#!/usr/bin/env python try: from shlex import quote except ImportError: from pipes import quote bashcode = r''' # Run something, muting output or redirecting it to the debug stream # depending on the value of _ARC_DEBUG. __python_argcomplete_run() { if [[ -z "$_ARC_DEBUG" ]]; then "$@" 8>&1 9>&2 1>/dev/null 2>&1 else "$@" 8>&1 9>&2 1>&9 2>&1 fi } _python_argcomplete() { local IFS=$'\013' local SUPPRESS_SPACE=0 if compopt +o nospace 2> /dev/null; then SUPPRESS_SPACE=1 fi COMPREPLY=( $(IFS="$IFS" \ COMP_LINE="$COMP_LINE" \ COMP_POINT="$COMP_POINT" \ COMP_TYPE="$COMP_TYPE" \ _ARGCOMPLETE_COMP_WORDBREAKS="$COMP_WORDBREAKS" \ _ARGCOMPLETE=1 \ _ARGCOMPLETE_SUPPRESS_SPACE=$SUPPRESS_SPACE \ __python_argcomplete_run "$1") ) if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then unset COMPREPLY elif [[ $SUPPRESS_SPACE == 1 ]] && [[ "$COMPREPLY" =~ [=/:]$ ]]; then compopt -o nospace fi } complete %(complete_opts)s -F _python_argcomplete %(executables)s ''' tcshcode = '''\ complete "%(executable)s" 'p@*@`python-argcomplete-tcsh "%(executable)s"`@' ; ''' fishcode = r''' function __fish_%(executable)s_complete set -x _ARGCOMPLETE 1 set -x _ARGCOMPLETE_IFS \n set -x _ARGCOMPLETE_SUPPRESS_SPACE 1 set -x _ARGCOMPLETE_SHELL fish set -x COMP_LINE (commandline -p) set -x COMP_POINT (string length (commandline -cp)) set -x COMP_TYPE if set -q _ARC_DEBUG %(executable)s 8>&1 9>&2 1>/dev/null 2>&1 else %(executable)s 8>&1 9>&2 1>&9 2>&1 end end complete -c %(executable)s -f -a '(__fish_%(executable)s_complete)' ''' def shellcode(executables, use_defaults=True, shell='bash', complete_arguments=None): ''' Provide the shell code required to register a python executable for use with the argcomplete module. :param str executables: Executables to be completed (when invoked exactly with this name :param bool use_defaults: Whether to fallback to readline's default completion when no matches are generated. :param str shell: Name of the shell to output code for (bash or tcsh) :param complete_arguments: Arguments to call complete with :type complete_arguments: list(str) or None ''' if complete_arguments is None: complete_options = '-o nospace -o default' if use_defaults else '-o nospace' else: complete_options = " ".join(complete_arguments) if shell == 'bash': quoted_executables = [quote(i) for i in executables] executables_list = " ".join(quoted_executables) code = bashcode % dict(complete_opts=complete_options, executables=executables_list) elif shell == 'fish': code = "" for executable in executables: code += fishcode % dict(executable=executable) else: code = "" for executable in executables: code += tcshcode % dict(executable=executable) return code