""" Various richly-typed exceptions, that also help us deal with string formatting in python where it's easier. By putting the formatting in `__str__`, we also avoid paying the cost for users who silence the exceptions. """ from numpy.core.overrides import set_module def _unpack_tuple(tup): if len(tup) == 1: return tup[0] else: return tup def _display_as_base(cls): """ A decorator that makes an exception class look like its base. We use this to hide subclasses that are implementation details - the user should catch the base type, which is what the traceback will show them. Classes decorated with this decorator are subject to removal without a deprecation warning. """ assert issubclass(cls, Exception) cls.__name__ = cls.__base__.__name__ cls.__qualname__ = cls.__base__.__qualname__ set_module(cls.__base__.__module__)(cls) return cls class UFuncTypeError(TypeError): """ Base class for all ufunc exceptions """ def __init__(self, ufunc): self.ufunc = ufunc @_display_as_base class _UFuncBinaryResolutionError(UFuncTypeError): """ Thrown when a binary resolution fails """ def __init__(self, ufunc, dtypes): super().__init__(ufunc) self.dtypes = tuple(dtypes) assert len(self.dtypes) == 2 def __str__(self): return ( "ufunc {!r} cannot use operands with types {!r} and {!r}" ).format( self.ufunc.__name__, *self.dtypes ) @_display_as_base class _UFuncNoLoopError(UFuncTypeError): """ Thrown when a ufunc loop cannot be found """ def __init__(self, ufunc, dtypes): super().__init__(ufunc) self.dtypes = tuple(dtypes) def __str__(self): return ( "ufunc {!r} did not contain a loop with signature matching types " "{!r} -> {!r}" ).format( self.ufunc.__name__, _unpack_tuple(self.dtypes[:self.ufunc.nin]), _unpack_tuple(self.dtypes[self.ufunc.nin:]) ) @_display_as_base class _UFuncCastingError(UFuncTypeError): def __init__(self, ufunc, casting, from_, to): super().__init__(ufunc) self.casting = casting self.from_ = from_ self.to = to @_display_as_base class _UFuncInputCastingError(_UFuncCastingError): """ Thrown when a ufunc input cannot be casted """ def __init__(self, ufunc, casting, from_, to, i): super().__init__(ufunc, casting, from_, to) self.in_i = i def __str__(self): # only show the number if more than one input exists i_str = "{} ".format(self.in_i) if self.ufunc.nin != 1 else "" return ( "Cannot cast ufunc {!r} input {}from {!r} to {!r} with casting " "rule {!r}" ).format( self.ufunc.__name__, i_str, self.from_, self.to, self.casting ) @_display_as_base class _UFuncOutputCastingError(_UFuncCastingError): """ Thrown when a ufunc output cannot be casted """ def __init__(self, ufunc, casting, from_, to, i): super().__init__(ufunc, casting, from_, to) self.out_i = i def __str__(self): # only show the number if more than one output exists i_str = "{} ".format(self.out_i) if self.ufunc.nout != 1 else "" return ( "Cannot cast ufunc {!r} output {}from {!r} to {!r} with casting " "rule {!r}" ).format( self.ufunc.__name__, i_str, self.from_, self.to, self.casting ) # Exception used in shares_memory() @set_module('numpy') class TooHardError(RuntimeError): pass @set_module('numpy') class AxisError(ValueError, IndexError): """ Axis supplied was invalid. """ def __init__(self, axis, ndim=None, msg_prefix=None): # single-argument form just delegates to base class if ndim is None and msg_prefix is None: msg = axis # do the string formatting here, to save work in the C code else: msg = ("axis {} is out of bounds for array of dimension {}" .format(axis, ndim)) if msg_prefix is not None: msg = "{}: {}".format(msg_prefix, msg) super(AxisError, self).__init__(msg) @_display_as_base class _ArrayMemoryError(MemoryError): """ Thrown when an array cannot be allocated""" def __init__(self, shape, dtype): self.shape = shape self.dtype = dtype def __str__(self): return "Unable to allocate array with shape {} and data type {}".format(self.shape, self.dtype)