from builtins import object import unittest import nose from google import google from google import currency, images from mock import Mock import os import vcr BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__) def load_html_file(path): """Call test with a html file of the same name. Args: path: Relative path where the html file is located.""" def test_decorator(fn): base_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), path) file_name = fn.__name__ + ".html" file_path = os.path.join(base_path, file_name) html_f = open(file_path, "r") def test_decorated(self): fn(self, html_f) return test_decorated return test_decorator # HELPERS def get_dir_vcr(name): return os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "vcr_cassetes", name) class GoogleTest(unittest.TestCase): @load_html_file("html_files") # @unittest.skip("skip") def test_search_images(self, html_f): """Test method to search images.""" class MockBrowser(object): """Mock browser to replace selenium driver.""" def __init__(self, html_f): self.page_source = self.page_source = self.page_source.decode('utf8') if 'decode' in dir(self.page_source) else self.page_source def get(self, url): pass def quit(self): pass google.images.get_browser_with_url = \ Mock(return_value=MockBrowser(html_f)) res = google.search_images("apple", num_images=10) self.assertEqual(len(res), 10) # @load_html_file("html_files") # def test_calculator(self, html_f): @unittest.skip("skip") def test_calculator(self): """Test method to calculate in google.""" # replace method to get html from a test html file # google.calculator.get_html_from_dynamic_site = \ # Mock('utf8')) calc = google.calculate("157.3kg in grams") self.assertEqual(calc.value, 157300) # @load_html_file("html_files") @vcr.use_cassette(get_dir_vcr("test_exchange_rate.yaml")) def test_exchange_rate(self): """Test method to get an exchange rate in google.""" usd_to_eur = google.exchange_rate("USD", "EUR") self.assertGreater(usd_to_eur, 0.0) # @load_html_file("html_files") @vcr.use_cassette(get_dir_vcr("test_convert_currency.yaml")) def test_convert_currency(self): """Test method to convert currency in google.""" euros = google.convert_currency(5.0, "USD", "EUR") self.assertGreater(euros, 0.0) # @load_html_file("html_files") @vcr.use_cassette(get_dir_vcr("test_standard_search.yaml")) def test_standard_search(self): """Test method to search in google.""" search ="github") self.assertNotEqual(len(search), 0) # @load_html_file("html_files") @vcr.use_cassette(get_dir_vcr("test_shopping_search.yaml")) @unittest.skip("skip") def test_shopping_search(self): """Test method for google shopping.""" shop ="Disgaea 4") self.assertNotEqual(len(shop), 0) class ConvertCurrencyTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_get_currency_req_url(self): """Test method to get currency conversion request url.""" amount = 10 from_currency = "USD" to_currency = "EUR" req_url = currency._get_currency_req_url(amount, from_currency, to_currency) exp_req_url = "" self.assertEqual(req_url, exp_req_url) # @unittest.skip("skip") def test_parse_currency_response(self): """Test method to parse currency response. TODO!""" pass # @unittest.skip("skip") class SearchImagesTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_get_images_req_url(self): query = "banana" options = images.ImageOptions() options.image_type = images.ImageType.CLIPART options.larger_than = images.LargerThan.MP_4 options.color = "green" options.license = images.License.REUSE_WITH_MOD req_url = images._get_images_req_url(query, options) exp_req_url = ',isz:lt,islt:4mp,ic:specific,isc:green,sur:fmc' self.assertEqual(req_url, exp_req_url) def test_repr(self): res = images.ImageResult() assert repr( res) == 'ImageResult(index=None, page=None, domain=None, link=None)' = 1 res.index = 11 = 'test' res.thumb = 'test' res.format = 'test' res.domain = 'test' = '' assert repr( res) == 'ImageResult(index=11, page=1, domain=test, link=' def test_download(self): pass def test_fast_download(self): pass if __name__ == '__main__': # nose.main()