import numpy as np import platform from os import path import sys import pytest from ctypes import * from numpy.testing import assert_array_max_ulp runtest = sys.platform.startswith('linux') and (platform.machine() == 'x86_64') platform_skip = pytest.mark.skipif(not runtest, reason=""" stick to x86_64 and linux platforms. test seems to fail on some of ARM and power architectures. """) # convert string to hex function taken from: # # def convert(s): i = int(s, 16) # convert from hex to a Python int cp = pointer(c_int(i)) # make this into a c integer fp = cast(cp, POINTER(c_float)) # cast the int pointer to a float pointer return fp.contents.value # dereference the pointer, get the float str_to_float = np.vectorize(convert) files = ['umath-validation-set-exp', 'umath-validation-set-log', 'umath-validation-set-sin', 'umath-validation-set-cos'] class TestAccuracy(object): @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Fails for MacPython/numpy-wheels builds") def test_validate_transcendentals(self): with np.errstate(all='ignore'): for filename in files: data_dir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'data') filepath = path.join(data_dir, filename) file_without_comments = (r for r in open(filepath) if not r[0] in ('$', '#')) data = np.genfromtxt(file_without_comments, dtype=('|S39','|S39','|S39',, names=('type','input','output','ulperr'), delimiter=',', skip_header=1) npfunc = getattr(np, filename.split('-')[3]) for datatype in np.unique(data['type']): data_subset = data[data['type'] == datatype] inval = np.array(str_to_float(data_subset['input'].astype(str)), dtype=eval(datatype)) outval = np.array(str_to_float(data_subset['output'].astype(str)), dtype=eval(datatype)) perm = np.random.permutation(len(inval)) inval = inval[perm] outval = outval[perm] maxulperr = data_subset['ulperr'].max() assert_array_max_ulp(npfunc(inval), outval, maxulperr)