import collections import copy import sys import inspect import logging import wrapt from .compat import contextlib from .errors import UnhandledHTTPRequestError from .matchers import requests_match, uri, method, get_matchers_results from .patch import CassettePatcherBuilder from .serializers import yamlserializer from .persisters.filesystem import FilesystemPersister from .util import partition_dict try: from asyncio import iscoroutinefunction except ImportError: def iscoroutinefunction(*args, **kwargs): return False if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 5): from ._handle_coroutine import handle_coroutine else: def handle_coroutine(*args, **kwags): raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented on Python 2") log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CassetteContextDecorator(object): """Context manager/decorator that handles installing the cassette and removing cassettes. This class defers the creation of a new cassette instance until the point at which it is installed by context manager or decorator. The fact that a new cassette is used with each application prevents the state of any cassette from interfering with another. Instances of this class are NOT reentrant as context managers. However, functions that are decorated by ``CassetteContextDecorator`` instances ARE reentrant. See the implementation of ``__call__`` on this class for more details. There is also a guard against attempts to reenter instances of this class as a context manager in ``__exit__``. """ _non_cassette_arguments = ("path_transformer", "func_path_generator") @classmethod def from_args(cls, cassette_class, **kwargs): return cls(cassette_class, lambda: dict(kwargs)) def __init__(self, cls, args_getter): self.cls = cls self._args_getter = args_getter self.__finish = None def _patch_generator(self, cassette): with contextlib.ExitStack() as exit_stack: for patcher in CassettePatcherBuilder(cassette).build(): exit_stack.enter_context(patcher) log_format = "{action} context for cassette at {path}." log.debug(log_format.format(action="Entering", path=cassette._path)) yield cassette log.debug(log_format.format(action="Exiting", path=cassette._path)) # TODO(@IvanMalison): Hmmm. it kind of feels like this should be # somewhere else. cassette._save() def __enter__(self): # This assertion is here to prevent the dangerous behavior # that would result from forgetting about a __finish before # completing it. # How might this condition be met? Here is an example: # context_decorator = Cassette.use('whatever') # with context_decorator: # with context_decorator: # pass assert self.__finish is None, "Cassette already open." other_kwargs, cassette_kwargs = partition_dict( lambda key, _: key in self._non_cassette_arguments, self._args_getter() ) if other_kwargs.get("path_transformer"): transformer = other_kwargs["path_transformer"] cassette_kwargs["path"] = transformer(cassette_kwargs["path"]) self.__finish = self._patch_generator(self.cls.load(**cassette_kwargs)) return next(self.__finish) def __exit__(self, *args): next(self.__finish, None) self.__finish = None @wrapt.decorator def __call__(self, function, instance, args, kwargs): # This awkward cloning thing is done to ensure that decorated # functions are reentrant. This is required for thread # safety and the correct operation of recursive functions. args_getter = self._build_args_getter_for_decorator(function) return type(self)(self.cls, args_getter)._execute_function(function, args, kwargs) def _execute_function(self, function, args, kwargs): def handle_function(cassette): if cassette.inject: return function(cassette, *args, **kwargs) else: return function(*args, **kwargs) if iscoroutinefunction(function): return handle_coroutine(vcr=self, fn=handle_function) if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(function): return self._handle_generator(fn=handle_function) return self._handle_function(fn=handle_function) def _handle_generator(self, fn): """Wraps a generator so that we're inside the cassette context for the duration of the generator. """ with self as cassette: coroutine = fn(cassette) # We don't need to catch StopIteration. The caller (Tornado's # gen.coroutine, for example) will handle that. to_yield = next(coroutine) while True: try: to_send = yield to_yield except Exception: to_yield = coroutine.throw(*sys.exc_info()) else: try: to_yield = coroutine.send(to_send) except StopIteration: break def _handle_function(self, fn): with self as cassette: return fn(cassette) @staticmethod def get_function_name(function): return function.__name__ def _build_args_getter_for_decorator(self, function): def new_args_getter(): kwargs = self._args_getter() if "path" not in kwargs: name_generator = kwargs.get("func_path_generator") or self.get_function_name path = name_generator(function) kwargs["path"] = path return kwargs return new_args_getter class Cassette(object): """A container for recorded requests and responses""" @classmethod def load(cls, **kwargs): """Instantiate and load the cassette stored at the specified path.""" new_cassette = cls(**kwargs) new_cassette._load() return new_cassette @classmethod def use_arg_getter(cls, arg_getter): return CassetteContextDecorator(cls, arg_getter) @classmethod def use(cls, **kwargs): return CassetteContextDecorator.from_args(cls, **kwargs) def __init__( self, path, serializer=None, persister=None, record_mode="once", match_on=(uri, method), before_record_request=None, before_record_response=None, custom_patches=(), inject=False, ): self._persister = persister or FilesystemPersister self._path = path self._serializer = serializer or yamlserializer self._match_on = match_on self._before_record_request = before_record_request or (lambda x: x) self._before_record_response = before_record_response or (lambda x: x) self.inject = inject self.record_mode = record_mode self.custom_patches = custom_patches # is the list of (req, resp) tuples = [] self.play_counts = collections.Counter() self.dirty = False self.rewound = False @property def play_count(self): return sum(self.play_counts.values()) @property def all_played(self): """Returns True if all responses have been played, False otherwise.""" return self.play_count == len(self) @property def requests(self): return [request for (request, response) in] @property def responses(self): return [response for (request, response) in] @property def write_protected(self): return self.rewound and self.record_mode == "once" or self.record_mode == "none" def append(self, request, response): """Add a request, response pair to this cassette""""Appending request %s and response %s", request, response) request = self._before_record_request(request) if not request: return # Deepcopy is here because mutation of `response` will corrupt the # real response. response = copy.deepcopy(response) response = self._before_record_response(response) if response is None: return, response)) self.dirty = True def filter_request(self, request): return self._before_record_request(request) def _responses(self, request): """ internal API, returns an iterator with all responses matching the request. """ request = self._before_record_request(request) for index, (stored_request, response) in enumerate( if requests_match(request, stored_request, self._match_on): yield index, response def can_play_response_for(self, request): request = self._before_record_request(request) return request and request in self and self.record_mode != "all" and self.rewound def play_response(self, request): """ Get the response corresponding to a request, but only if it hasn't been played back before, and mark it as played """ for index, response in self._responses(request): if self.play_counts[index] == 0: self.play_counts[index] += 1 return response # The cassette doesn't contain the request asked for. raise UnhandledHTTPRequestError( "The cassette (%r) doesn't contain the request (%r) asked for" % (self._path, request) ) def responses_of(self, request): """ Find the responses corresponding to a request. This function isn't actually used by VCR internally, but is provided as an external API. """ responses = [response for index, response in self._responses(request)] if responses: return responses # The cassette doesn't contain the request asked for. raise UnhandledHTTPRequestError( "The cassette (%r) doesn't contain the request (%r) asked for" % (self._path, request) ) def rewind(self): self.play_counts = collections.Counter() def find_requests_with_most_matches(self, request): """ Get the most similar request(s) stored in the cassette of a given request as a list of tuples like this: - the request object - the successful matchers as string - the failed matchers and the related assertion message with the difference details as strings tuple This is useful when a request failed to be found, we can get the similar request(s) in order to know what have changed in the request parts. """ best_matches = [] request = self._before_record_request(request) for index, (stored_request, response) in enumerate( successes, fails = get_matchers_results(request, stored_request, self._match_on) best_matches.append((len(successes), stored_request, successes, fails)) best_matches.sort(key=lambda t: t[0], reverse=True) # Get the first best matches (multiple if equal matches) final_best_matches = [] if not best_matches: return final_best_matches previous_nb_success = best_matches[0][0] for best_match in best_matches: nb_success = best_match[0] # Do not keep matches that have 0 successes, # it means that the request is totally different from # the ones stored in the cassette if nb_success < 1 or previous_nb_success != nb_success: break previous_nb_success = nb_success final_best_matches.append(best_match[1:]) return final_best_matches def _as_dict(self): return {"requests": self.requests, "responses": self.responses} def _save(self, force=False): if force or self.dirty: self._persister.save_cassette(self._path, self._as_dict(), serializer=self._serializer) self.dirty = False def _load(self): try: requests, responses = self._persister.load_cassette(self._path, serializer=self._serializer) for request, response in zip(requests, responses): self.append(request, response) self.dirty = False self.rewound = True except ValueError: pass def __str__(self): return "".format(len(self)) def __len__(self): """Return the number of request,response pairs stored in here""" return len( def __contains__(self, request): """Return whether or not a request has been stored""" for index, response in self._responses(request): if self.play_counts[index] == 0: return True return False