{ "messages": [ { "utt_id": "utt-0", "utterance": "Hi! I'd like to cook something today and I have some fish and some rice in my kitchen. Do you have a recipe that I can prepare with those?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"title\", \"intent\": \"greeting; req_title;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"title\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 0, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"title\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 0}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-1", "utterance": "Hi, I have a great baked fish and rice recipe for you. Would you like to make that?", "bot": true, "annotations": "greeting();\r\ninform_title(title);\r\npropose_start_recipe();" }, { "utt_id": "utt-2", "utterance": "Yes it sounds like what I was looking for! How many ingredients does this recipe have?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"ing\", \"intent\": \"affirm; req_ingredient_list_length;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"title\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 0, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"title\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 0}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-3", "utterance": "Good it has 10 ingredients. Would you like to prepare them beforehand?", "bot": true, "annotations": "sum_ingredient_list();\r\npropose_list_ingredients();" }, { "utt_id": "utt-4", "utterance": "Yes please!", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"ing\", \"intent\": \"affirm;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"title\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 0, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"ing-0\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 1}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-5", "utterance": "The first two ingredients are 1 and a 1/2 cups boiling chicken broth and 1/2 cup uncooked long grain rice.", "bot": true, "annotations": "inform_ingredient(ing-0);\r\ninform_ingredient(ing-1);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-6", "utterance": "Ok nice, I have chicken broth and rice here. Could you tell me the next two ingredients?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"ing\", \"intent\": \"confirm; req_ingredient;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"ing-1\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 2, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"ing-2\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 3}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-7", "utterance": "The next ingredients are 1/4 teaspoon Italian seasoning and 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder.", "bot": true, "annotations": "inform_ingredient(ing-2);\r\ninform_ingredient(ing-3);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-8", "utterance": "Ok good, what is italian seasoning?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"ing\", \"intent\": \"other;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"ing-3\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 4, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"ing-2\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 3}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-9", "utterance": "Sorry, I don't know.", "bot": true, "annotations": "fence();" }, { "utt_id": "utt-10", "utterance": "Ok, no worries! What are the next ingredients?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"ing\", \"intent\": \"req_ingredient;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"ing-3\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 4, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"ing-4\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 5}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-11", "utterance": "The next two ingredients are 1 package frozen chopped broccoli, thawed and drained and 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese.", "bot": true, "annotations": "inform_ingredient(ing-4);\r\ninform_ingredient(ing-5);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-12", "utterance": "Ok, here they go! What else shoud I prepare?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"ing\", \"intent\": \"confirm; req_ingredient;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"ing-5\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 6, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"ing-4\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 5}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-13", "utterance": "Do you need the size of the package?", "bot": true, "annotations": "other();" }, { "utt_id": "utt-14", "utterance": "Oh, yes that would be good.", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"ing\", \"intent\": \"affirm;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"ing-5\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 6, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"ing-4\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 5}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-15", "utterance": "It should be 10 ounce. The next ingredients are 1 can French-fried onions, divided. And 1 pound fresh or frozen fish fillets, thawed.", "bot": true, "annotations": "inform_amount(ing-4);\r\ninform_ingredient(ing-6);\r\ninform_ingredient(ing-7);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-16", "utterance": "Ok good, what is the size of the onion can?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"ing\", \"intent\": \"req_amount;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"ing-7\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 8, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"ing-6\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 7}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-17", "utterance": "It is 2,8 ounce. The last two ingredients are 1 dash paprika and 1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese.", "bot": true, "annotations": "inform_amount(ing-6);\r\ninform_ingredient(ing-8);\r\ninform_ingredient(ing-9);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-18", "utterance": "Great! Should we start to prepare?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"req_instruction;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"ing-9\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 10, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-0\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 11}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-19", "utterance": "Yes now we can start! First take a 11-inch. baking dish and grease it. Then combine the broth, rice, Italian seasoning and garlic powder.", "bot": true, "annotations": "inform_instruction(inst-0);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-20", "utterance": "Should I combine broth, rice, seasoning and garlic powder in the greased baking dish?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"other;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"inst-0\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 11, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-1\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 12}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-21", "utterance": "Yes you should put it in the dish. Now cover it and bake it for 10 minutes in the oven. It should be on 375 degrees Fahrenheit.", "bot": true, "annotations": "affirm();\r\ninform_instruction(inst-1);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-22", "utterance": "Ok, could you tell me how much is 375 F into celsius?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"req_temperature;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"inst-1\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 12, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-1\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 12}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-23", "utterance": "It is 190 degrees Celsius.", "bot": true, "annotations": "inform_temperature(temp-1-1);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-24", "utterance": "Ok, great! What is the next step?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"req_instruction;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"inst-1\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 12, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-2\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 13}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-25", "utterance": "Good now take it out and add the broccoli, Parmesan cheese and half of the onions.", "bot": true, "annotations": "inform_instruction(inst-2);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-26", "utterance": "Ok, I added broccoli, parmesand and half of the onions. What now?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"confirm; req_instruction;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"inst-2\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 13, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-3\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 14}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-27", "utterance": "Good now you should top it with fish fillets and sprinkle with paprika.", "bot": true, "annotations": "inform_instruction(inst-3);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-28", "utterance": "Good, should I use all the paprika?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"req_use_all;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"inst-3\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 14, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-3\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 14}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-29", "utterance": "Yes you can use the 1 dash of paprika you prepared.", "bot": true, "annotations": "affirm();" }, { "utt_id": "utt-30", "utterance": "All right. Is that it?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"req_is_recipe_finished;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"inst-3\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 14, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-4\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 15}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-31", "utterance": "No now you should put it back in the oven. First cover it and bake for 20-25 minutes.", "bot": true, "annotations": "negate();\r\ninform_instruction(inst-4);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-32", "utterance": "OK, I baked it for 25 minutes, can I bake it a bit longer?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"confirm; req_duration;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"inst-4\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 15, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-4\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 15}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-33", "utterance": "You should bake until the fish flakes easily with a fork.", "bot": true, "annotations": "inform_duration(cond-4-0);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-34", "utterance": "Ok, I think it's good now! Is it ready to eat?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"confirm; req_is_recipe_finished;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"inst-4\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 15, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-5\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 16}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-35", "utterance": "Nice, not yet. First uncove. And then sprinkle with cheddar cheese and remaining onions. Finally return to the oven for 3 minutes.", "bot": true, "annotations": "negate();\r\ninform_instruction(inst-5);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-36", "utterance": "Ok, cheese and onions are in, should I put the baking dish back in the oven?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"confirm; other;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"inst-5\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 16, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-5\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 16}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-37", "utterance": "Yes. Good is the cheese melted?", "bot": true, "annotations": "affirm();\r\nverify(cond-6-0);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-38", "utterance": "Yes, it's nicely melted!", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"affirm;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"inst-6\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 17, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-5\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 16}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-39", "utterance": "Ok good, that was all. Enjoy your baked fish and rice.", "bot": true, "annotations": "end_recipe();\r\nenjoy();" }, { "utt_id": "utt-40", "utterance": "Thank you! I will :).", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"thank;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"inst-6\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 17, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-5\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 16}" } ] }