# encoding: utf-8 """ Simple type classes, providing validation and format translation for values stored in XML element attributes. Naming generally corresponds to the simple type in the associated XML schema. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import numbers from pptx.exc import InvalidXmlError from pptx.util import Centipoints, Emu class BaseSimpleType(object): @classmethod def from_xml(cls, str_value): return cls.convert_from_xml(str_value) @classmethod def to_xml(cls, value): cls.validate(value) str_value = cls.convert_to_xml(value) return str_value @classmethod def validate_float(cls, value): """ Note that int values are accepted. """ if not isinstance(value, (int, float)): raise TypeError("value must be a number, got %s" % type(value)) @classmethod def validate_int(cls, value): if not isinstance(value, numbers.Integral): raise TypeError("value must be an integral type, got %s" % type(value)) @classmethod def validate_float_in_range(cls, value, min_inclusive, max_inclusive): cls.validate_float(value) if value < min_inclusive or value > max_inclusive: raise ValueError( "value must be in range %s to %s inclusive, got %s" % (min_inclusive, max_inclusive, value) ) @classmethod def validate_int_in_range(cls, value, min_inclusive, max_inclusive): cls.validate_int(value) if value < min_inclusive or value > max_inclusive: raise ValueError( "value must be in range %d to %d inclusive, got %d" % (min_inclusive, max_inclusive, value) ) @classmethod def validate_string(cls, value): if isinstance(value, str): return value try: if isinstance(value, basestring): return value except NameError: # means we're on Python 3 pass raise TypeError("value must be a string, got %s" % type(value)) class BaseFloatType(BaseSimpleType): @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): return float(str_value) @classmethod def convert_to_xml(cls, value): return str(float(value)) @classmethod def validate(cls, value): if not isinstance(value, (int, float)): raise TypeError("value must be a number, got %s" % type(value)) class BaseIntType(BaseSimpleType): @classmethod def convert_from_percent_literal(cls, str_value): int_str = str_value.replace("%", "") return int(int_str) @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): return int(str_value) @classmethod def convert_to_xml(cls, value): return str(value) @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int(value) class BaseStringType(BaseSimpleType): @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): return str_value @classmethod def convert_to_xml(cls, value): return value @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_string(value) class BaseStringEnumerationType(BaseStringType): @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_string(value) if value not in cls._members: raise ValueError("must be one of %s, got '%s'" % (cls._members, value)) class XsdAnyUri(BaseStringType): """ There's a regular expression this is supposed to meet but so far thinking spending cycles on validating wouldn't be worth it for the number of programming errors it would catch. """ class XsdBoolean(BaseSimpleType): @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): if str_value not in ("1", "0", "true", "false"): raise InvalidXmlError( "value must be one of '1', '0', 'true' or 'false', got '%s'" % str_value ) return str_value in ("1", "true") @classmethod def convert_to_xml(cls, value): return {True: "1", False: "0"}[value] @classmethod def validate(cls, value): if value not in (True, False): raise TypeError( "only True or False (and possibly None) may be assigned, got" " '%s'" % value ) class XsdDouble(BaseFloatType): pass class XsdId(BaseStringType): """ String that must begin with a letter or underscore and cannot contain any colons. Not fully validated because not used in external API. """ class XsdInt(BaseIntType): @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int_in_range(value, -2147483648, 2147483647) class XsdLong(BaseIntType): @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int_in_range(value, -9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807) class XsdString(BaseStringType): pass class XsdStringEnumeration(BaseStringEnumerationType): """ Set of enumerated xsd:string values. """ class XsdToken(BaseStringType): """ xsd:string with whitespace collapsing, e.g. multiple spaces reduced to one, leading and trailing space stripped. """ class XsdTokenEnumeration(BaseStringEnumerationType): """ xsd:string with whitespace collapsing, e.g. multiple spaces reduced to one, leading and trailing space stripped. """ class XsdUnsignedByte(BaseIntType): @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 0, 255) class XsdUnsignedInt(BaseIntType): @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 0, 4294967295) class XsdUnsignedShort(BaseIntType): @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 0, 65535) class ST_Angle(XsdInt): """ Valid values for `rot` attribute on `` element. 60000ths of a degree rotation. """ DEGREE_INCREMENTS = 60000 THREE_SIXTY = 360 * DEGREE_INCREMENTS @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): rot = int(str_value) % cls.THREE_SIXTY return float(rot) / cls.DEGREE_INCREMENTS @classmethod def convert_to_xml(cls, value): """ Convert signed angle float like -42.42 to int 60000 per degree, normalized to positive value. """ # modulo normalizes negative and >360 degree values rot = int(round(value * cls.DEGREE_INCREMENTS)) % cls.THREE_SIXTY return str(rot) @classmethod def validate(cls, value): BaseFloatType.validate(value) class ST_AxisUnit(XsdDouble): """ Valid values for val attribute on c:majorUnit and others. """ @classmethod def validate(cls, value): super(ST_AxisUnit, cls).validate(value) if value <= 0.0: raise ValueError("must be positive numeric value, got %s" % value) class ST_BarDir(XsdStringEnumeration): """ Valid values for attribute """ BAR = "bar" COL = "col" _members = (BAR, COL) class ST_BubbleScale(BaseIntType): """ String value is an integer in range 0-300, representing a percent, optionally including a '%' suffix. """ @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): if "%" in str_value: return cls.convert_from_percent_literal(str_value) return super(ST_BubbleScale, cls).convert_from_xml(str_value) @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 0, 300) class ST_ContentType(XsdString): """ Has a pretty wicked regular expression it needs to match in the schema, but figuring it's not worth the trouble or run time to identify a programming error (as opposed to a user/runtime error). """ pass class ST_Coordinate(BaseSimpleType): @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): if "i" in str_value or "m" in str_value or "p" in str_value: return ST_UniversalMeasure.convert_from_xml(str_value) return Emu(int(str_value)) @classmethod def convert_to_xml(cls, value): return str(value) @classmethod def validate(cls, value): ST_CoordinateUnqualified.validate(value) class ST_Coordinate32(BaseSimpleType): """ xsd:union of ST_Coordinate32Unqualified, ST_UniversalMeasure """ @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): if "i" in str_value or "m" in str_value or "p" in str_value: return ST_UniversalMeasure.convert_from_xml(str_value) return ST_Coordinate32Unqualified.convert_from_xml(str_value) @classmethod def convert_to_xml(cls, value): return ST_Coordinate32Unqualified.convert_to_xml(value) @classmethod def validate(cls, value): ST_Coordinate32Unqualified.validate(value) class ST_Coordinate32Unqualified(XsdInt): @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): return Emu(int(str_value)) class ST_CoordinateUnqualified(XsdLong): @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int_in_range(value, -27273042329600, 27273042316900) class ST_Direction(XsdTokenEnumeration): """ Valid values for attribute """ HORZ = "horz" VERT = "vert" _members = (HORZ, VERT) class ST_DrawingElementId(XsdUnsignedInt): pass class ST_Extension(XsdString): """ Has a regular expression it needs to match in the schema, but figuring it's not worth the trouble or run time to identify a programming error (as opposed to a user/runtime error). """ pass class ST_GapAmount(BaseIntType): """ String value is an integer in range 0-500, representing a percent, optionally including a '%' suffix. """ @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): if "%" in str_value: return cls.convert_from_percent_literal(str_value) return super(ST_GapAmount, cls).convert_from_xml(str_value) @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 0, 500) class ST_Grouping(XsdStringEnumeration): """ Valid values for attribute. Overloaded for use as ST_BarGrouping using same tag name. """ CLUSTERED = "clustered" PERCENT_STACKED = "percentStacked" STACKED = "stacked" STANDARD = "standard" _members = (CLUSTERED, PERCENT_STACKED, STACKED, STANDARD) class ST_HexColorRGB(BaseStringType): @classmethod def convert_to_xml(cls, value): """ Keep alpha characters all uppercase just for consistency. """ return value.upper() @classmethod def validate(cls, value): # must be string --------------- str_value = cls.validate_string(value) # must be 6 chars long---------- if len(str_value) != 6: raise ValueError( "RGB string must be six characters long, got '%s'" % str_value ) # must parse as hex int -------- try: int(str_value, 16) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "RGB string must be valid hex string, got '%s'" % str_value ) class ST_LayoutMode(XsdStringEnumeration): """ Valid values for `val` attribute on c:xMode and other elements of type CT_LayoutMode. """ EDGE = "edge" FACTOR = "factor" _members = (EDGE, FACTOR) class ST_LblOffset(XsdUnsignedShort): """ Unsigned integer value between 0 and 1000 inclusive, with optional percent character ('%') suffix. """ @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): if str_value.endswith("%"): return cls.convert_from_percent_literal(str_value) return int(str_value) @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 0, 1000) class ST_LineWidth(XsdInt): @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): return Emu(int(str_value)) @classmethod def validate(cls, value): super(ST_LineWidth, cls).validate(value) if value < 0 or value > 20116800: raise ValueError( "value must be in range 0-20116800 inclusive (0-1584 points)" ", got %d" % value ) class ST_MarkerSize(XsdUnsignedByte): @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 2, 72) class ST_Overlap(BaseIntType): """ String value is an integer in range -100..100, representing a percent, optionally including a '%' suffix. """ @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): if "%" in str_value: return cls.convert_from_percent_literal(str_value) return super(ST_Overlap, cls).convert_from_xml(str_value) @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int_in_range(value, -100, 100) class ST_Percentage(BaseIntType): """Percentage value like 42000 or '42.0%' Either an integer literal representing 1000ths of a percent (e.g. "42000"), or a floating point literal with a '%' suffix (e.g. "42.0%). """ @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): if "%" in str_value: return cls._convert_from_percent_literal(str_value) return int(str_value) / 100000.0 @classmethod def convert_to_xml(cls, value): return str(int(round(value * 100000.0))) @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_float_in_range(value, -21474.83648, 21474.83647) @classmethod def _convert_from_percent_literal(cls, str_value): float_part = str_value[:-1] # trim off '%' character return float(float_part) / 100.0 class ST_PlaceholderSize(XsdTokenEnumeration): """ Valid values for sz (size) attribute """ FULL = "full" HALF = "half" QUARTER = "quarter" _members = (FULL, HALF, QUARTER) class ST_PositiveCoordinate(XsdLong): @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): int_value = super(ST_PositiveCoordinate, cls).convert_from_xml(str_value) return Emu(int_value) @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 0, 27273042316900) class ST_PositiveFixedAngle(ST_Angle): """Valid values for `a:lin@ang`. 60000ths of a degree rotation, constained to positive angles less than 360 degrees. """ @classmethod def convert_to_xml(cls, degrees): """Convert signed angle float like -427.42 to int 60000 per degree. Value is normalized to a positive value less than 360 degrees. """ if degrees < 0.0: degrees %= -360 degrees += 360 elif degrees > 0.0: degrees %= 360 return str(int(round(degrees * cls.DEGREE_INCREMENTS))) class ST_PositiveFixedPercentage(ST_Percentage): """Percentage value between 0 and 100% like 42000 or '42.0%' Either an integer literal representing 1000ths of a percent (e.g. "42000"), or a floating point literal with a '%' suffix (e.g. "42.0%). Value is constrained to range of 0% to 100%. The source value is a float between 0.0 and 1.0. """ @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_float_in_range(value, 0.0, 1.0) class ST_RelationshipId(XsdString): pass class ST_SlideId(XsdUnsignedInt): @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 256, 2147483647) class ST_SlideSizeCoordinate(BaseIntType): @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): return Emu(str_value) @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int(value) if value < 914400 or value > 51206400: raise ValueError( "value must be in range(914400, 51206400) (1-56 inches), got" " %d" % value ) class ST_Style(XsdUnsignedByte): @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 1, 48) class ST_TargetMode(XsdString): """ The valid values for the ``TargetMode`` attribute in a Relationship element, either 'External' or 'Internal'. """ @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_string(value) if value not in ("External", "Internal"): raise ValueError( "must be one of 'Internal' or 'External', got '%s'" % value ) class ST_TextFontScalePercentOrPercentString(BaseFloatType): """ Valid values for the `fontScale` attribute of ````. Translates to a float value. """ @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): if str_value.endswith("%"): return float(str_value[:-1]) # trim off '%' character return int(str_value) / 1000.0 @classmethod def convert_to_xml(cls, value): return str(int(value * 1000.0)) @classmethod def validate(cls, value): BaseFloatType.validate(value) if value < 1.0 or value > 100.0: raise ValueError( "value must be in range 1.0..100.0 (percent), got %s" % value ) class ST_TextFontSize(BaseIntType): @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 100, 400000) class ST_TextIndentLevelType(BaseIntType): @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 0, 8) class ST_TextSpacingPercentOrPercentString(BaseFloatType): @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): if str_value.endswith("%"): return cls._convert_from_percent_literal(str_value) return int(str_value) / 100000.0 @classmethod def _convert_from_percent_literal(cls, str_value): float_part = str_value[:-1] # trim off '%' character percent_value = float(float_part) lines_value = percent_value / 100.0 return lines_value @classmethod def convert_to_xml(cls, value): """ 1.75 -> '175000' """ lines = value * 100000.0 return str(int(round(lines))) @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_float_in_range(value, 0.0, 132.0) class ST_TextSpacingPoint(BaseIntType): @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): """ Reads string integer centipoints, returns |Length| value. """ return Centipoints(int(str_value)) @classmethod def convert_to_xml(cls, value): length = Emu(value) # just to make sure return str(length.centipoints) @classmethod def validate(cls, value): cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 0, 20116800) class ST_TextTypeface(XsdString): pass class ST_TextWrappingType(XsdTokenEnumeration): """ Valid values for attribute """ NONE = "none" SQUARE = "square" _members = (NONE, SQUARE) class ST_UniversalMeasure(BaseSimpleType): @classmethod def convert_from_xml(cls, str_value): float_part, units_part = str_value[:-2], str_value[-2:] quantity = float(float_part) multiplier = { "mm": 36000, "cm": 360000, "in": 914400, "pt": 12700, "pc": 152400, "pi": 152400, }[units_part] emu_value = Emu(int(round(quantity * multiplier))) return emu_value