import copy import logging import olefile from extract_msg import constants from extract_msg.dev_classes.attachment import Attachment from import Properties from extract_msg.recipient import Recipient from extract_msg.utils import encode, has_len, stri, windowsUnicode logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) class Message(olefile.OleFileIO): """ Developer version of the `extract_msg.message.Message` class. """ def __init__(self, path, prefix=''): """ :param path: path to the msg file in the system or is the raw msg file. :param prefix: used for extracting embedded msg files inside the main one. Do not set manually unless you know what you are doing. """ logger.log(5, 'prefix: {}'.format(prefix)) self.__path = path olefile.OleFileIO.__init__(self, path) prefixl = [] if prefix != '': if not isinstance(prefix, stri): try: prefix = '/'.join(prefix) except: raise TypeError('Invalid prefix type: ' + str(type(prefix)) + '\n(This was probably caused by you setting it manually).') prefix = prefix.replace('\\', '/') g = prefix.split("/") if g[-1] == '': g.pop() prefixl = g if prefix[-1] != '/': prefix += '/' filename = self._getStringStream(prefixl[:-1] + ['__substg1.0_3001'], prefix=False) self.__prefix = prefix self.__prefixList = prefixl logger.log(5, ':param path: has __len__ attribute?: {}'.format(has_len(path))) if has_len(path): if len(path) < 1536: self.filename = path logger.log(5, ':param path: length is {}; Using :param path: as file path'.format(len(path))) else: logger.log(5, ':param path: length is {}; Using :param path: as raw msg stream'.format(len(path))) self.filename = None self.mainProperties recipientDirs = [] for dir_ in self.listDir(): if dir_[len(self.__prefixList)].startswith('__recip') and\ dir_[len(self.__prefixList)] not in recipientDirs: recipientDirs.append(dir_[len(self.__prefixList)]) self.recipients self.attachments def listDir(self, streams=True, storages=False): """ Replacement for OleFileIO.listdir that runs at the current prefix directory. """ temp = self.listdir(streams, storages) if self.__prefix == '': return temp prefix = self.__prefix.split('/') if prefix[-1] == '': prefix.pop() out = [] for x in temp: good = True if len(x) <= len(prefix): good = False if good: for y in range(len(prefix)): if x[y] != prefix[y]: good = False if good: out.append(x) return out def Exists(self, inp): """ Checks if :param inp: exists in the msg file. """ if isinstance(inp, list): inp = self.__prefixList + inp else: inp = self.__prefix + inp return self.exists(inp) def _getStream(self, filename, prefix=True): if isinstance(filename, list): filename = '/'.join(filename) if prefix: filename = self.__prefix + filename if self.exists(filename): stream = self.openstream(filename) return else:'Stream "{}" was requested but could not be found. Returning `None`.'.format(filename)) return None def _getStringStream(self, filename, prefer='unicode', prefix=True): """ Gets a string representation of the requested filename. Checks for both ASCII and Unicode representations and returns a value if possible. If there are both ASCII and Unicode versions, then :param prefer: specifies which will be returned. """ if isinstance(filename, list): # Join with slashes to make it easier to append the type filename = '/'.join(filename) asciiVersion = self._getStream(filename + '001E', prefix) unicodeVersion = windowsUnicode(self._getStream(filename + '001F', prefix)) logger.log(5, '_getStringStream called for {}. Ascii version found: {}. Unicode version found: {}.'.format( filename, asciiVersion is not None, unicodeVersion is not None)) if asciiVersion is None: return unicodeVersion elif unicodeVersion is None: return asciiVersion else: if prefer == 'unicode': return unicodeVersion else: return asciiVersion @property def path(self): """ Returns the message path if generated from a file, otherwise returns the data used to generate the Message instance. """ return self.__path @property def prefix(self): """ Returns the prefix of the Message instance. Intended for developer use. """ return self.__prefix @property def prefixList(self): """ Returns the prefix list of the Message instance. Intended for developer use. """ return copy.deepcopy(self.__prefixList) @property def mainProperties(self): """ Returns the Properties instance used by the Message instance. """ try: return self._prop except AttributeError: self._prop = Properties(self._getStream('__properties_version1.0'), constants.TYPE_MESSAGE if self.__prefix == '' else constants.TYPE_MESSAGE_EMBED) return self._prop @property def date(self): """ Returns the send date, if it exists. """ try: return self._date except AttributeError: self._date = return self._date @property def attachments(self): """ Returns a list of all attachments. """ try: return self._attachments except AttributeError: # Get the attachments attachmentDirs = [] for dir_ in self.listDir(): if dir_[len(self.__prefixList)].startswith('__attach') and\ dir_[len(self.__prefixList)] not in attachmentDirs: attachmentDirs.append(dir_[len(self.__prefixList)]) self._attachments = [] for attachmentDir in attachmentDirs: self._attachments.append(Attachment(self, attachmentDir)) return self._attachments @property def recipients(self): """ Returns a list of all recipients. """ try: return self._recipients except AttributeError: # Get the recipients recipientDirs = [] for dir_ in self.listDir(): if dir_[len(self.__prefixList)].startswith('__recip') and\ dir_[len(self.__prefixList)] not in recipientDirs: recipientDirs.append(dir_[len(self.__prefixList)]) self._recipients = [] for recipientDir in recipientDirs: self._recipients.append(Recipient(recipientDir, self)) return self._recipients