import warnings from six import BytesIO, text_type from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qsl from .util import CaseInsensitiveDict import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Request(object): """ VCR's representation of a request. """ def __init__(self, method, uri, body, headers): self.method = method self.uri = uri self._was_file = hasattr(body, "read") if self._was_file: self.body = else: self.body = body self.headers = headers log.debug("Invoking Request %s", self.uri) @property def headers(self): return self._headers @headers.setter def headers(self, value): if not isinstance(value, HeadersDict): value = HeadersDict(value) self._headers = value @property def body(self): return BytesIO(self._body) if self._was_file else self._body @body.setter def body(self, value): if isinstance(value, text_type): value = value.encode("utf-8") self._body = value def add_header(self, key, value): warnings.warn( "Request.add_header is deprecated. " "Please assign to request.headers instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) self.headers[key] = value @property def scheme(self): return urlparse(self.uri).scheme @property def host(self): return urlparse(self.uri).hostname @property def port(self): parse_uri = urlparse(self.uri) port = parse_uri.port if port is None: try: port = {"https": 443, "http": 80}[parse_uri.scheme] except KeyError: pass return port @property def path(self): return urlparse(self.uri).path @property def query(self): q = urlparse(self.uri).query return sorted(parse_qsl(q)) # alias for backwards compatibility @property def url(self): return self.uri # alias for backwards compatibility @property def protocol(self): return self.scheme def __str__(self): return "".format(self.method, self.uri) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def _to_dict(self): return { "method": self.method, "uri": self.uri, "body": self.body, "headers": {k: [v] for k, v in self.headers.items()}, } @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, dct): return Request(**dct) class HeadersDict(CaseInsensitiveDict): """ There is a weird quirk in HTTP. You can send the same header twice. For this reason, headers are represented by a dict, with lists as the values. However, it appears that HTTPlib is completely incapable of sending the same header twice. This puts me in a weird position: I want to be able to accurately represent HTTP headers in cassettes, but I don't want the extra step of always having to do [0] in the general case, i.e. request.headers['key'][0] In addition, some servers sometimes send the same header more than once, and httplib *can* deal with this situation. Furthermore, I wanted to keep the request and response cassette format as similar as possible. For this reason, in cassettes I keep a dict with lists as keys, but once deserialized into VCR, I keep them as plain, naked dicts. """ def __setitem__(self, key, value): if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): value = value[0] # Preserve the case from the first time this key was set. old = self._store.get(key.lower()) if old: key = old[0] super(HeadersDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)