added file extraction

This commit is contained in:
Jakub Adamski 2022-03-30 10:31:59 +02:00
parent b56459626d
commit 4e6c365121

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import ShadowLibrary.Core
import Text.XML.HXT.Core
import Text.XML.HXT.XPath
-- import Text.XML.HXT.Curl
import Data.List
import Data.List.Utils (replace)
@ -13,64 +12,44 @@ import Text.Printf
extractRecords = extractLinksWithText "//div[@class='artifact-title']/a" -- pary adres-tytuł
-- >>> second (arr $ replace "\r\n " " ") -- czyścimy drugi element pary, czyli tytuł z niepotrzebnych białych znaków
-- >>> first (arr ((++"tr") . init)) -- modyfikujemy pierwszy element pary, czyli adres URL
-- >>> first (extractLinksWithText "//li/a[contains(@href,'.pdf')]") -- pobieramy stronę z adresu URL i wyciągamy linki z tej strony pasujące do wyrażenia XPathowego
-- ostatecznie wyjdą trójki ((adres URL, tytuł artykułu), tytuł rocznika)
extractPages = extractLinksWithText "//div[@class='pagination-masked clearfix top']//a[@class='next-page-link']"
extractPages = extractLinksWithText "//div[@class='pagination-masked clearfix top']//a[@class='next-page-link']" -- pary adres-tytuł
-- ... a tutaj te trójki przerabiamy do docelowej struktury ShadowItem
toShadowItem :: ((String, String), String) -> ShadowItem
toShadowItem ((url, articleTitle), yearlyTitle) =
(defaultShadowItem url title) {
originalDate = Just date,
itype = "periodical",
format = Just "pdf",
finalUrl = url
where title = "Almanach Muszyny " ++ yearlyTitle ++ " " ++ (replace "\r\n" "" (replace "\r\n " "" articleTitle))
date = getDate url
getDate url =
case url =~~ "/(19[0-9][0-9]|20[0-9][0-9])/" :: Maybe [[String]] of
Just [[_, year]] -> year
otherwise -> error $ "unexpected url: " ++ url
extractPublicationFiles = extractLinksWithText "//div[@class='file-link']/a" -- pary adres-tytuł
runExtractor url = runX $ (arr (const url) >>> setTraceLevel 1 >>> extractPages)
runDocumentsExtractor url = runX $ (arr (const url) >>> setTraceLevel 1 >>> extractRecords)
runExtractorMultiple (url, title) = runExtractor url
runFileExtractor url = runX $ (arr (const url) >>> setTraceLevel 1 >>> extractPublicationFiles)
mapToUrl :: ([Char], [Char]) -> [Char]
mapToUrl (url, title) = url
merge [] ys = ys
merge (x:xs) ys = x:merge ys xs
addDimension array = [array]
withEmptyCheck current [] = do
publications <- runDocumentsExtractor current
let publicationUrls = map mapToUrl publications
return publicationUrls
publicationFiles <- mapM runFileExtractor publicationUrls
let publicationFileUrls = map mapToUrl (map head publicationFiles)
return publicationFileUrls
withEmptyCheck current nextUrls = do
let single = head nextUrls
publications <- runDocumentsExtractor current
let publicationUrls = map mapToUrl publications
--print publicationUrls
--TODO how to combine publications?
--let mapped = map addDimension publications
--print mapped
--print current
publicationFiles <- mapM runFileExtractor publicationUrls
let publicationFileUrls = map mapToUrl (map head publicationFiles)
recursive <- getAllPages single
--print recursive
let results = merge publicationUrls recursive
--print results
let results = merge publicationFileUrls recursive
return results
getAllPages url = do
items <- runExtractor url
let urls = map mapToUrl items
@ -80,23 +59,5 @@ getAllPages url = do
main = do
let start = ""
let shadowLibrary = ShadowLibrary {logoUrl=Nothing,
lname="Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne",
--items <- runExtractor start
--let items2 = map mapToUrl items
--items3 <- mapM runExtractor items2
--let items3 = map runExtractor items2
--extractItemsStartingFromUrl shadowLibrary start extractRecords2
--map putStrLn items3
--mapM_ (putStrLn . show) items
--putStrLn items3
results <- getAllPages start
print results
--print items