// // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of NVIDIA CORPORATION nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR // CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, // EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY // OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Copyright (c) 2008-2019 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2008 AGEIA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2001-2004 NovodeX AG. All rights reserved. #ifndef PXD_THRESHOLDTABLE_H #define PXD_THRESHOLDTABLE_H #include "Ps.h" #include "PsArray.h" #include "CmPhysXCommon.h" #include "PsAllocator.h" #include "PsHash.h" #include "foundation/PxMemory.h" #include "PxsIslandNodeIndex.h" namespace physx { class PxsRigidBody; namespace Sc { class ShapeInteraction; } namespace Dy { struct ThresholdStreamElement { Sc::ShapeInteraction* shapeInteraction; //4 8 PxReal normalForce; //8 12 PxReal threshold; //12 16 IG::NodeIndex nodeIndexA; //this is the unique node index in island gen which corresonding to that body and it is persistent 16 20 IG::NodeIndex nodeIndexB; //This is the unique node index in island gen which corresonding to that body and it is persistent 20 24 PxReal accumulatedForce; //24 28 PxU32 pad; //28 32 #if !PX_P64_FAMILY PxU32 pad1; //32 #endif // !PX_X64 PX_CUDA_CALLABLE bool operator <= (const ThresholdStreamElement& otherPair) const { return ((nodeIndexA < otherPair.nodeIndexA) ||(nodeIndexA == otherPair.nodeIndexA && nodeIndexB <= otherPair.nodeIndexB)); } }; typedef Ps::Array ThresholdArray; class ThresholdStream : public ThresholdArray { public: ThresholdStream(Ps::VirtualAllocatorCallback& allocatorCallback) : ThresholdArray(Ps::VirtualAllocator(&allocatorCallback)) { } }; class ThresholdTable { public: ThresholdTable() : mBuffer(NULL), mHash(NULL), mHashSize(0), mHashCapactiy(0), mPairs(NULL), mNexts(NULL), mPairsSize(0), mPairsCapacity(0) { } ~ThresholdTable() { if(mBuffer) PX_FREE(mBuffer); } void build(const ThresholdStream& stream); bool check(const ThresholdStream& stream, const PxU32 nodexIndexA, const PxU32 nodexIndexB, PxReal dt); bool check(const ThresholdStream& stream, const ThresholdStreamElement& elem, PxU32& thresholdIndex); //private: static const PxU32 NO_INDEX = 0xffffffff; struct Pair { PxU32 thresholdStreamIndex; PxReal accumulatedForce; //PxU32 next; // hash key & next ptr }; PxU8* mBuffer; PxU32* mHash; PxU32 mHashSize; PxU32 mHashCapactiy; Pair* mPairs; PxU32* mNexts; PxU32 mPairsSize; PxU32 mPairsCapacity; }; namespace { static PX_FORCE_INLINE PxU32 computeHashKey(const PxU32 nodeIndexA, const PxU32 nodeIndexB, const PxU32 hashCapacity) { return (Ps::hash(PxU64(nodeIndexA)<<32 | PxU64(nodeIndexB)) % hashCapacity); } } inline bool ThresholdTable::check(const ThresholdStream& stream, const ThresholdStreamElement& elem, PxU32& thresholdIndex) { PxU32* PX_RESTRICT hashes = mHash; PxU32* PX_RESTRICT nextIndices = mNexts; Pair* PX_RESTRICT pairs = mPairs; PX_ASSERT(elem.nodeIndexA < elem.nodeIndexB); PxU32 hashKey = computeHashKey(elem.nodeIndexA.index(), elem.nodeIndexB.index(), mHashSize); PxU32 pairIndex = hashes[hashKey]; while(NO_INDEX != pairIndex) { Pair& pair = pairs[pairIndex]; const PxU32 thresholdStreamIndex = pair.thresholdStreamIndex; PX_ASSERT(thresholdStreamIndex < stream.size()); const ThresholdStreamElement& otherElement = stream[thresholdStreamIndex]; if(otherElement.nodeIndexA==elem.nodeIndexA && otherElement.nodeIndexB==elem.nodeIndexB && otherElement.shapeInteraction == elem.shapeInteraction) { thresholdIndex = thresholdStreamIndex; return true; } pairIndex = nextIndices[pairIndex]; } thresholdIndex = NO_INDEX; return false; } inline void ThresholdTable::build(const ThresholdStream& stream) { //Handle the case of an empty stream. if(0==stream.size()) { mPairsSize=0; mPairsCapacity=0; mHashSize=0; mHashCapactiy=0; if(mBuffer) PX_FREE(mBuffer); mBuffer = NULL; return; } //Realloc/resize if necessary. const PxU32 pairsCapacity = stream.size(); const PxU32 hashCapacity = pairsCapacity*2+1; if((pairsCapacity > mPairsCapacity) || (pairsCapacity < (mPairsCapacity >> 2))) { if(mBuffer) PX_FREE(mBuffer); const PxU32 pairsByteSize = sizeof(Pair)*pairsCapacity; const PxU32 nextsByteSize = sizeof(PxU32)*pairsCapacity; const PxU32 hashByteSize = sizeof(PxU32)*hashCapacity; const PxU32 totalByteSize = pairsByteSize + nextsByteSize + hashByteSize; mBuffer = reinterpret_cast(PX_ALLOC(totalByteSize, "PxThresholdStream")); PxU32 offset = 0; mPairs = reinterpret_cast(mBuffer + offset); offset += pairsByteSize; mNexts = reinterpret_cast(mBuffer + offset); offset += nextsByteSize; mHash = reinterpret_cast(mBuffer + offset); offset += hashByteSize; PX_ASSERT(totalByteSize == offset); mPairsCapacity = pairsCapacity; mHashCapactiy = hashCapacity; } //Set each entry of the hash table to 0xffffffff PxMemSet(mHash, 0xff, sizeof(PxU32)*hashCapacity); //Init the sizes of the pairs array and hash array. mPairsSize = 0; mHashSize = hashCapacity; PxU32* PX_RESTRICT hashes = mHash; PxU32* PX_RESTRICT nextIndices = mNexts; Pair* PX_RESTRICT pairs = mPairs; //Add all the pairs from the stream. PxU32 pairsSize = 0; for(PxU32 i = 0; i < pairsCapacity; i++) { const ThresholdStreamElement& element = stream[i]; const IG::NodeIndex nodeIndexA = element.nodeIndexA; const IG::NodeIndex nodeIndexB = element.nodeIndexB; const PxF32 force = element.normalForce; PX_ASSERT(nodeIndexA < nodeIndexB); const PxU32 hashKey = computeHashKey(nodeIndexA.index(), nodeIndexB.index(), hashCapacity); //Get the index of the first pair found that resulted in a hash that matched hashKey. PxU32 prevPairIndex = hashKey; PxU32 pairIndex = hashes[hashKey]; //Search through all pairs found that resulted in a hash that matched hashKey. //Search until the exact same body pair is found. //Increment the accumulated force if the exact same body pair is found. while(NO_INDEX != pairIndex) { Pair& pair = pairs[pairIndex]; const PxU32 thresholdStreamIndex = pair.thresholdStreamIndex; PX_ASSERT(thresholdStreamIndex < stream.size()); const ThresholdStreamElement& otherElement = stream[thresholdStreamIndex]; if(nodeIndexA == otherElement.nodeIndexA && nodeIndexB==otherElement.nodeIndexB) { pair.accumulatedForce += force; prevPairIndex = NO_INDEX; pairIndex = NO_INDEX; break; } prevPairIndex = pairIndex; pairIndex = nextIndices[pairIndex]; } if(NO_INDEX != prevPairIndex) { nextIndices[pairsSize] = hashes[hashKey]; hashes[hashKey] = pairsSize; Pair& newPair = pairs[pairsSize]; newPair.thresholdStreamIndex = i; newPair.accumulatedForce = force; pairsSize++; } } mPairsSize = pairsSize; } } } #endif //DY_THRESHOLDTABLE_H