{ "id": "027", "title": "Baked Spaghetti Squash Lasagna Style", "content": [ { "id": "ing-0", "text": "1 spaghetti squash, halved lengthwise and seeded", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-0 \"1 spaghetti squash, halved lengthwise and seeded\" )" }, { "id": "ing-1", "text": "1 onion, chopped", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-1 \"1 onion, chopped\" )" }, { "id": "ing-2", "text": "2 tablespoons minced garlic", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-2 \"2 tablespoons minced garlic\" )" }, { "id": "ing-3", "text": "2 (14 ounce) cans stewed tomatoes", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-3 \"2 (14 ounce) cans stewed tomatoes\" )" }, { "id": "ing-4", "text": "1 tablespoon dried basil", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-4 \"1 tablespoon dried basil\" )" }, { "id": "ing-5", "text": "1 cube vegetable bouillon", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-5 \"1 cube vegetable bouillon\" )" }, { "id": "ing-6", "text": "black pepper to taste", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-6 \"black pepper to taste\" )" }, { "id": "ing-7", "text": "1 (15 ounce) can black olives, chopped", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-7 \"1 (15 ounce) can black olives, chopped\" )" }, { "id": "ing-8", "text": "1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-8 \"1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese\" )" }, { "id": "ing-9", "text": "1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-9 \"1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese\" )" }, { "id": "inst-0", "text": "0) Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-0 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-0-0 \"Preheat\"@3:10 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( tool-0-0 \"oven\"@11:15 / TOOL )\r\n\t\t:heat ( temp-0-0 \"325 degrees F\"@19:32 / TEMPERATURE )\r\n\t\t:heat ( temp-0-1 \"165 degrees C\"@34:47 / TEMPERATURE )\r\n\t)\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-1", "text": "1) Spray a baking sheet with a thin layer of cooking spray.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-1 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-1-0 \"Spray\"@3:8 / AC\r\n\t\t:gol ( tool-1-0 \"a baking sheet\"@9:23 / TOOL )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( \"a thin layer of cooking spray\"@29:58 / FOOD )\r\n\t)\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-2", "text": "2) Place squash halves cut side down on the baking sheet.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-2 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-2-0 \"Place\"@3:8 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-0 \"squash halves\"@9:22 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:mnr ( \"cut side down\"@23:36 / OTHER )\r\n\t\t:gol ( tool-2-0 \"the baking sheet\"@40:56 / TOOL )\r\n\t)\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-3", "text": "3) Bake squash 35 minutes in the preheated oven, or until a knife can be easily inserted.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-3 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-3-0 \"Bake\"@3:7 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( \"squash\"@8:14 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:duration ( dur-3-0 \"35 minutes\"@15:25 / DUR )\r\n\t\t:loc ( tool-3-0 \"the preheated oven\"@29:47 / TOOL )\r\n\t\t:until ( cond-3-0 \"until a knife can be easily inserted\"@52:88 / CONDITION_CLAUSE )\r\n\t)\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-4", "text": "4) Remove from oven, and cool.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-4 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-4-0 \"Remove\"@3:9 / AC\r\n\t\t:source ( tool-4-0 \"oven\"@15:19 / TOOL )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( NULL / FOOD )\r\n\t)\r\n\t:inform ( ac-4-1 \"cool\"@25:29 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( NULL / FOOD )\r\n\t)\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-5", "text": "5) Meanwhile, spray a non-stick saucepan with cooking spray.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-5 / R\r\n :inform ( \"spray\"@14:19 / AC\r\n :gol ( \"a non-stick saucepan\"@20:40 / TOOL )\r\n :ppt ( \"cooking spray\"@46:59 / FOOD )\r\n )\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-6", "text": "6) Over medium heat, saute the onion and garlic until golden brown.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-6 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-6-0 \"saute\"@21:26 / AC\r\n\t\t:heat ( \"medium heat\"@8:19 / OTHER )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-1 \"the onion\"@27:36 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-2 \"garlic\"@41:47 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:until ( cond-6-0 \"until golden brown\"@48:66 / CONDITION_CLAUSE )\r\n\t)\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-7", "text": "7) Stir in tomatoes, basil, bouillon cube, and black pepper.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-7 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-7-0 \"Stir in\"@3:10 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-3 \"tomatoes\"@11:19 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-4 \"basil\"@21:26 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-5 \"bouillon cube\"@28:41 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-6 \"black pepper\"@47:59 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( NULL / FOOD )\r\n\t)\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-8", "text": "8) Cook for about 15 minutes, or until you have a medium thick sauce.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-8 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-8-0 \"Cook\"@3:7 / AC\r\n\t\t:duration ( dur-8-0 \"15 minutes\"@18:28 / DUR )\r\n\t\t:until ( cond-8-0 \"until you have a medium thick sauce\"@33:68 / CONDITION_CLAUSE )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( NULL / FOOD )\r\n\t)\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-9", "text": "9) Remove squash strands with a fork, reserving the shells.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-9 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-9-0 \"Remove\"@-1:-1 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( \"squash strands\"@-1:-1 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:instrument ( tool-9-0 \"a fork\"@-1:-1 / TOOL )\r\n\t\t:simultaneous ( ac-9-1 \"reserving\"@-1:-1 / AC\r\n\t\t\t:ppt ( \"the shells\"@-1:-1 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t)\r\n\t)\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-10", "text": "10) Layer each half with a spoonful of the sauce, a layer of spaghetti squash strands, olives, and mozzarella cheese.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-10 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-10-0 \"Layer\"@4:9 / AC\r\n\t\t:gol ( \"each half\"@10:19 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( \"a spoonful of the sauce\"@25:48 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( \"spaghetti squash strands\"@61:85 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-7 \"olives\"@87:93 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-8 \"mozzarella cheese\"@99:116 / FOOD )\r\n\t)\r\n\t:inform ( \"a layer\"@50:57 / OTHER )\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-11", "text": "11) Repeat layers until shells are full, or until all of the ingredients are used.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-11 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-11-0 \"Repeat\"@4:10 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( \"layers\"@11:17 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:until ( cond-11-0 \"until shells are full\"@18:39 / CONDITION_CLAUSE )\r\n\t\t:duration ( cond-11-1 \"until all of the ingredients are used\"@44:81 / CONDITION_CLAUSE )\r\n\t)\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-12", "text": "12) Top with Parmesan cheese.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-12 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-12-0 \"Top\"@4:7 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-9 \"Parmesan cheese\"@13:28 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( NULL / FOOD )\r\n\t)\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-13", "text": "13) Bake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven, or until Parmesan cheese melts.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-13 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-13-0 \"Bake\"@4:8 / AC\r\n\t\t:duration ( dur-13-0 \"20 minutes\"@13:23 / DUR )\r\n\t\t:duration ( cond-13-0 \"the preheated oven\"@27:45 / CONDITION_CLAUSE )\r\n\t\t:until ( cond-13-1 \"until Parmesan cheese melts\"@50:77 / CONDITION_CLAUSE )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( NULL / FOOD )\r\n\t)\r\n)" } ] }