// // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of NVIDIA CORPORATION nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR // CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, // EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY // OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Copyright (c) 2008-2019 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2008 AGEIA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2001-2004 NovodeX AG. All rights reserved. #ifndef PSFOUNDATION_PSVECQUAT_H #define PSFOUNDATION_PSVECQUAT_H //#include "PsInlineAoS.h" namespace physx { namespace shdfnd { namespace aos { #ifndef PX_PIDIV2 #define PX_PIDIV2 1.570796327f #endif ////////////////////////////////// // QuatV ////////////////////////////////// PX_FORCE_INLINE QuatV QuatVLoadXYZW(const PxF32 x, const PxF32 y, const PxF32 z, const PxF32 w) { return V4LoadXYZW(x, y, z, w); } PX_FORCE_INLINE QuatV QuatVLoadU(const PxF32* v) { return V4LoadU(v); } PX_FORCE_INLINE QuatV QuatVLoadA(const PxF32* v) { return V4LoadA(v); } PX_FORCE_INLINE QuatV QuatV_From_RotationAxisAngle(const Vec3V u, const FloatV a) { // q = cos(a/2) + u*sin(a/2) const FloatV half = FLoad(0.5f); const FloatV hangle = FMul(a, half); const FloatV piByTwo(FLoad(PX_PIDIV2)); const FloatV PiByTwoMinHangle(FSub(piByTwo, hangle)); const Vec4V hangle2(Vec4V_From_Vec3V(V3Merge(hangle, PiByTwoMinHangle, hangle))); /*const FloatV sina = FSin(hangle); const FloatV cosa = FCos(hangle);*/ const Vec4V _sina = V4Sin(hangle2); const FloatV sina = V4GetX(_sina); const FloatV cosa = V4GetY(_sina); const Vec3V v = V3Scale(u, sina); // return V4Sel(BTTTF(), Vec4V_From_Vec3V(v), V4Splat(cosa)); return V4SetW(Vec4V_From_Vec3V(v), cosa); } // Normalize PX_FORCE_INLINE QuatV QuatNormalize(const QuatV q) { return V4Normalize(q); } PX_FORCE_INLINE FloatV QuatLength(const QuatV q) { return V4Length(q); } PX_FORCE_INLINE FloatV QuatLengthSq(const QuatV q) { return V4LengthSq(q); } PX_FORCE_INLINE FloatV QuatDot(const QuatV a, const QuatV b) // convert this PxQuat to a unit quaternion { return V4Dot(a, b); } PX_FORCE_INLINE QuatV QuatConjugate(const QuatV q) { return V4SetW(V4Neg(q), V4GetW(q)); } PX_FORCE_INLINE Vec3V QuatGetImaginaryPart(const QuatV q) { return Vec3V_From_Vec4V(q); } /** brief computes rotation of x-axis */ PX_FORCE_INLINE Vec3V QuatGetBasisVector0(const QuatV q) { /*const PxF32 x2 = x*2.0f; const PxF32 w2 = w*2.0f; return PxVec3( (w * w2) - 1.0f + x*x2, (z * w2) + y*x2, (-y * w2) + z*x2);*/ const FloatV two = FLoad(2.f); const FloatV w = V4GetW(q); const Vec3V u = Vec3V_From_Vec4V(q); const FloatV x2 = FMul(V3GetX(u), two); const FloatV w2 = FMul(w, two); const Vec3V a = V3Scale(u, x2); const Vec3V tmp = V3Merge(w, V3GetZ(u), FNeg(V3GetY(u))); // const Vec3V b = V3Scale(tmp, w2); // const Vec3V ab = V3Add(a, b); const Vec3V ab = V3ScaleAdd(tmp, w2, a); return V3SetX(ab, FSub(V3GetX(ab), FOne())); } /** brief computes rotation of y-axis */ PX_FORCE_INLINE Vec3V QuatGetBasisVector1(const QuatV q) { /*const PxF32 y2 = y*2.0f; const PxF32 w2 = w*2.0f; return PxVec3( (-z * w2) + x*y2, (w * w2) - 1.0f + y*y2, (x * w2) + z*y2);*/ const FloatV two = FLoad(2.f); const FloatV w = V4GetW(q); const Vec3V u = Vec3V_From_Vec4V(q); const FloatV y2 = FMul(V3GetY(u), two); const FloatV w2 = FMul(w, two); const Vec3V a = V3Scale(u, y2); const Vec3V tmp = V3Merge(FNeg(V3GetZ(u)), w, V3GetX(u)); // const Vec3V b = V3Scale(tmp, w2); // const Vec3V ab = V3Add(a, b); const Vec3V ab = V3ScaleAdd(tmp, w2, a); return V3SetY(ab, FSub(V3GetY(ab), FOne())); } /** brief computes rotation of z-axis */ PX_FORCE_INLINE Vec3V QuatGetBasisVector2(const QuatV q) { /*const PxF32 z2 = z*2.0f; const PxF32 w2 = w*2.0f; return PxVec3( (y * w2) + x*z2, (-x * w2) + y*z2, (w * w2) - 1.0f + z*z2);*/ const FloatV two = FLoad(2.f); const FloatV w = V4GetW(q); const Vec3V u = Vec3V_From_Vec4V(q); const FloatV z2 = FMul(V3GetZ(u), two); const FloatV w2 = FMul(w, two); const Vec3V a = V3Scale(u, z2); const Vec3V tmp = V3Merge(V3GetY(u), FNeg(V3GetX(u)), w); /*const Vec3V b = V3Scale(tmp, w2); const Vec3V ab = V3Add(a, b);*/ const Vec3V ab = V3ScaleAdd(tmp, w2, a); return V3SetZ(ab, FSub(V3GetZ(ab), FOne())); } PX_FORCE_INLINE Vec3V QuatRotate(const QuatV q, const Vec3V v) { /* const PxVec3 qv(x,y,z); return (v*(w*w-0.5f) + (qv.cross(v))*w + qv*(qv.dot(v)))*2; */ const FloatV two = FLoad(2.f); // const FloatV half = FloatV_From_F32(0.5f); const FloatV nhalf = FLoad(-0.5f); const Vec3V u = Vec3V_From_Vec4V(q); const FloatV w = V4GetW(q); // const FloatV w2 = FSub(FMul(w, w), half); const FloatV w2 = FScaleAdd(w, w, nhalf); const Vec3V a = V3Scale(v, w2); // const Vec3V b = V3Scale(V3Cross(u, v), w); // const Vec3V c = V3Scale(u, V3Dot(u, v)); // return V3Scale(V3Add(V3Add(a, b), c), two); const Vec3V temp = V3ScaleAdd(V3Cross(u, v), w, a); return V3Scale(V3ScaleAdd(u, V3Dot(u, v), temp), two); } PX_FORCE_INLINE Vec3V QuatTransform(const QuatV q, const Vec3V p, const Vec3V v) { // p + q.rotate(v) const FloatV two = FLoad(2.f); // const FloatV half = FloatV_From_F32(0.5f); const FloatV nhalf = FLoad(-0.5f); const Vec3V u = Vec3V_From_Vec4V(q); const FloatV w = V4GetW(q); // const FloatV w2 = FSub(FMul(w, w), half); const FloatV w2 = FScaleAdd(w, w, nhalf); const Vec3V a = V3Scale(v, w2); /*const Vec3V b = V3Scale(V3Cross(u, v), w); const Vec3V c = V3Scale(u, V3Dot(u, v)); return V3ScaleAdd(V3Add(V3Add(a, b), c), two, p);*/ const Vec3V temp = V3ScaleAdd(V3Cross(u, v), w, a); const Vec3V z = V3ScaleAdd(u, V3Dot(u, v), temp); return V3ScaleAdd(z, two, p); } PX_FORCE_INLINE Vec3V QuatRotateInv(const QuatV q, const Vec3V v) { // const PxVec3 qv(x,y,z); // return (v*(w*w-0.5f) - (qv.cross(v))*w + qv*(qv.dot(v)))*2; const FloatV two = FLoad(2.f); const FloatV nhalf = FLoad(-0.5f); const Vec3V u = Vec3V_From_Vec4V(q); const FloatV w = V4GetW(q); const FloatV w2 = FScaleAdd(w, w, nhalf); const Vec3V a = V3Scale(v, w2); /*const Vec3V b = V3Scale(V3Cross(u, v), w); const Vec3V c = V3Scale(u, V3Dot(u, v)); return V3Scale(V3Add(V3Sub(a, b), c), two);*/ const Vec3V temp = V3NegScaleSub(V3Cross(u, v), w, a); return V3Scale(V3ScaleAdd(u, V3Dot(u, v), temp), two); } PX_FORCE_INLINE QuatV QuatMul(const QuatV a, const QuatV b) { const Vec3V imagA = Vec3V_From_Vec4V(a); const Vec3V imagB = Vec3V_From_Vec4V(b); const FloatV rA = V4GetW(a); const FloatV rB = V4GetW(b); const FloatV real = FSub(FMul(rA, rB), V3Dot(imagA, imagB)); const Vec3V v0 = V3Scale(imagA, rB); const Vec3V v1 = V3Scale(imagB, rA); const Vec3V v2 = V3Cross(imagA, imagB); const Vec3V imag = V3Add(V3Add(v0, v1), v2); return V4SetW(Vec4V_From_Vec3V(imag), real); } PX_FORCE_INLINE QuatV QuatAdd(const QuatV a, const QuatV b) { return V4Add(a, b); } PX_FORCE_INLINE QuatV QuatNeg(const QuatV q) { return V4Neg(q); } PX_FORCE_INLINE QuatV QuatSub(const QuatV a, const QuatV b) { return V4Sub(a, b); } PX_FORCE_INLINE QuatV QuatScale(const QuatV a, const FloatV b) { return V4Scale(a, b); } PX_FORCE_INLINE QuatV QuatMerge(const FloatV* const floatVArray) { return V4Merge(floatVArray); } PX_FORCE_INLINE QuatV QuatMerge(const FloatVArg x, const FloatVArg y, const FloatVArg z, const FloatVArg w) { return V4Merge(x, y, z, w); } PX_FORCE_INLINE QuatV QuatIdentity() { return V4SetW(V4Zero(), FOne()); } PX_FORCE_INLINE bool isFiniteQuatV(const QuatV q) { return isFiniteVec4V(q); } PX_FORCE_INLINE bool isValidQuatV(const QuatV q) { const FloatV unitTolerance = FLoad(1e-4f); const FloatV tmp = FAbs(FSub(QuatLength(q), FOne())); const BoolV con = FIsGrtr(unitTolerance, tmp); return isFiniteVec4V(q) & (BAllEqTTTT(con) == 1); } PX_FORCE_INLINE bool isSaneQuatV(const QuatV q) { const FloatV unitTolerance = FLoad(1e-2f); const FloatV tmp = FAbs(FSub(QuatLength(q), FOne())); const BoolV con = FIsGrtr(unitTolerance, tmp); return isFiniteVec4V(q) & (BAllEqTTTT(con) == 1); } PX_FORCE_INLINE Mat33V QuatGetMat33V(const QuatVArg q) { // const FloatV two = FloatV_From_F32(2.f); // const FloatV one = FOne(); // const FloatV x = V4GetX(q); // const FloatV y = V4GetY(q); // const FloatV z = V4GetZ(q); // const Vec4V _q = V4Mul(q, two); // ////const FloatV w = V4GetW(q); // const Vec4V t0 = V4Mul(_q, x); // 2xx, 2xy, 2xz, 2xw // const Vec4V t1 = V4Mul(_q, y); // 2xy, 2yy, 2yz, 2yw // const Vec4V t2 = V4Mul(_q, z); // 2xz, 2yz, 2zz, 2zw ////const Vec4V t3 = V4Mul(_q, w); // 2xw, 2yw, 2zw, 2ww // const FloatV xx2 = V4GetX(t0); // const FloatV xy2 = V4GetY(t0); // const FloatV xz2 = V4GetZ(t0); // const FloatV xw2 = V4GetW(t0); // const FloatV yy2 = V4GetY(t1); // const FloatV yz2 = V4GetZ(t1); // const FloatV yw2 = V4GetW(t1); // const FloatV zz2 = V4GetZ(t2); // const FloatV zw2 = V4GetW(t2); ////const FloatV ww2 = V4GetW(t3); // const FloatV c00 = FSub(one, FAdd(yy2, zz2)); // const FloatV c01 = FSub(xy2, zw2); // const FloatV c02 = FAdd(xz2, yw2); // const FloatV c10 = FAdd(xy2, zw2); // const FloatV c11 = FSub(one, FAdd(xx2, zz2)); // const FloatV c12 = FSub(yz2, xw2); // const FloatV c20 = FSub(xz2, yw2); // const FloatV c21 = FAdd(yz2, xw2); // const FloatV c22 = FSub(one, FAdd(xx2, yy2)); // const Vec3V c0 = V3Merge(c00, c10, c20); // const Vec3V c1 = V3Merge(c01, c11, c21); // const Vec3V c2 = V3Merge(c02, c12, c22); // return Mat33V(c0, c1, c2); const FloatV one = FOne(); const FloatV x = V4GetX(q); const FloatV y = V4GetY(q); const FloatV z = V4GetZ(q); const FloatV w = V4GetW(q); const FloatV x2 = FAdd(x, x); const FloatV y2 = FAdd(y, y); const FloatV z2 = FAdd(z, z); const FloatV xx = FMul(x2, x); const FloatV yy = FMul(y2, y); const FloatV zz = FMul(z2, z); const FloatV xy = FMul(x2, y); const FloatV xz = FMul(x2, z); const FloatV xw = FMul(x2, w); const FloatV yz = FMul(y2, z); const FloatV yw = FMul(y2, w); const FloatV zw = FMul(z2, w); const FloatV v = FSub(one, xx); const Vec3V column0 = V3Merge(FSub(FSub(one, yy), zz), FAdd(xy, zw), FSub(xz, yw)); const Vec3V column1 = V3Merge(FSub(xy, zw), FSub(v, zz), FAdd(yz, xw)); const Vec3V column2 = V3Merge(FAdd(xz, yw), FSub(yz, xw), FSub(v, yy)); return Mat33V(column0, column1, column2); } PX_FORCE_INLINE QuatV Mat33GetQuatV(const Mat33V& a) { const FloatV one = FOne(); const FloatV zero = FZero(); const FloatV half = FLoad(0.5f); const FloatV two = FLoad(2.f); const FloatV scale = FLoad(0.25f); const FloatV a00 = V3GetX(a.col0); const FloatV a11 = V3GetY(a.col1); const FloatV a22 = V3GetZ(a.col2); const FloatV a21 = V3GetZ(a.col1); // row=2, col=1; const FloatV a12 = V3GetY(a.col2); // row=1, col=2; const FloatV a02 = V3GetX(a.col2); // row=0, col=2; const FloatV a20 = V3GetZ(a.col0); // row=2, col=0; const FloatV a10 = V3GetY(a.col0); // row=1, col=0; const FloatV a01 = V3GetX(a.col1); // row=0, col=1; const Vec3V vec0 = V3Merge(a21, a02, a10); const Vec3V vec1 = V3Merge(a12, a20, a01); const Vec3V v = V3Sub(vec0, vec1); const Vec3V g = V3Add(vec0, vec1); const FloatV trace = FAdd(a00, FAdd(a11, a22)); if(FAllGrtrOrEq(trace, zero)) { const FloatV h = FSqrt(FAdd(trace, one)); const FloatV w = FMul(half, h); const FloatV s = FMul(half, FRecip(h)); const Vec3V u = V3Scale(v, s); return V4SetW(Vec4V_From_Vec3V(u), w); } else { const FloatV ntrace = FNeg(trace); const Vec3V d = V3Merge(a00, a11, a22); const BoolV con0 = BAllTrue3(V3IsGrtrOrEq(V3Splat(a00), d)); const BoolV con1 = BAllTrue3(V3IsGrtrOrEq(V3Splat(a11), d)); const FloatV t0 = FAdd(one, FScaleAdd(a00, two, ntrace)); const FloatV t1 = FAdd(one, FScaleAdd(a11, two, ntrace)); const FloatV t2 = FAdd(one, FScaleAdd(a22, two, ntrace)); const FloatV t = FSel(con0, t0, FSel(con1, t1, t2)); const FloatV h = FMul(two, FSqrt(t)); const FloatV s = FRecip(h); const FloatV g0 = FMul(scale, h); const Vec3V vs = V3Scale(v, s); const Vec3V gs = V3Scale(g, s); const FloatV gsx = V3GetX(gs); const FloatV gsy = V3GetY(gs); const FloatV gsz = V3GetZ(gs); // vs.x= (a21 - a12)*s; vs.y=(a02 - a20)*s; vs.z=(a10 - a01)*s; // gs.x= (a21 + a12)*s; gs.y=(a02 + a20)*s; gs.z=(a10 + a01)*s; const Vec4V v0 = V4Merge(g0, gsz, gsy, V3GetX(vs)); const Vec4V v1 = V4Merge(gsz, g0, gsx, V3GetY(vs)); const Vec4V v2 = V4Merge(gsy, gsx, g0, V3GetZ(vs)); return V4Sel(con0, v0, V4Sel(con1, v1, v2)); } } } // namespace aos } // namespace shdfnd } // namespace physx #endif