Microshell Help ------------- General info Author= Jakub Adamski Index number=s444341 Limits Max length of line=1000 Max number of arguments=100 ------------- Working commands up/down arrow - commands history help - manual exit - ends microshell cd - changing directory needs exacly 1 argument prints error when more/less spath: help - shows help page 0 - turns off displaying current directory 1 - turns on displaying current directory showtree: help - shows help page no argument - shows tree of current directory one argument - shows tree of directory in argument showps: help - shows help page prints all process names ond pids mycp: help - shows help page with 2 arguments - copyies file from first argument to file in second argument PATH commands: if you want colors use for example ls --color WARNING dont use enviroment shorcuts example cd ~/ or echo $HOME ------------- q to exit!