// // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of NVIDIA CORPORATION nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR // CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, // EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY // OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Copyright (c) 2008-2019 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2008 AGEIA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2001-2004 NovodeX AG. All rights reserved. #ifndef NP_CONSTRAINT_HELPER_H #define NP_CONSTRAINT_HELPER_H #include "foundation/PxAssert.h" #include "foundation/PxTransform.h" #include "foundation/PxMat33.h" #include "extensions/PxD6Joint.h" #include "ExtJointData.h" namespace physx { namespace Ext { namespace joint { PX_INLINE void computeJointFrames(PxTransform& cA2w, PxTransform& cB2w, const JointData& data, const PxTransform& bA2w, const PxTransform& bB2w) { PX_ASSERT(bA2w.isValid() && bB2w.isValid()); cA2w = bA2w.transform(data.c2b[0]); cB2w = bB2w.transform(data.c2b[1]); PX_ASSERT(cA2w.isValid() && cB2w.isValid()); } PX_INLINE void computeDerived(const JointData& data, const PxTransform& bA2w, const PxTransform& bB2w, PxTransform& cA2w, PxTransform& cB2w, PxTransform& cB2cA, bool useShortestPath=true) { computeJointFrames(cA2w, cB2w, data, bA2w, bB2w); if(useShortestPath) { if(cA2w.q.dot(cB2w.q)<0.0f) // minimum error quat cB2w.q = -cB2w.q; } cB2cA = cA2w.transformInv(cB2w); PX_ASSERT(cB2cA.isValid()); } PX_INLINE PxVec3 truncateLinear(const PxVec3& in, PxReal tolerance, bool& truncated) { const PxReal m = in.magnitudeSquared(); truncated = m>tolerance * tolerance; return truncated ? in * PxRecipSqrt(m) * tolerance : in; } PX_INLINE PxQuat truncateAngular(const PxQuat& in, PxReal sinHalfTol, PxReal cosHalfTol, bool& truncated) { truncated = false; if(sinHalfTol > 0.9999f) // fixes numerical tolerance issue of projecting because quat is not exactly normalized return in; const PxQuat q = in.w>=0.0f ? in : -in; const PxVec3 im = q.getImaginaryPart(); const PxReal m = im.magnitudeSquared(); truncated = m>sinHalfTol*sinHalfTol; if(!truncated) return in; const PxVec3 outV = im * sinHalfTol * PxRecipSqrt(m); return PxQuat(outV.x, outV.y, outV.z, cosHalfTol); } PX_FORCE_INLINE void projectTransforms(PxTransform& bA2w, PxTransform& bB2w, const PxTransform& cA2w, const PxTransform& cB2w, const PxTransform& cB2cA, const JointData& data, bool projectToA) { PX_ASSERT(cB2cA.isValid()); // normalization here is unfortunate: long chains of projected constraints can result in // accumulation of error in the quaternion which eventually leaves the quaternion // magnitude outside the validation range. The approach here is slightly overconservative // in that we could just normalize the quaternions which are out of range, but since we // regard projection as an occasional edge case it shouldn't be perf-sensitive, and // this way we maintain the invariant (also maintained by the dynamics integrator) that // body quats are properly normalized up to FP error. if(projectToA) { bB2w = cA2w.transform(cB2cA.transform(data.c2b[1].getInverse())); bB2w.q.normalize(); } else { bA2w = cB2w.transform(cB2cA.transformInv(data.c2b[0].getInverse())); bA2w.q.normalize(); } PX_ASSERT(bA2w.isValid()); PX_ASSERT(bB2w.isValid()); } PX_INLINE void computeJacobianAxes(PxVec3 row[3], const PxQuat& qa, const PxQuat& qb) { // Compute jacobian matrix for (qa* qb) [[* means conjugate in this expr]] // d/dt (qa* qb) = 1/2 L(qa*) R(qb) (omega_b - omega_a) // result is L(qa*) R(qb), where L(q) and R(q) are left/right q multiply matrix const PxReal wa = qa.w, wb = qb.w; const PxVec3 va(qa.x,qa.y,qa.z), vb(qb.x,qb.y,qb.z); const PxVec3 c = vb*wa + va*wb; const PxReal d0 = wa*wb; const PxReal d1 = va.dot(vb); const PxReal d = d0 - d1; row[0] = (va * vb.x + vb * va.x + PxVec3(d, c.z, -c.y)) * 0.5f; row[1] = (va * vb.y + vb * va.y + PxVec3(-c.z, d, c.x)) * 0.5f; row[2] = (va * vb.z + vb * va.z + PxVec3(c.y, -c.x, d)) * 0.5f; if((d0 + d1) != 0.0f) // check if relative rotation is 180 degrees which can lead to singular matrix return; else { row[0].x += PX_EPS_F32; row[1].y += PX_EPS_F32; row[2].z += PX_EPS_F32; } } PX_FORCE_INLINE Px1DConstraint* _linear(const PxVec3& axis, const PxVec3& ra, const PxVec3& rb, PxReal posErr, PxConstraintSolveHint::Enum hint, Px1DConstraint* c) { c->solveHint = PxU16(hint); c->linear0 = axis; c->angular0 = ra.cross(axis); c->linear1 = axis; c->angular1 = rb.cross(axis); c->geometricError = posErr; PX_ASSERT(c->linear0.isFinite()); PX_ASSERT(c->linear1.isFinite()); PX_ASSERT(c->angular0.isFinite()); PX_ASSERT(c->angular1.isFinite()); return c; } PX_FORCE_INLINE Px1DConstraint* _angular(const PxVec3& axis, PxReal posErr, PxConstraintSolveHint::Enum hint, Px1DConstraint* c) { c->solveHint = PxU16(hint); c->linear0 = PxVec3(0.0f); c->angular0 = axis; c->linear1 = PxVec3(0.0f); c->angular1 = axis; c->geometricError = posErr; c->flags |= Px1DConstraintFlag::eANGULAR_CONSTRAINT; return c; } class ConstraintHelper { Px1DConstraint* mConstraints; Px1DConstraint* mCurrent; PxVec3 mRa, mRb; PxVec3 mCA2w, mCB2w; public: ConstraintHelper(Px1DConstraint* c, const PxVec3& ra, const PxVec3& rb) : mConstraints(c), mCurrent(c), mRa(ra), mRb(rb) {} ConstraintHelper(Px1DConstraint* c, PxConstraintInvMassScale& invMassScale, PxTransform& cA2w, PxTransform& cB2w, PxVec3& body0WorldOffset, const JointData& data, const PxTransform& bA2w, const PxTransform& bB2w) : mConstraints(c), mCurrent(c) { invMassScale = data.invMassScale; computeJointFrames(cA2w, cB2w, data, bA2w, bB2w); body0WorldOffset = cB2w.p - bA2w.p; mRa = cB2w.p - bA2w.p; mRb = cB2w.p - bB2w.p; mCA2w = cA2w.p; mCB2w = cB2w.p; } PX_FORCE_INLINE const PxVec3& getRa() const { return mRa; } PX_FORCE_INLINE const PxVec3& getRb() const { return mRb; } // hard linear & angular PX_FORCE_INLINE void linearHard(const PxVec3& axis, PxReal posErr) { Px1DConstraint* c = linear(axis, posErr, PxConstraintSolveHint::eEQUALITY); c->flags |= Px1DConstraintFlag::eOUTPUT_FORCE; } PX_FORCE_INLINE void angularHard(const PxVec3& axis, PxReal posErr) { Px1DConstraint* c = angular(axis, posErr, PxConstraintSolveHint::eEQUALITY); c->flags |= Px1DConstraintFlag::eOUTPUT_FORCE; } // limited linear & angular PX_FORCE_INLINE void linearLimit(const PxVec3& axis, PxReal ordinate, PxReal limitValue, const PxJointLimitParameters& limit) { const PxReal pad = limit.isSoft() ? 0.0f : limit.contactDistance; if(ordinate + pad > limitValue) addLimit(linear(axis, limitValue - ordinate, PxConstraintSolveHint::eNONE), limit); } PX_FORCE_INLINE void angularLimit(const PxVec3& axis, PxReal ordinate, PxReal limitValue, PxReal pad, const PxJointLimitParameters& limit) { if(limit.isSoft()) pad = 0.0f; if(ordinate + pad > limitValue) addLimit(angular(axis, limitValue - ordinate, PxConstraintSolveHint::eNONE), limit); } PX_FORCE_INLINE void angularLimit(const PxVec3& axis, PxReal error, const PxJointLimitParameters& limit) { addLimit(angular(axis, error, PxConstraintSolveHint::eNONE), limit); } PX_FORCE_INLINE void anglePair(PxReal angle, PxReal lower, PxReal upper, PxReal pad, const PxVec3& axis, const PxJointLimitParameters& limit) { PX_ASSERT(lower upper-pad) angularLimit(axis, (upper - angle), limit); } // driven linear & angular PX_FORCE_INLINE void linear(const PxVec3& axis, PxReal velTarget, PxReal error, const PxD6JointDrive& drive) { addDrive(linear(axis, error, PxConstraintSolveHint::eNONE), velTarget, drive); } PX_FORCE_INLINE void angular(const PxVec3& axis, PxReal velTarget, PxReal error, const PxD6JointDrive& drive, PxConstraintSolveHint::Enum hint = PxConstraintSolveHint::eNONE) { addDrive(angular(axis, error, hint), velTarget, drive); } PX_FORCE_INLINE PxU32 getCount() const { return PxU32(mCurrent - mConstraints); } void prepareLockedAxes(const PxQuat& qA, const PxQuat& qB, const PxVec3& cB2cAp, PxU32 lin, PxU32 ang, PxVec3& raOut, PxVec3& rbOut) { Px1DConstraint* current = mCurrent; PxVec3 errorVector(0.f); PxVec3 ra = mRa; PxVec3 rb = mRb; if(lin) { const PxMat33 axes(qA); if(lin&1) errorVector -= axes.column0 * cB2cAp.x; if(lin&2) errorVector -= axes.column1 * cB2cAp.y; if(lin&4) errorVector -= axes.column2 * cB2cAp.z; ra += errorVector; if(lin&1) _linear(axes.column0, ra, rb, -cB2cAp.x, PxConstraintSolveHint::eEQUALITY, current++); if(lin&2) _linear(axes.column1, ra, rb, -cB2cAp.y, PxConstraintSolveHint::eEQUALITY, current++); if(lin&4) _linear(axes.column2, ra, rb, -cB2cAp.z, PxConstraintSolveHint::eEQUALITY, current++); } if (ang) { const PxQuat qB2qA = qA.getConjugate() * qB; PxVec3 row[3]; computeJacobianAxes(row, qA, qB); if (ang & 1) _angular(row[0], -qB2qA.x, PxConstraintSolveHint::eEQUALITY, current++); if (ang & 2) _angular(row[1], -qB2qA.y, PxConstraintSolveHint::eEQUALITY, current++); if (ang & 4) _angular(row[2], -qB2qA.z, PxConstraintSolveHint::eEQUALITY, current++); } raOut = ra; rbOut = rb; for(Px1DConstraint* front = mCurrent; front < current; front++) front->flags |= Px1DConstraintFlag::eOUTPUT_FORCE; mCurrent = current; } PX_FORCE_INLINE Px1DConstraint* getConstraintRow() { return mCurrent++; } private: PX_FORCE_INLINE Px1DConstraint* linear(const PxVec3& axis, PxReal posErr, PxConstraintSolveHint::Enum hint) { return _linear(axis, mRa, mRb, posErr, hint, mCurrent++); } PX_FORCE_INLINE Px1DConstraint* angular(const PxVec3& axis, PxReal posErr, PxConstraintSolveHint::Enum hint) { return _angular(axis, posErr, hint, mCurrent++); } void addLimit(Px1DConstraint* c, const PxJointLimitParameters& limit) { PxU16 flags = PxU16(c->flags | Px1DConstraintFlag::eOUTPUT_FORCE); if(limit.isSoft()) { flags |= Px1DConstraintFlag::eSPRING; c->mods.spring.stiffness = limit.stiffness; c->mods.spring.damping = limit.damping; } else { c->solveHint = PxConstraintSolveHint::eINEQUALITY; c->mods.bounce.restitution = limit.restitution; c->mods.bounce.velocityThreshold = limit.bounceThreshold; if(c->geometricError>0.0f) flags |= Px1DConstraintFlag::eKEEPBIAS; if(limit.restitution>0.0f) flags |= Px1DConstraintFlag::eRESTITUTION; } c->flags = flags; c->minImpulse = 0.0f; } void addDrive(Px1DConstraint* c, PxReal velTarget, const PxD6JointDrive& drive) { c->velocityTarget = velTarget; PxU16 flags = PxU16(c->flags | Px1DConstraintFlag::eSPRING | Px1DConstraintFlag::eHAS_DRIVE_LIMIT); if(drive.flags & PxD6JointDriveFlag::eACCELERATION) flags |= Px1DConstraintFlag::eACCELERATION_SPRING; c->flags = flags; c->mods.spring.stiffness = drive.stiffness; c->mods.spring.damping = drive.damping; c->minImpulse = -drive.forceLimit; c->maxImpulse = drive.forceLimit; PX_ASSERT(c->linear0.isFinite()); PX_ASSERT(c->angular0.isFinite()); } }; } } // namespace } #endif