{ "messages": [ { "utt_id": "utt-0", "utterance": "Hi bot, I'd like to cook but I have no ideas.... Can you help me out?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"title\", \"intent\": \"greeting; req_title;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"title\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 0, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"title\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 0}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-1", "utterance": "What about skip the cooking and make a nice cranberry brandy slush?", "bot": true, "annotations": "greeting();\r\ninform_title(title);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-2", "utterance": "Mmmh sounds good actually!", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"ing\", \"intent\": \"affirm;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"title\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 0, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"ing-0\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 1}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-3", "utterance": "Ok nice, you will need 5 ingredients. The first two are 2 cups cherry brandy liqueur and 1 (16 ounce) can frozen orange juice concentrate.", "bot": true, "annotations": "sum_ingredient_list();\r\ninform_ingredient(ing-0);\r\ninform_ingredient(ing-1);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-4", "utterance": "Ok, I have brandy and orange juice!", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"ing\", \"intent\": \"confirm;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"ing-1\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 2, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"ing-2\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 3}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-5", "utterance": "Good the next two ingredients are 1 (16 ounce) can frozen lemonade concentrate and 2 quarts cranberry juice.", "bot": true, "annotations": "inform_ingredient(ing-2);\r\ninform_ingredient(ing-3);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-6", "utterance": "And do you think bluebbery juice will be nice instead of cranberriies one?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"ing\", \"intent\": \"req_substitute;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"ing-3\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 4, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"ing-2\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 3}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-7", "utterance": "I am sorry I cannot help you with that question. Feel free to replace an ingredient according to your taste.", "bot": true, "annotations": "fence();" }, { "utt_id": "utt-8", "utterance": "That's ok, no worries! There is 3 more ingredients right?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"ing\", \"intent\": \"thank; other;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"ing-3\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 4, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"ing-4\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 5}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-9", "utterance": "No there is one more ingredient left. It is 1 (2 liter) bottle lemon-lime flavored carbonated beverage, chilled.", "bot": true, "annotations": "negate();\r\ninform_ingredient(ing-4);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-10", "utterance": "Ok, ehich kind of carbonated beverage should it be?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"ing\", \"intent\": \"other;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"ing-4\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 5, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"ing-4\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 5}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-11", "utterance": "That is up to you.", "bot": true, "annotations": "fence();" }, { "utt_id": "utt-12", "utterance": "Ok, I've got coke then! What do I do now?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"req_instruction;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"ing-4\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 5, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-0\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 6}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-13", "utterance": "It should be lemon-lime flavored though. Is your coke lemon-lime flavored?", "bot": true, "annotations": "inform_instruction(inst-0);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-14", "utterance": "Oooh ok, then I've got sprite! My coke was not lime flavoured, thanks!", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"confirm;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"inst-0\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 6, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-0\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 6}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-15", "utterance": "Ok that should work. Now first take a plastic container and mix the cherry brandy, orange juice concentrate, lemonade concentrate, and cranberry juice.", "bot": true, "annotations": "inform_instruction(inst-0);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-16", "utterance": "I've got it!", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"confirm;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"inst-0\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 6, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-1\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 7}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-17", "utterance": "Great now let it freeze overnight.", "bot": true, "annotations": "inform_instruction(inst-1);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-18", "utterance": "One night has passed and the brady mixture is frozen, what is the next step?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"confirm; req_instruction;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"inst-1\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 7, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-2\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 8}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-19", "utterance": "Great. Now to serve you should scoop the desired amount of frozen mixture into a glass. And then fill with lemon-lime soda.", "bot": true, "annotations": "inform_instruction(inst-2);" }, { "utt_id": "utt-20", "utterance": "Oh, it looks great! Should I wait until it melts or should I eat it with a spoon?", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"confirm; req_duration;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"inst-2\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 8, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-2\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 8}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-21", "utterance": "I am sorry I cannot answer that question. Feel free to try both options. I hope you will enjoy your Cranberry Brandy Slush.", "bot": true, "annotations": "fence();\r\nenjoy();" }, { "utt_id": "utt-22", "utterance": "Ok, I'll figure that out! Thanks for the idea, way better having a drink then cooking!", "bot": false, "annotations": "{\"section\": \"inst\", \"intent\": \"thank;\", \"tracker_completed_step\": \"inst-2\", \"tracker_completed_step_num\": 8, \"tracker_requested_step\": \"inst-2\", \"tracker_requested_step_num\": 8}" }, { "utt_id": "utt-23", "utterance": "You are very welcome.", "bot": true, "annotations": "enjoy();" } ] }