import sys, random, MapGenerator CELL_SIZE = 64 FPS = 60 DELAY = 200 try: map_mode = sys.argv[1] if(map_mode == "auto"): MAP_NAME = MapGenerator.GenerateMap() else: MAP_NAME = map_mode except: print("ERROR: Invalid map mode\n Please enter \"auto\" for generated map or provide a path to an existing map.") sys.exit() if(len(sys.argv)>2): CLOSE_ON_END = sys.argv[2] if(CLOSE_ON_END != "true" and CLOSE_ON_END != "false"): print("ERROR: Invalid close on end statement\n Please enter \"true\" or \"false\" to specify if app has to shut after finding solution.") sys.exit() else: print("ERROR: Invalid close on end statement\n Please enter \"true\" or \"false\" to specify if app has to shut after finding solution.") sys.exit() ALGORITHM = None if(len(sys.argv)>3): ALGORITHM = sys.argv[3] if(ALGORITHM != "bfs" and ALGORITHM != "dfs" and ALGORITHM!= "bestfs"): print("ERROR: Invalid algorithm statement\n Please enter \"bfs\", \"dfs\" or \"bestfs\" to specify algorithm you want to use.") sys.exit() map = open( MAP_NAME, 'r' ) GRID_WIDTH, GRID_HEIGHT = [int(x) for x in map.readline().split()] GC_X, GC_Y = [int(x) for x in map.readline().split()] WINDOW_HEIGHT = GRID_HEIGHT * CELL_SIZE WINDOW_WIDTH = GRID_WIDTH * CELL_SIZE HOUSE_CAPACITY = random.randint(1, 11)