{ "id": "079", "title": "Black Bean and Corn Quesadillas", "content": [ { "id": "ing-0", "text": "2 teaspoons olive oil", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-0 \"2 teaspoons olive oil\" )" }, { "id": "ing-1", "text": "3 tablespoons finely chopped onion", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-1 \"3 tablespoons finely chopped onion\" )" }, { "id": "ing-2", "text": "1 (15.5 ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-2 \"1 (15.5 ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed\" )" }, { "id": "ing-3", "text": "1 (10 ounce) can whole kernel corn, drained", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-3 \"1 (10 ounce) can whole kernel corn, drained\" )" }, { "id": "ing-4", "text": "1 tablespoon brown sugar", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-4 \"1 tablespoon brown sugar\" )" }, { "id": "ing-5", "text": "1/4 cup salsa", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-5 \"1/4 cup salsa\" )" }, { "id": "ing-6", "text": "1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-6 \"1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes\" )" }, { "id": "ing-7", "text": "2 tablespoons butter, divided", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-7 \"2 tablespoons butter, divided\" )" }, { "id": "ing-8", "text": "8 (8 inch) flour tortillas", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-8 \"8 (8 inch) flour tortillas\" )" }, { "id": "ing-9", "text": "1 1/2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese, divided", "type": "ingredient", "eamr": "( ing-9 \"1 1/2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese, divided\" )" }, { "id": "inst-0", "text": "0) Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-0 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-0-0 \"Heat\"@3:7 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-0 \"oil\"@8:11 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:loc ( tool-0-0 \"a large saucepan\"@15:31 / TOOL )\r\n\t\t:heat ( \"medium heat\"@37:48 / OTHER )\r\n\t)\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-1", "text": "1) Stir in onion, and cook until softened, about 2 minutes.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-1 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-1-0 \"cook\"@22:26 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( NULL / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:until ( cond-1-0 \"until softened\"@27:41 / CONDITION_CLAUSE )\r\n\t\t:duration ( dur-1-0 \"about 2 minutes\"@43:58 / DUR )\r\n\t)\r\n\t:inform ( ac-1-1 \"Stir in\"@3:10 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-1 \"onion\"@11:16 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:gol ( NULL / FOOD )\r\n\t)\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-2", "text": "2) Stir in beans and corn, then add sugar, salsa, and pepper flakes; mix well.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-2 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-2-0 \"Stir in\"@3:10 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-2 \"beans\"@11:16 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-3 \"corn\"@21:25 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( NULL / FOOD )\r\n\t)\r\n\t:inform ( ac-2-1 \"add\"@32:35 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-4 \"sugar\"@36:41 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-5 \"salsa\"@43:48 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-6 \"pepper flakes\"@54:67 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( NULL / FOOD )\r\n\t)\r\n\t:inform ( ac-2-2 \"mix\"@69:72 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( NULL / FOOD )\r\n\t)\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-3", "text": "3) Cook until heated through, about 3 minutes.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-3 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-3-0 \"Cook\"@3:7 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( NULL / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:until ( cond-3-0 \"until heated through\"@8:28 / CONDITION_CLAUSE )\r\n\t\t:duration ( dur-3-0 \"about 3 minutes\"@30:45 / DUR )\r\n\t)\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-4", "text": "4) Melt 2 teaspoons of the butter in a large skillet over medium heat.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-4 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-4-0 \"Melt\"@3:7 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-7 \"2 teaspoons of the butter\"@8:33 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:loc ( tool-4-0 \"a large skillet\"@37:52 / TOOL )\r\n\t\t:heat ( temp-4-0 \"medium heat\"@58:69 / TEMPERATURE )\r\n\t)\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-5", "text": "5) Place a tortilla in the skillet, sprinkle evenly with cheese, then top with some of the bean mixture.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-5 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-5-0 \"Place\"@3:8 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-8 \"a tortilla\"@9:19 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:gol ( tool-5-0 \"the skillet\"@23:34 / TOOL )\r\n\t)\r\n\t:inform ( ac-5-1 \"sprinkle\"@36:44 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-9 \"cheese\"@57:63 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:gol ( NULL / FOOD )\r\n\t)\r\n\t:inform ( ac-5-2 \"top\"@70:73 / AC\r\n\t\t:gol ( NULL / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( \"some of the bean mixture\"@79:103 / FOOD )\r\n\t)\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-6", "text": "6) Place another tortilla on top, cook until golden, then flip and cook on the other side.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-6 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-6-0 \"Place\"@3:8 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-8 \"another tortilla\"@9:25 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:gol ( \"top\"@29:32 / FOOD )\r\n\t)\r\n\t:inform ( ac-6-1 \"cook\"@34:38 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( NULL / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:until ( cond-6-0 \"until golden\"@39:51 / CONDITION_CLAUSE )\r\n\t)\r\n\t:inform ( ac-6-2 \"flip\"@58:62 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( NULL / FOOD )\r\n\t)\r\n\t:inform ( ac-6-3 \"cook\"@67:71 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( \"the other side\"@75:89 / OTHER )\r\n\t)\r\n)" }, { "id": "inst-7", "text": "7) Repeat with remaining tortillas and filling.", "type": "instruction", "eamr": "( inst-7 / R\r\n\t:inform ( ac-7-0 \"Repeat\"@3:9 / AC\r\n\t\t:ppt ( ing-8 \"remaining tortillas\"@15:34 / FOOD )\r\n\t\t:ppt ( \"filling\"@39:46 / FOOD )\r\n\t)\r\n)" } ] }