# encoding: utf-8 """Custom element classes for top-level chart-related XML elements.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals from pptx.oxml import parse_xml from pptx.oxml.chart.shared import CT_Title from pptx.oxml.ns import nsdecls, qn from pptx.oxml.simpletypes import ST_Style, XsdString from pptx.oxml.text import CT_TextBody from pptx.oxml.xmlchemy import ( BaseOxmlElement, OneAndOnlyOne, RequiredAttribute, ZeroOrMore, ZeroOrOne, ) class CT_Chart(BaseOxmlElement): """`c:chart` custom element class.""" _tag_seq = ( "c:title", "c:autoTitleDeleted", "c:pivotFmts", "c:view3D", "c:floor", "c:sideWall", "c:backWall", "c:plotArea", "c:legend", "c:plotVisOnly", "c:dispBlanksAs", "c:showDLblsOverMax", "c:extLst", ) title = ZeroOrOne("c:title", successors=_tag_seq[1:]) autoTitleDeleted = ZeroOrOne("c:autoTitleDeleted", successors=_tag_seq[2:]) plotArea = OneAndOnlyOne("c:plotArea") legend = ZeroOrOne("c:legend", successors=_tag_seq[9:]) rId = RequiredAttribute("r:id", XsdString) _chart_tmpl = '' % (nsdecls("c"), nsdecls("r")) @property def has_legend(self): """ True if this chart has a legend defined, False otherwise. """ legend = self.legend if legend is None: return False return True @has_legend.setter def has_legend(self, bool_value): """ Add, remove, or leave alone the ```` child element depending on current state and *bool_value*. If *bool_value* is |True| and no ```` element is present, a new default element is added. When |False|, any existing legend element is removed. """ if bool(bool_value) is False: self._remove_legend() else: if self.legend is None: self._add_legend() @staticmethod def new_chart(rId): """ Return a new ```` element """ xml = CT_Chart._chart_tmpl % (rId) chart = parse_xml(xml) return chart def _new_title(self): return CT_Title.new_title() class CT_ChartSpace(BaseOxmlElement): """`c:chartSpace` root element of a chart part.""" _tag_seq = ( "c:date1904", "c:lang", "c:roundedCorners", "c:style", "c:clrMapOvr", "c:pivotSource", "c:protection", "c:chart", "c:spPr", "c:txPr", "c:externalData", "c:printSettings", "c:userShapes", "c:extLst", ) date1904 = ZeroOrOne("c:date1904", successors=_tag_seq[1:]) style = ZeroOrOne("c:style", successors=_tag_seq[4:]) chart = OneAndOnlyOne("c:chart") txPr = ZeroOrOne("c:txPr", successors=_tag_seq[10:]) externalData = ZeroOrOne("c:externalData", successors=_tag_seq[11:]) del _tag_seq @property def catAx_lst(self): return self.chart.plotArea.catAx_lst @property def date_1904(self): """ Return |True| if the `c:date1904` child element resolves truthy, |False| otherwise. This value indicates whether date number values are based on the 1900 or 1904 epoch. """ date1904 = self.date1904 if date1904 is None: return False return date1904.val @property def dateAx_lst(self): return self.xpath("c:chart/c:plotArea/c:dateAx") def get_or_add_title(self): """Return the `c:title` grandchild, newly created if not present.""" return self.chart.get_or_add_title() @property def plotArea(self): """ Return the required `c:chartSpace/c:chart/c:plotArea` grandchild element. """ return self.chart.plotArea @property def valAx_lst(self): return self.chart.plotArea.valAx_lst @property def xlsx_part_rId(self): """ The string in the required ``r:id`` attribute of the `` child, or |None| if no externalData element is present. """ externalData = self.externalData if externalData is None: return None return externalData.rId def _add_externalData(self): """ Always add a ```` child so auto-updating behavior is off by default. """ externalData = self._new_externalData() externalData._add_autoUpdate(val=False) self._insert_externalData(externalData) return externalData def _new_txPr(self): return CT_TextBody.new_txPr() class CT_ExternalData(BaseOxmlElement): """ `` element, defining link to embedded Excel package part containing the chart data. """ autoUpdate = ZeroOrOne("c:autoUpdate") rId = RequiredAttribute("r:id", XsdString) class CT_PlotArea(BaseOxmlElement): """ ```` element. """ catAx = ZeroOrMore("c:catAx") valAx = ZeroOrMore("c:valAx") def iter_sers(self): """ Generate each of the `c:ser` elements in this chart, ordered first by the document order of the containing xChart element, then by their ordering within the xChart element (not necessarily document order). """ for xChart in self.iter_xCharts(): for ser in xChart.iter_sers(): yield ser def iter_xCharts(self): """ Generate each xChart child element in document. """ plot_tags = ( qn("c:area3DChart"), qn("c:areaChart"), qn("c:bar3DChart"), qn("c:barChart"), qn("c:bubbleChart"), qn("c:doughnutChart"), qn("c:line3DChart"), qn("c:lineChart"), qn("c:ofPieChart"), qn("c:pie3DChart"), qn("c:pieChart"), qn("c:radarChart"), qn("c:scatterChart"), qn("c:stockChart"), qn("c:surface3DChart"), qn("c:surfaceChart"), ) for child in self.iterchildren(): if child.tag not in plot_tags: continue yield child @property def last_ser(self): """ Return the last `` element in the last xChart element, based on series order (not necessarily the same element as document order). """ last_xChart = self.xCharts[-1] sers = last_xChart.sers if not sers: return None return sers[-1] @property def next_idx(self): """ Return the next available `c:ser/c:idx` value within the scope of this chart, the maximum idx value found on existing series, incremented by one. """ idx_vals = [s.idx.val for s in self.sers] if not idx_vals: return 0 return max(idx_vals) + 1 @property def next_order(self): """ Return the next available `c:ser/c:order` value within the scope of this chart, the maximum order value found on existing series, incremented by one. """ order_vals = [s.order.val for s in self.sers] if not order_vals: return 0 return max(order_vals) + 1 @property def sers(self): """ Return a sequence containing all the `c:ser` elements in this chart, ordered first by the document order of the containing xChart element, then by their ordering within the xChart element (not necessarily document order). """ return tuple(self.iter_sers()) @property def xCharts(self): """ Return a sequence containing all the `c:{x}Chart` elements in this chart, in document order. """ return tuple(self.iter_xCharts()) class CT_Style(BaseOxmlElement): """ ```` element; defines the chart style. """ val = RequiredAttribute("val", ST_Style)