import heapq def heurystyka(obiekty, a, b): heur = abs((b[0] - a[0])) + abs((b[1] - a[1])) if obiekty["plansza"][b[0], b[1]].jestDomem is True: heur += 2 if obiekty["plansza"][b[0], b[1]].jestPrzeszkoda is True: heur += 100 return heur def astar(obiekty, start, cel): sasiedzi = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)] close_set = set() came_from = {} hscore = {start: heurystyka(obiekty, start, cel)} gscore = {start: 0} fscore = {start: heurystyka(obiekty, start, cel)} oheap = [] dodatkowy_koszt = 0 heapq.heappush(oheap, (fscore[start], start)) while oheap: current = heapq.heappop(oheap)[1] if current == cel: obiekty["plansza"][current[0], current[1]].setKolor((255, 0, 0)) data = [] while current in came_from: data.append(current) current = came_from[current] return data[::-1] close_set.add(current) obiekty["plansza"][current[0], current[1]].setKolor((255, 0, 0)) for i, j in sasiedzi: sasiad = current[0] + i, current[1] + j if 14 < sasiad[0] or sasiad[0] < 0: continue elif 14 < sasiad[1] or sasiad[1] < 0: continue elif 6 <= sasiad[0] <= 7 and 10 <= sasiad[1] <= 11: continue tentative_g_score = gscore[current] + \ heurystyka(obiekty, current, sasiad) if sasiad in close_set and tentative_g_score >= gscore.get(sasiad, 0): continue if sasiad not in close_set and sasiad not in [i[1] for i in oheap]: came_from[sasiad] = current hscore[sasiad] = tentative_h_score fscore[sasiad] = tentative_h_score + gscore[current] gscore[sasiad] = gscore[current] + \ heurystyka(obiekty, current, sasiad) heapq.heappush(oheap, (fscore[sasiad], sasiad)) obiekty["plansza"][sasiad[0], sasiad[1]].setKolor((0, 255, 0)) return False