep) assert_equal(actual, expected) @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.flags.optimize > 1, reason="no docstrings present to inspect when PYTHONOPTIMIZE/Py_OptimizeFlag > 1") @pytest.mark.xfail(IS_PYPY, reason="PyPy does not modify tp_doc") class TestDocStrings(object): def test_platform_dependent_aliases(self): if np.int64 is np.int_: assert_('int64' in np.int_.__doc__) elif np.int64 is np.longlong: assert_('int64' in np.longlong.__doc__)